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S11.E11: Kathie Lee Gifford

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Yeah, I'm on the defense as well. Not sure if Kathie Lee's inebriated reputation will bring an advantage or hindrance to the episode. Then again, they are bringing back Dead Bodies so don't expect a lot of dialogue...or movement during the game. 

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Not as bad as I feared, but I was disappointed with the amount of Kathie Lee-free Brad that we got.


Intros: Wayne- Who ya gonna call?, Brad- Call me anytime, Colin- Stuck on hold and Ryan- Obscene phone call.

Games: Questions, Duet, Dead Bodies, Scenes From a Hat and Helping Hands.


I'm old enough to remember Kathie Lee as the female singer on Name That Tune ( the syndicated revival version). She was also pretty enough to land Hee Haw Honeys at one point too. So I was a bit sad that she talked/rambled instead of attempting to sing something, as she does have a nice voice. I enjoyed her game-ness, though, as that is a positive thing to have when doing a show like this. Sadly, I think KL tried too hard to either be "hip" ( with the almost non-stop grinding on Brad and Wayne) or continue what has gone on before ( see: "hip") instead of being just the best Improv Kathie Lee she could.  (I liked her shrug to the audience after Wayne made his Frank comment. That is the KL I wanted to see more of, not "buy a piece of my vineyard" KL.)


I hadn't seen a Dead Bodies, but I think I could enjoy it. I think Ryan might have.


Scenes was funny; I liked that Aisha jumped on the silliness!


Helping Hands? Of course it went back to being gross, but KL at least saved this one by being just nutsy-fagin herself to keep playing with Brad ( hey-oh!) and Wayne as well. Then she helps clean up Ryan? The nicest person to play this damn game in a while, I am sure. I don't think anyone has ever tried to clean Ryan up post buzzer during the CW run; I may be wrong on that. Mostly, clean themselves and leave. So kudos to Mrs. Gifford for that! *g*


I enjoyed myself, despite the limited Brad, and this is just silly enough to enjoy on rewatches. Obviously, mileage is going to vary. *g*

Edited by Actionmage
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Alright, Actionmage, I see what you mean about Kathy Lee trying too hard to be hip, but what I think made this episode work is that Kathy Lee was very willing to participate, though I question if she has a pre-ritual of drinking anything before going on camera. Forcing Brad to submit under her whims without almost breaking during Duet really set the tone of Brad's jokes the rest of the episode. And is it me or is Kathy Lee infatuated with Brad due to his steadfast, unbreakable demeanor? 


As for Helping Hands, Kathy Lee is a good foil to last week's Penn and Teller, not just by staying to help Ryan clean up, but dragging Brad and Wayne into the game. I can see why Brad expressed his fantasies (and future restraining orders) about Kathy Lee on Twitter; also, he's definitely gonna have some explaining to do with his wife. >_<


I've heard around the net that Kathy Lee's appearance and participation is paralleled to Richard Simmons' episode; I, for one, don't think it outmatches Simmons'; however, I do think this episode is worth re-watching, mostly just so I can watch Brad's expressions. As for Brad, he wasn't moderately used but wasn't underused, either. In fact, I believe Brad is the only person that still sticks out in my mind giving me the most laughs this episode, even though he technically didn't make the punch line. Perhaps Kathy Lee is doing a favor dragging Brad into everything and giving him plenty of attention. 

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KL turned out to be much better than I thought.  However, I missed a lot of the lyrics in beginning of Duets because I was too busy looking at her face.  I haven't seen KL in years.  I kind of hoped at some point one of them would sing "Kathie Lee talks and talks, but she would look better without the botox." 


She seems like a nice person and I haven't heard anything bad about her, too bad that she thinks she has to do this to herself. 

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I liked her shrug to the audience after Wayne made his Frank comment.


I missed it. What did Wayne say?


I didn't enjoy KL. I just don't like it when the person being sung to makes him/herself the center of attention. It rarely works imo. I did like when Wayne had that puzzled look on his face after she said the thing about buying her vineyard. "I guess that's sexy."


Similarly in Dead Bodies she had to try to add to the humor. JUST LET COLIN WORK HIS MAGIC! He knows how to make it funny. It doesn't have to be dirty. I'm not being a prude; it's just that dirty jokes are cheap and easy.


I love Dead Bodies -- though not as much as Moving People -- and KLG nearly ruined it.


Questions Only was fun. Lots of good lines in it.


SFAH also ok. I'm not a fan of Aisha being involved. My favorite joke in this game and in the whole ep was when Colin did the thing with the butterfly. 


Helping Hands. Meh.


I was actually enjoying the final bit where the five of them were doing the credits thing. KLG should have been used in a game where she actually had to improvise. She was good in this.

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"You're so sexy, like money in the bank/ Close your eyes for three minutes and let me be your black Frank...." She reacted surprised, but then shrugged at the audience/ cameras.  It was amusing.


Watching Colin and Ryan react throughout the song was great fun, too.  Brad said that KLG was "so funny", KLG said something, and Brad replied, "I hope not." I am guessing it was a variation of  "They're going to cut that aren't they?" 


Colin's "You're dead" to Kathie Lee was fun. Wayne's face  after the line "spank me"? I enjoy the games more when everyone is having fun.


It seemed that KLG was going full dead weight. If she did, I think that breaks the spirit of the game, which is don't hurt the active player/ mover. Colin didn't seem to be hurt, which is good, but Colin didn't seem to have as much trouble moving Wayne.  It's improv, not a Method class exercise. Obviously, just an opinion of mine.


As far as getting out of eating the concoctions this show ends up with? Kathie Lee at least was proactive in how to not have to do so. There was no dancing around the fact; she straight up gave it to the guys, but in a nice, polite way.


I think we know what Brad Sherwood's favorite episode was.    Even if it wasn't #1, it's probably Top 3.


edited: spellcheck is a nosy parker.

Edited by Actionmage
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It seemed that KLG was going full dead weight. If she did, I think that breaks the spirit of the game, which is don't hurt the active player/ mover. Colin didn't seem to be hurt, which is good, but Colin didn't seem to have as much trouble moving Wayne.  It's improve, not a Method class exercise. Obviously, just an opinion of mine.


Agreed. She just went limp. Colin had to work a little too hard.


I actually didn't enjoy KLG too much. The credits bit was the best part - she was good in that. She was just trying too hard to make sexy happen and it seemed a little desperate.


I enjoyed seeing Brad though. So many good 4th chairs lately.

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