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S04.E18: Where The Wild Things Are

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This is probably the most hated S4 episode – besides Beer Bad. I personally enjoy it for the entertaining Scoobies' interactions. The Buffy/Riley sex doesn't bother me – at least it didn't take a lot of screen time.


Here's my recap + notes of the episode:


* Buffy and her shiny pants are on petrol once again – I'm probably one of the minority who enjoy SMG's S4 curly hair. As she hurries to load her crossbow and is about to shoot the vampire, she instead lowers her crossbow and smiles with pride watching her boyfriend kicking ass. Despite her talk about slayers being alone, there's no denying that Buffy enjoys having a sidekick, especially a competent one like Riley.


* Xander and Anya are in Xander's ice cream truck. Xander is inviting her to go with him to the frat party Riley is having – seems that Xander is over his townie insecurities. Anya doesn't wanna go for obvious reasons Xander is oblivious to – the Initiative. Xander insists that she should go – funny for a guy who is "ashamed of his girlfriend" *eyes the anti-Xander crowd* 'cause, you know, a person who is embarrassed and ashamed of his partner wouldn't press them so much to attend a social gathering with a lot of people in it. Then Xander and Anya start the clichéd "You don't think I'm attractive" "I'm never gonna win this argument."


Anyway, Anya is upset with Xander because they didn't have sex last night because in her mind she believes that no sex means the relationship is over – you'd think Anya would have more insight into the workings of relationships, but since she's dealt with millions of unfaithful men during her time as a vengeance demon, she's ought to assume the worst in them.


Xander, on the other hand, doesn't comprehend her logic and tells her that they have gone other nights without sex. The two nights when Spike used to live with him in his basement. He doesn't understand her insecurity and tells her that a relationship isn't based on sex, which is something Xander longs for after years of watching his parents' empty relationship. Obviously, his relationship with Anya at this point is all about sex, but Xander wants more. He doesn't want another Faith experience, he wants a real girlfriend.


*Anya meets Spike on the street close to the Bronze. Spike has sunk so low he's started scaring people for money – thankfully he doesn't seem to be bothered by it, as long as he gets his blood, beers and the joy of watching the humans quail.


Anya, who is in a bad mood after her confrontation with Xander in the morning, remarks that this is why Spike doesn't have any friends. Spike reminds her that she doesn't have many friends, except for Droopy Boy who is not with her at the moment.

The two of them end up bonding in the Bronze. This is foreshadowing to S6 when they'd bond again in the Magic Box. Both have so much in common: they used to be at the top of the ladder, respected and feared by many, but now that they lost their bite-powers; they’re at the bottom, a laughing stock. Spike, slayer of slayers, is now scaring people for money and the slayer's punching bag. Anya, punisher of traitorous men, is constantly getting hurt by a teenage boy. How pathetic.


*So, Xander starts hitting on the first girl he sees at the frat house despite still being with Anya. Tsk, tsk, tsk.


*I can understand people's displeasure with this episode. Poor Buffy does nothing but have sex with Riley. Literally nothing – except the vampire slayage in the beginning.


*Willow and Tara talk about horses – I imagine there are several Tillow horseback riding fics out there – and Willow mentions a bad pony experience at her 4th birthday party – I love when the characters reveal new facts about themselves in the past. Willow touches Tara's knee and Tara freaks out, obviously the doing of the haunted frat house party, but I think it was the writers preparing us for the Willow/Tara reveal, in case we missed any past sexual innuendos. I also think it's a dig at the audience who did think it was disgusting back then, I wasn't part of fandom back then so I'm not sure how ugly the fanbase was when Willow came out.


* Xander had no right attacking Anya for arriving to the party with Spike. He was flirting with a girl a few minutes ago! Double standards much! My only explanation to this is that he started to flirt with Julie, felt bad about it and headed for the door to get out of the party – he wasn't having fun without Anya anyway. Then he sees Anya coming in with Spike, gets jealous and they start fighting. This is the only plausible explanation because when Anya walked in he was going on and on about them still in a relationship and having a fight doesn't mean it's over, and for God's sake not having sex for one night certainly doesn't mean the relationship is over.


Then Anya shocks him with the unfortunate truth: they have nothing in common. The only thing that kept them together for so long was sex. The sensible thing to do was break up because really, where is this thing going? Their relationship was nothing but two lonely persons reaching out for each other and that's why both of them are upset when they called it off: now they're where they first started, alone.


"I've put up with a hell of a lot from you," Xander said to Anya. Having Anya as a girlfriend isn't easy, she's constantly blurting out insensitive comments to his friends, constantly talking about their private sex life, constantly trying to get him to leave his friends behind and start a life with her and only her. Not to mention her lack of social skills and how it gets on his friends' bad side.


It's easy to focus on the negatives when he's in a fight with Anya, because judging by how upset both of them are, they both know they need each other. Lately, Anya is the only one who notices Xander, only one who praises him, only one who genuinely wants to be with him. She took care of him when he was sick and supported him with every lousy job he took.


As for Anya, Xander was the only one who took her in, the only one who noticed her, the only one who bothers to teach her about how to be a human. He beat up Spike for her, brings her to every Scooby meeting and social gatherings, openly hugs and snuggles to her in front of his friends despite knowing that Willow doesn't like her.


Both of them are good for each other, but they don't know it yet.


* Playing spinning the bottle with Julie and her college friends, Xander gets nervous and uncertain when the bottle lands on Julie. He keeps checking to see if Anya's around and gives Julie a quick peck on the cheek. He clearly wants to be with Anya – that supports my argument about him feeling bad about the flirting earlier and deciding to run for the exit.


*Xander was the first to notice that there's something weird going on in the party. Willow is second, and it's cute how she first looks for Xander and then Tara – the bitter fan in me takes whatever Xander/Willow friendship callouts they throw at me.


*"Is every frat on this campus haunted? And if so, why do people keep coming to these parties, cause it's not the snacks." Best quote of the episode.


*"We need Buffy." However, Buffy isn't available. And this is one of the many times where the Scoobies have to rely on their own to save the day.


*We get a foreshadowing of Tara's plotline in Family, when she gazes down the balcony on the main floor. It looks like she's mumbling something – it was an attempt to keep the audience guessing about Tara's true nature: is she good or evil?


*Poor Spike. He's without a doubt S4's comic relief.


*The problem with Anya is that she's too literal. Buffy is a slayer. Riley is a soldier. They can save themselves. She can barely grasp the fact that even superheroes need saving from time to time.


*Spike was about to help Xander, except he convinced himself not to. Always one of the funniest moments in the episode.


*Xander is too brave for his own good. While his heart in the right place, Anya is right. He can't save them by himself. When he realizes that, painfully, he suggests going to Giles.


* Love the reactions of the Scoobies to Giles singing:

Willow fondly remembers her old crush on Giles – she had a picture of him in her locker in high school.
Xander is horrified.
Tara admires his skillful singing.
Anya is mostly turned on.
And then there's Giles' embarrassment when he catches them staring at him.


*I love how Willow quickly finds related information in a book so fast during research.


*I can see why people hate the logic of this episode. It doesn't make the slightest bit of sense that only Buffy and Riley's sex triggered the madness – what about the other teens in the house? What about Buffy and Riley's previous sexual activities?


* I find it funny and interesting that Xander and Anya are the heroes of an episode that revolves around sex.


*The vines remind me of Sleeping Beauty – Xander and Anya are the prince hacking off the vines in order to save Buffy and Riley who are sleeping in sexual bliss.


*It's so disturbing that the children are too young to have sexual desires.


*I love, love, love Xander and Anya's team. I forgot how wonderful they are together. I wish we had more Xander and Anya bodying together to save the day. Anya looks serious and focused. Less sex crazed and far more enjoyable.


* Faulty logic aside, I love that the solution was to just open the door. Heh.


Okay, here ends the episode. I don't focus on the plot because it's simply idiotic and the research went too fast. Though I did enjoy Xander and Anya's role as knights in shining armor, and just Xander and Anya are the best thing about the episode, I mostly enjoy it for the Scoobies' interactions and nothing more.

Edited by SosaLola
  • Love 1
Buffy and Riley are spending all their time in bed (and they're not sleeping). Their round-the-clock exploration of each other awakens the spirits of children who were sexually repressed by their foster mother back when Lowell House was a home for orphaned and runaway kids. Willow, Giles and Tara divert the angry children while Xander and Anya go to try and stop Buffy and Riley.

Just another reminder that the Scoobs are pretty much able to deal with the challenges without Buffy in charge (therefore Spikey was dead wrong in Doomed). While the Slayer is temporary unavailable, Xander becomes the hero of the day. IMO sometimes the show needs a little less Buffy and her current boyfriend, and a little more of the gang. I cannot fail to mention how cute do Anya and Spike look together. In fact they belong together. Still wonder why on earth did the writers decide not to develop that story. Am I the only one who sees how adorable those characters are? 

What could be sweeter than that?


ANYA VOICEOVER: Boy, I miss those powers.

(Cut to Anya and Spike sitting on a couch at the Bronze, holding beers and looking morose. Spike has his arm along the top of the couch, almost touching her.)
SPIKE: Yeah, tell me about it.
ANYA: A year and a half ago, I could have eviscerated him with my thoughts. Now I can barely hurt his feelings. (Sighs) Things used to be so much simpler.
SPIKE: (wistfully) You know ... you take the killing for granted. (Anya nods nostalgically.) And then it's gone, and you're like, "I wish I'd appreciated it more." Stopped and smelled the corpses, you know?
ANYA: Yeah. Now everything's complicated.
SPIKE: It's a terrible thing, love is. I been there myself. (Pause) It ended badly.
ANYA: Of course it did. It always does. Seen a thousand relationships. First there's the love, and sex, and then there's nothing left but the vengeance. That's how it works.
(Spike smiles, leans in really close.)
SPIKE: You and I ... should just go do the vengeance. Both of us! You eviscerate Xander, and I'll stake Dru. Like a project.
(Anya looks tempted.)
ANYA: I don't know. I just can't. (Sighs)
(Spike looks resigned. He takes his arm down.)
ANYA: (encouraging) You can go do Dru though.
SPIKE: (nods) Yeah. I will. (Sits still for a moment) Maybe later.
(Anya smiles. They sit together quietly.)

  True soulmates.


Why did it take two seasons for the writers to realize?

Not impressed with Giles' musical skills though. Or maybe I just don't like "Behind Blue Eyes"...

Edited by lembergwatcher

Well, that scene is nicely nicely thematic, but it's hardly Spike's best work in the episode, IMO:


The front door swings open and Anya and Spike enter, buzzing from beer and each other's company. Spike eyes a couple GUYS passing by.

SPIKE: Hey-I know these guys from somewhere.

ANYA: Initiative soldiers. They live here. The experiments happen in the lab under the house. That's where they kept you and put in your chip. Let's have fun.

Spike stares at her, appalled.

SPIKE: What are you doing? You brought me here?

XANDER: Anya?!

Xander has found them. Also appalled.

XANDER (cont'd): What are you doing? You brought him here?

SPIKE: That's what I said. Only I hit the "here" part.


And of course, this famous bit:


WILLOW: Wait! We have to go back!

ANYA: Why?

XANDER: Because Buffy and Riley are trapped.

ANYA: So? She's the slayer, he's a big soldier boy. What do they need you for?

XANDER: Look around, Anya. There's ghosts and shaking and people going all Felicity with their hair… We're fresh out of super-people and somebody's got to go back in there. Now who's with me?

SPIKE: I am.

Spike grinds out his cigarette and steps boldly forward.

SPIKE (cont'd): I know I'm not first choice for  heroics - and Buffy's tried to kill me more than once - and I don't fancy a single one of you all - but:

Long beat while Spike thinks…

SPIKE (cont'd): Actually, that all sounds pretty convincing. (beat) Think Asian House is still open?

He picks up a plastic cup from the ground, wipes out the inside with his sleeve and walks off into the night.

Xander looks to Anya.

ANYA: Xander, let's get out of here.

XANDER: You want to bail? Fine. I'm going back in there and I'm not coming out 'til I bring my friend with me.

He runs back through the door only to be THROWN ten feet back out by an INVISIBLE FORCE - drops on the front path. Looks up painfully.

XANDER (cont'd): Or it could be Watcher-Time.

Heck, I even have good words for Tara in this one.  (Yes, that Tara.  Honestly.)


TARA: So you don't even know if [Anya]'s coming tonight?

XANDER: I'm thinking no. She was pretty mad.  And I'm starting to wonder, is it me?  Am I the crazy one?

BUFFY (absently): Uh-huh. Absolutely.

Xander turns to Buffy, surprised, then realizes she's looking at…


He sees her too, smiles. Wants her.


Exchange a look. Buffy isn't hearing them.

WILLOW: Hey, Buffy, this might be a good time to mention that someone so not me spilled something purpley on your new peasant top that I would never borrow without asking. You love me?

BUFFY: Uh-huh. (then) Huh? What about my peasant top?

WILLOW: Nothing.

TARA: Xander was talking about Anya.

Aw, that's some good girlfriending.  She's not even technically lying; Xander was talking about Anya.  Tara's just skipping over the "Willow's confession" part.

Don't get me wrong; this is far from a good episode.  It's Tracey Forbes doing her "Buffy's acting weird, so the Scoobs have to make do without her" shtick for a third freaking time.  More fun than Something Blue, but lacks the thematic punch (and B/W/X goodness) of Beer Bad.  And the time spent on B/R sex (including that stupid high-angle camera shot) and random Initiative dudes is a complete waste.

Still, it has its pleasures:


XANDER: Yeah! You smell sin? Well, let me tell you something, lady. She who smelt it, dealt it! (Off Giles' look) It's like what you said, but faster.


Edited by Halting Hex
On ‎29‎/‎07‎/‎2015 at 11:49 PM, SosaLola said:

*Willow and Tara talk about horses – I imagine there are several Tillow horseback riding fics out there – and Willow mentions a bad pony experience at her 4th birthday party – I love when the characters reveal new facts about themselves in the past. Willow touches Tara's knee and Tara freaks out, obviously the doing of the haunted frat house party, but I think it was the writers preparing us for the Willow/Tara reveal, in case we missed any past sexual innuendos. I also think it's a dig at the audience who did think it was disgusting back then, I wasn't part of fandom back then so I'm not sure how ugly the fanbase was when Willow came out.


* Xander had no right attacking Anya for arriving to the party with Spike. He was flirting with a girl a few minutes ago! Double standards much! My only explanation to this is that he started to flirt with Julie, felt bad about it and headed for the door to get out of the party – he wasn't having fun without Anya anyway. Then he sees Anya coming in with Spike, gets jealous and they start fighting. This is the only plausible explanation because when Anya walked in he was going on and on about them still in a relationship and having a fight doesn't mean it's over, and for God's sake not having sex for one night certainly doesn't mean the relationship is over.


* Love the reactions of the Scoobies to Giles singing:

Willow fondly remembers her old crush on Giles – she had a picture of him in her locker in high school.
Xander is horrified.
Tara admires his skillful singing.
Anya is mostly turned on.
And then there's Giles' embarrassment when he catches them staring at him.


Plenty of riding between Tara and Will in fanfic! It was interesting when Will came out, it outraged a minority but most were delighted, It's not just that Anya finds someone else but it's Spike, I understand his outrage (especially after losing Buffy to Angel). By contrast the lovely Julie is just another girl for Anya.

 Rupert Giles, god of acoustic rock! Much as with Jonathon, even Tara comes running back to boystown. 

Edited by Joe Hellandback
On ‎10‎/‎08‎/‎2015 at 10:16 AM, pootlus said:

About the only thing I remember is the PSA during the Buffy/Riley sexathon when they reach for condoms. So alongside the concept of Riley sex, I have to envisage shrink-wrapped Riley sex.

Well, Buffy has been reckless with sex before and it didn't go well...

On ‎23‎/‎08‎/‎2018 at 9:31 PM, lembergwatcher said:


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Why did it take two seasons for the writers to realize?

Not impressed with Giles' musical skills though. Or maybe I just don't like "Behind Blue Eyes"...

For shame! For SHAME!

On ‎23‎/‎08‎/‎2018 at 11:53 PM, Halting Hex said:

  And the time spent on B/R sex (including that stupid high-angle camera shot) and random Initiative dudes is a complete waste.

Still, it has its pleasures:


I kind of like the Initiative guys solo, about the only time we see Forrest and Graham together without Riley.

The Good; Nice that with Buffy and Riley ahem, preoccupied the other Scoobs have a chance to shine for a change.

The Bad; Vines look a little lame but apart from that all good.

Best line; Giles "Do you really think they're keeping it up? Oh for a different phrasing"

Women good/men bad; In this case a female villain, the religious zealot 'carer'

Jeez!; The drowning scenes are horrible, a very primal human fear.

Kinky dinky; Basically one big marathon sex session between Buffy and Riley (at least they use protection) plus the house sending sexual energy surging through it's inhabitants. Plus Anya and Xander in the ice-cream van. Anya comments that Xander and she both like his penis. Apparently there's only been 2 nights where Xander and Anya haven't had sex, to paraphrase Buffy 'Xander is quite the machine' Xander gets to kiss the lovely Julie. Xander refers to a big bursting poltergasm.

Calling Captain Subtext; Anya, Tara and Willow seem remarkably keen on Giles playing his guitar (Willow always had a thing for guitarists) again suggesting bi-Willow and even bi-Tara. Her revelation about her crush must have had Gillow fans going into overtime. Tara has a moment of homophobia due to the house's influence. Spike and Anya bond over their past evil. Spike seems to want to be heroic when Xander asks for volunteers to rescue Buffy? Willow seems scared of horses although she seems to have gotten over that


by the end of season 5

. Tara tells Willow she can come 'Riding with me sometime' Ohhhhh matron! Willow asks Buffy if she still loves her despite having spilt 'something purple' on her peasant blouse (the answer is yes). Spike says that love is a terrible thing just as he does in 'Lover's Walk'. 'Dingoes ate my baby' poster visible for the last time.

Scoobies to the ER; Anya and Xander are pretty cut up by the end but their injuries seem to heal pretty fast, perhaps because they're mystical?


Where's Dawn? Home with Joyce

Apocalypses; 5,

Whedon Clichés (with kind permission from Boo) Scoobies in bondage: Buffy: 8 Giles: 4 Cordy: 5 Will: 3 Jenny: 1 Angel: 4 Oz: 1 Faith: 3 Joyce: 1 Wes: 1

Scoobies knocked out: Buffy: 15 Giles: 10 Cordy: 6 Xander: 8 Will: 5 Jenny: 2 Angel: 6 Oz: 3 Faith: 1 Joyce: 2 Wes: 1

Kills: Buffy: 1 demon for Buffy so 79 vamps, 27 demons, 6 monsters, 3 humans, 1 werewolf, 1 spirit warrior & a robot Giles: 5 vamps, 1 demon Cordy: 3 vamps, a demon Will: 4 vamps Angel: 3 vamps, 1 demon, 1 human Oz: 3 vamps, 1 zombie Faith: 16 vamps, 5 demons, 3 humans Xander: 5 vamps, 2 zombies, a demon, a demon Anya: a demon Riley; 1 vamp for Riley so 12 vamps + 6 demons

Scoobies go evil: Giles: 1 Cordy: 1 Will: 2 Jenny: 1 Angel: 1 Oz: 1 Joyce: 1 Xander: 2

Alternate scoobies: Buffy: 6 Giles: 3 Cordy: 1 Will: 2 Jenny: 2 Angel: 3 Oz: 2 Joyce: 2 Xander: 3

Recurring characters killed: 7 Jesse, Flutie, Jenny, Kendra, Larry, Snyder, Professor Walsh

Total number of scoobies: 6 actually going to reduce this as Spike not officially a Scooby by a long way Giles, Xander, Willow, Buffy, Anya, Riley,

Xander demon magnet: 5 Preying Mantis Lady, Inca Mummy Girl, Drusilla, VampWillow, Anya (arguably Buffy & Faith with their demon essences?)

Scoobies shot: Giles: 2 Angel: 3 Oz: 4

Notches on Scooby bedpost: Giles: 2; Joyce & Olivia, possibly Jenny Cordy: 1? Buffy: 3; Angel, Parker, Riley Angel: 1;Buffy Joyce: 1;Giles, possibly Ted Oz: 3; Groupie, Willow & Verucca Faith:2 ;Xander, Riley Xander: 2; Faith, Anya Willow: 1;Oz

Questions and observations; What the heck does Xander mean when he refers to people going 'all Felicity with their hair'? Anya's humanity is still a work in process despite her having a soul. Once more, Buffy goes Christian bashing.

Marks out of 10; 7/10 good ep without being brilliant

15 minutes ago, Joe Hellandback said:

Questions and observations; What the heck does Xander mean when he refers to people going 'all Felicity with their hair'?

Felicity was a show on the WB at this time (1998-2002) where star Keri Russell (of The Americans, 15 years later) controversially got a severe haircut after season 1, exchanging her long curls for a bob.  Xander's reference here is only one of many in pop culture, as the Wikipedia entry notes.

The best part was when the show itself did a riff on it, with Felicity's guitar-playing frenemy, Julie (played by Amy Jo Johnson, formerly the Pink Ranger that Buffy references in What's My Line, Part 2) improvised a song that went something like this:

She thinks she's so cool

with her Astor Place cut

But really [something] fool

she's just a [something] slut

(To forestall the next question, Astor Place is a small street in an artsy, historic part of New York's Greenwich Village.)

Edited by Halting Hex
9 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Felicity was a show on the WB at this time (1998-2002) where star Keri Russell (of The Americans, 15 years later) controversially got a severe haircut after season 1, exchanging her long curls for a bob.  Xander's reference here is only one of many in pop culture, as the Wikipedia entry notes.

The best part was when the show itself did a riff on it, with Felicity's guitar-playing frenemy, Julie (played by Amy Jo Johnson, formerly the Pink Ranger that Buffy references in What's My Line, Part 2) improvised a song that went something like this:

She thinks she's so cool

with her Astor Place cut

But really [something] fool

she's just a [something] slut

(To forestall the next question, Astor Place is a small street in an artsy, historic part of New York's Greenwich Village.)

Oh I LOVED The Americans but we never got Felicity in the  UK.

With "Six Degrees of Buffy", let's not forget that Keri Russell (and her long curls) got their start on NBC's Malibu Shores the year before, which also starred Charisma Carpenter.  (Also in the cast, Tori Spelling's brother, and Mickey Mouse Club veteran Tony Lucca, whom Adam Levine tried to make happen on Season 1 of The Voice.)

On 9/4/2018 at 7:09 PM, Halting Hex said:

(To forestall the next question, Astor Place is a small street in an artsy, historic part of New York's Greenwich Village.)

And the Astor Place Barber Shop was already a 40/50-year-old NYC tradition when, at the end of the century, it hit new heights as a cheap place to get shorn -- clippers to the head, locks on the floor. 

12 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

With "Six Degrees of Buffy", let's not forget that Keri Russell (and her long curls) got their start on NBC's Malibu Shores the year before, which also starred Charisma Carpenter.  (Also in the cast, Tori Spelling's brother, and Mickey Mouse Club veteran Tony Lucca, whom Adam Levine tried to make happen on Season 1 of The Voice.)

Oh I already had her, she appears in Scrubs with Ken Lerner so she links to Buffy in 2. Tori Spelling is easy too, she was in 90210 with Emma and Luke Perry from the movie. As for The Mickey Mouse Club that had Britney Spears in it who was in Sabrina; TTW with Clare Kramer and HIMYM with AH. 

That X/A scene in an ice cream truck alone made me wanna smash Anya's empty head into the steering wheel and then throw her out at full speed everytime I watched the ep. 

And while Xander does his best to exercise restraint in order not to commit some kind of "girlfriendocide", all the useful members of the gang have a peaceful nice chat at UC Sunnydale. Well, nothing new above the Hellmouth.

The Scoobs looking at Giles' rather mediocre performance of the mediocre The Who song, wide-eyed, continue to unnerve me to this day ("Um, could we go back to the haunted house? Cause, this is creeping me out" - you're reading my mind, Xand).

Btw, do we have to consider Anya totally human after more than a year since losing her demonic powers? We see her being thrown through the balcony railing down to the floor of the Lowell House after she tried to help Xander. I don't know about you, but I find it hard to believe ordinary human can just get back on his/her feet after such sort of landing. And the thorn that went right through the middle of the ex-demon's hand doesn't seem to hurt Anya much either. So how can she (and we, for that matter) be so sure Spike can't hurt her because he's got "that chip in his brain"? Not only do I think Spike should give hurting Anya a try, I can actually imagine lots of painful ways to make Anya pay for her crimes.

And last but not least...


GILES: What's happened?
TARA: We lost them.
WILLOW: Xander.

Not "Xander! Anya!", mind you. Just Xander. It's good to know you still have the right priorities, Will :) 

Edited by lembergwatcher
On ‎03‎/‎01‎/‎2019 at 11:32 PM, lembergwatcher said:

That X/A scene in an ice cream truck alone made me wanna smash Anya's empty head into the steering wheel and then throw her out at full speed everytime I watched the ep. 

And while Xander does his best to exercise restraint in order not to commit some kind of "girlfriendocide", all the useful members of the gang have a peaceful nice chat at UC Sunnydale. Well, nothing new above the Hellmouth.

The Scoobs looking at Giles' rather mediocre performance of the mediocre The Who song, wide-eyed, continue to unnerve me to this day ("Um, could we go back to the haunted house? Cause, this is creeping me out" - you're reading my mind, Xand).

Btw, do we have to consider Anya totally human after more than a year since losing her demonic powers? We see her being thrown through the balcony railing down to the floor of the Lowell House after she tried to help Xander. I don't know about you, but I find it hard to believe ordinary human can just get back on his/her feet after such sort of landing. And the thorn that went right through the middle of the ex-demon's hand doesn't seem to hurt Anya much either. So how can she (and we, for that matter) be so sure Spike can't hurt her because he's got "that chip in his brain"? Not only do I think Spike should give hurting Anya a try, I can actually imagine lots of painful ways to make Anya pay for her crimes.

And last but not least...

Not "Xander! Anya!", mind you. Just Xander. It's good to know you still have the right priorities, Will :) 

I will never understand your hatred of Anya?

I like Tony's performance, better than Limp Biscuit's. As for what the scoobs survive well that's TV for, in real life they'd all be Evel Kineval by now. 

On 1/3/2019 at 6:32 PM, lembergwatcher said:

Giles' rather mediocre performance of the mediocre The Who song ["Behind Blue Eyes"]

Blasphemy!  Who's Next isn't on all those "Greatest Album Ever!" lists because of John Entwhistle's "My Wife", let's just say.

I do think they cheat a bit by cutting off ASH's performance before Giles gets to the bridge ("And if I swallow anything evil, put your finger down my throat/And if I shiver, please give me a blanket, keep me warm, let me wear your coat").  Can Tony rock out that hard?  We'll never know, alas.


Likewise, could Giles handle the guitar solo in "Free Bird"?  Don't know, never will.  Because Spike ruins everything, as usual ;)

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Joe Hellandback said:

I will never understand your hatred of Anya?

I guess I've written tons of posts explaining why do I dislike that particular character.

First of all, I despise her for the same reason I despise every hellish creature the Scoobs confront from the very beginning. But unlike Luke, Catherine Madison, Praying Mantis Lady, Andrew Borba, Dr. Weirick, Moloch, Master, Absalom, Inca Mummy Girl, frat boys, Norman Pfister, Der Kindestod, coach Carl Martin, Ken, Kakistos, Gwen Post, Hans and Gretta Strauss, Zachary Kralik, Jack O'Toole, Balthazar, Mr. Trick, Mayor Wilkins, Kathy Newman, Gachnar, The Gentlemen, Ethan or countless other bigger or smaller bads, not only did Anya get away with her countless crimes, but she got a sextoy and a membership in the Scooby Gang - among the very people she manipulated and tried to murder on two separate ocassions. 

Then she was one of the main reasons the gang drifterd so far apart throughout the fourth season. Xander would've been much better friend for Willow when she needed him post-breaking up with Oz, if it wasn't for the annoying self-centered hellbitch. I hate they way she looks, the way she talks, I hate her constant bitching and whining, her constant "jokes" about the days of murder and torture, her trying her best to persuade Xander he has no place with his friends. And I dislike Anya because she's such a selfish immature bitch, she's totally unable to even give Xander needed private space to spend some quality time with his two best friends, because she's so afraid they'll take her precious sextoy from her.

But most of all I don't like her because she does exist and thus annoys the hell out of me.

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On ‎05‎/‎01‎/‎2019 at 12:17 PM, lembergwatcher said:

I guess I've written tons of posts explaining why do I dislike that particular character.

First of all, I despise her for the same reason I despise every hellish creature the Scoobs confront from the very beginning. But unlike Luke, Catherine Madison, Praying Mantis Lady, Andrew Borba, Dr. Weirick, Moloch, Master, Absalom, Inca Mummy Girl, frat boys, Norman Pfister, Der Kindestod, coach Carl Martin, Ken, Kakistos, Gwen Post, Hans and Gretta Strauss, Zachary Kralik, Jack O'Toole, Balthazar, Mr. Trick, Mayor Wilkins, Kathy Newman, Gachnar, The Gentlemen, Ethan or countless other bigger or smaller bads, not only did Anya get away with her countless crimes, but she got a sextoy and a membership in the Scooby Gang - among the very people she manipulated and tried to murder on two separate ocassions. 

Then she was one of the main reasons the gang drifterd so far apart throughout the fourth season. Xander would've been much better friend for Willow when she needed him post-breaking up with Oz, if it wasn't for the annoying self-centered hellbitch. I hate they way she looks, the way she talks, I hate her constant bitching and whining, her constant "jokes" about the days of murder and torture, her trying her best to persuade Xander he has no place with his friends. And I dislike Anya because she's such a selfish immature bitch, she's totally unable to even give Xander needed private space to spend some quality time with his two best friends, because she's so afraid they'll take her precious sextoy from her.

But most of all I don't like her because she does exist and thus annoys the hell out of me.

But she may start off as a 'selfish immature bitch' but look how she grows?


…in 4.16, Buffy wasn't Buffy for most of the episode, due to Faith's katra-swapping
…and last episode, Buffy was insecure Betty, deferring to Wonder!Jonathan due to that spell.

…and now we get the third of Tracey Forbes' three scripts, where (once again) something makes Buffy act whacky and the gang has to manage without her.  Fun, to a certain degree (it's nice to see that Xander is still on the show; I was wondering) a little less Buffy than I like my Buffy.  Title character and all, you know.


Fortunately, this picks up, although next episode is about Willow's love triangle and Riley declaring himself "an anarchist".  Cool beans, bro, but still.

Hey, wasn't Riley supposed to be going through this growth arc, trying to figure out who he truly is, what he needs to do next, and so on?  'Cause his last three episodes have been "Sex with Fuffy", "worrying about to fix things with Buffy", and "lots (and lots and lots) of sex with Buffy."  Not exactly seeing a ton of self-actualization going on there.

Hey, isn't our season-arc about how the Initiative built a self-actualized demonoid, who's dangerous because he's free of the doubt and confusion that's been plaguing Riley?  And who calls Riley "brother" and wants to "enlighten" him just as he's enlightened some of the vampires?

Might want to get back to that, too, then.

Edited by Halting Hex
On 8/23/2018 at 6:53 PM, Halting Hex said:

WILLOW: Wait! We have to go back!

ANYA: Why?

XANDER: Because Buffy and Riley are trapped.

ANYA: So? She's the slayer, he's a big soldier boy. What do they need you for?

XANDER: Look around, Anya. There's ghosts and shaking and people going all Felicity with their hair… We're fresh out of super-people and somebody's got to go back in there. Now who's with me?

SPIKE: I am.

Spike grinds out his cigarette and steps boldly forward.

SPIKE (cont'd): I know I'm not first choice for  heroics - and Buffy's tried to kill me more than once - and I don't fancy a single one of you all - but:

Long beat while Spike thinks…

SPIKE (cont'd): Actually, that all sounds pretty convincing. (beat) Think Asian House is still open?

He picks up a plastic cup from the ground, wipes out the inside with his sleeve and walks off into the night.

Xander looks to Anya.

ANYA: Xander, let's get out of here.

XANDER: You want to bail? Fine. I'm going back in there and I'm not coming out 'til I bring my friend with me.

He runs back through the door only to be THROWN ten feet back out by an INVISIBLE FORCE - drops on the front path. Looks up painfully.

XANDER (cont'd): Or it could be Watcher-Time.

So that's my favorite part of the episode, as copied from above.

But…wait.  Aren't we missing something?  Something such as…



WILLOW: No, wait! Xander's right!  You people are all…well, I'm upset and I can't think of a mean word right now, but that's what you are!  And we're going to the factory!


Innocence, Act I (attribution almost certainly not needed)


As copied from memory.  As I'll probably be able to do, should I live as long as (the actual) Natalie French.

I know, I know, the point of the joke is that Nick goes flying backward down the walk, not Alyson, but it hasn't been three minutes since "we have to go back!"  A little consistency would not be remiss.

Heck, given that Xander is a man with man-parts (and by this I mean his legs, perverts!), you easily have had Willow following him up the walk and simply had Xander out-pace her.  (She can dodge the flying Xander; let's face it, she's probably had practice at that by now.) Indeed, you could have done this without any more dialogue, I suppose.  So partly on that "peculiar" Canadian, Tracey Forbes, and partially on David Solomon, whose directing skills do tend to be a bit…direct, at times.

(A couple of seasons ago, I might even have had Xander fly into Willow and end up in her lap, but it would be gauche to throw in gratuitous Xillow with Tara standing right there, I'll allow.)

On 3/16/2023 at 7:25 AM, Halting Hex said:

But…wait.  Aren't we missing something?  Something such as…



WILLOW: No, wait! Xander's right!  You people are all…well, I'm upset and I can't think of a mean word right now, but that's what you are!  And we're going to the factory!


Innocence, Act I (attribution almost certainly not needed)

A good observation, as always. I noticed that too whenever I had a chance to rewatch the episode. It seems high school student ordinary wallflower-y Willow was many times more brave and loyal than high school graduate powerful Wicca Willow...

But then I remembered that Willow suggesting going along with Xander to save their lovemaking friends would've been against new party line which said strictly: "Only Anya loves Xander, understands Xander and cares about Xander, and she's the sole person he can be happy with".

Besides, Xander/Anya 'shippers needed a sign that that abomination of a relationship would continue wasting screen time...

Well, to be fair, the Xanya relationship arc is being developed here.  They fight, she doesn't want to help him, she helps him and they're back together.  I have no problems with that.  Better to build than be static.

I'm just not fond of a script inconsistency (again, in the time it takes Spike to talk himself out of action, Willow suddenly falls out "we have to save Buffy! And, er, Riley, too!" mode) that contradicts Willow's established character.

Probably they should have put in an extra beat to service the other relationship, too.


XANDER:  I'm going back in there and I'm not coming out 'til I bring my friend with me!

(He starts up the walk.)


(She turns to follow, but Tara grabs her sleeve.)

TARA:  Willow! (She hesitates, not wanting to be too girlfriend-like in public) Th-there could be danger.

(Willow reads Tara's meaning, smiles reassuringly.)

WILLOW: Danger? Piffle! We'll be fi—

(Xander comes flying back from the house, and lands at their feet.  Willow and Tara look shocked.)

XANDER (weakly).  Or…it could be Watcher-time.

After all, W/T have an arc within the episode, too.  It wasn't so long ago Tara had her supernatural freakout at Wlllow's hand on her knee.  A re-establishment of physical contact in a positive context wouldn't be so bad for them, either.  

Of course, it's taken me 23 years to come up with this bit (so…old…), so I suppose I understand Tracey Forbes not catching it instantly, either.  But still.

Edited by Halting Hex
20 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

They fight, she doesn't want to help him, she helps him and they're back together.

"They fight, she doesn't want to help him, she pretends she wants to help him just to ravish him in the empty Lowell House halls, she is captured and dragged into hell by the vengeful spirits" would've been a better option, I think...

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