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S14: Hanmiao Yang

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She said in The Road To that pistachio means "happy nut" in chinese and that's how she sees herself. 


Her stuff isn't to my taste, but I really like the way she thinks about clothes. I hope her presenting herself in a way that isn't Serious enough for the judges doesn't hurt her. 

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I loved the little envelope/purse her model retrieved from the front panel of the dress!

Just a cute finishing touch that, to me, tied in well with the Hallmark theme.

Her website.

A few rather voluminous articles but nothing like her first two boxes, err, designs. I like her shoes.

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I just can't with the envelope stunt. Would totally have been on board with the model using an envelope as a purse without the stage business of pulling it from her chest. One thing about Hanmiao, more than other designers so far, is I think she thinks architecturally about her designs. noticed that on photos of her past work posted on Lifetime website.

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