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S28: Burnie & Ashley

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This is my team for the season. I reserve the right to change teams after the pilot though lol.


When he found out that B&A were going to be on TAR this season, a close friend who's been super into Rooster Teeth (the podcast, Red v. Blue, video game reviews, etc.) for years and years filled me in on the whole Rooster-verse. Last week I even saw their Indie-Gogo funded SciFi Comedy called Lazer Team. Burnie's one of the stars of the movie too. Outside of the three parents, they're also the oldest team so I think they'll have some wisdom and a pretty dry sense of humor to add to the proceedings.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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I've been following both of their twitter accounts lately, and I'm seeing a number of comments like that. RT fans who'll be watching TAR for the first time or the first time in a while. Hopefully that phenomenon holds up and expands to the other teams online fan bases too.

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Yeah I saw that. He was rocking a yellow tie which could of been a subtle nod to the fact that B&A are TAR's yellow team this season.

Still would've been nice if Hardwick had mentioned it in the intro or given him an opening to plug the show at some point though...

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So, it's been a while since I've watched Amazing Race (like...three and a half years now? I'm in university and since coming here, I haven't had a TV so I had to abandon the last six seasons or so due to other TV commitments) but I am a fan of Rooster Teeth, so I think I'm going to make an effort to actually watch this season. 

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Lady Calypso, I embedded the RT Podcast (#361) in a TAR media thread post last night. Burnie briefly discussed the race during the podcast and made reference to a form of transportation that makes me think that B&A are in this for more than just a one or two leg cameo.


Can't wait for tomorrow night and I'm probably speculating a little too hard...so take that with a grain of salt if you will :-)

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We didn't see a whole lot of Ashley in this ep, but she looks like she could be an ass-kicker. Plus, this team doesn't seem to have that "Whee! We're so WACKY!" vibe that so many of the younger teams do, so I might like them.

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I love how, in her journal, she comments on how they seem to kiss an awful lot (more than she realized). I don't know why that made me laugh, but it did. I guess maybe because in my head she sounds just like forum posters, with a certain level of implied snark that I'm not even sure if she intended. But if she did intend it, more power to her.


I like this team so far, anyway, but her journal made me like her all the more.

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I don't blame her for all that kissing, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. 


(Sometimes Burnie looks like the lovechild of Seth Rogan and Bobby Moynihan, and also his name is BURNIE BURNS, but I still would.)

Edited by Corgi-ears
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I don't blame her for all that kissing, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. 


(Sometimes Burnie looks like the lovechild of Seth Rogan and Bobby Moynihan, and also his name is BURNIE BURNS, but I still would.)

Actually, his name is Michael Burns, but everyone in the company, and therefore his fans as well, call him Burnie. They used that nickname as it's more recognizable than his actual name.

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I've embedded this below, but Burnie and Ashley recently did a deep dive podcast with a fellow Rooster Teeth host/personality that basically covered some of the pre-race stuff and then legs 1-3.


I think they meant to cover more of the season, but they drilled down into some of the minutiae and the time flew by. It sounded like another podcast (with some show n tell) would be in the works that would pick back up from Leg 4 next week. They do touch on one piece of information regarding another team and their respective RB breakdown, so that might require the mildest of spoiler warnings...



Edited, because if you don't really want or need to hear a very basic TAR:101 primer it's probably wise to skip ahead to about the 9:00 mark.

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i was flipping channels and saw the amazing race with this couple, burnie and ashley. another team called them gamers and i thought, "letsplay"? so i ended up watching the last 3 episodes to the finale and two of the teams seemed to be against them. is there any particular reason or animosity?

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