leocadia October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 So I caved and watched the daily update...smug Kryssie is even more heinous than petty bitchy Kryssie. Not a lot of new information. Scott tried to give Krissie reasons why he would be a bad choice to go on the block (He backdoored Shane, He's likely to be nominated by America & he would be a good choice for Kryssie in the final 2 as he is not liked as much as her friends). Both Jason and Neely were present during his presentation and were unimpressed because he didn't give them any ammunition on the girls. In her DR, Kryssie says that she is glad for the opportunity to show the other side what it's like when someone with a brain who is actually playing the game has power. I can't even... Alex had a DR in which she said she'd like to save Scott, but if it comes down to her game vs saving him, she knows she has to save herself. The LNC celebrated Kryssie's win -- which is perfectly understandable--but it kind of makes their comments about the BS'ers celebrating incredibly hypocritical. Neely is on top of the world and close to reaching Kryssie levels of smugosity and Danielle is just glad that the other side can now feel how they've felt for the first three weeks. I hope she feels the same way when (like the first two weeks) their power is completely negated by Amercia's CP, nomination and eviction vote. They seem to forget that part a lot and it would make it extra sweet if "America" could come through on this, lol. The BS'ers are in low spirits, but not freaking out or calling anyone nasty names (at least that was shown in the update). They are pretty sure they are losing someone this week and they feel their best case scenario is Scott. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2669484
zenithwit October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 (edited) So.... Shelby is talking to Kryssie in the HOH room and Justin is hiding in the bathroom. I'm fairly certain Shelby does not know Justin is there. ETA - Ballsmashers have figured out that Justin is in the HOH (the place isn't that big!). And Kryssie claims she is playing a "smart" game. Edited October 21, 2016 by zenithwit Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2669900
Katesus7 October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 I voted Alex for care package (I can't believe I'm actually voting for something). I'll worry about next week, next week. I just want to see Dani/Kryssie/Neeley's reactions when their grand plan is out the window even before noms! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2670577
DAngelus October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 I don't have the feeds (stay up to date by watching the recaps/feed "highlights" offered and the weekly episodes [via torrents, after they get pirated], as well as reading multiple feeds threads) but I really hope that the BS don't turn on Scott or each other, when there's still such a chance to vote Neeley out, as noted above. (Or Justin or Jason, but I can't see "America" nominating them. If only Danielle were eligible for the "honor" in consecutive weeks…) In fact, given that I'm terrified that CP means that Kryssie can dictate how her "servant" votes, I'm actually hoping Danielle wins it. She still has her fans, and she got such a lovely Golden Edit in the episode Wednesday night, crying in the DR about her son, and not knowing why "America" would put her on the block. Which, as none of the multiple reasons (self-centered nature, generous child support she gets from NFL baby-daddy, her role in her puppy's "suicide", constant fornicating with Shane even in the HN room in front of Alex/Shelby) were shown or even mentioned on the episode, might generate some sympathy for her. So go "protect" Danielle from the bigoted white people who are all crazy Trump supporters (one segment of the fandom's view of what's going on in the house, amazingly), I say. Of course, if the "servant" is allowed to defy Kryssie on the vote, that makes things so much simpler. Give Alex the CP, have "America" nominate Neeley and have Scott/BS win veto. And then watch Kryssie and Neeley sulk until Wednesday, knowing what's to come. Heck, if Scott wins the veto, Kryssie won't even be able to get the pawns off the block and neither of her "targets" will even be in danger. Actually, if it does end up with Morgan/Whitney as nominees and Neeley as America's nom, we can still get some schadenfreude out of the situation, even if someone from the LNJ (not Neeley) wins veto. Now they have to choose between the proposed backdoor of Alex/Scott (which leaves Neeley on the block and vulnerable to eviction, as noted previously) or pulling down Neeley and having to settle for a lesser target. This would probably send Morgan home, given that there would now be eight votes in play, and Kryssie could then break any ties, even if "America" voted with Alex, Shelby and Scott, so it would be of the suck, but having Kryssie know that "America" was against the LNJ and she had to settle for one of her "pawns" wouldn't be too bad as worst-case scenarios go, I suppose. And maybe Kryssie hates Scott so much she'd risk Neeley just to get him up… Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671219
Lady Calypso October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 3 minutes ago, DAngelus said: I don't have the feeds (stay up to date by watching the recaps/feed "highlights" offered and the weekly episodes [via torrents, after they get pirated], as well as reading multiple feeds threads) but I really hope that the BS don't turn on Scott or each other, when there's still such a chance to vote Neeley out, as noted above. (Or Justin or Jason, but I can't see "America" nominating them. If only Danielle were eligible for the "honor" in consecutive weeks…) Honestly, if it's a choice between Scott and Neeley, the Ballsmashers will vote out Neeley. They're only throwing Scott out to the other side because they want to stay loyal to each other before Scott, but they're all still happy to get out the other side of the house. If it is Scott/Whitney/Neeley up on the block, I think Jason/Justin COULD throw a vote to evict Neeley. Either way, if Neeley is put up and isn't taken down, she's most likely going. But I'm going to wait until the ACP is announced, as well as Have Nots, in order to correctly judge Feedsters. If Neeley does get put up and is taken down by veto, I could see them getting out Morgan. I won't be sad, but it's an unfortunate win for the Misfits fans, and that's something I don't want happening. But I'm also really enjoying Whitney. I honestly didn't get why people hated her so much at the beginning. It was Monte, Cornbread, and Whitney whose names were tossed around online as the most hated houseguests. If there had been Have Nots that first week, it would have been those three. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671233
leocadia October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 (edited) Just speaking personally, I initially disliked Whitney due to her 100% support of Monte both publicly and in her DR sessions. It seemed to me that the other girls went along with him to stay safe, but in private would make comments about how they were less than thrilled with his controlling attitude and some of the things he said/did. Since he left, Whitney has grown on me, but of the girls, she is the one I would miss the least. I'd still rather lose most of the other side first, lol. Edited October 21, 2016 by leocadia Double post! oops! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671290
DAngelus October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 Well, maybe it was just a reaction to Whitney's accent/overbite/strange forehead/that abomination she was wearing on the first night. But once people got to know her, minor issues such as that (mostly) vanished. Good to know "my" side of the house plans to stick together. The editing of last night's recap seemed to imply that Alex was ready to save herself at any cost, even if it meant trying to revive that never-activated (did it get a name?) alliance with Justin/Jason/Neeley, at Scott's expense. Glad to see it's not so. In fact, I can now "see" it for myself, since the daily recap and the lack of any new events (until the CP arrives later today) have made it okay for me to check out a free feeds site! (Not sure if I'm allowed to mention the name on this board.) So, for the first time in over a decade of BB fandom, I can now see what the feeds were all about. Fortuitously, I tuned in just in time to catch the Ballsmashers in bikinis. (I've never claimed to not be shallow, after all…) Even if their monitoring the attempts of Batteries the Preying Mantis to explore/escape the back yard isn't particularly edifying. I did like Shelby's earlier discussion of how she enjoyed the fact that her loooong "plea" session to Kryssie in the HoH at least had the benefit of trapping the eavesdropping Justin in the bathtub, and that she called him out as she left. (And her noting that "everybody" is all "aww, eavesdropping is so cute, Justin!", but if she had been the one caught doing it, she would have been demonized for it.) I just realized, that with the quad-cam, I can switch around quite a bit and imagine that Kryssie/Danielle/Neeley don't even exist. Shelby says the CP should arrive at about 1 PM BBT (40 or so minutes from now). Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671316
Katesus7 October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 Alex got the care package. Onto the have nots! I'm going for Justin, Jason and Neeley. Really show the LNC they aren't all that. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671449
DAngelus October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 (edited) Everybody applauded when Alex announced she was safe for the week. Except for Kryssie and Danielle (and Neeley, but she was holding a coffee mug, and so had a semi-excuse), of course. She'll have to wear a costume (she's kind of hoping for a sexy maid outfit) but it says she'll have to do tasks specified by Big Brother, so I guess Kryssie won't be controlling Alex's veto (should she win) or vote. Yay! Also, she got English muffins and Trader Joe's English Breakfast Tea. Whitney says that Justin also didn't look happy when she announced that Alex had won the CP. ETA: Jason says that Morgan/Whitney will deserve their planned nominations because they're not willing to sell out Shelby, their "weak fish". Oh, shut up. He and Neeley think that America just gave Alex the CP to "keep it spicy". Yeah, riiiiight. Edited October 21, 2016 by DAngelus 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671470
Lady Calypso October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 So that's a good sign. Now I feel confident that Neeley will be third nom! We just have to hope that Neeley or the Misfits don't win veto. If that can be accomplished, then Neeley goes this week. Just in case, I'll prepare myself for a BS eviction (both Ballsmashers and Bullshit Eviction). I'm sure Jason/Justin are already aware that the power has shifted with Feedsters....but have the girls in the Misfits group? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671489
DAngelus October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 (edited) Not sure. They were discussing the possible America's nominee (they've essentially reduced it to Scott/Shelby/Jason/Neeley, as they rightly don't think there's a chance of Justin being named) and they seemed to consider the possibility of America's nom coming from either side. Jason told Neeley she wouldn't be nommed, because "America" hasn't done "anything ignorant" (oh, eye-roll!) thus far, but Neeley thought she might be targeted for being close to Kryssie, so she's at least a little aware. They still have hope of support, though. Kryssie wants to wait for the HN selections before deciding how the wind is blowing. Can't blame her. I can blame Jason for being Jason, though. The LNJ (minus Justin) was in HoH watching the Ballsmashers being together in the kitchen, and Jason said it wasn't surprising because "their faces are always stuck to each others' assholes". He then compared them to a four-person human centipede, saying that Shelby was the back end, and that one dies first, because "she's eating shit upon shit upon shit." Keep it classy, bro. He leaves and now Kryssie is complaining that the rest of the alliance is talking at her and over her. Aww, poor baby. Neeley backtracks and tries to kiss her ass, but Danielle is still "we're trying to give input". However, it's Neeley who's upset, because she thinks Kryssie is calling out her and Jason for trying to run her HoH, so she leaves. Kryssie/Danielle are both disdainful of the absent Jason/Justin for immediately (on learning that Alex is safe) being all, "well, we just stick to the backdoor plan, but now it's Scott who goes", thinking that this is a plan of J/J to make sure that Morgan and Whitney are upset with Kryssie, and K is saying that Whitney likes them and might be a number for them down the road. Eh, not so much, I'm thinking. Both on the "Jason and Justin are making deep plans" front and the "Whitney likes us! We can get her!" one, IMO. But it does seem more as if we might get a straightforward Whitney/Scott nomination, without any backdoor plans. Kryssie says that Whitney would be the obvious pawn in this situation, and wouldn't be mad. This coming from a woman who had two separate breakdowns despite not getting any votes either time she was one the block, I'm just saying. Edited October 21, 2016 by DAngelus 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671545
leocadia October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 (edited) The care package has been in the house for all of half an hour and the cracks are already forming in the LNC. So much for their extreme loyalty and love for each other. Jason was talking with Kryssie/Danielle/Neely in the HOH and advised that Scott should be considered since Alex isn't an option. As soon as he left, Kryssie went on a tirade about how no one is taking HER opinion into account. She thinks everyone is trying to tell her how to play the game without ever listening to HER. After a few minutes, Neely apologizes for speaking up and says that she understands that Kryssie has all the power and she's sorry she didn't give her the respect she deserves. Kryssie tells her that she doesn't have to be like that, but Neely leaves. Then Kryssie asks Danielle if she was wrong to say something. Also, Kryssie thinks that Alex got the CP because America wants her to work with Alex because they are both such strong players. She is clearly butthurt (her own term, although not in regards to herself) that America likes Alex. LOL The safety servant tasks have already started...It's only BB giving the tasks and it's kind of funny. Kryssie and Danielle have been trying to talk strategy, but BB has sent Alex in three times, with fruit, water and I think just a greeting. Both Kryssie and Alex are taking it in good spirits so far, although Kryssie did say "Can we just not, I'm not into this right now" after the 2nd request. Edited October 21, 2016 by leocadia 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671551
DAngelus October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 (edited) "Safety Servant, the Head of Household seems a little bit down. Please go play her a compliment." Kryssie is not happy and complains she's not down, and then she gets more annoyed when she sees that Alex's costume comes with fishnet stockings, given that BB took away her fishnets. But Alex says she'll give Krissy the ones from the costume after the week is over, so she seems placated. Question #1: Do we think Kryssie can fit in Alex's fishnets? Question #2: Would this mean that BB doesn't exactly have an objection to fishnets per se, they just don't want Kryssie to be showing off her legs? They're not exactly body-positive for larger people, after all. Alex has also had to bring Kryssie fruit and water, even though Kryssie already has both of those. Clearly they're just enjoying bossing Alex around. Kryssie decides that she and Danielle should go downstairs, both because she's feeling badly about Alex having to climb the stairs for each task, and because she imagines that Jason and Neeley are now sitting in the back yard, sniping about how Kryssie is upset with them. Which is completely not the case, as Jason is mostly enjoying observing Alex doing her tasks. ETA: from the chat on the site where I'm watching: Quote Let's see how Kryssie will twist this care package into America rooting for her. It's my favorite game each week. Haha, nice one. As someone pointed out, Kryssie is already claiming that the CP means "America" wants her and Alex to get closer. The delusion is strong with this one… ETAA: Apparently BB thinks the Safety Servant must have a British theme (the BB voice is doing a bad British accent on the commands) and so Alex's cooking for Kryssie includes recipes for things like Shepherd's Pie. Shelby volunteers to help Alex (as Alex is a terrible cook) and gets a "oh, you're sweet", but Shelby says it's not like they have a lot to do, anyway. Alex wonders if anyone in the house has ever used "bay-sill" to cook with before. Well, it's pronounced "baz-ill", for starters. Alex/Whitney convo in the storeroom. Alex actually has Kryssie's thoughts backwards, thinking she's focused on doing something other than evicting Scott (Alex thinks Kryssie is dismissing a Scott eviction as "too predictable" ) and not seeing that Scott might join with Justin/Jason if the Ballsmashers get picked off. Whitney does say that Kryssie had promised her she would be safe all week, even if she was a pawn. They discuss the possibility of Neeley being America's nom and don't really think it's likely (they think it will be Shelby, thinking she's not liked by the Feedsters?) but Alex makes an appeal for it, anyhow, also mentioning the possibility of making Justin a have-not. I hope "America" was listening. More discussion of the Jamboree's reaction to Alex getting the CP. Alex recalls Kryssie going on a long rant when she got her CP, saying how it "proved" that "America" loved her side of the house. Whitney throws more shade on Justin's looking at Kryssie when she (Whitney) read the card saying that Alex had won the CP, with Alex noting that Justin then gave her a big hug after she revealed the details and both girls saying Justin is transparent. It does seem that Whitney might be throwing Justin UTB a bit, which is interesting because Kryssie was claiming the LNJ could get to Whitney "through Justin". Eh, maybe not so much, it seems. Edited October 22, 2016 by DAngelus 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671574
Lady Calypso October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 Wow, it sounds like I will actually be flashbacking on the feeds to watch all of this. It sounds like fun! But is it as much fun as Paul's Secret Service? It depends on how everyone takes it once the week's over. It sounds like it won't be, but I hope Alex is having a good time. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671679
peachmangosteen October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 (edited) 44 minutes ago, DAngelus said: Question #2: Would this mean that BB doesn't exactly have an objection to fishnets per se, they just don't want Kryssie to be showing off her legs? They're not exactly body-positive for larger people, after all. I don't think so. BB is really weird about their clothes. They didn't allow Alex to bring in some Target hoodie she had yet they gave them that exact hoodie yesterday when they gave them all new, purple clothes for Spirit Day. Speaking of, Alex was totally pissed about Whitney getting that hoodie. She tried to hide it but it was so easy to tell she was mad lol. Edited October 21, 2016 by peachmangosteen 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671699
DAngelus October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 (edited) Scott tells Alex that Shelby told him that Kryssie told her (whee, this is fun!) that Scott/Jason/Justin are in an alliance, which he and Alex agree means that Justin ratted out The Alliance That Wasn't (Alex/Scott/Jason/Justin/theoretically Neeley) to Kryssie/Danielle and that Justin can't be trusted. It does seem as though Justin is making fewer friends on the Ballsmashers' side than many originally thought. ETA: Kryssie's back out of the DR and is in HoH with Jason and Justin. Kryssie is still defending Whitney and doesn't even want to use her as a pawn. Justin "jokingly" suggests nominating Danielle and gets shut down, hard. Jason posits that "America" gave Alex the CP because they knew Scott was Target #2 and they were saying they wanted him gone, but they agree that if this is "America" having an agenda, they can just nominate Scott on their own. So are we back to Morgan/Whitney as the noms again? Jason mentions that Scott said something about Monte and asks, "was Monte blowing him or something?" That's two…and I've only been watching since 11.45, and avoiding Jason most of the time. Oy and vey, to use two familiar words… Jason also thinks that Scott is the most likely to be America's nom, "because he had such bad HoH-itis last week". Keep telling yourself that, sweetie…please, let it be Neeley! Edited October 21, 2016 by DAngelus 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671715
peachmangosteen October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 19 minutes ago, DAngelus said: Scott tells Alex that Shelby told him that Kryssie told her (whee, this is fun!) that Scott/Jason/Justin are in an alliance, which he and Alex agree means that Justin ratted out The Alliance That Wasn't (Alex/Scott/Jason/Justin/theoretically Neeley) to Kryssie/Danielle and that Justin can't be trusted. It does seem as though Justin is making fewer friends on the Ballsmashers' side than many originally thought. I thought for about a day that Justin was playing both sides beautifully but it didn't last long at all. The Plastics and LNC were both on to him really quickly. LOL Justin/Kryssie/Jason are discussing strategy in the HOH and BB just called Alex in to tell a joke. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671777
Lady Calypso October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said: I thought for about a day that Justin was playing both sides beautifully but it didn't last long at all. The Plastics and LNC were both on to him really quickly. The good thing about at least half of these houseguests is that they're not actually stupid. They can be quite insightful when they want to be. Alex, Jason, Whitney, and Scott have all expressed self awareness. Others have to an extent. Almost all of the girls (save for Kryssie) are quite intelligent, which is so nice. All the guys who have left so far have been, quite frankly, not smart and that's why they have been evicted. I think Kryssie has some self awareness, but she's either living in deep denial, or she's too proud to admit it. Either way, I don't even think she's as stupid as Monte was when it came to the game (I assume, as an engineer, that Monte has some smarts). Man, I shake my head every time someone says that they hate this all girls alliance. They are pretty much everything I had been hoping for. Smart and cunning, ready to play the game, manipulators, some with stronger social games and some that are stronger competitors, all willing to use the boys and stay loyal to each other while keeping in mind that it's a game and you're playing for yourself first. Sure, they don't come without flaws (I wish Alex, for example, had a stronger social game, although she's not even too shabby), but if we saw this as an all guys alliance, then we've seen this before. It's actually quite impressive that females like this can be just as ruthless as the all guys alliances that we've seen over the years. Meanwhile, Misfits fans are watching their own alliance crumble bit by bit. Jason is already swaying over to Alex because he's aware that she's popular and he can get in on that, and Justin comes along with Jason because he seems to not like the other three girls in his alliance anymore. Neeley/Kryssie are already cracking at the seams and even if Neeley stays, it's a matter of time before they split off. Danielle annoys everyone and they're just keeping her for a number, and they've only lost ONE number thus far. ONE. Even if Morgan or Whitney go this week, the Ballsmashers will still be strongly aligned with each other. But if Kryssie puts up Scott initially like she's thinking, then Scott could easily go and I'm more than happy about that. Four guys gone, two to go. Now that is a beautiful sight. I know Jason/Justin are not going anywhere anytime soon, but that's alright. Kryssie, Danielle, and Neeley need to go soon, for my own sanity. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671813
DAngelus October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 (edited) Sister Strategy Session: Morgan is nervous now that she knows Kryssie has promised Whitney "safety" as a pawn and that Kryssie considers Shelby unworthy of targeting. (This is not necessarily so; Kryssie has said she won't mind taking out Shelby, if need be.) She feels this puts her in danger if Scott cuts a deal or wins veto or whatever. She wants to volunteer to be a pawn and make a deal, but Alex points out that Morgan would be in danger if Scott then saved himself. She suggests that Morgan work her connection with Neeley to prevent being put up and avoid a double-pawn situation. I really hope that Scott gets nominated straight up, because that probably increases the chance of Neeley getting the America's nom. In HoH, Danielle tells Kryssie that she's suspicious of Jason and Justin's closeness because Jason said he was worried that Justin would flip to the Ballsmashers side if Danielle did, that Dani was the only thing keeping Justin in the Jamboree. This set off Danielle's bullshit detector, and she's now worried that if they evict Scott, Jason and Justin would flip to the other side. She remembers Jason saying in Week 1 that he had an interest in working with Alex. Kryssie says she's almost certain she's nomming Scott/Whitney, because Whitney's the best pawn and she'd rather only use one. And the less-complicated the week is, the less likely one of Danielle's scenarios is to happen. Also, lots of bashing how Alex handled her Week 2 HoH and growsing about how Alex would have gone without the CP. Sure, Jan. They decide that if America nominates someone from the Jamboree, they'll just win Veto and save their ally. Danielle says that even if Alex wins Veto, they can get her to remove the America's nom to ensure that Scott is simply pawned out against Whitney. Are you kidding me? Can they not count to four, or do they think that Alex can't? Even if the America's Vote somehow goes against the Ballsmashers, nobody's voting Whitney out, anyhow. Way to go, Brainiacs. ETA: Eek! They're discussing vacation plans in the back yard and Shelby is insisting that Costa Rica is an island. Oy. (I think she may be confusing it with Puerto Rico.) Way to go, Law Girl. Edited October 21, 2016 by DAngelus 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671892
Katesus7 October 21, 2016 Share October 21, 2016 (edited) It's interesting to me that the sister thing still seems to be an issue among fans (I'm basing this on the chat room chatter on the feeds). I constantly forget Alex and Morgan are even sisters. Alex has said Morgan can be cut loose, Morgan is more into the sister thing on the DRs, but on the feeds? I just think of them as the four Plastics, a strong, fun, four woman alliance. I don't think about the sister thing. One thing I'm enjoying is the LNC getting pissed that the Plastics are not selling each other out. They had a plan to get the Plastics to all rat on Shelby, and let her know, but no one is doing it. They want whoever does start to rat out the others to be safe, because they figure they can work with that person down the road, but I don't see that happening. Down the road? Possible, and understandable. But right now, the only person on "that" side to get thrown under the proverbial bus will be Scott. And I am all for that! Edited: and the LNC are not as strong a group. Neeley was pissed that Kryssie was pissed that people were talking over her and she wanted her own opinions as HOH. And now Neeley is throwing Dani under the bus, saying she's the most manipulative person in the house. Yeah, these people bonded for the sole reason they stay up late. That's not a reason to stay a strong alliance. Seriously though, starting around 4:43, I'm on camera two. This "discussion" between Neeley and Kryssie says all you need to know about this alliance. Edited October 21, 2016 by Katesus7 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2671984
DAngelus October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 Yeah, Neeley is pissed off that Kryssie was scolding her for "pushing her opinion" on K when Danielle was in the room, because she wants to only be addressed one-on-one. Additionally, she dislikes that Danielle is claiming credit for flipping the house to save Kryssie in Week 1, because she thinks that was her move, that she was the one to save her "best friend". Kryssie comes back that she was just sitting in the HoH when Jason/Neeley came in and Danielle was "barely awake" and it's not as though she deliberately had Dani there to witness her scolding Neeley or whatever. Really not going well for a "hash it out and hug it out" convo, as Jason is observing to Justin from inside the kitchen. Kryssie is now upset that Neeley is all "fine, if you don't want to hear my opinions, I won't bring them to you". Neeley says that the "sides" thing is gonna crumble and people are gonna "make power moves" and "it is what it is". Sounds as though Neeley is suspicious that Kryssie might target her down the road. Kryssie, however, takes this opportunity to again object to the pressure she's getting (she says) to evict Whitney. Damn, she's more obsessed with Whitney than I am with Shelby, ffs. "We can get her through Justin and use her to keep Jason close", she says, making about three misjudgments in just one sentence, IMO. Four cams on LNJ (-Justin) on the smoking (HATE) couch now. Time to hit "mute", methinks. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2672041
leocadia October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 If I have to hear Kryssie say one more time that she is "more than capable of..." telling it like it is, making her own decisions, playing a game, protecting her friends, etc., I will be more than capable of shooting myself in the head. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2672063
DAngelus October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 Scott's excuses for not working out include that the skin on his hands is thin and he gets cuts from trying to use barbells, and that bicycles hurt his buttcheeks. He claims he'd be all over a treadmill or an elliptical, however. Somehow, I doubt it. I caught a glimpse of Morgan on the bicycles and I think Neeley was with her, but there's not actually a cam on them, so I don't know if Morgan is following Alex's advice about trying to use Neeley's influence with Kryssie to stay off the block. Which seems less likely with the current state of Kryssie/Neeley relations, but Kryssie doesn't seem inclined to nom Morgan at the moment, anyhow. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2672086
Lady Calypso October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 I'm very, very entertained that Kryssie is turning into enemy number one. Someone posted this on reddit, explaining that this is Kryssie as HOH: Very accurate. I also see more people wanting Neeley up, so I have very little doubt that she's the third nominee. Not only that, but Kryssie will assume it's because of their fight and she will assume that America is punishing Neeley. Maybe not enough to turn on Neeley, but hell if it won't make Jason/Justin think about what side they actually want to be on. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2672090
DAngelus October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 (edited) Bathroom talk. Scott exits the shower with Alex, Whitney and Justin hanging around. He says he's not shaving his chest hair any more because he's going to be a werewolf for the Halloween party. Justin notes that Scott showered while wearing his swim trunks and Scott says he doesn't want to risk accidental exposure, since the shower doors don't latch. Justin says he's showed his butt plenty (Alex jokes there's a Twitter devoted to it) and "you might get some dick action". He's lucky that Morgan and Shelby aren't around, given how they felt about this sort of thing two weeks back. Justin and Scott leave and Alex/Whitney wonder why Kryssie and Neeley were arguing, as Scott reported seeing when he was in the back yard before he showered. (He was getting laundry, out of earshot, but he could at least see the argument taking place.) They wonder if Neeley was pushing for a Shelby eviction while Kryssie wanted to target Morgan (theory being that they wouldn't argue in front of Scott if he was the target) and Whitney wonders if Scott is keeping information from them. They agree they can't trust Justin to tell them the truth, though. They meet Shelby in the kitchen and she reports she heard Jason talking to Justin about how Kryssie was playing emotionally. So they're seeing the cracks on the other side, even if they don't recognize it's more about "respect" than this week's nominations, per se. In yoga, Scott/Shelby/Alex/Whitney confirm that they have the votes to evict someone from the LNJ if America nominates and votes for them (and they win the Veto to protect the nom). Alex wonders if they should make a coordinated plea in their upcoming live DR sessions (starting at 7.30 PM BBT), but Scott says they should just let the Feedsters do their thing. Yeah, we got you, girls. (I think.) Stay mellow, fellows. ETA: Whitney and Justin in yoga. Justin says he thinks the Kryssie/Neeley squabble was about Neeley being "controlling". Whitney says that she's worried about being a pawn, if Scott is the America's nominee and saves himself with Veto. Justin says he thinks that Shelby would be the back-up plan, but Whitney thinks Shelby's been doing so poorly in comps that she (Whitney) might go instead. Justin says that he's been worried about being nominated himself (in past weeks) and Whitney takes credit for talking Monte out of this in Week 1. Justin thanks her for having his back. Whitney asks Justin if he has something going with Scott. (Apparently, news of The Alliance That Wasn't has gotten back to her, as well.) Justin wonders why people keep asking him this (Shelby did, too) since he heard the Kryssie/Shelby convo about this (remember, he was in the bathtub) and Kryssie "just threw that out there", she didn't actually say that Justin/Scott were allied. I'm guessing he may have missed a nuance or two. Justin then confides to Whitney that he wants Danielle and Neeley out (which ties in with his "joking" to Kryssie that she should nom Danielle) and he actually feels closer to Whitney than them. He says Kryssie isn't going to nominate Whitney (wrong), but Whitney is convinced that she'd be evicted if she goes up. (Girl, no!) She's actually proposing to let Kryssie dictate her vote if she keeps her off the block (!) but Justin talks her out of it (!), and says he's not voting her out, no matter what. Damn, this IS addicting…oh, well, who needs a life, anyways? ETAA: Yes, Neeley did go bicycling with Morgan after she had the argument with Kryssie, it turns out. Kryssie was not happy about that. She's complaining to Jason/Danielle that Neeley wasn't receptive to her olive branches and that Neeley feels that Kryssie was disrespecting her opinions. Jason/Danielle seem glad to throw Neeley under the bus, too. (Remember, Neeley was not an original member of the Jamboree.) Kryssie says that Neeley is emotional and she doesn't like Neeley's closeness to Morgan. Danielle says that Neeley talks about wanting to work with Alex. Jason says that Neeley keeps pushing to evict Whitney. Oh, no! Not Kryssie's Sweet Little Whitney! You're doomed now, Wiggy Witch Woman! Oh, and here's the real reason…Kryssie's pissed about Neeley coming upstairs and "helping [her]self" to Kryssie's HoH snacks. (Jerky and Jolly Ranchers were mentioned.) So much for the Sisterhood of the Somewhat-larger Sized, it seems. I think if Neeley goes up (via America) and the Jamboree doesn't win Veto, she might go out 7-0, no 4-3 America's Tiebreaker needed. Edited October 22, 2016 by DAngelus 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2672141
leocadia October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 I knew it was going to happen, but I did not think these people would disintegrate this quickly. One little bump in the road and they are at each other's throats. (Well, mostly Neely's at this point.) Jason and Dani are just buttering K up so they stay out of the carnage, I'm sure that will change next week. I know it's been said a million times but they are such hypocrites!!! While the BS's (&Scott) are fighting individually as well as for their "team", not a single one of them has vilified one of their own this way. It's ironic that the LNC was gleefully expecting the girls to turn on each other once K won HOH and it's happening to them instead. @DAngelus - you're right, this is much too addictive, lol. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2672227
DAngelus October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 (edited) Bathroom hair report, as they prep for DRs: Shelby's looks great, Whitney's is pretty good, Morgan's is perhaps too blonde, and Alex was attempting some complex effect with the curling iron, but she seems to have abandoned it, save for a few tendrils. Neeley is, of course, simply wearing a wig. (ETA: No, my bad, she was tucking it under, but that was for the witch hat, not a wig.) Jason says that they're all disdaining the sanitary toilet seat covers, except for Justin who puts them at the bottom of the bowl so people can't hear his deposits make a splash. The hell? Way to miss the point, Chef. And nine people using one toilet (not counting the HoH, who presumably prefers the upstairs facilities) is still enough to make want to use the ass-pads, regardless of whether they've been "tested" before this. Never mind about diseases, I'm just thinking there's bound to be some splashback on the seat, between the cleanings. Ew. Edited October 22, 2016 by DAngelus Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2672274
ZSweetJane October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 From jokersupdates.com: 2:38 PM Scott says half the people in the house have never heard of Dr. Will. Alex says she knows and don't even get her started #bbott 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2672283
DAngelus October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 (edited) Oh, ffs! In the Live DRs, one of the questions says that Julie told them that "America" will be choosing the winner from a Final THREE. In the words of Stone Cold Steve Austin: Oh, HELL NO! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO! And also, no. A final three is the worst idea possible. It ruins the ultimate choice that is the fulcrum of this game, making that last critical eviction, face to face. If we don't get to see Ivette, Ryan, Cody or Paul make their $450,000 mistakes, half the fun is lost. (Hayden Moss should also be on this list, but Lane was too thick to say "Hell yeah, I would have kept you, Enzo! I don't know what he was thinking!" and so Hayden got his razor-thin win.) Final threes have been devastating to Survivor. It's now way too easy to string together a voting bloc of three (one good player and two happy-to-be-there goats) and just get to the end through sheer numbers, without having to make those dicey decisions in the late game. Way to kill all the drama. I mean, I know it's not permanent (we've had twist-free seasons, and seasons with all-new casts and we got rid of "fan favorite" Battle of the Block…hell, we even got rid of the smokers for a while) and I know that fan-voted seasons may not necessarily end in F2s, overseas. (Frankie Grande did Celebrity Big Brother in the UK this summer and made it all the way to the end. That was the good news…the bad news was that it was a F6 and he took sixth.) But why even let the louse in the house? *pouts* ETA: From Neeley's live DR: Quote The fact that Kryssie won [HoH] is just wonderful for my game. Kryssie is one of my best friends in the house, I really respect her and I really like her, so it's wonderful for me. I mean, for the first time I am able to just relax and cool and be chill and not be too stressed, because I know that "my side of the house" is in charge and is making decisions that won't negatively affect me, so, um, it's wonderful for my gameplay. For the first time, I don't have to, you know, play on defense. It's more of an offensive gameplay for me. So that's awesome for me, 'cause I have never felt this before, so that's wonderful. I won't gloat just yet, because she might be absolutely right and I don't wish to anger the BB gods, but I just thought this was worth noting. Just in case… Edited October 22, 2016 by DAngelus Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2672419
Katesus7 October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 Neeley is so full of shit. Does she not know that we can see her passive aggressive argument with Kryssie? That we know that it is certainly not all hunky dory with her alliance? All right, Neeley, here's hoping you enjoy slop and the block. But I'm bummed to read on Jokers that Morgan/Whitney are now prepared to throw Shelby under the bus to save themselves. No!!!! At least wait for the have not reveal. I don't want these four to turn on each other, I like them too much together. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2672512
leocadia October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 I agree completely about Neely!! As I was watching her, I kept thinking "She does know that the feeds show everything and not just the live DRs, right?" First she played it off like everything was peachy in LNC land, she talked about the relationships she's building on the other side of the house (with the people she dismissively refers to as "those girls") and then said that Danielle is the most annoying person in the house. I'm sure that had nothing to do with the fact the Danielle got America's vote last week. She makes disparaging comments about Shelby and the girls all the time, but Danielle is the one that most annoys her? Way to keep it "real", Neely. If she didn't already have my vote for Am's nom, she just won it. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2672587
DAngelus October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 About the F3, because I'm so salty about it, from another board: Quote Sounds so anti-climatic doesn't it. "Well, uh, yeah." Sigh. I don't know that Neeley's naming Danielle as the most difficult to live with is necessarily pandering to the Feedsters; she seems to have a lot of company on that one. Even Jason mentioned her. Seems to be a whole lot of the "she only talks about herself" complaints piling up. Whitney said that Dani had asked her exactly one question about her (Whitney's) life the entire time they'd been there. I found Scott talking about his "public enemy" strategy to be interesting; he wants to be seen as feuding with Kryssie, on the assumption that other HGs won't target him if they figure Kryssie will do their dirty work for them. Only problem is that he counted on Kryssie never winning HoH (darned crapshoots!) and his hoped-for complement to the strategy (convincing Kryssie that they need each other because there aren't that many people either of them could beat at the end) hasn't got a snowball's chance of working, no matter how much Scott clings to the idea. Kryssie wants him gone, end of story. Hoping that Morgan and Whitney at least wait until the Have-Nots are revealed before they panic and prostrate themselves before Kryssie. Don't make any promises you don't need to make, team. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2672636
leocadia October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 I don't doubt that Danielle is annoying -- as you said, most of the HGs on either side of the house named her--I just find it funny that in the house, Neely talks shit about Shelby and the girls and is nice to Danielle. She talks about forming relationships and keeping it real, but I didn't believe most of what she said in the DR, it seemed like she was trying to play to her audience. While I think that's true to some extent for all of them, she just came across as the most fake to me. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2672666
DAngelus October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 (edited) Kryssie tells Jason that Danielle and Neeley are worried about Jason joining up with Alex. They are really starting to separate from N/D; they'll work with Justin, but they think the other two girls are "too emotional". Which again, pretty rich coming from Kryin' Kryssie. ETA: Morgan and Whitney making their joint pitch. They don't want to be a double-pawn and are offering Kryssie their votes and two weeks' safety if it's just one of them. Ugh. Kryssie's fine with this, since she wouldn't want Scott to get the America's nom and then save himself with Veto, leaving the two pawns locked in place. She'd much rather have the option to replace Scott with Shelby. Of course this leads to Whitney's nightmare scenario, where she's up against Shelby and her "pawn" status doesn't count for anything because Shelby is seen as being "weak". Whitney's got a heck of an impression of herself as a "threat" because she made it to fourth in an HoH, I'm just saying. (And I think the reason that Shelby was first out of that one is because she threw it, IMO.) All Kryssie can say is that they shouldn't worry, her "friends" know it's her HoH and will obey her decision. JFC. Nice HoH-itis. Especially considering that she just had a big fight with Neeley and is still salty about how they haven't actually made up. Kryssie also claims that Scott has made a lot of "game mistakes" (clearly she's just responding to the imagined slurs he made against her last week) and seems certain that America will nominate him, but she doesn't want to give them the chance. Erm, you do remember that "America" gave Scott a Care Package last week, don't you? She's like "we only voted to evict Danielle so that it would be a tie and Scott would expose himself as an emotional player in front of America…and he fell for it! His game is ruined!" Yeah, last I checked, the audience rather enjoys the HoH doing face-to-face tiebreaker evictions, and Scott's speech was far less "emotional" than Shane's pouting his way out the door. Whatever, Big Baby. Oh, and Kryssie's also under the impression that none of the Ballsmashers are close to Scott and he just "wanders around" by himself and they only want him as a vote. Meanwhile, he's hanging out with Alex and Shelby downstairs and Whitney goes right to him after the meeting breaks up. Still, if Kryssie's driving the bus, Whitney doesn't mind tossing Scott under it, a bit: Quote WHITNEY: He's like a Steve, or an Ian. KRYSSIE: I don't know who those people are. Yes, Jason's ride-or-die doesn't know who won Jason's season. I can't with her. I simply can't. In the end, they agree to the two weeks' safety and the vote issue never really gets locked in stone. And I'd assume that the Ballsmashers won't really consider themselves bound to this. Still, a little disappointing that there was even that amount of bus-tossing, IMO. But I'll live. EATA: Whitney is a really interesting player. She's working hard to bury Justin with Scott, even though she knows that Justin wants to take her to F4 (with Jason and Kryssie, who were discussing it earlier). It seems like she will be glad of any help Justin gives her, but she also knows she needs him out of the way for the late game. Quote WHITNEY: If you asked every single person in here who they would want up or gone, not one would say Justin. And that's what's…that's how people win the game. SCOTT: Yeah, when Alex was— WHITNEY: He's honestly like, like a…I wouldn't say Dan, because Dan was a strategy, strategic— SCOTT (whispers): Andy! [Scott has an issue with how Justin pops in and out of conversations, Andy-like] WHITNEY: (chuckles) I wasn't gonna say Andy. I was gonna say like Dr. Will or Boogie. Because everyone loved them. SCOTT: Yeah. Yeah, I could definitely see the Dr. Will comparison. 100%. WHITNEY: Dr. Will more than Boogie. SCOTT: Yeah. She's once again comparing people to past winners, in order to plant seeds. But unlike her unsuccessful attempts to link Scott to people Kryssie doesn't know about, here she's not only having Scott imagine Justin as a potential winner, but a popular winner. Paint that target nice and large, girl. I mean, Justin would drop members of his current alliance to protect Whitney…and Kryssie is so aware of his interest in her that she's counting on it to bring Whitney over to their side for the endgame…and meantime Whitney is absolutely willing to turn Justin into roadkill. Damn, Whitney Hogg. You are one serious hardcore player. Love it. Which is not to say I've thrown over My Girl Shelby for her. Especially Shelby's done such a good job of "creating a weak persona" that she's the player who scares Whitney the most, it seems. Which would make Shelby the Dan around here, if Whitney wants to play "you know who X reminds me of" with someone about her. Who does Whitney remind me of in the Gallery of BB Greats, I wonder? Derrick? Hmm. Edited October 22, 2016 by DAngelus 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2672688
J.D. October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 Just another one of my rants: Kryssie and Neeley are going to be the death of the LNJ. They both have such huge egos. I totally get where both of them were coming from during their argument the other day, but what I don't understand is why neither of them realized it was time to cut their losses before permanent damage settles in. Then when Neeley finally conceded, Kryssie just kept reiterating why she felt that Neeley wasn't respecting her game and how she felt like she was being told what to do with her HOH, etc. We get it, Kryssie. You felt disrespected but still you should have known when to shut it down. Drilling and drilling never works. You can't strong arm anyone into seeing your side of a situation. And then -- to have Kryssie later on tell Jason that Danielle and Neeley are worried about Jason joining up with Alex. Gurrrrlllllll--!!!! That was wrong. If you're tight with your alliance like you want them to believe and if you truly have their backs like you want them to believe, then why are you burning 2 people of your alliance to another member of your alliance!?!?! I cannot stand her anymore. She whines about Neeley not respecting her, then she turns around and throws her UTB. Kryssie, you should have asked yourself, "I want to tell Jason that Danielle and Neeley are worried about Jason joining up with Alex, but maybe I should first go and ask Danielle and Neeley if they mind that I tell Jason that." LOLOLOLOLOL. Of course she would never ask Danielle and Neeley permission because girlfriend KNOWS Danielle and Neeley wouldn't be okay with Kryssie telling Jason that, and yet she did it anyway. Hmmm...... Kryssie. Is that the mad respect you were talking about earlier????? I don't understand why people love Justin. To me, he's just a quieter version of Andy. He's playing both sides (which I think Jason has picked up on and since Jason, too, see cracks in the foundation of the LNJ, he's also starting to play both sides). Anyway, unlike Jason, Justin never wants to talk game. He never gives. He only takes. He just wants to ping-pong between both sides and soak in other people's game talk under the guise of "Kumbaya, can't we all just get along?" Scott! Oh, Lord. That dude is an open book. He tells everybody his plan, even the 'enemy.' He might as well say, "I'mma lie to your face and tell you want you want to hear and then I'mma stab you in the back tomorrow." I mean, we know that's what everyone is actually doing, but Scott doesn't even make an attempt to convince anyone he's on their side. He gives himself away too easily. Shelby. Not sure why people don't like her. I do. I think she handled Jason's confrontation from a week or so ago very well AND I think she handled her golf caddy punishment equally well as opposed to whiney Danielle who complained every time she had to go in the pool. I like Shelby. I like all of the Plastics....except for Scott. I wish the Plastics would trade Scott for Jason. Then I'd be a happy camper. :) I definitely think Jason's going to kick himself when he gets back to real life and realizes he aligned himself with a mess of whiners and egomanics, when he should have aligned himself with the smarter, less emotional and more level-headed group. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2672943
Lady Calypso October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 And all of that talk above is exactly why I love the Ballsmashers. They're playing the game and not making it personal. Just hearing about Whitney's strategy about Justin, coupled with Shelby's strategy at playing weaker, Morgan's stronger social game, and Alex's competition wins, just makes me smile and wish that all the fans could see how strong these four ladies are together. They're just brilliant. It's too bad we have the Misfits as their competition, and that they have so many fans because of Jason, as well as hardcore Danielle stans. Seriously, when season 19 starts in the summer, we MUST tell everyone about the girls alliance that was brilliant in every single way. Regular fans are going to miss this all girls alliance. 42 minutes ago, J.D. said: I don't understand why people love Justin. To me, he's just a quieter version of Andy. He's playing both sides (which I think Jason has picked up on and since Jason, too, see cracks in the foundation of the LNJ, he's also starting to play both sides). Anyway, unlike Jason, Justin never wants to talk game. He never gives. He only takes. He just wants to ping-pong between both sides and soak in other people's game talk under the guise of "Kumbaya, can't we all just get along?" I think it's because he's entertaining...or something. I like Justin, but I don't love him. I like him the best out of the Misfits, but he's definitely someone I'm fine with being evicted before the finale. I've noticed that he refuses to talk game, which may be interesting at first, but I really hope that bites him in the ass sooner. I have completely confidence that Kryssie's going to be a Have Not and up on the block, so maybe if Neeley leaves this week, she'll finally get a clue. Her HOH-itis is pretty big right now, assuming that her "friends" will do what she tells them to do. No, girl, that's not how HOH works half the time. Maybe try watching the show before coming on. The good thing about this week is if Scott goes up initially, then it'll be Scott or Neeley who leave. I believe that there's a large enough majority rooting for Neeley to be evicted that it'll happen if she stays up. So I truly believe that we're good this week. Scott's not a total loss, but I also want the Ballsmashers to keep that number in their group. Luckily, it looks like the Misfits are really just sticking together for numbers but it might not matter next week, or the week after. I think they'll be done quite soon. I predict Jason to be the first to jump ship. Even if they manage to stick together just to get Ballsmashers out, they're going to end up resenting each other and I don't see them keeping in much contact after the show, besides obligatory BB press and events. Meanwhile, I totally see Ballsmashers and Scott hanging out. I mean, Alex/Morgan because it's obvious, but Whitney/Shelby too. 50 minutes ago, J.D. said: I definitely think Jason's going to kick himself when he gets back to real life and realizes he aligned himself with a mess of whiners and egomanics, when he should have aligned himself with the smarter, less emotional and more level-headed group. I may not like Jason, but I definitely think he's already kicking himself and realizing he made the wrong choice. It sucks for him, but he did trash talk the other side before realizing that they're getting popular with Feedsters. I don't know if he realizes the reason why is because him and his allies are disliked for their trash talking and emotional playing while the other side is doing none of that and sticking to the game. Jason knows he has fans, but I think his ego wants him to be in with the other popular houseguests of this season. Him being part of the underdogs in season 17 didn't help matters, and I think he just wants to be in with the In Crowd with Feedsters. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2673025
J.D. October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 13 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said: I may not like Jason, but I definitely think he's already kicking himself and realizing he made the wrong choice. It sucks for him, but he did trash talk the other side before realizing that they're getting popular with Feedsters. I don't know if he realizes the reason why is because him and his allies are disliked for their trash talking and emotional playing while the other side is doing none of that and sticking to the game. Did you watch BB17? The reason Jason and Day were so loved is because of all their trash talking. Feedsters couldn't stand Shelli and Clay's sickening love fest and people were entertained by how Jason and Day snarked on them as well as how they snarked on idiot Austin and the bimbo twins. It made watching the feeds a little less predictable and boring. For BBOTT it's a new day and the climate's completely different. The Plastics are nothing like Shelly, Clay, Austin and the twins. They're actually playing. Plus, Day's not in the house and all Jason has is the sour puss girls -- Kryssie and Neeley -- having a tug-of-war with what they feel is disrepect. It's not the same and Jason's realizing it. 20 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said: Jason knows he has fans, but I think his ego wants him to be in with the other popular houseguests of this season. Him being part of the underdogs in season 17 didn't help matters, and I think he just wants to be in with the In Crowd with Feedsters. I don't think it's his ego that wants him to be in with the "popular" HG's. I think it's because he (well, all of them actually) came into the game unaware that America would have so much power. Now that he knows, he'd be stupid not to try and use that to his advantage. In this season more than any, you'd better want the feedsters to like you. Otherwise, you're toast. My fingers are crossed that Jason will jump ship, and if he does, I wouldn't hold it against him since he now knows what he didn't know coming into the game: America has a lot of power. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2673071
peachmangosteen October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 (edited) 14 hours ago, DAngelus said: Justin says he's showed his butt plenty (Alex jokes there's a Twitter devoted to it) and "you might get some dick action". He's lucky that Morgan and Shelby aren't around, given how they felt about this sort of thing two weeks back. Morgan never cared about that. Monte did, because he was on his 'Justin is sexist!' tirade, but Morgan flat out told Monte that it didn't bother her at all. He, of course, ignored her feelings, which made his 'Justin is sexist!' tirade even funnier. Edited October 22, 2016 by peachmangosteen 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2673130
Lady Calypso October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 27 minutes ago, J.D. said: Did you watch BB17? The reason Jason and Day were so loved is because of all their trash talking. Feedsters couldn't stand Shelli and Clay's sickening love fest and people were entertained by how Jason and Day snarked on them as well as how they snarked on idiot Austin and the bimbo twins. It made watching the feeds a little less predictable and boring. For BBOTT it's a new day and the climate's completely different. The Plastics are nothing like Shelly, Clay, Austin and the twins. They're actually playing. Plus, Day's not in the house and all Jason has is the sour puss girls -- Kryssie and Neeley -- having a tug-of-war with what they feel is disrepect. It's not the same and Jason's realizing it. Yeah, I never liked Jason or Day on BB17 either. It's what made watching that season so tedious and why I stopped watching weeks before it ended. I didn't like anyone but Vanessa and Shelly on that season (let me be clear; I liked Shelly and Vanessa together, not with Clay). I do think there's a difference between snark and trash talking. It may be a fine line, but it's tough to not cross it for many people. Jason's crossed it a lot of times for me, which is why I can't root for him. It's funny because he says that on BB17, he played like himself, but BBOTT he wanted to play like his Twitter handle. I know not everyone feels the way I do, which is good because differing opinions makes things more interesting! But when snark turns into trash talking which turns into straight bashing and bullying (the armpit sweat on the pillows/clothes is definitely bullying to me), that's when I can't root for people. When they do that, it just takes it past gameplay and into personal territory. Just like in BB2, the toothbrush event. I never watched BB2, but I did watch the clip surrounding that segment. What makes that event different from what Jason, Shane, and now Kryssie have done to Scott, Shelby, and Morgan's stuff? That being said, Jason is more tolerable than Kryssie and Neeley for me. Danielle's a good game player but I can't stand her personality. Jason's leaning toward that way to me, but I don't think I could ever root for him to win based on what he's done and said in the house. But if he can find a way to turn it around and help me change my mind about him, then I'm all for it. I know this season is mostly based on biased opinions and popularity based on certain aspects, so I know that Jason would probably win if he got to the end. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2673135
J.D. October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 8 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said: I know not everyone feels the way I do, which is good because differing opinions makes things more interesting! But when snark turns into trash talking which turns into straight bashing and bullying (the armpit sweat on the pillows/clothes is definitely bullying to me), that's when I can't root for people. When they do that, it just takes it past gameplay and into personal territory. Just like in BB2, the toothbrush event. I never watched BB2, but I did watch the clip surrounding that segment. What makes that event different from what Jason, Shane, and now Kryssie have done to Scott, Shelby, and Morgan's stuff? 100% agree. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2673155
DAngelus October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 (edited) 5 hours ago, J.D. said: I definitely think Jason's going to kick himself when he gets back to real life and realizes he aligned himself with a mess of whiners and egomanics, when he should have aligned himself with the smarter, less emotional and more level-headed group. Well, that's his S17 mistake all over again, isn't it? Yes, his group there got fans because they had some sass, and because the other side had both the Creepy Incestuous Showmance (where Clay looked like Shelli's baby brother) and the Gross Gropey Showmance (where Austin wasn't into showering and Liz seemed to not be into him for a good while), but Sixth Sense + Steve clearly had the brainpower edge. (Barring stereotypical dumb jock Clay, that is.) Even allowing that CBS/Liz had talked up Liz's academic creds a bit (she didn't graduate Loyola-New Orleans cum laude as claimed, she "merely" had one semester on the Dean's List at a pretty good school), she and Julia and Shelli all had good degrees from good schools and Austin had that Masters and Vanessa set records for zooming through Duke and Steve the Ivy League Engineer was probably the smartest of them all. And, yeah, academic creds don't necessarily equal game intelligence, but when Jason is saying in his DR last night that Julie had to tell him who was even in the opposing alliance (this after he'd been in the house for over a month), it does seem like that group of "fun" late-night people wasn't exactly the most perceptive. Especially as they had a chance to be clued in, but when Audrey tried to tell them about some portion of the opposing alliance, Meg just laughed in her face. (The great part of all that came the next week, when Jason got backdoored and the Campers were crying about it, and Jason or Jackie said "I guess they really are all working together" and Meg bitterly sobbed "Now!" Because she couldn't admit that she'd been wrong, even then.) All that said, he's certainly downgraded in terms of allies. James would never have let one of his "pranks" reach the juvenile level of the pit-smearing on the sheets and I don't recall any "let's eat the Have-Not food!" crap in S17. I'm not saying that the LNJ have gone full Donato (or even reached Joshuah/Chelsea levels from S9), but they've been jerks in a way I haven't seen in years. ETA: In the back yard, Morgan and Whitney are telling Alex about their HoH convo last night. Morgan notes that Kryssie said they (M/W) hadn't broken any promises with her, the only one of the Ballsmashers who had was Alex, going back on that Week 2 "I won't put you up" and backdooring her. Alex says that the Misfits had already gone back on their word to her by that time, so she didn't feel bad about the back door. Anybody know what Alex is referring to, here? Shelby comes as Whitney leaves and talk turns to Have-Nots. Alex thinks that Justin/Whitney might both be named, as they haven't done it yet and "they'd be funny in there together" but thinks the third one would be Morgan or Scott doing a repeat. She doesn't have the confidence that "America" is fully on her side, as yet, it seems. (And who knows, she could be right.) She again hopes that Neeley is the America's Nominee, but says "What are the chances? One in a thousand?" Well, I hope the odds are better than that, and if the HNs are all from the Jamboree, maybe Alex can dare to dream, too. ETAA: But now they're worried, because Neeley said her dog has a lot of followers on Instagram (apparently his groomer gives him odd cuts) and they think Neeley might be a social media star and "America" would never nominate her. So they shift into planning their post-season Vegas trip, and Shelby (who's LA-resident and has been to Vegas 12 times) says that they have to go just the four girls, because people invite you/comp you much more readily if it's just a group of girls. She also says that any of the Ballsmashers who get evicted early can just crash at her place in LA, so that they don't have to go back to Texas/Kentucky while waiting for the finale and it will make organizing the Vegas trip easier. Kryssie and Neeley seem to be at least sociable at the moment, albeit all they're doing is hanging out on the couches in the back yard. We'll see if the rift reappears, I suppose. I'm guessing Neeley gets the first "safe" badge, either way. Edited October 22, 2016 by DAngelus 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2673166
Lady Calypso October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 So, Scott, Neeley, and Jason are Have Nots. I guess that's better than nothing. I knew Justin was a long shot. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2673704
peachmangosteen October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 Jason is so pissed he's a HN. He's pretending he's not, but it's super obvious. Justin ran around like an idiot again over not being a HN. He is seriously playing pretty badly lol. I mean yea everyone likes him, but that shit gets old. Also I'm sure now everyone feels like Justin is definitely America's Fave, which isn't good for him. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2673710
DAngelus October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 Justin did a loud, enthusiastic celebration at not being HN-ed. It's either cute or annoying, depending on your p.o.v. Jason claimed to Scott that he "knew" it would be him, Neeley and someone from Scott's side. He might be blowing smoke, but I can see his logic. He felt that "America" was turning on the LNJ, and Kryssie was HoH, Dani couldn't get slopped in consecutive weeks, and Justin is apparently bulletproof. So that left him and Neeley. Scott can't be too thrilled to take a second dose ("two for two, baby!") when Whitney hasn't been slopped once, but I'm sure he knew where stood. Kryssie is telling a completely disgusting dream story. Well, that will kill Jason and Scott's appetites, so I suppose it's for the best. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2673717
leocadia October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 (edited) It's going to be pretty boring until the noms are complete on Monday, but here are some tidbits from this afternoon: Alex, Scott and Whitney were discussing their favorite/least favorite past players. Whitney hates Amanda and Andy. She liked Brittany Haynes. Alex loves Johnny Mac but her favorite is Dan. She didn't really like Victor and told Scott (jokingly) they couldn't be friends because he voted him AFP. Scott said he's terrible at predicting winners, but based on the feeds, he picked Andy as the winner early on. He didn't really say who he liked a lot. Whitney said she only watched the episodes and couldn't believe that he won. Scott reminded her that he was up against Gina Marie and they all laughed that it made more sense. Whitney left for a minute and Alex whispered to Scott that she thought Whitney might go up because she was a bigger threat to the other side's game. Meanwhile in the HOH room, Kryssie, Danielle and Jason were complaining again that the girls don't know what it's like to live on their own and take responsibility for their own lives. Kryssie was LIVID that Shebly made a sandwich using the heart cookie cutter and threw away the edges of the bread. She says that it's obvious that she's never had to go without food or worry about waste. Jason specifically calls out Shelby as someone who talks about being poor, but has all these stories about expensive places that she frequents. Danielle takes it a step further and says that Shelby is a prostitute and that she whores herself out to rich guys so that she can go to nice places. Kryssie says that she's a waitress who never buys nice things and spends all of her money on rent and bills because she doesn't live with her parents. Danelle then says that she lives with her mom. I should mention that when Shelby was making the sandwich of waste, Kryssie called her out on it and asked who raised her. Shelby replied, "uh, my parents" and Kryssie sarcastically said, "They must be sooo proud." Shelby then said that it's the same for her when people leave the water running when they brush their teeth. Kryssie claimed she doesn't do that, which I don't know for a fact either way. Neely has been very low key today, she has been hanging out with Morgan and Shelby in the yoga room talking non-game stuff. Justin has been remarkably absent from the feeds for a lot of today. Edited October 22, 2016 by leocadia 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2673938
peachmangosteen October 22, 2016 Share October 22, 2016 (edited) I know Scott leaving is pretty bad for The Plastics, but I think I maybe want it to happen. He's either boring or completely embarrassing to me. And his relationship with Alex is so bizarre/embarrassing to me. I've heard him say some variation of, "You deserve to make it to Halloween more than anyone else here," to her like 10 times already. Does anyone know what Halloween has to do with anything lol? Alex was telling Scott that if it comes to it it'd be better for them to get rid of Whitney over Morgan. Scott told her he doesn't care as long as it's not him, Alex, and Shelby. He said that's the 'core three.' And then Whitney came in (lol!) so the talk stopped. ETA: Scott, Whitney, and Alex are talking about past BB players now. None of them liked Vanessa becasue she was, as Whitney put it, 'an emotional basket case.' Alex thought she cried to much and she doesn't deal with whiny people. Whitney and Scott both agreed that she wasn't that good of a player. Justin was saying he's 'not interested' in going on Master Chef and Alex reminded him that he applied to be on it. But he said he's not interested in being on any of those shows because he's 'too qualified,' but maybe he'd go on as a judge. OK there, buddy! Edited October 22, 2016 by peachmangosteen 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2673944
ZSweetJane October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 I want Justin to be a have-not just to see what he can do with slop. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2674160
DAngelus October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said: And his relationship with Alex is so bizarre/embarrassing to me. I've heard him say some variation of, "You deserve to make it to Halloween more than anyone else here," to her like 10 times already. Does anyone know what Halloween has to do with anything lol? 1. The relationship. He's a virgin, and the only girl he's been around a lot of the time is his sister. She's hot and he sees her in a bikini regularly. Not too hard to figure out that he has a crush on her. 2. Halloween. BB is throwing them a Halloween party (that's why Neeley has the witch hat, for example) and the only two people guaranteed to be there for it next week are Kryssie (HoH) and Alex (safety). IMO, he knows he's in danger and he's trying to rationalize it by saying "well, at least Alex is safe", possibly working out his resentment at his (he worries) upcoming eviction by living vicariously through her. A little disappointing to see that Alex and Shelby (and possibly the other Plastics) think that Scott getting re-slopped means he's the most likely America's Nominee and are planning on his eviction out of self-defense. I'd say the descent of the Snarky Swansea Stockboy to Have-Not status is a grocery store-sized clue that opinion has turned against the Jamboree and unless Neeley's dog is even more popular than Jason (which hardly seems likely), she's obviously Target #1. The fact that Justin remains popular enough to escape the HN room shouldn't blind the Ballsmashers to the 2-1 split in Have-Nots against the side that used to run around saying how popular they were with "America" and that it's not illogical to assume that America's Nomination and Eviction Vote will follow the slop, just as they did for Monte and Danielle these past two weeks. And Scott won the Care Package last week, so why should he be the presumed target? Because Kryssie says he's going to be? Okay, then. Dare to dream, girls; dare to dream. Say, if our dreams come true and Neeley does get that America's nomination, perhaps we won't even need the Vote to land on her in order to evict her. I mean, as long as somebody points out to Justin that evicting Neeley means she can't wear the witch hat to the Halloween party, his vote is there for the taking. Dude is seriously freaked out by that hat. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2674265
peachmangosteen October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 (edited) 28 minutes ago, DAngelus said: 1. The relationship. He's a virgin, and the only girl he's been around a lot of the time is his sister. She's hot and he sees her in a bikini regularly. Not too hard to figure out that he has a crush on her. Oh I get it, but the reasoning doesn't make it any less bizarre and embarrassing to me! Quote A little disappointing to see that Alex and Shelby (and possibly the other Plastics) think that Scott getting re-slopped means he's the most likely America's Nominee and are planning on his eviction out of self-defense. I'd say the descent of the Snarky Swansea Stockboy to Have-Not status is a grocery store-sized clue that opinion has turned against the Jamboree and unless Neeley's dog is even more popular than Jason (which hardly seems likely), she's obviously Target #1. Everyone is under the impression that the first name called for HNs is the person that got the most votes. And the past 2 weeks the first person called ended up as America's nom, so it's not surprising that they suspect Scott will be America's nom. Edited October 23, 2016 by peachmangosteen Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2674303
DAngelus October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 Neeley and Danielle rose in my estimation by agreeing with my viewpoint during the discussion of Colin Kaepernick and sports protesting that happened in the HoH before the ceremony. Not that they knew they were "on my side" of the issue, of course. And then Neeley celebrated the safety passes given to her, Justin and Danielle by doing some sort of twerking-on-all-fours that made her look like a dog marking its territory. And Danielle loudly insisted that she was a "relationship virgin" with Shane, that she'd never touched his penis (not even through his undies), and that Jason was completely wrong to claim otherwise. Hey, ladies…kindly get off of my side. Thank you very much. (I mean, it's none of Jason's business how physical "Shanielle" got, and that would be the proper way to shut him up on the issue, not to flat-out lie about it. Oh, well.) Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/49351-big-brother-over-the-top-week-4-10192016-10252016/page/2/#findComment-2674371
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