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S11.E16: Brad Sherwood

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Guest comedian Brad Sherwood.




Intros: Wayne- Young, Gifted & Black, Brad- Tall, Dark & Handsome, Colin- Old, Bald & Canadian and Ryan- Words fail me.

Games: Let's Make a Date, Props, Secret, Scenes From a Hat, and Greatest Hits.


It was fun. I especially thought Aisha's great enthusiasm for Brad post-LMaD was very funny. Brad was pretty close, if not just right on, so I get her excitement. It just seemed funny that the reaction was so outsized to "guy guesses right." *g*


Can someone get word to the CW or someone that Secrets needs to be put on hold for a bit? While it was funny that Colin actually smacked Ryan real good, in general, I found the bit really boring. Hey, can George Lucas/ The Lucasfilm get really outraged over Secrets, like how they did over Amy Schumer?


Scenes From a Hat was very fun! Ryan's ender for the first suggestion was  why they had to move on. Wrong and yet, still a bit funny.


Greatest Hits carried on with fun mixes and showed why Brad got to have a centric episode. He and Wayne were doing so good! I wanted the segment to eat Significant Mother's time up. (No dis to the SM; I just wanted more of the guys playing around.)


I was perfectly fine with most of Props, but the gross stuff...I just wasn't feeling it tonight. "Colin's "Keep explaining it until they laugh," made me laugh harder.  Also? Boomerang!! *g*


LMaD was okay, but while Wayne did an spot-on Robo-impersonation, Ryan was an excellent nervous gazelle and Brad was trying to make the questions potential fodder, Wayne and Colin seemed to eat up the segment. I'm not even upset, but how many more times are we going to see dry-humping? It just seemed, again, boring. I was glad that Brad could easily guess, and Wayne can seemingly rock any pair of shades that cross his path. 


Like I said, nothing was so horrid that it diminished my fun, but the sheer repetition is starting to bore. It's worth a re-watch or two, minimum.

Edited by Actionmage

I always like it when they interact with the audience. They should do Purses again. And I would really enjoy a whole episode of Greatest Hits. I would like to see a few more song variations. Ryan seemed bored with this game the last few times, though. I wonder if he's tired of being the set up guy.

Edited by Good Queen Jane
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Aisha getting super-excited about Brad guessing right just annoyed me. Settle down, Aisha. 


I thought the games were all pretty good. I'm also kind of tired of Secret, but mainly because they always make the thing in the box sexual. I wish they would leave more to the imagination. Allow Colin and Ryan to show how creative they are. They could make a hilarious sketch out of a loaf of bread being in the box. 


I feel similarly about LMAD. The descriptions are too specific and too much of a setup. When we see that Ryan is a gazelle afraid he's being hunted, of course Colin is going to end up eating him. 

I feel similarly about LMAD. The descriptions are too specific and too much of a setup. When we see that Ryan is a gazelle afraid he's being hunted, of course Colin is going to end up eating him.


Now, it could be that I've been watching the show, but why couldn't Colin do a "sexy Hannibal Lecter"?  The rubbing the nipples thing and the dry-humping didn't make sense, to me, because Colin's castaway was sexing on Robocop. An evil Robocop at that. 


I did like Brad's shrug and then going to pile on. I mean, what else are you to do?


I was disappointed in the editing after Secrets. We are shown Ryan gathering what he's going to use for a joke. Granted, to the folks in the audience, it wouldn't have been a real surprise, but then again, I think the TV audience would figure out where Ryan got his prop.

I thought the games were all pretty good. I'm also kind of tired of Secret, but mainly because they always make the thing in the box sexual. I wish they would leave more to the imagination. Allow Colin and Ryan to show how creative they are. They could make a hilarious sketch out of a loaf of bread being in the box. 


Wasn't there a game (in the original series) where Ryan and Coling had to do an infomercial using random stuff they were given in a box? 


Personally, although it is often very funny, I feel like they rely on the sex jokes much too often. When the show started on ABC (?) it was a show you could watch with smaller children, but it would be uncomfortable now.  I just think the "dirty" humor is too easy - these guys can be way more clever than that.  It is not necessarily the guys' faults - the descriptions of the games often lean toward the sexual humor (thing you can say about your furniture but not your partner, putting the lingerie in the Secrets box, Colin's LMaD character was supposed to be horny, etc...)  

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Wasn't there a game (in the original series) where Ryan and Coling had to do an infomercial using random stuff they were given in a box? 

     Isn't it just called.... Informercial? :P


Personally, although it is often very funny, I feel like they rely on the sex jokes much too often. When the show started on ABC (?) it was a show you could watch with smaller children, but it would be uncomfortable now.  I just think the "dirty" humor is too easy - these guys can be way more clever than that.  It is not necessarily the guys' faults - the descriptions of the games often lean toward the sexual humor (thing you can say about your furniture but not your partner, putting the lingerie in the Secrets box, Colin's LMaD character was supposed to be horny, etc...)  

       Sigh... I'll have to partially disagree about the show being watchable for children when it originally aired on ABC. Take from it someone who started watching it at 4 years old in its first airing, and still remembering my mother saying how it was inappropriate for me with their 'suggestive', dirty sexual jokes. Albeit, not as dirty and raunchy as the suggestions from the current season, but just enough for her to cover my viewing with a towel. Perhaps the dirty jokes worked around the early 2000s since the show's format was completely foreign, new, and experimental to US viewers that it provided an edge the cast members can play with. Today, it's the same formula, but it's been heavily modified to the point it's not fun anymore trying to guess what they'll play next. Everyone knows how the show works and for the most part expects the show to evolve from its predecessor. Now I've heard from a bird that there were a couple new games introduced during the taping. If the running time allows it, I'm hoping they'll continue to break away from the generic Living Scenery-Helping Hands-Minimal Use of 4th Chair-Celebrity Stashing formula. So far they're trying, but not exactly trying enough.


        As for this episode itself, the moments that caught my attention to were the interaction between Brad and Aisha. I can't help the hugs and the high-fives between the two feel more genuine than how she interacts with the others. Also, the episode proves that you can't underestimate the intuition and awesomeness of Brad. No wonder he doesn't play LMAD frequently: he's just too good at guessing.


Now, it could be that I've been watching the show, but why couldn't Colin do a "sexy Hannibal Lecter"?  

        Because if Colin tried to portray Hannibal Lecter, NBC might sue the show for copyright issues. Also, love your taste in Hannibal. Good show, too.

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Sigh... I'll have to partially disagree about the show being watchable for children when it originally aired on ABC. Take from it someone who started watching it at 4 years old in its first airing, and still remembering my mother saying how it was inappropriate for me with their 'suggestive', dirty sexual jokes. Albeit, not as dirty and raunchy as the suggestions from the current season, but just enough for her to cover my viewing with a towel.


My kids were around 9-12 years old when they started watching the original, and there were a few moments I cringed a bit, but it was okay overall, for their age (I agree with your mother, 4 would be a too young).  A lot of the innuendos went over the their heads early on - not sure if any of them understood why we laughed so hard at the song about golf - "a squirrel chewed my bag and my balls fell out."  I may be misremembering it, but I don't recall any humping or nipple tweaking or crotch grabbing back then. 

Edited by needschocolate

 Ryan seemed bored with this game the last few times, though. I wonder if he's tired of being the set up guy.

Ryan seems bored with the whole show, IMHO. Every time he's called out of the chair to play a game, it rarely feels like he's happy or excited about doing it. Part of that's just personality, but of the whole cast he most gives the impression this is just for a paycheck.

I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing that the show seems to be relying too much on sexual humor. I know the previous version had some sexual humor as well, but (probably due to the censors) it was more hidden which made it more funny, IMO, and clever. Wayne Brady actually gave an interview recently about how for an improv class he's teaching (or something like that) he has them work without swearing because it allows them to try harder instead of relying on the easiest humor. That's why bits like "things you can say about your [blank], but not your partner" and "if you know what I mean" are so great - they essentially make the same joke but the way they get there is much more impressive (I still can't believe Colin got away with saying "come!" after the "things you can say about your dog, but not your girlfriend"). I guess I just expect more from this particular show.

Though at least they didn't do Dead Bodies this episode. That's another one where I'm just uncomfortable watching now because even though I know the guest must be aware of what Colin may do, it's so predictable and a bit creepy which is why it's better when it's not used so much.

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