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S01.E02: Pilot Part 2

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Oddly enough, on first watch it bothered me more that Savage was just standing there.  On second watch, I convinced myself that he was just gleefully waiting for Carter's soul and was fine watching Kendra watch her lover die. Maybe after killing them around 200 times, he's gotten a little cocky about it.  They really don't seem like much of a match for him.


Which of course leads to the "why did the team let them go in there by themselves" question, but on second watch - I'm chalking that up to the men from outside got their pretty fast or they might have followed the Hawks in and Hawkman was remarkably cocky in his ability to "do what needed to be done" for someone who has died 200+ times by the same man.


And on that note, my biggest gripe is the number of lifetimes the Hawks have lived and died by Savage's hand.  I mean roughly 4,000 years have passed - and they lived roughly 200 lives?  That's an average of 20 years per life.  Could they not have made it like 120 or 130 lives so I could believe that every now and then they were smart enough to make it past 30 (even if it was done on the run)?

Edited by nksarmi
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I don't know, neither of them strike me as particularly bright. I'm just going to hope for, that it's the fact that they are separated and now that Hawkgirl has a new team she can finally defeat Vandal for good. She's able to grow on her own and learn from other people besides him. He seemed very controlling of her and what they were supposed to be doing. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I saw it as a mix.  Carter already has all of his memories while Kendra doesn't, so he thinks he knows everything while she's still figuring it out.  I know this was one of their best chances to go after Savage, as they knew where he and the dagger would be, but I think it was a mistake to go in before Kendra's memories returned.  What that tells me is that the team still has a lot to learn and that the Hawks still have a lot to learn.  Despite being killed by Savage 200+ times, Carter is still unnecessarily cocky about their chances with the result being that Savage kills him easily.  This seems to be his attitude no matter when or where he reincarnates.  Kendra is far more cautious and, in a world without Savage, would be a balance for Carter in their relationship.  Best chance against Savage aside, what I think should have happened (in terms of the characters' not the story) is for them to wait until all of Kendra's memories have returned.  We already know that she remembers things Carter does not so it's possible that she'll remember something that helps to finally defeat Savage.  Carter seems to have the broad strokes while Kendra the details.  That's what he failed to realize and what lead to his latest death. 

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But doesn't part of him not want to kill her because he loooooves her? I thought that was the whole point of the silly love triangle we had to endure in the xover? I can see him wanting to take out Hawkman 1st chance. However, part of me thinks that he just want to be romantically with Hawkgirl.

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But doesn't part of him not want to kill her because he loooooves her? I thought that was the whole point of the silly love triangle we had to endure in the xover? I can see him wanting to take out Hawkman 1st chance. However, part of me thinks that he just want to be romantically with Hawkgirl


Killing her 206 times seems like he used to love her once upon a time but then she had an affair with a prince and now he's just bored of having to kill and eat their souls every 20 years. From what I remember of their encounter he made no propositions of the sort the evil bad guy in love with someone not interested should probably make.


eg "If you want to live you should consider being with me and you'll be my queen for when I take over the world somehow."

 or "Now that your stupid boyfriend is dead from arrogance have you reconsidered your choice to love him over me?" 

or "I have billions of dollars accumulated from hundreds of fake lives and you'll never have to work again."


Unfortunately it seems like we got the "Trapped in this vicious cycle" monologue instead. It's like the writers aren't sure whether Savage wants to bang , marry or kill her. I guess killing her is something to do while he waits for something good enough on tv to watch instead of creating global conflict for the lols. 

Edited by wayne67
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Unfortunately it seems like we got the "Trapped in this vicious cycle" monologue instead. It's like the writers aren't sure whether Savage wants to bang , marry or kill her. I guess killing her is something to do while he waits for something good enough on tv to watch instead of creating global conflict for the lols. 

Perhaps they are just playing bang, marry, kill in the writers room for kicks to stretch out the plot. I'm sure by May, they'll finally figure out what Savage really wants to do.

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Perhaps they are just playing bang, marry, kill in the writers room for kicks to stretch out the plot. I'm sure by May, they'll finally figure out what Savage really wants to do.


Maybe they'll be lazy and choose all 3. First he'll bang, then he marries, then he kills and eat her souls. But seriously the show is amusing enough as long as I avoid thinking about how stupid all the characters act, how nonsensical the whole time travel conceit is and why there is so many chairs in that ship in that one particular location. 

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Lol. Yes I was thinking about that myself when I rewatched.


Especially if you think about what Gideon said about how he prefers to work alone... Which means that he spent some time in between finding his murdered baby momma and son and recruiting this selection of *cough* heroes *cough* installing 8 or 9 chairs in a viewing platform. 


Does anyone else find it funny that the only person with superpowers is 2 people that need to combine ? and he does basically the same thing a guy with a flamethrower does. 

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The guy with flamethrower can't absorb a nuke. 


True... But Firestorm shouldn't have been able to absorb the energy from the nuke as it faced him... It would have made more sense for him to transmute it before it exploded... or swallowed it if he was going to absorb the energy. As is there should have been radiation exposure in all directions.


Personally I was hoping that Hawkman/ Atom or Hawkgirl would have remembered they could fly and flown upwards with the nuke and died a quick explosive death :P 


Or at the very least shoved it down Savage's throat so he'd explode... 

Edited by wayne67
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Seriously underwhelmed by the villainy of Randall Savage, and there is just something weird about Hawkgirl. Hawkguy seems kind of dim, but otherwise he looks more or less the part. Hawkgirl looks like a Valley Girl in a costume... her eyes are huge, and her lip turns up in an odd way. Every time she is on screen I expect her to be tettering on high heels and saying, "O-M-G."


Captain Cold shines in this show, though, in a way he didn't in The Flash.

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Bye Hawkman, still don't miss you. 

I loved seeing Stein's special kind of crazy. He did fit in with the criminals there for a bit. They had a lot more in their budget for this season. Since we actually got to see everyone using their powers and fighting all at once twice this episode. That never happens anymore. 

Sara flirting with young Martin, stealing his weed and knocking him out with his own bong. Lol. I miss Sara and Stein together. They were great even from the beginning. Sara beating up rent a guards while stoned was also great. 

Ray and Snart bonding was interesting to see because Snart was smart and probably could've been more if he was able too. Snart actually got a lot of character development. It started on the Flash and LoT continued it. Then we have Rip being mad that the screw ups he recruited screwed up.  

The Hawks and Savage are still as annoying as I remembered them being. You can tell even from these 2 episodes that they are going to be the weak links. All the other characters are great and I loved seeing them getting to know each other. 

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On 10/26/2019 at 9:27 AM, Sakura12 said:

Bye Hawkman, still don't miss you.

Hahaha yep. 😂

Fun times.  I’d actually forgotten that Damien Darhk was in this episode - that was kind of cool.  The battle at the weapons bazaar is probably one of their best, if not the best, team fight they’ve ever done.

“I could be unconscious and still be able to kick the asses of a few rent-a-thugs from 1975.”  🤣  

“You don’t break into a candy store just to steal a gum ball.”  Gumball. Heh. 😁  

I still wanted Kendra to punch Carter for his “what part of destiny don’t you get?” line.  So obnoxious.  And she apologized to him later for it!  😠

Some good team bonding all around.  Sara with Jax and Stein, Ray and Snart having a moment.  “Raymond.” 🙂

I’m enjoying Rip more this time around.  The first time I watched this season, I still had Rory Williams and the Doctor in my head, so this was just not computing.  But now Arthur Darvill is very much Rip Hunter, so this is working better.

Savage is so gross.  Stabbing Kendra as he tells her he loves her.  Ugh.  

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Still love watching Carter die. It was a good choice by the show to have him go in all I'll Save You Kendra! only to get killed since she has to be the one to wield the knife. I also laugh at how she was briefly upset since she'd started remembering their lives together but it didn't seem to last. Too bad Destiny can't make her be as into you as you want.

Sara getting high with Jax and young Stein while our Stein was cranky was so much fun. He's certainly right about everything he said to and about his younger self but it just makes me laugh harder. It's been so long since I watched these episodes I'd forgotten how they started mixing up the character pairings right away so it's nice to see that always worked.

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