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Small Talk: 1, 2, 3 Non-Cheerleader Conversation

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23 hours ago, pizzaislife said:

Pizza is delicious. I ate half a large for lunch and then ran four miles. Life is all about balance. And... pizza doesnt talk back and say dumb things. 

You ran 4 miles?  I can't run 4 feet.  Period.  Even if I tried it would be a cardiac arrest type situation and really, that's unpleasant so why bother?

I would however, attempt to run if I was being chased.  Then 3 feet later, I would give up and try to diplomatically sort the situation.  "I will give you my wallet if you allow me to keep my phone.  No?  Then how about I give you the phone and 1 credit card?  Is that a deal?"

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1 minute ago, Ante said:

You ran 4 miles?  I can't run 4 feet.  Period.  Even if I tried it would be a cardiac arrest type situation and really, that's unpleasant so why bother?

I would however, attempt to run if I was being chased.  Then 3 feet later, I would give up and try to diplomatically sort the situation.  "I will give you my wallet if you allow me to keep my phone.  No?  Then how about I give you the phone and 1 credit card?  Is that a deal?"


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12 minutes ago, QuiteCalM said:

We are bingeing Breaking Bad but I'm finding it depressing.

How far are you?  I saw the first 2 episodes & found it too depressing as well & quit watching, but then I went back to it and I have to say, it ended up being the best show I ever saw.

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3 minutes ago, ByTor said:

How far are you?  I saw the first 2 episodes & found it too depressing as well & quit watching, but then I went back to it and I have to say, it ended up being the best show I ever saw.

We're at ep 4. Ugh. It's just so SAD. I'll have to keep trying with it.

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Baby Boss failed the audit majorly yesterday. I just have to laugh because he would have passed if he had listened to my suggestions. Like every single thing that we lost points on are subjects I addressed with him. If he fails the reaudit, he'll lose a chunk of his annual bonus, and possibly his job. Maybe he'll listen to me this time.

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59 minutes ago, Oranaiche said:

Baby Boss failed the audit majorly yesterday. I just have to laugh because he would have passed if he had listened to my suggestions. Like every single thing that we lost points on are subjects I addressed with him. If he fails the reaudit, he'll lose a chunk of his annual bonus, and possibly his job. Maybe he'll listen to me this time.


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Two least favorite client types:

1) The groaner who sounds like they're either in childbirth or..er...GETTING pregnant

2) The "I'm going to now tell you my entire health history".

Most favorite:

1) Audible snorer

2) "Do whatever you want. Oh and I'm out of all my products so I'll need to stock up".


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On 5/10/2017 at 5:41 AM, California Girl said:

Last night a drunk driver slammed his car into the back of my vehicle while I was waiting at a red light.  I suspect he may also have been texting, as he asked me not to call the police because he had to be somewhere soon, and then showed me a text asking him where he was.

I am still shaken.  It was bad luck as I had just spent a good deal to repair some important maintenance issues for the car only two weeks ago.  The car is currently undriveable, and likely totalled.  I take solace only in knowing this, better my car than someone's life.

omg lady, I'm so sorry!!!!  It is honestly terrifying when something like that happens, and I'm hoping so much you are all right - this may be premature as you may have mentioned how you're doing with everything following this post (I'm still catching up on the forums a bit) but my heart is going out to you *hugs*

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On 5/17/2017 at 6:07 PM, pizzaislife said:

It is super humid from march to juneish due to all the rain and you know tornados. Blazing hot burning death end of june to september. October is nice. And then frigid finger snapping cold and dry the rest of the time.

I should move.

I grew up in Michigan but my family is all originally from Oklahoma, and I lived there for a year during undergrad.  All my friends in Michigan were like, "oh, I wish I could move down there where it's warm," wanted to know why I would bother bringing my warm clothes to a place as hot as OK, and couldn't understand why I was so desperate to move back to Michigan.  

1)  The warmer the weather, the bigger the bugs.  Anyone enjoy tarantulas in their backyard, and wolf spiders the size of dinner plates?  Me either.  

2)  You don't need any help with volume when the humidity is making your hair puff up like a cotton ball, but it would be nice to be able to straighten your hair and have it stay that way and not revert itself between the time you walk to the car from the doorway. 

3)  Your immune system gets an interesting workout between the 105-degree-in-the-shade-100-percent-humidity outside and the 50-degree-ceiling-fan-on-high-zero-humidity-air-conditioning inside my dad seems to prefer.  

4)  Michigan can get some serious rain and thunderstorms but Oklahoma is also laughing at it and saying "bless your heart" in comparison - fall storms in Oklahoma are the equivalent of standing underneath an enormous bucket of streaming cold water that has nothing better to do than flood once it hits the ground.  

Also, I will take 5 feet of snow and blizzards over hail and ice storms any day.  I went outside one morning after an ice storm to find my entire car encased in an inch thick of ice.  Individual blades of grass were coated in ice.  I didn't think that was possible.  I love my family, and I love VISITING Oklahoma.  I will never LIVE there again if I can possibly help it ?

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@Bubbetv I just want you to know that your story absolutely made my day!! I'm glad you're okay, and know you're not alone in bat catching adventures. We had one fly out of the fireplace a few years ago and terrorize two dogs, three kids and four adults. I think the adults screamed the loudest! 

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What is it with cats and always wanting to put their anuses directly in our faces? I love my cats, but when they crawl up on my chest and turn their asshole in the general direction of my face, they're getting thrown off the bed.

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35 minutes ago, Oranaiche said:

What is it with cats and always wanting to put their anuses directly in our faces? I love my cats, but when they crawl up on my chest and turn their asshole in the general direction of my face, they're getting thrown off the bed.

It's cat talk for, " I love you so much I can't live without you." Honestly.

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5 hours ago, raindancer said:

I grew up in Michigan but my family is all originally from Oklahoma, and I lived there for a year during undergrad.  All my friends in Michigan were like, "oh, I wish I could move down there where it's warm," wanted to know why I would bother bringing my warm clothes to a place as hot as OK, and couldn't understand why I was so desperate to move back to Michigan.  

1)  The warmer the weather, the bigger the bugs.  Anyone enjoy tarantulas in their backyard, and wolf spiders the size of dinner plates?  Me either.  

2)  You don't need any help with volume when the humidity is making your hair puff up like a cotton ball, but it would be nice to be able to straighten your hair and have it stay that way and not revert itself between the time you walk to the car from the doorway. 

3)  Your immune system gets an interesting workout between the 105-degree-in-the-shade-100-percent-humidity outside and the 50-degree-ceiling-fan-on-high-zero-humidity-air-conditioning inside my dad seems to prefer.  

4)  Michigan can get some serious rain and thunderstorms but Oklahoma is also laughing at it and saying "bless your heart" in comparison - fall storms in Oklahoma are the equivalent of standing underneath an enormous bucket of streaming cold water that has nothing better to do than flood once it hits the ground.  

Also, I will take 5 feet of snow and blizzards over hail and ice storms any day.  I went outside one morning after an ice storm to find my entire car encased in an inch thick of ice.  Individual blades of grass were coated in ice.  I didn't think that was possible.  I love my family, and I love VISITING Oklahoma.  I will never LIVE there again if I can possibly help it ?

Pretty much sums it up. Somedays its freezing balls cold in the am and satans spa day in the afternoon and then dorthy off to oz at night. Because its rare for mother nature to send severe weather during the day. She must have permanent insomnia and pms because we get nailed from the hours of 11pm to 4 am.

1 hour ago, Oranaiche said:

What is it with cats and always wanting to put their anuses directly in our faces? I love my cats, but when they crawl up on my chest and turn their asshole in the general direction of my face, they're getting thrown off the bed.

I think my cat has a love/hate relationship with me. She likes to lay on my face. So its a "I want to cuddle but if you die thats ok too"

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2 hours ago, TiaGrace said:

It's cat talk for, " I love you so much I can't live without you." Honestly.

I've heard this, but it's hard to fathom while looking directly at my cat's dingleberries.

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50 minutes ago, Dopeydwarf said:

I adore bats! there are a few bat sanctuary videos on FB. This was the first one I saw. They are just precious.

So cute! A little girl my mom used to nanny for says she wants to be a bat rescuer/care taker. She's in second grade now and she's been repeating this life goal since she was about four. Half of the books on her shelves are about bats and most of her stuffed animals are bats as well. It might be a little weird, if it wasn't so darn cute.

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12 hours ago, Dopeydwarf said:

I adore bats! there are a few bat sanctuary videos on FB. This was the first one I saw. They are just precious.

I LOVE bats too!! They're so smart and so useful! I don't particularly want them anywhere near me ( @Bubbetv the screaming laps thing is HILARIOUS) but I do love that they're so cute and awesome....er.....elsewhere lol!

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I was at the hospital from 5 pm last night to 4 am today and it wasn't even the main hospital, it was their 24 hour emergency room for non emergency cases. My dad slid down the stairs the other day and now his collar bone is broke but they kept him there because he had a high heart rate and did all these unnecessary tests. His hesrt rate was high from pain and anxiety ugh. Got two hours of sleep before I had to call out and then slept for another 3 hours. Relaxing on the couch with gilmore girls now.

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27 minutes ago, Gabrielle Tracy said:

My husband eventually refused to watch Breaking Bad with me because I refused to acknowledge that Walter White "was a bad man".  I mean, he was just supporting his family is all!

I think WW initially tried to help his family, but then grew to enjoy his increasing power...BUT I still insist he was not a bad man, circumstances just made him do bad things.  Yeah, I know, he brought most (if not all) of this circumstances on himself, but I didn't out & out dislike him.

Edited by ByTor
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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I think WW initially tried to help his family, but then grew to enjoy his increasing power...BUT I still insist he was not a bad man, circumstances just made him do bad things.  Yeah, I know, he brought most (if not all) of this circumstances on himself, but I didn't out & out dislike him.

I have a longstanding argument with a good friend of mine who agrees with you that WW wasn't a bad man, while I, on the other hand, think that he was inherently evil and was just able to stifle it until he got into the meth business and regained the power he lost when he signed over his Grey Matter shares. Doesn't mean I don't love to hate him though. We literally have the stages of Walter White artwork on our bedroom wall.

Edited by Oranaiche
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1 hour ago, Oranaiche said:

I have a longstanding argument with a good friend of mine who agrees with you that WW wasn't a bad man, while I, on the other hand, think that he was inherently evil and was just able to stifle it until he got into the meth business and regained the power he lost when he signed over his Grey Matter shares. Doesn't mean I don't love to hate him though. We literally have the stages of Walter White artwork on our bedroom wall.

From conversations I've had with people, I'd say a majority agree with you.  I also get yelled at for my theory that he went overboard because he had zero power in his marriage.  And yes, I could not STAND Skyler.  I was fine with her at first (spoiler tagging to not ruin it for you, @QuiteCalM, if you continue to watch),


but her defiantly smoking while pregnant, then getting pissy with anyone telling her she was wrong to do that started her downward spiral in my eyes.  I did love the "IFT" episode when Walt moved himself back into the house & Skyler called the police; when the police arrived, Walt was being sweet as can be in the background, making grilled cheese & even asking her if she wants one.  This is probably bad, but I can't help but feel a little gleeful when she gets called out on her smugness and she can't smart-ass her way out of it.  Although she did get the best of him with her "I fucked Ted" declaration.  Good times!

I hope this makes sense, but I always thought that no matter who I did/didn't like, I still was able to like them as characters, because I felt they were written (and acted) exactly how they were supposed to be for the show to work.  

The "Doesn't mean I don't love to hate him" comment is exactly how I felt about Clay on Sons of Anarchy.  I hated him with a fiery passion, but I loved watching him & was always interested in what would happen with him next.

Edited by ByTor
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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

From conversations I've had with people, I'd say a majority agree with you.  I also get yelled at for my theory that he went overboard because he had zero power in his marriage.  And yes, I could not STAND Skyler.  I was fine with her at first (spoiler tagging to not ruin it for you, @QuiteCalM, if you continue to watch),

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but her defiantly smoking while pregnant, then getting pissy with anyone telling her she was wrong to do that started her downward spiral in my eyes.  I did love the "IFT" episode when Walt moved himself back into the house & Skyler called the police; when the police arrived, Walt was being sweet as can be in the background, making grilled cheese & even asking her if she wants one.  This is probably bad, but I can't help but feel a little gleeful when she gets called out on her smugness and she can't smart-ass her way out of it.  Although she did get the best of him with her "I fucked Ted" declaration.  Good times!

I hope this makes sense, but I always thought that no matter who I did/didn't like, I still was able to like them as characters, because I felt they were written (and acted) exactly how they were supposed to be for the show to work.  

The "Doesn't mean I don't love to hate him" comment is exactly how I felt about Clay on Sons of Anarchy.  I hated him with a fiery passion, but I loved watching him & was always interested in what would happen with him next.

No worries at all, I mean already have quite an idea of what it's about ?

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7 minutes ago, QuiteCalM said:

No worries at all, I mean already have quite an idea of what it's about ?

True, but there are certain scenes that you're better off watching without having any hints beforehand.  At least that's my goofy personality!  I always go ahead and read spoilers, then I regret when I do :)

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2 hours ago, Dopeydwarf said:

My go to show is the Tudors.  Practically got it memorized.  I know it's not factual, but it began my long passage into all things HenryVIII.

Love, love, love The Tudors. My favorite English Queen is Anne Boleyn. The way that Natalie Dormer portrayed her is burned into my psyche and now when I think of Anne; it's always as Natalie.  I also quite enjoyed The White Queen series.

That said, I too am obsessed with all things British. I often say I am faux British and I should have been born there. My love for The UK knows no boundaries. 

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SO WW just started chemo, we're on ep 5, and I find Skuyler and Walter Jr to be pains in the asses. The guy has cancer, is going through chemo, has a full time job, is looking death in the face, and all Skuyler can think about is how this affects her in her group therapy. UGH. INSUFFERABLE. I strongly dislike the walking histrionic open sore of a woman at this point. I realize character development changes, but right now, no.

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1 hour ago, QuiteCalM said:

SO WW just started chemo, we're on ep 5, and I find Skuyler and Walter Jr to be pains in the asses. The guy has cancer, is going through chemo, has a full time job, is looking death in the face, and all Skuyler can think about is how this affects her in her group therapy. UGH. INSUFFERABLE. I strongly dislike the walking histrionic open sore of a woman at this point. I realize character development changes, but right now, no.

If you hate her now, you will always hate her. Honestly there are exactly three characters on the show that I don't hate, and none of them are mentioned in your post.

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9 hours ago, QuiteCalM said:

SO WW just started chemo, we're on ep 5, and I find Skuyler and Walter Jr to be pains in the asses. The guy has cancer, is going through chemo, has a full time job, is looking death in the face, and all Skuyler can think about is how this affects her in her group therapy. UGH. INSUFFERABLE. I strongly dislike the walking histrionic open sore of a woman at this point. I realize character development changes, but right now, no.

There are instances at the end where I feel bad for her, but she only gets worse.  I can't help but have a soft spot for Jr. though :)

8 hours ago, Oranaiche said:

Honestly there are exactly three characters on the show that I don't hate

Did you watch more than once?  If you did, I'm curious if your opinion changed on anybody.  I loved Jesse on my 1st viewing, but by the 3rd he worked my last nerve!

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29 minutes ago, ByTor said:

There are instances at the end where I feel bad for her, but she only gets worse.  I can't help but have a soft spot for Jr. though :)

Did you watch more than once?  If you did, I'm curious if your opinion changed on anybody.  I loved Jesse on my 1st viewing, but by the 3rd he worked my last nerve!

Totally have a soft spot for him. Absolutely. 


8 hours ago, Oranaiche said:

If you hate her now, you will always hate her. Honestly there are exactly three characters on the show that I don't hate, and none of them are mentioned in your post.

Hahaha I'm so glad I'm not alone, I was like, maybe I'm reading her wrong and I'm being a judge a roo about the pregnant wife of a cancer victim. 

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8 hours ago, Oklahomama said:

Anthony Ramos doesn't even have 1800 twitter followers... yet thinks he is something.

Hahaha OMG I love you. I am *not* a fan of that particular addition to the show like, at all. It's like Hmmmm, this Thanksgiving dinner is absolutely perfect! But I feel like it's just missing one thing... Let's see, ah yes! A dog turd. Let's throw in a dog turd. 

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See a dog turd would make me gag. To me it's more like the gluten-free sugar-free vegan all natural organic pie that your hippie cousin brings that everyone goes "mmmm! How wonderful!" then skips right over on their way to the gooey butter cake. 

I don't hate the guy, I just don't see the point of him being there. But CMT was alllll about the random "celebrity" appearances last year. Sigh. 

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We all know that Holly is a fabulous dancer, but I could never really get a sense of her true personality until the other night when she went live on her Instagram page. Did anyone else see this other than me? I must admit I love her even more. She is just a young woman (just turned 20 in Jan), same age as my daughter. At this age you are typically trying to find your place in life. I found her to be really honest, sweet and down to earth - not arrogant at all. She answered questions and she also said that she would like to stay on as a DCC for 4 to 5 season if K&J chooses her. I'm a bigger fan now!

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47 minutes ago, DCCFAN71 said:

We all know that Holly is a fabulous dancer, but I could never really get a sense of her true personality until the other night when she went live on her Instagram page. Did anyone else see this other than me? I must admit I love her even more. She is just a young woman (just turned 20 in Jan), same age as my daughter. At this age you are typically trying to find your place in life. I found her to be really honest, sweet and down to earth - not arrogant at all. She answered questions and she also said that she would like to stay on as a DCC for 4 to 5 season if K&J chooses her. I'm a bigger fan now!

i love it when holly does IG live!! the fact that she does it fairly often and really tries to engage with people is another reason why i love her and why she is one of the few DCCs that seems like a friend (as silly as that sounds lol) 

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50 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Forgot to ask, do you think Jesse is a pain in the ass?

I mean, I kind of do, but I feel like he is a child. His parents are fucktwats, and he clearly was never "parented", so I think WW is as close to a father/friend he'll ever have. This past ep was where crazy violent drug distributor beat the piss outta one of his own guys in the junkyard in front of WW and Jesse, and at the end, they cut to us watching them from behind, walking away side by side, in horror of what they'd just seen and I thought they looked like Pooh and Piglet. So far I can't hate WW or Jesse. Like, at ALL.

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