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Season 3 Episodes Talk

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So, the new season started this past Monday.


I like the banter and overall relationship that Ampika and Mark currently have with each other.


Is it evil of me to squee at the discord between Dawn and Leanne? I doubt it will last long but just goes to show that Magali was not the source of the problems within the group, especially since Dawn's social graces were on display at Seema's fashion show. *sarcasm*


Anyone know what's going on with Dawn's assault case?

I love how the new ladies seem wholly unimpressed with Dawn. And, Dawn, people are going to think that was a bitchy comment because it was. As you meant it to be.

Tanya's pregnant? Congrats to her & I loved that none of her kids wanted another baby. And Dawn tried to put on a happy face but she was not as pleased as she tried to act.

I hope Lauren and Paul don't divorce, they seem well-matched.

Missing Magali although I can appreciate that she has her priorities in order.

Dawn truly is the absolute worst, isn't she?  Leanne, once again, had to behave like Dawn's Hoover throughout the night, though watching the self-appointed Queen Bee freak out when Leanne contradicted her at the dinner table was quite the sight to behold.


That said, Stacey really seemed to be going after Dawn without even token subtlety; can't wait to find out the rest of this story.  Tanya having enough of it all and leaving was hilarious; loved that.  Also loved Ampika's delusion and attention-seeking outfits.


I find Missé absolutely insufferable, though she really didn't deserve Dawn's attack.  While I totally get how being ESL makes her sound a bit harsher, I also don't think she's ignorant at all of basic manners; in no world is it polite conversation to meet a new group of people and bag on their accent.  I'm trying to withhold judgement, but as of now she seems annoyingly passive-aggressive to me.


Seema?  Yawn.  Pretty non-factor so far.  Chortled pretty hard at the family asking the one son about his thoughts on arranged marriage and when he's going to settle down with a girl...pretty sure his response about finding the "right person" flew right over his grandparents' head.  Why on earth would Seema film/instigate this segment if he isn't out?


Still love Lauren (she's my fave), but she's definitely lost a bit of her spark this season; hope it returns soon!


Missing Magali and her thunder!

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I definitely eye-rolled when I heard Leanne's tagline "I finally found my voice and I'm not afraid to use it" - how many 'Wives have used that one now? She definitely hasn't worried about speaking out before - but maybe it's in regards to Dawn? We'll see.


Missé is very Made In Chelsea to me. I might like her. Could be a good stealth bitch.

Seema is a really interesting addition - there's never been a Housewife of an arranged marriage before. Or even an Indian Housewife?


Did Ampika dress Mark in that patent red jacket?


Dawn's apology was awful. Hanging over someone like that.

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Dawn was a drunk fool. Leanne rightly looked fed up with trying to excuse her drunk friend. Dawn just sounded like an insecure little girl, Misse is stunning and i think she is not deliberately trying to be rude but sort of translating things from her head to her speech and its getting a little mangled in the process. I like Seema and she seems down to earth

I like Seema but i am south asian so can understand her story a bit. Tanya was so OTT. Wow, your accent is not someone's preference. That is not the same as saying SHE HAS A CURRANT ON HER FACE


Dawn and her non apology--typical. And she and Tanrya did seem miffed that Leanne was not backing them up


Laurens problems seem manufactured to me

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Lauren heads off in holiday without Paul, while Ampika's feelings for her ex grow stronger. Tanya turns to pregnancy yoga as the other girls get their groove on at a diva dance class. Dawn attempts to clear the air with Misse, but later comes to blows with best friend Leanne on a night out with the girls.

Sorry about the incorrect date and lack of episode description earlier, the information wasn't accurate or available until today.

I think Leanne might have gotten some backlash over her defense of Dawn the previous seasons and  is looking to manage her image better now. Ampika would be tolerable is she wasn't so desperately desperate to be the sexy one. Her trashy style only emphasizes how poorly she's aging. Tanya's become quite the mean girl now and Lauren seems to have gained some self awareness. Dawn's still the worst, but so well tailored. I can't wait to see how the new ladies interact, but so far I like Seema the best. 

Dawn is a piece of work. She basically apologized for making fun of someone in an environment where other people heard her. Criticizing bad behavior or character is one thing - but to make a joke about someone's physical appearance is beyond immature. The saddest part is that Dawn sees nothing wrong with making a comment about someone's appearance just because she was 'just joking'. And she even had the audacity to get offended by Stacy telling Misse. Most people would want to know if someone was saying something unsavoury about them. I know that if a stranger was willing to take a go at me for the sake of 'humour' without even saying hello to me first, I would definitely want to know and readjust my approach.


I'm going to blame Tania's stupidity on her pregnancy hormones for now. An accent is not the same as one's looks and I find it hard to believe that this would need to be explained to anyone.


I really like Seema so far. She's got the career, she seems to have a solid relationship with her family and despite her success she seems very humble and welcoming to people.

I'm still loving the Ampika-Lauren friendship.  Lauren continues to be my favorite, but Pikaboo is a close #2--I love her wackiness!

Leanne continues to annoy me the most.  Missé getting jealous over Ampika was also pretty annoying--I don't like her at all; she just doesn't add much to the cast.

I kind of love it how Magali leaves, 3 new ladies are brought in, and yet the lot of them cannot come close to bringing a fraction of what Magali brought.


One thing confused me, though--I thought Ampika had already made it clear to Leanne that she was getting the private jet, not to tell Dawn, etc., so why was Leanne still going on about Paris?  So strange...

Dawn is pretty annoying. She likes to stand over people when she talks. I also find it sad that she defends what she said, but feels bad that other people heard it. Here's the thing Dawn, if you wouldn't say something to someone's face, then it probably means that in retrospect, it wasn't a nice thing to say at all. The fact that she's trying to shift the blame on to Stacey for telling Misse when her comment is the catalyst for everything is pretty disgusting and immature.

Lauren needs to get over this Paris thing. She seems like a spoiled brat complaining about not getting to go on a private jet.

Ampika, I think she's a great friend but man, her outfits are horrible. Her confidence is great but someone needs to explain to her that confidence isn't about showing skin - it's about how you carry yourself whether you're wearing a turtleneck or a bra. Her birthday outfit was atrocious. I can appreciate nude body painting - hers was a horrible. It looks like she just rolled around in glitter. There was nothing artistic about it at all. It didn't even try to resemble an outfit at least.

Lauren is a loud mouth but never seemingly malicious about it. I love her spunk and it sucks to her dealing with marital problems. It's tough to feel like you've lost yourself and the things about you that made you love who you were.

I hope Ampika shows up naked (not even body paint) to the next event just to watch these ladies clutch their pearls.


Leanne thinks if she doesn't go on Seema's plane, it means she may be iced out of the new cool kids group.  Lame.  And that outfit and hair at her party just shows my initial assessment was correct: she's turning into the British Kim Zolciak-Biermann.


Poor Lauren!  I adore her and her brash ways & it sucks that she feels she and Paul never really suited.  I hope to see some fun single Lauren.

Dawn trying to make her rudeness Leanne's fault is bullshit.  Try not being an asshole, Dawn, then there'll be no problems.

These new ladies aren't sucking up to the originals (which I like), but they are still fairly boring.

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Ampika's ass is too flat and flabby to be bared at a party yuck! Why is Dawn Ward such a close talking shit stirrer? FFS can she find something to do that's not being a roaring bitch all the time. Misse is already getting on my nerves. 

Am I the only one that thinks Lauren trying to have a heart-to-heart with Tanya at the party was ridiculous. This cast is really terrible. I think I'll move on. Melbourne is much better

Fakest fashion show ever!

OMG Leanne let it go; people are allowed not to invite you.

So did Misse really think she could slut shame Ampika and Ampika would just take it? Girl shut up, you were wrong, apologize. I hate people who assault your character then judge you for being passionate in your defense of yourself. I tried to like Misse but there doesn't seem to be anything there worth getting to know let alone like.

Poor Lauren! She needs to get off this show and mourn the death of her marriage. If I hang around to the end it will be just to see Lauren make "wtf" faces at Dawn.

I hate the direction this show has gone so I think that's it for me. Dawn Ward is a horrible person with a great house to look at. That's it.

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Missé contributes nothing to this show.  Dawn is at least a good foil as she's very pretty and appears to "have it all" despite showing what an uncouth, horribly self-absorbed person she is at any opportunity.  I loved Dawn's seemingly genuine bemusement at why on earth Ampika would have a problem with her--that lack of self-awareness makes Wardy such a fun character to love-to-hate.  Missé on the other hand is just there.  She's attractive enough, but her personality sucks.  Did Missé really say she and Leanne have nothing in common?  Really?  Because I'm pretty sure they're both Football Wives with children; surely Missé could find some common ground with Leanne...unless Missé is just utterly lacking in social skills, which increasingly seems to be the case.

Ampika really held her ground well against Missé--good for you, Pikaboo!

I'm bored with Stacey.  Stacey is such a non-entity that not a single episode description to-date includes her name.  Why is Stacey so boring?  She brings a grudge against Wardy, for crying out loud!  Why hasn't she really brought this up?  Stacey must not be a very interesting person if she is just window dressing now six episodes in.

Need more Lauren--should be seeing a lot more of her next week according to previews!

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Never thought I'd see the day when Ampika and Lauren would be my favourites. I love how Ampika calmly deflected Misse's BS. No yelling, no drama. I'm sure the other ladies will make a bigger deal out of it. Lauren just seems so lost, poor thing. Considering how insensitive she was the first season, she's got a really intuitive heart and I just want to give her a hug. I did love her saying fashion shows were boring, lol. 

Stacey is just a dark haired version of Leanne, as far as I can tell. Seema feels a little too superior to everyone else and Misse's just a vicious twit. Good on Wardy for at least insisting that Ampika would never go after her man. 

I loved Ampika standing up to Misse when Misse tried to come for her.  And you could see the surprise in Misse's face that Ampika basically told her to fuck off with her accusations and innuendos.  Brava, Ampika!  Then we have Shit Stirrer #2 in Stacey(?) trying to convince Tanya that Ampika has a sugar daddy. One, who cares if she does? Two, why is it anybody else's business? And, three, girl I can barely remember you exist, why are you still here?

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I like the cast, especially since Misse has joined, but it took a lot to get used to. They´re like a mixture of so many things, like beauty, UK new money, gossiping, nudity, plastic surgery, flashy mcmansion fashion etc. They´re not very exciting but sometimes they do blow up and fight and I can´t understand a word they´re saying. I wish they´d do more stuff together, it gets a bit much listening to them talk about the same thing again and again. They should go camping or fight about something new each episode. I really like Dawns house btw.


The girls take Paris by storm, with Misse and Ampika attempting to move on after their clash at Seema's Paris fashion show, but will it last?

Stacey owns up to having a wild past and Ampika expresses her true feelings for ex-husband Mark at a very emotional dinner in the Seine.

Back in Cheshire, Lauren gets naked for a portrait painting session and Dawn spends some quality time with her girls.


These women are being very catty toward Ampika and I love how Ampika let it all roll off her back, refusing to let it ruin her trip. Is it worse to make fun of someone's appearance or make suggestions about someone's character? Stacy was offended by Dawn's comment about Misse's beauty mark but didn't bat an eyelash when it came to sharing her theories of Ampika having a sugar daddy who was paying for her jet and trip. Really Stacy? Misse, you are annoying. She's deciding that everything Ampika does is some horrible offense to humanity. Misse you put out and got knocked up in 4 months of meeting a man. It seems far less offensive for someone to point out what seems obvious when on the contrary, you're making implications Ampika is flirting with married men. Dawn has never taken issue with Ampika being cordial with her husband, why in the world would Misse feel the need to take offense to that? And even worse, Misse is complaining that Ampika doesn't know her to judge but she was totally comfortable making judgments about Ampika. Ampika wasnt even judging Misse. Misse made a comment about her husband trapping her by knocking her up. Ampika only made a point that it takes two to tango. 

Ampika's relationship with Mark makes a lot of sense and I have to say that I feel really bad for him. Ampika, whether she means to our not, is being very mean and selfish with the way she monopolizes Mark's attention and time. She knows that he loves her and she knows that they're not together because of her. She wants to have her cake and eat it too. 

Edited by RHJunkie
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Did Ampika cheat on Mark?  That's the feeling I get with all the "I'd have to really prove to him…" talk.  

Misse can miss me.  STFU with your attempts to slut-shame Ampika, same with Stacey.  Did she not know it was Mark's plane?  Maybe she did and is trying to create a feud for airtime (or to be sure she's still around for a Season 4 where Magali May have returned).

Dawn, no one is trying to turn Leanne against you. Ampika wanted to have fun, you aren't invited because you aren't all that fun.

And you are so right, @RHJunkie.  Misse wants to be able to talk shit (sometimes to Ampika's face) and have it seen as just a little friendly/helpful advice.  But woe betide the woman who doesn't take or need said advice or dares comment on her life--them's fighting words!  

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8 hours ago, OnceSane said:

Did Ampika cheat on Mark?  That's the feeling I get with all the "I'd have to really prove to him…" talk.  

Misse can miss me.  STFU with your attempts to slut-shame Ampika, same with Stacey.  Did she not know it was Mark's plane?  Maybe she did and is trying to create a feud for airtime (or to be sure she's still around for a Season 4 where Magali May have returned).

Dawn, no one is trying to turn Leanne against you. Ampika wanted to have fun, you aren't invited because you aren't all that fun.

And you are so right, @RHJunkie.  Misse wants to be able to talk shit (sometimes to Ampika's face) and have it seen as just a little friendly/helpful advice.  But woe betide the woman who doesn't take or need said advice or dares comment on her life--them's fighting words!  

And Mark also made a great point - he said that Ampika will say to your face what most women will say behind your back. These women are so caught up with proper etiquette that they're willing to be two faced than they are willing to swear or make a vulgar joke. It says a lot more about the character of someone who wants to spread rumours or speak poorly about people who have not wronged them than it does of someone who wears body paint to a party and makes a joke about someone putting out quickly. Ampika's look and personality is the exact opposite of Misse. Instead of trying to get to know Ampika, Misse is the one passing judgment because she's the one already scolding and trying to change Ampika.

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I love Ampika "owning" her dodgy style. She always makes me smile every episode with her proclamations of how outrageous she is (along with hand/arm/head movements).

I'm really disappointed that THIS is the season they finally have a reunion - hardly anything interesting has happened so far. Why has no one mentioned Dawn assaulting Sinitta?  I hope that Magali gets to show up during the reunion - the reunion could round-up all the drama of three seasons. To me, the first two seasons had a lot more interesting drama, that would've been interesting to hear further explained at a reunion.

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Really enjoyed this episode!  While not much happened, it seems like it was setting-up for next week.  I thoroughly enjoyed Missé's and Dawn's revealing themselves to be more similar than different, and I really enjoyed the other ladies' starting to realize Missé's true colors.  Dawn is still petty, jealous, insecure and overall awful, but it cracked me up when she TH'd that she thought she and Missé would be "great friends."  Ominous, no?

Edited by strongoxman
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Misse and Dawn will be great friends…they're both judgmental as fuck.  And how is it that the other ladies threw Misse under the bus just because they didn't like her Ampika makeover?  Does Misse think her former modeling career means she's the only one with taste or the only one who's taste matters?  Like I said, Misse & Dawn, great friends.

I do like Leanne not backing down or kissing Dawn's ass just because Dawn can't handle her former puppet becoming a real girl.

Poor Lauren, but I don't think she & Paul are reuniting.

Tanya's Shetland pony race baby reveal cracked me up, not as much as her initial reaction (or her hubby's reaction to her reaction) at the doctor.  That. Was. Hilarious.

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I like Misse because I basically hate her, but it´s a fun hate made for tv. She´s the type of person who´d say "I haven´t made any friends here because all the women are so jealous and think I´ll steal their husbands" (and she said something like it already). She also often comes across like a complete hypocrite or a person with extremely low intelligence. I like how drawn many of the others are to her, she has power, but not the kind that lasts (or so I hope). The other 2 new ladies I can hardly tell apart and they´re both boring.

I´m bored with Dawn, can´t stand her voice, but her house certainly is gorgeous.

Dawn is just upset that Leanne isn't seeking her approval when it comes to Ampika. She's worried that her puppet cuts its strings. Her theory about Ampika's motives seem only like projection - Dawn came up with that theory because it's probably something that she would do to someone. Also, creating a friendship with Misse over a mutual dislike for Ampika...pathetic. 

Misse is judgemental and mean spirited. She's basically taking issue because the other ladies weren't fawning all over the makeover she organized. Do you think there's only way one for someone to do their make up and dress? Just because the women didn't like this particular makeover doesn't mean that they still don't think Ampika is too out there. Trying to paint them as hypocrites over your own misunderstanding of English and over something so petty is stupid. Misse thinks so much of herself because she thinks that she's not only doing Ampika a favour, but that she's improving on Ampika. Look at the difference between her approach and Magali's approach last season. Ampika was a good sport to agree to the makeover and to continue to go through with it even though she didn't appreciate the process. Misse, I can tell that you're going to be really annoying all season long. 

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I'm pretty sure one of the models at Stacey's fashion show was in the fashion show in the first episode. Hard to keep up with all the fake fashion shows this season!

Dawn thinks she and Misse will be friends becaue they both dislike Ampika. Nice.

Ampika looked good at Tanya's party! I also thought she suited the makeover, but it was really just generic hair and makeup with no originality, a la Snog Marry Avoid. Plus she obviously didn't feel comfortable.

Tanya and Phil made me laugh at the scan.

It is interesting to see how Leeann has changed. She said she won't hate someone just because Dawn does, but she certainly went after Magali because Dawn didn't like her! I wonder why the change now. It's certainly enjoyable to see.

I don't have much to say about the happenings on this show as it is pretty tame and lame in comparison to the other Housewives shows.

The (finger quotes) drama is very childish, school ground even, people adopting others angst, and others holding grudges for petty BS that nobody not even the people involved give a shit about.

Stacey; Dawn didn't fall all over you at her do, so you decide that what she said about a current on somebody else's face is the worst thing EVA!!!

Wow just WOW, if this is all they have to worry about they are lucky bleeders indeed, Yup I have a tad Lanc in me too (Nods to Tanya) whom I love BTW, she is REAL. 

However I digress, not much to say about the show but a few words about the (coughs) Ladies...


Dawn may be a bit of an uncouth cow at times but at least she doesn't pretend to be your friend and then totally be disloyal and 2 faced like her so called bestie (Yes I mean YOU) Leanne,


Question (?) who gave Dawn the 411 on Misse (Why the Ladies call her Miss A I just don't get - are they all illiterate or something?)

Okay 2 questions, why does Leanne think it's okay to totally bad mouth someone behind their back but when her friend makes a social faux pas with the same object of her private derision she is to be reprimanded and vilified while you the mucky mess maker skirt off looking like butter wouldn't melt....

This is why I do not like Leanne and getting a mind of your own or a "Voice" as she calls it, doesn't mean you should slate your mate just for sport to prove to the other non entities what a great gal you are.


I see you Leanne, I see strait through you!

Misse can fuck off.  She's desperate to be in with the "cool crowd" aka Dawn and is mad that Ampika refuses to fall in line to play the villain role Misse has cast for her.  Someone really wants to be a part of season 4.  I think Misse thought Ampika was an easy target, then quickly found out why that was a mistake.  Loved Ampika throwing her out of her launch…if only Ampika had done an Uncle Phil-esque throw.

Leanne seems to be trying to break out of Dawn's shadow & Dawn is not happy, but Dawn takes it out on Ampika rather than admit her overbearing ways might be to blame.

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So Ampika is half Thai! I had no idea.

Ampika has been nice to Misse from the start yet Misse has created such an issue with her. Tanya and Dawn were the only ones to come for Misse and now they're best buds? I get the vibe from Tanya/Misse/Dawn together that they think they're the cool/hot ones.

I thought Lauren's portrait wasn't very good... 

So next week must be the finale. Let's hope the reunion is good.

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What is Dawn Ward's storyline besides starting trouble with castmates and manipulating dimwitted Leanne? The final scene in the kitchen was just horrid to watch. No matter whose jet it was dear Dawn, you were not invited to Paris at all! This woman is terrible Tanya is pregnant and Dawn called her plump! What's interesting is Dawn's got plenty going on off camera but for some reason its all cut out in favor of her constantly starting drama. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/12140284/Real-Housewives-Dawn-Ward-punched-pop-singer-Sinitta-court-hears.html

God bless Ampika for standing up for herself. And God bless Lauren for standing by Ampika. 

Stacey is a stealth bitch. There's nothing wrong with Ampika's house!

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Leanne inserted herself here,it was Dawns daughters day and Dawn and Ampika had already had it out, what did Leanne NEED to say again?!


Also on that note, Dawn is just being how she has ALWAYS been with Leanne, but yes Leanne is easily manipulated by Ampika and the rest of the (Coughs) Ladies who seem to not really have any other problems bigger than Dawns attitude, WOW!!!

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