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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 1 (09/28/2016 - 10/04/2016)


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Well, maybe with Jason getting off the block, now Cornbread will go? He would be perfectly acceptable to leave. 

Monte's already covering his tracks with Jason. 

Now, trying to think of votes for Kryssie, Danielle, and Cornbread:

Kryssie: Shane, Scott, Whitney, maybe Shelby/Alex/Morgan

Danielle: Maybe Shelby if she's petty?

Cornbread: America, Jason, Justin, Neeley

The only votes I'm more certain about are the ones against Cornbread. Shelby/Alex/Morgan fall in the middle for me. They could go for any one of those three. If The Girls want to make a big move, it would be getting Cornbread out. 

Basically, it comes down to them and it makes me uneasy. I've started warming to Kryssie, and I imagine Danielle's sticking around, and Cornbread's the only one I want out now that Jason can't leave. 

The last I heard, Morgan/Shelby were worried that Danielle was too close to Shane/Monte plus the guys, so I'm wondering if she'll get Shelby/Whitney/Morgan/Alex. They could also break up the Danielle/Shane budding showmance that way. 

It depends if they care about pissing Shane off or not. It'd probably be safer to get rid of the replacement nominee if it's Kryssie, or whoever Monte deems ready to go.

2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Shane, Scott, and Danielle are talking about how Danielle is totally safe and that Shelby will probably go up and out. Boo to that imo.

Oh man. I don't love or hate Danielle either way (although I hope her attachment to Shane doesn't get as intense as people are saying it seems to be), but Shelby is entertaining. She's one of the few HGs who are already adding something to the House - her presence would be missed.

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7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

OK so for some reason Justin thinks this comp showed Shelby's true colors and she's two-faced and he called her a 'cunt bag.'

Jason was trashing her earlier as well. Is it because they see her with the other Southern women and not just the Jamboree-whatever-thing?

ETA: Oh, he said the other four were working together and left out Jason and Danielle.

Edited by mooses
46 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

OK so for some reason Justin thinks this comp showed Shelby's true colors and she's two-faced and he called her a 'cunt bag.'

Geez, and this is from America's current favorite? And I thought his convo with Shane last night about girls with "fishy" vaginas was bad.

I liked Jason his first season but now I'm starting to see why so many here think he's a bitchy jerk. He's humor seems OTT mean sometimes.

I like Shelby but I don't like her with the girls I've seen referred to elsewhere as "The Plastics".

Who is there to root for?

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I actually really like Morgan. She's playing a smart game at the moment (I know this could change next week) with keeping her pull with Monte while trying to keep her actual alliance safe (mostly Shelby). She's perceptive and she's keeping her options wide open. She also just convinced Monte to put Kryssie up instead of Shelby or Justin. She's here to play the game.

I didn't even think I'd like her before the season started. Sure, she can say some mean things, but everyone has already said mean things about each other. Between Shelby's hard obsession of disliking Danielle to Jason's bitchy remarks to now Justin's hatred for Shelby, nobody's that nice. Plus, Monte/Shane's bromance is already splitting up and I am living for that. 

I think Morgan, Scott, and Justin are my favourites, although Justin's comment about Shelby is now rubbing me the wrong way. 

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4 minutes ago, Marie80 said:

Geez, and this is from America's current favorite? And I thought his convo with Shane last night about girls with "fishy" vaginas was bad.

I liked Jason his first season but now I'm starting to see why so many here think he's a bitchy jerk. He's humor seems OTT mean sometimes.

I like Shelby but I don't like her with the girls I've seen referred to elsewhere as "The Plastics".

Who is there to root for?

I've seen The Plastics nickname. I'm not totally in on the Jamboree like most of the rest of the Feedsters are, so I actually like them at the moment. And they're doing a pretty decent job of splitting up and making separate relationships with the other HGs to subtly try to get their agenda in there which is a strategy that I approve of. I think the fact that they're working with Cornbread and Monte on the side instead of Jason/Justin makes them unpopular with some.

I know Justin is a huge favorite with some viewers. I'm not totally into it yet. I don't want him to leave, but I don't love him like most seem to. I guess he's ridiculous and entertaining, but the guy didn't even know someone had to leave at the end of the week. That's not just a Paul-type recruit, that's a whole other level of clueless. I'm curious how he'll adapt, but, personally, I enjoy watching players like the sisters do actual game strategy more.

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6 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Danielle's already getting super attached to Shane. I kind of want her to go, just to avoid that happening further. I am so afraid she'll be another Zakiyah, or worse. I want her to be a good player, not someone that throws her game away for a boy. But the signs are already showing. 


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From Reddit: Neely to Dani: We have to break that shit up [points to where Morgan/Whitney/Alex/Shelby were in yoga room] 

Danielle said she knows that Monte has an alliance with Whitney/Morgan from talking to him in HOH. And she knows Shane knew she'd go up.

I have a feeling we'll lose one of the women before Monte/Cornbread/Shane. Monte is not good at keeping his cards close at all - he's basically exposed the Sisters/Shelby/Whitney and Scott by accident. He's not sneaky enough to seem like the bigger threat.

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Ha! Shelby is not good at talking to Monte at all. They have zero chemistry, their senses of humor do not mesh, and their conversations are so awkward. 

ETA: Danielle gaming! Maybe the Zakiyah comparisons can stop soon.

Edited by mooses
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1 hour ago, mooses said:

I have a feeling we'll lose one of the women before Monte/Cornbread/Shane. 

Oh I have no doubt. I figure at least a a few women will go before any of those 3. Because of course. 

I'm fine with losing Kryssie. I'm not a fan. Sure, I'd much rather it be Cornbread or Jason, but she'll do in a pinch. I just really hope Monte doesn't get talked into putting Shelby up.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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8 minutes ago, La Traviata said:

Haha.  You guys aint gonna know who to hate first.  Between Cornbread's misogyny, Justin saying cunt bag,  Monte using the phrase angry black woman, and Jason, well, breathing (I guess) you guys aint gonna know who to hate first.  Too funny.

Yeah, I don't know which guy to hate more! 

In all seriousness, it's really just Cornbread and Monte who I don't like (but I don't hate either). Jason annoys the hell out of me and I don't like his bitchy remarks, and Justin's still fine for now. Scott and Shane are the two guys who haven't annoyed me (yet). 

The girls could really take over this season if they banded together (at least most of them). Alex/Whitney/Shelby/Morgan already have an all girls alliance that has been working so far (which is better than all the other all girls alliances which dissolved after a couple of days). Maybe if they bring in Neeley and if they can get over their issues with Danielle, they could really run the house. Morgan/Alex are already doing a fine job in subtly manipulating Monte. All they need to do this week is have someone throw one hinky vote toward Cornbread and then Cornbread is for sure evicted. 

Scott/Shelby have a little alliance thing going. Since Jamboree broke up, he's telling Shelby to join The Plastics, which is really funny since she's already with them. 

I'd be pleased with an Alex/Morgan/Shelby/Whitney alliance with them having Scott, Neeley, and Justin as their side alliances. That would be the dream. 

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Scott tells Shelby to work with the other women (Morgan/Alex/Whitney). He says the Jamboree is dead. Shelby likes Justin and Jason but knows Justin is being weird with her. Shelby says she's trying to establish chess club so her and Scott can have more conversations. He says he loves Chess Club but he has bad hearing so, no.

Scott: I can tell that you want to work with me. 

Shelby:  I can't tell you want to work with me, Scott! The feeling is not mutual!

Scott: That's why I'm telling you who you should work with. The people you want to work with are the girls, I'm thinking. 

Shelby: Well, I'm not just gonna do with you tell me to do!

This is such a weird conversation. Shelby saying she wants to be able to talk to Scott, and Scott's just like no, don't  talk to me. He's giving her advice, but pushing her away also. Strange. I do love that he thinks he's giving her some great advice, and she's already doing that without his help.  

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Also, Alex's thoughts. I'm liking her so far.

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Morgan wants to split up Monte/Shane, so that's a thing that could be happening. I love that there are some girls that are not falling for their bromance, and there's already cracks in their alliance. 

Man, I love this all girls alliance. It makes it better that Monte's such an idiot that he keeps spilling info to Whitney/Morgan/Alex and they're taking it to Shelby immediately.

Guys! This is the all girls alliance we've been waiting for! PLEASE, PLEASE let it stick!

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54 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Morgan wants to split up Monte/Shane, so that's a thing that could be happening. I love that there are some girls that are not falling for their bromance, and there's already cracks in their alliance. 

This is great news.  With America getting to nominate someone every week, this plan could work out even if someone who wouldn't nominate Monte like Shane or Cornbread wins HoH.

Make it happen, ladies!

41 minutes ago, me5671 said:

This is great news.  With America getting to nominate someone every week, this plan could work out even if someone who wouldn't nominate Monte like Shane or Cornbread wins HoH.

Make it happen, ladies!

It really could be good. Both Morgan and Alex have good insight into the house. They could be a powerful duo and with Shelby, they could be great. 

Edited by Lady Calypso

So, just before I go to bed, I'm reading some updates.

Basically, Shelby's a target if not this week (thank Neeley if this happens) then it'll be next week. Justin wants to throw HOH (he told Scott) and that he's going after Monte/Shelby. 

Putting up Shelby MIGHT increase Cornbread's chances of going home, surprisingly. Alex/Whitney/Morgan/Scott would for sure keep Shelby over Cornbread, and Shane already expressed thoughts about getting him out this week if there were enough votes. Unfortunately, I don't really know what the others would even do, so I can't trust that putting Shelby up would send Cornbread out the door. But his chances of staying are higher, unfortunately.

Well, this week is interesting. Already there are crumbling alliances and new targets. The Plastics (Shelby actually threw out this name earlier when Alex/Morgan/Whitney asked what their alliance name should be) are targets, Jason's a target, Monte/Shane are discussed as being targets, and Justin is a target. I think the only person discussed as not being a target yet is Scott. 

I'm also coming to realize that at least half of these houseguests are pretty bad players. Monte, Cornbread, Justin, and Kryssie are definitely the worst. Kryssie's complaining could easily send her out the door, or be put as a target for America. Because who wants to listen to someone complain about not being able to sleep and having to stay up 12 whole hours? Dude, it's a game. Respect it and shut up, or go home and let someone who actually wants to be there get a chance at the money. 

It makes me fine if Kryssie goes home just as much as Cornbread. 

6 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, just before I go to bed, I'm reading some updates.

Basically, Shelby's a target if not this week (thank Neeley if this happens) then it'll be next week. Justin wants to throw HOH (he told Scott) and that he's going after Monte/Shelby. 

Putting up Shelby MIGHT increase Cornbread's chances of going home, surprisingly. Alex/Whitney/Morgan/Scott would for sure keep Shelby over Cornbread, and Shane already expressed thoughts about getting him out this week if there were enough votes. Unfortunately, I don't really know what the others would even do, so I can't trust that putting Shelby up would send Cornbread out the door. But his chances of staying are higher, unfortunately.

Well, this week is interesting. Already there are crumbling alliances and new targets. The Plastics (Shelby actually threw out this name earlier when Alex/Morgan/Whitney asked what their alliance name should be) are targets, Jason's a target, Monte/Shane are discussed as being targets, and Justin is a target. I think the only person discussed as not being a target yet is Scott. 

I'm also coming to realize that at least half of these houseguests are pretty bad players. Monte, Cornbread, Justin, and Kryssie are definitely the worst. Kryssie's complaining could easily send her out the door, or be put as a target for America. Because who wants to listen to someone complain about not being able to sleep and having to stay up 12 whole hours? Dude, it's a game. Respect it and shut up, or go home and let someone who actually wants to be there get a chance at the money. 

It makes me fine if Kryssie goes home just as much as Cornbread. 

Kryssie is sort of a depressing player to watch. What is she doing on this show and in this house? Gawd! I hope she goes home soon.

I really like the Alex/Morgan/Shelby/Whitney alliance but worry that they have made things a bit too obvious.    I can see one or more starting to think well maybe being so obvious in an all girl alliance isn't a good thing right now and branch off.   Alex is sorta doing so with her nerdy talks with Scott.  Something to keep an eye on in the next HOH cycle. 

And kudos to Alex/Morgan for making it what, six days without anyone catching on that they are sisters;  only Jason has voiced any "hmm, they look alike" but haven't heard anyone else making any kind of connection.    Alex wearing that ball cap all the time seems to help as it hides her face. 

7 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm also coming to realize that at least half of these houseguests are pretty bad players. Monte, Cornbread, Justin, and Kryssie are definitely the worst.

IMO Jason needs to be in that list of the worst players. He's atrocious. He's probably playing a bit better so far than he did in BB17 though. But it's still early!

1 hour ago, CindyBee said:

And kudos to Alex/Morgan for making it what, six days without anyone catching on that they are sisters;  only Jason has voiced any "hmm, they look alike" but haven't heard anyone else making any kind of connection.

I'm fairly sure Jason suspects they're sisters/twins but after the twin situation in BB17 he's probably sitting on the info for now. Also, in the first daily recap episode they had Justin (and I believe one of the women but I don't remember who) talking about how much they look alike, so there are a couple others who have noticed it. They're lucky one of them is Justin, who has literally no idea what he is doing. He barely seems to even know where he is half the time!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I can confirm it is taking a while to get the group pose together. Shelby's been complaining about doing it (I would too, but I would be keeping silent about it). Kryssie doesn't look like she's too thrilled either. 

All in all, they're definitely fulfilling societal gender roles, with the ladies looking sexy and the boys looking strong and tough. Or trying to be. The two skinnier guys don't have girls on their shoulders, and Cornbread is riding the wood floatie. Kryssie/Neeley are obviously sitting on the sides because they're "bigger women" while Alex, Morgan, and Whitney get to sit on Monte, Shane, and Justin's shoulders. Danielle is in the back with Shelby and Jason. 

Not that it's anything new and I get why certain poses need to happen with certain people, but something I get to point out while watching it happen. Most of them look very uncomfortable, which I totally get. 

Some choice quotes from the photographer just to prove sexism is alive and well:

To girls: Suck that stomach in! (Also told Shelby to push her chest out.)
To girls: This is every beauty pageant you've wanted to be in!

To guys: Look fierce!
To guys: This is a competition!

Super gross.

ETA: Danielle must be a model because she really knew how to do everything and was helping the others with the photographer's directions.

Jason is complaining about how all Shelby does is complain. Jason is saying this. LOL. 

Danielle is now joining in on the Shelby convo. I'm gonna be so pissed if Shelby gets evicted first. 

ETAA: Now Kryssie is whining about the phoniness of all of this. Oh shut up!

ETAAx2: OK Danielle and Jason might have been talking about Kryssie and not Sheby earlier. I'm not sure now lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Man, recruits, am I right? If I remember correctly, it was Kryssie who said she hadn't seen the show before, so she didn't know what she was walking into before coming on. That's on her if she didn't realize that production would be controlling everything, especially in DR. She has stated that she doesn't like what production is leading her to say and be like in her DR sessions. 

Listen, we as viewers all can hate it too. But it's part of this messed up game that she signed up for. All of this complaining about how hard it is won't make things change. I don't mind her complaining about the photo shoot because she probably felt self conscious with her being layered up (told by the legal team because of her copyrighted tattoos) and having been shoved off to the side/in the back in many of the photos. Trust me, I hate that aspect and I feel for her. But her complaining about DR/production and about not getting to sleep from 10am-10pm because that's what she expected when she came onto the show? Yeah, not here for listening to that. And it's only day 6. She could either get over it and start having fun, or she'll continue to complain. 

If we have to listen to her complaining for the rest of the time that she's here about sleep schedule, DR, the comps or whatever, I'd rather she went this week. 

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12 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Man, recruits, am I right? If I remember correctly, it was Kryssie who said she hadn't seen the show before, so she didn't know what she was walking into before coming on. That's on her if she didn't realize that production would be controlling everything, especially in DR. She has stated that she doesn't like what production is leading her to say and be like in her DR sessions. 

Listen, we as viewers all can hate it too. But it's part of this messed up game that she signed up for. All of this complaining about how hard it is won't make things change. I don't mind her complaining about the photo shoot because she probably felt self conscious with her being layered up (told by the legal team because of her copyrighted tattoos) and having been shoved off to the side/in the back in many of the photos. Trust me, I hate that aspect and I feel for her. But her complaining about DR/production and about not getting to sleep from 10am-10pm because that's what she expected when she came onto the show? Yeah, not here for listening to that. And it's only day 6. She could either get over it and start having fun, or she'll continue to complain. 

If we have to listen to her complaining for the rest of the time that she's here about sleep schedule, DR, the comps or whatever, I'd rather she went this week. 

The thing I don't get about recruits - they have time to do research, don't they? They aren't just whisked away by the casting agent who spotted them. I know Justin said he doesn't watch TV, but he at least seems to be just in for whatever comes next. It's kind of their fault if they come in totally unprepared and then get upset about it. Honestly, if I liked Kryssie otherwise I wouldn't mind as much. But between the complaining, burping and fetish talk, I'm not too into her. 

Also, speaking of recruits, it seems like Big Brother really wants them to watch Big Brother 12 & 16 (they seem the most referenced in the interviews). Blergh. No wonder we always get Brigade wannabes. 

Edited by mooses
44 minutes ago, mooses said:

The thing I don't get about recruits - they have time to do research, don't they? They aren't just whisked away by the casting agent who spotted them. I know Justin said he doesn't watch TV, but he at least seems to be just in for whatever comes next. It's kind of their fault if they come in totally unprepared and then get upset about it. Honestly, if I liked Kryssie otherwise I wouldn't mind as much. But between the complaining, burping and fetish talk, I'm not too into her. 

Also, speaking of recruits, it seems like Big Brother really wants them to watch Big Brother 12 & 16 (they seem the most referenced in the interviews). Blergh. No wonder we always get Brigade wannabes. 

They have plenty of time. Jason/Danielle on the first night were talking about watching Paulie/Day's jury fight at home with their moms and they 100% knew they would be in the house then, as Danielle's mom told her to be careful about people talking about Danielle's son in the house. I imagine they know at least a couple of weeks before they're sequestered, so they can make the necessary arrangements with work/family/whatever before they go. But I am remembering my first impression of Kryssie in her bio, where she said that she was leaving her band behind while they were going through their crisis of their guitarist quitting, so she does seem like someone who is self absorbed. I guess Kryssie did some research because she expected to just be sleeping all day, which is fine because it's a new rule and all, but her complaining about it makes her look pretty pathetic. It makes it seem like she's just there to catch up on sleep. Imagine if she does stay and is put on slop and has to sleep in the Have Not Room on a frigging trampoline. 

Justin's entertaining in that he's being himself, he's being open and honest but he knows that he's there for entertainment value and for a game. He doesn't complain and he accepts whatever has come his way so far. But Kryssie? With the bashing of production and complaining left and right, it's really really hard to want her to get further. 

I think Morgan's starting to really like Monte and I'm very worried about that. Alex is also not here for people to throw competitions. She keeps telling people that they need to be playing and not throwing the comps (aka, Scott).

Danielle's trying to get Shelby on the block instead of Kryssie. 

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1 hour ago, mooses said:

The thing I don't get about recruits - they have time to do research, don't they? They aren't just whisked away by the casting agent who spotted them.

The thing I will never understand is why anyone would ever agree to be on a show — especially a show where you have a chance to win money — and then NOT learn as much as possible about it in general. I mean, maybe it's because I don't have aspirations of getting my 15 minutes of fame, so I'm not just going to say yes to anything, but for goodness sake, don't you want to know what you're getting into and what you'll have to do and maybe learn the rules before you go? It's one thing if it's some brand new show, but this show has been on for 18 seasons and it's easy to get copies of past seasons! Or at the very least, google the basics. I will never get it.

As for the photoshoot, sexism aside, I did like that we got to watch it. I thought it was interesting — in good and bad ways.

22 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think Morgan's starting to really like Monte and I'm very worried about that. Alex is also not here for people to throw competitions. She keeps telling people that they need to be playing and not throwing the comps (aka, Scott).

I'm worried about that also! Alex has been very vocal about not letting Monte/Shane control them, though, so I'm hoping she keeps her in line - although she is the one that wanted her to buddy up with him in the first place. It seems they trust Monte/Scott the most. I can see why they trust Monte, although I'm not a fan of him - he's easily manipulated and has protected them and listened to what they want (not putting Shelby up). The biggest risk with him is he's stupid and tells everyone everything. Scott is a little more dangerous for Alex to trust - he's definitely got the foundations of the rat game going on.

I hope we can keep the Plastics (at least Shelby/Morgan/Alex) together for a bit. The sisters are very calculated about what they do and how they disperse their relationships in the House, which I'm enjoying. But Neeley/Danielle are onto them, and I do think Jason/Justin are suspicious about the sisters, so they will definitely be in trouble next week.

I don't understand what happened between Shelby and Jason that made her enemy number one in their eyes. She seems totally clueless about their falling out - she really likes them and I don't think she wants them gone anytime soon. Is it just personal because she's close with the women and doesn't just hang out with the Jamboree? Because Scott is doing a very similar thing but doesn't get their wrath.

Veto ceremony has started.

Man, I get why it takes a while for them to do this off the feeds. They want it to go perfectly so they probably tell them to do some of their actions or speeches a couple of times to avoid stuttering and mumbling. But see how quickly it can go if they don't have to do it perfectly? 7 minutes! 

Cornbread's keep me speech sounded like his eviction speech. 

Kryssie, not Shelby, is put up on the block. It seems like Monte's concern over Shanielle has made him put up someone that Danielle doesn't want on the block. Beautiful. 

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26 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Kryssie, not Shelby, is put up on the block. It seems like Monte's concern over Shanielle has made him put up someone that Danielle doesn't want on the block. Beautiful. 

Looks like Morgan has turned Monte against Shane. He thinks Shane is double crossing him and working with Justin also. 

Nice work, Morgan. But Monte is not going to be able to keep this to himself which will make all the Plastics even bigger targets next week.

30 minutes ago, flipflopdiva said:

And Justin just asked 'We don't vote today?'

I was loling over that. He's so dumb. He's entertaining now, but I have a feeling he's gonna get real annoying real fast.

Monte just told Morgan he did that for her. Said he chose her over Shane. I hope Alex can keep Morgan from getting super attached to Monte.

Monte thinks he'll get nommed by America next week because we all love Jason and are mad at him for nominating Jason. I'm mad he is already accepting that he'll be nommed. I wanted him to be blindsided by it! 

The Plastics (minus Alex) all wore plaid today. That's hilarious and stupid.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I was loling over that. He's so dumb. He's entertaining now, but I have a feeling he's gonna get real annoying real fast.

Monte just told Morgan he did that for her. Said he chose her over Shane. I hope Alex can keep Morgan from getting super attached to Monte.

Monte thinks he'll get nommed by America next week because we all love Jason and are mad at him for nominating Jason. I'm mad he is already accepting that he'll be nommed. I wanted him to be blindsided by it! 

The Plastics (minus Alex) all wore plaid today. That's hilarious and stupid.

Ha! I caught Alex telling Scott, "It's plaid day! Wear plaid!" (And he did go put on some plaid.)

As stupid as Monte is, he is right that they need Jason gone. It's too risky having him there, turning the viewers against whoever doesn't want to work with him. I mean, remember the wrath that Natalie/Michelle got for trying to evict Vic/Paul?! It's dangerous when America has a say.

Edited by mooses
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4 minutes ago, mooses said:

Ha! I caught Alex telling Scott, "It's plaid day! Wear plaid!" (And he did go put on some plaid.)

If Alex told all of them to wear plaid and then didn't wear it herself that is hilarious.

Scott has his hands in a lot of pots. I can't tell yet whether he'll go the way of Ronnie or Andy though.


As stupid as Monte is, he is right that they need Jason gone. It's too risky having him there, turning the viewers against whoever doesn't want to work with him. I mean, remember the wrath that Natalie/Michelle got for trying to evict Vic/Paul?! It's dangerous when America has a say.

I agree. Plus I hate Jason so I hope he gets targeted again next week lol.

I was hoping we were gonna get two somewhat even sides against each other, but like usual it's just turned into an alliance of 10 in a house of 13. I hope something changes things up soon.

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Kryssie needs to go.  She complains about the DR.  She complains about the bathing suit photo shoot.  She complains, complains, complains.  She gets no sympathy from me when she says she's never watched the show before and she didn't know such and such would happen.  Gurrrrrl, you had HOW long to familiarize yourself with what you were signing on for?  On top of all that, she complains about the sleep schedule.  SHE's one of the crew who CHOOSES to stay up all night.  Gurrrrllll, pleeze!  Nobody cares about your wannabe bad ass fake as shit leather chick personae.  

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Alex is trying to get Danielle evicted over Kryssie. Monte is getting on board already lol.

Does anyone know why The Plastics hate Danielle so much? Like is there some actual reason there or is it just jealousy/their personalities don't mesh thing?

Edited by peachmangosteen
5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Alex is trying to get Danielle evicted over Kryssie. Monte is getting on board already lol.

Does anyone know why The Plastics hate Danielle so much? Like is there some actual reason there or is it just jealousy?

I think it started because she's closer with the other side of the House and she has Shane to influence as well. But at this point, Danielle is gunning for them and they're gunning for her. And her number one target is Shelby, so they definitely want her gone. I think Alex is also thinking about severing the Shane/Danielle relationship - she was wondering where Shane would go if Danielle is gone.

I'd prefer Kryssie going, but I'm surprised this is the first they've thought about sending Danielle home. She already has an automatic vote in Shane - that's going to be more and more of a problem the later it gets.

ETA: I don't mind Danielle or the Plastics. I automatically am wary of Daneille because of the Showmance aspect, and because she's with Jason, but I think she knows what's up and what she's doing. It's Day 6 and there's still a lot to learn about these HGs. 

Edited by mooses
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I'm torn: Monte is horrible so I'd like to see him go, but at the same time his horribleness is more entertaining than insufferable.

ETA: I'm not sure why exactly the Justin/Jason/Danielle/Kryssie group is targeting Shelby over the other Plastics. The other women have much better connections and are bigger threats than her. Is it just because they feel betrayed by her personally?

Julie told them about America's Eviction Vote. And she also said that since eviction votes are made in private they won't be told who America voted for.

They seem to be under the impression that this is still airing on tv. LOL!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Monte talks so much. He talks over Alex/Shelby all the time. But he's also so easily swayed by Morgan/Alex. They bring up an idea and he interrupts and spouts it out like it was his own.

Alex is worried that the other side of the House has all the big personalities and are going to be liked more by America. Her game plan seems to involve getting rid of the big personalities first to give her a better chance in the end. It's hard because if she goes after Justin/Jason, Feedsters definitely turn on her. But if she doesn't, they're always going to get Feedsters' help. If only Jason didn't win Veto, Monte could have kept the wrath on him.

13 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm torn: Monte is horrible so I'd like to see him go, but at the same time his horribleness is more entertaining than insufferable.

I think he's more entertaining because he thinks he's got everything figured out, and the Plastics are running circles around him. It's hilarious.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Julie told them about America's Eviction Vote. And she also said that since eviction votes are made in private they won't be told who America voted for.

That's actually a VERY interesting twist to me.  It makes hinky voting easier to disguise.  A really sharp player could use this to their advantage.  Unfortunately, having America nominate someone just a few days prior to the voting makes it pretty obvious who America voted to evict.  I'd love to see a twist in a future season where America gets a vote to evict and who they voted for is kept secret without America also nominating someone.

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1 hour ago, mooses said:

Alex is worried that the other side of the House has all the big personalities and are going to be liked more by America. Her game plan seems to involve getting rid of the big personalities first to give her a better chance in the end. It's hard because if she goes after Justin/Jason, Feedsters definitely turn on her. But if she doesn't, they're always going to get Feedsters' help. If only Jason didn't win Veto, Monte could have kept the wrath on him.

I agree. The issue is definitely that America votes on personality more than actual strategy. Feedsters (I guess it's better to call them Feedsters instead of America) are mostly going to enjoy the people who: a) are entertaining/bitchy in a funny way; b) an underdog who is getting bullied or attacked or gossiped about by the other houseguests, typically someone from a minority. And sadly, if the houseguests aren't doing what the Feedsters want (for example, this week of getting out Cornbread), then they'll automatically be against said person without considering their game. A lot of Feedsters are just as self absorbed, in that if you're not playing the Feedsters' game, you're playing wrong and must be punished accordingly. As if these people can predict what the Feedsters want. Jason knows because he's been a part of the crowd for a while now. He knows what the Feedsters like, especially with being a vet. He very well knows that his alliance is winning with the Feedsters and that if he can get far, he can absolutely win. 

The Plastics are doing the right thing for THEIR game in eliminating anyone who has a chance with the Feedsters. They're here to ensure their win at the end. If they're against Danielle, Justin, Jason, or Neeley, they lose. They know that they'll lose.

The Feedsters should really be happy about an all girls alliance that can stick. They're running Monte's HOH and he doesn't even realize it. Alex can hopefully keep Morgan in line with not falling for Monte and ruining her game in the process, but those two sisters and Shelby are strong players. The good thing is that Danielle and Neeley are too, because they see the all girls alliance. Ideally it would be nice if they could put aside their differences and work together, but I'm thrilled to see strong players. Are they especially good players? No, not really. Danielle, Morgan, and Alex are all playing too obviously, but so is everyone else. Nobody is very subtle in their gameplay, except maybe Scott (who's now a rat, I guess??). 

But because The Plastics are thin, white women and they're against a black woman, they're automatically hated. Although I am still trying to figure out their hate for Danielle. I'm fine with them not getting along, but I'm trying to figure out Shelby's reason for wanting her gone, and I think it's more than the Shane thing. 

What's good about this season is how self aware they all are. But they need to be playing their own game, not a game that pleases the Feedsters. When they do that, they'll lose. And that is what a lot of Feedsters are forgetting.

That being said, I'm all for Cornbread or Kryssie leaving because I enjoy Danielle and want to see more of her game. But Kryssie is complaining about the game and doesn't seem like she really wants to be there anymore, and Cornbread's attitude rubs me the wrong way (plus, he's tight with Monte and I'd like to split that up, especially with Shane basically choosing Danielle/Justin over Monte). 

I now also don't want Monte to go because he's an idiot who can be manipulated. He's relatively harmless, and there's Jason to take care of. 

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