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Nashville Spoilers and Speculation

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Are there any women writing some of these episodes? Where is the person (Sorry don't remember her name) who use to write great episodes with Deacon/Rayna giving us so much satisfaction in see them interact with each other.


There are tons of women writing this show and the writer you mention is the one who wrote this upcoming episode.


Didn't I read that the engagement happened before the break? No big cliffhangers this time? Deb promised there'd be happiness. Plus the wedding happens in the very first episode back from the break and I'm sure they'll want to promote it.

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Deb Fordham often does OK (she's probably my favorite of Nashville's writers), and she wrote next week's episode. But in general, women in the driver's seat are often irrelevant when it comes to sexism. In fact, women can be among the biggest promoters of sexist ideology...so say scientific studies, so say we all. And to be honest, when it comes to TV, I find that most of the shows I like that have actual strong female characters are written by men: Joss Whedon, JJ Abrams, Aaron Sorkin, Jason Katims, Ron Moore, Pete Berg, etc. Shonda Rimes walks a fine line, and I dig Amy Sherman-Palladino sometimes. But that's it. Women write soap operas, romance novels, Fifty Shades of Gray, and so on. Men created Buffy, Willow, Starbuck, Laura Roslin, C.J. Cregg, Sloan Sabbith, and Tami Taylor.

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I really don't dig Shonda at all to be honest. I was ready to love Scandal but just can't get behind Kerry Washington's character, which is a problem. She writes what she thinks are strong women, but inside they all seem to be princess wannabes. 


Aaron Sorkin I miss terribly. The West Wing is still one of my all time faves and CJ Craig is one of my favorite characters ever.


Deb brought us the great scene on the porch at the cabin so I trust her with R/D, not with everything but with them at least.

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I don't like Shonda shows at all, but she walks a fine line with her characters. Christina on Gray's was pretty cool, the Olivia abortion/Mellie Planned Parenthood story on Scandal was great, and I love anything Viola Davis does. But Shonda also gave us Meredith Gray, and so may not be absolved of sin.

Aaron Sorkin, Pete Berg, and Jason Katims are brilliant. I want them to write everything.

And yes, I'm hopeful we get something as great as the porch scene next week. That's probably my second or third favorite scene of the whole series.

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My most favorite scene is the one in the park at the beginning of season one, where Rayna basically tells Deacon she loves him but doesn't know what to do about her life and so she thinks she has to let him go. I also really love the bridge scene in the pilot and the scene by the stone bridge later on where she tells him to go on tour with the Revel Kings. And I LOVE the one very early on where Rayna loses her shit after Juliette gives Deacon the guitar. She's so spitting jealous; I think she actually even stomps her foot!

The porch scene where they finally talk about Maddie is just so well done, though. It's palpably sad like that one in the park. If I had to choose two, I think those are my favorites. I like when Rayna breaks because she's usually so steely. I feel like we only really get to see her when she's with Deacon, and those two scenes in particular just lay her bare. I complain a lot, but the last few episodes have done a nice job of letting us see Rayna. She's so relaxed and free and joyful. Even if Deacon is acting like an asshole, I feel like you have root for them because of how much he opens her up.

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I hope that Deb wrote something that's going to make us fans feel good about the Deacon/Rayna relationship that we can hold onto during that long hiatus. I want happy is that to much to ask for. Three and a half years of accidents, comas, torn up arms, deaths at least 5 or 6, cancer scare, liver transplant, a man that found out he has a 13 yr old daughter and fell off the wagon after being sober for those 13 yrs (but he's ok again) a father going to jail for embezzlement for many years leaving a distraught daughter did I forget anything. I want happy, comedy, more music, song writing, singing R/D, talented people performing on stage, concerts, going on tours, winning awards and then a little drama in their lives would be great. 


Come on Nashville get rid of all the hanger-ons keep your budget for the music, talented people only have special guests one time episodes.


MM -- I loved all those scenes and you remembered just how jealous Rayna was when that guitar was delivered saying a $50,000 dollar guitar she did stomp her foot and walked out of the room. The park scene where she says she has to let him go and he says Why don't you is another tear jerker. The bridge scene when Deacon says "What would you change" "Rayna's response nothing, Everything" just about broke my heart knowing how much she wanted to be with him but the secret of Maddie stopped her. Remembering those great scenes where did all that talent and imagination go. I'm venting again, Sorry.

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Yeah, that "nothing, everything" line was really great. It summed up Rayna's struggle clearly and in a heartbreaking way. I forget if we knew in the pilot that Maddie was Deacon's. Did we? I know it was clear very early on, and I feel like we did. I really liked how Deacon empathized with her there too, even though he didn't know the depth. It almost didn't matter about the baby (almost) because the sadness and regret were already so huge.

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Talking of favourite scenes, I think two of the most moving scenes was firstly, the one where Deacon is at the AA meeting and he describes his awful childhood of how his father attacked his mother with a casserole dish and then he breaks down and says he would never hurt anyone. When he goes to sit down I felt like wrapping my arms around him I was so moved. The other scene I felt was outstanding was the scene with Juliette and her mother, when her mother is telling her how she loves her, and Juliet is saying "0h it matters" or something like that. I was so moved at that scene that I actually cried, and I'm not usually a crier. The acting of Hayden and the actress who played her mother was outstanding.

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It was hinted at in the pilot when Lamar said something about her further humiliating Teddy after everything he had done for her, "especially as it relates to little Maddie."

It wasn't spelled out specifically, but the seed was planted.

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I just find this Rayna/Deacon/Markus storyline unnecessary and frankly, unbelievable !

First of all, did anyone think R/D we're going to get back together, and just live happily ever after? That was never going to happen! Their long and turbulent history provided plenty of room for conflict without inserting a third-party!

No matter how much he wants a family, deacon is a lifelong bachelor. When he and Ray were together in their young days their life was clouded, but his raging alcoholism!

No matter how much he loves his family and how ready he feels he is, Deacon has no experience in being a sober day to day father or, for that matter a sober day to day partner! We're not born knowing how to make relationships work. We learn as we go along. Sometimes that learning comes with some significant mistakes.

R/D are two passionate, strong willed people. Nutsy in love, they still have to find their balance, in a relationship NOW, while still dealing with issues from their past, that may crop up from time to time. And, of course, Deacon's alcoholism.

When things got tough, I can see them both having trust issues. Her's with his drinking, his knowing, whatever the reasons, she was able to lie to him, about their Daughter, for more than a dozen years.

With good writing, watching these two navigate this new path, could have been compelling. I don't think the show will survive, for us to get the chance!

As for Markus, Rayna has not even a hint of chemistry with him. I find unattractive and borderline weird.

I also don't find it believable that a woman as smart and savvy, as Rayna, wouldn't know that he was into her. I think Daphne would pick up on it.

No, Rayna hasn't encouraged him, or done anything wrong. I don't think Deacon was suggesting that she had; his approach was clumsy, but, I think basically he was upset she was allowing him to have her at his beck and call, that he wasn't respecting any boundaries. And of course, he saw that Markus was attracted to her!

Locally we had a major windstorm, tremendous damage, over a wide area. I had no power for 8.5 days, just getting it back on Thanksgiving. Just got TV and internet back yesterday. Thank Goodness! I've been with the show since Epi 1.

No matter how soapy it gets, I'm here til the end!

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I actually think that once they get married, the trust issues should stop. I've never gotten the impression that they don't trust each other, and actually they seem to trust each other implicitly at their cores. The external things are what they don't trust, and marriage is the hurdle they never managed to get over. It's on the other side of all the external things. So if they accomplish that, it should go a long way to calming them down (really, it's Deacon; Rayna is calm).

I hadn't thought of Deacon throwing Maddie in Rayna's face, but it would actually make sense if deep down he's insecure because he knows how successfully she can lie to him. That would also be something that would crush Rayna in the moment and drive her to walk away from the conversation, but would be a realistic, legitimate issue she should have to face. It's almost too nuanced for this show; they like the obvious a lot more these days. But it would be a good route to take.

Edited by madam magpie
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Nashville has a tremendous and rare resource, in the great screen chemistry between, Chip and Connie.

Unfortunately, they've too often, wasted it.

Instead of wasting time with drawn out placeholders, like Luke and Megan, it would have been much more interesting to see R/D, rebuilding their friendship, professional relationship, begin forming a parenting team, with Maddie, and more slowly, but surely rediscovering each other, romantically, after the devastating Maddie reveal. Certainly, there would have been plenty of room, for doubt, as to whether they would ever, really be together as a couple and a family unit. But, I know I Would have enjoyed watching their journey!

The show chose to go, with the cliche, end game couples, at the end. And, IMO,anyway, missed a real opportunity.

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It seems this series always misses good opportunities. I thought it was going to go the way you explained it starting from season 1, but somehow they missed the boat and went in a different direction. Wouldn't it have been a great story to see them "build a life together, friendship, professional relationship, forming a parenting team, with Maddie, and more slowly, but surely rediscovering each other, romantically, after the devastating Maddie reveal." Deacon a recovering alcoholic working on it on a day to day and succeeding. (Nice thought PATTYCAT maybe you can send some of your thoughts to Callie & Co.) I read somewhere that the series had Deacon leaving Nashville after Rayna got married but I might be confusing that with some of the amazing stories on FF by a few writers that write them the way they should have been written.


Callie and Deb have from the beginning stated that Deacon and Rayna were always going to be the end game but they were going to go down a path of turmoil, with problems that they might not overcome for a long time. Season 5 that's the big question will they get renewed or not.

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I think they really jumped the shark with Luke. He was only supposed to be a 10 episode distraction and ended up with Rayna for over a year in TV time. Because Callie thought Will was hot. Not for any story reasons, she just liked him. Had they used him as that distraction while Rayna worked through her fears surrounding Deacon's sobriety and Maddie's paternity we might have been able to have that slow build up of trust and a working parenting relationship before moving on to other things.

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Is it normal for these talented people to be jobless when they know people personally in the business? Avery is looking for a job, can't seem to find one but he knows Rayna Jaymes who hired him to produce a record with Twerp guy, didn't work out left, why doesn't he go back to Rayna asking her for a job. Will was originally signed to Highway 65 label why doesn't he go back and ask her if she still wants to sign him. Why are these people not talking to one another? I sat last night watching when Avery said he needed to go out and get some work to pay bills and I yelled go see Rayna. It seems this series is so dysfunctional in dealing with everyday person to person contact, nobody talks to each other in anything.

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I just watched, again, the Promo. Now, am wondering, if that scene, where Rayna, appears to be at the Beverly, and tells Deacon, " I can't be with you now", isn't a fake out?

By that, I mean, I'm wondering if she's soeaking physically, rather than romantically?

Isn't it opening night for the bar/club, and he's planning to propose?

Maybe something comes up with Highway 65, that she feels she has to take care of. She goes to tell Deacon. Of course he'd be upset. Hes excited, wants her to be there, and has proposal plans.

Why would she go to his bar, on opening night, to tell him she can't be with him romantically, right now. That seems like a discussion you'd have in private. If he saw the kiss, the night before, freaked out, they would have had all day, for her to tell him, his reaction, upset her, to the point, she needed some space.

Neither of them, in that promo, seem distraught enough, if this was a moment, where their relationship might be on the line. They both seem more angry. Maybe she feels he should understand, and he feels like she's not making their relationship a priority.

Oh the speculation!

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I don't think she goes to the bar to break up with him. My guess is that they have a fight there, he says something really mean to her, and she walks away from the fight, not wanting to talk to him anymore. Then she cools off, they meet up at the bridge, talk it out, and he gives her the ring.

And can I just say...WTF with the ring??? #1) They have a ring, Deacon has asked her to marry him, and she already said she would. #2) that ring in the promo looks like the one Luke gave her and that Deacon is trying to compete. I thought Rayna was making choices, not getting the men to one-up each other with huge, flashy diamonds in a battle for her hand in marriage. Good lord.

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That ring has a lot of negatives attached to it and it never worked out for them with that one. Maybe he thinks he needs a reboot and can afford a little more now. I thought it was a pretty ring and didn't seem gaudy at all. 

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It looks like Luke's to me, just a bit smaller.

If that's what he's thinking, I hope Deacon says so. Otherwise, this years-long setup with the ring Rayna kept because she thought they might need it someday becomes one of the show's dumber and completely misused plot points. The pieces have to tie together in a story. It's ridiculous to set up a symbol and then just bail on it.

Personally, I always like the simplicity and uniqueness of the original ring. It was like they skipped the showy engagement stage and we're just metaphorically married. But I know that's not the soapy solution, so...

Edited by madam magpie
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From the brief glance in the promo, I think the ring looks beautiful, but, then, I'm a big fan of the Halo style.

I'm guessing it's much more understated, than Luke's 7carat honker!

I'm sure Luke's ring was stunning in its way. I, personally, would find it really unwieldy for everyday wear.

A 7 carat solitaire, of fine quality, would probably run in the neighborhood of $250,000, maybe more. I chuckled when Rayna tossed it in the cup holder!

I also remember someone posted, wondering if Rayna mailed it back to Luke.

I thought, "Dear Lord, I hope not". You'd want to hire an armed courier to return that puppy!

I always thought Deacons original ring, looked more like a wedding band. Maybe that's how they'll use it?

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It looks like Luke's to me, just a bit smaller.

If that's what he's thinking, I hope Deacon says so. Otherwise, this years-long setup with the ring Rayna kept because she thought they might need it someday becomes one of the show's dumber and completely misused plot points. The pieces have to tie together in a story. It's ridiculous to set up a symbol and then just bail on it.

Personally, I always like the simplicity and uniqueness of the original ring. It was like they skipped the showy engagement stage and we're just metaphorically married. But I know that's not the soapy solution, so...


I love their original ring too, but if Deacon is insecure about her really being his now he may be feeling a little nervous about using it since it never led to an actual wedding. I'd love for her to either use it as a wedding band, as Pattycat suggested, or for her to say that she already has the ring she wants and doesn't need another one.

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He said something in the music room this week about still not really believing that she's his now. But that's been it really. Talking is good, if we could just have the characters actually talk once in a while I'd be happy.

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The thing is that it's completely reasonable for Deacon to feel that way, and I think we're meant to understand that Rayna gets that. I feel like that's why she keeps being so adamant about how she loves him, nothing will make her leave him, etc. She's being very clear and very sure, which I think is a recognition of his insecurity. That's lovely. But since this isn't a novel and we aren't privy to what the characters are thinking, we sometimes also have to be told in one way or another. Deacon can tell Scarlett; he doesn't have to say it all to Rayna. It's ok to get information through her reaction. But he has to say it to someone!

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Couldn't agree more! But I don't think it would hurt for him to acknowledge those doubts and fears to her directly so they could actually have a conversation about it. I think Rayna is trying her best to allay those insecurities but Deacon may not realize that that's what she's doing. 

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Can anyone figure out what this series is going to do on things that have meaning. MM liked your post on what that simple ring meant to both of them, it was a symbol of their love for each other. Didn't it have intertwined vines with small diamonds expressing his/their love for each other eternally. Neither of them liked showy that's why I could never believe that she accepted LW's proposal. It was so not Rayna, but then again Rayna has ben Rayna since season 1. The writers when they write these two people don't seem to remember season 1 and the background of their relationship which they themselves WROTE.



I don't think Deacon is going to try to match LW's ring, but I think he wants to give Rayna something new starting their married life together and she can use the old ring as a wedding band.


I usually don't review sneak peeks because they always cut scenes to make it look bad. After the fight, Rayna goes to the bridge they talk, gets things right again between them, and then he proposes, I can't wait for that scene finally. I want to see a long, long kiss on that bridge.

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Couldn't agree more! But I don't think it would hurt for him to acknowledge those doubts and fears to her directly so they could actually have a conversation about it. I think Rayna is trying her best to allay those insecurities but Deacon may not realize that that's what she's doing.

Oh for sure! The creators don't seem to grasp how compelling the conversations between Rayna and Deacon are. I swear, I could watch them talk to each other for the entire hour. The actors are that good. Just give them something to say!

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It would be great if they had longer scenes. Take out Luke related stuff, ditch Layla, and replace with Rayna and Deacon. I wish! I think they are endeavouring to show Deacon's insecurity and I get that - who can blame him - but he also came over as petulant and possessive this week, because the show didn't allow him to have the conversation apart from the final lines about not being used to having her to himself.

As far as I can recall, Rayna and Deacon haven't really talked about the past in explicit terms since the lakehouse at the end of season 2. Even when they got back together in season 3 they talked mainly about liver cancer and not their longer term issues and obstacles.

I think the original ring will resurrect somewhere in the next episode. It has to.

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I hope you're right, MisterS!

Also, I rewatched this week's episode last night, and Rayna is really being super compassionate and patient. She does seem to get how Deacon feels. She apologizes for agreeing with Markus about doing one of Deacon's old demos at the beginning, saying she just assumed Deacon would want to do it and how she loves that one of his songs will be on the first album she produces. When she comes home after the thing with Markus changing the lyrics and Deacon's banging around in the kitchen, he says something about her taking Markus's side and liking his version of the song better (which wasn't even close to what she'd actually done, of course). He's petulant, but he also seems on the verge of tears. Rayna's not even mad. She completely softens and says something like, "Baby, I don't like his version better" and then tries to explain how frustrating Markus is. I also noticed that when Deacon shows up with coffee, Markus looks annoyed like he interrupted something, but Rayna shows no guilt or hesitation. She's just pleasantly surprised and immediately goes to kiss him hello. And when Rayna goes to talk to Markus, she's so awkward and uncomfortable. She clearly doesn't want to be there. So I see no possible way she can want him to kiss her next week. That would be totally insane. I think he's going to be an asshole, kiss her when she told him no, and then try to blame her for it. And then Deacon will make it worse.

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I wonder if he even sees the kiss? Could it be that someone else sees and makes more of it to Deacon than it actually was, then Deacon's ticked because she didn't mention it? He's not upset the morning after the concert when he's sitting with Scarlett the morning of the bar opening - he looks over the moon in fact. So something must happen in between to get him riled up enough to upset her enough to walk away.


Rayna was a total sweetheart last week and very patient I thought, with both Markus and Deacon. She was clearly stuck between a rock and a hard place with the song. I don't think she really wanted to change the lyrics so much as she wanted to get the song recorded and the album finished. And Markus was such a little twerp thanking her for taking his side, which she didn't actually do.

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Maybe Markus tells him? Or Maddie? Though she's not talking anyone theses days. It would have to be someone mean. Maybe a paparazzi photo? Someone like Scarlett wouldn't do it.

Rayna may also tell him herself. That would actually be the best route, given their history. Maybe she intends to tell him but wants to wait until after the bar opening, and in the meantime, he finds out another way and then attacks her for being a liar. I think he's going to say something super hurtful. Otherwise she wouldn't walk away from him. Plus, in the formulaic back-and-forth that are their problems, it's his turn to be in the wrong and the one who apologizes. She was this week, he was the last episode with the girls, she was the episode before with the bar, and so on. And then his apology can be followed by a proposal.

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I could totally see them going the route of Markus saying "sorry I kissed your girl" to Deacon. Twist the knife in real hard for him. Then he'd definitely lash out at her. 


Maybe they'll surprise us this time and they'll both apologize this week ;)

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I could totally see them going the route of Markus saying "sorry I kissed your girl" to Deacon. Twist the knife in real hard for him. Then he'd definitely lash out at her.

Maybe they'll surprise us this time and they'll both apologize this week ;)

Aw, your optimism is so charming! But since Rayna likely isn't going to do anything wrong, she better not apologize! Though she could finally apologize for lying about Maddie. That would be OK, but she should also stick up for herself and tell him he can't throw that at her again.

If they go that route, Markus being the one to tell, Connie will DEFINITELY have hung her head and thought, "Holy shit. We did this storyline so much better on Friday Night Lights." Life lesson: If you're going to rip off someone's story, be sure to copy what makes it great.

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I didn't get past the first episode of FNL so I missed that. 


The only thing I could fault Rayna for in that scenario is not telling Deacon right after it happens - though there may not be any time to do it between the concert and the opening. They're likely circling around each other for most of the episode.


I think I'd drop over if she apologized for lying about Maddie.

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Whaaaat?! You must go watch all five seasons of Friday Night Lights right now! It takes at least half of the first season to hit its stride, and Tami Taylor doesn't really come into her own as a main character for four or five episodes. Go forth and be amazed!

I've been waiting the entire run of this show for Rayna to really confront what she did about Maddie. For herself, much more than anyone else. I hold out hope that before this show ends she'll tell Deacon that she did what she did because she felt so trapped and scared, but she's still so sorry she did it to them. I still hope it!

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Lol...that was realistic! Poor Jason Street! But sure, if you know Street gets paralyzed, you can move on. Give it the whole first season. If you still don't like it, you won't change your mind. But I mean, Coach and Mrs. Coach should restore your faith in humanity...and TV writers. #texasforever

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Well, I imagine that realistically happens to all the newly paralyzed, but it happening in front of the girlfriend seemed like one of those movies you see on the inspirational channel. You know, she'd break up with him and he would go on to be the inspiring coach of his old high school team, they'd own Texas football and the whole season would come down to one big game, but he'd have to battle through an issue caused by his paralysis to make it through. He wouldn't get the girl back, but he'd find another, even better girl and his old girlfriend would be back waiting tables at the Pizza Hut.

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Don't worry, that's not what happens. FNL is a really well-crafted show. They care about things like details, character motivation, logic, and not being a cliche. You have TVPTSD from watching too much Nashville. FNL really royally screws up only once story-wise, and they do the honorable thing of pretending it never happened.

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FNL really royally screws up only once story-wise, and they do the honorable thing of pretending it never happened.

Which story?

I watched all five seasons in the space of about two months. I was off sick from work but...even so. It's a great show. Tami T is a much more well rounded character than Rayna but I think CB makes the best of poorer material in Nashville.

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Which story?

I watched all five seasons in the space of about two months. I was off sick from work but...even so. It's a great show. Tami T is a much more well rounded character than Rayna but I think CB makes the best of poorer material in Nashville.

The murder. But shhh! Don't say more than that because even the stuff surrounding it is good!

Tami Taylor may be my favorite character ever on TV. It doesn't matter what Connie does in the future, I'll forever love her for Mrs. Coach alone. That said, the only reason I feel anything for Rayna anymore is because of who plays her. All of the main actors on Nashville are wonderful and make the show watchable.

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The quality of the actors and the music are what keep me watching Nashville. I'm tired of the writing really, but I wouldn't want to miss Connie, Chip, Hayden, or the Stellas. Really, pretty much everybody does a great job with what they're given. 



You have TVPTSD from watching too much Nashville. FNL really royally screws up only once story-wise, and they do the honorable thing of pretending it never happened.


LOL, Nashville wasn't even on yet ;) That TVPTSD comes from too much cable.

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The murder. But shhh! Don't say more than that because even the stuff surrounding it is good!

Ok I thought so. But it wasn't so bad, maybe just a bit uncharacteristic for FNL? But I won't spoil it any more for the uninitiated.

The cast of Nashville keeps me watching too.

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