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Neighbours (AU) - General Discussion

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I'm not into zombies either, but it's actually not very zombie-ish, because so far the zombies don't even realise that they're zombies, so they're just acting like normal people. So it's more just like a reunion with dead Neighbours characters. Although if you weren't watching back when these characters were on the show, then I guess it might not interest you. 


Part 2 is out now:

I always forget that the UK has Halloween too. I think of it as a US thing. Definitely not an Australian thing -- I don't know anyone who celebrates it, and I don't know why they felt the need to have an episode about it.


Lol at the lamp storyline and Bossy giving Sheila those looks. :P


Poor Josh! He doesn't belong in gaol. He's not a thug. I guess he deserves some sort of punishment, like a fine or community service or something, but he's hardly a dangerous criminal who needs to be locked up. And I think it's kind of out of character for Chris not to have forgiven Josh even a little bit (although maybe that can be explained by his head injury and stress, etc). As if you'd put up with everything Paul does but want Josh in gaol!

Edited by neutron

Yeah I've heard so many times here people complaining that we are just copying the US with Halloween.  To me if people have fun, go for it.


Heh I totally cracked up at Bossy's death stares at Sheila, and then Paul dropping a coin down Sheila's front.  They do funny things like that well imo.


I agree that Josh doesn't belong in gaol.  But as they have been clamping down on so-called coward punches it's a possibility.  Yeah Chris has been acting a bit out of character anyway due to the head injury.

Bossy and Sheila were hilarious.  


It seems more like Josh happened to cause way more damage than a punch normally might, so the punishment seemed about right.  


Brad and his document-stealing was way over the top.  And clearly he never thought through what the effect could be.  Both parents are a bit lunatic when it comes to protecting Josh.  


Raine is sort of interesting.  I bet she is a potential cult leader.  Not interested in Daniel as a man, but as a follower.  


Paige and Granddad sudden bonding was cute.  

Why was Gary the only person listed under 'G' on Sheila's phone? What about Georgia? Haha.

EDIT: Actually, just rewatched it, and it was sorted by surname, and there were others in the list besides Gary. So never mind. :P


Amber was going way over the top with her massive freak out. How can you suddenly realise you don't know anything just hours before the exam when you've been doing the subject for the whole year? If she was that worried about the exam then she should have been studying for it the last few months rather than being silly with Daniel. Not a fan of Amber... :P

Edited by neutron

I agree about Amber.  And how can one exam be the whole world suddenly?  If it was it would be known ahead of time so the student could prepare.  


Do we know what happened to Kyle's mum?  I suppose Gary is an alcoholic or something like that.  Funny I simply took Kyle and Gran for granted as joining forces because they were both in Erinsborough - now it seems perhaps she raised him? 

The only time I can remember Kyle's mum being mentioned was when Kyle went to look after her because she was sick (but actually, in real life, Chris Milligan had broken his leg or something so he had to have time off), and they had storylines planned for Kyle so they just brought in his cousin Dane to play out those stories, and then Kyle came back with his leg in plaster and said that he tripped over his mum's dog in Frankston. I think I always assumed that Sheila was his mum's mum, not his dad's mum, because it seems unusual to be so close with your dad's mum but not know your dad. Maybe Sheila did raise Kyle, but Sheila only arrived from Frankston a few years ago and Kyle has been on the show since he was in school, so I don't know who was looking after him then.

Edited by neutron

I find Amber incredibly boring and don't know what Daniel sees in her.  But I do get the freak out having had such myself, all of a sudden my mind tells me this is the be all and end all and gets completely irrational.


Oh, sure -- I get that some people are like that, and in fact, I'd expect Imogen to freak out like that. But Amber has never been like that, so it seemed strange.

Heh, Karl and his animals.


Yes I loved the secrets thing as well and thank heavens Sonya has calmed down, she does my head in when she loses it like that.


So they've brought back Imogen being interested in Daniel.  Wish they would get her her own boyfriend.


So Brad finally gives Terese some truth about her controlling behaviour.

Paul is confusing.  I thought maybe he wanted an affair with Therese.  But now he brings in Ezra - so he doesn't want her for himself, but still wants to create trouble between her and Brad.  It's been clear he is getting in the way of their working out their issues.  Or maybe he's so devious he knew Ezra's presence would cause more trouble and break the marriage further and that will allow him to get with Therese.  

Paul is confusing.  I thought maybe he wanted an affair with Therese.  But now he brings in Ezra - so he doesn't want her for himself, but still wants to create trouble between her and Brad.  It's been clear he is getting in the way of their working out their issues.  Or maybe he's so devious he knew Ezra's presence would cause more trouble and break the marriage further and that will allow him to get with Therese.  


I think he just likes to cause trouble! Remember how he arranged for Terese to move to Erinsborough because he knew she was married to Brad and he wanted to make life difficult for Lauren?

Pretty sure Naomi wasn't the person sending the letters, considering Naomi was in the Waterhole with Toadie when the person rang Sonya, and the person was supposedly in Sonya's house when they rang. I think it's actually this person: http://tenplay.com.au/channel-eleven/neighbours/show-news/adrienne-pickering-joins-neighbours (Character description fits, and it says on Wikipedia that her first episode airs tomorrow, and it says in the preview for one of the next few episodes that Sonya confronts Erin. So that's my guess.) I find it kind of annoying when they drag out these "mystery" storylines and get you trying to guess who the culprit is, and then it just turns out to be someone that you couldn't possibly have guessed.


That's right, she was working for the same company.  I can't recall what Paul would have had against Lauren, though.  Or nothing, because he simply likes to stir things up!  He could have had no idea of the existence of Paige then, though, who knows?  What a brat!  


I think it was back when Lucas and Vanessa owned the Turners' house, and the Turners were trying to buy it from them, but Paul also wanted to buy it, and Paul owned Harold's at the time and was making Lauren pay heaps of rent so that she wouldn't be able to afford the house. I think Matt was trying to get him arrested for stuff as well. Anyway, I forget the exact details, but Paul had a few reasons to be annoyed at the Turners, and they didn't like him either.


Not sure what was up with Nate and the digging, but it was pretty funny when Susan fell in the hole. :P I don't get how Nate didn't notice he was burying her though.

Yeah what a pain to draw out the Sonya storyline like that when it's some complete stranger maybe.  I don't like drawn out storylines anyway.


Glad you thought Susan falling in the hole was funny too and I am not alone.  Nate seems to be in some sort of trance so maybe that's why he couldn't see Susan.


Eta:  Well that was a lame explanation for Nate's digging, they made it seem so much more sinister.

Edited by Nozycat

They hired another actress to give Sonya another story - I guess they are determined to crank out more on this annoying character.  


Family stuff was interesting.  The Cannings are great.  And Paige and Bailey.  


Rain is indeed a manipulative person.  


Gary is lying about the MacKenzie brothers and Naomi knows.  Interesting.  

Rain was awful, hope she is gone now too.


Paige tried to get back with Brennan but he totally shut her down.  I can see what she is doing now ending in total disaster.


Poor Kyle, eventually he will find out about Gary.


Yeah Naomi is great, even when she is being awful.


Ewwww, I hate axelotles (sp?), I find them very creepy.  But I love the whole funny storyline and character interactions.

Edited by Nozycat

I agree, then again Brennan sticking his nose in didn't help.  It is a good thing for Erin to have a job, as a separate issue.  


Sonya has a business to run and a small child, so she doesn't have time for her savior complex.  Though she does have some past history with Erin, whether it was on the show or not.  Susan has a similar complex, with that guy who died of cancer and now Nate.  

They've been soft finales for a few years now, mostly because Neighbours got moved to a digital channel in Australia and doesn't have a budget to explode a building every year now. (Related sidenote: I *think* that abandoned warehouse is the same one the show used for the underground dance club collapse cliffhanger about a decade ago.)


Also, I was a little shocked to see Harold and Madge in the teaser for the 30th anniversary next year, since... you know, Madge has been dead for ten years. And not even 'never found a body' dead, 'died in the hospital holding Harold's hand' dead. I'm going to guess it's just the same actress playing a Suspiciously-Similar Substitute.

Yeah thanks Neutron, hi Kim, looking forward to it.


So Sonya's saviour complex is contagious and Brennan has got it now.  


I wish they would dress Sonya in better clothes, she looks terrible imo.  I think the actress may be pregnant in these eps but they always dress her badly imo.

Edited by Nozycat

I like the way they do the song now, very toned down.  Before I found it fairly annoying.  I like the addition of the character and actor names.  


Soap Aussies and their pride!  Well, at least Chris gave in.  Matt, on the other hand - dumb move.  Those kids would be better off as beneficiaries of a trust.  


Amber is a pretty miserable person.  Since Imogene knows who she is, maybe Daniel should go for it.   

Amber is a whiny drip. I've never gotten the appeal of the character. The actress is certainly pretty but she just fades into the background onscreen and struggles with basic material.


It's one area where i don't get the writers of this show. Their love of Amber. It boggles the mind that she's got multiple guys fighting for her yet dynamic, beautiful characters like Paige and Naomi get rejected and then have to troll the internet for love and Imogen can't buy a date and is stuck pining for a guy stuck on her best friend. 


The Matt mortgage scenario won't end well. He's way too put out over the issue for him to handle it reasonably and rationally. 


I'm curious if the Brad/surfboard thing will go anywhere. He sure was nostalgic and passionate for his past surfboard making.


Still bummed they dumped Paige/Brennan out of the blue and basically rewrote Brennan having any feelings for Paige just to have Brennan to return to nosy, judgey mode and Paige to sit at home and practically bare all for an unknown guy on the internet. 


I hope the 30th Anniversary material turns out better than some of the stuff they're doing now. The show kinda feels like it's dragging or biding it's time. Could be the heavy emphasis and airtime devoted to the Sonya/Erin stuff and Naomi/Canning stuff with everyone else fighting for crumbs. I like the show most when it's better balanced. 

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