boes April 3, 2014 Share April 3, 2014 (edited) I know that current winner of this award will almost always be Gabi, but she is by far not our only contender. We have Brady, we have Eric, not to mention the Deveraux Dervishes, Jenn Jenn and Abigail - ALL of whom delight us regularly with jawdroppingly dumb thoughts, actions, words and deeds almost every time they appear. So lets keep a daily tally of who we think deserves the Salem Nuclear Wedgie each day for the dumbest thing. I think Gabi won on Monday for telling Nick that she felt bad that he was being "left out" of Sonny and Will's wedding. "Left out", indeed - considering what Ferret Face Fallon pulled with both of them, he deserves to be dumped into the river on a daily basis for the rest of time by them. And for being SUCH an idiot, Gabi deserves the same. There are turkeys smarter than her, not to mention rocks. I missed yesterday's show so I don't know who to nominate. But for today - Wednesday - it looks like Gabi wins again, for going after Sonny. Not to say Brady didn't put in a valiant attempt - gotta give the big lug credit, cuz he's always going for the gold in the stupidity department. Victor doesn't call him his "idiot grandson" as any form of irony. But, once again, Gabi, wins IMO. I swear she must be told to breathe regularly because she's too stupid to know to do it on her own. She and Nick are a match made in .....Salem..... So who do you folks think sould win the Wedgie?? Edited April 3, 2014 by boes 1 Link to comment
LeftPhalange April 3, 2014 Share April 3, 2014 EJ needs to be on this list. He's too stupid to use condoms or get snipped, he let Abby semi threaten him, and that whole bullshit yesterday with that guru could have been resolved in one minute if he were half the Dimeria he pretends to be. 1 Link to comment
Rick Kitchen April 3, 2014 Share April 3, 2014 I thought Sonny deserved the prize yesterday (Wednesday) for talking about what a wonderful person Gabi is. 1 Link to comment
LeftPhalange April 3, 2014 Share April 3, 2014 I actually would have liked for Sonny and Gabi to become best friends. Too bad the writers made Gabi so stupid and ridiculous. 1 Link to comment
kellinatorjones April 4, 2014 Share April 4, 2014 I know there are a lot of contenders for this one, but I sort of want to go ahead and give Gabi the Decade's Dumbest. I've been watching Days a long time, and I honestly can't remember a character as breathtakingly stupid as Little Miss Dumb as Shit and Desperate for Dick. It doesn't help that she's also bitchy, entitled, and mean to Sonny. 3 Link to comment
TigerLynx April 4, 2014 Share April 4, 2014 At one time this honor would have gone to Brady, however, Gabi now owns it completely. 1 Link to comment
LeftPhalange April 4, 2014 Share April 4, 2014 Gabi is probably the dumbest but Nicole and Abby are also contenders for the most desperate for dick award. 1 Link to comment
kellinatorjones April 4, 2014 Share April 4, 2014 True, but I still want to give the crown on that one to Gabi because for Nicole and Abby it seems like more of a recent development, while it's been consistent with Gabi for a long time. I still think it doesn't get more desperate than sleeping with a gay guy. Link to comment
boes April 4, 2014 Author Share April 4, 2014 Man, we really do have some contenders for the crown, don't we? Brady certainly is Crown Prince in waiting, while Abigail is in the running for dumbest and also most hypocritical. Going off on EJ the way she did about him sleeping with her was pretty rich, considering she stalked him for sex in the boardroom AND followed him into the changing room at the Health Club. I thought Nicole was smarter, but she's gotten REALLY dumb since Eric ditched the collar. He's not the brightest, either, but more in a "good dog, go fetch the ball" sort of way. And as has been said here, EJ wins no awards for not being able to resist Abigail - (dude, she puts her hair in a BUN for chrissake!) and not carrying protection before doing the deed with Jenn Jr. But, she makes Rafe look smart. Sierra could take 'em all out with one hand tied behind her back. 1 Link to comment
TigerLynx April 4, 2014 Share April 4, 2014 Ciarra is awesome. She needs to take over from Stefano and Victor. Add the entire Salem PD to the dumb list. To say they are incompetent, doesn't even begin to describe it. 1 Link to comment
Rick Kitchen April 4, 2014 Share April 4, 2014 I nominate Jennifer for today's dumbest. Couldn't even bother to listen to Daniel about accidentally getting the checkbook in the box of toys. 1 Link to comment
LeftPhalange April 4, 2014 Share April 4, 2014 I hope someone steals all her money. 1 Link to comment
boes April 5, 2014 Author Share April 5, 2014 I hope someone steals all her money. Since someone already stole her sanity why should she keep her money? Honest to God, after Jenn's latest hissy fit Daniel wins dumbest of the dumb today not to have dumped her skinny psychotic ass. Her stupid checkbook shows up at his place and she immediately jumps down his throat? And she does this to this doofus almost DAILY. All the Hortons seem to try and promote her as this beacon of goodness and light and I think they push it a bit too hard. She jumps to conclusions way faster than that tiny brain can actually compute and if she's not yelling at one of her kids or Theresa she's gunning for the guy she "loves". So she's an evil basket case with a creepy smile. What's Daniel's excuse?? It's like this is the only woman ol' horndog could nail. We had Gabi and Nick again too, but today, for me, Daniel wins. If he'd slammed the door in her face, okay, but he didn't. 1 Link to comment
CatLady April 7, 2014 Share April 7, 2014 I think dumb character do have a place on soaps. They serve a useful purpose. After all, the world is full of dummies. Each show should have a couple. My gripe with DOOL is that all the characters have to be dumbed down to serve the plot rather than the character reacting as themselves which forms the plot. Plot point writing makes the show shallow and a point of ridicule. Most of the characters have suffered from plot stupidity under this writing team. 1 Link to comment
boes April 8, 2014 Author Share April 8, 2014 (edited) I hate to say it but Gabi was the clear winner, once again. Although she did have some pretty tough competition from EJ and Brady. It was a bit amazing that Gabi was able to mount a fairly well-spoken - though erroneously thoughtout - response to Sami. By which I mean she was able to string some words together without swallowing her own tongue. She still made no sense, she still avoided Sami's common sense (Sami and common sense don't happen that often) when Sami reminded her that they thought they were getting rid of a dead body to PROTECT HER, and did she not remember why she bonked Nick on the head to begin with. Of course, Gabi's way more interested in getting boinked than why she got bonked. It was like watching a third-rate ventriloquist dummy talking. Then we've got EJ trying to bluff his way past Stefano. Does the boy NEVER learn who the grownup psychopath in the room REALLY is? Then we had Brady - (can the guy ever say anything without flexing and making a fist?) asking about Theresa, hearing what bad news she is and then deciding to go for it. Not that I have any sympathy for Brady. The guy is such a moron - and a mean one at that. Edited April 9, 2014 by boes 1 Link to comment
TigerLynx April 8, 2014 Share April 8, 2014 EJ looks so stupid in his conversation with Stefano. I am so annoyed that Sami is still with EJ, and that she doesn't know what is going on. Sami was more lethal when she was 15 than these guys are, and I hate how they have defanged her to put her with EJ. 1 Link to comment
boes April 12, 2014 Author Share April 12, 2014 Good Lord, I think we have a tie today. Gabi, as usual, coasts to the finish without breaking a sweat in the stupid department. But gaining on her and finally running in tandem we have JULIE!! Now if there was a special award for cluelessness, then Julie would take that one home. Sonny and Will have every right to bar Nick from their wedding, they have every right to bar Nick from their lives. And they should be doing the same with Julie as well. That loudmouth, empty-brained nincompoop is too stupid to live. Now just imagine being on a cruise ship and finding out that Julie has been assigned to your table......MAN OVERBOARD!! 2 Link to comment
TigerLynx April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 Nick telling EJ to put Sami on a leash. Nick needs to do a little history research. No one controls Sami, and she has a habit of shooting people who piss her off. 2 Link to comment
LeftPhalange April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 EJ is a piss poor mobster and an idiot for letting people like Abby and Nick control him. 2 Link to comment
Peanut6711 April 14, 2014 Share April 14, 2014 Nick telling EJ to put Sami on a leash. Nick needs to do a little history research. No one controls Sami, and she has a habit of shooting people who piss her off. That's a good point. Can we just line up Nick and Abby now and hand Sami the gun? 3 Link to comment
LeftPhalange April 15, 2014 Share April 15, 2014 Once again Gabi winds the award for the day. Will comes in a close second for continuing to allow her to act like this. 1 Link to comment
boes April 16, 2014 Author Share April 16, 2014 Once again Gabi winds the award for the day. Will comes in a close second for continuing to allow her to act like this. No argument from me. Also, I'm a bit tired of Sami being the "little woman" to EJ instead of the Attila the Hun we know she really is. Nick and Gabi should be bowed and bloodied by now - and repeatedly. Now I HIGHLY doubt this, based on what we've seen, but there is some spec out there that Gabi is faking everyone out and is really after Nick and trying to nail him on her own - since she knows nobody would let her do it otherwise. More likely, noone would have any faith in her ability. I can't believe that scenario, though. She's just too damn DUMB. And she continues to put the baby in possible danger by being around Nick. And then there's Rafe......I hate it when he's on the side I'm rooting for. The man is so contemptuous of everyone else, so self-righteous that I ache to see him fall flat on his sneering face. (Except when he's pounding on Nick, THAT I like!) They really should pair him with Jenn. They'd suck the air out of Salem in a heartbeat with all that smug self-satisfaction in one pairing. 1 Link to comment
LeftPhalange April 16, 2014 Share April 16, 2014 Now I HIGHLY doubt this, based on what we've seen, but there is some spec out there that Gabi is faking everyone out and is really after Nick and trying to nail him on her own - since she knows nobody would let her do it otherwise. More likely, noone would have any faith in her ability. This made me laugh. If Gabi were secretly scheming to take down Nick I would take back every bad thing I've said about her. Maybe. 1 Link to comment
boes April 18, 2014 Author Share April 18, 2014 After listening to Gabi wail at Will today that "everybody is YELLING at me", there is just no way that spec about Gabi going after Nick on the down low could even be possible. She's just too stupid. I'm really surprised she hasn't drowned in a rainstorm yet. But putting Gabi aside (if we only could), I nominate Dirty Dan as the Dumbest today. Jenn decides that lunkhead drunkhead Brady is now ON THE CASE, and like Deputy Dawg, will soon solve the crime of the century....and Dirty Dan decides to leave his fate in Brady's hands???? Wa? Huh?? head hurts. The man has been lurching around town for months, drunk out of his tiny brain, threatening everyone he sees, including Dan, but now, TODAY, cuz he promised Jenn, he's going to sober up and ferret out the truth...Dan puts his life in BRADY'S hands?? Brady is such a knucklehead, who only has a job and a place to live because he's Victor's idiot Grandson, has no talent, no skills other than thinking he's pretty, but he's your Sherlock Holmes? Good move, Dan, to put your life in his hands, based on what Jenn says. It must be in the water. Link to comment
TigerLynx April 18, 2014 Share April 18, 2014 It's time for Victor to put in an appearance, and save Brady and Dan from their own stupidity. How do these two manage to get themselves dressed in the morning? 1 Link to comment
Rick Kitchen April 28, 2014 Share April 28, 2014 Gabi owns this thread, so I'm not even going to comment on her stupid belief that Nick was not involved in the harsh custody document. So today I'll go with Abigail, who apparently forgot to put her pants on today. 2 Link to comment
LeftPhalange April 28, 2014 Share April 28, 2014 Can we just go ahead and pin a list to the top of this thread? Gabi, Will, EJ, Abby, Jen, Dan, and Nicole need to be here indefinitely. 1 Link to comment
Peanut6711 April 29, 2014 Share April 29, 2014 So today I'll go with Abigail, who apparently forgot to put her pants on today. It makes things easier for her when the next unavailable, already attached man happens by. 3 Link to comment
boes April 29, 2014 Author Share April 29, 2014 Gabi owns this thread, so I'm not even going to comment on her stupid belief that Nick was not involved in the harsh custody document. So today I'll go with Abigail, who apparently forgot to put her pants on today. Can we just go ahead and pin a list to the top of this thread? Gabi, Will, EJ, Abby, Jen, Dan, and Nicole need to be here indefinitely. It makes things easier for her when the next unavailable, already attached man happens by. Okay guys, you've now made it impossible for me to stop laughing at any time in the near future due to your comments about Abigail and her lack of pants, and the possibilities for the next available man. Honest to God, the images are even funnier because it is ALL possible in the world of this inane character. And I'll go alone with pinning those names, I just want to add Brady to the list. In his non-homicidal moments, when he's merely being a pompous blowfish, he reminds me of Foghorn Leghorn - without the subtle charm, of course. 2 Link to comment
Peanut6711 April 29, 2014 Share April 29, 2014 Can we nominate both Jennifer and Nicole today for the daily dumbest for both knocking Liam out but not taking the gun from him while he was down. Are these two auditioning for a roles as victims in a B horror movie? 2 Link to comment
LeftPhalange April 29, 2014 Share April 29, 2014 Didn't Nicole know Ben was going to be there? Why didn't she call the cops beforehand? Link to comment
Rick Kitchen April 29, 2014 Share April 29, 2014 (edited) Liam, not Ben. Ben is Jordan's brother. I nominate Liam for today's dumbest for bloviating instead of just shooting Jennifer and putting us all out of our misery. Edited April 30, 2014 by Rick Kitchen Link to comment
Peanut6711 April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 I nominate Lian for today's dumbest for bloviating instead of just shooting Jennifer and putting us all out of our misery. And this is ultimately how we know Liam is really crazy. A sane person would have shot her already. 2 Link to comment
boes April 30, 2014 Author Share April 30, 2014 And this is ultimately how we know Liam is really crazy. A sane person would have shot her already. Can't ANYONE in Salem just shoot without a soliloguy first?? For God's sake, it was torture having to watch Jenn's raccoon eyes get even bigger and bigger while Liam ranted at her. And if Nicole believed for one minute that Jenn was really ready to sacrifice herself to save "her friend", then she's even dumber than Gabi. 2 Link to comment
Peanut6711 April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 (edited) Nominations for today’s daily dumbest: Jennifer, simply for the most ridiculous statement ever made when being held hostage by a man with a gun who she just knocked out, “Nicole, we don’t need the gun!” Really Jennifer? You don’t think it would be useful or you’re simply to dumb to even take a gander at trying to fire it??? Inquiring minds want to know. Then again, maybe she was just planning on throwing stones at him once they got outside. Lord knows she’s good at that. And Nicole—for taking the time to practically feel up the knocked out lunatic while searching for his phone and relishing in flashbacks…and still doesn’t pick up the gun! Liam—for giving Nicole the choice where she wants to be shot AND for not pulling the trigger on all the many opportunities he had. Does he have poor muscle reflexes or something? Is there a drug for that? My favorite person today: Theresa, for telling Dan it’s all his own fault for not figuring out Liam sooner. Loved her “go look in the mirror” line. My second favorite line of the day: “Nicholas Fallon is a grade A bastard.” –EJ Third favorite: Kate telling Percy Greetings and get lost. And Ciera…oh my god. There’s just no words for her. “Nobody works for free.” And Johnny..."Why do you have a picture of Santa Claus?" LOL Edited April 30, 2014 by Peanut6711 3 Link to comment
Rick Kitchen May 13, 2014 Share May 13, 2014 (edited) Today's accolade goes to Jennifer, just for whatever the hell that was that she was wearing. We only got a really brief look, but those paisley pants were horrific. Not to mention the multiple layers of cloth and bangles she had on. Edited May 14, 2014 by Rick Kitchen 4 Link to comment
QuelleC May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 (edited) I'd like to mix things up a little and nominate Marlena, starting with the blank, disinterested yet judgmental look on her face through the past two episodes. What does a supposedly respected psychiatrist do upon hearing her granddaughter witnessed the aftermath of a brutal shooting? Hand Sami a stupid referral card, say something about children being resiliant, but don't assure the child's mother your next stop will be to go comfort her young daughter. I mean, wtf? Instead, she can't wait to play the recording of Nick for an upset Hope without bothering to warn her about the gunshots at the end! I guess I'm just happy John showed up just long enough to remind us of his stupidity, then apparently left again. Because I wouldn't be able to watch scenes with the two of them grunting and gasping at each other right now. Edited May 16, 2014 by QuelleC 2 Link to comment
LeftPhalange May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 Marlena is a terrible mother. 2 Link to comment
Peanut6711 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 Today's accolade goes to Jennifer, just for whatever the hell that was that she was wearing. We only got a really brief look, but those paisley pants were horrific. Not to mention the multiple layers of cloth and bangles she had on. OMG Yes! And for a second day in a row. Can we start a worst dressed thread around here? What in the world was MR and the wardrobe department thinking when they put her in that mustard yellow top with a cranberry sweater underneath a black sheer undergarment looking thing and bright paisley bell-bottom leggings. Hello Jennifer--Austin Powers called and he wants his pants back. 2 Link to comment
Rick Kitchen May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 (edited) Can I nominate Daniel for today? Jesus, just spit it out already! Edited May 14, 2014 by Rick Kitchen 3 Link to comment
LeftPhalange May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 I kinda wish Dan would have kept his mouth shut and then blindsided Nicole by exposing her at her wedding. Link to comment
QuelleC May 16, 2014 Share May 16, 2014 I never really thought Nicole was going to have a wedding. Nicole's desperate lying all day yesterday puts her in the running for dumbest of the day. I don't recognize her at all anymore but I blame the writers. Honorable mention to Marlena. She hands out yet another stupid referral card, this time to Rafe. While he doesn't have the intelligence of a toaster (and I suspect the guy is pretty much playing himself) I was happy he said ummm, Marlena how about if you actually do something and go see her? Unbelievably, Marlena's response is well, sure, I guess so, I think of her as family. DUH, she's the mother of your great grandchild. OTOH Marlena's practice seems to entirely consist of hypnotising people or interrogating them at the pub, so maybe it's a good thing she has no patients. 3 Link to comment
LeftPhalange May 20, 2014 Share May 20, 2014 The idiot of the day award goes to Hope. No less than half of the suspects are somehow connected to her yet she's still the lead detective on the case. And on top of that she's questioning suspects without a lawyer present. The murderer should think Hope because she's going to mess around and make sure this case gets thrown out. 4 Link to comment
Peanut6711 May 22, 2014 Share May 22, 2014 Abigail must be dumb as rocks to call EJ and tell him she's going to tell the truth when just the other day she accused him of being the one to take Nick out to keep him quiet. Please, oh please EJ--call the hit man back and put the money towards Abigail's execution. 5 Link to comment
QuelleC May 22, 2014 Share May 22, 2014 Oh good lord Abby is stupid. I agree many threats are in order, although Abby might actually like the attention knowing her. Time for EJ to stop jumping everytime she pulls his, um, chain. It was months ago. Tell her mommy? You mean the one who spent 5 min with you after Nick died? I thought they were dragging it out because of the possibility of pregnancy but wasn't that supposed to come out this month during the wedding. There was going to be a wedding in May, right Sami?? I LOVED the way Jordan shut down Abby's blathering about whatever and said she had to go. Everybody should just walk away from her. 1 Link to comment
LeftPhalange May 22, 2014 Share May 22, 2014 Lucas is an idiot for throwing the gun into the river. Kate raised him better than that. 2 Link to comment
Peanut6711 May 22, 2014 Share May 22, 2014 And the Salem PD are idiots obviously too. Didn't Hope get the ballistics report last week? Wouldn't that tell her what bullets were recovered? Couldn't she use that information and compare it to the type of gun Kate owns? She knows what Kate has registered. Wouldn't studying the forensics evidence give her more reliable information than most of the interviews she conducted? Everyone is either half lying to her or she's obtaining info that will get thrown out in court later when they find out no lawyer was present and she's related to the victim. 2 Link to comment
Rick Kitchen May 22, 2014 Share May 22, 2014 Nicole, Nicole, Nicole. 2 Link to comment
LeftPhalange May 23, 2014 Share May 23, 2014 (edited) Nicole is on this list indefinitely. And the Salem PD are idiots obviously too. When was the last time the Salem PD wasn't incompetent. I honestly can't remember the last crime that was successfully solved. Edited May 23, 2014 by LeftPhalange 1 Link to comment
boes May 23, 2014 Author Share May 23, 2014 Nicole is on this list indefinitely. Oh man, she sure is. Even her plan is beyond stupid. So she tells Father Dumbass that Daniel is in love with her. Does she think he hasn't noticed that he's glued to Jenn, that Bride of Chucky? And all Eric has to do is confront Daniel and the truth is out. I've really enjoyed Nicole sometimes, but these days she's kind of embarrassing. She still doesn't approach the level of judgemental prickness that the Deveraux hags do, but the brainlessness is irritating. Link to comment
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