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S01.E18: The Big Uneasy

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Genevieve asks Elijah to allow her coven to publicly celebrate a traditional feast day, where members of the community offer the witches gifts in return for blessings. Monique and Genevieve disagree over what the ancestors want from them, and Genevieve reveals her plan to build the witches power.  When Elijah focuses his attention on restoring their home to its former glory, Klaus accuses him of doing it only to impress Hayley.  Next, Klaus sets a new plan in motion by finding Cary, a werewolf from his own line, and sending him off to find a missing piece of family history.  Marcel lets Thierry in on his new plan to rebuild his power, but Diego has his own ideas about the future.  At the Feast of the Blessings, Monique and Genevieve try to use the ceremony to teach Davina a lesson, but Klaus intervenes and gives Davina a surprisingly important gift.  While Hayley struggles to decide where her loyalties should lie, the ceremony explodes into violence.

Poor Thierry. He's always getting the short end of the stick! His girlfriend gets killed, he gets walled up in Marcel's Cask of Amontillado garden, and now he's dead.


On a shallow note, I did find it hot when Elijah had Marcel by the throat with one hand and he ripped out Thierry's heart with the other hand. That's the BAMF I have missed! I also loved that Elijah told Klaus to eat a dick. FINALLY!


I hate Jackson with the fire of a thousand suns because his voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Is his voice always that annoying or is it just like that because he's doing an American accent? Hayley has a similar issue. She is really incapable of emoting with her voice because she's so busy concentrating on her American accent. And it drives me INSANE when she says "woof" instead of "wolf."


I'm not invested in the werewolf storyline at all. Is it wrong that I would be totally fine with Hayley and the Miracle Baby dying in childbirth? I see why they were the impetus for the series but they really add nothing to the big picture right now. There's enough going on with the Quarter vampires vs. the Originals, the witches vs. the vampires, etc.


Monique is a snotty little bitch, but I was excited for a second when I thought she was actually going to kill Genevieve.


So all the supernaturals are supposed to keep their supernaturalness a secret from the general public, yet Klaus was fine yelling stuff in front of everyone at the party?


The only good thing that has come of Rebekah's absence is that I don't have to watch Klaus berate her and guilt trip her every week. I would gladly send Klaus somewhere else and have Rebekah come back. But maybe now that Klaus and Elijah are at odds with each other, the family dynamic will change. I'm so tired of Elijah kowtowing to what Klaus wants so I'm glad they had that conversation this week. It wasn't just about Hayley - it was about Elijah putting Klaus first over and over. Please tell me that this means the end of their weird codependent/emotionally abusive relationship!

I am so tired of Hayley and PT. Hell, I'm tired of every werewolf on this show, cannot stand any of them and have only a slight interest in whatever Klaus is plotting to do with/to them. And Cami still annoys me.

Marcel was made of win for me, too bad he lost his best bud but I think that loss will just push him to accomplish what he wants to do. Also enjoyed Genevieve finally returning to the strong character we were introduced to. I wanted her to bitchslap Monique and then kill her.

Davina has grown on me, love her relationships with Josh and Marcel and love how much she distrusts pretty much everyone else.

I still think Francesca actually houses Celeste, which makes me want to see more scenes of her and Elijah, whom I contiinue to love!

I'm being lazy, just C&P my post from TWOP


I'm not invested in the werewolf story-line other than to figure out Klaus' true intentions/motivations...which seems to be to make the Werewolves more powerful...perhaps a new family to replace the one that abandoned him?  I can't help but feel that his actions are directly related to the knowledge that Bex brought Mikael to town back in the 1900s.

I forgot to ask, have the rules for Werewolves changed?  I only watch Vampire Diaries occasionally so I've missed a bunch of stuff but I thought Werewolves were heredity traits but you didn't turn unless you killed someone.  Are all those werewolves coming to visit Queen Haley actual werewolves or just raised in the family/pack but haven't killed?

I'm really digging Genevieve's storyline as well, I find her really interesting and love her scenes with Klaus, two master manipulator's trying to play each other, it's highly entertaining to watch.

I'm curious as to how Elijah's character arc is playing out, I'm a huge fan of symmetry and I'm curious to see if they're going to have Elijah go dark while Klaus becomes more Nobel/heroic.  It's a nice play on the two brothers and the roles they play, how entwined they are and how much each impact's the other.  IMO the best part of the series is the sibling relationship and how the feed into each other's issues.

WTF- Why is Haley even part of the "political" discussion?  What world does she live in?  Of course the weak survive at the mercy of the strong- idiot.  And her side ponytail was stupid.

I also would like for Elija to have some fun sexy times with the lady drug-pin.  She is the only woman (aside from Rebeka & Davina) that does not drive me batty. You can do better than Haley, Elija!  Yes, I think a drug dealer is better- at least she is interesting!

The witches are morons.  Davina is the only one that the vampires kind of like, lets tun her against us some more!  Monique is ridiculous, I want someone to stab her in the face.  It is no wonder it was easy for Marcel to subjugate them.  I'm also done with Genevieve.

Didn't we already know that the witches wanted to kill the magic baby?

Poor Thierry- that guy really could not catch a break.  

Edited by gik910
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This sudden coldness Haley is throwing at Elijah is working my last nerve. I could  not stand her on TVD and only was really beginning to like her when she teamed with the underdogs(no pun intended) Davina et al. and starting falling for Elijah. Now that she is all googlie eyed at Jackson while also clinging to Elijah just makes me sick.

The only way for Elijah to truely break out of his martyr role is to not just put Klaus in his place but also to stop being manipulated by the women he loves. I want him to have a decent love interest and since he has chemistry with everyone surely the show can find someone he doesn't have to share with his brother or a werewolf.

I can't stand the witches. NONE of them I was wishing the whole time BOTH Genevieve and Monique would DIAF. But especially holier than though Monique. Who made her the queen of all queen witches? She is totally annoying.

I go back and forth with liking Marcel much as I do Klaus. I was starting to like Klaus again but him screwing over Elijah again just makes me put him on the hate list. Marcel just needs to quit with this big fued. Whose town is it? Who cares they both had a turn running it. To me Marcel and Klaus are equally big babies, but Marcel CAN be killed so he should check himself sometimes. Thierry's death is all on Marcel b/c at least Elijah only killed one vampire. Marcel killed a whole room full of people. Both made their point but Marcel cause much more death than Elijah. Thierry was a dumbie to ever keep going along with Marcel.

I like the werewolf plot far more than the witches.

Cami can leave any time. I truely don't like her either.

Love Elijah large and in charge. I'm sure he will lose in the end...sigh.

Edited by Cattitude
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I can't stand the witches. NONE of them I was wishing the whole time BOTH Genevieve and Monique would DIAF. But especially holier than though Monique. Who made her the queen of all queen witches? She is totally annoying.

 I'd say that except for Davina and maybe Bonnie, (though damning supernaturals to suffer possibly forever kinda puts that into question) the witches the audience has seen on both shows so far are probably the most evil people in the entire TVD universe. They blatantly abuse their powers for the tiniest of reasons at every turn, cause mass suffering in their wake, screw the entire balance of everything on a routine basis, ("servants of nature?" HA!) and punish others in ways nobody deserves for the most petty reasons possible. These people make every other supernatural we've seen combined look like saints in comparison. Witches like Monique only continue this trend.

I go back and forth with liking Marcel much as I do Klaus. I was starting to like Klaus again but him screwing over Elijah again just makes me put him on the hate list. Marcel just needs to quit with this big fued. Whose town is it? Who cares they both had a turn running it. To me Marcel and Klaus are equally big babies, but Marcel CAN be killed so he should check himself sometimes. Thierry's death is all on Marcel b/c at least Elijah only killed one vampire. Marcel killed a whole room full of people. Both made their point but Marcel cause much more death than Elijah. Thierry was a dumbie to ever keep going along with Marcel.

What I'd like to know is why the Originals and Marcel are so psychotically obsessed with controlling this ONE little corner of this ONE little town. It's not like New Orleans is just the French Quarter, I don't even need to have ever been there to know that. That, and Earth is an entire planet, planets are big. I'm sure there's somewhere else either of them could take control of instead of fighting of these few short miles.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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 What I'd like to know is why the Originals and Marcel are so psychotically obsessed with controlling this ONE little corner of this ONE little town. It's not like New Orleans is just the French Quarter, I don't even need to have ever been there to know that. That, and Earth is an entire planet, planets are big. I'm sure there's somewhere else either of them could take control of instead of fighting of these few short miles.

Seems like with daylight rings they'd rather control Miami. Much less gloomy...and less clothes.

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