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(I had completely forgotten that this thread exists.  Huh.)

What's practically at the top of Buffy-Screencaps?  A scene I've never seen!





(By this time [7.18] Sparky's presence on-screen was an automatic FF, barring rare exceptions. [I watched the teaser to see Faith's return to Sunnydale, for example.]  But "character moments for Spike"?  To quote Willow, "not caring!")

Now, forgetting about the upcoming "let's sell a Faith/Spike spinoff!" shirtless crap, this is fairly good work by Faith.  She realizes that as questionable as Giles's double-dealing might be, it could indicate that Spike's presence is a problem.  It doesn't quite equate with Forrest trying to justify the "killer 'raccoon' in the sewers" trap that Walsh laid for Buffy ("Maybe she thought Buffy needed killing"), because Buffy is a human being (Spuffy-fluffing nonsense aside) whereas the justification for letting Spike continue to get away with thousands of murders (not to mention his already having been proven able to subverted by the First) is indeed "kinda shaky".

So at least one Slayer isn't blinded by the allure of Hawt Woobie Abs.

(At least, not yet. [Grumble mutter.])

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Given that Giles has yet to move beyond asking a chair if it would be "amenable" (and given that Buffy sends a suspiciously large amount of time with him), IMO it would indeed be surprising if G-Dawg had been keeping a lady on the down-low, I would say.

What, you're going to tell me he's got international models younger than Cordelia flying in from England and calling him "Ripper"?  Please.

As I was just digging up caps from The Dark Age, before:


"Xander!" -Willow to Xander, I Robot You Jane

"I wouldn't worry." —Buffy to Joyce, Ted

"We're good here." —Buffy to Jenny, Passion

"Check.  Cancel spanking."  —Xander to Imaginary!Techies (actually his shirt collar), Surprise (Buffy, Giles, Jenny present.)

Yeah, it's arguable that I played that "ID the quote and construct a scene" game a bit too much, from '04-'07.  0 well…

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