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The West Wing Season Three: Bad Moon Rising

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Despite his concealing a serious illness from the American people, President Bartlet will run again, and he intends to win.


It may not be that simple. First, his decision causes serious friction with his wife, Abbey, who had made the President promise to only serve one term. Next, a team of election consultants led by Bruno Gianelli clashes with the idealistic and resentful staffers. Meanwhile, the House of Representatives begin their probe into the cover-up of Bartlet's illness, with both Donna and Leo finding themselves in sticky situations. To end it all, Bartlet is forced to make a difficult decision.


The staffers' personal lives are not any less complicated, either. Josh finds himself drawn to woman's activist Amy Gardener while Toby confronts the President about his sacrificing of political ideals in order to be liked, which causes a rift between them. Sam is confronted by several challenges, including having to deal with his ex-fiance and a betrayal by a friend that hurts him deeply and embarrasses him publicly.


Finally, C.J. receives a death threat after making pointed comments about Saudi Arabia, threats so serious that they require the protection of the Secret Service.


The President is forced to make a deadly decision when it is uncovered that a foreign diplomat is also a terrorist that has plans to attack the U.S.


Summary via West Wing Wiki




Isaac and Ishmael

Manchester (Part I)

Manchester (Part II)

On the Day Before

War Crimes

Gone Quiet

The Indians in the Lobby

The Women of Qumar

Bartlet for America

H.Con - 172

100,000 Airplanes

The Two Bartlets

Night Five

Hartsfield's Landing

Dead Irish Writers

The U.S. Poet Laureate


Enemies Foreign and Domestic

The Black Vera Wang

We Killed Yamamoto

Posse Comitatus

Documentary Special

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New goal in life- to find a way to work "Yeah. And I'm going to win" into conversation.

Does Abby not want him to run again due to his health, or is there a different reason that I missed?

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"The President finds you all annoying, but not prohibitively debilitating." I love CJ.

By the way, where has Danny been?

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New goal in life- to find a way to work "Yeah. And I'm going to win" into conversation.

Does Abby not want him to run again due to his health, or is there a different reason that I missed?

I think it was more due to Jed's health than anything else. At least as I remember.

It had to do with how long it had been since Jed's initial MS diagnosis--which, as I remember from canon, was before he ran for, & was elected, President (hence Abbey's problems with the AMA & having meds meant for Jed sent to her, prescribed in her name, on the campaign trail). I don't think this is a spoiler for you anymore.

Jed & Abbey had apparently agreed he would be a 1-term only President because, taking into consideration when his MS was diagnosed, he could probably expect a fairly drastic decline in his capabilities by a certain point in a theoretical 2nd term in office (because of how the disease normally progresses--how long it takes to--from the point of initial diagnosis), & that decline could seriously affect how well Jed could physically & mentally carry out the duties of his office, & possibly if he'd actually survive long enough to complete a 2nd term. Abbey didn't want Jed possibly killing himself for the sake of remaining President for the 2 full terms Constitutionally allowed to any holder of the office.

Edited by BW Manilowe
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Does Abby not want him to run again due to his health, or is there a different reason that I missed?


Back in Season 2 in the Stackhouse Filibuster, Jed and Leo were having dinner together in the residence, and this was the conversation:



I made a deal with Abbey... 'cause of my thing.


One term?


[nods] My thing, by the way, is the reason Hoynes stepped up on oil.


'Cause he thinks maybe...




It was three years ago. She can't expect...



So yeah, it was an Abbey thing.

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Last night I watched "On the Day Before" and "War Crimes." Both were excellent episodes. They almost take your breath away. Everything just works together so well.

Donna lying about her diary? Ugh. I felt so badly for her, especially when Josh yelled at her. She was so caught off guard, and it really had no relevance to what she was there for.

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Donna lying about her diary? Ugh. I felt so badly for her, especially when Josh yelled at her. She was so caught off guard, and it really had no relevance to what she was there for.


Like Josh said, that's what they do - they don't have anything on the President about MS, so they keep poking until someone slips up on something unrelated, and they pounce.

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Okay, Gone Quiet.

Highlight was definitely CJ so excited singing "I'm too sexy" as Toby looked on horrified.

For the most part, everyone was unlikable this episode. Toby and the anti-art Congresswoman- he's at his worst when he is browbeating someone who disagrees with him.

I don't like the First Lady's insistence that the laws she broke are no big deal. I understand politics drove a lot of the inquiry, but there is a certain arrogance by the Bartletts in how they act almost victimized by people's outrage.

The Assistant Secretary of State is also a bit of a jerk.

Still a strong episode though.

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I don't like the First Lady's insistence that the laws she broke are no big deal. I understand politics drove a lot of the inquiry, but there is a certain arrogance by the Bartletts in how they act almost victimized by people's outrage.


So, in other words, it is a completely accurate portrayal of politics, both then and especially now. See Clinton, Hillary! And, for the record, I am a Democrat!

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So, in other words, it is a completely accurate portrayal of politics, both then and especially now. See Clinton, Hillary! And, for the record, I am a Democrat!



I just don't buy this outrage over being investigated.  They had to have known that if it came out, they would be investigated. They wouldn't have kept it such a secret if they hadn't known it was a big deal. Toby pointed out a lot of the very real implications to a POTUS with MS in 17 People.  So it irritates me when they play it off as "just politics."  


And all I can think when I see the White House Counsel is his role in the Three Musketeers with Chris O'Donnell. 

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Gone Quiet starred Hal Holbrook ... I have always liked him as an actor, and so the episode was good based on that alone. 


I may be the only one with this opinion, but I love it when Jed acts all child-like ... and he did that a lot when he was in the room with Albie Duncan.  I loved it when he was banging his head on his desk, I busted a gut.  ::giggle::


It wasn't an action packed episode by no means, but it still had it's moment that bring the season together.

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Gone Quiet starred Hal Holbrook ... I have always liked him as an actor, and so the episode was good based on that alone.

I may be the only one with this opinion, but I love it when Jed acts all child-like ... and he did that a lot when he was in the room with Albie Duncan. I loved it when he was banging his head on his desk, I busted a gut. ::giggle::

It wasn't an action packed episode by no means, but it still had it's moment that bring the season together.

I loved where he was asked for a soda so he asked Charlie to get a soda and copy of the succession order. ;)

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It's also subtly hilarious that it's so Leo McGarry that Leo was captivated by Albie's disaster submarine war stories, what with Leo's focus on the military, his reverence for Things Heroic Men Did. and his quirky boyish interest in trivia that he fails to mask as the resident grown-up in the White House.

Albie: Oxygen depletion, fainting, migraines, couldn't cook, couldn't light a cigarette.

Leo: They smoke in subs?

Albie: They used to. The Oklahoma. The Hornet. The Lexington, a CV 2. The USS Wasp. The Wasp is a CV 7 out in the Solomon Islands...

Cue above gif of Bartlet banging his head on the desk!

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Early this morning, I watched "The Women of Qumar" and that was a beautiful piece of work. It really solidified my CJ love even more.

When she said "You know if I was living in Qumar I wouldn't be allowed to say 'shove it up your ass, Toby.' But since I'm not, shove it up your ass, Toby" I definitely laughed. But she is an amazing actress and you really felt her pain.  It was a good episode that really showcased the different conflicts that the White House faces daily - sign an arms deal that you feel you need for protection but is with a country with horrible civil rights' abuses?  Inform the public about possible mad cow disease and possibly cause an unneeded panic or not tell anyone and let things get worse? Legalize prostitution to give women that choice or realize that it isn't really a choice and legislate it?  There wasn't an easy answer on any of them.


I also watched "Bartlett for America."  That was quite the emotional ride.  John Spencer is an amazing actor.  I was glad Cliff stood up for Leo because after the incident with Donna I was kind of doubting Ainsley setting him and Donna up.

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Early this morning, I watched "The Women of Qumar" and that was a beautiful piece of work. It really solidified my CJ love even more.

When she said "You know if I was living in Qumar I wouldn't be allowed to say 'shove it up your ass, Toby.' But since I'm not, shove it up your ass, Toby" I definitely laughed. But she is an amazing actress and you really felt her pain.  It was a good episode that really showcased the different conflicts that the White House faces daily - sign an arms deal that you feel you need for protection but is with a country with horrible civil rights' abuses?  Inform the public about possible mad cow disease and possibly cause an unneeded panic or not tell anyone and let things get worse? Legalize prostitution to give women that choice or realize that it isn't really a choice and legislate it?  There wasn't an easy answer on any of them.


I also watched "Bartlett for America."  That was quite the emotional ride.  John Spencer is an amazing actor.  I was glad Cliff stood up for Leo because after the incident with Donna I was kind of doubting Ainsley setting him and Donna up.


Wait ... did you skip Indians in the Lobby???

One of my favorite scenes is in that episode ... don't want to spoil it if you haven't seen it

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No, I watched that one.  Maybe I just didn't have any deep thoughts to post about it.  ;)  (Deep thoughts is tongue in cheek.)  I liked it but it made me sad at the same time.

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This scene, I can't say it's my favorite of the whole series, but it's in the top five at least.  It makes me smile every single time I see it.



Jed:  If I cook it inside the turkey, is there a chance I could kill my guests? I'm not saying that's necessarily a deal-breaker.



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I also watched "Bartlett for America."  That was quite the emotional ride.  John Spencer is an amazing actor.  I was glad Cliff stood up for Leo because after the incident with Donna I was kind of doubting Ainsley setting him and Donna up.


BFA is my favorite episode of the series. There's just something so substantial about the way Leo handled the people on the committee so deftly, yet was powerless over alcohol. There are other aspects as well: the problem with Hoynes. getting to see Mrs L again, the bit about the napkin, Leo's interplay with Jordan.  

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In BFA I loved the continuity ... almost a throw away line by Josh ...


No, Leo, no. It's 'cause a guy is walking down the street and he falls into a hole, see.


That line right there, it established there was more than work between all these players, there was a genuine friendship that was turning into family.


And a silly little thing about Leo I noticed ... with the handwriting on the napkin as well as the notepad on Let Bartlet be Bartlet ... it always reminded me of an architects handwriting, and I fancied Leo starting life maybe wanting to be something other than going to Vietnam and then being in politics.  


Like I said ... silly.  

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From Indians in the White House Lobby, Sam trying to bamboozle the statistician is so underrated. I love Sam trying to nickname her "Bernie" to cozy up.

Sam: But how will you know I'm your buddy?

Bernice: I'm ok being in the dark on that.

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H Con 172 was amazing. I'm so glad that the President stood up and admitted he made a mistake. But I loved Leo ready to take the fall to keep that from happening.

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"Is the reason you two didn't get married is because her name would have been Lisa Sherborne Seaborn?"  I love CJ so much.


Even aside from that, 100,000 Airplanes was a great episode.  

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Even aside from that, 100,000 Airplanes was a great episode.


I love that episode and it is a nice break from the intensity of the prior 2, which are among the best ever done in the series....and hence the best ever done for TV

I love the idealism that shines through, and I, for one, kinda hope all leaders have some of those types of grand goals, even if reality tamps it down over time.

"Get these guys some pie"


ETA: I wanted to read the TWOP recap and that website is still messed up and my backdoor route has been closed...so no such luck

Edited by AriAu
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But in addition to the idealism, I like the moral grayness that Jed really gravitated to state a goal to cure cancer in his State of the Union *because* of the censure. Yes, I think Jed always wanted to cure cancer and he's an idealistic politician who loves setting lofty goals, both to see good things realized and because he's that pretentious. However, he really ran to put that in his SoTU right before the speech because he wanted to get up off the dirt of the censure and MS investigation. I love:

JOEY [sIGNING THROUGH KENNY]: Did he find a cure for cancer? 'Cause if he found a cure for cancer, I think that would be interesting. I think that was something we should share. But he didn't. He wants to find a cure for cancer, and he wants to say that in the State of the Union. You know what my response would be? Me too, but is this the first time you had that thought?
CHARLIE: Sign "union" again. That was cool.
Joey signs the word.
CHARLIE: No. It must have been a different word.

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In BFA I loved the continuity ... almost a throw away line by Josh ...


No, Leo, no. It's 'cause a guy is walking down the street and he falls into a hole, see.


That line right there, it established there was more than work between all these players, there was a genuine friendship that was turning into family.


Just got a little misty in here!

Then Josh tried to hug Leo and "boy, did you read that wrong". Yes, it was more than co-workers, which is why I wanted to work in the Bartlet White House and be friends with these people!

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Ah ... Jordan ... I loved Jordan so much and thought she was so perfect for Leo.  


I loved it in H Con 172 when they were discussing "the book" ... they were all sitting around the table:


The book's in stores in three weeks. In a week, the press will have excerpts. That's how much time I have to turn this guy into a punch line.

"Bartlet was playing a round of golf with Toby Ziegler, the prickly, mumbling Communications Director whose inner, bitter darkness spelled the breakup of the one marriage we know about."

It was miniature golf, wasn't it?

Yeah. Sam, got anything else?



Everyone was handling the MS in their own way ... for Sam it was making the author of this book regret he ever wrote it.  But that scene above, OMG, just the acting, the pausing, I thought it was perfect!


This is so much fun!!!

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Just got a little misty in here!

Then Josh tried to hug Leo and "boy, did you read that wrong". Yes, it was more than co-workers, which is why I wanted to work in the Bartlet White House and be friends with these people!

I think of this at work a lot...I have a lot of clients who hug me....so it can get weirdly akward when I bring a senior executive with me and they are hoping they don't have to hug these strangers....

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There's this exchange from H Con 172:


JORDAN - You left without me.

LEO - Well, if you're going to make a strong exit, you really can't wait for someone to get their purse together.

JORDAN - How long does it take to get a purse together?

LEO - A question I've been asking my entire adult life.



Like a 50's screwball comedy.  

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I know that I am in the minority but I really thought Isaac and Ishmael was well done.

At the time, I loathed it.  The country was so raw and it felt so out of place with the story.  I have since gone back and watched it a number of times and I think it was a really strong episode.  It did nothing to add to the narrative but the way that Sorkin handled the intricacies and nuance of the topic was very very well done.

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I find it profoundly ignorant and offensive.  The one recap I kept when TWoP shuttered was the one for I&I, because the author hit on pretty much every single thing I hated about it.  (In fact, that recap is how I found TWoP in the first place.  A couple of colleagues and I had been discussing the many errors and other problems with that episode, and one mentioned, "There's this website about TV shows, and they really nailed it ..."  The rest is history.)

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I find it profoundly ignorant and offensive.  The one recap I kept when TWoP shuttered was the one for I&I, because the author hit on pretty much every single thing I hated about it.  (In fact, that recap is how I found TWoP in the first place.  A couple of colleagues and I had been discussing the many errors and other problems with that episode, and one mentioned, "There's this website about TV shows, and they really nailed it ..."  The rest is history.)


Did you keep it in a format that it could be sent to an interested party?  I found the first page and was enjoying it, but I can't get other pages of any recaps to load.

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Hartsfield's Landing - too much chess. Kinda boring. CJ and Charlie were funny though.

Dead Irish Poets is hilarious. Particularly drunk CJ. However, I don't like Amy and I really don't like Lord John Marbury.

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Lemon Lyman? A website of all things Josh? Hehe. I don't like the characterization of Internet message board posters or moderators though. ;)

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