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We're a few weeks behind on the PBS episodes that we watch concurrently with the present-day ones, so right now, Stacey has just been dealing with cleaning up Jean's house and trying to get her back on her meds. Which is good, because it's a reminder of just how awful Jean was to Stacey back then, so Stacey's behavior when she sees her mom again makes more sense.


Is this  the time when Jean was first introduced to the show?  If my memory serves me, there were three or four episodes of Stacey away from the square, trying to help Jean. 

There were some neighbor hood kids were picking on her and her neighbors didn't care for her.

If this is the block you're watching, this is when Stacey became one of my, if not my, favorite character.  I remember this being a storyline that really touched me and literally made me teary.

Actually, we'd seen Jean briefly once before, but just for an episode or two. This week of episodes where Stacey was really struggling with Jean was a lot more intense. (Last one we saw was after her attempted suicide. So rough.) It really did help make Stacey a more sympathetic character.


Of course, in present day, she remains one of my favorites. Which is why it was so hard to watch her meltdown and yell at Lily. (To be fair, even with all the extra crap glued to the skirt, Lily's dress looked a lot more like the other girls' than the one that Phil bought for Lexi. That was just a dress, not a dance costume.)


And Stacey should have known that Martin was going to want her to terminate the pregnancy. I mean, come on - it's Martin.

I expected Patsy from Ab Fab to walk in and say "abort! abort!". 


Really Phil?  Mocking Stacy's mental illness at the dance recital.  Jackass.  Also, Ian's advice to Martin - also jackass behavior.  Yeah, Stacy wanted to trap Martin - he's such a catch that he is living in her apartment, after losing his house and his wife left him twice. 


Its sure is awkward when you have lunch with your wife, grandson and ex-mistress. 

Ugh. You know, Cindy, maybe people wouldn't mind having you around them if you weren't such an awful cow all the time.


And while I'm sure she'll get away from those two idiots in the car (I would REALLY hope EastEnders wouldn't let her be gang raped), I'm also sure that they want us to feel sorry for her. When she's the one who got herself into that mess by being an absolute spoiled idiot brat? Yeah, not gonna happen.


Seriously. Bobby offed the wrong sister.

Good Lord.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised that nearly being date raped by a couple of drunk idiots in a car wouldn't change Cindy's "nobody wants me" attitude one bit. Everyone was so happy she was okay, and she just kept snotting around rolling her eyes and pouting like the petulant teenager that we all want to bean with a music box. Ugh. Is it wrong that I wish they'd written her as being missing for a month or two before she managed to find her way back to the Square?


The whole situation with Stacey and Martin is just going to be ugly. He clearly doesn't want this baby, and she's clearly not as into him as he was with her… just a complete mess. I also wish that she and Kush DID have sex that day instead of stopping themselves. Because then they could reveal that the baby is actually Kush's and then Martin would be free to run away while Stacey and Kush could be a happy family. (I just like them together more than I like them with Martin/Shabnam)


Oh, and I REALLY need them to $#!t or get off the pot with Lee's storyline already. After this many episodes watching him mope around, we either need to take a break and back burner him or else get him to the freakin' doctor already! Enough!

Oh, and I REALLY need them to $#!t or get off the pot with Lee's storyline already. After this many episodes watching him mope around, we either need to take a break and back burner him or else get him to the freakin' doctor already! Enough!


I actually like Lee's storyline.  I can understand how it seems to be kind of dragging, but having lived with severe depression for a long time I can relate to what he's thinking and how he's behaving.  Given all of the terrible stuff that's gone on with his family in the past few months and his mentality of being strong for everyone else, I can understand how Lee got to this point.  I also like that Lee is actually getting some development.  I do wonder what will actually prompt him to get help, but I'm glad both Whitney and Nancy seem to have his back. 

Hm. Thank you for that perspective. I was kind of annoyed because he's never had a storyline and this was coming out of nowhere and he was acting so weird. But leave it to EastEnders to throw me off by portraying it so realistically! ;)


I'm sure he'll come to regret inviting Whitney to move in because if she's going to spend even more time around him, she's sure to notice every time he acts off and will push him to get help.

I really, really liked Friday's episode.  As contrived as the Ben/Paul pairing may be, Ben's behavior is markedly different when he's around Paul.  When he's around anyone else, he seems just plain angry but around Paul he is much more relaxed and sweeter.  I didn't know for a long time what to make of the new actor playing Ben, but I like what he did here.


Let's talk about Jane for a second.  Now what she did with Lucy's body after her death was wrong.  It caused Ian and the family months of heartache, and it has wasted zillions of police man hours.  But I understood why she wanted to protect Bobby, and leaving Lucy's body in the commons was sort of victimless in the fact that it didn't directly implicate anyone else and Lucy was dead regardless.  But now she seems willing to let Ben, someone who is obviously innocent of Lucy's murder and Ian's half-brother, take the fall for it?  I know Jane wants to protect her kid, but this behavior is drifting into sociopathy here.  Don't make me hate you, Jane.

Anybody else watching that new series Humans? It's about these robots called synths who get taken into people's homes for various reasons. Cindy, with her staring eyes, shiny hair and robotic delivery, seemed as synth-like as it could get tonight.

Besides Jay and Lola, Abi and Ben and Jamie and Belinda who else have enjoyed trysts in the Arches?

Steve McFadden really did do a superb job tonight. However, Phil never killed anyone? Try telling that to the family of the poor homeless guy who got incinerated in the car lot that Phil torched. OK, it wasn't intentional but still. He's just as much a murderer as his son is. What a hypocrite.

It may have taken seeing Bobby wielding a golf club to bean Phil, but at least Ian and Jane seem to have come to the realization that they really can't ignore the growing psychosis in that little tyke anymore. Props to the young actor, he does crazy eyes really well!


Also, I was so excited to see Marsden on Phil's doorstep again, but she's such a bad cop. Was she this bad in the past? I don't remember. I mean, I know the Mitchells always got away with everything because of bad police procedures and loopholes, but Marsden seems like a joke now. 

So are they just going to arrest everyone in the square until they accidentally arrest the right person? This could take a while...


PS: Pam, instead of trying to interfere with Paul's job search, could you please just buy him some shirts with SLEEVES? Thanks.


Right? Paul is starting to remind me of Mac from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia in this respect.  That's a connection I never thought I'd make.

That whole who will get the job was stupid - Lola had to get the job. Phil gave Dean her salary already. I hope Phil asks for the money back. I wonder if that was her last episode.


I forgot about Phil paying Lola's salary.  (Apparently the writers did as well.)  The funny thing is, Lola's obviously fine with abandoning the job for the third time *at least* by running off with Jay.  Even with Phil's money I wouldn't blame Dean telling her never to come back.  Which makes me want Lola gone even more than I already do because she's making me side with Dean of all people.

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I find it hard to believe that's the last we'll see of Jay, Lola and Lexie since they didn't get the traditional EastEnders good-bye.


Although I suppose the show might have just decided those three weren't worth putting in a cab for a last lap around the Square while playing the tinkly alternative theme tune as they went to credits.


"Eh, just send 'em up the stairs to the tube and we'll get on to other business…" ;)

Edited by Wootini

Is Jay leaving?  I know Lola is.  Heh, Billy looking sadly at the empty flat....umm, Billy.  You do have another child living there. 


I wonder if Max will go to jail which would explain where he is for a year.  Or does that make too much sense :-)  


What happened with Cora?  She showed up a few times running in and out looking homeless and then nothing. 

I really, really liked Friday's episode.  As contrived as the Ben/Paul pairing may be, Ben's behavior is markedly different when he's around Paul.  When he's around anyone else, he seems just plain angry but around Paul he is much more relaxed and sweeter.  I didn't know for a long time what to make of the new actor playing Ben, but I like what he did here.

I'm embarrassed to say it but I find the newest Ben sort of hot in a dorky kind of way .

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I have a feeling that both Lola and Lexie will meet with a nasty accident off-screen. Jay will most likely return a bitter piece of work, blaming Phil for the turn of events. I can see him try to get "revenge" with Billy's help, failing miserably and leaving Walford for good with his tail between his legs.

Edited by TimWil

Oh thank GOD that's out. I hated watching Pam walk around completely oblivious to Les' affair. 


On the plus side, I give the writers and actors credit for playing the storyline very nicely. Les does seem incredibly devoted to Pam, and Claudette is Pam's best friend. Which is just going to make this all so much more ugly when the you-know-what hits the fan. In fact, because of that, I honestly don't expect Pam to believe Paul at first. Just like Vincent had a hard time believing his mum could be sleeping with her best friend's husband. And while nobody's exactly a villain in this story, Claudette has been showing a whole new side to herself lately. When she went for Paul in the pub, I was like, wow, you need to turn it down a notch, woman, because YOU are the one who is totally in the wrong and has no right to be trying to take the high ground here! :)


Also, I really wish Stacey had slapped the HELL out of Abi. I really don't like Abi. I'd hoped she would've been revealed as Lucy's killer, but nope. We're stuck with her. Although I also look forward to her finding out about Ben so she can go completely insane. Maybe she'll try to kill Ben and end up in a mental hospital or something. That would be good...

And while nobody's exactly a villain in this story, Claudette has been showing a whole new side to herself lately. When she went for Paul in the pub, I was like, wow, you need to turn it down a notch, woman, because YOU are the one who is totally in the wrong and has no right to be trying to take the high ground here! :)

Though, I've decided Les and Claudette are the bad guys.  They are cheating!  Plus, I hate Claudette. She is such a bitch to Paul and also...its Denise's daughter. Let Denise cook her own meal.


I'm pissed at Jane also.  She and Ian are letting an innocent man sit in jail.  If they are so obsessed with protecting Bobby, just confess to the crime.  We got to save Max!  He is trying to save us money on our insurance.


Easterners tweeted about this upcoming storyline and all I have to say is No, no, no, no, no. I'm sure it can help people but just no.  

Edited by M. Darcy
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Oh yeah, Claudette has turned into a real bitch since Paul revealed he knew the truth. And now they're just running with it, hence the Denise party scenes. I can't wait to see how Les explains this when he's confronted. Because he's always been so sweet and loving to Pam, I can't see him doing this to her. But he has, and I want to hear why.

When Les barged into Claudette's place and started yanking off his clothes I was like, "Dude! Slow down!" How presumptuous! Although I had to laugh when he begged her for just a "few minutes." I BET that's all it would take! :D


Of course, then I realized that the whole awkward thing with the tie was just so he could accidentally leave that behind on the couch for someone to find. Typical.


I will say that I look forward to Claudette locking horns with Phil. She might be able to give him a run for his money, especially since he can't fall back on his thug ways. I don't think even Phil would beat up a woman the way he mangled Vincent… ;)

Oh my! No, I don't think Claudette charges for her "services," if you know what I mean.


Although it's funny because when he started pulling off his tie, I thought he was being a bit hasty to jump into bed, but for a split second, I thought they might suddenly reveal that she's actually just a masseuse and this has all been just a big misunderstanding. Guess not! Poor Pam. I actually feel really bad for her as she stumbles around being suspicious and finding all these little indicators that Paul was telling the truth. I want to give her a big hug. Thankfully I live in the US and would never run into her on the street, because I think I would feel compelled to do just that, even though I am a sane person who can distinguish between fantasy and reality! :D


Also, Abi is just the worst. She's so horrible. I either need Bobby to hit HER with a music box or for her to walk in on Ben and Paul in bed together. Ugh. She's awful.


Poor Pam. I actually feel really bad for her as she stumbles around being suspicious and finding all these little indicators that Paul was telling the truth. I want to give her a big hug.

They are so underestimating her  She keeps setting them up and they fall for it every single time.


Oh, idiots in the Queen Vic.  Don't they know by now that every time you are convinced someone is guilty, they aren't. 


The Roxie/Dean romance is bizarre. Does the show expect us to be on their side. Because, nope. 


You know, I was thinking that if Richie is going to be a truly successful attorney she should probably have her office number listed publicly instead of only being known by Phil, who would vett any potential clients first… :D

Heh, seriously, couldn't Carol just look it up on the internet...or a phone book....or a directory of lawyers (I know that's not the right term for British legal folks- is she a solicitor/barrister?).  


Really Vincent?  Its your decision who lives in the house that isn't yours?  And, we all know it wasn't Kim's idea.

You know, I've complained a lot about Cindy's whining, and how I wished she would just go away, but I'VE CHANGED MY MIND! I thought when she blabbed to Liam, it would be the start of the domino effect that would finally reveal the truth about who killed Lucy. Unfortunately, it looks like she'll be more than happy to move away with Liam. Sigh.


I'm gonna need EastEnders to either reveal the whole truth and move past it, or just accept that Ian and Jane are going to live with this lie and then have everyone agree to drop the whole thing and move past it. Either way, MOVE PAST IT. I'm so over this never-ending storyline.


Either way, MOVE PAST IT. I'm so over this never-ending storyline.

Me too.  Ian and Jane are just crappy parents.  As soon as they knew what Bobby did, they should have gotten him therapy immediately.  He could have easily killed Cindy when he pushed her.  He cannot control his anger.


I guess between this and the rape storyline, they must think we love these storylines where nothing is ever resolved.  Also with Alfie's illness, Kat's missing son, the key to something really important.....

Edited by M. Darcy

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