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This episode is

The same as seven others

Did they even try


Have fun trying to guess that one~! But if we're posting Criminal Minds poems now, I can't let this one go:


Roses are red

Violets are blue

I have a gun

Get in the van


Rhyming is overrated, anyway.

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Aubrey Plaza was on @midnight (Comedy Central) the other night. One of the 'play at home' fans' photos was a shot with MGG. But no mention of him..

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Does anyone think it's possible that when JJ's noticing something no one else does (excluding The Forever People) it's because she might have seen it while screening cases? 


There was another instance of this in either The Angel Maker or Divining Rod. JJ noticed that one of the victims had had her hair cut off before Reid did, and when she pointed it out to him, he said something like, "Maybe she wanted her hair to look bad on purpose?"


Barring how ridiculous that made Spencer sound in that particular instance, its canon that he has an eidetic memory, and as per his comments to Rossi in Alchemy, he remembered every word that he and Maeve ever said to one another over the course of ten months. Fair enough to say that it was emotionally important to Reid to have total recall after Maeve died, wouldn't being able to remember every single word of one thing mean he could remember everything about other stuff as well?

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I was so confused for a second, I was going to reply but I exited and tried to find your comment again. I thought you had deleted it but then I realised you could quote something from a thread and reply to it in a different thread.

Anyway, I hated that scene so much. I think that was the writers way of saying 'Reid just doesn't get women! NERD ALERT' as a joke or maybe they just didn't think about it. How are we supposed to believe Reid didn't notice and think 'Oh, the unsub took a trophy' instead of 'Huh, maybe she liked it that way'. IIRC the hair was being used for a wig so I understand that they needed to come to that conclusion somehow, but why does it always involve Reid missing the obvious? 

It reminds me of the time where Morgan is explaining to Reid that a woman owning only a few pairs of shoes is unusual and at the end of the episode the girls are talking about the different kinds of shoes he needs. Really? We're supposed to believe that Reid had no idea that (some)women likes shoes? He hadn't notice this while going through hundreds of rooms that belonged to female victims? 


Exactly! Its an example of the issues with writers who have different views of Reid. Some view him as very perceptive, alert, and mature. Others perceive him as clueless, naive, and immature. The immature clueless side was showing in the aforementioned scenes.

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I would love to see her insulting someone in a sweet tone as if she's not insulting them and see Hotch actually smirk over it. Maybe she could play someone who knew him as a child. I'd love to see her work with Thomas.

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To me, Garcia's way of presenting herself has never been "glam", but unnecessarily quirky, not to mention non-professional.  Just like what's her name from NCIS (which I don't watch), the quirk is the thing. I don't dispute her weight - especially at the time - was part and parcel of why she was the non-glam character (in canon). They wouldn't have an episode called "JJ" or "Emily" that focused on how someone could take advantage of that character's desire to be seen as beautiful to the extent that it compromised that person's safety. Although the Maeve arc was sort of based on Reid's desire to be this girl's White Knight, and that was due in part to his hesitance to be visible and in part to her distrust (IMO). Garcia has always been portrayed as a woman who desires people like Morgan to desire her. The fact that TPTB never ever had him even hint he was attracted to her is what set this whole unfortunate scenario up.


We have her being upbeat because an attractive guy gave her the time of day, even expressed enough interest to ask her out on a date. She says this to Derek, expecting or hoping he'll say, Yeah, go for it Baby Girl, you're all that (for some people, not me, but yeah, i see how you're attractive to lots of dudes...). Instead, we see him go into protective brother mode, because he doesn't see her as any more attractive to him than his sisters, but he loves her just as much. The creep plays on her (almost visible) desires (could the writers have made her any more obvious in how much she wanted him to be her dreamboat?) and then shoots her after calling her attention to the fact that he's just been setting her up all night. The whole setup and execution grossed me out the first time I saw it, and still does. What I love about the episode is the way everyone comes to her and lets her know, explicitly or in subtext, that they love her and always have, just the way she is. 


But it doesn't negate that TPTB took her there because she wasn't glamorous or sexy in the TV way that JJ and Emily are. They played totally off the fact that she wasn't conventionally attractive, and that I don't like.

I frankly love the episode, but I get what you're saying. They even gave Rossi that line about Garcia, "Look at her. She wears her individuality like a shield. She stands out 'single woman.'"

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Haiku: The Last Word


Hiding in newsprint

Red lipstick in leafy woods

Two sides of evil.

My husband and I watched Complications on USA Network. All I could think about was that the male lead was the Mill Street Killer in The Last Word. 

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My husband and I watched Complications on USA Network. All I could think about was that the male lead was the Mill Street Killer in The Last Word. 


I knew he looked familiar!* And Beth Riesgraf (Maeve) plays his wife.


*Although he was the Mill Creek Killer. :-)

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I knew he looked familiar!* And Beth Riesgraf (Maeve) plays his wife.


*Although he was the Mill Creek Killer. :-)

Yes, you're right. I must have been half asleep when I typed Mill Street. And Beth Riesgraf is the whole reason we watched. I love Leverage, and I wanted to see Beth in a different role.  It was kind of a wimpy role compared to Parker, but that's a role it's going to be hard for Beth to top. 

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I would love to see her insulting someone in a sweet tone as if she's not insulting them and see Hotch actually smirk over it. Maybe she could play someone who knew him as a child. I'd love to see her work with Thomas.

Well they did work together, at least for a few seconds

Thomas played a role as special guest in Betty's show, it was the series finale I think, and thomas was smoking hot xP

Edited by smoker
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Well they did work together, at least for a few seconds

Thomas played a role as special guest in Betty's show, it was the series finale I think, and thomas was smoking hot xP

Thomas is still smoking hot; he has the classic movie star thing going on.


And didn't Hotch go to boarding school? Maybe she can play the house mother or headmistress that a young Aaron Hotchner and his classmates all crushed on. Betty was quite the looker back in the day.



Edited by Bookish Jen
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Heck, she still is quite the looker.

I agree. And she is proof that one gets the face one deserves. Sure, age happens to all of us, but if you are kind and decent you end up with pleasing visage like the lovely Ms, White. If you have a cold, ghoulish heart you end up looking like Phyllis Schlafly.


Is this the face of an unsub or what?


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Thomas is still smoking hot; he has the classic movie star thing going on.


And didn't Hotch go to boarding school? Maybe she can play the house mother or headmistress that a young Aaron Hotchner and his classmates all crushed on. Betty was quite the looker back in the day.



I'll explain myself better, Thomas was smoking hot in that episode, but you are right, he is a very attractive man and he is smoking hot in (almost) any occasion!!


And by almost I mean seasons 7 and 9 premieres, he's so thin in 7x01 he looks like he'd been sick and I'm aware this sounds weird but in 9x01 his hairstyle is strange, there are shots where I've had to look at it really close to make sure he's not wearing a wig or something :(

the thing is, in 9x02 he looks great

Edited by smoker
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I've found that there are people who have unappealing faces on first glance but once you get to know them they are pretty. But I've also found that there are people who are initially pretty that become ugly to me once their personalities come out.


I don't know who Phyllis Schlafly is and she doesn't look bad to me. I think its in the eye of the beholder though.


One of these days I need to find a clip of Thomas on that Hot in Cleveland show.


I would also love to see Tyne Daly on the show for some reason. It would be great if she was a recurring character.

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Phyllis Schlafly is a woman who has actively worked against women's rights for years. She claims virtuous women don't get sexually harassed. She says if you get married you consent to sex, so marital rape doesn't exist. She also had housekeepers and nannies take care of her house and children while she wrote books, travelled the country giving speeches, running for office and opposing the Equal Rights Amendment, and at the same time told women they shouldn't strive for anything beyond a husband and children. She's also worked against gay rights despite having a gay son. She's pretty detestable.


But word on Tyne Daly; she's fabulous!

Edited by Bookish Jen
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I just watched 100 on Netflix coz I had a hankering.


What an episode. I hadn't seen it in a couple of years and had forgotten some details. Close-ups of Hotch, team dynamics, intense emotion -- some of the best television ever.

I think it should be required viewing for all writers, every season.

ION showed this episode yesterday and I was riveted. I will never tire of 100 and I will never not shed tears over Hotch's loss, anger and grief. Such a powerful episode that lingers with you long after the final credits.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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LOL at the Emily shooting down Viper thing.


I still remember on one of the forums, somone mentioning how Emily saying she dated "worse" than Viper and Hotch gave her a look that said he was wondering how anything could be worse than Viper and still have opposable thumbs and walk upright.

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LOL at the Emily shooting down Viper thing.


I still remember on one of the forums, somone mentioning how Emily saying she dated "worse" than Viper and Hotch gave her a look that said he was wondering how anything could be worse than Viper and still have opposable thumbs and walk upright.

I'm hoping Emily was just being snarky when she admitted to dating "worse" than Viper. Oy, Viper was gross. I think he gave my TV genital warts.

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I loooooovvvveee Viper, and I have to watch the guy do it every time it's on, he's just so great. And Emily is great, and Reid is great when he slyly suggests Emily has to be the one to go get 'im, and Garcia/Hotch is great when she asks him if those tactics really work?!

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I forgot to mention that it sounds like that anti-feminism hypocritical woman is a total bitch.


I'm trying to remember the scenes... Didn't Emily ask Hotch something and he responded with something like "Why are you asking ME?" It was not something within his realm of knowledge. LOL. Or was it Garcia who asked him?


Oh wait.. it was Garcia.. http://www.criminalmindsfanwiki.com/page/Season+Four%3A+All+Character+Quotes


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I loooooovvvveee Viper, and I have to watch the guy do it every time it's on, he's just so great. And Emily is great, and Reid is great when he slyly suggests Emily has to be the one to go get 'im, and Garcia/Hotch is great when she asks him if those tactics really work?!


Garcia: "You know, I hate the whole "girls dig jerks" thing, but....does that stuff really work? Like, on actual, breathing girls?"


Hotch: "Why are you asking me?!"

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I'm hoping Emily was just being snarky when she admitted to dating "worse" than Viper. Oy, Viper was gross. I think he gave my TV genital warts.


Yeah, I can't imagine it either. Viper was hilarious, but it pains me to think of Emily dating someone worse than him. Like what, did she hook up with Spike on one of those sin to win weekends?

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Garcia: "You know, I hate the whole "girls dig jerks" thing, but....does that stuff really work? Like, on actual, breathing girls?"


Hotch: "Why are you asking me?!"

I heart Hotch. He is so droll and funny when you look closely.

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Yeah, I can't imagine it either. Viper was hilarious, but it pains me to think of Emily dating someone worse than him. Like what, did she hook up with Spike on one of those sin to win weekends?

Well there is Ian Doyle. Unless he doesn't count because Prentiss was after all undercover when she had a relationship with him.

Edited by missmycat
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