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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

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4 p.m. episodes-

Teenager Fights Back! -Plaintiffs Payton Morena (son) and (father) Rosario Morena suing defendant/uncle Mark Boron for a truck, damaged bed and harassment Defendant owed IRS, and sold truck to Payton Morena, worth $7,000, but sold for $3,000, and father put $500 down, and son put down$1,000.        JJ mentions defendant could have done a title loan on truck.

Then, defendant made a settlement with the IRS, so he took the truck back and gave son $1,000 check.   Defendant claims paying back only $1,000 to plaintiffs, because they had the truck for almost 2 months.  Defendant claims the $500 from the father was rent and storage of his property on defendant’s property.   

Why would nephew/son put $500 into truck if it was being bought by Payton?   Payton insured the truck, repairs, battery, tune-up.

Son was going to pay $2000 from student loans, but uncle repo’d the truck first.  Also, truck repo was after uncle went to son’s home, upsetting the people he’s living with, and then harassing the father.   Some stored items were mysteriously wet and ruined with mold, even though they were wrapped securely in plastic.

I wish Officer Byrd would wipe the smirk off of defendant’s face.

Defendant’s counter claim dismissed.  

$875 to plaintiff son, for truck repairs, etc.  

 40-Year Friendship Fail  -Plaintiff James Haywood suing defendant Berdell Nicks for an unpaid $800 loan for car repairs.    Defendant never repaid plaintiff, and calls plaintiff asking for repayment was harassment.

Defendant denies money was a loan, but a gift.

$800 to plaintiff.

Crying Over $1,000 of Spilt Milk! -Plaintiff Andre Richards suing defendant Natasha Jefferson (girlfriend’s mother) and her son for son ruining plaintiff’s laptop by dumping milk on it, $1068.    Defendant mother says daughter was 15, and plaintiff was 17, and they were dating against her wishes.    Plaintiff was sitting in the kitchen with girlfriend, when brother/son Tamir Styles tossed milk on the laptop, and the laptop broke.

Plaintiff pointed out mother was calling son, and then son dumped milk on the laptop.  It was an accident, but son is responsible for computer damages. 

$1068 to plaintiff.

Blue Book Gotcha! -Plaintiff Nathanael Jones suing defendant Steven Ports for the unpaid balance on a Chevy Impala.   Defendant wanted to purchase the Impala, and plaintiff didn’t need a car at college, and wanted the money for tuition.   $300 was the price, according to defendant.    Defendant and friend drove from Columbus to Cincinnati, to pick up the car.    Blue book value of car is $ , and $300 was ridiculous price to buy car.   JJ says if defendant knew the price of the car, he’s taking advantage of plaintiff by paying so little.   Plaintiff says price was $4,000, he turned title over to defendant, and defendant only paid one payment.

Blue book price is $5900, and so defendant is, as JJ says “a lying cheat”.

Defendant claims car needed work.

$3700 to plaintiff

Wedding Anniversary Hack! -Plaintiff Cynthia Hinds. suing defendant Del Hollingsworth for unpaid fees for a rental property.   He says he rented the venue $5056 for using the venue for a wedding vow renewal.  Plaintiff says defendant rented for a week, per contract, for $7100.   A cancellation this close to event means no refunds.    

Then with 4 months notice he claims he verbally cancelled, but less than 2 weeks before the event he said in writing he’s cancelling.   That means no refund, and he still owes the rest of the rental fees.

Plaintiff receives $5000.


5 p.m. episodes-

p. 499, 10 Aug 2021

Homeland Security Homeschooling?

p. 498, 22 July 2021

The Anti-Sleepover Landlord?!; Heavily Fogged Motorist?

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The happiest TV watching summer of my life was the year baseball, football, and ice hockey were all on lockout, so TV was sports free.    

Once JJ was bumped by drag racing, and that confused me.   

Also, where I live weather issues are huge, but why bump into my programming for storms that are two days away?  

4 p.m. episodes-

Animal Cruelty or Nightmare Tenant? -Plaintiff /former tenant Paul Garcia is suing defendant/Landlady Constance Galloway for harassing him, interfering with his divorce,  Dispute is over animal cruelty, a false restraining order, harassment, and stolen items.  Plaintiff was renting one bed in a two-bed room for $150 a week.  Another tenant is plaintiff’s witness.  

Defendant sought a TRO against plaintiff, but it didn’t say he had to move out.     Defendant’s witness Edwin is another tenant.    Defendant said plaintiff was screaming filth at his mother, about his father’s identity, and she says he threatened her, so she filed for a TRO. 

Plaintiff says he was talking to his mother about harassment and stalking issues with defendant, including following him to work on at least one occasion.   Defense witness says he heard plaintiff yelling, and then Constance asking him to quiet down.   Restraining order issue is dismissed.  

TRO hearing was held with both litigants, and then plaintiff claims defendant showed up at all of his divorce hearings.

Plaintiff says his dog was put outside by defendant, dog is now safe with ex-wife and kid.   

Plaintiff says his dog was put outside by defendant, dog is now safe with ex-wife and kid.    However, he also claims that defendant moved into the other bed in his room, brought all of her dogs and kennels into the room, and tossed his dog outside in a storm.

Defendant says she loaned plaintiff money to pay his divorce attorney, $1000.

Plaintiff case dismissed. $1000 to defendant for the money for the attorney. 

Favors Forgotten -Plaintiff Jayme Deane suing defendants  Amalita San Miguel and (husband / fiance)  Romeo Guanco for the value of a car, lost wages, and the return of property.  Plaintiff’s car croaked, and defendant’s gave her a car to drive, until a $700 car was available for defendant to buy.    Defendant Romeo put her car in his back yard, until he could junk it. 

Plaintiff received tickets on the borrowed car, but didn’t pay them, so those tickets were charged to the registered owners, the defendants.

Plaintiff never received the $700 car, which she never paid for, and she gets her non-running car back with a tow truck, and her property will be put in that car.

Plaintiff drove the loaner for three months, so she’s ahead of the game.  She can use her junker car for a trade in on another vehicle.   Plaintiff didn’t pay the fines and tickets, so she owes $62.50.   Defendant claims there’s a lot of damage on the loaner car.

$62.50 to defendants, Junker car to plaintiff.

Fatal Attraction Payout? -Plaintiff Sinai Gonzalez-Hra suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Erik Jackson for repayment of $10,200 she loaned defendant.    Plaintiff was a recent widow, and received her late husband’s insurance payout, and she loaned part to new boyfriend. Defendant claims that plaintiff said that if he married her, that he didn’t have to pay the money back.   Defense witnesses are Jamal, and another former co-worker.   Defendant claims plaintiff confronted him at the gym where he worked, and caused the gym owner to fire him. 

The gym owner isn’t in court, and JJ doesn’t take some letter that is supposed to be from the gym owner.

Life insurance was $50,000 payout for widow, and their child.     There are checks submitted, $1,000, and $5,000 made out to defendant.    Defendant says he repaid the $6,000 loans.   The other checks are made out to plaintiff, and others. 

There is a defense exhibit letter that says defendant repaid everything, but plaintiff says that she didn’t sign the letter, and defendant never repaid her.   Defendant says plaintiff was obsessed with him, stalking and harassing him, and so he put on an event and repaid her.

JJ questions why someone who makes a lot on an event would pay cash to someone, instead of giving that person a check, or money order. 

$5,000 to plaintiff, leaving her out $5,200. JJ doesn’t believe the letter defendant submitted.

(I’ve know too many recent widows and widowers who had some opportunist move in to try to take everything they have. Don’t bother trying to warn them either, they won’t believe you that they’re being taken for a ride. )

Pretty in Pit Bull Pink -Plaintiff Kelly Davis suing defendant/pit bull owner Laurel Keese for vet bills, $602.     Defendant denies she owns the Pit Bull that attacked plaintiff’s dog. Plaintiff was walking her rat terrier, when a Pit Bull came out of nowhere, attacked her dog.   Rat Terrier pulled out of harness, and ran home.    Plaintiff says Pit Bull had a big pink collar on.     Plaintiff took dog to the vet, and it required surgery, for $602. 

Defendant denies vicious, attacking dog was hers.   The dog was held by two women, animal control was called.  Defendant claims dog was owned by her at one time, according to the microchip, but claims she gave dog away.   Animal control reports are submitted.    Defendant claims her mother rescued the dog, and defendant and fiance took the dog later, and had dog chipped and shots by Seagoville Animal Shelter.   Her landlord said they don’t allow Pit Bulls, so she posted dog on craigslist, and someone adopted the dog.    However, defendant doesn’t have the contact information for the next owner of dog, and zero proof dog was actually given away. 

Defendant got the dog on 4 August, and claims she had dog for 20 days, but posted dog for give away on 7 August, but it was a long time later that landlord said the dog wasn’t allowed.    Time doesn’t work out.   It was supposed to be 10 days later that the ‘new’ owner picked up the dog.   “New” owner is named Michael, but JJ questions if he would keep the pink collar.   So, why was the dog in the same neighborhood?

$602 to plaintiff.   JJ says either defendant lied about give away, or turned dog loose.


5 p.m. episodes-

p. 498, 26 July 2021

Chihuahua Nabbed by Dog Through Fence?!; Let Me See My Dying Father!

p. 497, 20 July 2021

Leaks, Mold and the Illegal Tenant?!; Drunk and Racist?! No Way

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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This is a long shot, but does anyone happen to remember an episode where there were kids from warren Pennsylvania. Specifically a fight in a Walmart parking lot between a bunch of teenage girls? I’m trying to locate the episode but having no luck. A friend of mine was one of the witnesses. It’s probably 8 years old or so. 


Edited by Gnwlogistics
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4 p.m. episodes-

The Smoking Good Samaritan! -Plaintiff Don Baldwin suing defendant Dawn Brown (mother of 17 year-old driver) for defendant’s 17 year-old daughter hitting his car after running a red light.    Chanel is defendant’s daughter, and the car driver.   Defendant hasn’t been driving for too long, and both litigants claim they had a green light, and right of way.  Plaintiff was going straight through the intersection, and defendant T-boned his car, and hit the rear passenger side, by the trunk.    Plaintiff is suing for $3,000, and he claims defendant driver drove quite a distance before pulling over. 

Plaintiff witness saw the accident, Sergio Acosta, says the light was green for plaintiff.    Mr. Acosta pointed out to Mr. Baldwin where defendant was parked.

Defendant driver Chanell Ellis claims she had a green light, and pulled over in a parking lot.    JJ says the plaintiff witness has no reason to lie, and no previous connection to Mr. Baldwin.    Defendant only has liability insurance.     She also claims plaintiff was speeding. 

When plaintiff caught up to defendant, he says she denied she hit him, then claimed it was his fault.   Where I live, going that far down the street would mean fleeing the scene of an accident.  Defendant mother keeps making ridiculous excuses for her daughter.

$2468 for plaintiff, defendant claim dismissed.


 Hail Damage Fallout -Plaintiff Carrie Jenkins suing defendants Al Olsen and Kevin Hunter (both mechanics) for return of money spent repairing hail damage.     Insurance spent $7,242 on hail damage, plus custom paint changing car from black to pink.     Olsen accepted the check, and sub contracted to Hunter (his tenant) to do the work.

Karrie Jenkins says paint job was botched.     Pictures of the paint job are awful, shoddy work.

Hunter’s partner did the work, but isn’t in court.

Hail damage and paint was supposed to take a few weeks, instead it took 4 months.   Paint is starting to peel. Plaintiff has two estimates for a repaint, $3900.

She says paint job looked fine at first, and started deteriorating within a few months.

$3,900 to plaintiff.

Horse Heartbreak -Plaintiff Jan Sommer suing defendant/ leased horse out Kimberly Shabazian for breaching a contract over the lease and potential sale of a horse.   Plaintiff says contract gives her first opportunity to buy horse, for her daughter.    There is no termination date on lease contract.    At the end of lease agreement (no date) the lessee can purchase horse for agreed on price.   And it says lessee has first right of refusal to purchase for $1200.    Plaintiff paid $300 a month.   After a few months defendant took horse back, and defendant says plaintiffs were bad owners.    (This happened in San Clemente, CA).

Defendant says the horse care was bad.    After horse was injured defendant took horse back, and horse can’t be ridden for a few months because of injury.   Defendant keeps trying to put hearsay in.   Then, in a few months defendant wants to sell horse to another buyer, not plaintiff and daughter.

Defendant’s witness Mayna is co-owner of horse.   Defendants terminated the agreement, so there was no sale.   Plaintiff will get one month’s lease back, but will not be able to buy the horse. $300 check was sent to plaintiff, and recorded by the post office, and bank.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Entrepreneur or Sugar Daddy? -Plaintiff Steven Crosby suing defendant Maria Bierman for an unpaid loan to buy a business.  Defendant was going to invest in cars, and flip them, but never bought any cars.  (This was in St. Paul, MN)

There was also a romantic relationship, at least to plaintiff.   They had a relationship over a year, but plaintiff says they weren’t intimate.

Plaintiff loaned or invested $5,000 to get defendant’s car flipping business going.  Defendant says she agreed to give him 25% of the profits, but there were no profits.   Plaintiff claims defendant would repay him in two months, but didn’t.

Plaintiff borrowed against his truck to get the $5,000.  Defendant spent the money on bills, and other things, so money is gone.

Plaintiff receives $5,000 .


5 p.m. episodes-   

p. 498, 27 July 2021

Attorney Pleads His Case!; Dad, You Drink Too Much!

p. 498, 22 July 2021

Young Parents' Bitter Break-Up; Judge Judy Calls a Witness!"

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4 p.m. episodes-

Stealing from an Ailing Grandmother? -Plaintiff Corey Holman suing defendant Elmer “Tricie” Taylor for a broken cellphone, and false allegations Teens accused of stealing from grandmother point the finger at another family member.   Plaintiff claims the kids and friends stole and broke his phone, and grandmother claims defendant teens, Tricie’s daughters (Miracle and Malika, ages 14 and 15 ) steal from her regularly.  Defendant is married to plaintiff’s uncle.

Plaintiff claims defendant Tricie took the girls’ claim of innocence as truth, and called police to file theft charges against plaintiff.    Miracle claims she visits grandmother weekly, but it really isn’t that often.   Plaintiff went to see grandmother daily, and spends the night at grandmother’s home.  

One night a 11 p.m. Miracle and Malika, plus a friend came to grandmother’s home, and aunt caretaker let the girls into the apartment.    The girls claimed they had to talk to grandmother,  so Malika and Miracle and friend went to huddle in the bathroom, and friend grabs plaintiff’s phone, and gives it to Miracle.   Plaintiff says girls didn’t take the elevator, but ran down the stairs, and broke his phone. Girls claim they brought food to the grandmother, but they didn’t have any food.  

Miracle claims she saw plaintiff stealing from grandmother, and claim plaintiff assaulted them. Miracle claims she never saw plaintiff’s phone. Miracle claims Malika sleeps over at grandmother’s house all of the time.  So, JJ uses her phone of Justice to call the aunt who is the day time caretaker for the grandmother.   JJ talks to Aunt Gloria, and finds out that Malika and Miracle don’t take care of grandmother at all.

Both teens are glaring at JJ, and denying everything.  Then, defendant Tricie claims that Corey threatened to hurt the girls if she filed police charges.   When Tricie called police, the police roughed up plaintiff, and tried to get him arrested.      

$375 for the phone to plaintiff.  (I would have given plaintiff $5000, for the cellphone and the police charges).

(I remember this case, everyone on the defendant’s side are liars and thieves).

Cyclist Slam Shocker Caught on Tape!  -Plaintiff Rory De Ojeda suing defendant /cyclist Edgar Inda- Lares for car damage deductible and rental car fees.   Bus camera footage catches the brutal collision between a bicyclist and a car, and shows who is at fault.   Plaintiff was driving, and bicyclist impacted car, and plaintiff claims it was defendant’s fault.    Cyclist ended up on plaintiff’s car hood, and smashed the windshield.  

JJ points out that driver should be grateful cyclist wasn’t killed.  There is a video from a bus camera, showing the accident. From the video, driver has green light, when cyclist jumps the red light on his side.

Plaintiff receives $500 for insurance deductible, and car rental $410.


Poker Party Robbery?! -Plaintiff Cortney Halvorson and boyfriend Jory Barker, suing defendant Leland Lamarr Warren for breaking into her home, and stealing property.   Defendant won $90, and gave back $10 he borrowed from another player Mischa.    All of this started over $10, when plaintiff wanted the money back for another friend.     Defendant said he gave the money to another friend to repay Mischa.

Plaintiff Cortney does not have witnesses to the burglary, but claims a witness saw defendant leaving the parking lot, from the building.    Plaintiff witness Charles Edward Cohen, says he went to his car in the early morning, saw someone leaving the apartment, but didn’t see his face, or anything defendant is alleged to have stolen.   

There’s a text Cortney has from defendant saying he was coming over to the house, and defendant claims he never threatened anyone.   Cortney has a text and phone call she claims says defendant was going to break down her patio door.   Defendant looks very uncomfortable when his phone call to Cortney is played.  

The defendant’s threat to break in the patio door of plaintiffs’ home is exactly how the burglary happened. Plaintiff claims he stole her Xbox360, and laptop. She says when she came home, her apartment had the security chain on, so she had to break into her own apartment. 

Defendant’s witness, Destiny Johnson, says there were other texts from plaintiff threatened her and their children. 

Plaintiff win, and receives $640.

Rotten Roommate? -Plaintiff/landlord Brandon Cohen is suing defendant/former tenant Robert Patalsky for unpaid rent, stolen items including 15 bottles of wine, art work, wine glasses, PS3 remote, and bedding.  Defendant claims expensive bedding was a gift from plaintiff.

Plaintiff receives $218.

5 p.m. episodes-

p. 498, 25 July 2021

How to Stop Your Dog from Killing You! (This is the case where defendant claims his dog is innocent, and plaintiff must have hurt his dog himself);    Hair Today; Gone Tomorrow?!

p. 498, 29 July 2021

Antique Gun Heist!;  Ungrateful Goddaughter?

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I'm debating on reviewing one of my favorite episodes from JJ tonight. If I do it tonight, it means I don't have to do it tomorrow, right? LOL. You guys let me know if I should, as CrazyInAlabama already covered it and I don't want to step on any toes, and I don't want to steal CIA's thunder. 

Edited by DjamillasMan
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Stealing from Ailing Grandmother? (2015)


No he don’t! We be down dere every day with her! Every day!” – Miracle Holman

I really, really feel bad for posting this, but this is one of my favorite episodes of JJ and I saw that CrazyInAlabama had posted it. I legit would have waited for tomorrow, but I have to get things ready for my son's birthday party tomorrow morning. The television gods have spoken, as this episode aired as well today and I did not realize it until I caught up on Hulu.  I did not want to steal CrazyInAlabama's thunder with this review at all. I just thought the mother and her daughters were ALL in the wrong, especially the mother. 

Plaintiff- 21 year old Corey Holman from Chicago, Ill. Corey is up in court suing his aunt Elmer “Tricie” Taylor and her daughters (his cousins) Miracle and Malika Holman for his cell phone being broken and also false allegations. You see, Corey had been taking care of his invalid grandmother, when he ran afoul of these wild, ratchet hoodrat hyenas. Corey alleges that the two girls (Miracle and Malika, along with their friend, (also conveniently named Miracle) stole away with his phone, breaking it in the process. Later on, he was beaten and interrogated by the police when Elmer called the cops on him for allegedly threatening his daughters. Corey is wearing safari ‘lion catcher’ garb in court today.

Defendant(s)- Elmer “Tricie” Taylor from Chicago, Ill and her two daughters Miracle and Malika. Elmer looks a hot mess, adorned in an ensemble straight from the rack at Cato Fashion. She will defend her lying brats to the ends of the earth, making every excuse under the sun. And who told her to put her daughters in those horrible wigs that looked like they were fished out of a dumpster after a drag show? They were all frayed. Miracle is a chip of the ol’ block, as she has the same “I don’t give a fuck attitude” as mom, then again, Miracle was allowed to talk a whole lot more. Elmer was the one who called the police on Corey, allowing the police to stomp the shit out of him unjustifiably because she wanted revenge. Elmer is probably one of the more dumb mothers that appeared on JJ, as she just took her kids’ words for it, without fact checking anything first.

The Complaint: Corey is up in court suing for a broken phone and false allegations.

What Does He/She want: Corey wants $375 for a broken cell phone

Countersuit?: Yes. Elmer is countersuing for false claims and harassment.

Puppy Multiplier: N/A

Driving Around Without Insurance: N/A

What Went Down: JJ comes into court staring the defendant’s side down. The defendant’s side has a full deck (three or more people, take two shots!).  JJ immediately makes the two children (later identified as Miracle and Malika Holman) perch next to their mother at the podium. This is where we get the first indication that something is rotten in Mayberry. JJ establishes that Corey is related to the defendant, Elmer, because she is married to his uncle. Corey acknowledges this, establishing that he is not related to her by blood. Of course, his cousins and he share a common grandmother.

JJ asks the girls’ names. Miracle, with that rat’s nest on her head, says her name is Miracle. Malika speaks up and says her name for the record. JJ asks how old they are. They are 14 and 15, respectively. This is when we get to what Corey is actually suing for; that the two girls broke a phone that belonged to Corey after a night of them acting like wild, hyena hood rats. Also, in order to cover up the bullshit that they did, they got Elmer Fudd to call the police on him and accuse him of some bullshit, getting him arrested. JJ, ever the opportunist, pokes fun at Elmer Dudd over there, stating that she wasn’t there (take a shot for some low key shade).  JJ establishes that everything Elmer wrote in her complaint, she got from those bad ass girls.

The incident in question took place on October 15th, at grandma’s crib. Corey states that he is 21, but he looks far older. He must have had a very rough life, because my man looks like he’s pushing 40. Corey says, matter of factly, that he works for Breakthrough Outreach Ministry Clothing Store. I hope he’s not wearing his own product, as his attire looks far more comparable of going on a safari for the day with Steve Irwin in a 1991 Land Rover Discovery.

Corey admits that he takes care of himself. JJ then turns her attention to the girls. She asks them if they go to school, to which they both answer as an affirmative. JJ then asks Miracle what sort of grades she makes, to which Miracle attests that she makes A’s and B’s. Malika does the same. No….I don’t believe that to be the case. I’ll get on that in a minute when it is an appropriate time to rage.

JJ asks Miracle how often she goes to visit her grandmother. Miracle answers that she “goes, like, every, like Friday, when she need help”. JJ then tries to low key throw shade at Miracle again (take a shot!) by asking her “you go like every Friday. What does every Friday mean?” Miracle claims that she doesn’t go every Friday, because sometimes one of her siblings are there. JJ then asks her how many times did she visit her grandmother last month, to which Miracle responds to by saying: “like, every week.” Somehow, I don’t believe that whole honor student thing.

JJ then tricks Miracle into admitting that Miracle didn’t go take care of her grandmother last week. Miracle tries to backpedal and claim that she hasn’t been “down dere” since the “incident”. She also tricks Miracle into admitting that last month, she didn’t visit granny AT ALL!! JJ then launches into a tirade, claiming that Miracle thought since it was so easy to get off on Mom, it won't be for her (take a shot!). JJ tells Miracle to expel all the lies that she has in her mind, as JJ tells Miracle that she has already caught her in several lies.

JJ wants to know how often Corey goes to see his ill granny. Corey responds that he is there everyday. He goes to see her after work, as his aunt, Gloria Singletary, takes care of ill granny during the day. He is adamant that he will stay overnight in order to take care of granny. Corey states that his grandmother is physically handicapped and in a wheelchair, as she has had “respiratory and failure and stuff”. The incident happened at about 11 pm. Corey stated that he showed up at granny’s house about 7 in the evening.

The girls, however, showed up, ringing the buzzer to the apartment building at 11pm at night. JJ wants to know what the girls were doing running the streets at 11 in the evening when they are supposed to be 14 and 15 years old.

I immediately got this thought in my head:

Miracle (smoking a cigarette walking up to Malika and friends): “What y’all doin' tonight?”

Malika: “Nothing. Chillin’.”


Miracle answers that “we was coming back from our house because my Gremmuh said that she needed something to eat.” (take a shot for her butchering the English language).  Apparently, Malika had her ‘Gremmuh’’s keys. JJ starts to get frustrated, fishing for an answer, as she repeats her question. Miracle then states “We was walking her back down to my Gremmuh’s house!” (take another shot for her butchering the English language). JJ then asks Elmer Fudd where she was at, to which she replies “At home.” Yeah, some place to be while your minor children run the streets.

Corey begins to explain that Gremmuh buzzed the girls in, however, she left the apartment door unlocked. You see, Gremmuh has “respiratory and failure and stuff” and will be in this world one second and zonked out the next. When the girls came in, Corey, being the adult, started playing gatekeeper to Gremmuh, as the girls tried to talk to her. Due to Gremmuh’s condition, Corey allowed the girls to see her. The two girls went in the bedroom, while the friend just chilled out in the living room, taking in the sights. Corey lets in on the little fact that the girls didn’t have ANY food with them. Corey also says “Them two went into my grandmother’s room. The friend stayed out in the living room!” (take a shot!).

Apparently, the girls came out of Gremmuh’s room and they all went in the bathroom (including waiting friend), closing the door behind them. They spoke in hushed tones in the bathroom, not trying to alert Corey to what they were up to. What they were up to is anyone’s guess. When they came out of the bathroom, they pulled some Goonies type escape shit by having the friend snatch Corey’s phone that was sitting by the microwave on the counter. As the street girls were running out the door, the friend passed Corey’s phone to Miracle, with Corey in hot pursuit. The girls didn’t even try the elevator (as Gremmuh lives on the 6th floor), they went straight to the end of the hall to reach the stairs. As the girls bounded down the stairs, Corey was right on their heels. By the time they reached the staircase of the third floor, Miracle threw her cousin’s phone against the wall, breaking it.

Corey is all done telling his story, which prompts JJ to turn her attention to Miracle and Malika. JJ gives Miracle fair warning that today, is indeed, not going to be a miracle day for her. JJ admits that she has caught Miracle in a few lies already, and she doesn’t appreciate being lied to. She wants the truth. Miracle is just stone faced as she looks at JJ. Before Miracle can even respond, JJ just starts going in, bro. JJ says that there wasn’t any food that anyone brought to Gremmuh, and JJ wants to know who the friend was that she brought with them. Miracle claims that is was another girl who is conveniently named Miracle. I suppose that was a lie, too. If it was, it was not one of her more creative ones. I guess she was getting tired of keeping up with her lies, or she figuring out that JJ was catching onto her. JJ warns Miracle “don’t look over there!” (take a shot!). JJ wants to know how the chase ended up.

Miracle begins her story by saying: “when we first went down, ending up at my Gremmuh house…” (let’s take two shots for that!). She states that Malika “used the thing that you put on the door and it opens”. Oh, so a door pass card? A pass key? These are articulate, honor roll students, folks! Miracle tells the vile tale about how Corey had his shirt off and was rifling through Gremmuh’s purse. You see, Gremmuh is handicapped and sleeps with her purse under her pillow (my great grandmother did that because one of my uncles was on crack real bad at one point). Miracle claims that Corey was pushing on them and yelling at them, asking them what they were doing there.

JJ halts Miracle there and asks her to take it slowly, as she wants to hear the whole thing. Miracle claims that Corey steals from Gremmuh. Miracle states that in the fray of Corey pushing them, she grabbed the phone and Corey tried to reach for it. JJ asks what phone did Corey try to grab?  Miracle answers the house phone. The statement that there was a house phone there to begin with is the only truth to the whole story that Miracle stated. Then Miracle slightly slipped up by stating that Corey tried to snatch the phone, but then she corrects herself mid-sentence and states that he tried to unplug the phone to throw it behind the couch.

Then that’s when Miracle calls Corey “PeeWee”. LOL. In her super-fast presentation of lies and bullshit, Miracle referred to Corey as "PeeWee". He really doesn't look like a "PeeWee" type of guy. I have a cousin named Mark that we all call “PeeWee”. We call him that because he was a bit older than some of us, but he is extremely short.

Anyway, Miracle claims that Corey (aka “PeeWee”) started pushing her out the apartment. That’s when she claims she bolted from the apartment and started knocking on people’s doors (why aren’t they in court as witnesses?” to tell them that her cousin was supposedly attacking her. JJ asks Miracle what happened to his phone. Miracle claims she never saw the phone, adding “I ain’t never see no phone!

Okay, well allow me to rant for a bit.

Miracle and Malika claimed to make A's and B's, but Jesus, God, Lord, can ANYONE tell me what kind of school gave them such high grades when they have ZERO command over the English language? Bless their lying fuckin hearts and their stone-cold lying faces

They let out such eloquent pieces of English such as:

"We was walking her back down to my grandmother's house!"
"She do!!"
"He don't be down dere!"
"I ain't ever see no phone!"
"No, he don't!"

I can only shudder at how the other pupils are speaking. Maybe their mother should have shelled out the bucks for remedial English courses instead of buying those horrible wigs for 14 year olds. Some "Miracle", indeed. They were NASTY little vermin. Speaking of the fucking mother, her name is Elmer. Like Elmer Fudd. And she's an enabling disgusting loudmouth who is so gullible that she swallows up EVERYTHING her stupid twit daughters tell her instead of fact checking first. She's just as stupid, if not MORE stupid, than her two little lying fucking daughters. Again, these are supposed to be honor roll students.

JJ then gets the number of the aunt that’s at Gremmuh’s house during the day, Gloria Singletary, from Corey.

After the commercial break (which featured a talking bear doll named Dave who will pretty much give you a cash advance on your upcoming paycheck with a bunch of fees, and an Ashley’s Furniture President’s Day Sale commercial), we cut back to the case.

Oh, and we get a special Friday treat!!! JJ is in her chambers, dialing up Gloria Singletary (FINISH YOUR DRINK!!!! Refill it and come back!), the aunt!!!!! During JJ’s interrogation of the aunt, we cut back to all the litigants having “Oh shit!” looks on their faces. I suppose it was warranted for Miracle and Malika, as Gloria Singletary DIMED those girls out SO HARD!! She even added that Miracle and Malika steal from their poor infirm grandmother, while Corey is there most of the time. These honor roll students steal out of Gremmuh's purse and only visit on an occasional Sunday for church. The act of stealing is something that Miracle tried to pin on Corey. Projecting much, Miracle? 

JJ comes back to the bench with a huge attitude problem. She immediately starts going in on Malika, who has her face all scrunched up. JJ tells Malika that they are going to drop the bullshit, as Malika doesn’t spend the nights there, as Corey does that. When Corey is unavailable, Gloria, who is Gremmuh’s daughter, will spend the night there. Corey seems like a very nice guy. When I was 21, I didn’t want to have anything to do with my grandparents. I sort of regret that now.

JJ yells at someone in the Taylor/Holman camp for them to stop shaking their head (take a shot!). Then JJ brings up the fact that Malika, or Miracle, steal from Gremmuh. I think it is Malika, since she is older than Miracle and I can tell that she can somewhat influence her. It’s so heartbreaking that Gremmuh tries to let Malika back over to give Malika another chance, but all Malika does is disappoint and steal from her time after time. I think Malika is either hard up for the penis, drugs, or gambling, or something. I just know that wig that she has on her head is not so nice.

Malika also had a sour look on her face during JJ's lecture; I guess she isn't used to her little web of lies being exposed, much less it blowing up in her face on national TV, no less.

Both girls now try to play the innocent act, but JJ is having none of that and screams: “Now, YOU WANT TO TRY AGAIN WITH WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE PHONE!?!?!” JJ points to Malika and screams: “YOU!!! WE CAN DO THIS THE EASY WAY OR THE HARD WAY!” (take two shots for JJ losing patience). Poor Gremmuh and poor Corey. Also, poor Gloria for having to rat on her nieces like that in order to make them tell the truth, because, clearly, they weren’t going to tell the truth upon their own volition.

Now Malika is telling the story, rocking a weird camisole/hoodie hybrid. She says some gibberish that makes zero sense, talking like she has marbles in her mouth. JJ just wants to know what happened with the phone. Malika sticks to the story that Miracle brought up earlier, which is that she never saw his phone, as she had the house phone. JJ ends that little game by saying: “the same way that you go to your grandmother’s house and you don’t steal out of her purse…”(take a shot for JJ being passive aggressive there…).

After yet another commercial break (H&R Block, it’s tax season everyone!) we cut back to the case.

JJ asks Corey how much his phone is. He responds by telling JJ that it is $375. Was it a flip phone potato from 2004?! JJ asks Malika was she the one who stayed at Gremmuh’s house overnight. Malika sticks to the story and states that she stayed at the house overnight before the “incident”. JJ then turns her attention to Elmer Egg Donor over there dressed in the clearance rack from Lane Bryant. She asks Elmer if she called the police. She confirms this. Corey also admits that he called the police. JJ asks Corey what happened when the police arrived. Corey explains that the police roughed him up a bit and mishandled him. Look. I am not going to get on my soapbox here. You guys know what it is.

Elmer Fudd was being a spiteful person, believing that her daughters weren’t in the wrong; everyone knows that the daughters are liars and thieves. JJ does a pen/gavel smack (take a shot!). Elmer has a lame excuse that her cell phone was dead. JJ then says: “So is this case. SO IS YOUR COUNTERCLAIM!” This case is over.

Corey's testimony was convincing and compelling, and I wish he had sued for far more due to Elmer's crazy ass calling the police on him and them roughing him up. Elmer started lying her fat ass off and JJ awarded Corey his money and kicked the Taylor/Holman camp out of court as if she learned they have contracted the COVID. Elmer or "Tricie" or whatever, is pretty much to blame for her dangerous daughters. I believe she will be sitting in a juvenile hall talking to them and acting as though everything is everyone else's fault and not her manipulative, evil, disgusting daughters. They are fucked up people.

During the Hall-Ter-View, Corey aka “PeeWee” states that he still loves his cousins. If they ever need anything from him, he will be there. Meanwhile, Team Taylor/Holman are all talking about how Corey lied. Lied about what? I guess we can take two shots for that because they continue to lie. Corey is very grateful for JJ.

Verdict: $375 to the Plaintiff. Defendant gets nothing on her counterclaim If I were JJ, I would have awarded Corey $5000 for having to deal with those little bundles of misery, their fat, loudmouth mother, and the Chicago PD alone.

Did Auntie Judy say anything fucked up to anyone?: {to Miracle}: “This is NOT going to be a miracle day for you!!! I want you to get that. There was no food that nobody brought to your grandmother!”








Edited by DjamillasMan
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I love your recap of this case, actually all of your recaps.   The only one worse than Miracle and Malika was Mama Elmer.    How awful for the grandmother to have those awful relatives stealing from her constantly.    The wigs on the two girls were obviously from the producers cheap-o wig collection.    The mother of the teens was so awful.  I can't help but wonder what happened to all of the defendants since this happened, and I can't imagine it's a good ending. 

With the coming demise of The People's Court, and Judge Mathis at the end of their current seasons, I wonder if JJ reruns will continue?   

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10 hours ago, DjamillasMan said:

Stealing from Ailing Grandmother? (2015)


No he don’t! We be down dere every day with her! Every day!” – Miracle Holman

I really, really feel bad for posting this, but this is one of my favorite episodes of JJ and I saw that CrazyInAlabama had posted it. I legit would have waited for tomorrow, but I have to get things ready for my son's birthday party tomorrow morning. The television gods have spoken, as this episode aired as well today and I did not realize it until I caught up on Hulu.  I did not want to steal CrazyInAlabama's thunder with this review at all. I just thought the mother and her daughters were ALL in the wrong, especially the mother. 

Plaintiff- 21 year old Corey Holman from Chicago, Ill. Corey is up in court suing his aunt Elmer “Tricie” Taylor and her daughters (his cousins) Miracle and Malika Holman for his cell phone being broken and also false allegations. You see, Corey had been taking care of his invalid grandmother, when he ran afoul of these wild, ratchet hoodrat hyenas. Corey alleges that the two girls (Miracle and Malika, along with their friend, (also conveniently named Miracle) stole away with his phone, breaking it in the process. Later on, he was beaten and interrogated by the police when Elmer called the cops on him for allegedly threatening his daughters. Corey is wearing safari ‘lion catcher’ garb in court today.

Defendant(s)- Elmer “Tricie” Taylor from Chicago, Ill and her two daughters Miracle and Malika. Elmer looks a hot mess, adorned in an ensemble straight from the rack at Cato Fashion. She will defend her lying brats to the ends of the earth, making every excuse under the sun. And who told her to put her daughters in those horrible wigs that looked like they were fished out of a dumpster after a drag show? They were all frayed. Miracle is a chip of the ol’ block, as she has the same “I don’t give a fuck attitude” as mom, then again, Miracle was allowed to talk a whole lot more. Elmer was the one who called the police on Corey, allowing the police to stomp the shit out of him unjustifiably because she wanted revenge. Elmer is probably one of the more dumb mothers that appeared on JJ, as she just took her kids’ words for it, without fact checking anything first.

The Complaint: Corey is up in court suing for a broken phone and false allegations.

What Does He/She want: Corey wants $375 for a broken cell phone

Countersuit?: Yes. Elmer is countersuing for false claims and harassment.

Puppy Multiplier: N/A

Driving Around Without Insurance: N/A

What Went Down: JJ comes into court staring the defendant’s side down. The defendant’s side has a full deck (three or more people, take two shots!).  JJ immediately makes the two children (later identified as Miracle and Malika Holman) perch next to their mother at the podium. This is where we get the first indication that something is rotten in Mayberry. JJ establishes that Corey is related to the defendant, Elmer, because she is married to his uncle. Corey acknowledges this, establishing that he is not related to her by blood. Of course, his cousins and he share a common grandmother.

JJ asks the girls’ names. Miracle, with that rat’s nest on her head, says her name is Miracle. Malika speaks up and says her name for the record. JJ asks how old they are. They are 14 and 15, respectively. This is when we get to what Corey is actually suing for; that the two girls broke a phone that belonged to Corey after a night of them acting like wild, hyena hood rats. Also, in order to cover up the bullshit that they did, they got Elmer Fudd to call the police on him and accuse him of some bullshit, getting him arrested. JJ, ever the opportunist, pokes fun at Elmer Dudd over there, stating that she wasn’t there (take a shot for some low key shade).  JJ establishes that everything Elmer wrote in her complaint, she got from those bad ass girls.

The incident in question took place on October 15th, at grandma’s crib. Corey states that he is 21, but he looks far older. He must have had a very rough life, because my man looks like he’s pushing 40. Corey says, matter of factly, that he works for Breakthrough Outreach Ministry Clothing Store. I hope he’s not wearing his own product, as his attire looks far more comparable of going on a safari for the day with Steve Irwin in a 1991 Land Rover Discovery.

Corey admits that he takes care of himself. JJ then turns her attention to the girls. She asks them if they go to school, to which they both answer as an affirmative. JJ then asks Miracle what sort of grades she makes, to which Miracle attests that she makes A’s and B’s. Malika does the same. No….I don’t believe that to be the case. I’ll get on that in a minute when it is an appropriate time to rage.

JJ asks Miracle how often she goes to visit her grandmother. Miracle answers that she “goes, like, every like Friday, when she need help”. JJ then tries to low key throw shade at Miracle again (take a shot!) by asking her “you go like every Friday. What does every Friday mean?” Miracle claims that she doesn’t go every Friday, because sometimes one of her siblings are there. JJ then asks her how many times did she visit her grandmother last month, to which Miracle responds to by saying: “like, every week.” Somehow, I don’t believe that whole honor student thing.

JJ then tricks Miracle into admitting that Miracle didn’t go take care of her grandmother last week. Miracle tries to backpedal and claim that she hasn’t been “down dere” since the “incident”. She also tricks Miracle into admitting that last month, she didn’t visit granny AT ALL!! JJ then launches into a tirade, claiming that Miracle thought it would be easy to get off on Mom, but not her (take a shot!). JJ tells Miracle to expel all the lies that she has spoken, as JJ tells Miracle that she has already caught her in several lies.

JJ wants to know how often Corey goes to see his ill granny. Corey responds that he is there every day. He goes to see her after work, as his aunt, Gloria Singletary, takes care of ill granny during the day. He is adamant that he will stay overnight in order to take care of his ailing grandmother. Corey states that his grandmother is physically handicapped and in a wheelchair, as she has had “respiratory and failure and stuff”. The incident happened at about 11 pm. Corey stated that he showed up at granny’s house about 7 in the evening.

The girls, however, showed up, ringing the bell to the apartment building at 11pm at night. JJ wants to know what the girls were doing hanging out at 11 in the evening when they are supposed to be 14 and 15 years old.

I immediately got this thought in my head:

Miracle (smoking a cigarette walking up to Malika and friends): “What y’all doin' tonight?”

Malika: “Nothing. Chillin’.”


Miracle answers that “we was coming back from our house because my Gremmuh said that she needed something to eat.” (take a shot for her butchering the English language).  Apparently, Malika had her ‘Gremmuh’’s keys. JJ starts to get frustrated, fishing for an answer, as she repeats her question. Miracle then states “We was walking her back down to my Gremmuh’s house!” (take another shot for her butchering the English language). JJ then asks Elmer Fudd where she was at, to which she replies “At home.” Yeah, some place to be while your minor children run the streets.

Corey begins to explain that Gremmuh buzzed the girls in, however, she left the door unlocked. You see, Gremmuh has “respiratory and failure and stuff” and will be in this world one second and zonked out the next. When the girls came in, Corey, being the adult, started playing gatekeeper to Gremmuh, as the girls tried to talk to her. Due to Gremmuh’s condition, Corey allowed the girls to see her. The two girls went in the bedroom, while the friend just chilled out in the living room, taking in the sights. Corey lets in on the little fact that the girls didn’t have ANY food with them. Corey also says “Them two went into my grandmother’s room. The friend stayed out in the living room!” (take a shot!).

Apparently, the girls came out of Gremmuh’s room and they all went in the bathroom (including waiting friend), closing the door behind them. They spoke in hushed tones in the bathroom, not trying to alert Corey to what they were up to. What they were up to is anyone’s guess. When they came out of the bathroom, they pulled some Goonies type escape shit by having the friend snatch Corey’s phone that was sitting by the microwave on the counter. As the street girls were running out the door, the friend passes Corey’s phone to Miracle, with Corey in hot pursuit. The girls didn’t even try the elevator (as Gremmuh lives on the 6th floor), they went straight to the end of the hall to reach the stairs. As the girls bounded down the stairs, Corey was right on their heels. By the time they reached the staircase of the third floor, Miracle threw her cousin’s phone against the wall, breaking it.

Corey is all done telling his story, which prompts JJ to turn her attention to Miracle and Malika. JJ gives Miracle fair warning that today, is indeed, not going to be a miracle day for her. JJ admits that she has caught Miracle in a few lies already, and she doesn’t appreciate being lied to. She wants the truth. Miracle is just stone faced as she looks at JJ. Before Miracle can even respond, JJ just starts going in, bro. JJ says that there wasn’t any food that anyone brought to Gremmuh, and JJ wants to know who the friend was that she brought with them. Miracle claims that is was another girl who is conveniently named Miracle. I suppose that was a lie, too. If it was, it was not one of her more elaborate ones. I guess she was getting tired of keeping up with her lies, or she figuring out that JJ was catching onto her. JJ warns Miracle “don’t look over there!” (take a shot!). JJ wants to know how the chase ended up.

Miracle begins her story by saying: “when we first went down, ending up at my Gremmuh house…” (let’s take two shots for that!). She states that Malika “used the thing that you put on the door and it opens”. Oh, so a door pass card? A pass key? These are articulate, honor roll students, folks! Miracle tells the vile tale about how Corey had his shirt off and was rifling through Gremmuh’s purse. You see, Gremmuh is handicapped and sleeps with her purse under her pillow (my great grandmother did that because one of my uncles was on crack real bad at point). Miracle claims that Corey was pushing on them and yelling at them, asking them what they were doing there.

JJ halts Miracle there and asks her to take it slowly, as she wants to hear the whole thing. Miracle claims that Corey steals from Gremmuh. Miracle states that in the fray of Corey pushing them, she grabs the phone. JJ asks what phone did Corey try to grab?  Miracle answers the house phone. The statement that there was a house phone there to begin with is the only truth to the whole story that Miracle stated. Then Miracle slightly slipped up by stating that Corey tried to snatch the phone, but then she corrects herself mid-sentence and states that he tried to unplug the phone to throw it behind the couch.

Then that’s when Miracle calls Corey “PeeWee”. LOL. In her super-fast presentation of lies and bullshit, Miracle referred to Corey as "PeeWee". He really doesn't look like a "PeeWee" type of guy. I have a cousin named Mark that we all call “PeeWee”. We call him that because he was a bit older than some of us, but he was extremely short.

Anyway, Miracle claims that Corey (aka “PeeWee”) started pushing her out the apartment. That’s when she claims she bolted from the apartment and started knocking on people’s doors (why aren’t they in court as witnesses?” to tell them that her cousin was supposedly attacking her. JJ asks Miracle what happened to his phone. Miracle claims she never saw the phone, adding “I ain’t never see no phone!

Okay, well allow me to rant for a bit.

Miracle and Malika claimed to make A's and B's, but Jesus, God, Lord, can ANYONE tell me what kind of school gave them such high grades when they have ZERO command over the English language? Bless their lying fuckin hearts and their stone-cold lying faces

They let out eloquent pieces of English such as:

"We was walking her back down to my grandmother's house!"
"She do!!"
"He don't be down dere!"
"I ain't ever see no phone!"
"No, he don't!"

I can only shudder at how the other pupils are speaking. Maybe their mother should have shelled out the bucks for remedial English courses instead of buying those horrible wigs for 14 year olds. Some "Miracle", indeed. They were NASTY little vermin. Speaking of the fucking mother, her name is Elmer. Like Elmer Fudd. And she's an enabling fat bitch who is so gullible that she swallows up EVERYTHING her stupid twit daughters tell her instead of fact checking first. She's just as stupid, if not MORE stupid, than her two little lying fucking daughters. Again, these are supposed to be honor roll students.

JJ then gets the number of the aunt that’s at Gremmuh’s house during the day, Gloria Singletary, from Corey.

After the commercial break (which featured a talking bear doll named Dave who will pretty much give you a cash advance on your upcoming paycheck with a bunch of fees, and an Ashley’s Furniture President’s Day Sale commercial), we cut back to the case.

Oh, and we get a special Friday treat!!! JJ is in her chambers, dialing up Gloria Singletary (FINISH YOUR DRINK!!!! Refill it and come back!), the aunt!!!!! During JJ’s interrogation of the aunt, we cut back to all the litigants having “Oh shit!” looks on their faces. I suppose it was warranted for Miracle and Malika, as Gloria Singletary DIMED those girls out SO HARD!! She even added that Miracle and Malika steal from their poor infirm grandmother, while Corey is there most of the time. These honor roll students steal out of Gremmuh's purse and only visit on an occasional Sunday for church. That's something that Miracle tried to pin on Corey.

JJ comes back to the bench with a huge attitude problem. She immediately starts going in on Malika, who has her face all scrunched up. JJ tells Malika that they are going to drop the bullshit, as Malika doesn’t spend the nights there, as Corey does that. When Corey is unavailable, Gloria, who is Gremmuh’s daughter, will spend the night there. Corey seems like a very nice guy. When I was 21, I didn’t want to have anything to do with my grandparents. I sort of regret that now.

JJ yells at someone in the Taylor/Holman camp for them to stop shaking their head (take a shot!). Then JJ brings up the fact that Malika, or Miracle, steal from Gremmuh. I think it is Malika, since she is older than Miracle and I can tell that she can somewhat influence her. It’s so heartbreaking that Gremmuh tries to let Malika back over to give Malika another chance, but all Malika does is disappoint and steal from her time after time. I think Malika is either hard up for the penis, drugs, or gambling, or something. I just know that wig that she has on her head is not so nice.

Malika also had a sour look on her face; I guess she isn't used to her little web of lies being exposed, much less it blowing up in her face on national TV, no less.

Both girls now try to play the innocent act, but JJ is having none of that and screams: “Now, YOU WANT TO TRY AGAIN WITH WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE PHONE!?!?!” JJ points to Malika and screams: “YOU!!! WE CAN DO THIS THE EASY WAY OR THE HARD WAY!” (take two shots for JJ losing patience). Poor Gremmuh and poor Corey. Also, poor Gloria for having to rat on her nieces like that in order to make them tell the truth, because clearly they weren’t going to take upon their own volition and tell the truth on their own.

Now Malika is telling the story, rocking a weird camisole/hoodie hybrid while starting her story. She says some gibberish that makes zero sense, talking like she has marbles in her mouth. JJ just wants to know what happened with the phone. Malika sticks to the story that Miracle brought up earlier, which is that she never saw his phone, as she had the house phone. JJ ends that little game by saying: “the same way that you go to your grandmother’s house and you don’t steal out of her purse…”(take a shot for JJ being passive aggressive there…).

After yet another commercial break (H&R Block, it’s take season everyone!) we cut back to the case.

JJ asks Corey how much his phone is. He responds by telling JJ that it is $375. Was it a flip phone potato from 2004?! JJ asks Malika was she the one who stayed at Gremmuh’s house overnight. Malika sticks to the story and states that she stayed at the house overnight before the “incident”. JJ then turns her attention to Elmer Egg Donor over there in dressed in the clearance rack from Lane Bryant. She asks Elmer if she called the police. She confirms this. Corey also admits that he called the police. JJ asks Corey what happened when the police arrived. Corey explains that the police roughed him up a bit and mishandled him. Look. I am not going to get on my soapbox here. You guys know what it is.

Elmer Fudd was being a spiteful person, believing that her daughters weren’t in the wrong; everyone knows that the daughters are liars and thieves. JJ does a pen/gavel smack (take a shot!). Elmer has a lame excuse that her cell phone was dead. JJ then says: “So is this case. SO IS YOUR COUNTERCLAIM!” This case is over.

Corey's testimony was convincing and compelling, and I wish he had sued for far more due to Elmer's crazy ass calling the police on him and them roughing him up. Elmer started lying her fat ass off and JJ awarded Corey his money and kicked the Taylor/Holman camp out of court as she learned they have contracted the COVID. Elmer or "Tricie" or whatever, is pretty much to blame for her dangerous daughters. I believe she will be sitting in a juvenile hall talking to them and acting as though everything is everyone else's fault and not her manipulative, evil, disgusting daughters. They are fucked up people.

During the Hall-Ter-View, Corey aka “PeeWee” states that he still loves his cousins. If they ever need anything from him, he will be there. Meanwhile, Team Taylor/Holman are all talking about how Corey lied. Lied about what? I guess we can take two shots for that because they continue to lie. Corey is very grateful for JJ.

Verdict: $375 to the Plaintiff. Defendant gets nothing on her counterclaim If I were JJ, I would have awarded Corey $5000 for having to deal with those little bundles of misery, their fat, loudmouth mother, and the Chicago PD alone.

Did Auntie Judy say anything fucked up to anyone?: {to Miracle}: “This is NOT going to be a miracle day for you!!! I want you to get that. There was no food that nobody brought to your grandmother!”








Definitely a 5 shot episode!

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10 hours ago, DjamillasMan said:

when he ran afoul of these wild, ratchet hoodrat hyenas.

Miracle and Malika claimed to make A's and B's, but Jesus, God, Lord, can ANYONE tell me what kind of school gave them such high grades when they have ZERO command over the English language? 



I loved your whole recap as usual, but these were my two favorite parts!! Keep them coming. LOL

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5 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I love your recap of this case, actually all of your recaps.   The only one worse than Miracle and Malika was Mama Elmer.    How awful for the grandmother to have those awful relatives stealing from her constantly.    The wigs on the two girls were obviously from the producers cheap-o wig collection.    The mother of the teens was so awful.  I can't help but wonder what happened to all of the defendants since this happened, and I can't imagine it's a good ending. 

With the coming demise of The People's Court, and Judge Mathis at the end of their current seasons, I wonder if JJ reruns will continue?   


Thanks, CIA!!! Much appreciated. 


The mother was a piece of work. She's the reason why her daughters were entitled, thieving,  lying, ridiculous brats. The most egregious thing she did (besides sit idly by while her daughters stole from their grandmother) was call the police on an innocent man and allow the police to get all in his business. I didn't mean to step on your toes, as you already reviewed the episode, but for some reason, our networks aligned and played the same episode on the same day. It was too good an opportunity to pass up. 

I may have to look up what happened to the Taylor/Holman party so see what sort of trouble they have gotten themselves into currently. LOL. 

I think JJ reruns will continue as long as CBS has the contract. I really, really wish that they devoted a 24/7 channel just to old school JJ episodes starting at season 1. I would absolutely get their money's worth with that. I don't think I've seen season 1 of JJ since I was a wild teen who used to watch it with my GREMMUH! 

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On 2/18/2023 at 5:23 PM, DjamillasMan said:

I will make sure these keep coming. I'm glad I could make everyone laugh. LOL. 

Both you and Crazy in Alabama have your strengths that you bring to recapping.  Please keep up the great work, friends!🤗

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4 p.m. episodes-

Genius Jealousy Detective! -Plaintiff /ex-girlfriend Cherise Stephens suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Eric Comegys for a loan at buy a new MacBook Pro.   Defendant says he got caught cheating by plaintiff using his fingerprint to open his phone, and she read his lying, cheating messages to any other woman that was nasty enough to have him.     Defendant claims plaintiff knew he was seeing other women. 

He has a clothing line, and needed the MacBook Pro to publicize and market his business, so plaintiff used her good credit to buy the MacBook.    He was supposed to pay her back, but didn’t pay her.  When they broke up, she wanted either the MacBook, or the money, and he refused to pay her or give her the computer.    When she went to pick up her stuff, his relatives jumped her.

There are multiple texts from him to plaintiff saying he’ll pay her.

Defendant claims plaintiff took a baseball bat and destroyed his kitchen.    He also applied for an Apple credit card, and was turned down, and then plaintiff bought the computer on her credit.

Defendant has no receipts for his dishes, and no estimate for the hole in the wall.   

Plaintiff gets $1100 for the computer.  JJ boots defendant, after he won’t shut up.

Jealousy-Fueled Car Wash Vandalism -Plaintiff /ex-girlfriend Jessica Bell suing defendant/ex-boyfriend  Christopher Winston for vandalizing her car.   Defendant poured laundry powder on plaintiff’s car when he left.   Defendant says they broke up after plaintiff didn’t pay tickets she racked up driving his car.  He’s counter suing for tickets, and other fees.

So he went to her house, she wouldn’t answer the door, so he poured laundry soap, and soda on her car.   There are also scratches on her car, but defendant claims he didn’t do it.

$3149 to plaintiff to fix her car.

 Ex-Fiance Gone Wild -Plaintiff /ex-boyfriend Adam Gonzales suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Erica Hernandez for knocking over his motorcycle with a broom stick, and hitting his car and damaging it.  

JJ says defendant appears to be attractive, intelligent, and well spoken, and plaintiff is a jerk.   Plaintiff stayed out on Christmas Eve, stayed out all night, and then had a fight with defendant.

Plaintiff is suing for the $100 deductible for the car.    JJ says he should have sold the motorcycle without fixing it before coming to court with a bill of sale or other proof, because he wants to be paid for the shortfall in selling price because of damages done by defendant.   Plaintiff claims he sold the bike for cash to some guy off of craigslist, and JJ doesn’t believe him.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

5 p.m. episodes-

p. 486, 22 Feb 2021

Rough Playground Plight! ;Dueling Traffic Violations

p. 486, 22 Feb 2021

Rental Car Rip-Off! ;Good Samaritan Payback

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23 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Crazy--I hope you are feeling better!

I'm almost a month out from my surgery, and I feel great.   Thanks for asking.  

4 p.m. episodes-

Shih Tzu Saved from Euthanization! -Plaintiff /animal rights advocate Karen Osburn suing defendant /dog foster Desiree Golembieski for the return of the dog.    Plaintiff says dog was on Orange County Animal Shelter euthanasia list, along with other dogs, and dog was fostered out to defendant. Ultimate goal is to find permanent homes for the dogs.  

Defendant has had Jesse (dog) for 10 months, and wanted dog adopted to her mother, and defendant said in her statement that she had first right of refusal on adoption.    Now, defendant says there an ad for the dog.     

Plaintiff claims she wants to save the dog from defendant, which makes no sense.   JJ wants defendant’s mother’s cell phone number to talk to her, and see if she wants the dog.   Mother travels frequently, and uses dog and house sitters.   If JJ finds out that defendant wants to put dog in another home, not her mother’s, then plaintiff will get dog back.

JJ makes the call to mother Gloria, from her phone of justice.   Gloria says daughter/defendant will keep the dog herself.   Gloria isn’t interested in keeping the dog.   Defendant claimed the mother was traveling in Puerto Rico, but she’s home in Michigan.    JJ looks really unhappy at defendant lying to her. Gloria (mother) says she would be willing to take dog, but only if daughter/defendant can’t keep the dog.  I don’t understand why the defendant hasn’t taken the dog to the vet, even for routine shots in 10 months.  

Plaintiff/animal rights advocate claims dog’s foster mother was going to euthanize another dog.   Defendant’s witness Debbie Brown says she was the original foster.    

There are texts from defendant to plaintiff asking for the shot records, so she could rehome dog, or give dog to another rescue.   Defendant claims she needed the dog’s paperwork at the vet, but they routinely do.

Defendant keeps dog as it’s a good home, as long as shots are up to date this week.   Defendant adds that Pickle Pants Rescue isn’t a 501 (c) 3 charity.  

Stiffed Back; Stiffed Doctor -Plaintiff /doctor of Chiropractic  Raymond Sicilia   suing defendant/former patient and accident victim Kenneth Dupree for unpaid medical bills.       Plaintiff (Doctor) says after accident victim received treatment, and a settlement, and that he didn’t pay.   Defendant says he won’t pay, because his back still hurts.

JJ and Officer Byrd say when they had back issues they paid the doctor if their back issues were solved or not.

Doctor gets his payments, $4803.

Good Son or Greedy Son? -Plaintiff /son Nicholas Pengelley suing defendant/mother Carlotta Hall for return of his payments, $2,642.    Plaintiff says mother said she would sell him the house for the payments he paid, but she lied.

Son helped mother pay bills, and helped her keep house out of foreclosure, but mother now refuses to live up to her side of the bargain.    Defendant mother says house is now worth $400k to $500k in the market in 2015.   How is not repaired, so $400k is the market price.

They bought the house in 1992, it cost $201,000.  Mortgage is $279,000 with refi’s, loan modifications, and other changes over the years.      This is why you don’t refinance endlessly up to the current value of the house.   The whole point of the money to get house out of foreclosure was for plaintiff to take over loan and house, and pay it off. 

Defendant keeps laughing through the case, and I hate that.  

Plaintiff case dismissed.   He was cheated by his mother, and now we know why the other two siblings refused to give the mother a dime.  


Uninsured U-Turn Upset! -Plaintiff Kayla Dugan suing defendant   Peter Blanchette for making a U-turn and hitting her car.      Uninsured driver refuses to pay for the damages to the vehicle they slammed into.

Plaintiff was sitting in a turn lane going North, and did everything to avoid defendant but he still hit her car.  He was going South, and he did a U-turn from the other side of the road, came over the center lanes, and hit plaintiff in the right turn lane.    He seems proud that he tried to get insurance after the accident.

Defendant hasn’t had car insurance for months.

Plaintiff receives $3789.


5 p.m. episodes-

p. 487, 23 Feb 2021

Illegal Eviction Vendetta?!; Dangerous Home for a Child?!

p. 487, 23 Feb 2021

Target Practice Vandalism; Ex-Girlfriend Warrant

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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4 p.m. episodes-

Oldest Scam on the Internet! -Plaintiff Dominique Lippolis suing defendant Alana Reilly for giving her two counterfeit money orders to cash for defendant.      Someone named Leslie is who defendant claims sent her

$1900 to plaintiff for the bogus money orders.  

Pure-Bred Rottweiler Anguish! -Plaintiff/first puppy buyer Tamiko Mack, who sold dog, to defendant, is now suing defendant/new dog owner Dale Santos for payment for the balance on the dog, and mental anguish.    Plaintiff received dog from her uncle, but she found out her son was allergic to puppy, so she resold dog to defendant.  (this was in Jacksonville, FL).

Plaintiff paid $600, but has no receipts.    There are AKC and vaccination papers. 

Plaintiff had dog at 4 months, and resold her at 8 months.   Plaintiff claims the ad shown isn’t hers.

Price she wanted for the dog was $450, and defendant paid $200, but never paid the other $250.

Defendant claims he didn’t receive AKC or vaccination paperwork, but the handwritten contract says he did, and the signature matches the one on his sworn statement to the court.

Defendant still owes $250.   Defendant says ad on craigslist said free dog, not $450.    Contract says balance paid when AKC and vaccination papers received. 

Plaintiff receives $250.      

Dessert-in-a-Cup Hustle? -Plaintiffs Edmond and Kathy Salem suing defendants Terrance Boozer and (girlfriend) Christin Cross for loans they paid for the business partnership.   $6200 was the investment by plaintiffs, and Edmond calls it a loan/investment.    Edmond is an attorney.   Plaintiff claims email from defendant acknowledges that investments in the business of “Crump Cups” are 1/3 each, plaintiffs 1/3, defendant and girlfriend 1/3 each.  Plaintiffs provide financing and defendants provide the work on the business.

Plaintiff Edmond says defendants didn’t use business accounts for repayment of loans, and debts, but used the accounts for personal debts too.  

Store was in the mall, with a brick-and-mortar store, store was only open for two weeks in the mall.    Then defendants were doing private parties and catering, but no store.    With the investment they paid $500 for rent for two weeks, supplies for the cupcakes, refrigerated display cases now in storage, and JJ tells defendant to sell the display cases and repay plaintiff.   Defendants purchases labels and cups with receipts, but they were all sold.  

Defendants claim it was an investment, not a loan.   

Since defendant worked from home, he paid for office supplies, a computer, and his rent with the plaintiffs’ money.

$5,000 to plaintiffs.

 Major Dry Cleaner Snafu! -Plaintiff/dry cleaning customer Tammy Caldwell suing defendant /dry cleaner Dana Shaw for the cost of a comforter that defendant’s personnel gave to the wrong customer.  Defendant says plaintiff harassed him for giving a comforter to the wrong customer.

Defendant has never been able to locate the comforter, and claims plaintiff scammed him over the comforter.

Plaintiff dropped comforter off for cleaning, received an order number for the comforter, and when she went to pick it up, the comforter wasn’t at the dry cleaner’s.    So, defendant claims after he told her comforter would probably be returned by the other customer, that calling him daily asking about the comforter was harassment.

JJ dismisses defendant's counter claim for harassment. 

Plaintiff gets the value of the comforter, $320.

5 p.m. episodes-

p. 487, 24 Feb 2021

Mother of Nine Payback; Cats on the Prowl?!; Cry Me a River

p. 487, 24 Feb 2021

Young Girls Terrorized (a true classic JJ case); Unwed Parents Fight

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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4 p.m. episodes-

Prison, Pride and Vulgar Texts! -Plaintiff Shauna Moore suing defendant/former boyfriend Steven Palmer for the return of a car, late fees for car payments and tickets.   Plaintiff had an agreement with defendant that car would be in her name, she had better credit, and it was a family car.    He wanted her to co-sign, but it was all in her name.    $1,000 down payment was a loan from plaintiff.   He paid her part of the $1,000, but won’t say how much.

Agreement says SUV belongs solely to defendant and he will pay $245 every month until $14,000 car loan is paid off.  If he missed any payments, then car goes back to plaintiff.   When he pays off the SUV loan, then he gets the title.

Plaintiff says he missed one payment, in December.  However, defendant claims he paid her in cash or money orders.   

JJ tells defendant to refinance the car, and plaintiff will sign off on it.   Then, when plaintiff signs off on the car, she gets the $1,000 from the court.

30-Year Friendship Busted -Plaintiff/former landlord Jeanne Watman suing defendant/former tenant Elizabeth Brunnelle for    Plaintiff agreed to rent small home to defendant and her children to move into the small house, 1 bedroom, and to escape a domestic violence situation.   Then, the defendant’s boyfriend moved in, and plaintiff eventually evicted defendant.   During clean up needles were found, and the place was trashed.  (This was in Amesbury, MA)

Defendant says her previous condo was sold so she needed somewhere to move to with her son.   She claims boyfriend was not abusing her, but he was violent.   Defendant admits boyfriend did previously use drugs.  

Months after move in, defendant’s boyfriend moved in, which was a surprise to plaintiff.   Plaintiff says defendant claimed the boyfriend wasn’t the same one she lived with, and then plaintiff found out it was the same man.

Defendant claims someone broke in after she moved out, and trashed the place, and caused cigarette burns on the rug, disconnected pipes under the sink, burned out the water heater, tile missing. Tthe water was turned off and drained by plaintiff, and then defendants came back, flipped the power back on, and the empty water heater burned out.

Defendants were given a 72-hour to move out by the city, because she didn’t have an occupancy permit.

Plaintiff case dismissed, no certificate of occupancy means you can’t charge rent or damages.

Gay Stepfather Inheritance -Plaintiff Joey Perry. suing defendant Crissa Miller for missed car payments and repair costs on a vehicle he helped her buy.    Plaintiff was married to defendant’s father, and so defendant is his stepdaughter.  Agreement was plaintiff would buy car, defendant would pay him, and when car was paid off the title would be signed over to defendant.

Defendant says she didn’t have any money so first payment was very late.    Plaintiff received two life insurance from his late husband, and defendant was angry plaintiff kept the money for himself.  Plaintiff claims defendant drained the fluids out of the car, and called the police claiming she threatened him.

Plaintiff only wanted to receive payments in cash, because of defendant’s history of bad checks, and outstanding warrants.   Plaintiff repo’d the car, towing the car 70 miles to his house, and when he went to pick it up he saw the stepdaughter driving away in it.   Then when he went to pick it up again, the fluids were overfilled, or drained, and he had to have the tow to the mechanics.

Once repairs are done, plaintiff will sell the car.

$200 for one missed payment to plaintiff.

Salon Chair Slander! -Plaintiff Peter Draper suing defendant Michael Mandeville for $2800 for salon equipment that he resold.   Plaintiff paid nothing for them, since he picked them up off the street, and later decided to sell them.   

(this happened in Carson City, NV)

Then, plaintiff called salons, showing photos of the chairs, selling for $500.   Defendant agreed to the $500, saw the chairs, and agreed to buy them.  

Then, a defense witness, William Brinson, claims plaintiff said he didn’t think defendant would pay him, which he didn’t.   That’s not slander.

Defendant didn't inspect the chairs before buying, and so didn't want to pay the last $300.

$300 to plaintiff for the balance of the purchase price on the chairs

5 p.m. episodes-

p. 487, 25 Feb 2021

Vicious Pit Bull Attack?! ; Six-Year-Old Takes the Stand!

p. 487, 25 Feb 2021

House Flipping and Assault?!; Mechanic Fraud?!

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4 p.m. episodes-

Felony Evasion Bailout! -Plaintiff/father Adan Ramos suing defendants/his daughter’s boyfriend the car thief, Edgar Escareno, and his daughter, Rebecca Ramos for repayment of bail.      When defendant fled from the police, he was in even more trouble.   Daughter is witness for her felon boyfriend, and claims they paid father back.    At the date of the arrest and bail, both defendants were staying with plaintiff, at his house.  

Then defendant and no good boyfriend moved into her apartment.   Then they moved in with plaintiff.   This was in Reseda, CA.   Then, defendant Escareno was arrested for commercial burglary (breaking into cars), and felony evasion.  Defendant blames a friend for the arrest, saying he was just the driver.  Bail was $100k, bond cost was the value of the truck collateral.   Father/plaintiff paid for the bail.

Defendant Rebecca was a property manager for the complex she lived in.   Defendant car thief was also employed.    After the arrest plaintiff put his truck as collateral for the bail.  Plaintiff was unemployed, and had no credit.  Both defendants had jobs, and credit. 

Plaintiff wants the money for his collateral back for the truck.  Plaintiff had to move back in with his parents after this.

Defendant daughter claims she made payments on the bail, but she didn’t according to plaintiff.

Since this happened, both defendants told plaintiff to stay away from them, and after that they booted plaintiff out of the apartment.  The last time plaintiff saw the granddaughter was at the hospital when she was born.

Daughter claims she was getting a bigger apartment, and never asked plaintiff to leave.

Daughter and deadbeat boyfriend are told to pay plaintiff for the bail, $200 a month.

Engagement Ring Payback -Plaintiff Janice Williams is suing defendant  Marquis Leggett for the unpaid balance of an engagement ring for her daughter.      After defendant gets his girlfriend's mother to buy their engagement ring for him, the relationship goes south.  Ring costs $696, defendant paid $267, owing $429.   Since plaintiff daughter called the wedding off, defendant will get the ring, and then will pay it off with plaintiff.  

Plaintiff receives $429 after defendant receives the ring back. (Plaintiff doesn’t seem to understand that once defendant receives the ring back, that the show will send her the check).

Felony Theft Plea Deal -Plaintiff Stacey Forde suing defendant/felon cousin Lafayette Johnson Jr for the repayment of a loan to pay restitution for his felony theft charge.  Charge was while defendant was working at a department store, and was giving ‘deals’ to people for items that weren’t on sale.  So, he was charged for felony theft.   He did this for cash payments, and sometimes he received merchandise back that he resold.   

Plea arrangement was pay the restitution before his court date, and he would receive one year of probation, and charge knocked down to a misdemeanor.   The original charge was 3 years in prison, so the plea bargain was very good for the defendant boyfriend.

Defendant claims the money was a gift, not a loan.     This was claimed to in return for taking care of ailing relative in another state.  

Plaintiff claims defendant said he would repay her. Plaintiff claims defendant paid $185 one time.

Plaintiff receives $4,195.

Engagement Ring of Deceit -Plaintiff Michael Gruzwalski suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Jessica Kniseley for stealing an engagement ring, $1200.   Plaintiff and defendant broke up, he allowed her back to their former apartment to get her things, and defendant stole the ring.     Ex-fiancee admits to pawning the engagement ring.

Defendant says plaintiff knew she sold the ring, but it wasn’t paid off yet by plaintiff. 

$1200 for plaintiff.

With Friends Like These…  -Plaintiff Michelle Drake suing defendant Keisha Wade-Hall for repayment of a loan    There were several loans $50, and total of $350 for both of the loans.  Defendant claims plaintiff came into some money, and money was to help defendant throw a party.    Defendant claims it was payment for a bed, and clothes that plaintiff wanted.   Then, defendant claims plaintiff wanted money for Thanksgiving, $276, and she claims she sent it. 

Plaintiff says defendant sent the money, but didn’t give her the control number to pick up the money.

$400 to plaintiff.

5 p.m. episodes-

p. 487, 26 Feb 2021

Daddy Debt Deployed to Japan?; Show Me the Money!

p. 487, 26 Feb 2021

Don’t Clown Around with the Judge!; Car Swap Fail!

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

4 p.m. episodes-

Felony Evasion Bailout! -Plaintiff/father Adan Ramos suing defendants/his daughter’s boyfriend the car thief, Edgar Escareno, and his daughter, Rebecca Ramos for repayment of bail.      When defendant fled from the police, he was in even more trouble.   Daughter is witness for her felon boyfriend, and claims they paid father back.    At the date of the arrest and bail, both defendants were staying with plaintiff, at his house.  

Then defendant and no good boyfriend moved into her apartment.   Then they moved in with plaintiff.   This was in Reseda, CA.   Then, defendant Escareno was arrested for commercial burglary (breaking into cars), and felony evasion.  Defendant blames a friend for the arrest, saying he was just the driver.  Bail was $100k, bond cost $  . Father/plaintiff paid for the bail.

Defendant Rebecca was a property manager for the complex she lived in.   Defendant car thief was also employed.    After the arrest plaintiff put his truck as collateral for the bail.  Plaintiff was unemployed, and had no credit.  Both defendants had jobs, and credit. 

Plaintiff wants the money for his collateral back for the truck.  Plaintiff had to move back in with his parents after this.

Defendant daughter claims she made payments on the bail, but she didn’t according to plaintiff.

Since this happened, both defendants told plaintiff to stay away from them, and after that they booted plaintiff out of the apartment.  The last time plaintiff saw the granddaughter was at the hospital when she was born.

Daughter claims she was getting a bigger apartment, and never asked plaintiff to leave.

Daughter and deadbeat boyfriend are told to pay plaintiff for the bail, $200 a month.

Engagement Ring Payback -Plaintiff Janice Williams is suing defendant  Marquis Leggett for the unpaid balance of an engagement ring for her daughter.      After defendant gets his girlfriend's mother to buy their engagement ring for him, the relationship goes south.  Ring costs $696, defendant paid $267, owing $429.   Since plaintiff daughter called the wedding off, defendant will get the ring, and then will pay it off with plaintiff.  

Plaintiff receives $429 after defendant receives the ring back. (Plaintiff doesn’t seem to understand that once defendant receives the ring back, that the show will send her the check).

Felony Theft Plea Deal -Plaintiff Stacey Forde suing defendant/felon cousin Lafayette Johnson Jr for the repayment of a loan to pay restitution for his felony theft charge.  Charge was while defendant was working at a department store, and was giving ‘deals’ to people for items that weren’t on sale.  So, he was charged for felony theft.   He did this for cash payments, and sometimes he received merchandise back that he resold.   

Plea arrangement was pay the restitution before his court date, and he would receive one year of probation, and charge knocked down to a misdemeanor.   The original charge was 3 years in prison.

Defendant claims the money was a gift, not a loan.     This was claimed to in return for taking care of ailing relative in another state.  

Plaintiff claims defendant said he would repay her. Plaintiff claims defendant paid $185 one time.

Plaintiff receives $4,195.

Engagement Ring of Deceit -Plaintiff Michael Gruzwalski suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Jessica Kniseley for stealing an engagement ring, $1200.   Plaintiff and defendant broke up, he allowed her back to their former apartment to get her things, and defendant stole the ring.     Ex-fiancee admits to pawning the engagement ring.

Defendant says plaintiff knew she sold the ring, but it wasn’t paid off yet by plaintiff. 

$1200 for plaintiff.

With Friends Like These…  -Plaintiff Michelle Drake suing defendant Keisha Wade-Hall for repayment of a loan    There were several loans $50, and total of $350 for both of the loans.  Defendant claims plaintiff came into some money, and money was to help defendant throw a party.    Defendant claims it was payment for a bed, and clothes that plaintiff wanted.   Then, defendant claims plaintiff wanted money for Thanksgiving, $276, and she claims she sent it. 

Plaintiff says defendant sent the money, but didn’t give her the control number to pick up the money.

$400 to plaintiff.

5 p.m. episodes-

p. 487, 26 Feb 2021

Daddy Debt Deployed to Japan?; Show Me the Money!

p. 487, 26 Feb 2021

Don’t Clown Around with the Judge!; Car Swap Fail!


sounds like a three vodka tonics for sure!

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Judge Judy was correct in saying my brother is a slippery sucker and ever right to find him highly suspicious. He is getting away with stealing over 200 thousand dollars from my mom's estate with his corrupt girlfriend he got to be a P.R. and charging my other brother 3 thousand instead of getting money for an inheritance. 

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8 hours ago, Dr. debula said:

Judge Judy was correct in saying my brother is a slippery sucker and ever right to find him highly suspicious. He is getting away with stealing over 200 thousand dollars from my mom's estate with his corrupt girlfriend he got to be a P.R. and charging my other brother 3 thousand instead of getting money for an inheritance. 

Were you actually on the show?

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4 p.m. episodes-

Judge Judy Minnesota Breakdown  -Plaintiff Jordan Johnson suing defendant Dalton Hensche for kicking his car.      Defendant admits he was ‘messing around’ with the plaintiff’s car, and it’s on video.     Defendant met plaintiff in high school.   Everyone on both side of the dispute came from Minnesota.  Defendant thinks he’s funny, and he’s not.     There was a block party, defendant decided to pull a little prank, of setting plaintiff’s car alarm off.  Defendant was in a group of six hooligans.  Defense witness Dillon is going to act like a car, and defendant will kick him.   Defendant claims someone else in his group of idiots kicked the car.  

Dillon is the one who identified the car belonging to the plaintiff.  Dillon claims they were going to the pizza place, where plaintiff works.  

Plaintiff has an alley surveillance camera, video shows the group of hooligans kicking plaintiff’s car.  It shows Tanner kicking at the car, but Dalton actually kicked plaintiff’s car. 

Plaintiff receives $480 for the car damages.

Chest of Harassment  -Plaintiff Carmen Simens suing defendant/husband’s former friend Clay Nelson for the return of her cedar chest.  Plaintiff’s husband and defendant were working on the chest, but it was never given back to plaintiff, after the husband, and defendant argued.    They went to mediation, and there is an agreement stating chest should be returned to plaintiff.   Plaintiffs will pay $200 to defendant for the work, and then chest will be picked up by a third party, after defendant places it at the mailbox.      Defendant says he didn’t give the chest back to plaintiff’s husband, because he was supposed to come to pick it up at 6:00, but came at 8:00.

Chest returned to plaintiff, with a marshal’s help within five days, and defendant won’t be paid the $200.  Defendant’s harassment claim is dismissed, and he claims plaintiff slashed his tires.

Restrain Me Not -Plaintiff Michaeel  Hower suing defendant Stephanie Rimer for return of rent, a false restraining order, and security deposit .   Defendant wouldn’t let plaintiff access the property after he paid rent.  Plaintiff was evicted the same month after paying $550, and $300 deposit, and got a temporary restraining order to bypass housing court.

No criminal charges or arrests resulted from defendant’s phony restraining order claim.  Defendant claims the plaintiff played his music too loud, and the neighbors complained.

It was an illegal eviction, so plaintiff receives his $575 back for prorated rent, and the deposit.   

House Guests Turn Nightmare Tenants! -Plaintiff Vernetta Eichinger suing defendant Pauline Sinclair  for a truck, and loss of business.   Plaintiff and husband moved into defendant’s home, not charging rent.   Defendant was dating plaintiff’s brother, and the plaintiffs moved in with defendant.    Plaintiff claims they were starting a business with defendant.    Defendant has a 3,000 sq ft home, with only one person living there.    Defendant’s boyfriend had his own place.   Plaintiffs stayed there from February to May, and never paid rent.

Plaintiffs needed a truck to start a landscaping business, so it was purchased in defendant’s name using her money, for plaintiffs.   Plaintiff woman wanted to start a beauty salon also.    Defendant took the truck loan out in her name, and put down the down payment.    Plaintiff claims she had a place to live in Seattle, and moved back there.

Plaintiff says brother had five mistresses, and defendant is one of them.   Defendant told the plaintiffs to leave, and hired an attorney. Defendant claims when she told plaintiff to leave, that “she would be lucky to get them out by Christmas”.     Plaintiff claims she had other places to live, and defendant really didn’t want her to leave.   Defendant submits the eviction notice.  

Plaintiff husband Jason Malcom, says he never received an eviction notice, but defendant hired an attorney to evict the plaintiffs.   

Plaintiff wife claims she has a bill of sale for the truck from defendant.  Plaintiff husband was driving the truck, was stopped and truck was impounded.  Defendant picked up truck, and was never paid for truck by plaintiffs

Truck is $3200.    Plaintiff wife submits a check that was never cashed, and defendant claims plaintiff stole the check and forged it, and says she never gave plaintiff a check.   Plaintiff has a bill of sale, which defendant claims is a forgery.   Defendant is counter claiming for impound fees, insurance fees, and harassment.

Plaintiff case dismissed, defendant keeps the truck.

Lame Excuse Gets Lame -Plaintiff Jenna Gleason suing defendant/former tenant Elysia Juday for rent and cleaning fees for an apartment plaintiff sublet to defendant.  Plaintiff subleased because she relocated for work, and the commute was too long.    Only one section (there are three separate bedroom sections), rented to defendant but the other two rooms are vacant, and no access to tenant to the other two bedrooms.  

Defendant leased from plaintiff, she claims plaintiff gave her a free apartment to house sit at.  What a bunk of baloney!

Defendant says she moved in, and lost her job, so she didn't pay.   She also claims she was just house sitting. 

$3,090 to plaintiff for six months unpaid rent. 

5 p.m. episodes-

p. 498, 28 July 2021

Toxic Eye Injury?!; Mother Illegally Relocates Child

p. 499, 6 August 2021

Fed Up Boss!; Negligent Teen Fishing Captain?!; Where’s My $19,000 Garage Apartment

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4 p.m. episodes-

Pomeranian Mauling! -Plaintiffs Rina Nagira and her mother Ryoko suing defendant James Ferris for vet bills after a dog attack.      Plaintiff has two small Pomeranians, mother was carrying one dog, and the other dog was free in the garage, proceeding to the front door of their house.   Plaintiff daughter claims the defendants’ two leashed dogs, a smaller dog, Rags, and an Akita, attacked.   Plaintiff daughter claims the Akita pulled the leash out of Ms. Eagle’s hand, and attacked the Pomeranian, and almost killed it.  Mr.

There is an animal control report from daughter, but she whited out and doctored the report, so it’s in admissible. Elizabeth Eagle was walking defendant’s dogs, and claims she was off the plaintiff’s property, when the off leash Pomeranians approached, and defendant witness claims the Pom bit the smaller terrier owned by defendant, Rags the dog is 38 lbs.   Akita is 100 lbs.   Poms were 7 and 9 lbs.

Plaintiff says witness was pulled into the driveway, and well onto plaintiff’s property when the attack happened.   Defendant witness says Pom bit the smaller defendant dog’s feet.   Defendant says plaintiff’s Pom has been off-lease repeatedly, and has attacked his dog on three occasions.

$1539 to plaintiff.

Jack Russell Rivalry? -Plaintiff Alison Niemeier is suing defendant/plaintiff’s father’s ex-girlfriend Autumn Allen for the return or value of a dog.   Defendant and plaintiff’s father lived together for many years, then broke up five years ago.   Plaintiff father came home and their house was cleaned out, including the dog.

JJ says dog was part of the family, and defendant will keep the dog.    Plaintiff hasn’t seen the dog for over four years.     Plaintiff father kept two dogs, and defendant took the Jack Russell.

Defendant claims the Jack Russell went missing, and she claims defendant daughter saw the dog on plaintiff daughter’s Facebook, with the dog.   Plaintiff daughter claims she never posted anything on FB, but defendant’s daughter did.

Plaintiff says dog was chipped, and she was called by an animal rescue telling her they found the dog.  So, she went and picked up the dog.   Plaintiff’s mother, Meggan Niemeier, keeps interrupting.

Somehow, defendant ended up with the dog, plaintiff claims defendant broke into her mother’s house, and stole the dog.   Defendant will be keeping the dog.

Everything dismissed.

Ladies’ Kickball League Drama! -Plaintiffs Kim Mitchell suing defendant/former league manager Carol Speaks for return of dues.  Plaintiff claims defendant was misappropriating the dues from the 10 league members for a game, but no games were played.   Dues were $135 each, but only two members are in court, and one is a witness.    Plaintiff witness Debra Bonneau, kickball team captain, testifies, but didn’t file a case in small claims.     Plaintiff collected $720, and defendant spent the money on a game, food, trophies, but no game ever occurred.   Defendant wanted to have a memorial game in her son’s memory on his birthday.  No games were ever paid.

JJ will allow plaintiffs to sue on behalf of the 10 team members.   

Defendant says she’s trying to eliminate gang violence.

$720 to plaintiffs.

Squatters Judgment Day -Plaintiffs Zigkeyeah Collier, and her mother Mary are suing/former tenants Kimmie and Katina White for rent, utilities, and destruction of property, $3435.    Defendants rented a fully furnished apartment from plaintiffs.    Defendant says when they broke into the condo, the lease was stolen.   Defendants signed the lease.    Mrs. White moved in, paid rent on the last day, but said she wasn’t going to pay the next month’s rent.     Condo lease to plaintiffs say no subletting, so sublet to defendants wasn’t legal.  This was in Antioch, TN.    

Defendants are still living in the apartment, but not paying rent, for over two months now.   Defendants are counter suing for medical bills from an assault by plaintiffs, and return of rent, since the sublet was illegal.

So, everyone came to court without clean hands again.

Defendants don’t have anything in writing with the apartment complex, and haven’t paid rent for months.  Plaintiffs are still paying the apartment rent.  Defendant husband claims they tried to pay plaintiff for January, but plaintiffs wouldn’t accept it.   $920 was the rent, but rent payment was $1128 to make up for the shortfall in rent.

Then, plaintiffs took the furniture out of the apartment, to put in her 30 days notice to the apartment complex.

Defendant claims they paid almost $3,000 to plaintiffs, and want that back.  They want $4428.

JJ points out to defendants that they should have saved enough to move, by squatting in the apartment.

Plaintiffs gets $920 for one month’s rent.    


5 p.m. episodes-

p. 499, 6 August 2021

Lying to Brooklyn Police?!; Uber Relationship Fail

p. 487, 2 March 2021

Fake Designer Bag Scam?

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Fake Designer Bag Scam?

Well, duh--if you are buying  spendy designer bag from some shady character who got it from their mother, undocumented, what do you expect?  Personally, I have no real problem with knockoffs as long as I KNOW they are knockoffs.

eta:  I am a proud owner of a knockoff Chanel bag. No apologies

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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4 p.m. episodes-

Torn Between Two Fathers -Plaintiff / Makenzie Kinneary and her father John Kinneary are suing defendant/stepfather Christopher Reha for the return of Makenzie’s car, that was paid for by her father.     Stepfather says Makenzie broke the house rules, so he confiscated her car.   Plaintiff was given $5500 by father to spend for a car.  

Defendant claims he wanted the car to cost more, and be newer, and finance the car.   They found a car for $4,000 down, and the other $1500 was for insurance, registration.     Stepfather told Makenzie to leave his house, actually the second time he told her to leave, unless she followed his rules.  

When Makenzie left stepfather confiscated, and kept the car.    Stepfather was also the one who demanded that Makenzie get a car on payments, when she could have bought a cheaper car outright.  

Makenzie was a full time student at college, even at 17.   Makenzie is taking 9 credits, and working 35 to 40 hours a week.  

JJ says defendant has to give her back the car, or the money she paid for it, $4,000.

Makenzie says she had to follow a strict curfew, couldn’t park in the driveway, and other rules of stepfather.   It sounds like stepfather wanted stepdaughter gone, and kept her car that he demanded she make payments on.   

Waste Not Want Not -Plaintiff Pamela Williams suing defendant Silvia Frazer for an unpaid loan to pay a security deposit, and a waste bill.    It was a single-family home, year-to-year lease, $1307 a month rent.   It was under Section 8, so it had to be year-to-year.     Defendant’s portion of the rent was $570 a month.

Defendant paid $1600 cash to plaintiff for the security deposit, and plaintiff claims defendant didn’t have a checking account so she paid in cash or money order.

Plaintiff claims defendant didn’t pay the $1600, $1000 security and the rest one month’s rent.   Plaintiff claims she loaned defendant the money for a security deposit, and a waste bill.  Plaintiff claims on move out the adult daughter, her children, and her adult son, and defendant, needed $1600 to move into her next place.     Defendant, daughter, her children, and son still live together, is that legal under Section 8?  Apparently, there are limits in how many people can live in a property, determined by the number of bedrooms, and additional adults have to apply and be approved to move in.  

There is a receipt for $1000 that defendant kept, from plaintiff.   When defendant didn’t pay the waste management bill a lien was put on her plaintiff’s property. 

Plaintiff did not return the security deposit when defendant moved out, claims damages, but no proof is shown.    

Waste bill was $992 and defendant didn’t pay it. Lease says defendant pays utilities, including the waste bill.

Plaintiff receives $992 for the waste bill, but nothing else. (In the hall-terview, defendant says she hopes they will be friends again, because there's a recipe that plaintiff has that she wants.    She can forget that).

Mother Sues Son! -Plaintiff/mother Nikole Parker.  suing defendant/son  Christopher Johnson Jr for loans for rent and car repairs, and for damages to an apartment that plaintiff signed for.   Defendant, and son’s fiance, Sabrea Phillips,  were paying half of the rent each, then son lost his job, and they lived out the term of the lease, and moved out.  Son moved in with his brother, and fiance moved in with her mother, and she’s pregnant too.

Complex kept the $300 security, leaving $1299 in damages to apartment.  There is unpaid rent for two months, late fees, plus apartment damages. Mother made settlement with apartment complex for $600, plus $150 for half of security she lost.  (This was in Eastpoint, MI)    

Plaintiff wants the $750 settlement back, and she gets it.

Classic Truck Arson Target? -Plaintiff Peggy Knoll suing defendant/sister-in-law Staci Schlacke for the value of an ’85 Chevy pickup truck.   Truck belongs to brother (husband of defendant) who is incarcerated.

Defendant sold the truck, after brother/husband was incarcerated.    Truck burned up, claimed to be arson.    Photos of the truck show it was destroyed.    Plaintiff believes defendant drove the truck, and caused it to burn.   Defendant sold it for parts and scrap.  Plaintiff wanted truck back, but never picked it up, or offered to pay for it.   Defendant is counter suing for storage fees.

Plaintiff wants $5,000 for the truck that she didn’t own.

Plaintiff gets $300, for selling someone else’s property.   Defendant claim dismissed.

Cavalier King Charles Eye Attack! -Plaintiff Angela Boyd suing defendant/attacking dog owner Keela La Croix for vet bills after another damn dog attack.   Plaintiff says her dog Kennedy was attacked, and defendant’s Corgi cross, Argon was the culprit.   

Plaintiff was walking across the stairs from defendant’s apartment, when Argon (defendant dog) attacked Kennedy (plaintiff’s King Charles), and plaintiff wants vet bills.   Argon was off leash, and running loose when the attack happened. 

Defendant claims the attack never happened, but she wasn’t there when it happened.  

I wonder if Argon has a history of aggression?   

Plaintiff says Argon attacked Kennedy, and that caused injury to Kennedy’s eye.   Defendant claims Kennedy wasn’t on leash, but Argon was leashed but loose, and claims Argon never touched Kennedy. 

Plaintiff receives $506 for vet bills.

5 p.m. episodes-

p. 499, 5 Aug 2021

Jail Bailout Blues; Rare Disease? Financial Disaster

p. 498, 30 July 2021

Which Driver’s Lying?!; Hauling Business Fail!

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 3/1/2023 at 7:21 PM, One Tough Cookie said:

Hopes they what? Have a nice day?😒

Thanks for catching that!   I updated it.    Plaintiff has a recipe defendant wants, and defendant thinks that plaintiff will still be her friend, and give her the recipe.   Nope, not happening.   (I was attempting to do too much at one time, with the conclusion of one case, and the start of another.)    


4 p.m. episodes-

The Brady Bunch Gone Bad -Plaintiff /ex-fiance Stacey Berzak suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Adam Harris for utility bills, child and dog care.   Plaintiff is a Sainted Single Mother of Four (SSMOF), and at one time plaintiffs with three children, defendant and his kids, and dog lived together for about 18 months. Plaintiff is going for a duel degree to qualify as a Physician’s Assistant 

When defendant moved out, his 14-year-old son stayed behind with plaintiff, and with the dog,  for two weeks, so that’s the child and dog care she wants, but that’s dismissed.  

Plaintiff’s case dismissed.   Plaintiff called CPS on defendant, to talk to the case worker on defendant's previous case with CPS.   Defendant made arrangements for the 14-year-old to stay with relatives when power went out at house, so CPS dismissed the issues. 

Everything dismissed.

Divorcees’ Tuition Fight -Plaintiff Ron Bowman suing defendant/ex-wife Tracey Biser for her share of daughter’s tuition, and the balance on an apartment lease.  There was no mention of college tuition in the original divorce agreement, but there was a revision to split college tuition for the first year, and cancel child support, but it wasn't a written agreement.    Plaintiff paid almost $13000 for the first year.   On year two daughter quit, and father paid the tuition, and lease breaking fee when daughter moved home.  

The litigants agreed to pay half each on the $12,000 plus tuition, for the first year.   Defendant blames ex-husband for daughter quitting school.   Daughter dropped out of Ball State.    Father wants to be paid for half of second year’s semester tuition.   

Plaintiff says defendant refused to communicate with him, until the court case.    Defendant claims she didn’t apply for the show, but so does plaintiff.    So, I guess it was magic. 

JJ isn’t sure there was a contract with defendant about the tuition, or the broken lease.

Plaintiff case dismissed.  

Felony Misdemeanor Bailout -Plaintiff (daughter) Rebecca Vitalec and  (parents) Denise and Robert Stout Jr. are  suing defendant Stephen Jackson (attorney) for return of retainer, $2500.   Plaintiff daughter was in jail on a second charge, when she was arrested, and jailed again (both charges were drug charges).   

Defendant is not allowed to practice law in Texas where the arrests occurred.   As usual, the defendant/attorney has a lot of excuses why he isn’t allowed to practice in Texas.  Here’s the legal ruling about his license:  


He claims it was a temporary suspension until he paid his dues. The time that plaintiff daughter’s charges would have been to court, were when defendant was suspended.   If you go to page 4 of the pdf, then he was required to return the $2500 to plaintiff parents.  He also had to notify every single court he was supposed to appear before that he was suspended, notify all clients, and return all retainers. This was a two year suspension by the way.

Even though he was suspended he never filed a notice of appearance, and tried to bargain with the District Attorney, and met with client daughter several times.

$2500 to plaintiff parents.


Drug Addict Destruction? -Plaintiff /drug addict Tina Holdaway suing defendant Ty Masterson for return of rent she paid six months in advance.  Defendant says plaintiff daughter and boyfriend caused over $3,000 in damages, and there were repeated calls to police about domestic violence between plaintiff daughter and boyfriend.     Plaintiff got a hard money loan on her current house, and the agreement was she wouldn’t live there.    Plaintiff claims she paid $10k to defendant for six months rent in his home.   Plaintiff claims she was working on sobriety, trying to sell the previous house, and getting her credit back in order.    

Defendant says the $10k was to convert his basement for housing for plaintiff, and her three children.  Rent was about $1666 a month, so two months would be $3332.   Defendant says there were constant calls to police about domestic violence between oldest daughter and boyfriend, and the 4-year-old colored tables, and peeled paint off of the walls.   Carpets were badly stained, and lots of damages to walls, a mounted deer head, magic marker on furniture.   

Defendant has a $3,000 estimate for damages.  (I would have given plaintiff nothing, and defendant $5,000 for the damages). 

Plaintiff gets $5,000

Restraining Order Damages -Plaintiff Heather Morris suing defendant Leonard Whitfield for a false restraining order, and attorney’s fees for a custody case over their mutual 12-year-old.   After plaintiff moved out of area, she chose to leave her son behind with his father, then she sued for custody. Defendant is counter suing for attorney fees.  (this happened in Bingham Lake, MN)

Both litigants had a chance to petition the custody judge for attorney fees, and neither ever did.

Both attorney fee cases dismissed.

During the defendant’s restraining order (2 years), the plaintiff refused to leave the home, or sign a quit claim deed.   Judge amended the order, so defendant could go on his own property.   Defendant shows the damages plaintiff did over the two-year period.   Plaintiff lived there for seven years total.

Plaintiff claims the property was always a mess, and she left it that way for defendant.

Plaintiff’s new love muffin Adrian Lee,  keeps interrupting JJ.   How rude, and I hope JJ kicks him out.

House was a mess, defendant had to get a dumpster, and help to clean the house out.   Plaintiff signed house over to bank, and claims there were two break-ins after she moved out.

Defendant $1,000 for the dumpster.   Then, plaintiff’s boyfriend keeps shouting out about defendant being an abuser.  

Freeway Crash-   Plaintiff/car owner Fulah Muhammad   suing defendant /plaintiff’s fiance’s nephew Carl Dale for wrecking her car while he was driving it, and towing fees for totaling her car.   However, plaintiff was driving with a learner’s permit, and without insurance.    

Plaintiff and boyfriend were at boyfriend’s house, and defendant was staying there.   Defendant claims he had plaintiff’s permission to borrow her car.    Plaintiff says she lost her job, and didn’t have insurance, but drove with licensed drivers with her, but still no insurance.

Defendant claims he wasn’t at fault in the accident, that another driver cut him off, and he lost control and hit a pole.   

2001 Silver Grand Prix, $1400, and $1464 with tax.    

$1400 to plaintiff.

5 p.m. episodes-

p. 501, 27 Oct 2021

Motorcycle Mayhem

p. 508, 1 Sept 2022

Kennedy Assassination Translation Fail! ; Boiling Water Fight!

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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4 p.m. episodes-

Never Read Your Boyfriend’s Texts! -Plaintiff Rafael Alvarado suing defendant/ girlfriend’s aunt Toni Hall for vandalizing his car.  

Plaintiff claims defendant aunt vandalized his car, after girlfriend saw evidence on his phone that he was cheating.   Plaintiff girlfriend, Vicky lived with her aunt, the defendant.   Plaintiff was at the BBQ at aunt and girlfriend’s home, and played a joke, and tipped a bottle in plaintiff girlfriend’s mouth, the aunt told him to leave.   Plaintiff and Vicki Probus, have a child together, and have been dating for six years total.   

Another witness for plaintiff claims he saw defendant aunt vandalizing the car, and breaking the windshield. 

Defendant aunt claims she didn’t damage the car, but her niece, the plaintiff’s witness and girlfriend did.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Bitter Roommate Battle! -Plaintiff Cassandra Soto suing defendant/former roommate Ashley Youngquist for breaking the lease, and defamation of character.   Plaintiff and brother rented the apartment together, later the brother was jailed for a parole violation of his drug convictions.   Defendant put down the security deposit, $1350 (same as monthly rent).  Defendant said she came home from work to find herself locked out of her own room, big parties with sketchy visitors that were friends of plaintiff and her brother.

Plaintiff claims she had no clue defendant was leaving until she received a text at work that defendant had already moved out.     Defendant put down three months rent, only lived there for two months, and paid for another month.    Plaintiff and jail bird brother lived there for months, until he was incarcerated again.

Plaintiff claims brother wasn’t on drugs while he lived in the apartment.  Plaintiff wants money to cover when defendant moved out, and after brother was incarcerated again.    Defendant said the conditions in the apartment were so awful she moved home with her mother, and then to another apartment.

JJ tells plaintiff she could have found another roommate.  

Plaintiff case dismissed.  Defendant won’t get her security deposit back, plaintiff didn’t move out so no refund of the security deposit happened yet.   Plaintiff claims defendant was obsessed with the jail bird brother, how ridiculous.

Fish Tank Destruction! -Plaintiff/son Dustin Wolfe  suing defendant/father John Wolfe for destroying his fish tank, and killing the fish deliberately, and a stereo receiver.   Plaintiff was living in a second house on his father’s property.  Then, one morning plaintiff saw the fish tank was leaking, he went to work, and called the girlfriend to help him mop up the water.    When girlfriend, Ashley Ramsak ran out of towels for the leaking water, she went next door to get more towels from the father.   The father came over, saw the water leak, and went ballistic.   Ashley asked father to help her drain the tank slightly below the leak in the tank. 

When father came over, he was drunk, emptied the fish tank to the bottom, and Ashley was trying to get the fish to safety.    Then father emptied and broke the fish tank, and flushed the fish.       JJ asks son a good question, why didn’t he siphon water to below the level of the leak before going to work?   Plaintiff says defendant didn’t siphon the tank to the bottom, and dumped the tank out the window.

Defendant is counter claiming for a false police report, and damages from the leaking tank.   

Defendant claims there were towels and pans catching the water, siphoned the water out, flushed the fish, and dumped the tank outside.    Father-of-the-year candidate admits he broke the son’s fish tank, and flushed the fish.  

Son paid rent and utilities, in Bedford Ohio, but that was a deal on the rent.

Defendant claims Ashley wasn’t at the son’s house until after 6 p.m.   Defendant witness is his girlfriend, Sheila Vilcheck.     Defendant father rolls his eyes when JJ asks him why he destroyed the fish tank, and killed the fish.  

Defendant claims son told police that defendant was brandishing a gun, and threatened to shoot him.  Defendant was roaring drunk too.

Plaintiff gets cost of the fish, $150.    

Defendant says there was floor damage, so $2000, minus the fish cost, so $1850.

5 p.m. episodes-

p. 488, 5 March 2021

Friends Let Friends Drive Drunk?; Wedding Band Break-Up; Prove It’s My Fault!

p. 508, 16 Sept 2022.

Quick! Take This Homeless Baby?!; Single Mother Mayhem?

I didn't finish this one a few days ago, but it's so bizarre I remember it. 

Oldest Scam on the Internet! -Plaintiff Dominique Lippolis suing defendant Alana Reilly for giving her two counterfeit money orders to cash for defendant.      Someone named Leslie is who defendant claims sent her the money orders, and defendant claims it wasn't a scam. 

Defendant got sucker plaintiff to deposit two phony money orders, that defendant accepted from some scammer on the internet.  

Foolish Plaintiff gets her money back.   I'm not sure I would have given the plaintiff a penny back.   

$1900 to plaintiff for the bogus money orders.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 3/1/2023 at 8:24 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Plaintiff and boyfriend were at boyfriend’s house, and defendant was staying there.   Defendant claims he had plaintiff’s permission to borrow her car.    Plaintiff says she lost her job, and didn’t have insurance, but drove with licensed drivers with her, but still no insurance.

Here's the thing--the "Clean Hands Doctrine" --driving without insurance is illegal amirite?  So WHY does she award damages to someone who drives/lends an uninsured car?

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4 p.m. episodes

Message to the World! -Plaintiff Adrianne Purdue suing defendant Krystal Truitt for the balance on a Buick LeSabre plaintiff helped defendant buy.  Defendant talked plaintiff into financing defendant’s car in plaintiff’s name to fool the finance company.

Defendant only had a learner’s permit, so she couldn’t finance a car, so plaintiff did it for defendant.  Car was bought in plaintiff’s name.   Plaintiff financed the car, gave car to defendant, who drove car for two years.   Plaintiff also had the insurance and registration on the car, and defendant never did get a driver’s license.   Defendant was never listed on the car insurance as a driver either. 

Tell me JJ will throw this case out because no one came to court with ‘clean hands’.

Insurance by plaintiff was going up, and defendant refused to pay extra for the insurance.  So, plaintiff went to defendant’s house and took the license plates on the car.   Defendant had a license previously, and had outstanding fees she never paid, so she didn’t have a driver’s license.

JJ tosses the plaintiff claim because of the doctrine of ‘clean hands’.

Goats Scream Bloody Murder! -Plaintiff Pamela Liner  suing defendant Jaime Smith for the value of two goats killed by defendants Pit Bull, and medical bills for herself.   Plaintiff was home, heard her dog barking, ran 600 feet to where the Pit Bull had already killed one goat, and dog was attacking and killing the other goat.    Plaintiff says since defendant moved in the Pit Bull had been after her goats, and cats, and she told defendant to keep the dog offof her property, but defendant never did.   Plaintiff has pictures of the dog trespassing on her property.

Defendant says plaintiff’s dog and goats also come on her property.    But on this occasion the defendant’s goat murdering Pit Bull was on plaintiff’s property. 

Defendant says plaintiff carried her dog, and slammed it to the ground at the time of the attack.  I would have shot the dog right in front of defendant, on my property. 

Plaintiff receives $500 for the value of the goats, and medical costs of $800, so $1300.


A Family Affair -Plaintiff Rolf Elmore father and wife/stepmother Tonia Elmore suing defendant son Jody Elmore and girlfriend Kim Gilmore for the cost of a Jeep, and damages to father’s Oldsmobile.   Son / defendant claims the $500 deposit check loaned by father for the Jeepwas never cashed by the dealership.   Son never made payments for the Jeep, so father repo’d the Jeep.   Father had loaned son an Oldsmobile, and claims son trashed it, so three days after son had Jeep, father took it back and kept it.   

Plaintiffs have the car and Jeep back, so case dismissed.


Eco Friendly Backfire! -Plaintiff Talina Apodoca suing defendant Brian Ellis for money owed for spoiled groceries, rent, and repairs to a refrigerator.   Litigants moved into an apartment as roommates, it needed a fridge.  So, defendant’s girlfriend gave him an old fridge, and they tried to use a government program to trade in an old fridge for an more energy efficient fridge, and the new one was free through a government program.   Plaintiff called police when defendant kept the refrigerator after plaintiff kicked the defendant out. 

Plaintiff witness Reina is the former short-term girlfriend of defendant, and is the one who gave him the fridge.   After defendant and plaintiff witness broke up, the fridge suddenly became the property of plaintiff.  So, plaintiff called police and made a report claiming defendant stole the fridge.

Plaintiff witness (defendant’s former girlfriend) Reina says the fridge was a loan, then witness didn’t need the fridge, and that’s when plaintiff traded the fridge in for the free energy efficient fridge.

Plaintiff claims she’s on social security disability, but still worked at a Rave in Vegas.   She claims defendant moved out without notice while she was out of town.   Defendant says plaintiff told him to leave.

Plaintiff claims defendant cut the refrigerator wires, causing her fridge to fail.

Plaintiff says she paid cash to landlord for defendant, but has no proof. Plaintiff is still living in the same apartment.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Betrayal of Trust! -Plaintiff Brittany Chasar is suing defendant/former friend Dylan Marshal for return of two month’s rent for return of rent.   Plaintiff says she paid three months in advance, and moved out after one month, so she wants two months rent back.  Brittany says Dylan forced her out of the apartment.

Defendant says plaintiff was asked to leave after valuable items disappeared from the apartment.  He also never gave her keys to the building either, but did have a key to the apartment.    Defendant says Brittany’s thefts were a ‘betrayal of trust”, and JJ says betrayal of trust happens on soap operas, not in her courtroom.    The day plaintiff left, defendant and roommate filed a police report claiming plaintiff threatened them.   

Defendant says he couldn’t get another key to the condo, but never called the condo owner (each unit is separately owned) to try to get a building key.   Every time plaintiff needed to get into the building

Defendant has no proof of thefts by plaintiff.

On move out day, plaintiff filed the police report about thefts from her belongings.

Plaintiff gets two month’s rent back $1000.

5 p.m. episodes

p. 498, 27 July 2021

Murder, Prison and Conjugal Visits; Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite!

p. 508, 13 Sept 2022

Wedding Ring Theft?; Don’t Kiss Your Sister’s Boyfriend

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4 p.m. episodes-

Pawned Family Jewelry -Plaintiff /stepdad Jarvis Duncan suing defendant /stepdaughter Jessica Thomas for stealing an iPad, jewelry, money and other items from his home.  Plaintiff is a retired police officer, he’s been defendant’s stepfather for 19 years.   When defendant cashed a stolen check, he had stepdaughter prosecuted, and she was jailed for a few days.    Plaintiff says stepdaughter stole many items an iPad, money, jewelry (bracelet, necklace, watch) and a camcorder, all were pawned by stepdaughter.  Items added up to $2300. (this happened in Omaha, NE).

Stepdaughter’s thumbprint is on the pawn ticket, corresponding to the stolen items.

Plaintiff mother is a witness for her husband, and says her Bulova wat

Defendant claims she pawned things for others, and pawned her own items quite a few times.   She’s also been unemployed for over a year.   

When parents confronted defendant, she claimed she would repay the money from the forged check.  The pawned items are what is in question in court, since the check was dealt with by the court system previously.

$2300 to plaintiff

Hurricane Season Dog Fight -Plaintiff Autumn Roark   suing defendant Anna and Justin Cummings for damages to her home by defendant’s dog.   Dog would come to plaintiff’s home, scratch the doors, and damage to a tent.    (Plaintiff’s friend Justin lives in the tent).    Dog jumped through the tent mesh, and ruined the tent.  

Plaintiff finally bought a kennel for the dog, because it would come through the door screens.   Animal control told her to cage the dog, and call them for pick up.    Plaintiff put dog in a kennel on her front porch, with food and water, and a tarp over it, and animal control picked up the dog twice.  Defendant man says the second dog wasn’t his dog.

Defendant claims his dog never damaged plaintiff’s house.  On the second occasion, plaintiff says defendant man threatened them, and defendant woman also threatened them, and police officer had to tell her to leave.

There are three animal control reports about the dog.

Plaintiff receives $2500 for damages for the dog.

Motorcycle Mayhem -Plaintiff Merissa Boylensuing defendant Phillip Kowalski for car payments, and repayment of medical bills from a motorcycle accident.  They lived in a room rented from a friend.

The two litigants were on the motorcycle, had an argument, and it caused the medical bills plaintiff is suing for.

Defendant is counter suing for motorcycle damages.

After the accident they were still living together.

Cases dismissed.


Sick Before the Wedding! -Plaintiff /bride Nicole DeRosa suing defendant/DJ Bobby Arel for a partial refund on his fee, $1,000, because the DJ and photographer were unprofessional. Defendant says he became ill, and couldn’t go to the wedding, but sent two people in his place, a DJ and a photographer.

Bride claims photographer Michael was drunk at the wedding.  Photographer doesn’t advertise at all.   DJ / defendant was hired for $1900 to DJ the event, and bride submits the contract to prove everything she says.   Defendant says he did get a signed copy of the contract, but lost it on the trip to court.  Plaintiff says the engagement photographer was good, and she thought the same photographer was supposed to show for the wedding.    Defendant says he fell ill before the wedding from a staph infection, and didn’t tell bride until right before the ceremony.   So, defendant claims he hired two professional DJ’s from NY, and the photographer, Michael.    Plaintiff claims the photographer was drunk at the wedding, and the DJs were very late to the wedding.   Defendant hired the two DJs the day he became ill, but didn’t tell the bride he wasn’t coming until the substitutes showed up late at the reception.

The substitute photographer was told to bride a couple of weeks before the wedding.   Photographer was good at the beginning, but the list of photos she wanted was given to the photographer, but she only received a few of the photos.    Plaintiff was guaranteed in an email from Michael that she would get 600 photos, and bride claims 212 were on the CD and only 150 were original photos. 

Photographer claims bride deleted the photos herself, and he gave her the 600 photos he contracted for.

Plaintiff receives $1,000.

Three’s a Crowd (2014) -  Plaintiff/roommate Kyle Craig is suing former roommates Evan Towle, and Stephanie McGuigan for their share of damages to their apartment.   They rented the apartment together, split the rent three ways.    Plaintiff moved out months before the end of the lease, after defendants say they asked him to leave, and plaintiff paid his third of the rent through the end of the lease.   Plaintiff said he just left. 

Defendant Towle claims they lived in the apartment with a broken toilet for months.

McGuigan/defendant wants to be paid for cleaning the apartment.   The total for damages were $1800, which plaintiff paid the entire amount.   Plaintiff wants $600 each from defendants.    Defendants blame everything on plaintiff, and his drinking.   

$1200 to plaintiff.  


5 p.m. episodes-

p. 488, 9 march 2021

A Woman’s Dying Wishes; Subwoofer Custody Battle

p. 488, 9 March 21

Windshield Wiper Attack; Crash, Brake and Bills

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4 p.m. episodes-

Family Battle over Father’s Death -Plaintiff sister Nasaya Link (mother) and (sister Holly Link suing defendant  (brother) Darryl Link for legal fees, a loan for car repairs, and life insurance. Siblings fighting over funeral costs for father, after his insurance won’t pay (bet it’s one of those everyone qualifies TV plans, that doesn’t pay for anything but accidental death), and they don't pay for pre-existing conditions either. Defendant says he has six kids, because he was trying for another boy. 

Mother and sister are suing over death of father/husband.  Father was in nursing home for six years, mother was separated from father before the nursing home, since 1993.   Father was living with a bunch of relatives, and others, then was in the nursing home for six years before his death.    Father lived with defendant and another sibling, then the nursing home. 

Plaintiffs want the life insurance policy sister had on father, and brother / defendant was supposed to pay half of the premiums, and there was a lawyer’s fee involved.   Insurance declined to pay out on father, because he had a pre-existing condition.

Sister wants $3266 for the life insurance, but didn’t read the fine print on the policy conditions.   Plaintiff sister says she didn’t know about father’s past medical history, so she’s blaming the brother, in spite of the father’s residence in the nursing home for six years.

Supposedly the sibling were supposed to split the funeral costs.  After father's death the pension went up by $1700 a month to plaintiff mother, there were also other payment increases for her, and the funeral was her responsibilty.  The siblings/adult children didn’t receive any benefits.

Defendant claims he paid money for the funeral, but sister claims he didn't. 

Funeral was $15,000 total.   Plaintiff sister claims brother paid over $2,000, but now claims he owes her $3,000.   

Mother is suing son for $742 for a loan for car repair.   Defendant says the mother gave him money to renew his registration, so he could bring the kids up to visit her.  

Plaintiff sister's case dismissed. $700 to plaintiff mother. 

p. 494, 1 June 2021

Unleashed Dog Mayhem!

5 p.m. episodes-

p. 488, 10 March 2021

And the Most Apathetic Landlord Award Goes To…? ; The Cadillac and the Ex-Con 

p. 488, 10 March 2021

Sex Swap for a Car? ; Dinner Party Attack


(My local channels have bounced JJ for drag racing, college football, high school football playoffs, bad weather that's hundreds of miles away-I'm guessing the other area was in the cable area for weather warnings through the same station group, national news,-which I understand, and all kinds of other things). 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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14 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Yet ANOTHER two episodes we missed thanks too soccer. Thank you so much Europe.

Sounds like a four shot block.

How is it Europe's fault that your tv station decided to show a football game rather than reruns of a judge show that is a rerun?

Just joking, I know how annoying it is when my Jeopardy is pushed to air some crap basketball game that I don't care about. Damn Americans.

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Today was a stimulating wad of painful cases. Mostly scum, vermin, thieves, liars, cheats etc., notably the out of control teen whose mother is in total denial about her daughter stealing, running the streets with professional thieves and rip off artists, and burglarizing her neighbor. I was actually yelling at the these people which of course is pointless even if they could hear me. It would be more useful to go outside and yell at the clouds (something I have heard is common with us old geezers). However, it is rude to scare the neighbors so I will refrain from yelling and just mutter under my breath.

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4 p.m. episodes-

Mom No More! -Plaintiff /mother Carol Boss suing defendant/daughter Laura Burns and (boyfriend) Bryce Relitz for damages to plaintiff’s house.    Daughter moved in because the heater broke, and wanted to bring the boyfriend, and the two dogs.    Plaintiff says her daughter trashed her rental house, and wants damages from her former daughter.   Plaintiff wants $3,000 for damages, aggravation from daughter is dismissed.   Daughter moved in with her boyfriend, and two dogs.  

Plaintiff has photos of mess daughter and boyfriend left behind, including a marijuana pipe.   The defendants were in the house for eight months.  Plaintiff claims they broke the refrigerator.  The kitchen is full of trash.   Defendants moved to a different trailer.  

Daughter says mother asked her to leave because daughter stopped calling her “Mom”.    Maybe mom got sick of supporting the daughter, boyfriend, and dogs in her house.   Defendant says brother , wife and kids lived in mother’s place too, but moved since.   Plaintiff’s other daughter testifies about defendant sister’s abuse, and trashing the house.  

Plaintiff claim for damages is for the items daughter stole from her.   Defendant claims the mother stole her property.   Daughter tries to show pamphlets showing the items she’s claiming.

Everything dismissed


Tiny Recording Studio Burglary? -Plaintiff Justin Byrd suing defendants (building owner) Linton Holcomb and property manager Elena Fronczak for the property stolen from his studio.   Defendants own and operate a commercial 17 unit building, and plaintiff rented one small space for a recording studio.

The lease shows nothing about building security.    Plaintiff claims the defendants are responsible for the theft, but they’re not.    Plaintiff didn’t have insurance for the equipment, and the office.

Plaintiff claims when he toured the building before renting that he was told that there was 24-hour surveillance.  

Plaintiff didn’t get renter’s insurance, or change the locks either.  

Defendant owner claims he’s never had a surveillance system, but claims the cameras are fake to deter burglars, and never told anyone he had surveillance.

Plaintiff case dismissed.


Teenage Phone Vandal? - Plaintiff/father David Haynes, Sr and son David Haynes, Jr are suing defendant/mother April Serrano and son  Tavionne Smith, for the value of a phone, and harassment.    Defendant mother believes her son’s ridiculous story.   The two sons were fighting over a girl, outside of plaintiff’s house, and plaintiff claims Tavionne broke the phone.     

Tavionne says they were waiting for David and other friends, when Tavionne claims someone else had the phone, and they broke the phone.   Then, Tavionne blames everything on someone else, and says he only saw the phone sitting on the curb, and spit on it.

Defendant mother claims the mother of the kid her son blamed for breaking the phone, and claims the other mother said her kid broke the phone.    suing defendant    13-year-old admits he spit on former friend’s phone, but claims he didn’t break the phone.  Plaintiff father suing for $738 for the phone.

Defendant mother claims someone else admitted to damaging the phone, but she didn’t bring that person to court today.   She actually believes her son’s ridiculous story. 

Plaintiff father was watching TV, and saw the cell phone in two pieces outside his door, and he saw Tavionne and another friend.   Defendant mother keeps fidgeting, and not looking at JJ, and rolling her eyes. 

$300 to plaintiff for phone.

8-Year-Old Takes the Stand – Plaintiff Karen Hill  suing defendant /mother of child Kim Kelly, and 8-year-old Adrian for vandalism, falling off his bike and scratching her car.   Defendant mother claims the son didn’t do it.  

JJ has Adrian in her witness chair of Justice, and tells Adrian that she won’t bite him, and hasn’t bit an 8-year-old in a very long time.

Adrian claims he didn’t hit the car, but fell on the sidewalk.    Plaintiff’s adult son was standing outside and saw the incident, and Adrian claims he was scared of Miss Hill, and that’s why he confessed to something he didn’t do.

$874 to plaintiff for the damages.


5 p.m. episodes-

p. 499, 13 Aug 2021

I’m Glad Your Cat is Dead!  (The daughters might be foolish for moving in with the guys so soon, but the mother was awful.  I can see why the daughters wanted to leave, and hope everything worked out for them).

p. 488, 11 Mar 2021

Teen Behaving Badly; Good Samaritan Shakedown

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16 hours ago, DoctorK said:

Today was a stimulating wad of painful cases. Mostly scum, vermin, thieves, liars, cheats etc., notably the out of control teen whose mother is in total denial about her daughter stealing, running the streets with professional thieves and rip off artists, and burglarizing her neighbor. I was actually yelling at the these people which of course is pointless even if they could hear me. It would be more useful to go outside and yell at the clouds (something I have heard is common with us old geezers). However, it is rude to scare the neighbors so I will refrain from yelling and just mutter under my breath.

This was a 6 vodka and cranberry, for sure. Just extremely sad and scary about the next generation to come.  That girl would raise babies? She'll do a bang up job f or sure.

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4 p.m. episodes-

Rescue Dog Attack! – Plaintiff /  Angelica and Monte Hight are suing defendant/dog owner Matt Weiman for vet bills after a dog attack.    10-year-old walking attacking dog admits she lost control of the dog.  Little girl testifies that when plaintiff’s daughter Kayla Okunu, was walking 15 lb  Iggy, came in sight, she lost control of the 70 lb. rescue dog owned by defendant.   The defendant’s two daughters were at the attack, Hailee was walking the Rhodesian Ridgeback/Mastiff mix, and defendant claims the dog was only 70 lbs at 3 years old. (My opinion is that Hailee never should have been walking the dog, and I’m calling bull pucky on the defendant dog being only 70 lbs at that age, and the breed mixture)

The defendant’s other daughter was walking their Cockapoo too.  Plaintiff’s daughter was walking Iggy, and saw the defendant’s daughters walking the other two dogs, when defendant daughter Hailee lost control of the leash, and Ginger attacked Iggy.     

Defendant’s statement is totally different from the daughter’s statement in court.  Weiman claims his small daughter regained control of the dog, which is a lie.  Well rehearsed defendant daughter tries to blame plaintiff’s dog for the attack. 

Defendant tries to claim the vicious dog hearing went his way, that having it at all  was a miscarriage of justice.  He thinks a picture of his vicious animal wearing fake bunny ears is going to change JJ’s mind.  Defendant challenges JJ, and he’s lucky Officer Byrd didn’t have a taser available.

Plaintiff receives $3,000 for the vet bills.

Lovers Playing House- Plaintiff Josylnn Ford suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Shephen Shedrick for a car loan, a security deposit, and an assault.   They were living in an apartment together, on a six-month lease.   Then, they bought the car together, and he wrecked the car, and plaintiff wants the car loan paid off.   Somehow, the car didn’t have insurance, because neither litigant thought to pay the insurance.     Plaintiff says her ex plays the “dumb game”.

JJ dismisses the loan claim.   Plaintiff wants half of the security deposit back, but she didn’t pay rent for four months, so claim dismissed.  

JJ will hear the assault claim.   However, plaintiff threw something and hit him first, so assault is dismissed too.  

Everything dismissed.  


Grandmother Custody Clean-Up! -Plaintiff/landlords Pamela Marinez and husband Gerry Wegner are suing defendants Pamela Bixby and daughter Karen Small  suing defendant/former tenant and grandmother of three   for damages to a rental house.   Defendant grandmother had permanent custody of daughter’s three children, and then moved in with her mother.   Grandmother first fostered, and then had permanent custody.   Children were not permitted to live with their mother, and mother was in a chemical treatment program, for two months, and another month in another program.  Then, daughter got a job, and moved 20 miles from her mother.   Then defendant Karen was visiting her children regularly.   Grandmother is no longer under CPS rules, but still has permanent, subsidized custody of the children.    Grandmother claims she told the social worker about daughter’s visit.    When defendant daughter started visiting the children and defendant, the landlords allege the issues started.   Plaintiffs gave grandmother a 60-day notice to move, and when they moved out the place was trashed.

Security was $1200, and was not returned, and plaintiffs want more money too.   Plaintiffs have before and after pictures.   The home looks lovely before move in.    Grandmother claims she cleaned up everything before move out, but doesn’t have pictures of the way she left the house.

Plaintiff says there was writing on the walls from the kids, clean up and dumpster was $498.    They punched holes in the wall, busted out windows, ruined doors.   JJ will give nothing for doors, holes in walls, windows except 1 screen, and nothing for the broken basement egress window.

JJ dismisses plaintiff claims since they have the $1200 security deposit.   Defendant claim dismissed.

(My opinion, JJ hates landlords, and showed that again.  I think she feels sorry for the grandmother raising the grandkids.)

Boat Thief Meets White-Out Fairy? -Plaintiff Susan Harryman suing defendant/former friend Phyllis Mosburg for half the value of a boat and trailer, and stolen property.   Plaintiff claims they went 50/50 on boat and trailer, and claims defendant stole the boat they bought together, but defendant claims she owned the boat and trailer.     

Plaintiff says Mosburg wanted property that plaintiff was selling, and Mosburg took the property, and never paid Harryman for the items.

Defendant claims plaintiff called her prospective employer, and ruined her chance to get the job. 

Defendant claim dismissed.

Boat was $750, each paid $375.  Defendant says boat was $700, and she paid every penney.   

Plaintiff witness Mr. Mitchell says he knows the seller of the boat, and submits the bill of sale, with both names on the bill of sale.    Defendant’s bill of sale shows only Mosburg’s signature, so someone whited out Harryman’s name.  JJ says defendant Mosburg is a liar about the boat sale, when JJ sees there is white-out altering the bill of sale for the boat.   

Defendant made a $3200 insurance claim on the boat, JJ dismisses that. 

Plaintiff claims for the items that defendant claimed she wanted to buy, and didn't pay for.   The only item defendant admits she has is the bugle, and plaintiff will get that back. 

Plaintiff receives $375 for her half of the boat. 

5 p.m. episodes-

p. 499, 5 Aug 2021

Bleached Lawn Outrage!; Unwed Parents Feud; Time for Adult Children to Stepup!

p. 488, 12 March 2021

Don’t Trust Men You Meet in a Supermarket?!; Flim Flam Car Sham?!; Mom Bails on Bail

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 3/10/2023 at 5:59 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

escue Dog Attack! – Plaintiff /  Angelica and Monte Hight are suing defendant/dog owner Matt Weiman for vet bills after a dog attack.    10-year-old walking attacking dog admits she lost control of the dog.  Little girl testifies that when plaintiff’s daughter Kayla Okunu, was walking 15 lb  Iggy, came in sight, she lost control of the 70 lb. rescue dog owned by defendant.   The defendant’s two daughters were at the attack, Hailee was walking the Rhodesian Ridgeback/Mastiff mix, and defendant claims the dog was only 70 lbs at 3 years old. (My opinion is that Hailee never should have been walking the dog, and I’m calling bull pucky on the defendant dog being only 70 lbs at that age, and the breed mixture.

The defendant’s other daughter was walking their Cockapoo too.  Plaintiff’s daughter was walking Iggy, and saw the defendant’s daughters walking the other two dogs, when defendant daughter Hailee lost control of the leash, and Ginger attacked Iggy.     

Defendant’s statement is totally different from the daughter’s statement in court.  Weiman claims his small daughter regained control of the dog, which is a lie.  Well rehearsed defendant daughter tries to blame plaintiff’s dog for the attack. 

Defendant tries to claim the vicious dog hearing went his way, that was a miscarriage of justice.  He thinks a picture of his vicious animal wearing fake bunny ears is going to change JJ’s mind.  Defendant challenges JJ, and he’s lucky Officer Byrd didn’t have a taser available.

Plaintiff receives $3,000 for the vet bills

The defendant, the father was such an angry, viscous sounding man I was truly afraid for his daughters safety after he was caught in his lie.

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4 p.m. episodes-

Vasectomy Victim? -Plaintiff/ex mother-in-law  Kimberly Davenport  suing defendant/ ex future son-in-law Thomas Batista-Carter for repayment of money she loaned him to reverse his vasectomy, because plaintiff demanded grandchildren. Defendant had a vasectomy at a young age, 21, and plaintiff wanted grandchildren.   So, plaintiff loaned money to defendant for the reversal, the fiances broke up, and defendant said he only agreed to the reversal if plaintiff’s daughter married, and stay married, but they didn’t. 

Kayla Davenport, the daughter/former fiance is plaintiff’s witness. Defendant had the vasectomy in 1999, and the health insurance wouldn’t cover the reversal, so plaintiff paid $4901, and wants to be repaid.   

At the time of the loan, or gift, defendant was unemployed.  Defendant says he was employed, but they don’t cover reversal, and when he changed jobs the new insurance didn’t cover reversals either.   Defendant also has one biological child, and an adopted child.    Defendant did have the reversal, but doesn’t want more surgery to have another vasectomy.   Defendant says he broke off the relationship with Kayla because she cheated on him, so they broke up.  Defendant only wanted more children in a stable marriage.  (This all happened in Spokane, WA).

Plaintiff receives $4901.

Sentimental Jewelry Heist?! -Plaintiff Sally Marshall is suing defendant/former friend Juanita Thompson for the return of jewelry that plaintiff says defendant stole from her.  Plaintiff needed a place to stay for some courses, and she paid some rent.  Defendant wanted $100 a week, and in a tenant herself.

Plaintiff claims she paid $250 to defendant, and defendant claims she only received $100.   Defendant’s current boyfriend was also plaintiff’s ex.   When defendant locked out plaintiff, she got a civil standby to get her property, but claims a lot of it was missing, including the jewelry. 

After the lockout, plaintiff crept through the gate, and told defendant she needed her computers to do her school work.  Then, defendant called security, and defendant raised the garage door to let plaintiff access her property. 

Defendant says she gave plaintiff a 30-day notice to move, and plaintiff left voluntarily.   Defendant canceled her driving access on the property, so a week later plaintiff went back with a U-Haul, and her property was in the garage, but claims the jewelry was missing.   (This all happened in Palm Springs, CA)

Plaintiff is told by JJ to prove exactly what was stolen, and prove the jewelry was stolen by the defendant.   

Then, plaintiff loaded her jewelry in her vehicle, with her dog, and when she went to get her bicycle, plaintiff claims the dog was out of the car, and the jewelry was gone.  

Plaintiff case dismissed.   

p. 509, 2 Nov 2022.

Mother Daughter Drama; Truck Driver Babysitter Blues

5 p.m. episodes-

p. 488, 15 March 2021

Gruesome Pet Discovery! ; Single Mom Mayhem

p. 508 1 Sept 2022

Tree-Killing Mystery; You Just Don’t Get It!; School Bus-Driving Mom Sues Son!

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:


Vasectomy Victim? -Plaintiff/ex mother-in-law  Kimberly Davenport  suing defendant/ ex future son-in-law Thomas Batista-Carter for repayment of money she loaned him to reverse his vasectomy, because plaintiff demanded grandchildren. Defendant had a vasectomy at a young age, 21, and plaintiff wanted grandchildren.   So, plaintiff loaned money to defendant for the reversal, the fiances broke up, and defendant said he only agreed to the reversal if plaintiff’s daughter married, and stay married, but they didn’t. 

Kayla Davenport, the daughter/former fiance is plaintiff’s witness. Defendant had the vasectomy in 1999, and the health insurance wouldn’t cover the reversal, so plaintiff paid $4901, and wants to be repaid.   

At the time of the loan, or gift, defendant was unemployed.  Defendant says he was employed, but they don’t cover reversal, and when he changed jobs the new insurance didn’t cover reversals either.   Defendant also has one biological child, and an adopted child.    Defendant did have the reversal, but doesn’t want more surgery to have another vasectomy.   Defendant says he broke off the relationship with Kayla because she cheated on him, so they broke up.  Defendant only wanted more children in a stable marriage.  (This all happened in Spokane, WA).

Plaintiff receives $4901.

Haven't seen it yet, but it sounds like a 5 vodka  shot episode

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4 p.m. episodes-

p. 509, 2 Nov 2022

Sign Language Drama; Mustang Theft?

p. 509, 4 Nov 2022

Reckless Teen Driver Whodunit!,6-year-old Takes the Stand!


5 p.m. episodes-

P. 488, 16 Mar 2021

Head-Butting Tenant?! ; Irresponsible Health Care Worker?!

p. 508, 30 Aug 2022

Daisy Duke Spinout; Vacation Nightmare

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