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S01.E12: Exodus

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On 5/20/2016 at 10:29 PM, woodscommaelle said:

Maryum hasn't prayed in two months? Isn't that something you could do silently, anywhere anytime?

No ma'am, Muslims have to pray on a blanket or prayer matt, on a clean floor. Also when they pray it's out load in a different language and the go from standing to kneeling to bowing several times throughout the prayer

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I wanted to add to my previous post that the little yellow bus wasn't the only thing maryum did. I don't think they would have been so mad if she didn't previously put a target on her back by drawing a foot on the American flag. Shit that even offended me. I can't imagine being in jail and having that heightened

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Just now, MrsMommy said:


I wanted to add to my previous post that the little yellow bus wasn't the only thing maryum did. I don't think they would have been so mad if she didn't previously put a target on her back by drawing a foot on the American flag. Shit that even offended me. I can't imagine being in jail and having that heightened


Fair enough. I like and hate freedom of speech in this country at various times.... But at the end of the day, opinion is free here. Barbra's reaction to that drawing, to me, seemed childish, considering where she was. Maryum being judged for a drawing in prison conditions seems ignorant to me, and borders on hyper-sensitivity, especially  when she said she didn't mean it to come out that way. The girl (Maryum)  bugged me to no end for her name dropping and paranoia about people discovering her fake fame, but I didn't actually mind anything the inmates were bothered by.

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I think Barbra found her fire when she found things to be angered by. She picked and chose where to get her fuel and it really didn't different from Tami, at the foundation. They were both proper lunatics in the crazy house.

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On 5/22/2016 at 5:17 PM, Goatherd said:

I started out a Tami fan but ended up a Maryum fan. Maryum didn't cause much drama, which the producers may not have liked, since it meant they had to play up what little they could. There were several scenes of Maryum helping other inmates, and she seemed able to stay calm and think like a social worker, showing compassion and staying grateful for her lot in life. Unlike many others, including Tami, who went into victim mode and were looking out for themselves more than for the actual inmates. 

The "little yellow bus" comment was a poor choice, but I think she acknowledged that, whereas the others weren't willing to listen to what she was trying to do with the comment (diffuse the situation and get people off the back of the woman in question). 

And I may be alone in this, but I understand her caution about being recognized. I mean, her father's face was on the TV in her pod, and the news story was specifically about him being Muslim. Plus I think she looks a lot like her father. 

I thought her feedback was high quality as well -- "you should start a drug rehab program" is more long-lasting and actionable advice than "there are drugs in there." I'm sorry to see the two other women are still angry with her in the final episode.

I'd watch another season, but I sure wish it was located somewhere else. I don't buy for a second that the Sheriff was doing this to get info. I'm sure they were compensated for hosting the reality show, and it felt like he brushed off almost all the constructive feedback he got, and then couldn't stop patting himself on the back after finding one scary toothbrush.

I'm with you 100% . Maryum didn't get as much screen time because she didn't bring the drama like Tami and Barbra. Funny-- the only drama Maryum was involved in also involved  Tami and Barbra! Imagine that. Two drama queens vs one grown woman. Yes, the short bus comment was in poor taste, but it's not like she called the woman a name. It was spur of the moment, poor choice, but well-meaning. She tried to explain, but no -- they went on and on and on about both incidents.  IMO she didn't owe Tami and Barb an apology  about either thing because it wasn't about them. Maryum was shown helping others, while Tami and Barb were shown dramatizing. Barb claimed friendship, but other than colluding with Tami, I didn't see her doing anything to help --unless cuddling, hair-braiding, and gossiping counts.


On 5/26/2016 at 1:25 AM, MrsMommy said:

I wanted to add to my previous post that the little yellow bus wasn't the only thing maryum did. I don't think they would have been so mad if she didn't previously put a target on her back by drawing a foot on the American flag. Shit that even offended me. I can't imagine being in jail and having that heightened

(This is not an attack on you, Msmommy. I'm not saying you are any of these things, did any of these things, etc. Lots of people get offended by flag stuff, as is their right and your right. This is just my rant about that, in general, directed about "flag offense" but not to you personally. I hope that makes sense)  What did Miryam DO, though?  What is the offense? She didn't draw an American flag, and she even said she didn't. Why would we not take her at her word, especially when the picture clearly did not show a US flag ? But .. Let's say she did draw the flag. So what ? Again, what did she do? It's not illegal. The flag is not sacred. It wasn't even a real flag. Do we idolize drawings of flags? Are they now sacred? 

My thoughts? It's piece of cloth. That's it. In this case, it wasn't even that!  It  seems  to me that some people often care about a piece of cloth and "patriotic" ideas --things that represent or symbolize a country-- more than they care about the very people who live in the country! Said country has a constitution that provides me, Barb, he, she, them, they --and yes, even Maryum-- the right to stomp, draw, spit, wash a car with, or  even set fire to the flag if she so pleases. Would that offend me? No! It doesn't offend me, it didn't offend Barbra's husband, and it didn't offend the two vets I asked. Quite the opposite.  It makes me proud that I live in a country where we can do things like that without getting locked up in a work camp or put away forever. If Maryum wants to draw flags getting stomped on, I'll buy the pencils. It's what makes this country great --it's called freedom. That is the very thing that people die for -- they don't die for the actual flag. Many of the very people who are <faux> self-professed "patriots" are the first ones to get offended by things like that and want to outlaw anything involving the precious flag. Don't they realize they can't have it both ways? Part of "true" patriotism, IMO, is understanding that IF she did draw that, she was well within her rights. It seems to me that a true patriot might say -- hey! I fought for the right for her to do just that!  (For the record, I only use the word "patriot" because it's such a buzzword --one I'm kind of sick of, to be honest)

I get that people are also within their right to not like it, and yes, to be offended. I know I can't tell people how they should feel. I just don't get how someone can claim patriotism(!) on one hand then offense(!) over practicing our given rights on another. So many do that these days and I don't get it. To me, it's a huge hypocrisy. Either we are free or not. That is what the flag represents. Barb's husband tried to explain it to her, but she was not having it. She wanted to be offended! 

You know what offends me? Violence. Hatred. Sick people who can't get help. Starving people. Racism. Kids graduating who can't read. Inequality. Rape. Murder.  Homelessness. Addiction. The overuse of leopard prints. Those things offend me. I don't give a crap about a cloth flag or a flag drawing.  I care about the actual living things the flag represents. I'll be offended about things that matter in the end-- things that matter to me, I should say.

One last point about the flag thing. I don't think Maryum was trying to provoke anyone , nor do I think she had any ill-intent. Isn't that what ultimately matters? She said it was an accident and I will believe her. I have no reason to think she's lying. But again, it doesn't matter to me either way. Tami and Barb did not like Maryum, period, and they wanted to see nefarious intentions in her actions. 

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On May 26, 2016 at 1:25 AM, MrsMommy said:

I wanted to add to my previous post that the little yellow bus wasn't the only thing maryum did. I don't think they would have been so mad if she didn't previously put a target on her back by drawing a foot on the American flag. Shit that even offended me. I can't imagine being in jail and having that heightened

This could have been solved easily if Barbra would have gone to Maryum and talked to the woman about it.  But that would have required Barbra to act like a rational human being and not bring the drama.

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So what would Maryum think if someone drew a depiction of muhammad?  I'm not religious at all so I don't get worried about offending anyone for religious reasons. Too much death and destruction has come from someone not liking someone else's god. 

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On 5/30/2016 at 6:17 PM, raiderred1 said:

So what would Maryum think if someone drew a depiction of muhammad?  I'm not religious at all so I don't get worried about offending anyone for religious reasons. Too much death and destruction has come from someone not liking someone else's god. 

That's not really an accurate comparison. Maryum is American, so the equal would actually be someone else drawing a US flag.  The only way the Muhammed analogy works is if she had drawn a picture of whatever God Barbra and/or Tami worship. I presume that would be Jesus /Christ,  but I don't know for sure. 

ETA: I agree 100% with your final  thoughts! So much truth! 

Edited by Scorpiosunshine
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That wasn't an accurately drawn  American flag, and Yaz OWNED that her drawing failed miserably in its depiction. Freedom of speech has me snoozing during those picket lines. Feeling wronged about an American exercising their freedom?.  I'll pick the next fight. Or the next.... Wherever it is actually worth the effort. I love exchanging opinions, but feeling wronged? Meh. My country lets us have opinions. Welcome to message boards letting us speak freely.

As for if Yaz drew their god over the flag.....For many, the flag is the closest to religion some feel. It's not a comparison that differs on the situation. When you hit someone where they feel passion or conviction, be it religion or patriotism, it can drive home to the hurt. BUT, we need to recognize that that is the freedom we were given, and everyone seems to be hurt at some time. We all have a right to express. Meantime, crazy Barbara judged jailmates for dividing an inmate's commissary, when her 3 second-old BFF moved on to better things, so her offenses are a joke to me.

Edited by Chewy101
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I don't understand Maryum's drawing. Can somebody clarify why Maryum would draw an upside down foot with blue and red stripes above it? And why would she draw it for Amy in particular? Did Maryum say that it was supposed to be an American flag? Did she say it was a French flag? If the foot was stomping then why was it upside-down. I don't understand how Barbra and Tami came to their conclusion unless Maryum specifically said that she was drawing a black foot stomping an American flag.

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I am too lazy to go back to the original episode thread right now, but iirc, she was drawing something else (rabbit?) that ended up getting messed up and looking like a foot. Basically, the original heart drawing was supposed to have all sorts of mini components inside. Nothing super deep, just passing the time with different shapes and colors. Barbra came to that conclusion because she already had a hard on for Maryum being uppity, and Tami just went along for the feeling of moral outrage and bandwagoning.

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