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Dr. Tara Lewis (Aisha Tyler)


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We currently have 10 days until the Season Premiere, and I frankly don't know if I should be jumping with joy or hiding in fright. So this season, Aisha Tyler is playing the new addition to the BAU's psychologist, Dr. Tara Lewis. I can't say anything about her - yet - because I haven't seen her character in 'action' and I don't know what she's like. Honestly, the past two replacements for Emily I haven't particularly liked, so I'm hoping Aisha will be at least a little bit better than them. 


Apparently, Dr. Tara Lewis is supposed to be Reid's new love interest? If this rumor is true, I'm going to jump shit because the writers can't get Reid a good love storyline. Please help us Lord. 


What are your thoughts on Aisha/Lewis? 

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Well, what I'm saying is that the writers haven't given him a good storyline with girlfriends in the past (or love interests, for that matter.) Examples, Lila Archer, Austin the Bartender, and maybe even Dorian Loker. All of them have gone down the drain. They actually succeeded with the love interest part with Maeve, but screwed it up when they killed her off. So if that's how they like to write and cut out all of his love interests, I don't know if Dr. Lewis being one would be a good or bad idea. 

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I love Aisha Tyler so I'm delighted she's been cast.

I don't understand the problem if she is Reid's love interest? His fans on here are always complaining he doesn't get a love life, so wouldn't this be a great storyline?

1- I don't want romantic stories for any of the characters. They are just lame. That's what soap operas are for: romance. Here, I want to see crimes, and intelligent people tracking the criminals.

2- I've seen pictures of that new member of the cast. She looks old. I like that. But linking two colleagues in a romantic way is something I don't want to see in this show, ever. That's one good thing of the entire ten seasons. Despite good and terribly bad moments, they never fell so low to do something so cheesy like that.

It seems we have different ideas on what a great storyline should be on CM context.

Edited by MCatry
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I agree.  The role she's said to play is that of someone who studies the unsubs after they're caught (which may bode well for the unsubs in the first few episodes.  At least it sounds like they won't be taken out with a kill shot.)  But I thought that all of the profilers should have been actively studying their unsubs, right along  How else are they ever supposed to learn whether they've built a correct profile?




  • Love 1

I am hoping Dr. Lewis is more of an intellectual character, ala Reid and Alex. Since this team is supposed to be more cerebral, it is nice to see that side presented more often. Of course we have seen plenty of BTS pictures of Dr. Lewis in tactical gear, so we know she is likely to get more tactical action than Reid does. But I hope that is balanced with some good intellectual rapport with Reid. I felt the writers did a good job showing an interesting and respectful friendship between Reid and Alex, and I hope they do that again with Reid and Tara. 

  • Love 4

My concern is that newbie is possibly being groomed to takeover Morgan's spot. Therefore she will probably be made a bit of a badass ala Morgan. The way JJ was.

But I also see her being used to marginalize Reid. She of course will join the ranks of Garcia and JJ in that regard.


I know...because, you know, TV shows can't have more than one black cast member after all...



  • Love 2

I know...because, you know, TV shows can't have more than one black cast member after all...



I don't see why they can't. I certainly don't see a problem with it. The only reason I singled Morgan is because many people believe that he is the likely one to be departing the show. Again if that is the case I do hope it will only be temporary.

  • Love 2

I don't see why they can't. I certainly don't see a problem with it. The only reason I singled Morgan is because many people believe that he is the likely one to be departing the show. Again if that is the case I do hope it will only be temporary.


I was trying for sarcasm...I don't know if it worked.


I agree too...no reason why a TV show can't have more than one black cast member. It just seems to be the unfortunate trend- they're either all black or just one is.

  • Love 5

Alex was a cerebral and intellectual character, but she never marginalized Reid. In fact, even though Alex was given pretty little to do, so many of her scenes were with Reid, and they were great.  Alex and Reid had a really great friendship, she treated him with respect, showed him care, and kept his secrets.. So, there is no automatic reason to assume that Tara is somehow going to marginalize Reid, since Alex's presence didn't diminish Reid in the slightest, in my opinion. 

Edited by ForeverAlone
  • Love 4

Apparently, Dr. Tara Lewis is supposed to be Reid's new love interest? If this rumor is true, I'm going to jump shit because the writers can't get Reid a good love storyline. Please help us Lord. 


Kill me now if that's for real.


I don't understand the problem if she is Reid's love interest? His fans on here are always complaining he doesn't get a love life, so wouldn't this be a great storyline?


A) We don't know anything about the character yet, other than that she's a doctor. Do we even know what kind of doctor she is?


B) Because we don't know anything about the character yet, there's no saying she and Reid would be a decent fit.


C) If Reid gets a love interest, that would make him not supporting cast.


I have nothing again Tyler, and I like the idea of a female agent not doing the kicky-fighty thing. But I don't want the writers to cobble together a relationship between her and Spencer for the sake of doing so. Let her prove herself on her own merits first. We can talk about the personal stuff later.

Yes we do know what sort of doctor she is. It has been stated since the very first press release about this, that Dr. Lewis is a forensic psychologist.


Seriously, where are people truly getting the idea that Reid and Tara are supposed to be paired up? There hasn't been anything from any sort of spoilers from credible sources that have suggested this.

  • Love 1

There's a chance she bring some comedy to the show...she is a comedian herself, and she's hosted a few reality shows (notably The Fifth Wheel and the new version of Whose Line Is It Anyway?), where's she's had to put her on-the-spot wit to work. So if the writers use her right, her and Rossi could be in competition for who can be the snarkiest.


Just throwing that out there.

  • Love 1

Yes we do know what sort of doctor she is. It has been stated since the very first press release about this, that Dr. Lewis is a forensic psychologist.


Thank you, ForeverAlone. I knew I had asked the question before but couldn't recall if anyone had answered or not. I haven't been paying attention to press releases and such over the hiatus. The only reason I even found out in advance that Tyler was coming on board is by keeping up with the threads here.



There's a chance she bring some comedy to the show...she is a comedian herself, and she's hosted a few reality shows


Tyler does have some comic chops, and though I hate reality TV I really enjoy Archer, where she voices Lana Kane. If she says "Nooooooooooope!" even once, it might be worth this whole exercise in perpetuating the preposterous process of trying to replace Paget. Damn, missed alliterating by a single hair. :-P

  • Love 5

Kill me now if that's for real.



A) We don't know anything about the character yet, other than that she's a doctor. Do we even know what kind of doctor she is?


B) Because we don't know anything about the character yet, there's no saying she and Reid would be a decent fit.


C) If Reid gets a love interest, that would make him not supporting cast.


I have nothing again Tyler, and I like the idea of a female agent not doing the kicky-fighty thing. But I don't want the writers to cobble together a relationship between her and Spencer for the sake of doing so. Let her prove herself on her own merits first. We can talk about the personal stuff later.

No, we've already seen her fiancé, he's nice looking and comes in around the 3rd epi, if I'm not mistaken. Worry not.

Edited by normasm
  • Love 3

Tyler does have some comic chops, and though I hate reality TV I really enjoy Archer, where she voices Lana Kane. If she says "Nooooooooooope!" even once, it might be worth this whole exercise in perpetuating the preposterous process of trying to replace Paget. Damn, missed alliterating by a single hair. :-P

looks like she'll be entering the DANGER ZOOOOONE
  • Love 2

Tyler does have some comic chops, and though I hate reality TV I really enjoy Archer, where she voices Lana Kane. If she says "Nooooooooooope!" even once, it might be worth this whole exercise in perpetuating the preposterous process of trying to replace Paget. Damn, missed alliterating by a single hair. :-P


How about "perpetuating the preposterous process of preserving Paget's position"?

Edited by Danielg342
  • Love 5

We'll find out tomorrow for how her character will be. :) :) :)


My biggest irk about the interview was how Tara is supposed to be both badass and super intelligent. So it sounds like she will be a blend of Morgan or JJ and Reid. I personally was hoping for a more intellectual character, like Alex, so she could an intellectual kinship with Reid. It's why I didn't mind that she has similar skills as Reid, because that could have formed a basis for some good scenes with Reid (just like most of the best Reid scenes in seasons 8 and 9 involved Alex-at least in my opinion). Now it sounds like she is likely to bond with Morgan more, if they are going to emphasize her badass, physical side. Of course, it raises the question of how did she quickly acquire such tactical skills. Sure she received that training during the FBI Academy, but that was over a decade ago, and she's been in a brain job since. So is she going to be this physical badass right out of the gate, or will there be some sort of explanation?


And while the BAU SHOULD be thinking along the same lines as Tara, half of the team is used more in an action role rather than cerebral these days, and only Reid has an actual education in forensic psychology. And their focus is more on catching the criminals rather than evaluating them afterward. Sure they get involved with the serial killer research program, but I think their focus is a bit different than Tara's. So she sees the criminals in a different light than the BAU. I get her different perspective, and even Hotch points out that her skill set is different than what the BAU uses on a daily basis. 


 But again, we will see how this all plays out. 

  • Love 2

I will reserve judgement until I actually see it.

However, I have many of the same apprehensions. Messer claims she is trying to get Aisha back later on in the season for guest spots or something. I really hope that isn't the case - because if I know the character has a shelf life then I don't really care what happens.


I tend not to like (or be indifferent towards) new characters who are brought in to TV shows later on, with a few notable exceptions. I think the only time I've "met" a new character introduced beyond season 2 that I have actually liked was Tara from Buffy. So, just based on past experience, I'm really not hopeful.

  • Love 3

Some things that stuck out to me that I'd like to get everyones thoughts on. Mostly to reassure me my interpretation is wrong. 



Shouldn't they all have that knowledge? Wouldn't profilers need to know all about how a sociopath operates? Haven't they already demonstrated they know this? Since to become a profiler you apparently just need to take a course/apply (JJ mentioned a course but no other characters ever mentioned having to take one? ) I guess it's possible she knows things the others don't because of her education but even then, wouldn't Reid know these things? A sociopathic mind strikes me as something Reid would know all about and I'm worried that they're going to make it seem like only she understands certain things on the whole team of behavioural analysts. 


Shouldn't the whole BAU be thinking like that? Is she really bringing a different perspective on mental illness? Really? The BAU team members don't realise that their unsubs are sick and that they should try and prevent things/help the mentally ill? It reminds me of when Reid in Elephant's memory and said 'But you could have prevented it'. It also reminds of every other time Garcia talks about the unsubs tragic past and with how they  sympathise/empathise with an unsub to talk them out of something sometimes. 

I'd also like to apologise if I'm just creating things in my head to get upset about, the new season is giving me really bad anxiety. I have ASD so I take shows far too seriously. I know those things are probably nothing but they're acting her opinion and knowledge is new when it's basically Reid's opinion and knowledge Reid should have but the BAU is thrilled to have her and she's a delight to be around. Sorry if that all doesn't make a lot of sense, I've been typing and deleting for an hour. I find it difficult to articulate how I interpret things because of my ASD.


It makes perfect sense to me. I am getting a serious Mary Sue vibe about newbie. And that is one thing this show does not need. JJ is more than enough. Thank you very much. I hope I am wrong, but I fear she will be yet another one of those bleeping females that will marginalize Reid even more than he's already been by JJ and Garcia.

  • Love 3

It makes perfect sense to me. I am getting a serious Mary Sue vibe about newbie. And that is one thing this show does not need. JJ is more than enough. Thank you very much. I hope I am wrong, but I fear she will be yet another one of those bleeping females that will marginalize Reid even more than he's already been by JJ and Garcia.

And God forbid any television programme take time away from a white man and give it to a woman, and a black women at that.

I honestly don't care how much Reid has to do. As far as I can tell Lewis is a forensic psychologist so of course she has a different skill set (although I'm sure Reid doesn't need all her training to know just as much). And hope she does bring something different because she's the only reason I've decided to tune in to season 11.

  • Love 2

It was really unnecessary to bring this character in. In the past they have worked with a smaller team on several occasions - for instance when Hotch was in Pakistan and Reid was on a sabbatical. I wish they had just used these episodes without JJ to concentrate on the rest of the team. As far as I can see from all the promos, Dr Lewis won't be bringing anything new to the table.

  • Love 4

And God forbid any television programme take time away from a white man and give it to a woman, and a black women at that.


IMO, it won't come to that. Isn't Dr. Tyler only going to be around for a few episodes, while JJ is on maternity leave? If they're going to keep her after JJ comes back, won't some of JJ's screen time have to be reduced so as to give the new character time to settle? There's a conundrum for you.

  • Love 3

IMO, it won't come to that. Isn't Dr. Tyler only going to be around for a few episodes, while JJ is on maternity leave? If they're going to keep her after JJ comes back, won't some of JJ's screen time have to be reduced so as to give the new character time to settle? There's a conundrum for you.

That's not a conundrum for me. I'd be happy for reduced JJ time if it went to Dr Lewis.

  • Love 1

It was really unnecessary to bring this character in. In the past they have worked with a smaller team on several occasions - for instance when Hotch was in Pakistan and Reid was on a sabbatical. I wish they had just used these episodes without JJ to concentrate on the rest of the team. As far as I can see from all the promos, Dr Lewis won't be bringing anything new to the table.

Well clueless MESSer said something about how she wasn't sure if the team could function with less than 6 profilers.Apparently she must have forgotten it functioned just fine with only 5 for the first several seasons. I too wish they would have just concentrated on the remaining team while JJ was gone.

  • Love 3

Well...look at this way. They will be back to five profilers this year (assuming Aisha is not brought in as a series regular later in the season and no one leaves the show). The first six or seven episodes will have five profilers with Tara (and I don't think the show would have gotten away for that many episodes without a prominent female on the team), and then when JJ comes back, they will still have five profilers. So outside of the dynamic of having no media liaison, they will be back to the original configuration of profilers they had for the first six seasons.Hopefully this will translate into more screentime for the team, but that is all dependent on the writers cutting down on the amount of unsub time. 

  • Love 1

That's not a conundrum for me. I'd be happy for reduced JJ time if it went to Dr Lewis.


No offense, but I wouldn't count on it. Because I've been here and done this twice, first with Tripplehorn and then with Hewitt. As long as EM's infatuation with JJ lasts, the writers are going to follow her lead and have Ms. Pantene Hair taking the lead.

  • Love 4

It will be a pretty bad idea on the writers part to lump Reid and Tara together simply because they want to develop Reid's character. Do I want to see Reid finally have a love interest after the Maeve fiasco? Yes, but not like this. I know that it's simply a rumour, but its about time they developed Reid's character more.

As for JJ she is just a tiny bit like a mean girl, my heart would not bleed if she left.

Tara is a good character,I saw the first two episodes and she is nice, smart, a potential good friend of Reid's just not a love interest, please not a love interest.

Personally just bring Prentiss back, please and thankk you.


So far, I'm not feeling anything special or noteworthy about Dr. Lewis. She barely registers.

And, well, I'm just going to dive right in the shallow end here. Aisha Tyler is a stunningly beautiful woman. I meanmean, she's really arrestingly beautiful. Therefore, I do not understand how they managed to make her downright homely in these episodes so far. What is going on on top of her head? Natural hair would look beautiful on her. And she has the complexion of an angel, normally. Compared to, we'll, almost everybody else who has ever been on this show, she looks dumpy in the face, if there is such a thing. I just don't understand how it's even possible.

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