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Gigolos - General Discussion

Meredith Quill

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I am embarrassed by how happy I am to see this show back.  Brace ready with the profoundly stupid comments.  Ash still being mister spiritual.  Nick adding more godawful tattoos.  He is sooooo deep.  I loved the other guys' reactions to Nick's tattoo explanation.  And of course he has the see-how-macho-I-am sex scene.  I hope they cleaned that mat really well.


Vin, oh Vin.  My not so little buddy (although in the walking in the desert scene he seemed rather short). Butterface with a heart of gold.  So many seasons, still hasn't fixed his snaggletooth.  Welcome back, Vin: I've missed you.

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Yes! So glad to have Vin back. Loved how concerned he was about hurting his client and then how much he enjoyed it. Butterface with a earth of gold indeed!

As usualy, Brace is always full of shit, with his "everyone always complains that I go too deep." Sure Brace. Whatever you say Dude.

I was really grossed out about boxing ring sex. All I could think about was all the gallons of other people's sweat soaked into everything. Ugh! I did enjoy seeing the chicken punch and slap Nick though.

So glad this show is back!!

Nick never fails to disappoint wit his "art".  First we had his rap.  Can anyone forget his brilliant rhymes?  Singing about his penis necklace?  Now we have his paintings.  They are so deep and meaningful.  How much did the show pay to have those in a show?


Doesn't it seem like these guys are always getting blow jobs?  Are we supposed to believe women are paying to give them head?  As professionals I believe they are supposed to be able to get it up and keep it up without needing a fluffer.  Just me?

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Doesn't it seem like these guys are always getting blow jobs?  Are we supposed to believe women are paying to give them head?  As professionals I believe they are supposed to be able to get it up and keep it up without needing a fluffer.


Even Ron Jeremy needed a fluffer every now & then.


And I wouldn't know <wink, wink> but some women actually ENJOY giving head.

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To expand on this, what I am seeing is a pattern that is typical in porn.  That is, kissing, man gets head, man goes down on woman, intercourse in position A, intercourse in position B, . . . .   We don't get the external money shot because then it would be XXX.  Now, I know this is not real, but for all of the pretending it is and trying to set up supposedly racy, out there kind of dates, they still go right back to this pattern.  Brace gets tied up, then <insert sex pattern A>.  Vin does SM, then <insert sex pattern A>. 


I have friends who do porn, both actors and producers, so I know the importance of a good fluffer, but that is done off camera.  Obviously there is a camera crew accompanying our cowboys for angels.  Yes, there are women who enjoy giving head.  And there are women who enjoy getting head.  There are also women who don't enjoy these acts.  Do they never meet one?  That's the way they make it look.  So for all of the people who come to gigolos to get something they can't get at home, they seem to keep ending up getting the same thing. 


And now I have officially taken this silly, throw-away show much too seriously.  Back to thinking about Bradley "acting" like he's shocked.   

Edited by Muffyn
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Who said this show was about learnin'?!? Lol!

This entire episode was pure comedy. From Nick's awful art and the guys trying to name each piece to Brace tied up and rolling around in the bed practicing how he would explain this "ancient Japanese art" all while staring at himself in the ceiling mirror to Brad being "shocked" at the dom stuff.

Sweet Jeebus, this show has had its fair share of cringe worthy moments but last night was just a whole half hour of cringing, save for Bradley's nice and pretty normal date. The younguns visiting their gigolo uncle in Sin City to Ash being embarrassed and awkward about being ogled at a drinking painting party to the 'new guy' tagging along on Nick's date to the single youngun's attempt at scoring chicks <insert Butthead laugh>. That godawful line about 'getting wet' was just stupendously bad.


Hey new guy, if you're trying to be a high class gigolo you may want to leave the wifebeater and high tops at home next time. Makes me miss Steven, that guy always looked like a million bucks.

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What was the absolute worst was new guy thinking he would be able to join in on the "fun". Uhm, did yall discuss that ahead of time? Cause you were invited to watch and nothing else, unless the lady chooses to invite you over. Twerp.

And I bet Brace was just like his doofus nephew. He's still pretty clueless in his old age. I find it hilarious that he's the cool uncle.

Why is Bradley back? Last season ended with him quitting the biz and heading on home because he didn't want to do this anymore. Cut to this season and he's back with no explanation. ???


God I felt so sorry for that poor monkey, he was obviously terrified in the beginning there.

Bradley is back and as boring as ever.  I wonder if a client has ever fell asleep when he's talking.

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Finally got internet hooked up in my house, after 2 loooooong weeks, so I finally caught up.  The wrestling match had me laughing so hard, from the point the old lady asked Brace, "The master of what?...Douchebags?"  Lol.  That and the wrestler flipping right onto Nick's face and almost taking his ass out.  


And of course, Vin being a great guy and talking his client into thinking over whether she really wanted to cheat on her husband.  Could you imagine if she had hired Nick or Brace??



Why is Bradley back? Last season ended with him quitting the biz and heading on home because he didn't want to do this anymore. Cut to this season and he's back with no explanation. ???


God I felt so sorry for that poor monkey, he was obviously terrified in the beginning there.

But terrified only of Brace!  He seemed to love everyone else.  That monkey hated Brace. Lol!


What was that outfit Nick was wearing when he visited the burlesque chicl?  He looked like a biker Robin Hood.


The chick who had the date with Vin, and left the front door open, was acting like she'd never been with a relatively good looking guy before ever in her life.  


And Ash when he was posing for those pictures....hawt!

Why is Bradley back? Last season ended with him quitting the biz and heading on home because he didn't want to do this anymore. Cut to this season and he's back with no explanation. ???

I remember some season ending with Nick going all ga-ga for a girl, typing out some sort of love letter to her. Nothing ever came of that either.



And of course, Vin being a great guy and talking his client into thinking over whether she really wanted to cheat on her husband.  Could you imagine if she had hired Nick or Brace??


And Ash when he was posing for those pictures....hawt!

Vin, He's grown on me so much since the first season. He genuinely seems like a decent guy. And poor Ash, I felt bad for him, that's the first time I seen him feel like he was a bit awkward with his situation.


Loved Brace in the wrestling episode. What a great sport to play it up the way he did plus I thought he was funny as hell.

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They made an issue of it when both Jimmy and Steven left - they gave their reasons for it and that was that. It's strange that Season 5 ended with Bradley saying goodbye to the gigolo lifestyle/job and driving away in his car only to have him back with no explanation. I mean - obviously this show isn't high art, but the one thing that keeps it more or less engaging is the interaction between the guys and their relationships with one another. Bradley had this whole story arc last season about coming from a conservative, religious family, and his brother came to Vegas to visit him and disapproved of his life and by the end of the season it seemed like it had finally eaten away at him so he quit and decided to go back home. Where's the follow-up to that? Did his family reject him and throw him back to the wolves? 


Of all of them he's definitely got the least personality so he needs some kind of "hook." The fact that they haven't addressed this sort of reinforces the impression that none of these guys are really gigolos, they're just actors hired to play roles on this show and somewhere a storyline thread was dropped.

Of course Nick wants to insure his penis for a million dollars!  I was surprised that he only goes on 8-10 "dates" a month.  That seems low for a gigolo.  Also, why was his porn start date wearing underwear during their sex scene??

I love Vin, but he's getting a bit chunky.  I need my butterface's to keep their bodies tight, otherwise, what else is there to look at?

Hmm, I'm not sure  what's really going on here. Granted, Brace may in fact be getting too old for this and is looking for a more normal relationship, but I'm not sure many potential romantic partners would see the distinction between working for an escort service and running one. I think this is more a case of the producers of this show deciding Brace is a little too old to be playing a Gigolo on TV. At this point I'm not sure I believe any of these guys are really Gigolos. 

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I wonder why Garret wasn't at the roast?  The roast was so cheesy with all the bad jokes and the audience who clearly weren't family or friends.  I chuckled when they revealed at the end that they want Brace to "run" the Vegas division.  He'll run that shit right into the ground.  He just isn't very bright.  At all.  The look the hypnotist gave him when he started talking shit was beyond priceless.

Ash is so hot....until he takes down his hair, then he starts grossing me out.  

Catching up on a few episodes. 

Brace is profoundly stupid and socially inept so yeah he's running a business.  I do enjoy how the show constantly shows Nick as a fool.  He had no sense of humor at the roast and couldn't tell a decent joke.  At least we will be saved from watching Brace doing the sex.  Of course now I'llthink of him as the guy with his wig on backwards. 

Things not insured for $1 million - Nick's penis. 

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On 5/2/2021 at 9:01 AM, MCMLXXVII said:

That was an...interesting article. Sad story overall, but the author clearly had a goal of painting Ash in as poor a light as possible. I found the framing of the murder as "intimate partner violence" weird when from what they described it sounds more like it was drug induced and when he came out of it and realized what had happened, he tried to clean up and revive her.

Loved all the quotes from Vin. He's always been my favorite because he seemed the most grounded despite being a gigolo.

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