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Made In Chelsea - General Discussion

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Oh Will, you are as boring as Lonan; don't be butt hurt Binky would rather hang out with the guy who isn't currently trying to bang her.

Lauren OWNED Stephanie at that couples' dinner. I couldn't stop laughing at Stephanie not understanding that Lauren has at least 50 IQ points on her. Though I do agree that Lauren was being Mrs. Smuggerton. And Spencer is almost always smug, but Stephanie should have quit when she was only as little behind.

If I cared about Sam or Tiff, I'd at least mildly care that he cheated.

I see Fran is still trying to force her way into relevance. #Sorrynotsorry, annoying one, but the NYC season proved that you (and Cheska) are wholly irrelevant.

I do love a man in a suit. And ten men in suits? H-O-T.

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Finally had a chance to watch this, boy am I disappointed in the newbies. Hire a few more blondes, show! They won't be impossible to distinguish from one another or anything!! Plus, boring so far.

I love when Mark-Francis is befuddled, amused and/or exasperated with Binky, so I loved their scenes with Louise. So cute! And I like that Louise and Alik are being smarter this season and living apart.

Barbados crew seemed just so pleased with themselves. Ugh. Or maybe that was just Spencer, Alex and their women. Speaking of Alex, could his new girl be any more generic? I guess that's so he can say he thought his jumpoff was her when he inevitably cheats on her.

Is it bad that I kinda want Binky and Jamie to try again?

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If Binky had screamed at Nicola that Mitten wouldn't make her happy, would that have been more acceptable to Nicola? Why does she equate good manners with being fake? Someone watches too much reality tv and is seriously bucking for a permanent spot on the show. And Nicola seemed the fake one to me.

I really hope Stephanie and Josh break up so she can go back to L.A.

Has Lucy been on? I saw her sister Tiff this episode, but I don't think I've seen Lucy.

I´m 2 episodes into the season and I seriously dislike some of the new girls, mostly Nicola and Jess. I find it kind of funny that Alex is now stuck with Nicola, she´s such a step down from Binky, but I don´t want my beautiful, sweet Andy to fancy Jess. She´s not cute (but better than Nicola) and there´s just something seriously annoying about her. I used to hate Andy on his first season but he won me over later by being a good guy in a sea of scoundrels and immature boys. Nicola has the most stupid face I´ve ever seen on MiC, and the way she talked about Binky was NOT CLEVER (fake!). I´m sure Binky will put her in her place somewhere down the line, but we´ll see. I can´t help but like Lauren, she´s got good screen presence, and I always want Mark Francis´ scenes to last longer, they´re always great. Proudlock keeps on being too gorgeous with too little screen time. I love Jamie but deep down he always annoys me at the same time, and him acting like Nicola and Jess are in any way fun or pretty just seems fake.


I am watching the most recent episode as of this week, which, is episode 5.... Is it just me or most of these new girls are just not that pretty? They are not ugly, but not WOW.... Nicola + Jess are pretty @ times, but then, there is something off about Nicola... Maybe, it's her eyes? Fleur doesn't look attractive with messy ponytails.... Girl just stop....Just stop...


Am I the only one in the US who doesn't want Stephanie Pratt to come back to us? The thirst is REAL... I feel like the only reason she crossed over to the UK was because to see if she get more success out of the reality scene there....@ least, LC made something out of being on a show, which, is "writing" books + "designing" clothes...

Edited by OrientalAmish

I love Mark-Francis! He's my favorite aside from Binky. And I think Jamie just wants to have a good time and likes to be the one who introduces everyone and stirs up trouble.


No episode is complete without a MF moment, which, has jack shit to do with anything going on with that episode.... And, that is why I love him....Those moments are useless because it serves no plot, but ingenious @ same time.... 


Yes, Jamie got a little of that "bad boy" edge @ or @ least tries to act like it, but I feel like he loves the idea of being in a relationship.... It's just that he probably goes after the wrong girls + shitty timing....He is one of my favorites, though because I know he is a good guy....


It just seems to me Andy is mostly just a one-person type of guy when it comes to relationships.... He tries to play the field, but he sucks @ it because he isn't that type....

Edited by OrientalAmish

Stephanie just doesn't fit on the show, that's why I want her to leave. The cast is awkward enough trying to segue into their storylines, add her in and everything comes to a complete stop. Not to mention she's seems more US reality show than UK.

I would not be surprised if Josh really doesn't like Lucy, she can be quite off-putting.

And I agree with you on the new girls, just not that cute…though Rosie and Victoria are no prizes either.

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When I first saw the group photo of all the "cast' for season 9, the first thought that came to me was like, "Too many people,,,," I think it's pointless to have that many people billed as "regulars" if they don't have that much air time on the show throughout the season like Fran or heck even Proudluck, with the exception of Victoria + Mark Francis.... Why don't they just make those who aren't on the screen that much to be billed as "recurring" or "friend of....." like they do on Real Housewives franchise....


Stephanie is cool, but I knew when she first appeared on MIC that she was thirsty to stay relevant.... I do <3 Alik, though + rather enjoy hearing that familiar American accent amongst the sea of British.... 


I can understand why people may not really like Lucy because she can be like Fort Knox with some people....I do like her, though....


Rosie is definitely not that pretty.... I think the only time she got laid on the show was when she hooked up with Hugo who cheated on Millie with her, I think? I cannot remember because it seems like forever since Hugo + Millie were still part of the cast....

Yeah, Stephanie is way too, literally, like an American girl. She KILLS the show for me.... (PLUS, I despise her brother....)


Shouldn't the fact that the guy she "dated" had the same name as her douche of a brother be a red flag? She be dumb + thirsty, though!



It was nice to see someone (Mark-Francis) make her brush her hair.


MF performs "miracles"! That comment made me LOL, though!


Fleur has me (for the moment) since she totally acknowledged Andy´s superior attractiveness. When they were introducing all the new people in the first episode I almost thought it was a different show. And that scene in ep 4 (I think) where Mark Francis meets Toff (?) at a really cool library I thought "oh no not another blonde clone" but then I remembered her, I think, I recognized her name and voice (both extremely annoying btw) and I think she was on the show before, but I can´t remember what she did or whom she was connected too back then. I like this season but I could do with a character cull. My vote for the first to go would be Alex and Nicola. Then Stephanie and her boyfriend.

Edited by halkatla
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Fleur has me (for the moment) since she totally acknowledged Andy´s superior attractiveness. When they were introducing all the new people in the first episode I almost thought it was a different show. And that scene in ep 4 (I think) where Mark Francis meets Toff (?) at a really cool library I thought "oh no not another blonde clone" but then I remembered her, I think, I recognized her name and voice (both extremely annoying btw) and I think she was on the show before, but I can´t remember what she did or whom she was connected too back then. I like this season but I could do with a character cull. My vote for the first to go would be Alex and Nicola. Then Stephanie and her boyfriend.


Toff joined the show as of last season, I believe.... I think her connection is being good friends with Sam.... 


I still feel like they put way too many people in the group cast photo for this season.... All those people can't possibly have THAT much airtime on the show this season unless they're Victoria + Mark Francis! I think I saw Fran + Proudluck in the photo, but they hardly ever on the show these days! I think those new girls Emily + Millie should just leave unless they have a bigger participation in the show later on.... They just seem like "extras" who maybe occasionally give feedback to some of the cast.... I feel like the show is not thinking "quality over quantity" when it comes to the deciding the newcomers for the show.... 

Edited by OrientalAmish
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I thought I would share this bit that was posted on a recap from one of the earlier episodes of this season because it is too fucking hilarious courtesy of Digitalspy:


Do you remember that episode of Friends where Ross panics and gives Mona a spare key before changing the locks ("This is fun, you look young")? That was essentially Spencer and Lauren this week. While Lauren was fluttering to Fran about how Spencer was going to give her a spare key ("We're disgustingly happy," she said, getting at least part of that sentence right), Spencer was trilling to the bois about how he'd finally managed to convince her to move out.

"Today she was like, 'Are you going to get a key cut for me?'" he added. "I was like, 'You're moving out, why do you need a key?' She was like, 'I don't know, it would be nice to have a key'." If you thought that was a lot of mentions of the word "key", just wait until the later conversation he had with Lauren, when he caved with precisely no pressure and did indeed agree to have one cut, basically to prove that he wasn't pushing her out of the door.


"You can have a key," he said, asking her to let him know when she'd be there - only for Lauren to say she'd only be there when he was. "So we could use one key," he replied. "But okay, if you really want to have a key, you can have a key. I don't mind you having a key." Lauren chipped in: "I don't have to have a key if you don't want me to have a key." Spencer: "It's not that I don't want you to have a key, I don't know what you'd use the key for if I'll be here when you're here. But have a key, do you want a key? If you want a key, have a key, sure." Did you get that? We make that at least thirteen uses of the word "key" in one short conversation. In fact, it was said so much that it began to lose all meaning and we're not sure it's even a real word any more.



That shit had me LOLROFLMAO like crazy for a few minutes!



Following episode 5, I´ve got so many thoughts. My first one is about feeling thankful for all the Mark Francis stuff. Finally, he got like three good scenes. To my surprise I kind of like Toff now! I hope she didn´t do something awful in previous seasons that I´ve forgotten about though. She has a crazy face (a more seldom relative of "crazy eyes") and she´s always smiling such a cute and big smile. She´s a bit of a female Jamie. I love Binky and Lucy, and their talks are a big part of the show. I was a little annoyed with all the new guys, they were a bit much as well as the new girls in previous eps, but I guess the girls need some fresh meat to keep going. Stephanie brings a weird vibe to the show, she doesn´t really fit in, but that is kind of her thing. And oh wow, it seemed to me, kind of, that Jamie has started turning into a man, he looked so good at the bar when he talked to Jess. I´d have jumped him, he´s gonna be very good looking one day (when fully evolved). Both him and Andy need to kick Jess to the curb, she´s not good enough for either one of them. And finally, may Alex and Nicola now go away and live VERY HAPPILY together, for a while or forever, they are just useless as cast-mates.

 She has a crazy face (a more seldom relative of "crazy eyes") and she´s always smiling such a cute and big smile. She´s a bit of a female Jamie. And oh wow, it seemed to me, kind of, that Jamie has started turning into a man, he looked so good at the bar when he talked to Jess. I´d have jumped him, he´s gonna be very good looking one day (when fully evolved). 


LOL @ Toff's crazy eyes! Now that you said it, I can't believe I didn't really notice her "crazy eyes", but maybe I was distracted by her constant smiling....


I always thought Jamie was adorable in a sexy way + knew there was a man hiding in there....

From watching the series so far I have to say I really don't like Jess. I feel like she's very manipulative and I wouldn't trust her at all. I don't exactly love Nicola but I think her points on Jess and that "friendship" we're spot on so I was happy to see Alex stand up for her and the relationship especially since Jess seemed to have taken his mediation of the situation as a sign for how much he valued her which I could see it wasn't.


Maybe, I am talking out of my ass, but I really want Alik + Louise to live happily ever after forever.... I love them together,,,,

After I read about Binky's new boyfriend somewhere online weeks ago, I felt like it was even pointless to watch JP + her "date" on the show.... ;-x

Edited by OnceSane
added spoiler tags

I find it incredibly convenient that Alik is being called home in the last third of the season. And just in time to be back in New York for what I assume will be another summer series of MiC: NYC.

Binky seemed to be just dipping her toe.in the water when it came to JP, and he out in very little effort. So I'm not surprised they've fizzled out. And again, now both will be single during season 2 of the New York series.

Sam wants to be a big dog player so bad, but is terrible at the execution. Plus, it doesn't come off like it's true to him. It does amuse.me that he and Tiff are starting up again…Lucy will hate that.

Proudlock sighting! And for more than 30 seconds! Good to see him; but damn, go back to the tiny bun…the page boy is not a good look for you.

I find it incredibly convenient that Alik is being called home in the last third of the season. And just in time to be back in New York for what I assume will be another summer series of MiC: NYC.

Proudlock sighting! And for more than 30 seconds! Good to see him; but damn, go back to the tiny bun…the page boy is not a good look for you.


Actually, MIC will be doing it in LA, not NYC.... I am happy because I am hour away from LA, but I doubt I will see any of the cast if I am ever around....


I never approved of Proudluck with "long short" hair....I am with you on him going back to the man-bun.... And, I hate man-buns! But, damn, I rather have that then seeing his hair down! LOL

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