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Zombie House Flipping - General Discussion

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2420 S Fern Creek Ave- it was bought for $245,000 on 8/24/2021. Has not been sold and transferred yet according to property appraiser's office. Show said it sold for $615,000. They did have to do a lot of work to get it back together. Most of the finished looked OK to me except the "mixed metals." I hate when finishes aren't cohesive in a space. If you commit to use brass then use it on all the fixtures and don't forget the toilet handle either! I knew Ashley couldn't use those doors in place of the ones that weren't there. And barn doors are so yesterday. The trend is over. 


It is in an older section of town and many of the houses have been restored but you could end up living next to a dumpy house that the owners won't fix or are renting out. They also must shoot several scenes of each of them complaining about everything and whoever hams it up the best gets on the show. It's the same thing every week. I was laughing when Keith couldn't knock that ugly wood wall over though. 

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21 hours ago, sadtvjunkie said:

2420 S Fern Creek Ave- it was bought for $245,000 on 8/24/2021. Has not been sold and transferred yet according to property appraiser's office. Show said it sold for $615,000. They did have to do a lot of work to get it back together. Most of the finished looked OK to me except the "mixed metals." I hate when finishes aren't cohesive in a space. If you commit to use brass then use it on all the fixtures and don't forget the toilet handle either! I knew Ashley couldn't use those doors in place of the ones that weren't there. And barn doors are so yesterday. The trend is over. 


I agree with you, barn doors are over.   I think homeowners finally got sick barn doors because they don't close securely, cover part of the wall space, and were for the design, and not practical.    They also cost too much, weigh too much, and just don't work as a door.   

I hate the mixed metals, I think it looks like the designer shopped from the clearance rack and bought whatever they were selling cheap.   

Zillow and realtor claim it sold for $615k on 3/14 (I think they just updated the sites right now).    I bet it will take a day or two to update the appraiser's website.  I can't believe the rope swings over the pool, that's so unsafe.   I hope the new owner loves to clean pools, with that big tree overhanging the pool.    

  The green tile in the bathroom, and green vanity are awful.    That barn door on the bathroom isn't going to block anything.    The staging on the house made no sense.    It didn't make the house look ready to move in, it looked disjointed, and like the stagers didn't even try to coordinate the look.   The staging was a total fail for me.    I wonder how many failed offers they get before they get a real buyer?    

Looking at the street view on Zillow, the houses on the same side of the street look OK, but across the street the homes look neglected.     I do have to admit the exterior color is much nicer after.   


Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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20 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I agree with you, barn doors are over.   I think homeowners finally got sick barn doors because they don't close securely, cover part of the wall space, and were for the design, and not practical.    They also cost too much, weigh too much, and just don't work as a door.   The green tile in the bathroom, and green vanity are awful.    That barn door on the bathroom isn't going to block anything.   

I've always hated "barn doors" because they're not practical, no matter how much HGTV and flippers want to convince us they are. But I loved the green. Almost anything is better than all white or grey bathrooms. Or, even worse, bathrooms that match the kitchen.

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I actually liked the green they started with instead of the darker one. And I agree since I know that part of town that some homes are neglected and some are great.The issue usually is there is someone like my dad who is 83 who has lived in the home for 60 years and can't take care of it the way it needs to be done anymore. Then the heirs rent it out or move in and still won't take care of it. Until it has to be sold because they can't pay the taxes anymore. Then it gets flipped or torn down and rebuilt. 

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On 3/19/2022 at 6:44 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I agree with you, barn doors are over.

That's one of the things that get me about this show.  They knock the houses for having dated design, then choose things that will look dated fairly quickly!

I binged this backwards, starting with the newest episodes, and it seems to me the drama that I'm sure is staged was worse early on.  One of my favs was when Keith and Justin decided to drop a safe from the roof of the house onto the drive to try to break into it.  And managed to smash a stack of tiles that was off to the side of the driveway.  Yeah, "accident" my Aunt Fanny.

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1 hour ago, aquarian1 said:

My favorite drama was when they suited up in camo gear with paint guns to take down a drone that kept being flown through and over the property. 

Was that the drone that turned out to belong to some little kid?   

I was watching The Deed: Chicago, and Sean Conlon (major real estate investor, flipper, builder) told a flipper that on your own house you put in classic , timeless finishes and features.  On a flip house, the buyers want trendy, and will buy whatever is fashionable now.   It doesn't make sense to me that the buyers don't care about how the decoration and finishes will hold up, but Mr. Conlon certainly should know since he has been in real estate and flipping for a long time. 

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My fav drama was when Keith was climbing a ladder up to some scaffolding and the ladder “ tipped”. Luckily Keith landed on a raised platform. Except the shot of him going over a railing was obviously a stuffed puppet.

how about the house that had a skunk, a snapping turtle and a huge snake that luckily ate the skunk.

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7 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Was that the drone that turned out to belong to some little kid?   

I was watching The Deed: Chicago, and Sean Conlon (major real estate investor, flipper, builder) told a flipper that on your own house you put in classic , timeless finishes and features.  On a flip house, the buyers want trendy, and will buy whatever is fashionable now.   It doesn't make sense to me that the buyers don't care about how the decoration and finishes will hold up, but Mr. Conlon certainly should know since he has been in real estate and flipping for a long time. 

I think a lot of flippers do this because it's cheaper and takes less time. Buyers would buy different designs but the options just aren't out there, see above.

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3108 Florene Dr-pending sale for $469,000 right now. It was built in 1963 and is in a good location in the heart of Conway with a newly rebuilt k-8 school and public Park with pool and tennis courts that can be walked to. Can't see what they really paid because it's blocked. That happens usually when someone in law enforcement or court system, etc buys a home and doesn't want it disclosed. So I'll go with $303,000 they said they paid. This one truly was a polish it up and add the garage walls. Not too much to mess up. 

I'm wondering where the shower door is for the car wash shower. And the drama with the guy and another offer on the house was stupid as usual. Adding the garage really helps this house. I know my spouse and I would never buy a house without one. The kitchen wall that was just subway tile looked odd. It needed some floating shelves or something to make it pop more. They really should have moved the sink to the window wall .The yard was a great size for Conway. Lots of people have boats for the chain of lakes and to have the ability to park it at home is awesome. Loved that the terrazzo was still in good shape. It's getting harder to find houses that haven't had it damaged in some way. It really keeps the house cooler.

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I hate the dark gray accent wall, love the shower tile.   

The phony dustup with the other buyer is ridiculous.   There is no way that happens, unless the selling agent is incompetent.  You close at the attorney's office, or title company (depends on the state), chosen by the selling company, so both closings would have to happen at the same place.    

It's only pending, so until it closes, I never consider it sold.   I'm wondering if there is any penalty to marking it sold, and then relisting it, and claiming the sale fell through?    I've known sellers to take a listing off the MLS, and then relist after a few days, to make the time on market less.     

Edited by CrazyInAlabama

That happens here in my area. Mainly because no one bite at the $1million sale price so they pull it and relist with a lower price and call it new on the market. One hit Zillow today in my neighborhood which is well known for high prices and sales in high 6 figures. It has now been listed 4 times in 6 months.

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On 3/12/2022 at 8:12 PM, sadtvjunkie said:

1518 Orangewood Ave. Please stop making Orlando area contractors look bad! Who the hell do they employ as a GC for these flips? They need to fire their ass! The house really did sell for $1.3 million to a Henry.... It was originally bought for $400,000 by another company who seemed to knock it down and start a rebuild. It is in a nice area. Very near to the hour glass district from last week but much better in my book. Loved that Ashley didn't get to "design" the house with her weird ass vibe. Most houses in the area only sell for around $350,000. So unless someone just really wanted this house with whatever Ashley and Kevin planned for it, it could have sat for awhile.

I live in a neighborhood that last quarter 2021, houses were going for more than $1 million but that has slowed so all the realtors are listing at $999,999 to see if that will bump them over the $1 million mark. Not sure it's working right now with interest rates going up.

Just drove by this home. It's basically on a one lane street and people park on the street which would bug me so much if I lived there. We actually almost had a collision with someone who turned into the street without looking ahead. I think I would come to hate workers or landscapers who don't park in driveways.

Edited by sadtvjunkie
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1509 Bumby Ave- property appraiser says sold on 9/17/20 for $310,000. Built in 1951 as a 3/1 with 1022 sf. Here's the listing: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1059-N-Bumby-Ave-Orlando-FL-32803/2076240949_zpid/?

My thoughts-hated the green tile/blue vanity color scheme (the same green tile from a previous house, maybe that's why they ran short Haha).Dining room is too tight for eating in with more than 4 people, weird kitchen backsplash tile, barn doors again -just NO! especially on a bed or bathroom. Master bath there was no knee room to sit on the toilet with the shower enclosure in front of it. I did like the wood floors, terrazo was ok not my taste but at least it was contemporary, lots of land plus a dock (but should have pulled ALL the old posts out), spring fed lake, nice older area very good schools, very close to shopping and restaurants could walk or bike if wanted. Biggest Con of all though is the Peacocks. They will screech day and night and crap on everything, they peck at everything and they roost in the trees so a fence isn't going to stop them. We had them in Conway when I lived there. At first you say "How cool!" until they invade your property and won't shut up. Then they get hunted. It's only been pending about a week and a half. Most houses in area top out at $430,000 so if it goes through it will be the highest one in area for 1263 sf at $589,000.

That peacock sound is horrible. That would be an instant deal breaker for me at $200k. 

I really hated the color of the exterior, it really needed accents. A white garage door would've worked much better. Backyard & dock were pretty nice. I would replace both the green bathroom tile and the backsplash that'll look dated in 5 years. The rest was typical for this show. 

I agree that the dining room looked tiny with the furniture they staged it with.  You'd have to be slender to sit at it.  I also had to laugh a bit when at the start of the show, they talked about how the neighborhood had pastel homes, then painted it a dark blue-grey.  I don't like that color, esp. on a smaller home.

And when will barn doors be over?!

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1721 Hourglass dr- House is actually behind this one. Does not come up on property appraiser site. I I have a feeling they did work on the front house and were paid to update the garage apartments out back. They took a really cute cottage looking home and made it look like a manufactured house and then did the same with the unit out back.There's no way I would rent one of these, they are like cracker jack boxes. I'm small and I don't think I would fit in the shower. Plus there's no way I would park outside under the trees. Too many chances in our weather for something to fall on my car.

Good thing Ashley is getting help with design. She sucked at it. And Keith is no better.

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The house listing does say an in-law or guest cottage with the main house.    Notice no fence on the photos.    I bet the 'homeowner next door' is like the peacock house, where the neighbor suddenly wanted to sell, and I bet both neighbors were just someone who agreed to play a part on camera.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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3 hours ago, Superclam said:

Does it seem like the last couple of houses were painted black? Is that a trend? Is that a good idea in Florida? 

I don't know to whom that appeals except for weirdos like me. 

I don’t think so but I’m in NJ and have never lived in Florida.   I guess it depends on where the house is situated and how well it’s shaded by any nearby trees during the warm weather.  I’d be wondering how much heat it would be absorbing vs how hot it could get and the energy it would take to keep cool during the summer.  Then maybe any proximity to a lake may be a factor.  Specifically speaking about yesterdays episode that house was on such a weird lot I was wondering how and why it was built in the first place.  Then the way the lot was drawn and how the lake front view was originally drawn to favor the house next door.  Very strange.  

We actually drove by this house yesterday.  It's on a large lot that's wide on HourGlass Lake. I think it was the original house and someone built a new house in front of it on the same lot. The addresses are the same just # A and B since there are 2 mailboxes there. The front house was updated recently. They took a cute cottage look and made it look industrial instead. Killed the character of the house and the time it was built if you ask me. It now looks like a manufactured home was placed on the lot. They actually tore down part of the house so they could park that huge Outback 5th wheel right next to the house.

So then maybe they wanted rental income or something and took on the small house at the back. The lot lines are NOT as presented on the show. They are not filed that way on the property appraiser's site. The homeowner just wanted to separate rental from their property since they are spitting distance close. 

Painting your house black here is just stupid. It makes your A/C work harder even it you are under trees. And if you under trees mold will grow on your house and turn it green. They had to add Mitshubishi A/C units to the rental because there was no place to add ducting. 

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52 minutes ago, sadtvjunkie said:

So then maybe they wanted rental income or something and took on the small house at the back. The lot lines are NOT as presented on the show. They are not filed that way on the property appraiser's site. The homeowner just wanted to separate rental from their property since they are spitting distance close. 

The fact that there are two separate apartments and they made such a big deal about the waterfront access looks to me like it's intended as an Air B&B/vacation rental. 

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On 4/25/2022 at 9:33 AM, Superclam said:

The fact that there are two separate apartments and they made such a big deal about the waterfront access looks to me like it's intended as an Air B&B/vacation rental. 

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!

https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/608047066342934875?location=Orlando%2C Florida%2C United States&federated_search_id=c2016c1a-14d4-42f4-8cb7-bf386f9adfbd&source_impression_id=p3_1651079560_TV4b3dX8S0DOMgwb


I think this is the place. The slats on the bedroom wall with the bumpy wall paper and the kitchen look the same. Its in the "Hour Glass district" but won't show the exact address until you book. $109 a night.

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That's it all right.     You can see the dock through the kitchen window.   I wonder what will happen with the upstairs unit?    (There was an upstairs with the microwave only kitchen, wasn't there?).   

The ad on the rental site does say 'lake view', not touching or even going to the lake side. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama

"MInnesota", today's new show.   The guest house shower with bright purple walls, and a green mosaic tile shower pan is hideous.   I hate the red exterior color on the house too.   I'm calling bull hockey on the buyer demanding to tour a day early, buying the ADU with everything piled up in it, and that hideous purple and green shower.    

I ran across this article, how Keith Ori ended up being asked to evaluate a house his neighbors were renovating, and it ended up on 48 Hours when the wife was murdered, husband was charged.    The house was supposed to be filmed for Zombie House Flipping, but the murder happened first:


I found Keith's inspection of the already gutted house interesting, where he said the owners ripped out everything including interior studs, and only the outer walls were holding the house up.  He said the house was the most gutted he had still seen, that was barely standing.     

So, that explains some of the already reno'd ones they 'buy'.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 hour ago, Pepper the Cat said:

That purple shower was hideous.

and the buyer was obviously a plant. And I can’t imagine anyone paying full price for incomplete houses.


Yeah, he seemed too agreeable to the whole thing, especially showing up a full day before when the house was still a mess.  Full price?  Right…. there’s tiling still to be done, most likely by people I’m sure the new homeowners will have to pay.  I don’t believe the housing market is that hot anywhere that anyone coming in to an area new would be nervous about losing out on a house they’ve shown plenty of interest in already.  I’d think it’s more realistic that Keith/Ashley/Justin would be the more nervous ones in this type of situation.  Plus, who draws up 2 plans for a kitchen, one with a dishwasher and one without, when a dishwasher is pretty much a must have in a kitchen??? 

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1229 Minnesota St bought on 9/10/2021 for $200,000 and has not sold yet according to property appraiser site, never mind $475,000. Original house built in 1925, shed out back built in 1950.

Purple and green shower was indeed hideous. I'm not buying a house without a dishwasher. And I would never paint a house in FL red. Too hot. Lighter is better. For a company that's trying to save money on a flip why would you spend 3 times the amount on labor to herringbone the floor when it probably would have taken 1/2 a day to do a staggered floor. 

I know a lot of actors here in Orlando. I'm going to ask them what is the worst casting company, because I'm sure that's where they get these fake buyers from.

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I thought the purple walls for the shower was okay but that green tile along with it was awful, period.  I wouldn’t pair it with anything.  

I’m not surprised regarding the “staged” sold price - seems from what I saw of the neighborhood on TV the houses in that neighborhood are butt-on-cheek and possibly starter (?) homes so who in their right mind would spend $475k on something like this.  I think it was Keith (?) who said at the start of the episode that homes in that part of Orlando run in the mid $300k range … maybe someone here from that neck of the woods knows better, though. 

Edited by Cobb Salad
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Amherst- Is really 23 West Spruce St. in College Park a neighborhood north of Orlando. A buyer purchased it in July 2021 for $265,000. Probably another flipper who couldn't do the work. The house looks like it creeps over the property lines next door. It does have a real big backyard.

After discussing the front door for 5 minutes how they would change the swing, they left it to swing awkwardly. The living room floors still look messed up and scratched/stained. Why is there a open pantry? Could you not figure out how to put a door on it? No baseboards on the breezeway room, no trim in their main bedroom when they were walking out the door, and did that tiny shower that most people couldn't squeeze into have NO glass or door? how much water is going to go everywhere! And no tub in the entire house? And did they really leave all that crap in the backyard? With no gates on the fence?

And there is no sale at $460,000 as of today. Last sale was 7/21 for $265,000.

I feel like a homeowner bought it and hired them to renovate it. They were in no way involved in the sale of this home.

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23 West Spruce (Amherst) is listed on realtor as Off Market, and last sold for the preliminary price they purchased it for, and doesn't look like it was ever on the market.  The exterior pictures weren't changed either.   I agree, this was purchased by someone else, and was a remodel, and who knows if they were even involved.     If they are doing remodels, then say so.  

I'm wondering if the moratorium on evictions means that landlords can't evict tenants, and so the resale of houses that are cheaper is another low inventory situation.  

A new episode is Bradley, and it's supposed to be a probate sale.  Again they use black counter tops, and the shower has two full walls of black tile, and they're going to show every speck of minerals, and dirt.   They put a black wall next to the front door too.  I hate the tiki bar, it's not tall enough, and putting corrugated iron panels over the rotten side wood on the bar isn't a solution.    They claim they sold for $500k, making a $90k profit.  

The address is 4532 Bradley Ave, Orlando   32839, and it sold as a fixer for $300k in March 2022.    Bet it's another reno, and maybe not even their project.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama

4532 Bradley Ave-built 1960,  sq ft 1965 owned by Parhelion Homes as of 3/24/22. It did close at $300,000. Not one sale in the surrounding area has sold for more than $400,000.  It takes Orange County about 30 days to post once closing happens. So depending on when/IF they really closed, it should show up soon. One bathroom had 3 different tiles in a small shower-large white hex, mini white hex, and the green tile they ran out of in another flip.3rd time they've used it must have bought way too much from a salvage sale at DalTile. Both my spouse and I said the niche looked like the SS cabinets they have you put your urine samples in at the Drs office.  Where was the washer and dryer? And once again a half size water heater for a 1600 SF house? The second bath they just sprayed paint on the tiles. That's what you do in a stage 1 diy Reno, not a pro flip. They couldn't be bothered to paint the floor on the back patio they just threw a fake grass rug over it. And the Tiki bar is still too short. I thought they were going to raise the roof? Guess they ran out of $$ since they went $6200 over budget. This is not in the best of areas near Conway.  Memorial Middle and Oak Ridge High are not known to be great schools.

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1 hour ago, sadtvjunkie said:

They couldn't be bothered to paint the floor on the back patio they just threw a fake grass rug over it.

Thank you! This bothered me so much. How much would it cost to paint that, $200? 

Other than that, I did like the front exterior. The white paint with the black accents looked nice, and they got away from the black and dark grey they've been using. 

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I wasn't thrilled with the phony arguments between the new designer and Keith(?).   I hated seeing the return of that green tile in the bathroom, again.    I've seen the same tile on multiple episodes of this show, and on other remodel/flip shows too.   It must be really cheap. 

I bet the shower glass is either back ordered, (most window and glass places order but don't keep stock since there are so many choices, and it's a custom sized item), or they install according to what the buyer wants, or give a credit and the name of who they use for the glass orders.     Many of the shows don't have mirror installed, it makes filming easier.  

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I think they are trying to ease the new designer to take Duke’s old position. I am just not a fan of her. I prefer they just keep the three regulars. Also, we didn’t get to see Marley this episode from the brief time Justin was on the show. I worry since she had really aged during the show. I just want to know she is ok. I am too invested in a dog I have never met.  I don’t know why I watch this show. The bad acting, the fake drama situations and yet I really like this show. 

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