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Ex Isle - General Discussion


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This is the kind of trash tv I love! I can't believe dude stole from his girlfriend and used the money to bang other chicks. Crazy! But the ones with the kid, damn, that's sad. He's saying some harsh truths she needs to hear…but I also feel he's being so harsh so he can make it clear HE didn't want her anymore not vice versa.

This is the kind of trash tv I love! I can't believe dude stole from his girlfriend and used the money to bang other chicks. Crazy! But the ones with the kid, damn, that's sad. He's saying some harsh truths she needs to hear…but I also feel he's being so harsh so he can make it clear HE didn't want her anymore not vice versa.

I wish they'd replay that premiere so I could take full notes. I was hoping this show would be as good as Temptation Island, and with that pool party, I have high hopes! These people are all so enmeshed. i thought that one guy was going to knock out the other one who grabbed his woman! But then they have to interrupt the drama with therapy sessions? I'm here for the drama, not to see these people get help. But then you see the singles they're going to bring on and, oh, yeah, this show will be awesome! We're the only two watching...and do you only know about it because I posted about it in The Bachelor forum? I just happened to see an ad for it in passing. We need to drum up some more viewers!

OMFG! Just when I was worried that Dr. Ish was actually going to provide ethical treatment and this show was going to be boring, he TELLS them they're on Wedding Isle and their exes are getting married and urges them to get out there and object!! This show is cruel!!

Wait, none of them freaked the F out?! How is that possible that not a single one ran out there screaming and ruining the wedding?! Lame. Although maybe once they realized they were the only guest, that might have been a tip-off. "Dr. Ish, what is this tomfoolery?" Ha!

Ok, bring on Carmen and the booze! You'd never see Chris Harrison partying with the contestants, Carmen! Lucas might actually have a shot with her.

Wait, Nicole starts the cake fight... Granted, Freddie hit her HARD in the head with it, but then she went wild throwing glass and people need to restrain her! It's all fun and games until someone gets hit on the weave with styrofoam and shaving cream "cake." But, ooh, John made a move and kissed her?! Girlfriend, you better put your wallet in the hotel safe!

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and do you only know about it because I posted about it in The Bachelor forum? I just happened to see an ad for it in passing. We need to drum up some more viewers!

I saw a commercial for it, I think during Vanderpump Rules, and thought, this just might be my new jam! I still have to watch episode two, but I'm definitely seeing this through.

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I was so hoping the would be like Temptation Island, one of my all time favorite junk shows!  I just watched the first 2 episodes and it may have some sick value; it is confusing, though.  The website does not have the contestants listed so there is no cheat sheet for who is with who and who did the breaking up.  This is important to keep everyone straight!  What is up with that; it doesn't take much time for your IT person to do that.  WE is clearly a lazy ass network. 


I will stay with this but I still want Temptation Island back.  ***stomps feet***

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My husband and I are watching it....  Junk food tv!!  lol


Some of these couples have some long-term bad habits of running back to the ex.  Maybe, even if Dr. If is a quack, they'll be miserable enough at the end of this to go their separate ways. 


(Dr "If" is not a typo ;) )


Best line of the night "Aunt Nicole and Uncle Freddie got a little too crazy at the reception".   hahahaahaa!!!!

Edited by ShowsILoveToHate

I'm also watching this guilty pleasure of a hot mess show. I got my cousins watching and they are great snarkers. These relationships are a mess. My fave was how all the men were looking after seeing the videos of the other guys like "dang I thought I was bad". Lol.

I want to play a drinking game anytime John "cries", says he took ownership, or behaves as if he's being victimized. He is hilarious in a sad way and reminds me of a relative's husband (not the stealing but the above behaviors). Fav line: what do u guys share? My ATM card, my car. Lol.

I'll be watching this every week.

John is the breakout star of this show. And by breakout star, I mean the most WTF-reaction-inducing. So not only did he steal from his girlfriend and manage to keep her hanging on for a year or however long afterward for no discernible reason while he manages to turn it around on her. But then after she paid for his entire body building competition weekend, somehow it's her fault that he only came in third place because, I don't know, she didn't spring for the Ritz Carlton or something! And then after all that he says how he never gave her anything because it was nothing more than an extended one night stand! But they can still be best friends! And after hearing all this, he has TWO other women who are willing to hook up with him, with the one who got a front row show to his shower (Nicole?) jealous of the one who spent the night with him. I shouldn't have waited 3 days to post because now I can't remember whether this was John or Nicole's ex who did this because I was starting to doze off until I was awoken by the best scene to date--loudmouth Nicole ready to throw glassware AGAIN (she throws dishes at people 2-3 times per episode) and then he dumps a garbage can on her! Ha! Normally I wouldn't condone violence against women, but this girl is insane--and there has to be some ramifications for her to learn that she can't throw glass at people's heads every time she gets angry.

How does anyone want John? Maybe they figure some other chick will pay the bills while they enjoy the fruits of her labor. Oh and I thought John said he placed fifth, not third. Either way, I would have slapped the shit outta him trying to blame me for his poor performance after stealing MY money to pay for the competition. Ass.

Alright! Now this show is getting like Temptation Island! Brittany "sleeping" outide and screaming at Lucas and Brittanae to just go in the room and have sex already--and then going to cry to the girls about it is the kind of drama I've been waiting for! Of course, none of the guys seemed to hit it off with their blind dates, and I fell asleep and missed the girls' dates. Anything juicy?

I guess these couples are too dense or inexperienced to realize that once the excitement of the new relationship wears off, they will be right back where they started.  The newness always wears off!  Everyone is on their best behavior at the beginning of a relationship.  It takes time and these shows bypass that.


I don't think they realize that it's not about finding a new boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance; it's about learning to get past the current ex. So WhoTF cares if people are making out? Trust me, no one is going to have to worry about getting an invite to anyone's wedding from the humpty-times that are going on here. 


The one I really feel sorry for is the couple, since he seems a real dick and she'll never escape him if she can't even try now.

I finally watched the most recent two episodes…Lucas really thinks he's some kind of player, doesn't he? I loved Dr. Ish telling him he's acting like a high school kid by playing games.

Samantha and Sean may be fighting, but they will never ever cut the cord. Even if they marry other people, I expect both relationships to end because Sean & Samantha like their codependency too much.

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My husband and I watching today's new Judge Judy episode and we could swear that John from this show is the defendant!  Anyone else catch this?? lol

The defendant's name is John Barnes and he has the same voice, mannerisms, etc. I just snapped a shot of my tv screen:



Edited by ShowsILoveToHate
adding pic

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