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S28.E12: Raging Bullies

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2 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Wisconsin. But he's the rep for very northern Wisconsin, which is conservative and not representative of the state in general. He's pretty popular up there. No one seems to care about his RW days but that was like 20 years ago. Weirdly, I was in his home town yesterday and walked right by Duffy Law Office, which must be a relative...maybe his dad?

Sarah said...stuff on her aftershow about how she did talk to Cheyenne about her feelings etc but that Sarah decided she wasn't going to change Vince and his ass ways so she didn't say anything while Cheyenne was being riduculed... It was just the kind of bullshit cop out we'd expect from her. No, Vince probably won't change but I'm willing to bet he would've been more inclined to stfu if everyone on that bus would've ripped into him for what he was doing. Sarah also said something about how they'd go after her then if she spoke up. She really doesn't get it. All it takes for bullshit to continue is "good" people doing nothing. She is such a disappointment. I only watch her aftershow for Susie.

I think Sarah thinks she's a way better person than she is because she's basing the scale in reference to these people, some of whom are the lowest of the low. 

That is so typical Sarah.  I won't say anything to the bully, so he doesn't get mad at me.  Then, I'll go quietly talk to his target and express my sympathy, so that she doesn't get mad at me either.  Everyone, please,  just like me!!!!!

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

That is so typical Sarah.  I won't say anything to the bully, so he doesn't get mad at me.  Then, I'll go quietly talk to his target and express my sympathy, so that she doesn't get mad at me either.  Everyone, please,  just like me!!!!!

And she should know what that shit feels like, because when Katie was railing into her ass on whatever Challenge that was (The Ruins maybe?),  no one said anything and just watched as Katie shouted at her till she was a huddled mass of tears then kicked her out of the room.  If anyone should know better, it should be Sarah.  She needs to grow the fuck up!

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You know what? In a way I feel really sorry for Sarah. How shitty would that be to be pushing 30 and have no idea how you feel about something until someone like Bananas or Susie tells you? It wouldn't surprise me if John's rage at Sarah kept her up at night. 


@luckyroll3- Sarah was actually totally cool with those guys sitting there silently when Katie totally humiliated her because they brought her flowers afterwards. Instead of saying, where were you dickheads 10 min ago, she grins ear from fucking ear and says, I was so worried you guys didn't like me! 


Shocking enough- when Katie is tossing Sarah out, Sarah was in front and Katie follows her to the door. Then Katie either pushes or slaps Sarah's back- not sure which but there was definitely physical contact- and while Evan and Kenny don't say one word, it is actually Bananas, of all people, who tells Katie to stop, and actually reaches over and holds Katie back from shoving Sarah. At that moment, the nicest person in that room of hypocrites is Bananas. 

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For some reason, I didn't see the Vince/Cheyanne conflict. There was a preview that indicated it would come, then the show cut off just prior to the aftershow. I think my DVR recorded the first run, and not a subsequent shortened one. I have DirecTV. Anyone else had this problem? Was it actually part of the Aftershow? I haven't watched that yet. 

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Just now, sunsheyen said:

For some reason, I didn't see the Vince/Cheyanne conflict. There was a preview that indicated it would come, then the show cut off just prior to the aftershow. I think my DVR recorded the first run, and not a subsequent shortened one. I have DirecTV. Anyone else had this problem? Was it actually part of the Aftershow? I haven't watched that yet. 

I missed it too, but thought I had forwarded through a whole segment on my VCR by accident.  I know I've missed the silly interstitials that way, so I thought I'd absentmindedly done it with this all.  Was it at the end?  After the airport hijinx?

I fast forwarded through most of it, but I think I got the gist. At the hotel before they go out, John calls Cheyenne "Chantel". He explains that earlier someone called her that as an honest mistake and now they call her that on purpose as a joke. He indicates in a talking head it never seemed to bother her before. I will say in Bananas' defense he appears honestly taken aback by how upset Cheyenne was at the hotel and I didn't seem him call her that again. 


Once  they're at the bar, Vince not only purposely calls her the wrong name, but also says her eyes are brown, not hazel like she says they are. The implication there may have been that Cheyenne tries to be "white" which, given her explanation later, would have been very hurtful and account for how upset she gets. Vince then continues to argue as to why she should not be offended and is an ass in general. Jenna says this to Cheyenne (that Vince is an ass)  intentionally within earshot of Vince. 


On the bus ride back, Sarah does make a half hearted attempt to get Vince to stop but gives up pretty quickly. Devin yells at Vince to leave Cheyenne alone. Nicole and Jenna both just look annoyed and at one point Jenna is glaring at Vince. I don't remember seeing what Bananas or Dario were doing. 

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