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Supernatural Survival Game


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+ Samifer

-- Soulless Sam

-- Bad Luck Sam

11 - Bad Luck Sam

11 - Impala Sam

07 - Samifer

07 - Soulless Sam

07 - Tech Suport Sam

01 - Meg/Sam

01 - Crazy Sam


Restored to original factory settings

Siren Sam

Wicked Witch Sam

Demon Blood Sam

Husband Sam

Sam in Teenage Witch


Titanic Sam

Djinn Dream Sam

Trials Sam

Hell Memory Sam

Gotta go for the double kill.


Bad Luck Sam +

Meg/Sam --

Crazy Sam --


12 - Bad Luck Sam
11 - Impala Sam
07 - Samifer
07 - Soulless Sam
07 - Tech Suport Sam

Restored to original factory settings
Siren Sam
Wicked Witch Sam
Demon Blood Sam
Husband Sam
Sam in Teenage Witch
Titanic Sam
Djinn Dream Sam
Trials Sam
Hell Memory Sam


Crazy Sam

-- Samifer

-- Bad Luck Sam

+ Impala Sam


12 - Impala Sam

10 - Bad Luck Sam
07 - Soulless Sam
07 - Tech Suport Sam

05 - Samifer


Restored to original factory settings
Siren Sam
Wicked Witch Sam
Demon Blood Sam
Husband Sam
Sam in Teenage Witch
Titanic Sam
Djinn Dream Sam
Trials Sam
Hell Memory Sam
Crazy Sam

Edited by BlueMeanie

+ Samifer

-- Tech Support Sam

-- Soulless Sam


12 - Impala Sam

10 - Bad Luck Sam

06 - Samifer

05 - Soulless Sam

05 - Tech Suport Sam


Restored to original factory settings

Siren Sam

Wicked Witch Sam

Demon Blood Sam

Husband Sam

Sam in Teenage Witch


Titanic Sam

Djinn Dream Sam

Trials Sam

Hell Memory Sam


Crazy Sam

Edited by catrox14

Impala Sam --

Tech Support Sam --

Bad Luck Sam +


11 - Bad Luck Sam

10 - Impala Sam
06 - Samifer
05 - Soulless Sam
03 - Tech Suport Sam


Restored to original factory settings
Siren Sam
Wicked Witch Sam
Demon Blood Sam
Husband Sam
Sam in Teenage Witch
Titanic Sam
Djinn Dream Sam
Trials Sam
Hell Memory Sam
Crazy Sam

Edited by Demented Daisy

+ Samifer

+ Soulless Sam

-- Impala Sam (*sniff* I love "Should I honk?", but I had to downvote someone.)


11 - Bad Luck Sam

08 - Impala Sam
07 - Samifer
06 - Soulless Sam
03 - Tech Suport Sam


Restored to original factory settings
Siren Sam
Wicked Witch Sam
Demon Blood Sam
Husband Sam
Sam in Teenage Witch
Titanic Sam
Djinn Dream Sam
Trials Sam
Hell Memory Sam
Crazy Sam

I do, too, but I can't justify giving my votes to a Sam that was in less than 5 minutes of an episode.  "Bad Luck Sam" is one of the rare times that Jared got to show his comedic chops and it still makes me chuckle.


I agree, which is why I chose ImpalaSam to get the downvote over BadLuckSam and even Tech Support Sam. I enjoyed him, but agree now is his time to be voted down. One of the reasons I have kept Samifer and SoullessSam in the running is that the characters showed up in more than one episode and also showed some interesting acting choices by Jared (for me). I didn't always like SoullessSam - in fact he's pretty much a complete asshat (TM Dean) - but he was complex, sometimes funny, and sometimes (creepily) awesome* (for me) despite being a complete asshat. I was very glad to have real Sam back and was ready to see SoullessSam go, but I enjoyed him while we had him.


* examples: his bloody smile after making that devil's trap to trap the demons in "Caged Heat." Also in that episode, his deadpan look down and delivery of "you're lucky" in response to Dean's "I'm standing in urine."

-- Bad Luck Sam
-- Samifer
+ Tech Suport Sam


09 - Bad Luck Sam
08 - Impala Sam
06 - Soulless Sam

05 - Samifer
04 - Tech Suport Sam

Restored to original factory settings
Siren Sam
Wicked Witch Sam
Demon Blood Sam
Husband Sam
Sam in Teenage Witch
Titanic Sam
Djinn Dream Sam
Trials Sam
Hell Memory Sam
Crazy Sam



I do, too, but I can't justify giving my votes to a Sam that was in less than 5 minutes of an episode.  "Bad Luck Sam" is one of the rare times that Jared got to show his comedic chops and it still makes me chuckle.


You know, it's funny because I think Bad Day at Black Rock Sam isn't "other", but is Sam. Sure, he's having bad luck, but it is Sam. 

I can't decide which one I like the most, I just know I don't like Samifer.


-- Samifer

+ Soulless Sam

+ Tech Support Sam


09 - Bad Luck Sam
08 - Impala Sam
07 - Soulless Sam

05 - Tech Support Sam
03 - Samifer


Restored to original factory settings
Siren Sam
Wicked Witch Sam
Demon Blood Sam
Husband Sam
Sam in Teenage Witch
Titanic Sam
Djinn Dream Sam
Trials Sam
Hell Memory Sam
Crazy Sam

You know, it's funny because I think Bad Day at Black Rock Sam isn't "other", but is Sam. Sure, he's having bad luck, but it is Sam. 


Heh.  It's all about perspective.  Sam was under the effects of a curse, so he's not Sam to me.  Especially because we haven't seen that sort of "wah waaah"/sad trombone Sam before or since.

I wasn't suggesting "Bad Luck Sam" shouldn't be on the list, just explaining why I was down-voting it.


IMO, Sam was neither spelled or cursed, himself, but the rabbit's foot was. Which made everything Sam did go wrong, but it was Sam who was falling down, catching on fire and losing his shoe and he was reacting as Sam would to that given situation--which we've never seen before or after. 


But that doesn't mean he shouldn't be included on the list. 

Edited by DittyDotDot

Well I love Samifer so I'm fighting his demise to the bitter end. He's my favorite Not!Sam and I hated Soulless!Sam LOL.

+ Samifer

--Soulless Sam

-- Tech Support Sam


09 - Bad Luck Sam

08 - Impala Sam

05 - Soulless Sam

04 - Samifer

03 - Tech Support Sam


Restored to original factory settings

Siren Sam

Wicked Witch Sam

Demon Blood Sam

Husband Sam

Sam in Teenage Witch


Titanic Sam

Djinn Dream Sam

Trials Sam

Hell Memory Sam


Crazy Sam

Like I said, perspective.  ;-)


Bad Luck Sam +

Impala Sam --

Soulless Sam --


10 - Bad Luck Sam
06 - Impala Sam
04 - Samifer
03 - Tech Support Sam

03 - Soulless Sam 

Restored to original factory settings
Siren Sam
Wicked Witch Sam
Demon Blood Sam
Husband Sam
Sam in Teenage Witch
Titanic Sam
Djinn Dream Sam
Trials Sam
Hell Memory Sam
Crazy Sam

Edited by Demented Daisy

-- bottom 3 (setting up a triple kill! Mwa ha ha ha!

10 - Bad Luck Sam

06 - Impala Sam

02 - Samifer

01 - Tech Support Sam

01 - Soulless Sam

Restored to original factory settings

Siren Sam

Wicked Witch Sam

Demon Blood Sam

Husband Sam

Sam in Teenage Witch


Titanic Sam

Djinn Dream Sam

Trials Sam

Hell Memory Sam


Crazy Sam

So long Samifer, muahahaha!  I like the other two more than Bad Luck Sam, but it seems I won't be able to save them, so I'm voting up Impala Sam.


-- Samifer

-- Bad Luck Sam

+ Impala Sam


08 - Bad Luck Sam
07 - Impala Sam
01 - Tech Support Sam
01 - Soulless Sam


Restored to original factory settings
Siren Sam
Wicked Witch Sam
Demon Blood Sam
Husband Sam
Sam in Teenage Witch
Titanic Sam
Djinn Dream Sam
Trials Sam
Hell Memory Sam
Crazy Sam


*sniff* Goodbye Samifer, you aren't the typical villain, and I enjoyed seeing your barely contained disdain. You are a character that I love to hate. A magnificent asshat.


+ Soulless Sam (sorry catrox, but since Samifer is gone, I gotta try...)

- Tech SupportSam (sorry Ditty, but I like SoulessSam a little more, and I have a feeling catrox is gonna kill him, so TechSupportSam goes first)

-- Impala Sam


08 - Bad Luck Sam
05 - Impala Sam
02 - Soulless Sam


Restored to original factory settings
Siren Sam
Wicked Witch Sam
Demon Blood Sam
Husband Sam
Sam in Teenage Witch
Titanic Sam
Djinn Dream Sam
Trials Sam
Hell Memory Sam
Crazy Sam


Tech Support Sam

-- Impala Sam

-- Bad Luck Sam

I won't kill Soulless Sam( for you Awesome) I'll leave it for someone else


06 - Bad Luck Sam

03 - Impala Sam

02 - Soulless Sam


Restored to original factory settings

Siren Sam

Wicked Witch Sam

Demon Blood Sam

Husband Sam

Sam in Teenage Witch


Titanic Sam

Djinn Dream Sam

Trials Sam

Hell Memory Sam


Crazy Sam


Tech Support Sam

  • Love 1

It has to be done.  Sorry.


Bad Luck Sam +

Impala Sam --

Soulless Sam --


07 - Bad Luck Sam
01 - Impala Sam

Restored to original factory settings
Siren Sam
Wicked Witch Sam
Demon Blood Sam
Husband Sam
Sam in Teenage Witch
Titanic Sam
Djinn Dream Sam
Trials Sam
Hell Memory Sam
Crazy Sam
Tech Support Sam

Soulless Sam

I may have been a little insensitive in my joy at killing Samifer, so sorry to those of you who liked him. I would have guessed that this would have come down to Samifer and Soulless Sam.  I'm especially surprised to see Impala Sam made it to the end.


Tech Support Sam I liked you because you were so excited to hunt a ghost, you were smart enough not to get out of the elevator and you overshared.  Also "Did you turn it off and turn it back on?"


Soulless Sam you were kind of an asshat, but I loved the way Jared played you and you amused the hell out of me in Clap Your Hands if you Believe.


Impala Sam you were just hilarious.  "Should I honk?"


Hopefully Bad Luck Sam can find his shoe now.


-- Bad Luck Sam

-- Impala Sam


05 - Bad Luck Sam


Restored to original factory settings
Siren Sam
Wicked Witch Sam
Demon Blood Sam
Husband Sam
Sam in Teenage Witch
Titanic Sam
Djinn Dream Sam
Trials Sam
Hell Memory Sam
Crazy Sam
Tech Support Sam
Soulless Sam

Impala Sam

Edited by BlueMeanie
  • Love 2

I was coming here to finish this off if no one else had when my time to vote again came, but I am glad to see that you got the final vote, BlueMeanie. This was your baby.


Also I was thinking and wondering while watching the beginning of season 7 on TNT a couple of days ago whether Sam's Hallucination Dean should also be a Dean on the Dean list. "Don't let Satan change my presets." Hee. (Though he was also a bit of a jerk, too... which makes sense since he was sort of a Dean/Lucifer hybrid hallucination).

This is what I have for Dean right now:


MoC Dean
Old Dean
Teen Dean
Yellow Fever Dean
Corporate Dean
Stoned Dean
Cartoon Dean
Siren Dean
Wicked Witch Dean
Good Luck Dean
Darkness Dean (not sure about this one, he's certainly affected by the Darkness, but I don't really know that he's different)
Dream Demon!Dean
Spirit Dean
Titanic Dean
Death Dean
Sam's Coma!Dean


Sam's Hallucination Dean is a tough one.  I guess a hallucination could be considered kind of like a dream, so in that case I would say we should include him.  By the way "don't let Satan change my presets" is one of my favorite lines.


There's also Dean when he had the coin from the unknown soldier that made him try to kill Sam, in Southern Comfort I think.  Revenge Dean? Unknown Soldier Dean?


I'm sure there are others I'm missing.  I'm sure we missed some for Sam as well.


I would kind of like to leave out Wicked Witch Dean and Siren Dean because they're basically the sam as the Sam versions I think and those were the first to go in the last game.


Thoughts? Opinions?

Edited by BlueMeanie

Hmm not sure about Southern Comfort Dean or 'Enthralled!Dean". Enthralled!Dean is basically brain!Dead!Dean but he's shown up enough that maybe we should include him? I mean I'll vote his ass down in a heart beat but he should probably be in there because it's so many GD episodes.


I would include Southern!Comfort!Dean because he was different in that his filter was gone not unlike Asylum!Sam.(Did we include Asylum Sam?). 


I would leave Wicked!Witch Dean and Siren Dean just because it would be the same as the last game. For consistency is all. 

Edited by catrox14

By Enthralled!Dean do you mean Dean affected by the Darkness?


What was Asylum!Dean?  I thought Sam was the only one affected in that episode, and no we didn't include him.


Yes Enthralled!Dean is affected by the darkness or alternately Brain!Dead!Dean because he becomes braindead with her.


I was saying that Bad!Penny!Dean (SouthernComfort) was similar to Asylum!Sam because they were both affected by one episode but dropped certain truths because their filters were removed and they were trying to kill the other one. In Sam's case it was the shrink that screwed him up and with Dean it was the bad penny

I was saying that Bad!Penny!Dean (SouthernComfort) was similar to Asylum!Sam because they were both affected by one episode but dropped certain truths because their filters were removed and they were trying to kill the other one. In Sam's case it was the shrink that screwed him up and with Dean it was the bad penny

Sorry, I totally misread that. I see what you were saying now.

I was thinking the same thing, that Hallucination Dean isn't really Dean, but if we consider a hallucination to be like a dream or dream state, then he fits the criteria. I could go either way, so we need some other opinions.

Do we have consensus that we want to keep Wicked Witch Dean, Siren Dean and Enthralled!Dean (Blinded by the Darkness Dean?) and we want to add BadPenny!Dean?

Samifer wasn't Sam either, but entirely Lucifer.


Lucifer was possessing Sam even in future Samifer. That's a different thing. And Samifer was hugely important to Sam's arc so he obviously should be there regardless.


Hallucifer!Dean is a bit like Azazel!Eyes Sam in Yellow Fever. I'm pretty sure we didn't include that one because it was so fast and it was Dean hallucinating YellowEyes!Sam. I see Hallucifer!Dean as being the same but it just lasted a bit longer. But whatever you guys decide, I'll vote him down no matter what. LOL

Edited by catrox14

My only issue with Hallucination!Dean is that it wasn't really even Dean it was Lucifer for like 3 minutes.But whatever you guys decide on that I'm cool with


It was Sam's brain's hallucination of Dean as Lucifer* actually, but in a way Djinn Dream Sam wasn't really Sam either, it was Dean's brain's hallucination of a Sam in his wish world that was happening inside Dean's head. As for time, I think Hallucination Dean was around for at least as long as Impala Sam was**, but I will go with consensus.


* And so had many Dean characteristics from Sam's memories.

** Maybe that we saw anyway. Based on Sam's reactions to Dean in the beginning of "The Mentalists," he might've shown up more for Sam than we actually saw.


Do we have consensus that we want to keep Wicked Witch Dean, Siren Dean and Enthralled!Dean (Blinded by the Darkness Dean?) and we want to add BadPenny!Dean?


I'd say for completeness, yes.

Edited by AwesomO4000


It was Sam's brain's hallucination of Dean as Lucifer* actually, but in a way Djinn Dream Sam wasn't really Sam either, it was Dean's brain's hallucination of a Sam in his wish world that was happening inside Dean's head. As for time, I think Hallucination Dean was around for at least as long as Impala Sam was**, but I will go with consensus.


Eh. I think Djinn!Sam was different because Dean hallucinated a version of Sam that wasn't really different than regular!Sam other than he didn't hunt and didn't get along with Dean. I mean to me he was Sam. 


Hallucination!Dean is Sam hallucinating Lucifer as Dean as Lucifer.....I have a headache now LOL


The things my brain thinks about with this show. WTF LOL

Edited by catrox14

Eh. I think Djinn!Sam was different because Dean hallucinated a version of Sam that wasn't really different than regular!Sam other than he didn't hunt and didn't get along with Dean. I mean to me he was Sam.


Hee! Considering what Sam is now, taking away those two things - to quote Sam from something else - is pretty much taking away 90% of Sam's personality. Sam these days seems to be pretty much all about hunting and having Dean around no matter what the cost. Guess he's evolved a bit from the early seasons... though at the end of "What Is...", it was kind of jarring - to me anyway - how different real Sam was from Dean's dream version of Sam. Real Sam at the end of that episode basically said that the fact that Dean and he were close was worth all of the crap they had been through (and for Sam that included losing Jessica) and that saving people was entirely worth the sacrifice. Sam in Dean's dream world was evolving some near the end, but still... What did Dean call him? A wussy, I think.

So there were three yes votes (I voted yes) and one "I don't care" vote, so I'm including Hallucination!Dean.


Here is what I have:


15 - Vampire!Dean
15 - Demon!Dean
15 - MoC Dean
15 - Future!Dean
15 - Old Dean
15 - Teen Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Dog!Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Stoned Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Siren Dean
15 - Wicked Witch Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Darkness Dean
15 - Dream Demon!Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Titanic Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Coma!Dean

15 - Hallucination!Dean

15 - BadPenny!Dean


I think we should start voting, but I'll let someone else do the honors.

Dean in Purgatory was still the same Dean he was just in Purgatory.  It's the same as Sam and Dean in The French Mistake.

Hmmm...I'll make a case for Purgatory!Dean.

He was a very different Dean though. He was a human living in a place that wanted to spit him back out.

I think he was altered in some way because he never grew a beard or ate...it seems.

What do the rest of you think about Purgatory!Dean?

Meh, I withdraw my Purgatory!Dean case. I'll vote.

++ Demon!Dean

++ Future!Dean


17 - Demon!Dean

17 - Future!Dean

15 - MoC Dean

15 - Old Dean

15 - Teen Dean

15 - Yellow Fever Dean

15 - Dog!Dean

15 - Corporate Dean

15 - Stoned Dean

15 - Cartoon Dean

15 - Siren Dean

15 - Wicked Witch Dean

15 - Good Luck Dean

15 - Darkness Dean

15 - Dream Demon!Dean

15 - Spirit Dean

15 - Titanic Dean

15 - Death Dean

15 - Coma!Dean

15 - Hallucination!Dean

15 - BadPenny!Dean

13 - Vampire!Dean

++ Stoned Dean

++ Old Dean

-- Wicked Witch Dean


17 - Demon!Dean
17 - Future!Dean

17 - Stoned Dean

17 - Old Dean
15 - MoC Dean
15 - Teen Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Dog!Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Siren Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Darkness Dean
15 - Dream Demon!Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Titanic Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Coma!Dean
15 - Hallucination!Dean
15 - BadPenny!Dean
13 - Vampire!Dean

13 - Wicked Witch Dean

Dog Dean ++

Demon Dean --

MoC Dean --


17 - Future!Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Old Dean

17 - Dog!Dean

15 - Demon!Dean

15 - Teen Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Siren Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Darkness Dean
15 - Dream Demon!Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Titanic Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Coma!Dean
15 - Hallucination!Dean
15 - BadPenny!Dean
13 - Vampire!Dean
13 - Wicked Witch Dean

13 - MoC Dean

-- Siren Dean

-- Bad Penny Dean

++ DogDean


19 - Dog!Dean

17 - Future!Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Old Dean

15 - Demon!Dean

15 - Teen Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Darkness Dean
15 - Dream Demon!Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Titanic Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Coma!Dean
15 - Hallucination!Dean

13 - Siren Dean
13 - BadPenny!Dean
13 - Vampire!Dean
13 - Wicked Witch Dean

13 - MoC Dean

-- Wicked Witch Dean

-- Siren Dean

-- Teen Dean


19 - Dog!Dean
17 - Future!Dean
17 - Stoned Dean
17 - Old Dean
15 - Demon!Dean
15 - Yellow Fever Dean
15 - Corporate Dean
15 - Cartoon Dean
15 - Good Luck Dean
15 - Darkness Dean
15 - Dream Demon!Dean
15 - Spirit Dean
15 - Titanic Dean
15 - Death Dean
15 - Coma!Dean
15 - Hallucination!Dean
13 - BadPenny!Dean
13 - Vampire!Dean
13 - MoC Dean

13 - Teen Dean

11 - Wicked Witch Dean

11 - Siren Dean

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