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Supernatural Survival Game

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Mystery Spot ++

Hibbing 911 ++

Hollywood Babylon ++


19 - Changing Channels

17 - Frontierland
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Slash Fiction
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House

17 - Mystery Spot

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - Hollywood Babylon

15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Folsom Prison Blues
15 - Bad Day at Black Rock
15 - Ghostfacers
15 - Monster Movie
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - The French Mistake
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Party On, Garth
15 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - LARP and the Real Girl
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Dog Dean Afternoon
15 - Fan Fiction
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - About a Boy
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

13 - Two and a Half Men

13 - Slumber Party

13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
13 - Fallen Idols
11 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
11 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
09 - Swap Meat

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-- Party On, Garth

-- LARP and the Real Girl

++ How to Win friends and Influence Monsters


19 - Changing Channels

17 - Frontierland
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Slash Fiction
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House

17 - Mystery Spot

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - Hollywood Babylon

15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Folsom Prison Blues
15 - Bad Day at Black Rock
15 - Ghostfacers
15 - Monster Movie
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - The French Mistake
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Dog Dean Afternoon
15 - Fan Fiction
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - About a Boy
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

13 - Two and a Half Men

13 - Slumber Party

13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
13 - Fallen Idols
13 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

13 - Party On, Garth

13 - LARP and the Real Girl
11 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
09 - Swap Meat

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Awww....maaan. I just remembered an episode that I think is comedic. Time After Time when Dean goes back to 1944 and meets Eliot Ness. Dammit. :(.

++ Hollywood Babylon

-- Swap Meat

++ Monster Movie

19 - Hollywood Babylon 

19 - Changing Channels

17 - Frontierland

17 - Yellow Fever

17 - Slash Fiction

17 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - Hell House

17 - Mystery Spot

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - Monster Movie

15 - The Usual Suspects

15 - Nightshifter

15 - Tall Tales

15 - Folsom Prison Blues

15 - Bad Day at Black Rock

15 - Ghostfacers

15 - Wishful Thinking

15 - It's a Terrible Life

15 - The Monster at the End of This Book

15 - The Real Ghostbusters

15 - Hammer of the Gods

15 - Weekend at Bobby's

15 - The French Mistake

15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

15 - Out with the Old

15 - Hunteri Heroici

15 - Everybody Hates Hitler

15 - Dog Dean Afternoon

15 - Fan Fiction

15 - Ask Jeeves

15 - About a Boy

15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

13 - Two and a Half Men

13 - Slumber Party

13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

13 - Fallen Idols

13 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

13 - Party On, Garth

13 - LARP and the Real Girl

11 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

07 - Swap Meat

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Awww....maaan. I just remembered an episode that I think is comedic. Time After Time when Dean goes back to 1944 and meets Eliot Ness. Dammit. :(.


I considered that one, too, catrox (you know me and season 7), but love it though I do, I decided it was maybe more adventure than comedy? Typically for season 7, if the "mode of death" was more darkly comedic or had darkly comedic elements - like the munched on glampers, or the drunkeness, or the over the top Pulp Fiction homage, or the rainbow farting unicorn/octo-vamp, or potential death by old porn - then that nudged it more over into the dark comedy. Though there were definite humorous moments for "Time After Time..." the case itself was fairly straightforward and not humorous with the story of the woman involved even somewhat sad so I thought that one maybe more fit "adventure" - sort of along the lines of "In the Beginning" which also had comedic elements (Dean's (paraphrase) "Mom's a babe and I'm going to hell. Again" but the "case"/plot was mainly serious. So in the end, I decided not to mention "Time After Time..." as a comedy episode.


If that makes you feel any better, because yeah, I like that one a lot too. (I'm having season 7 nostalgia lately, since apparently I need more humorous SPN right now).

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How about after this game, we play "best costume"?  Some good contenders!


-- Season 7, Time for a Wedding!
-- Swap Meat
++ Mystery Spot


hmmmm.... I seem to be anti-Sam noncon.  I'm okay with that. 


19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels

19 - Mystery Spot

17 - Frontierland
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Slash Fiction
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Monster Movie
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Folsom Prison Blues
15 - Bad Day at Black Rock
15 - Ghostfacers
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - The French Mistake
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Dog Dean Afternoon
15 - Fan Fiction
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - About a Boy
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - Two and a Half Men
13 - Slumber Party
13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
13 - Fallen Idols
13 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
13 - Party On, Garth
13 - LARP and the Real Girl
09 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
05 - Swap Meat

  • Love 1
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-- Mystery Spot
-- How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
-- Swap Meat



19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels

17 - Mystery Spot

17 - Frontierland
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Slash Fiction
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Monster Movie
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Folsom Prison Blues
15 - Bad Day at Black Rock
15 - Ghostfacers
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - The French Mistake
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Dog Dean Afternoon
15 - Fan Fiction
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - About a Boy
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - Two and a Half Men
13 - Slumber Party
13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
13 - Fallen Idols
13 - Party On, Garth
13 - LARP and the Real Girl

11 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
09 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
03 - Swap Meat

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Dog Dean Afternoon ++

Hunteri Heroici ++

Clap Your Hands If You Believe --


19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
17 - Mystery Spot
17 - Frontierland
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Slash Fiction
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Monster Movie

17 - Dog Dean Afternoon

17 - Hunteri Heroici

15 - The Usual Suspects

15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Folsom Prison Blues
15 - Bad Day at Black Rock
15 - Ghostfacers
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - The French Mistake
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Fan Fiction
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - About a Boy
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - Two and a Half Men
13 - Slumber Party
13 - Fallen Idols
13 - Party On, Garth
13 - LARP and the Real Girl

11 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

11 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
09 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
03 - Swap Meat

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Folsom Prison Blues ++

Bad Day at Black Rock ++

Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! --


19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
17 - Mystery Spot
17 - Frontierland
17 - Yellow Fever

17 - Bad Day at Black Rock

17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Slash Fiction
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Monster Movie

17 - Dog Dean Afternoon

17 - Hunteri Heroici

15 - The Usual Suspects

15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Ghostfacers
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - The French Mistake
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Fan Fiction
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - About a Boy
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - Two and a Half Men
13 - Slumber Party
13 - Fallen Idols
13 - Party On, Garth
13 - LARP and the Real Girl

11 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

11 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
07 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
03 - Swap Meat

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++ The French Mistake

-- Season Seven, Time For A Wedding!

-- Clap Your Hands If You Believe

19 - Hollywood Babylon

19 - Changing Channels

17 - Mystery Spot

17 - Frontierland

17 - Yellow Fever

17 - Bad Day at Black Rock

17 - Folsom Prison Blues

17 - Slash Fiction

17 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - Hell House

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - Monster Movie

17 - Dog Dean Afternoon

17 - The French Mistake

17 - Hunteri Heroici

15 - The Usual Suspects

15 - Nightshifter

15 - Tall Tales

15 - Ghostfacers

15 - Wishful Thinking

15 - It's a Terrible Life

15 - The Monster at the End of This Book

15 - The Real Ghostbusters

15 - Hammer of the Gods

15 - Weekend at Bobby's

15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

15 - Out with the Old

15 - Everybody Hates Hitler

15 - Fan Fiction

15 - Ask Jeeves

15 - About a Boy

15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

13 - Two and a Half Men

13 - Slumber Party

13 - Fallen Idols

13 - Party On, Garth

13 - LARP and the Real Girl

11 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

05 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

03 - Swap Meat

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--- Fallen Idols - (Sad that Paris Hilton was one of the better things about this episode for me, so that's not exactly praise)

++ Clap Your Hands if You Believe - (I like snarky, soulless Sam here, the fairy lady, and the UFO conspiracy people. I hope to keep it around a little longer.)

++ How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters - (I liked stoned Dean and concerned Sam and Bobby. I liked Ranger Rick and the angry waiter dude. Bobby getting shot was horrible, but the rest of the episode was fun for me.)


19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
17 - Mystery Spot
17 - Frontierland
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Slash Fiction
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Dog Dean Afternoon
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Ghostfacers
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Fan Fiction
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - About a Boy
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - Two and a Half Men
13 - Slumber Party

13 - Party On, Garth
13 - LARP and the Real Girl
13 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

11 - Fallen Idols
11 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
05 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
03 - Swap Meat

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++Slash Fiction

--Swap Meat

--Fallen Idols


19 - Hollywood Babylon

19 - Changing Channels

19 - Slash Fiction

17 - Mystery Spot

17 - Frontierland

17 - Yellow Fever

17 - Bad Day at Black Rock

17 - Folsom Prison Blues

17 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - Hell House

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - Monster Movie

17 - Dog Dean Afternoon

17 - The French Mistake

17 - Hunteri Heroici

15 - The Usual Suspects

15 - Nightshifter

15 - Tall Tales

15 - Ghostfacers

15 - Wishful Thinking

15 - It's a Terrible Life

15 - The Monster at the End of This Book

15 - The Real Ghostbusters

15 - Hammer of the Gods

15 - Weekend at Bobby's

15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

15 - Out with the Old

15 - Everybody Hates Hitler

15 - Fan Fiction

15 - Ask Jeeves

15 - About a Boy

15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

13 - Two and a Half Men

13 - Slumber Party

13 - Party On, Garth

13 - LARP and the Real Girl

13 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

11 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

09 - Fallen Idols

05 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

01 - Swap Meat

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-- Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
--Swap Meat -- die an early death!
--Fallen Idols


19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
17 - Mystery Spot
17 - Frontierland
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Dog Dean Afternoon
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Ghostfacers
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Fan Fiction
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - About a Boy
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - Two and a Half Men
13 - Slumber Party
13 - Party On, Garth
13 - LARP and the Real Girl
13 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
11 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
07 - Fallen Idols
03 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...

Swap Meat

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Clap Your Hands If You Believe -- (I hate this episode with the fire of a thousand suns because it's one long (unfunny) gay joke.  I admit it, this episode is a "trigger" for me.)

Fallen Idols --

S7, Time for a Wedding!  --


19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
17 - Mystery Spot
17 - Frontierland
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Dog Dean Afternoon
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Ghostfacers
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Fan Fiction
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - About a Boy
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - Two and a Half Men
13 - Slumber Party
13 - Party On, Garth
13 - LARP and the Real Girl
13 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
05 - Fallen Idols
01 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat

Edited by Demented Daisy
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I got it SueB


-- Mystery Spot
-- Ghostfacers
-- How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters


It's not that I don't adore the above episodes, I just don't think of them as "funniest" compared to others on the list.




19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
17 - Frontierland
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Dog Dean Afternoon
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Fan Fiction
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - About a Boy
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

15 - Mystery Spot

13 - Ghostfacers
13 - Two and a Half Men
13 - Slumber Party
13 - Party On, Garth
13 - LARP and the Real Girl
11 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
05 - Fallen Idols
01 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...

Swap Meat

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++ Mystery Spot

++ Frontierland
-- Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!


19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Frontierland
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Dog Dean Afternoon
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Hunteri Heroici

17 - Mystery Spot
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Fan Fiction
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - About a Boy
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

13 - Ghostfacers
13 - Two and a Half Men
13 - Slumber Party
13 - Party On, Garth
13 - LARP and the Real Girl
11 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
05 - Fallen Idols

Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...

Swap Meat

Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!


Becky you had your funny moments but this one was just too much.  So you got the hook and the rimshot and now go back to reading fanfiction, it's where you belong.  :)

Edited by 7kstar
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-- Yellow Fever (my haaaate episode, though I know I'm in the minority on this one)

-- Two and a Half men

-- Party on Garth



19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Frontierland
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Dog Dean Afternoon
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Hunteri Heroici

17 - Mystery Spot

15 - Yellow Fever
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Fan Fiction
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - About a Boy
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

13 - Ghostfacers
13 - Slumber Party
13 - LARP and the Real Girl

11 - Two and a Half Men

11 - Party On, Garth
11 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
05 - Fallen Idols


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...

Swap Meat

Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

Link to comment

++ Yellow Fever

++ Nightshifter

++ Dog Dean Afternoon



19 - Hollywood Babylon

19 - Changing Channels

19 - Slash Fiction

19 - Frontierland

19 - Dog Dean Afternoon

17 - Bad Day at Black Rock

17 - Folsom Prison Blues

17 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - Hell House

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - NightShifter

17 - Monster Movie

17 - The French Mistake

17 - Hunteri Heroici

17 - Mystery Spot

17 - Yellow Fever

15 - The Usual Suspects

15 - Nightshifter

15 - Tall Tales

15 - Wishful Thinking

15 - It's a Terrible Life

15 - The Monster at the End of This Book

15 - The Real Ghostbusters

15 - Hammer of the Gods

15 - Weekend at Bobby's

15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

15 - Out with the Old

15 - Everybody Hates Hitler

15 - Fan Fiction

15 - Ask Jeeves

15 - About a Boy

15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

13 - Ghostfacers

13 - Slumber Party

13 - LARP and the Real Girl

11 - Two and a Half Men

11 - Party On, Garth

11 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

05 - Fallen Idols


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...

Swap Meat

Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

Edited by catrox14
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++ Weekend At Bobby's
-- The French Mistake
-- Slumber Party

19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Frontierland
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - NightShifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Hunteri Heroici
17 - Mystery Spot
17 - Yellow Fever

17 - Weekend at Bobby's

15 - The French Mistake

15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Fan Fiction
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - About a Boy
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - Ghostfacers
13 - LARP and the Real Girl

11 - Slumber Party

11 - Two and a Half Men
11 - Party On, Garth
11 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
09 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
05 - Fallen Idols

Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

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French Mistake ++

Bottom 2 --


19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Frontierland
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - NightShifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Hunteri Heroici
17 - Mystery Spot
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Fan Fiction
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - About a Boy
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - Ghostfacers
13 - LARP and the Real Girl
11 - Slumber Party
11 - Two and a Half Men
11 - Party On, Garth
11 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
07 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
03 - Fallen Idols


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

Link to comment

-- Slumber Party
-- Party On, Garth
-- How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters




19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Frontierland
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - NightShifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Hunteri Heroici
17 - Mystery Spot
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Fan Fiction
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - About a Boy
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - Ghostfacers
13 - LARP and the Real Girl
09 - Slumber Party
09 - Party On, Garth
09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

07 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
03 - Fallen Idols



Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

Edited by DittyDotDot
Link to comment

-- Fallen Idols
++ About a Boy
++ Fan Fiction


19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Frontierland
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon

17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - NightShifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Hunteri Heroici
17 - Mystery Spot
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake

17 - Fan Fiction
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Ask Jeeves
15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - Ghostfacers
13 - LARP and the Real Girl
09 - Slumber Party
09 - Party On, Garth
09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

07 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
01 - Fallen Idols


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!


Okay set up someone for the kill!  :)

Link to comment

I'll let you kill "Fallen Idols", catrox, since I have other fish to fry, and I don't want to be bothered having to eulogize that episode - which I dislike but almost more for the multiple arguments, I mean "discussions" I've gotten into over the episode than the actual episode itself... which featured bad behavior from both brothers to manufacture melodrama. Bleh.


-- Party On Garth

-- Slumber Party

-- The Curious Case of Dean Winchester


19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Frontierland
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon

17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - NightShifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Hunteri Heroici
17 - Mystery Spot
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake

17 - Fan Fiction
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Ask Jeeves
13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - Ghostfacers
13 - LARP and the Real Girl
09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

07 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

07 - Slumber Party
07 - Party On, Garth
01 - Fallen Idols


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

Link to comment

I'll give it a pass too.  And AwesomeO has picked some lovely victiims.  So...I'll just pile-on.


-- Party On Garth

-- Slumber Party

-- The Curious Case of Dean Winchester


19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Frontierland
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon

17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - NightShifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Hunteri Heroici
17 - Mystery Spot
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake

17 - Fan Fiction
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - Wishful Thinking
15 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Ask Jeeves
11 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
13 - Ghostfacers
13 - LARP and the Real Girl
09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

07 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

05 - Slumber Party
05 - Party On, Garth
01 - Fallen Idols


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

Link to comment

Die Fallen Idols DIE. The only thing I liked was Dean and Sam in white shirts. But I have no idea WHO EITHER OF THOSE ASSHOLES were in that episode. Happy to salt and burn it.

--Fallen Idols

-- Party On Garth

-- The Curious Case of Dean Winchester


19 - Hollywood Babylon

19 - Changing Channels

19 - Slash Fiction

19 - Frontierland

19 - Dog Dean Afternoon

17 - About a Boy

17 - Bad Day at Black Rock

17 - Folsom Prison Blues

17 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - Hell House

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - NightShifter

17 - Monster Movie

17 - Hunteri Heroici

17 - Mystery Spot

17 - Yellow Fever

17 - Weekend at Bobby's

17 - The French Mistake

17 - Fan Fiction

15 - The Usual Suspects

15 - Nightshifter

15 - Tall Tales

15 - Wishful Thinking

15 - It's a Terrible Life

15 - The Monster at the End of This Book

15 - The Real Ghostbusters

15 - Hammer of the Gods

15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

15 - Out with the Old

15 - Everybody Hates Hitler

15 - Ask Jeeves

13 - Ghostfacers

13 - LARP and the Real Girl

09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

09 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

07 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

05 - Slumber Party

03 - Party On, Garth


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...

Swap Meat

Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

Fallen Idols

Edited by catrox14
Link to comment

++ Wishful Thinking

++ It's A Terrible Life

-- Ask Jeeves

19 - Hollywood Babylon

19 - Changing Channels

19 - Slash Fiction

19 - Frontierland

19 - Dog Dean Afternoon

17 - About a Boy

17 - Bad Day at Black Rock

17 - Folsom Prison Blues

17 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - Hell House

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - NightShifter

17 - Monster Movie

17 - Hunteri Heroici

17 - Mystery Spot

17 - Yellow Fever

17 - Weekend at Bobby's

17 - The French Mistake

17 - Fan Fiction

17 - Wishful Thinking

17 - It's a Terrible Life

15 - The Usual Suspects

15 - Nightshifter

15 - Tall Tales

15 - The Monster at the End of This Book

15 - The Real Ghostbusters

15 - Hammer of the Gods

15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

15 - Out with the Old

15 - Everybody Hates Hitler

13 - Ask Jeeves

13 - Ghostfacers

13 - LARP and the Real Girl

09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

09 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

07 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

05 - Slumber Party

03 - Party On, Garth

Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...

Swap Meat

Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

Fallen Idols

Link to comment

-- Mystery Spot
-- How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
-- Slumber Party


19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Frontierland
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - NightShifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Hunteri Heroici
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler

15 - Mystery Spot
13 - Ask Jeeves
13 - Ghostfacers
13 - LARP and the Real Girl
09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
09 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
05 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
03 - Slumber Party
03 - Party On, Garth


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols

Link to comment

LARP and the Real Girl --

HtWFaIM --



19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Frontierland
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Hunteri Heroici
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Mystery Spot
13 - Ask Jeeves
13 - Ghostfacers
11 - LARP and the Real Girl

09 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

07 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

03 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
03 - Slumber Party
03 - Party On, Garth

Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols

Link to comment

-- The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

++ How to Win Friends...

++ Mystery Spot


19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Frontierland
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Hunteri Heroici
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life

17 - Mystery Spot
15 - The Usual Suspects
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
13 - Ask Jeeves
13 - Ghostfacers
11 - LARP and the Real Girl

09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

07 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

03 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe
03 - Slumber Party
03 - Party On, Garth


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols

Link to comment

-- The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

-- The Usual Suspects

-- Plucky Pennywhistle Magical Menagarie

19 - Hollywood Babylon

19 - Changing Channels

19 - Slash Fiction

19 - Frontierland

19 - Dog Dean Afternoon

17 - About a Boy

17 - Bad Day at Black Rock

17 - Folsom Prison Blues

17 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - Hell House

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - Nightshifter

17 - Monster Movie

17 - Hunteri Heroici

17 - Yellow Fever

17 - Weekend at Bobby's

17 - The French Mistake

17 - Fan Fiction

17 - Wishful Thinking

17 - It's a Terrible Life

17 - Mystery Spot

15 - Nightshifter

15 - Tall Tales

15 - The Monster at the End of This Book

15 - The Real Ghostbusters

15 - Hammer of the Gods

15 - Out with the Old

15 - Everybody Hates Hitler

13 - Ask Jeeves

13 - The Usual Suspects

13 - Ghostfacers

13 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

11 - LARP and the Real Girl

09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

05 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

03 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

03 - Slumber Party

03 - Party On, Garth


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...

Swap Meat

Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

Fallen Idols

Link to comment

-- The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

-- Hollywood Babylon

++ Mystery Spot


19 - Changing Channels

19 - Slash Fiction

19 - Frontierland

19 - Dog Dean Afternoon

19 - Mystery Spot

17 - Hollywood Babylon

17 - About a Boy

17 - Bad Day at Black Rock

17 - Folsom Prison Blues

17 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - Hell House

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - Nightshifter

17 - Monster Movie

17 - Hunteri Heroici

17 - Yellow Fever

17 - Weekend at Bobby's

17 - The French Mistake

17 - Fan Fiction

17 - Wishful Thinking

17 - It's a Terrible Life

15 - Nightshifter

15 - Tall Tales

15 - The Monster at the End of This Book

15 - The Real Ghostbusters

15 - Hammer of the Gods

15 - Out with the Old

15 - Everybody Hates Hitler

13 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

13 -The Usual Suspects

13 - Ask Jeeves

13 - Ghostfacers

11 - LARP and the Real Girl

09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

03 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

03 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

03 - Slumber Party

03 - Party On, Garth


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...

Swap Meat

Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

Fallen Idols

Link to comment





19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Frontierland
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
19 - Mystery Spot
17 - Hollywood Babylon
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Hunteri Heroici
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
13 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
13 -The Usual Suspects
13 - Ask Jeeves
13 - Ghostfacers
11 - LARP and the Real Girl
07 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
05 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
03 - Slumber Party
03 - Party On, Garth

01 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols

Edited by Demented Daisy
Link to comment

-- Mystery Spot
-- How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
-- Slumber Party



19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Frontierland
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
17 - Hollywood Babylon
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Hunteri Heroici
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life

17 - Mystery Spot
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
13 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
13 -The Usual Suspects
13 - Ask Jeeves
13 - Ghostfacers
11 - LARP and the Real Girl
05 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
05 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
03 - Party On, Garth

01 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe

01 - Slumber Party


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols

Link to comment

++ Yellow Fever
++ Hollywood Babylon
-- Slumber Party


19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Frontierland
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
19 - Hollywood Babylon

19 - Yellow Fever
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Hunteri Heroici
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life

17 - Mystery Spot
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
13 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
13 -The Usual Suspects
13 - Ask Jeeves
13 - Ghostfacers
11 - LARP and the Real Girl
05 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
05 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
03 - Party On, Garth

01 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols

Slumber Party


Although Slumber Party had some serious funny moment and I did like their homage to Oz it also had the boys be stupid.  I didn't like the robot part that they had Jared and Jensen play in order to turn evil. 


Charlie's Death scene will always get to me due to the pain that Jensen showed, but it was at the bottom so I'll send it off with love.  Go party at Oz.

Link to comment

-- Clap Your Hands

-- Ask Jeeves

++ Ghostfacers

19 - Changing Channels

19 - Slash Fiction

19 - Frontierland

19 - Dog Dean Afternoon

19 - Hollywood Babylon

19 - Yellow Fever

17 - About a Boy

17 - Bad Day at Black Rock

17 - Folsom Prison Blues

17 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - Hell House

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - Nightshifter

17 - Monster Movie

17 - Hunteri Heroici

17 - Weekend at Bobby's

17 - The French Mistake

17 - Fan Fiction

17 - Wishful Thinking

17 - It's a Terrible Life

17 - Mystery Spot

15 - Nightshifter

15 - Tall Tales

15 - The Monster at the End of This Book

15 - The Real Ghostbusters

15 - Hammer of the Gods

15 - Out with the Old

15 - Everybody Hates Hitler

15 - Ghostfacers

13 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

13 -The Usual Suspects

11 - LARP and the Real Girl

11 - Ask Jeeves

05 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

05 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

03 - Party On, Garth


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...

Swap Meat

Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

Fallen Idols

Slumber Party

Clap Your Hands If You Believe


Link to comment

I know it was controversial, but I would like to send "Clap Your Hands If You Believe" off with a positive or two. Fairly lady was fun and Soulless Sam showed some dark humor. And that scene of Dean nuking the "Tinkerbell" will always be amusing for me. I send you off with some glitter and patchouli... try not to get it all over the other episodes please.


It's getting tougher, so I have to make some tough choices here....


-- Party On Garth

-- The Curious Case

-- Hunter Heroici


19 - Changing Channels
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Frontierland
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Yellow Fever
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life
17 - Mystery Spot

15 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
15 - Ghostfacers
13 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
13 -The Usual Suspects
11 - LARP and the Real Girl
11 - Ask Jeeves
05 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
03 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
01 - Party On, Garth

Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols
Slumber Party
Clap Your Hands If You Believe

Link to comment

I really liked Clap Your Hands if You Believe for the opening credits alone. Perfection.

Gonna have to take you and your stupid sock puppet party elsewhere Garth.

-- Party On Garth

-- The Curious Case

-- Ghostfacers


19 - Changing Channels

19 - Slash Fiction

19 - Frontierland

19 - Dog Dean Afternoon

19 - Hollywood Babylon

19 - Yellow Fever

17 - About a Boy

17 - Bad Day at Black Rock

17 - Folsom Prison Blues

17 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - Hell House

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - Nightshifter

17 - Monster Movie

17 - Weekend at Bobby's

17 - The French Mistake

17 - Fan Fiction

17 - Wishful Thinking

17 - It's a Terrible Life

17 - Mystery Spot

15 - Hunteri Heroici

15 - Nightshifter

15 - Tall Tales

15 - The Monster at the End of This Book

15 - The Real Ghostbusters

15 - Hammer of the Gods

15 - Out with the Old

15 - Everybody Hates Hitler

13 - Ghostfacers

13 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

13 - The Usual Suspects

11 - LARP and the Real Girl

11 - Ask Jeeves

05 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

01 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...

Swap Meat

Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

Fallen Idols

Slumber Party

Clap Your Hands If You Believe

Party On Garth

Link to comment

Slash Fiction --

Frontierland --

Yellow Fever --


19 - Changing Channels
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
19 - Hollywood Babylon

17 - Slash Fiction

17 - Frontierland

17 - Yellow Fever
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life
17 - Mystery Spot
15 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
13 - Ghostfacers
13 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
13 - The Usual Suspects
11 - LARP and the Real Girl
11 - Ask Jeeves
05 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
01 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester



Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols
Slumber Party
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Party On Garth

Link to comment

-- Mystery Spot
-- Ghostfacers
-- How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters



19 - Changing Channels
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
19 - Hollywood Babylon

17 - Slash Fiction

17 - Frontierland

17 - Yellow Fever
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - Mystery Spot
15 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
11 - Ghostfacers
13 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
13 - The Usual Suspects
11 - LARP and the Real Girl
11 - Ask Jeeves
03 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
01 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols
Slumber Party
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Party On Garth

Link to comment

I did like parts of Clap Your Hands and at this point I liked Soulless Sam, he was interesting for a few...


++ Frontierland

++ Mystery Spot
-- Ghostfacers


19 - Changing Channels
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
19 - Hollywood Babylon

19 - Frontierland

17 - Slash Fiction

17 - Yellow Fever
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life
17 - Mystery Spot
15 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
13 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
13 - The Usual Suspects
11 - LARP and the Real Girl
11 - Ask Jeeves

09 - Ghostfacers
03 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
01 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols
Slumber Party
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Party On Garth

Link to comment

- The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

-- LARP and the Real Girl

++ Ghostfacers


19 - Changing Channels
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
19 - Hollywood Babylon

19 - Frontierland

17 - Slash Fiction

17 - Yellow Fever
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life
17 - Mystery Spot
15 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Out with the Old
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
13 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
13 - The Usual Suspects
11 - Ask Jeeves

11 - Ghostfacers

09 - LARP and the Real Girl
03 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols
Slumber Party
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Party On Garth

The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

Link to comment

-- Ask Jeeves

-- Plucky Pennywhistle

++ Ghostfacers

19 - Changing Channels

19 - Dog Dean Afternoon

19 - Hollywood Babylon

19 - Frontierland

17 - Slash Fiction

17 - Yellow Fever

17 - About a Boy

17 - Bad Day at Black Rock

17 - Folsom Prison Blues

17 - Reading is Fundamental

17 - Hell House

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - Nightshifter

17 - Monster Movie

17 - Weekend at Bobby's

17 - The French Mistake

17 - Fan Fiction

17 - Wishful Thinking

17 - It's a Terrible Life

17 - Mystery Spot

15 - Hunteri Heroici

15 - Nightshifter

15 - Tall Tales

15 - The Monster at the End of This Book

15 - The Real Ghostbusters

15 - Hammer of the Gods

15 - Out with the Old

15 - Everybody Hates Hitler

13 - The Usual Suspects

13 - Ghostfacers

11 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

09 - Ask Jeeves

09 - LARP and the Real Girl

03 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters



Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...

Swap Meat

Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

Fallen Idols

Slumber Party

Clap Your Hands If You Believe

Party On Garth

The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

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Didn't get to vote yesterday so I'm going to offer some one-sentence eulogies:


Clap Your Hands If You Believe - Well I thought you were adorable, especially Soulless Sam.
Party On Garth - Mr Fizzles had to die.
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester - Yes, good riddance, now go away.



-- Out With the Old
++ Mystery Spot
++ How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters (I need to hang onto stoned Dean for a little while longer)


19 - Changing Channels
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Frontierland

19 - Mystery Spot

17 - Slash Fiction
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler

13 - Out with the Old

13 - The Usual Suspects
13 - Ghostfacers
11 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
09 - Ask Jeeves
09 - LARP and the Real Girl
05 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols
Slumber Party
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Party On Garth
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

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++ How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters (I need to hang onto stoned Dean for a little while longer)


Aw man, I thought I was alone in trying to keep this one around a while longer, so I finally gave up and decided to save "Ghostfacers" for a bit longer instead... Otherwise I would've voted for it again.

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I am wide awake at 1 am. I don't know why so I'm voting.
++ How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters (I'll throw in for Stoned!Dean and Stoned!Ranger Rick and I kind ship them)
-- Plucky Pennywhistle
++ Ask Jeeves (Dash is hilarious, Dean skulking is always a joy and the whole thing was a hoot IMO)
19 - Changing Channels
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Frontierland
19 - Mystery Spot
17 - Slash Fiction
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
13 - Out with the Old
13 - The Usual Suspects
13 - Ghostfacers
11 - Ask Jeeves
09 - LARP and the Real Girl
09 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
07 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols
Slumber Party
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Party On Garth
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

Edited by catrox14
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Bottom 3 --


19 - Changing Channels
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Frontierland
19 - Mystery Spot
17 - Slash Fiction
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
13 - Out with the Old
13 - The Usual Suspects
13 - Ghostfacers
11 - Ask Jeeves
07 - LARP and the Real Girl
07 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
05 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols
Slumber Party
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Party On Garth
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

Edited by Demented Daisy
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-- Mystery Spot
-- Out with the Old
-- How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters



19 - Changing Channels
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Frontierland
17 - Mystery Spot
17 - Slash Fiction
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
13 - The Usual Suspects
13 - Ghostfacers

11 - Out with the Old
11 - Ask Jeeves
07 - LARP and the Real Girl
07 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
03 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols
Slumber Party
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Party On Garth
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

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++  Mystery Spot
++ Hibbing 911
-- Ghostfacers


19 - Changing Channels
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Frontierland

19 - Hibbing 911
19 - Mystery Spot
17 - Slash Fiction
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
13 - The Usual Suspects
11 - Ghostfacers

11 - Out with the Old
11 - Ask Jeeves
07 - LARP and the Real Girl
07 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
03 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols
Slumber Party
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Party On Garth
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester


The Curious Case of Dean... I will always love that last moment with Dean as he kicks his legs together in the air.  I don't hate it as much as others but I did hate that suddenly Sam was the best at poker.  But I liked the idea of trying to do Grumpy Old Men.


Stone Dean is funny so I'll let it live for another round.  :)

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This is already getting really tough - I'm having to choose between ones I want to save.


-- LARP and the Real Girl

++ Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

++ Out With the Old


19 - Changing Channels
19 - Dog Dean Afternoon
19 - Hollywood Babylon
19 - Frontierland

19 - Hibbing 911
19 - Mystery Spot
17 - Slash Fiction
17 - Yellow Fever
17 - About a Boy
17 - Bad Day at Black Rock
17 - Folsom Prison Blues
17 - Reading is Fundamental
17 - Hell House
17 - Nightshifter
17 - Monster Movie
17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - The French Mistake
17 - Fan Fiction
17 - Wishful Thinking
17 - It's a Terrible Life
15 - Hunteri Heroici
15 - Nightshifter
15 - Tall Tales
15 - The Monster at the End of This Book
15 - The Real Ghostbusters
15 - Hammer of the Gods
15 - Everybody Hates Hitler
13 - The Usual Suspects

13 - Out with the Old

11 - Ghostfacers
11 - Ask Jeeves
09 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie

05 - LARP and the Real Girl
03 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters


Sent off with a rimshot and a bowchickawowow...
Swap Meat
Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
Fallen Idols
Slumber Party
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Party On Garth
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

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