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On 1/13/2019 at 5:23 AM, Joe Hellandback said:

Got a link?

Went looking, couldn't find it.  If I could find an old non-working link, I could at least try Wayback, but no luck on that front, either.  (Buffyworld has Wiffy sites linked, but not that one.  I suppose I should try Near Her Always, and see what's there.)

Meanwhile, back on the Xillow tip…


Although perhaps it's best that the screencappers stop before they get to "It just means you'd rather be with someone you hate than be with me." Mood…

Wow, S6 damaged the show so much for me that even a nice little Xillow scene like this kind of slips out of my mind.

I mean part of it is that the episode is slooooow and this bit is all about Tara, and it's not as if I rewatch the ep to get a deeper memory of this, or anything.  But it's just also that "Evil" Willow was so shittily executed (and so poorly resolved…she decided not to be bad, but she could be again!  It's like Angel's soul, except she didn't lose her sanity by having sex with Buffy! But she's still a witch, because Willow is a witch who does magic and magic is what witches do and Willow is a witch…and vomit!) that even alluding to it casts a pall over the scene for me.

So that's why I remember the "Doogie Howser fanfic" scene and this one…not so much.  Sorry, Xillow-fans!

(And I'm still amused to think they had no idea Aly was going to be spending nine years working alongside NPH, very soon.)

8 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

So that's why I remember the "Doogie Howser fanfic" scene and this one…not so much.  Sorry, Xillow-fans!

We forgive you 🙂

OTOH I do remember this scene, because it happens to be one of only... how many?.. two Xillow scenes in the entire season. As much as the previous season sucks, it has freakin' four Xillow moments at least! The picture looks sadder in the final season: Help and Empty Places and that's it AFAIK (well, Xander and Willow do communicate extensively in Potential, but fucking Anya and Andrew spoil the moment for no apparent reason. What the hell is Anya even doing there?? And probably they had some fun reminiscent of the old days after Buffy left them and went slut-shaming Dawn in Him). Since any W/X interaction turned out to be the scarcity post-Lovers Walk, I tried to memorize every single one of them (Joss Almighty gave me no choice, y'know).

I expected some tender moment on the eve of the final fight in Chosen, because W & X knew each other longer and better than all the other multiple characters combined, and both of them could perish and never see one another again... But due to Joss infinite wisdom, the two apparently read the script and knew they would come out alive and "victorious".   

IIRC, Season 6 has more W/X scenes than 4, 5, and 7 combined.  UPN is Xillow Paradise, yo!

What's that?  You weren't overly fond of Xander jumping to conclusions in Gone and suspecting Willow of casting the "spell" that turned Buffy invisible on exactly zero evidence? Silly person, enjoy your W/X scenes while you can…you'll miss them when they're gone…

(I'd be upset with Xander for just assuming Willow was the source of the supposed bad mojo because of "the recent forgetting" [i.e., Tabula Rasa] whereas he seems to not only be ignoring the fact that Sunnydale has such an interest in the occult that his fiancée is prospering by running a magic shop, but also the bit where somebody else in that room recently imperiled everyone by summoning a dancing demon.  But of course, he's forgotten that "he" did that…thus another exhibit in my "Dawn summoned Sweet" argument.  But JMO.)

1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

You weren't overly fond of Xander jumping to conclusions in Gone and suspecting Willow of casting the "spell" that turned Buffy invisible on exactly zero evidence?

Oh, that was the one moment I didn't want to memorize. That happens. Besides, I watched Gone one time many-many years ago.

1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

Silly person, enjoy your W/X scenes while you can…

What can I say? I can't help myself 😌 Anyway, there's not much left to enjoy in the UPN... And no matter how lame S.07E.04 is, I'd still choose that one W/X scene over all W/K, X/A, W/B and X/D moments combined.

7 hours ago, lembergwatcher said:

I meant to say all seventh season's W/K, X/A, W/B and X/D moments combined.

I was going to say!  But I was like, "well, opinions are like…", etc.

Hate to throw the "tea" scene in The Killer in Me under the bus this way, but it's true that, unlike a certain Slayer, Xander doesn't punch Willow in the face at the start of the next act (and never apologize for it!), so I can see your argument here.

Edited by Halting Hex

That's Willow flirting with Giles, there.  Which is why "I had such a crush on him in high school" came as exactly no surprise in Where the Wild Things Are.  I mean, she's got his picture in her locker, after all.

I wanted to contrast this with Willow flirting with Buffy in Phases, but my screencap site doesn't have the whole "screenful of violent incidents" scene available 🙁

So I'll have to settle for Big Closeted Larry speaking for all of us.  Or, at least, all of us who are me:


8 hours ago, lembergwatcher said:

Giles and Willow is... bleh...

Oh, nonsense!  They'd be adorable together.  (Giles/Buffy I can take a pass on; he has enough trouble trying to guide her without romance complicating it.  But Book Man/Hacker Girl?  The "smart money" says it's fine.)

And, therefore:





"The Ghost of Hookers Past", as we used to call her.  But given who insisted on putting Willow in that outfit, "The Ghost of Buffy's Repressed Lesbianism" works just as well, I admit. 😍

2 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

They'd be adorable together. 

No, no, no. And no.

Oz was bad enough and Book Man is even worse than the Wolf Boy. And he's probably Ira's age. Oz, Giles... who's next? Jonathan? One might notice some slight sexual subtext in those "interrogation" scenes from Go Fish and Earshot, or Willow's adoration of the short guy in Superstar. If he or she tried, of course. 

Therefore - NO. Never.


Hey, Wiles is canon, pal.  You don't have to like it, but…


…facts is facts, Jack.  Not that you're alone in your disdain…




…but sorry, Harris, your girl likes musicians.  Deal. I guess you should have learned how to play that acoustic we saw on your wall (Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered).  Or at least kept up on the flügelhorn, past eighth grade.  Oh, well…

(ETA: Emma's really killing it with the background acting, there.  Look at her face. Not to mention that little nod of agreement on "it is kind of sexy".)

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 1

Well, they are there multiple times in the college years…it's just that there are always hangers-on (or, as normal people call them, "friends and loved ones") there besides B/W/X.  Wild at Heart has them joined by Oz and Giles, Something Blue sees Anya present, Crush has Tara there to scold Willow for considering doing further teleportation spells, and I've probably missed one or two.

But for pure Three Musketeers action, I think we can at least count The Wish, where the three of them try to "ride the Joy Train", before Buffy goes chasing after Cordelia and leaves Xillow to try and set boundaries on the "touching" front.

Not that I can blame Buffy for being distracted by hot girls, mind you.  I mean, it's been weeks since she and Faith broke up, after all.  Poor baby, nobody to "train" with…no wonder her bottle needs uncorking.  (Yes, this wouldn't be an issue if she would wake up and smell the redhead, I know.  But Willow was just dating two boys at once…it makes a Slayer shy, you know?)  But still, we did get at least a couple minutes' worth of B/W/X Bronzing it together, so it hasn't been quite a quadrennium, pre-Him…it just feels like it.




I can see Buffy is totally OK with Spike having access to her residence 24/7, with him walking into her bedroom in the middle of the night and almost seeing her naked, with him being able to walk exactly the same way into Joyce's or Dawn's rooms... Does she even remember this is the same Spike who tried to kill her six episodes earlier and whose then-girfriend kidnapped and nearly killed Dawn?  Can't believe years of experience didn't teach her to be a little careless... I wonder what would Kendra do in the same situation?

7 hours ago, lembergwatcher said:

tumblr_n3b34buDU51qkbybho1_250.gif.c75999770666cee3c1e80f85d2b674cb.gif  tumblr_n3b34buDU51qkbybho2_250.gif.fb6427d9ad414322b0052a5d3467dda4.gif

What about Buffy and Xander?..

Obviously taken care of over the summer.  That's why Buffy can take the job where "the money won't even fold" despite having to take care of Dawn; her semi-boyfriend's sharing some of that construction foreman loot, behind the scenes.

On the less-happy side, perhaps the possible awkwardness of the B/X liaison is why neither seems particularly excited to have Willow back.  It may be more about Dawn trying to co-opt Willow's space in the group, but the romantic complications could have factored into it, as well.  But JMO.

Jeez, if you're going to post shots of undeveloped tertiary characters pimping Spuffy (because it clearly can't convince the audience on its own), why not post Cassie Circumlocution going "someday she will tell you", while you're at it?  Vomit, vomit, vomit.

("Hot", my non-protruding collarbone!  Two scrawny sociopaths bumping into each other while waiting for falcons to roost on their outcroppings is about as far from "hot" as I can imagine.  After Molly spewed this shit, I was a lot less upset about her getting locked in with the vampire for Cruciamentum 2.0, let me tell you…)

I keep telling you, I've got a stack of "he can be a good man" screencaps from First Date, and I'm not afraid to use them.  Just saying.

Edited by Halting Hex
2 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Jeez, if you're going to post shots of undeveloped tertiary characters pimping Spuffy (because it clearly can't convince the audience on its own), why not post Cassie Circumlocution going "someday she will tell you", while you're at it?

Probably because I don't like Cassie.

2 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Two scrawny sociopaths bumping into each other while waiting for falcons to roost on their outcroppings is about as far from "hot" as I can imagine.  After Molly spewed this shit, I was a lot less upset about her getting locked in with the vampire for Cruciamentum 2.0, let me tell you…

What if Rona's comment was ironic and not the result of her getting wet upon seeing "two scrawny sociopaths bumping into each other"? Besides, I doubt any of the SiTs know the whole ugly truth regarding Spuffy, especially the part about the rape attempt and so on. Therefore I don't think one "inappropriate" comment is enough reason to lock someone in a crypt with the vampire, i.e. sentence that person to death. For my part, I can claim Cordy deserved to be fed to the vamps for all the shit (not just one innocent comment) she told Xander throughout seasons 2-3, but I don't think you'll agree.

2 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

I've got a stack of "he can be a good man" screencaps

Something tells me Rona's or Molly's words are as far from "someday she'll tell you"/"he can be a good man" codswallop as Cordelia from having a successful acting career/happy family life with Angel and Groo or Snyder from having a date at high school.

Cordelia the SHS Bully. We've got Larry to torment weaker guys while Cordy does the same thing with the girls, right? Btw, what was Little Miss Wannabe Adored By Every Varsity Male (only male, Cordy? Girls' adoration doesn't mean a thing for ya, does it?) going to do to Amy if the other girl's klutziness took her out of the running? Torture to death or what?







2 hours ago, lembergwatcher said:

Little Miss Wannabe Adored By Every Varsity Male (only male, Cordy? Girls' adoration doesn't mean a thing for ya, does it?)

Last I checked, there was a distinct lack of females on that basketball team.  So it's not as if  CC had the choice to preen for the fairer sex.  (Ditto for the football squad that Cordelia cheers for next season.)

2 hours ago, lembergwatcher said:

Why limit oneself to just the basketball team? Games are attended by both guys and girls AFAIK.

Yes, but Cordelia spoke of wanting to be adored by varsity males.  She's cheering on behalf of the athletes and they're the ones she wants to adore her in return for her efforts.  (And hey, judging by Mitch and Kevin, it worked.)

The proles in the stands can find love objects of their own, tyvm.


I remember at least one commenter side-eyeing Giles over that "amusing story" remark.  Buffy did almost die, after all.

Then again, given that Kendra's only here because Buffy survived an actual death, perhaps Giles has become blasé about the near-misses?


I can't complain of Xander's logic (and indeed, I love the line), buuuuuuuut…you do remember you didn't go over to Revello Drive to watch cartoons, right?  The impetus was that Buffy was being targeted by assassins (one of which you've just encountered) and you're worried that she might imperiled.  Seems as though something a bit more active than "sit and wait" might be in order here.

If nothing else, you could check to see if there's a phone in the basement.  Or if Cordelia has brought her cell phone from Welcome to the Hellmouth with her…telescoping antenna and all.





Sometimes facial expression is more interesting then the actual line. Why are you so... I don't know... shocked, Will? Faith is the Slayer here, not you, so chances are she knows what slayage does to blossoming teenage girls better. And, yeah, Buffy's sister Slayer just wants to be honest with her new friends and not to be inappropriate. Btw, Buff, some of your post-slaying activity (Bad Eggs, Surprise) includes more than just a non-fat yoghurt. But I understand why you don't wanna talk about it.

Edited by lembergwatcher

Willow isn't disputing Faith, she's teasing Buffy with that "oh, REALLY??" look, IMO.

Of course in my headcanon (and an old "Lines You'll Never Hear on BtVS" post), it goes a little differently:


FAITH:  Isn't it crazy how slaying always makes you hungry and horny?

WILLOW (grins);  Oh, yeah!  I (notices looks)…never heard of that before, actually.  Tell us more, please.

Ah, Greenwalt…how could you let me down that way?  Sigh.

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