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S06.E07: The Broken Man

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Episode Synopsis: The High Sparrow considers another target; Jaime confronts a hero; Arya makes a plan; memories are awakened in

And lastly, here's a little video to pass your time (and bring cheer to your day). It's embedded so no spoilers are shown. :) 


Whaaaat? So late and no Brethren have sent ravens to the Wall? 

So, uh, first off? THE HOUND! Whoa. Once again S6 has brought yet another of the Milk Carton Gang, making me wonder who else that was once lost, will be once again found before this season is over.  I am not sure who that group was that The Hound had taken up with, and if those three riders were with the Brotherhood without Banners, why would they slaughter them all? I thought the BWBs were sort of okay dudes? Or am I misremembering them?

I nearly jumped out of my fucking skin when Arya got stabbed, and as soon as that old lady came up behind her I knew it was A Bitch. Arya needs to step up her radar, man, that was a rookie mistake.  She can't die like this because it would make no sense at this point in A Show, so I know she will survive, and I am guessing the actress will save her because, who else?!  But dayam, do I want her to get the hell out of Braavos already! I used to think that place was IT, but it's a total unadulterated shitshow there.

The Starks Clan goes Bannermen shopping is becoming sad and depressing. A viewer NEEDS the Starks to bank some fucking WINS already. I can NOT deal with more defeats of House Stark and if A Show even tries to throw Sansa back into Ramsey's den of deviant debauchery I WILL quit A Show.  I NEED Jon to bank a huge win. I.Need.This.

The whole thing with Jamie going to RiverRun was silly. Who gives a shit about that tired place? I did enjoy how he bitch slapped those moronic Frey nitwits and I would like to see them off'd once and for all, along with Papa Frey, but I don't get why Jamie would waste his time fighting Frey's battles ad infinitum, I mean, I get that Tywin had a deal with Bolton and Frey to kill Rob and Catlyn, but isn't it enough for now? Why would they care? I mean, it seems like Frey's men are fairly useless so it's not like the Lannisters have a valuable army in Frey's men, hence my confusion about them sending Jamie, of all people, to fight that silly battle.

Oh yeah, and I hope to hell that Lady Olenna gets out of dodge before getting killed. I think that rose is the symbol of the Tyrell's and of Highgarden, so I took that symbol to mean she is still the same old Marg of Highgarden and she has a plan...Tommen, what a foolish dolt that kid is. I did love Cersei literally shaking with rage as Olenna told her what's what, but that makes me fear for Olenna's safety as well.

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Never have I been so happy before the opening credits: Ian McShane and Sandor Gregane?

I loved McShane's Septon. The key phrase of the theme for his band of pilgrims and the closing credits -- that trinity of notes, F, D, D# -- mirrors the same in the Deadwood theme.

People are being called to declare themselves for what they are, to live or die for it. The Hound, Margaery, Sansa, the Blackfish, Jaime, Theon, Arya. With the reminder that the way to stop doing wrong is to stop doing wrong, and to "help each other."  And if you do, you will still die, and may be even more likely to die soon. But that's a different gamble.

Sansa writing to Littlefinger -- it makes sense, based on what she knows and what she doesn't. Like Theon her fear of being hacked to pieces again rules everything, drives her to distrust allies who say bad odds are good enough, when she's seen the greater force win three times: Stannis at King's Landing, then the Lannister/Tyrells against Stannis, then the Boltons against Stannis. And a part of her wants Littlefinger to want to make amends, wants him to have been remade by remorse at the wrong he did her, doesn't want herself and both her parents to have been so wrong about him.

Sansa wants to act, even to lead. So far other people have made every decision that's turned out so horribly for her. Yet when she spoke up, when she tried to command loyalty, she was soundly slapped down by a ten-year-old girl and a defeated man. Littlefinger is a lord with an army and a man she can summon. 

Yara did listen to Urine, and steal the wind on him! She wants to find Dany and propose an all-girls' alliance! Someone please stop Tyrion now, before he starts working on the joke about Theon.

How did Arya survive. If she's rescued by Lady Gray and the players, I'm going to want to believe that this was somehow A Man's plan all along. Or at least the plan of one of the many, many-faced gods.

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WELL. This was the most evil this show has ever been...

They dangle Ian McShane in front of us as a possible new character at the start of the show and then they literally dangle him at the end. With a nah-Ha-HA. (I Swearengen I hear the Nyah-Ha-HA!) What a waste.

Oh, and the Hound is back. That's nice. He must be the "broken man"? Of course Theon could fit that title too. Even Jon, who's veering dangerously close to his start-of-show moroseness.

OK, it was kind of nice to have a change of pace. And despite my misery at losing Ian McShane way before his time, it really was good to see the Hound has cat lives. I'm back on the redemption arc train again for him... well, I'm hanging off the last stair of the caboose.

When the riders on horseback came I initially thought it was Brienne, and god knows who, because the Hound looked uneasy and from a distance I mistook the bald-headed guy for a short blond headed person.  The Hound said those guys were The Brotherhood, and I thought he said they followed the Red Guard and for a moment I thought I was watching the Musketeers 'cuz the Red Guards are the baddies in that show. Those guys can NOT be the Brotherhood without Bread, Butter or Banners that WE know. Our BoB were a raggedy but decent lot - I thought. But I played back what the Hound said and it was that "they follow the Red God".  Damn. Thoros of Mir, Berric Dondarrion, Anguy... how did you get mixed up with this bunch?

The Arya surprise was that she made it through the night without having to fight A Girl, but she appears to have forgotten everything she learned at the House of Black and White if she let her guard down for an unknown old lady. But A Girl is not a much better faceless one than Arya was. Patrons of the House of B&W will be demanding their fee back if she gets sent to do a paying job.

With all the lost characters being found (and the Hound who wasn't even ON a milk carton), I'm not investing in Arya surviving nor dying. Although I did think she'd run into a Priest of the Lord of Light who might give her their unique brand of first aid. 

Edited by Anothermi
delete redundancy
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32 minutes ago, Pallas said:

Sansa writing to Littlefinger -- it makes sense, based on what she knows and what she doesn't. Like Theon her fear of being hacked to pieces again rules everything, drives her to distrust allies who say bad odds are good enough, when she's seen the greater force win three times: Stannis at King's Landing, then the Lannister/Tyrells against Stannis, then the Boltons against Stannis. And a part of her wants Littlefinger to want to make amends, wants him to have been remade by remorse at the wrong he did her, doesn't want herself and both her parents to have been so wrong about him.

Now that you lay it out, Pallas, I don't see how I missed it. I must have disregarded the acting clues due to getting out my spy glass to try and read her raven-gram (to no avail). I thought perhaps she might be sending a pre-Brienne arrival request to the Blackfish, but the level of angst she displayed eliminated that possibility. Littlefinger - always with the offer you can't refuse.

And that ten-year-old Mormont! Her mother may have been the one woman we saw at Robb's camp in the King in the North scene. I wondered about her. You've got to wonder what happened to Jorah when all the other Mormonts seem so level headed?

38 minutes ago, gingerella said:

The whole thing with Jamie going to RiverRun was silly. Who gives a shit about that tired place?

Except for the part where Sansa & Jon were hoping for support from the Blackfish and the Tully bannermen. Jaime's not going to let them out, so we can only hope your plan, Ging, of Brienne persuading Jaime to "Do The Right Thing" is actually in the cards.

Edited by Anothermi
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So what exactly were Ian McShane and his merry band of workers trying to build? I couldn't tell. Not that it matters, I suppose, but without knowing its purpose, their entire project seemed a little random. I suppose it was random, merely a means to an end - that end being to get the Hound back into play. They really are crawling out of the woodwork this season!

So far as the Brotherhood without Banners go, we've only seen a small part of them before now, but even then - were they really all that good? They took in Arya and her friends, sure, and Gendry thought he'd found his purpose in life with them - but then they sold him to Melisandre without blinking. Thoros of Mir is an adherent of the Lord of Light (which I think is the same as the Red God? Melisandre's religion?), and we all know how crazy true fanatics of that particular religion can be - just ask poor little Shireen! So it doesn't surprise me all that much to learn that they are as capable of terrible things as the next person on this show, in the wrong circumstances or under the wrong leadership. I do wish we knew more about the background of this particular set-up, though - where exactly were they, why did Ian McShane pick that spot for his building project, what were his intentions, why were they attacked, etc? Mind, I appreciated the irony, that after warning Ian McShane about being prepared to defend his people if need be, the Hound then wasn't there to help them because of his isolationist tendencies. Be interesting to see where his pursuit of vengeance takes him - I imagine this was all set-up to lead us onto something else.

Little Lyanna Mormont was brilliant - and gave Davos the opportunity to exercise the 'dad skills' he practiced so much on Shireen, still sadly missed. Jon and Sansa had no idea how to talk to the girl, but Davos is good with kids, and it was a poignant little reminder.

I loved Arya's new outfit, now sadly spoiled by A Bitch. The outfit was so perfectly Arya, a clear visual sign that she has reclaimed her identity. What's her plan on returning to Westeros, I wonder (delayed now, of course by her wound - and I say delayed because I am certain she will survive; like Jon she feels too endgame to go out here, like this)? Did she intend to go north to find Jon? That seems most likely, it was her first intention on leaving the Hound, before finding a ship bound for Braavos, which currently feels like a big waste of time since she doesn't show much sign of having learned all that much. She really shouldn't have fallen for the old woman disguise - did she really think they'd just let her go, after investing so much in her and sharing their secrets with her? Arya still has a lot to learn - and doesn't seem to have taken in the lessons she's already received.

Brienne's journey to Riverrun is looking like a big waste of time at this point, since the Blackfish really isn't in any position to be able to send an army to help Jon and Sansa, even if he wanted to, but I guess her going there is going to end up serving some other purpose. I did like Jaime's gesture of humanity to Edmure - but was that simply human kindness, having been in a similar position himself, or was it just point scoring for some other purpose?

Got to admit, all the Kings Landing shenanigans are just boring me now!

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Oh my, The Hound! So after they killed almost all the characters every season, now they start to bring them back. If they bring back Stannis, thouh, I will cut a bitch! Let him stay DEAD show! 

I don't understand why they brought Ian What's His name to have him killed by the end of the episode. I thought he'd be a more important character. Unless they bring him back, that is. Maybe that's the plan, The Hound will go and avenge them and Berric Dondarion will know what his men been up to: killing innocent women and children. He seems to be somewhat true to his cause, so I don't think he approves of what they've been doing. He'll want to make amends for what they did and bring back the Priest.

Add me to the love of Lady Mormont! That little kid showed more wisdom, courage and heart than most of the other lords combined! Ugh, I hope they don't kill her now....

6 hours ago, gingerella said:

I nearly jumped out of my fucking skin when Arya got stabbed, and as soon as that old lady came up behind her I knew it was A Bitch. Arya needs to step up her radar, man, that was a rookie mistake.

I now rigth? How could she not know? I just saw that Old Lady and new inmediately it was A Bitch (trademark Ginger?). In fact, the moment she stood on that bridge I wondered what the hell  she was doing. They're looking for you stupid girl, and they could be anyone! So you go around taking long walks by the river? WTF?! You should be hiding under a hole until you get the hell out of there!!

I knew Margeary was playing a long game. She's the best, her grandma must be so proud! I liked the little smile Olynna had when she saw the Rose, she knows now her grandaughter is a genious manipulator. Girl is playing with fire, though...and she could get burned....

I don't know what to think of Sansa emailing Littlefinger. It's suposed to make sense, but you never know with Littlefinger. Plus, I have a feeling that rave willbe intercepted by Ramsey, although Ramsey whould know by now what they've been up to. Everyone in the North should know by now.

Also, I have NO idea what's going to happen with the Blackfish. His fate and Riverrun's doesn't seem to be so important to the whole stroy right now, so I'm kind of confused by that plot.

Interesting to know that Yara likes girls. She should have told Theon that even thought she doesn't have a cock either, she can still enjoy the ladies ;)

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Pallas said:

How did Arya survive. If she's rescued by Lady Gray and the players, I'm going to want to believe that this was somehow A Man's plan all along. Or at least the plan of one of the many, many-faced gods.

Pallas, I don't think it's possible that Arya surviving and escaping was A Man's plan simply because he gave the orders for her to be killed, but clearly told A Bitch to do it quickly, as in without suffering.  And yet A Bitch seemed to revel in twisting that knife around once it was in Arya's gut, that was awful to watch. Anyway, I think A Bitch fucked up her assignment out of hatred for Arya - she has always shown jealousy towards her - and I wonder if A Man will off A Bitch because she failed what would be perceived by him as a rather simple mission.  And of course he should intuitively know that Arya is not dead, right? Because it seems like he always knows stuff.

1 hour ago, ChocButterfly said:

Interesting to know that Yara likes girls. She should have told Theon that even thought she doesn't have a cock either, she can still enjoy the ladies ;)

I was totally unsurprised by this because even though when we first met Yara there was that rather "awkward" sibling scene on the horse, I'm sure we all remember that one...annnnyway, last night felt more like, "Oh yes, of course Yara would like the ladies" because her entire persona is wrapped up in being as like a male Iron Born Fighter as is possible and while all her men are enjoying the female pleasures of the flesh, she wants to fit right in with them, talking about how there are no asses like that it the Iron Islands.  I think it's less about being a lesbian and more about being as man--like as she can. And of course there's the obvious part about her going off for a good fuck with a woman, when her little brother can't even do that anymore, the most basic and base of male actions. I really felt for Theon in that scene because I doubt he feels much of anything down there other than pain, but I loved it when Yara told him if he was going to be forever broken then just kill himself and be done with it. THAT is Theon's wake-the-fuck-up call. I would love for him to have a hand in Ramsey's death but I don't think there's any way that can happen in this season because they are so far away from Winterfell right now...and I don't want Ramsey's death to be delayed another season.

1 hour ago, ChocButterfly said:

I don't understand why they brought Ian What's His name to have him killed by the end of the episode. I thought he'd be a more important character. Unless they bring him back, that is. Maybe that's the plan, The Hound will go and avenge them and Berric Dondarion will know what his men been up to: killing innocent women and children. He seems to be somewhat true to his cause, so I don't think he approves of what they've been doing. He'll want to make amends for what they did and bring back the Priest.

Hmmm, I suppose this is possible Choc, but it felt to me like it was more about The Hound being alive, and finding some spark to propel him forward again and back into A Story.  One thing though that negates the "that new guy is unimportant" theory is that I am guessing since he was a Septon, they were building some sort of church or house of worship maybe? I only say that since it seemed like a steeple of sorts without much else around it. Perhaps the defenders of the Red God - that is the same god as the LoL, yes? - maybe they were extremists of the Red God sect and saw the building of a church/house of worship as something they need to expunge? The LoL folks so far, seem to be hell bent on forcing people to accept their god so...maybe they felt these folks building another worship house was a threat and it was just easier to kill them off since they were a small group?  Still, it seems out of character from what we saw of the BWoB...

1 hour ago, ChocButterfly said:

I knew Margeary was playing a long game. She's the best, her grandma must be so proud! I liked the little smile Olynna had when she saw the Rose, she knows now her grandaughter is a genious manipulator. Girl is playing with fire, though...and she could get burned....

Yup. Though I have a feeling her endgame will lead to Cersei's death, which I wont cry over, but Cersei is killing it this season being more or less emasculated without her father's protection, and now without 110% unwavering loyalty of her son. I think Marg will get Tommen to do something that gets Cersei killed, but not this season. And I think Marg herself will end up dead but not after she's shown us whatever long con she's playing. Go Marg!

7 hours ago, Llywela said:

Little Lyanna Mormont was brilliant - and gave Davos the opportunity to exercise the 'dad skills' he practiced so much on Shireen, still sadly missed. Jon and Sansa had no idea how to talk to the girl, but Davos is good with kids, and it was a poignant little reminder.

Yes! That kid was brilliant, what a ballsy little girl she is!  She certainly does what's left of House Mormont proud! And I loved how Davos spoke with her, he really is a statesman. I loved the look of perplexed bewilderment on the faces of Sansa and Jon during his talk with her. And when she said "62" as if she was giving them 600, that was brilliant. She didn't flinch, just got more firey about how one of Bear Island's men was equal to 4 others, was it? I loved that kid and that scene. I wonder when we see scenes like that, would they build that scene and introduce us to Bear Island if we were not to see more of it?

I also loved the scene where Thormund was appealing to the wildling leaders to join Jon's army and the giant stood up like he'd had enough, and just said, "Snowwww."  I wish they had more than one giant. And I'd like to see that giant pick Ramsey up and pop him like a zit. That would work for me.

1 hour ago, ChocButterfly said:

I don't know what to think of Sansa emailing Littlefinger. It's suposed to make sense, but you never know with Littlefinger.

Yeah, I figured that was who she was writing to as well, and of course we're supposed to feel dread because LF is such a wishy washy character. We never know what long game he's playing, nor when he's being sincere or not. He could have been totally faking it when he met with Sansa, but met her he did, and I think she called for him then and he came running. So I'm sure he will do something now...the question is simply which side will he stand on? I cannot see the benefits of him standing with House Bolton anymore, but there is more impetus for him to realign with House Stark if he wants to double cross at some point and become Warden of the North, though I don't know if that's his aspiration or not. What I think will happen is he will meet Jon & Company at the very last moment, and they will have enough men to overthrow Ramsey and take back Winterfell.  But it will come with a huge price tag attached. I could see Sansa having to agree to marry him finally, to legitimize him in the North. I could see him trying to tie her to Robyn, which would suck too, though he'd be easy to off since she's much cleverer than him. I don't know...I'd like to see LF have a mini redemption arc but I doubt that will happen.

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I agree with everything you said about Littlefinger, Ginger. He will probably go to Sansa's aid. Right now it's in his best interest.

As for the marrying Robyn thing, I thought this was a given. I mean, didn't Robyn said to Sansa they were going to get married when he grows up? Or am I imagining this conversation? I think it was when Sansa slapped him in the garden, she did slap him, didn't she? Or I am imagining that as well?

6 hours ago, Llywela said:

So what exactly were Ian McShane and his merry band of workers trying to build?

A church, I think: The Lord of Light Brethren cocksuckers hung the Septon from its spire.

8 hours ago, gingerella said:

I am not sure who that group was that The Hound had taken up with, and if those three riders were with the Brotherhood without Banners, why would they slaughter them all?

The Septon wore a medallion of The Seven, removed from his neck before he was hung (I noticed, because: Ian McShane.) I kind of like that he/A Show didn't specify who he'd been a solider for: because the name of the lord he one killed for was even less important to him than the name of the lord he now preached for. The group seems to have been a community of war refugees, perhaps, followers of the Seven, or at least, of the Septon. The Brotherhood butchered them for their food, steel and women (as the Hound feared) and as unbelievers.  

8 hours ago, gingerella said:

I nearly jumped out of my fucking skin when Arya got stabbed, and as soon as that old lady came up behind her I knew it was A Bitch.

And far less important than the name A Bitch, as she shall forever be known in these parts! I jumped too -- that was a shocking attack, even though we understood who it must be. 

8 hours ago, Anothermi said:

Damn. Thoros of Mir, Berric Dondarrion, Anguy... how did you get mixed up with this bunch?

As Llywela pointed out, the Brotherhood sold Gendry to Melisandre, and were preparing to ransom Arya to her family at The Twins (sob). That was a few big years ago too: in the North before the war was lost, and the Fryes and the Boltons prevailed. I can imagine that the entire moral climate of the North has been lowered, and along with that, that many bands of the Brotherhood have descended into no more than reavers with an ideology. 

8 hours ago, Anothermi said:

You've got to wonder what happened to Jorah when all the other Mormonts seem so level headed?

Weak? Vain? Like Jaime, cowed by or in competition with his stalwart father, who he knew he could never satisfy? Deflecting his shame and his anger, Jorah was still riled at Ned as a self-righteous prig for having banished him, and to Selmy, blamed his wife's expensive tastes for his becoming a slaver. The kind of thing one soldier might say to another, but still. Some work to be done there in the searching moral inventory, Jorah. 

7 hours ago, Llywela said:

Little Lyanna Mormont was brilliant - and gave Davos the opportunity to exercise the 'dad skills' he practiced so much on Shireen, still sadly missed. Jon and Sansa had no idea how to talk to the girl, but Davos is good with kids, and it was a poignant little reminder.

Whimper. And Davos felt he'd been a sorry father, even before leading his son to his death. Another man who's taken the chance to shoulder his wrongs and start again. "It's never too late." In just this episode, the Hound, the Septon, Davos, Theon, Jaime, even Lord Glover, choosing how to pick up the pieces after their own terrible acts or choices with bad ends.

7 hours ago, Llywela said:

She really shouldn't have fallen for the old woman disguise - did she really think they'd just let her go, after investing so much in her and sharing their secrets with her? Arya still has a lot to learn - and doesn't seem to have taken in the lessons she's already received.

She let down her guard after her success with the ship's captain, and in thoughts of heading home. But I'm not sure Arya's education was ever really about fighting, or even survival. She's always been canny and adaptable, unusually so for a lord's child. She wasn't hampered by the class ideals or social structures of either gender, since she flatly rejected those taught to girls, and wasn't privy to those taught to boys. What she was, though, was a little less than fully human, and entirely without introspection. She permitted herself one kind of self-awareness, only: she knew who she wasn't, but not who she was.

I think the Game of Faces began to teach her what she didn't know about herself, and the command to arbitrarily kill someone she admired, taught her that she did have a code. A code that came before her desire to be an unsparing, unfeeling weapon. I think she learned that a man as unseemly and bloody as the Hound protected her; a man as glamorous and gifted as J'aqen did not. Both tried to use her and both gave up -- but for different reasons. Awhile ago I speculated that Arya's apprenticeship with her many mentors was really an education into the hearts of men. To me it seems she's learned how to learn, and begun to learn what's worth knowing.

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4 hours ago, ChocButterfly said:

I don't understand why they brought Ian What's His name to have him killed by the end of the episode. I thought he'd be a more important character.

Eh, they had Richard E Grant pop up in an even more minor role earlier this season - one of the actors in the company of the woman Arya was supposed to off, the guy who seemed to have written the play and was furious with the woman for daring to have a suggestion about it. Richard E Grant. Apparently, minor cameo roles in A Show is the in-thing with mid-league name actors right now!

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2 hours ago, abcfsk said:

Yeah the Brotherhood struck me as various things, fanatic, perhaps, blindly loyal, desperate to try anything -- but "wholly good" was not one of them. 

Agreed, but the crew we first saw didn't act like they just recently stopped working for the Mountain and started calling themselves members of the BWoB. They had some humanity. They fed Arya and Co. Anguy taught them archery. They sold Hot Pie to work at the Inn (doing something he loved) instead of killing him, they were prepared to have Gendry as a Brother (until they learned he was worth more to them as cash). They weren't reavers! That is what those working for the Mountain were doing in the Riverlands - making life miserable for those who supported Cat's family. 

2 hours ago, Pallas said:

I can imagine that the entire moral climate of the North has been lowered, and along with that, that many bands of the Brotherhood have descended into no more than reavers with an ideology.

You've got a point, but I'm not convinced the newly dead community were IN the North. Not even sure they were in the Riverlands which is where we learned about the BWoB - at Harrenhal. There, even the Mountain's men were torturing everyone to learn where the BWoB could be found - because they were taking the food, gold and stuff the Lannister faithful were expecting to get. Because Mountain's men were soooooo gross and evil at that time I figured the BWoB must be OK to be undermining them. Guess that's just the usual way A Show screws with assumptions. But come to think of it (once again forgetting to watch the acting) the Hound seemed to recognize them and got confirmation with the "night is dark and full of terrors" leaving salutation. He did get to eat with the BWoB before he fought and killed Berric D to win his release - which they honoured back then, by the way, so he might have seen them there.

But I thought Brienne met Arya and the Hound in the Vale! That's east of Harrenhal and the Riverlands isn't it? The Hound was in no condition to get himself anywhere at that point. But then, Septon McShane did say he thought the Hound had died a few times in the cart - which means they were traveling. Guess the Hound - I mean Gregor Clagane which is who he appears to be now (so big YEAH to your list of characters becoming ... someone other than the former labels/badges they bore for so long, Pallas) - has been with McShane for quite some time. At least as long as Arya's been at the House of Black and White.

2 hours ago, Pallas said:

In just this episode, the Hound, the Septon, Davos, Theon, Jaime, even Lord Glover, choosing how to pick up the pieces after their own terrible acts or choices with bad ends.

Edited by Anothermi
clarity and spelling etc.
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8 hours ago, Pallas said:

She let down her guard after her success with the ship's captain, and in thoughts of heading home.

I think that is an important point because it seems that no matter how much or what WE think Arya has learned, she always seems to let her ego get the better of her and it always comes around to bite her in the ass. Whenever she feels she's trumped someone, it usually is a harbinger of something kicking the hell out of her, though examples are cloudy right now.  One might be her "gotcha!" when the ship's captain initially refused her passage to Braavos, then she pulled out that coin and uttered "Valor Morghoulis" and we all jumped off our couches and cheered for Arya to finally get to Braavos were we were sure A Man would help her become the assassin she wanted to be. But her hubris was quickly knocked down many pegs when she was left to beg entry into the House of B&W, then we all know what came next. In a way though, A Man has helped her become the assassin she wanted to be, just not a faceless one.

ETA: I had a thought last night that I forgot to mention... Not long after The Hound appeared on my TV screen, I thought very briefly, "wouldn't it be a nice twist of fate if somehow, The Hound was the one to fight against The Mountain in some weird battle for Cersei's reputation, and The Hound finally beat his evil brother by killing him once and for all?"  But then I thought a second later, "there's no way The Hound could wander back to KL that fast..." the timing's all wrong and it would make no sense for him to venture back to the place that literally caused him so much emotional pain.  There's no way that could happen, right?  I mean in terms of timing and storylines it does not make much sense, but it keeps rolling around in my brain.

Oh, and re: Brienne and Jamie and Blackfish, I've no inkling what might happen because it could go a few ways really, but I still do think that somehow, Brienne's presence is going to sway the currently inevitable path of Jamie obliterating the Blackfish and all his men, and instead somehow Brienne, like an earworm, will get into Jamie's head, reminding him of what he could have been, what he still could be, and he and the Lannister Army will not only not attack Riverrun, they will turn around and ride to Sansa and Jon's aid in overthrowing Team Bolton from Winterfell and from Westeros entirely.  I mean, realistically the Bolton's and the horror they bring does not reflect well on the Lannisters if the Lannisters continue supporting them, so...Then maybe Jamie will die, but at least he will then die nobly, and in his last gasps, Brienne will make sure his legacy is an honorable one, whereas right now, his legacy is just Kingslayer and Sisterfucker.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Edited by gingerella
  • Love 2

I'd already "liked" your post before you added to it, so consider this a second "like:

5 hours ago, gingerella said:

ETA: I had a thought last night that I forgot to mention... Not long after The Hound appeared on my TV screen, I thought very briefly, "wouldn't it be a nice twist of fate if somehow, The Hound was the one to fight against The Mountain in some weird battle for Cersei's reputation, and The Hound finally beat his evil brother by killing him once and for all?"  But then I thought a second later, "there's no way The Hound could wander back to KL that fast..." the timing's all wrong and it would make no sense for him to venture back to the place that literally caused him so much emotional pain.  There's no way that could happen, right?  I mean in terms of timing and storylines it does not make much sense, but it keeps rolling around in my brain.

If I am honest, a thought like that crossed my mind as well. But because this show causes a LOT of different thoughts to cross my mind, and so many of them appear to go on a bus-man's tour of all the synapses still alive in my brain, I forgot about it. Seems it found a home somewhere now that you voiced the thought out loud. You give good reasons why it is unlikely to happen - at least in a trial by combat scenario - but there's always hope for some other circumstance. Gregore isn't in the fighting condition the Hound was in, but motivation can add smarts to strength, making it deadlier.


Oh Margie, such a slick operator. You could see it in her first embrace of Tommen, in her calculating look over his shoulder. And then she used him to get out of the Walk of Shame. She must have something in mind to save Loras -- I have faith in her. I just hope she lets Olenna in on it. - janjan from last episode

Good catch janjan! I couldn't tell if she had caved back then or not. Good to know you were right!

Edited by Anothermi
  • Love 2
19 hours ago, Llywela said:

Apparently, minor cameo roles in A Show is the in-thing with mid-league name actors right now!

It's the new "Harry Potter" franchise. One-off featured roles as the new Master of Dark Arts. But maybe Richard E. Grant will have more to do, if Arya takes refuge with the company of players. In Lady Crane (not Gray!), she would even have a female mentor. And, of course, be kept out of Westeros awhile longer...

17 hours ago, Anothermi said:

But I thought Brienne met Arya and the Hound in the Vale! That's east of Harrenhal and the Riverlands isn't it?

I'm not clear where they were either, Anothermi. I don't think far from where the Hound was left, which I thought was near the Twins, thinking he and Arya didn't get too far from there before parting ways. But you're right, Hound/Arya next went to the Vale, only to find Sansa gone. But weren't they headed north after that, seeking Jon? I don't remember! And certainly the landscape where the Septon was setting up his community still seemed verdant and Vale-like. So maybe they aren't all that far from King's Landing, because...

15 hours ago, gingerella said:

I thought very briefly, "wouldn't it be a nice twist of fate if somehow, The Hound was the one to fight against The Mountain in some weird battle for Cersei's reputation, and The Hound finally beat his evil brother by killing him once and for all?" 

I think so. The Hound's hatred of bullies, of men who kill the weak because they can, began with his brother. A man the younger Hound hopelessly emulated, hating himself (and his brother, and the Lannisters) more each year. What the twisted Brotherhood did to the pilgrim community is exactly what his brother won honor from the Lannisters for doing to Rhaegar's family, and later, to the Riverlands. He's wanted to take that weapon out of their hands for a long time. Maybe he gets to try at Cersei's trial, as a defender of the Septon's faith. (Your lucky day, Loras or Lancel!) There has to be a glitch in the re-built Mountain -- a glitch or some pre-existing vulnerability, something only the Hound would see or know.

15 hours ago, gingerella said:

I still do think that somehow, Brienne's presence is going to sway the currently inevitable path of Jamie obliterating the Blackfish and all his men, and instead somehow Brienne, like an earworm, will get into Jamie's head, reminding him of what he could have been, what he still could be,

That's the Jaime story: what he could have been, what he still could be. But I'm coming to believe that since there's not a seat for everyone in the redemption train, Jaime may the one who chooses to miss it. He'll be the lost soul who thinks it's too late, who would rather love the error of his ways.

From the last line of the first episode, I thought Jaime's saving grace was going to be that he could love -- and not only his twin; in fact, learn that loving Cersei has kept him from loving anyone and anything else, including his children. When Brienne came along, I imagined that Jaime would be braced by the example of her freakish, solitary, noble heart, and see his affair with Cersei for what it was: not love, but despair born of deprivation and disgrace. A childish perversity he'd force-fed for decades. 

But since he and Brienne last saw each other, Jaime's lost ground. He was unable to serve as Tyrion's champion, and watched Oberyn die in his place. He then freed his brother, who killed their father. He failed to save Myrcella, who didn't fail to love him. He failed to save Cersei from her walk of shame. He saw his son the king prefer the counsel of a peasant (as well as Jaime's uncle), who told him that his services were no longer required: he lost the one role he'd ever chosen for himself. No longer a King's Guard; still the Kingslayer. Now he's stuck with awful allies -- the men who killed the woman who saved Jaime, and who Jaime also failed -- leading a siege against a good man fighting the good fight.

I'm not sure Brienne can walk him back from that, or that she should, on behalf of the larger saga. Redemption stories are usually cautionary tales, too. It's never too late, the Septon said. It's never too late for Scrooge. It's always too late for Marley. 

Edited by Pallas
See below
  • Love 4

My cat posted, and I didn't catch it. Last night after midnight came back and brushed her off the laptop, chuckled at the rows of 7's and paragraph's of z's. Closed several windows she had somehow opened. It seems that in one window, she had already finalized and posted her version?, while in another, my post yet with her edit remained open for me to resume?  

Edited by Pallas
It's never too late.
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57 minutes ago, Pallas said:

I'm not clear where they were either, Anothermi. I don't think far from where the Hound was left, which I thought was near the Twins, thinking he and Arya didn't get too far from there before parting ways. But you're right, Hound/Arya next went to the Vale, only to find Sansa gone. But weren't they headed north after that, seeking Jon? I don't remember! And certainly the landscape where the Septon was setting up his community still seemed verdant and Vale-like. So maybe they aren't all that far from King's Landing, because...

Ok, so I searched out where Brienne and the Hound fought. It was in the Vale. The Hound and Arya had come just in time to learn that Aunt Lyssa was dead (Arya burst into uncontrollable laughter). On their way out of the Vale they encountered Brienne and Pod. Arya left the Hound for dead there and found her way to a ship to Braavos because she was near the coast. Brienne and Pod leave after not finding Arya and wander around aimlessly  for a while because Brienne is so miserable at her failure to live up to her oath to Catylen. In fact, she is trying to convince Pod he should leave when a coach drives by (containing dark haired Sansa and Littlefinger). Story of her life, so close, but no cigar.

So, they are still in the Vale, and instead of the relatable Shagga, Timmet and Chella, of the Hill Tribes of the Vale, they seem to be infested with the worst of the BWoB. That, or the McShane Pilgrims were headed towards the Riverlands and settled there. But yes, it means Gregore is not so far from King's Landing.


ETA: that was some glitch with your computer. Both versions of the Jaime response are good. Would have liked to know where the one that went through the Moon Door was going.

Edited by Anothermi
  • Love 1
16 hours ago, gingerella said:

TA: I had a thought last night that I forgot to mention... Not long after The Hound appeared on my TV screen, I thought very briefly, "wouldn't it be a nice twist of fate if somehow, The Hound was the one to fight against The Mountain in some weird battle for Cersei's reputation, and The Hound finally beat his evil brother by killing him once and for all?"  But then I thought a second later, "there's no way The Hound could wander back to KL that fast..." the timing's all wrong and it would make no sense for him to venture back to the place that literally caused him so much emotional pain.  There's no way that could happen, right?  I mean in terms of timing and storylines it does not make much sense, but it keeps rolling around in my brain.

Oh, I think it's completely plausible that the Hound would make it to KL on time, after all Litlefinger can travel through the entire 7 Kingdoms in one episode. And it'd make sense for the Hound to represent the Faith, since the Priest who died apparently was a septon or something. The problem I have with this is: 1) I don't think theHound could defeat Mounstanstain. It wouldn't make sense, based on what we have seen about this monster. Little Clegane coldn't defeat him when he was human, less now. 2) If he does defeat Mounstanstain, then the Fucking Sparrow wins! I'd rather have Cersei win this round and have it done with those fucking sparrows. I'm sick of them.

16 hours ago, gingerella said:

Brienne's presence is going to sway the currently inevitable path of Jamie obliterating the Blackfish and all his men, and instead somehow Brienne, like an earworm, will get into Jamie's head, reminding him of what he could have been, what he still could be, and he and the Lannister Army will not only not attack Riverrun, they will turn around and ride to Sansa and Jon's aid in overthrowing Team Bolton from Winterfell and from Westeros entirely.  I mean, realistically the Bolton's and the horror they bring does not reflect well on the Lannisters if the Lannisters continue supporting them, so...Then maybe Jamie will die, but at least he will then die nobly, and in his last gasps, Brienne will make sure his legacy is an honorable one, whereas right now, his legacy is just Kingslayer and Sisterfucker.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Hahaha! Sorry, I just think its naive. Jaimie is not and has never been a good person.

The sooner everyone gets that into their heads, the easier it'd be to confront the results of this story, which will NOT be Jaimie helping the Starks defeat the Boltons. I could see him letting the Blackfish go, not because of some sense of decency on his part, but because he really doesn't give a shit about this outcome and just wants to go. But there's no way in Hell, he'll lift a finger to help the Starks, or anyone who's not a Lannister (except for maybe Brienne, personally). Remember, this is the guy who threw a kid down the window and has never even felt guilt for it. This is the guys who killed his own blood to save his neck and never gave a second thought about it. For Jaimie to have some kind of redemption, it'd have to be more than a series of nice deeds. The first thing he'd have to express is actual remorse and contrition, like the Hound does. Not once has he ever felt bad about any of the horrible things he has done. He is kind of a sociopath, the only remorse he gets is when people don't like him or things don't go his way.

Edited by ChocButterfly
Quotes not working.
  • Love 1

Choc, when you lay it out like that about Jamie of course I can agree with you, but don't forget that we did see a glimpse of a deeper and more feeling version of Jamie when he was Brienne's prisoner. I felt like a different path was possible for him, but at the last moment he went back to his old life. This time? He's been essentially banished from KL by his own son, and his sister-lover cannot do anything about that. He's been cast aside, and when Jamie is feeling "less than", like when he first lost his hand, he can get emotionally unsteady and start acting like a person with, yanno, feelings.

I'm wondering if Arya is faking her death.

When A Man told her her assignment was to kill an actress...she didn't do it right away. She observed 2 plays and was behind the scenes a few times backstage. Aryla may have been thinking about her escape for some time. Maybe she met with the actress in secret and told her about the plot to kill her. Maybe they both "acted" the scene out with her drinking out of the wine goblet to try to find out which one hired the House of Black/White to kill her. In exchange, Arya asked the actress to help her fake her death and acting lessons. Maybe her outfit was lined with a metal plate/chainmail, and a sack of blood. Maybe to come...Her hobbling through the village...to collapse by the actress, and the actress trying to help her and then she announces the Girl is dead.

I was just wondering as Arya had a nice new outfit and 2 bags of coins....where did these come from unless this was planned in advance. Also her going to the men drinking in such a public place saying she wanted to travel to Westeros...me thinks she was never planning to go to Westeros and knew The Man and The Bitch were watching and did this so in case they are still watching after her supposed death they will look to see if she boards this ship

Interesting spitball KungFuBunny but Arya, and this show, have not been that wily. Some things happen off screen, but not as much as you've laid out would have to happen in order for your spitball to make a solid landing. (IMHO)


8 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I was just wondering as Arya had a nice new outfit and 2 bags of coins....where did these come from...

I, too, wondered where the bags of coins (at least) came from. The clothes could have come from having the coins, but the only ideas I can think of regarding where she got the coins are:

1) she's resorted to stealing, or

2) she hid them with Needle - her sword which she dug out of it's hiding spot at the end of last episode. IF she had coins there too, then we could assume that she bought new clothes when she went out to book passage to Westeros ... because she is SomeOne now and doesn't need (or want) to wear the sackcloth that NoOne wears.

If #2, she would have had to bring the coins with her to Braavos because she buried Needle in order to gain entrance to the House of Black and White. As a No One she was not allowed to bring anything when she entered her training. 

I have a vague memory that she took a coin purse from the Hound when she left him to die, but I'll have to check back to confirm or belie that.

I did check back to the scene where the Hound begged Arya to stab him through the heart (the way he taught her). She went up to him, and then stole his coin purse and walked away while he yelled "Kill me" after her.

But, at the House of Black and White, Jaquen asks how "no one" came to be surrounded by Arya Stark's clothes, Arya Stark's stolen silver and Arya Stark's sword... and the next scene she ties her clothes around a large stone and throws them in the water, then she throws a (less full) bag of coins after it and after much struggle, hides Needle.

So, I guess she must have stolen the new bag of coins.

9 hours ago, Anothermi said:

Interesting spitball KungFuBunny but Arya, and this show, have not been that wily. Some things happen off screen, but not as much as you've laid out would have to happen in order for your spitball to make a solid landing. (IMHO)


I, too, wondered where the bags of coins (at least) came from. The clothes could have come from having the coins, but the only ideas I can think of regarding where she got the coins are:

1) she's resorted to stealing, or

2) she hid them with Needle - her sword which she dug out of it's hiding spot at the end of last episode. IF she had coins there too, then we could assume that she bought new clothes when she went out to book passage to Westeros ... because she is SomeOne now and doesn't need (or want) to wear the sackcloth that NoOne wears.

If #2, she would have had to bring the coins with her to Braavos because she buried Needle in order to gain entrance to the House of Black and White. As a No One she was not allowed to bring anything when she entered her training. 

I have a vague memory that she took a coin purse from the Hound when she left him to die, but I'll have to check back to confirm or belie that.

I am having trouble not so much that Arya is not so wily, but that she learned absolutely nothing as a prisoner of war of 3 different groups of men

A Girl should know that A Man and a Bitch will come calling if you plan to escape.

A Girl should know that A Man and a Bitch can don many faces.

A Girl planning to escape does not have time to take a walk along a Bridge to breath in the ocean air and enjoy the view.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

A Girl planning to escape does not have time to take a walk along a Bridge to breath in the ocean air and enjoy the view.

Yeah, the walk on the river bothered me the most. But if it was Arya's plan all along it doesn't make much sense, because how could she know she'd get out of it alive? If a Bitch would have just slit her neck, she would have died inmediately. The only reason a Bitch didn't just slit her neck is because a Bitch wanted Arya to suffer. There's no way Arya could have controlled not getting killed. Either way, Arya should be dead with the injury she had. The only reason she's not dead and she will not die is because she's a fan favorite, like Tyrion and Dany. They won't die any time soon in this story, or maybe just at the end.

Edited by ChocButterfly
  • Love 1

I go with the theory that Arya and Lady Crane were in cahoots, and that Arya wasn't really stabbed -- just had a Mithril shirt and blood bladder, courtesy of the theater. Lady C liked her, and might have helped her to escape. Although Choc's observation that Arya couldn't foresee that A Bitch wouldn't slit her throat does give me pause. Still, Arya is bound to survive. The only question is whether A Viewer can survive any more of the tedious Braavos subplot.

Meanwhile, who's the "broken man"?  Houndie and Theon seem to be getting unbroken; Jamie is banished but otherwise ok; and who cares about Edmure?

And why is Jamie intent on taking Riverrun? Granted, Big Bird got Dumb-ass Tommen to essentially banish him, and Jamie dutifully went (what else could he do?). But why carry out the make-work mission with such zeal? It’s not like he owes the Freys anything. Maybe it’s just a setup for his next encounter with Brienne, who is on her way to parlay with Blackfish.

I can’t decide whether Brienne will end up married to Jamie or to Tormund. No use sweating it too much – she’ll prolly get killed anyway.

And where’s Uncle Kevan in all this? He just stood by when Tommen banished Jamie. He never liked Cersei, but he hasn’t been shown to not like Jamie. And he must want Lancel back in the family fold. I don't get what he’s up to, if anything.

It was a cute touch in the previous episode that when Lord Doofus was riding to the sept to save his children, he needed someone to lead his horse. Like pony rides at a kid’s birthday party.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, janjan said:

And why is Jamie intent on taking Riverrun? Granted, Big Bird got Dumb-ass Tommen to essentially banish him, and Jamie dutifully went (what else could he do?). But why carry out the make-work mission with such zeal? It’s not like he owes the Freys anything.

It's also not like he has anything better to do, having been banished. This is what the king wants him to do, so he's doing it, probably hoping it'll get him back into Tommen's good graces.

I really don't think Arya's stabbing was in any way a cunning plan to fake her own death. I think that having reclaimed her identity, she got cocky - it's always been one of her major failings - and it proved her undoing. Her sojourn at the House of Black and White, or whatever it's called, has taught her that she is and always will be Arya Stark, and that she doesn't have what it takes to be a faceless assassin, and she's been so busy learning that lesson that she forgot to pick up any basic safety tips. I think she really believed that Jaqen liked her enough to just let her go. It's her inner Neddishness coming out, and like her father before her, she was blind to the danger until it was too late.

I do also think, though, that the actress will end up helping her - it's not like she knows anyone else in the city who might, and that troop has had a lot of screentime that may well have been leading up to this.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Llywela said:

I really don't think Arya's stabbing was in any way a cunning plan to fake her own death. I think that having reclaimed her identity, she got cocky - it's always been one of her major failings - and it proved her undoing. Her sojourn at the House of Black and White, or whatever it's called, has taught her that she is and always will be Arya Stark, and that she doesn't have what it takes to be a faceless assassin, and she's been so busy learning that lesson that she forgot to pick up any basic safety tips. I think she really believed that Jaqen liked her enough to just let her go. It's her inner Neddishness coming out, and like her father before her, she was blind to the danger until it was too late.

I do also think, though, that the actress will end up helping her - it's not like she knows anyone else in the city who might, and that troop has had a lot of screentime that may well have been leading up to this.

^This!^ I'm with you Llywela, I don't think there is some hidden plan here, in fact the only time I can remember shit going down and there were machinations behind the scenes that A Show did not share with A Viewer, it was the Great Off-the-Joff Necklace Debacle of whatever season that was. That is the only time I can remember that something huge occurred and we were never shown any lead up to it. So yeah, I don't think there is a backroom conspiracy that A Show hasn't let us in on with this one. I think it's as Llywela so aptly laid out above. Arya Stark got cocky and full of herself, imagine that! It's not like it's out of character for her. That's pretty much her entire M.O.

  • Love 2
On 6/9/2016 at 5:10 AM, Llywela said:

the House of Black and White, or whatever it's called,

I think it's called the Oreo House.


that troop has had a lot of screentime

And apparently famous actors (Lady C and the author), although I admit to not knowing much about them. OTOH, they off'ed Ian McShane after only one appearance, so who knows. But Lady C is the only one in Braavos who can help Arya, and they made a point of showing that she liked the scrappy girl.

  • Love 1
On 6/7/2016 at 4:09 AM, Anothermi said:

ETA: that was some glitch with your computer. Both versions of the Jaime response are good. Would have liked to know where the one that went through the Moon Door was going.

Heh. I really don't know how my cat submitted the version she amended, and yet left that same text open for me to edit out her lines of obscure cat-code, and continue. Anyway, I just melded the two takes into one.

On 6/7/2016 at 9:07 AM, ChocButterfly said:

For Jaimie to have some kind of redemption, it'd have to be more than a series of nice deeds. The first thing he'd have to express is actual remorse and contrition, like the Hound does.

Choc, what you said about Jaime above, and last week: that given his lack of remorse for his crimes, he's not a candidate for redemption. And that he only saved Brienne because he liked her (I'd say, she amused him, and he identified a bit with her). He has expressed regret for killing his cousin -- last season or this -- though I wouldn't go so far as to say that he'd undo it, believing as he did that escape was his only means of surviving. So not real remorse, then.   

You may be right that Jaime lacks the...soulfulness to be moved to remorse and contrition. There's a piece missing. I do think he knows it, too. But what he feels he lacks, as I view him, is a fundamental certainty about his place in the world. Where he fits in, what with his missing piece. Tywin had that certainty; Tyrion has it; even Cersei has it: when she says "us," she means (1) herself and her children, and (2) all Lannisters (minus Tyrion), past and present. When Jaime says "us" he means Cersei. And he knows that's not enough: if it were, he wouldn't have left her, his home, and his role as heir to join the King's Guard when he was still a boy. 

On 6/8/2016 at 10:35 PM, janjan said:

I go with the theory that Arya and Lady Crane were in cahoots, and that Arya wasn't really stabbed -- just had a Mithril shirt and blood bladder, courtesy of the theater. Lady C liked her, and might have helped her to escape. Although Choc's observation that Arya couldn't foresee that A Bitch wouldn't slit her throat does give me pause. Still, Arya is bound to survive. The only question is whether A Viewer can survive any more of the tedious Braavos subplot.

Kung Fu Bunny's idea that Arya faked her death -- especially given her oddly breezy behavior beforehand -- is gaining ground with me, too. Arya has never been trusting. That's how she's survived, despite her sometimes rash acts and over-estimation of her skills. But only of herself is she confident. She assumes the worst of strangers, thinks tactically if not strategically, and hides or bolts whenever the opportunity arrives. She did make a big show of herself at the dock, and then took the air in broad daylight, whiling away the hours, before smiling gamely at the nice lady who called her a "sweet girl" (really?; in drag?) who we all recognized at once as a threat.  

Those were killing blows that she took to her gut, before swimming underwater long and far enough to escape. And janjan's adding how she could have tricked herself out with an assist from the players: including her nifty new outfit, which looks more than a little bit like a costume (Joffrey's, in the play?)...I'm swayed. And if Lady Crane helped her survive her own killing, it would mean that Arya leaves behind the world of the Faceless the same way she came in: with a death for a death.

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