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Season 12 Spoilers, Speculation and Anticipation

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1 minute ago, ReidFan said:

I don't think she conceived--if in fact she even is pregnant--in the conventional manner if it really is Reid's.  Pretty sure it was harvested while he was unconscious.  But if indeed she is pregnant ain't it more likely that she just seduced a guard or someone in the prison. 

I hope it's just a red herring. Reid imprisoned wrongly for half a season was bad enough.  Any more Reid torture will just override my willingness to suspend disbelief. And end my attachment to the show. 

I really hope you're right and I am freaking out for nothing. I am going to be a bundle of nerves until 9 pm tonight.

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I'm hoping this is a red herring which has been leaked to get us Reid fans all obsessively watching and thereby up their ratings. And also because after this potential shark-jump move, any other plot stunt they pull tonight would seem reasonable.

But if it's not, presumably there'll be plenty of Reid visiting Cat and Lindsey in prison, attending the birth, fighting for custody, deciding if the kid should know its mother or be forever messed up, stopping Cat's contacts from kidnapping the kid...  next year. Cat would be a huge part of his life forever, and for the moment, his main female relationship outside his mother. Ew.

Edited by Lebanna
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Also, I find myself a bit disappointed that Cat turns out to be a married mommy-to-be. However twisted the storyline, as a life status it just sounds so... normal. It's just a bit anticlimactic.

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3 minutes ago, Lebanna said:

Also, I find myself a bit disappointed that Cat turns out to be a married mommy-to-be. However twisted the storyline, as a life status it just sounds so... normal. It's just a bit anticlimactic.

 I thought Lindsey only got pregnant to use it to manipulate people, not that she and Cat wanted a baby. Am I missing something? I don't know if Lindsey and Cat will actually keep the baby after they get their "use" out of it. 

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I am also wondering why Prentiss freaked out so much when JJ told her Lindsey was pregnant. Does it really matter? She would just have the baby in jail, right?

So confused,  

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Lindsey? I thought it was Cat that was pregnant ?

and...what if it's all just a ruse ( to what end I dunno. Maybe to force Reid to help get her out of prison or sumthin) because she knows he wants kids. She's toying with him  she has daddy issues   And it could be argued that he does too  

Or (way out in left field Dept) what if cat genuinely is in love with Reid. (Ugh.  I need a shower after just typing that).  

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JJ says, "She's definitely pregnant." She wouldn't know that about lindsey, who's still at large. Presumably, this would mean they stole from Reid and arranged with the corrupt guard to have the pre-Reid implanted in Cat. 

Gah! Why am i even thinking about this?!

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2 minutes ago, normasm said:

JJ says, "She's definitely pregnant." She wouldn't know that about lindsey, who's still at large. Presumably, this would mean they stole from Reid and arranged with the corrupt guard to have the pre-Reid implanted in Cat. 

Gah! Why am i even thinking about this?!

When you say "stole" you mean somehow acquired Reid's semen right?(eww)

But what about when Prentiss said "and Cat had her lesbian lover go down to Mexico to get Reid to..." and Prentiss says it in such a tone that I think she means impregnate 

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Well, she doesn't know how they got it. That 'to...' could contain a bunch of possibilities that are not P in V sex.

Unless consensual, it's rape. Which is beyond gross and into horrific.

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Well, if the semen was "acquired" in a non PiV way how long would it "last" until it had to be inserted? I'm pretty sure it's a short time. She would had to of brought "storage" supplies with her.

This is getting really insane.

Maybe Nadia asked for a DNA sample in order to help Diana? 

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2 minutes ago, normasm said:

Nadie wouldn't have asked for semen if she needed DNA, he would have spit in a cup or something. 

I certainly hope so. I know the treatment was weird, but it was for his mother. I don't see Reid falling for that level of bizarre. Again, ew.

Edited by Lebanna
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2 minutes ago, normasm said:

Nadie wouldn't have asked for semen if she needed DNA, he would have spit in a cup or something. 

You're right that was stupid of me. Maybe in CM world all DNA samples have to be reproductive fluids. Why wouldn't I be surprised?

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It just occurred to me that if the kid isn't Reid's, we're probably still guaranteed a scene next year where he confesses, probably to JJ, that 'For a moment, I almost wished it was mine.' And goes through some kind of loss process in one episode for the kid he didn't have. Because, we're talking about these writers.

There's nothing good here.

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that, or if the pregnancy ends unsuccessfully in miscarriage or stillbirth, then he can confess, probably to JJ, that 'for a moment I almost wished it was mine' and go through the loss process.....

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25 minutes ago, Haleysgalaxy said:

Well, if the semen was "acquired" in a non PiV way how long would it "last" until it had to be inserted? I'm pretty sure it's a short time. She would had to of brought "storage" supplies with her.

This is getting really insane.


maybe that was the real reason for the mad crazy driving at the beginning of "Spencer". He woke up, found his pants undone and even in the speedball induced stupor, wanted to know wtf just happened. Lindsey was speeding back towards the border to catch a flight back to <wheverever the hell Cat is> with the er, goods.  (how did she explain THAT in her carry on baggage?) and he was trying to catch up to the cherry picker.

(okay, I'm just bad)

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All this talk about someone stealing Reid's sperm is making me surprisingly upset. I mean, HOW... and, and... this is just unacceptable. Nobody gets to touch Reid's stuff except JJ! Doesn't EVERYONE know that by now? ;)

No seriously, this is truly fucked up. If they're gonna go there they have to make it be a way in which he wasn't raped. Not this on top of everything, too. NOT THIS. NOT FOR HIM.

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If I may speak for everyone, in the words of Banquo from William Shakespeare's Macbeth...






Were such things here as we do speak about?

Or have we eaten on the insane root

That takes the reason prisoner?

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11 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

maybe that was the real reason for the mad crazy driving at the beginning of "Spencer". He woke up, found his pants undone and even in the speedball induced stupor, wanted to know wtf just happened. Lindsey was speeding back towards the border to catch a flight back to <wheverever the hell Cat is> with the er, goods.  (how did she explain THAT in her carry on baggage?) and he was trying to catch up to the cherry picker.

(okay, I'm just bad)

This makes me so upset. :( I hope this isn't true 

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1 minute ago, Hotchgirl18 said:

Has Mr. Scratch been spraying the funny stuff in the writers room?

Like I said before; maybe he sprayed not only whatever he typically sprays, but also some INSANE ROOT as EVERYONE HAS GONE MAD!!!

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I really hope this is all a red herring of some kind. That she's just playing him.

Because any other scenario is just unacceptable. Whether he was seduced-while-under-drugs; outright sexually assaulted, whatever.

It's just wrong.

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2 minutes ago, Hotchgirl18 said:

So Cat and Lindsey are lesbians? And one of them is pregnant.

Agree; that and it's just....just....DAMN-STRAIGHT, DOWN-RIGHT, DOG-GONE, F*******ING PLAIN WRONG!!! With a CAPTIAL silent W!

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How much do you bet it'll be a girl and for season 15 they'll find a toddler who looks just like a baby Aubrey Plaza?

And Reid will have to deal with the fact she's just like her mother, but even more intelligent.

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Just now, Lebanna said:

How much do you bet it'll be a girl and for season 15 they'll find a toddler who looks just like a baby Aubrey Plaza?

And Reid will have to deal with the fact she's just like her mother, but even more intelligent.


Oh, god.

The question that's been bugging is...

HOW in the F****** BLOODY HELL does/will Maeve fit into any of this mess?

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Reid will probably dream that he and Maeve are having the kid he dreamed of having with her. Either that, or her hallucination will be angry that he's 'moved on' by having a baby with someone else. 

This is going to be a shitshow. I can feel it.

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norm - But he might be subconsciously feeling guilty and devastated that he's having a kid with someone else, when he wanted to stay true to his dead love. Or angry that he allowed himself to be used. And that would appear in the hallucinations. I just assume that Maeve's appearance will be more torture.

Because I don't expect these writers to let him have the attitude of 'it was rape and you are not responsible for this' until they have JJ tell him that in an emotional scene next February, and they hug it out.

Edited by Lebanna
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3 minutes ago, Lebanna said:

Reid will probably dream that he and Maeve are having the kid he dreamed of having with her. Either that, or her hallucination will be angry that he's 'moved on' by having a baby with someone else. 

This is going to be a shitshow. I can feel it.

+1 for the shitshow

Of course Reid "moves on" from his girlfriend who was stalked and killed right in front of him by being sexually assaulted by a psychopathic hitwomen who set him up for jail and kidnapped his mother. 

This show.

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1 minute ago, Hotchgirl18 said:

So how the HELL did Cat and Lindsey hook up? 

Maybe Cat had Lindsey as an underground partner? Not pun intended.

1 minute ago, Haleysgalaxy said:

+1 for the shitshow

Of course Reid "moves on" from his girlfriend who was stalked and killed right in front of him by being sexually assaulted by a psychopathic hitwomen who set him up for jail and kidnapped his mother. 

This show.



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This storyline is going to ruin rewatching 'Entropy', isn't it?

We'll have to rename the episode 'How I Met Your Mother'.

Edited by Lebanna
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