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S02.E02: Enter The Temple


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That scene of Ricky and Jason deciding on alternative teams sure was a nice way to get some easy promotion for a whole bunch of NFL teams!  Managed to get in the Broncos, Patriots, Saints, etc.  Only big ones I'm surprised they didn't fit in were the Panthers and Seahawks.  Of course, I doubt Ricky is going anywhere, but I guess this will be his main storyline this season.

Spencer is totally addicted to those pain pills, despite his claim.  Have to imagine this is only going to get worse.

Of course, stupid-ass Reggie accidentally hurts Vernon.  Classic Reggie!

I guess it's nice that they're trying to have Tracy be more then just Spencer's girlfriend, but I'm not quite sure how she'll fit into all of this in the long run.

Joe was cracking me up in this episode.

Have a feeling Spencer isn't going to be prepared for Andre, like he thinks he is.

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I'll hope that they're working on setting up something big, because so far this has been pretty boring.

The number one rule of any paintball place is that you don't take off your mask ever while on the playing field or while your game is in session. I felt like screaming at them not to be lifting their masks, and then there's a guy with no mask on the field? I get you want your actors to be visible but maybe an alternative setting would work better.

Joe and Spence's banter was as good as ever though!

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I guess it's nice that they're trying to have Tracy be more then just Spencer's girlfriend, but I'm not quite sure how she'll fit into all of this in the long run.

I don't know but she is not that great an actress or really that interesting to me at this point. I hope I am proven wrong if they decide on having her "save" Spencer from his addiction.

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I found it strange that Spencer had to practically beg his doctor for painkillers. Don't all these NFL guys have their own doctors who are only too happy to keep them in pills? 

I agree that Tracy is boring and adds zero to the show. I find myself fast forwarding to any scenes with The Rock anyway because the rest of the characters just aren't that interesting. He's the best thing about the show and the only reason I watch.

30 minutes is too short for this show. Every episode feels like we spend 90 seconds with any character who isn't Joe and The Rock, and it all seems so incomplete. And what happened to the guy who was trying a comeback? Did he succeed? He must have played, didn't he? It seems now like he isn't as good as he was (slower and more expensive), so they want to move him and now he balks after they took a risk for him to come back? His story should be one of the strongest, but hearing about it 30 seconds at a time really makes it choppy.

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