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Supernatural Survival Game

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The Prisoner ... oh BadAss Dean, you are too hot to handle.


-- Hibbing 911

-- Ask Jeeves

+ Executioner's Song


24 - Fan Fiction

22 - Inside Man
21 - About a Boy

20 - Hibbing 911

20 - The Werther Project
20 - Book of the Damned
09 - Soul Survivor
06 - The Executioner's Song
01 - Ask Jeeves

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner

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RIP The Prisoner. Jensen was amazing here. He found another gear for MOC! Dean that was just different. The certainty of his mission to slaughter the Stynes was spellbinding. And really no one should look that gorgeous upside Down. I especially loved the shot of him when he walked into the lair. He looked bigger and I loved how the catwalks framed him like wings. And the Sam V Crowley scene was brilliant. I loved Crowley s red eyes with the black smoke coming out of them.

+Inside Man

+ Soul Survivor

+ Executioner's Song


24 - Fan Fiction

23 - Inside Man

21 - About a Boy

20 - Hibbing 911

20 - The Werther Project

20 - Book of the Damned

10 - Soul Survivor

07 - The Executioner's Song

01 - Ask Jeeves

Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire

Paint It Black

Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried

Paper Moon

The Things We Left Behind

Angel Heart

The Hunter Games

There's No Place Like Home

Girls, Girls, Girls


The Prisoner

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Well, I'm surprised that Ask Jeeves is on its way out because I absolutely adore Clue.  But that's the way this game works.  (I'm voting down Executioner's song because the entire story line was, IMO, a total waste of the character and actor.)


Soul Survivor --

Executioner's Song --

Book of the Damned --


24 - Fan Fiction
23 - Inside Man
21 - About a Boy
20 - Hibbing 911
20 - The Werther Project
18 - Book of the Damned
08 - Soul Survivor
05 - The Executioner's Song
01 - Ask Jeeves

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner

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EDITED: Sorry, apparently there was a whole other page while I slept, I think I got it right now.


BTW, I'm with you DD. Sorry catrox, I watch the show for more than just Jensen/Dean, so I find those episodes to be rather a mess even though Jensen pulled out a good performance. I think of The Prisoner in the same way I think of Let It Bleed--Dean is the biggest badass that ever badassed, but the episode itself is nothing to write home about, IMO. The Executioner's Song was just more spinning wheels--which they seemed to do more often than not throughout S10--and a complete waste of time when it was all said and done. Nothing happened that effected anything else and as DD said, it only amounted in the complete waste of a great character, IMO.


So, yeah, I'd take Ask Jeeves over those two any day. At least it became what it set out to be: a silly one off that paid homage to Clue. Was it perfect? Oh, hell no. That would be why I also haven't raised a finger to help it.


Sorry, that started to turn into a complete diatribe...time to vote...



+ The Werther Project
-- Soul Survivor
-- The Executioner's Song



24 - Fan Fiction
23 - Inside Man
21 - About a Boy

21 - The Werther Project
20 - Hibbing 911
18 - Book of the Damned
06 - Soul Survivor
03 - The Executioner's Song
01 - Ask Jeeves

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner

Edited by DittyDotDot
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+ About a Boy
+ Soul Survivor
+ Book of the Damned


24 - Fan Fiction
23 - Inside Man
22 - About a Boy

21 - The Werther Project
20 - Hibbing 911
19 - Book of the Damned
07 - Soul Survivor
03 - The Executioner's Song
01 - Ask Jeeves


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner


I think The Prisoner might have been a better final, they jammed pack the final and really it needed a longer arch...but that is the problem with this show for years and not just the Carver years IMO.


I had to pick and I picked Soul Survivor over the Executioner because I do believe they wasted Cain and it could have been so much more.  I thought Soul did a pretty good job and not blaming it for the writers dropping Demon Dean too fast so they could do fanfiction...


No the hard part for me, I like what is left, so now it is just figuring out the order of what is left and I'm not in the mood today so I let clue live just a bit longer.  I just didn't think it was better than some of the rest, so that's why I down voted it. 

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I've mentioned Jensen a lot this season because he has had the main story arc and it's all been about demon!Dean and the MoC!Dean so yes Jensen's work is noteworthy even more than usual, IMO.   I've also noted that Jared has been wonderful this season too. Jared really surprised me with how he found a similar yet more mature beat to s3 Sam which is what I largely saw in Sam this season. And Jared's cry face is usually too overwrought for me but damn if he wasn't fantastic in Brother's Keeper with underplaying. Soooo good.


To your point about the Prisoner and The Cain episode having no meaning or bearing on the season. Couldn't disagree more.

Dean's confrontation with Cain was when Dean learned there was no hope for him with the Mark. He saw what it did to Cain and he knew he had to figure out a way to live with it. The moment Dean called, Crowley came running but then Dean used him and kicked him to the curb again. It was clear to me that Crowley was hoping that Dean and he would have a reunion but when Dean gave the Blade to Cas not Crowley, their relationship was well and truly over and reset back to being enemies. The fight was beautifully choreaographed and the score was fantastic IMO.  The scene revealing Cain's mass grave was stunning and creepy and chilling IMO. Loved the backseat viewpoint of the guys driving to the prison. IMO there is very little that was not good about the Executioner's Song.  I guess I'm different in that I don't hate episodes that kill off characters as long as I think the character's death was well done. I was massively disappointed that they apparently killed off Cain but that doesn't mean the episode was not well done IMO.


I thought the Prisoner showed us that Dean had finally given up fighting the Mark. He was done after Charlie's murder. He had a reason to use the bloodlust now. Unfortunately it also drove him to nearly killing Cas and he was becoming the New Cain with being judge, jury and executioner.  The fight scenes were again beautifully choreographed and scored. There was a beautiful creep factor to this episode as well. I was truly terrified of what Dean was going to do. IMO Brother's Keeper squandered the set up in The Prisoner. 

For me if any episode should be downgraded for having nothing to do with the entire season it's Fan Fiction. Did they ever reference anything in that episode again? There was one line that had any meaning to the season and that was Sam telling Dean "what she said" about the two of them against the world but we already knew that from Sam curing Dean in Soul Survivor and not wanting a divorce and hunting again in Paper Moon. It was awkward and weird but Sam was already committed to saving his brother at any cost in the first 3 episodes including getting a guy to sell his soul.  IMO it was a one off that was lovely and beautiful but IMO not the best episode of the season because it had nothing to do with the rest of the season other than being the reason Demon!Dean went nowhere fast. YMMV

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And I am giving my reasons why I don't think they should be down voted which is what I thought we did in this game. Making our cases for swing voters.

Yes I realize votes are cast already but I find the discussion of the episodes to be half the fun of this game.

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Except that half of your post was about The Prisoner, which has already been eliminated.


Personally, I don't like it when this thread gets bogged down with discussion.  Especially when a lot of the discussion has already happened in the episode threads.  But if everyone else likes debating the merits of one episode over another, I'll go with the majority.

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Well, I do like to play devil's advocate from time to time, so I don't mind the discussion, even though I think it's kinda pointless for the game itself. I think we all are probably going to vote how we're all going to vote. Now if there was some sort of barter or exchange system...I could change my mind for the right price. ;)



To your point about the Prisoner and The Cain episode having no meaning or bearing on the season. Couldn't disagree more.



For me if any episode should be downgraded for having nothing to do with the entire season it's Fan Fiction. Did they ever reference anything in that episode again? [...]


Not exactly the point I was trying to make, but that seems to be my MO on this site, sorry for that. The point I was trying to articulate was: The Prisoner and The Executioner's Song set out to be epic and big mythology-centered episodes but in the end the mythology was all for naught and I was rather underwhelmed by how un-epic they were. So, IMO, they didn't live up to what they set out to be. On the other hand, Fan Fiction did exactly what it set out to be: a one-off love letter to the fans. So, that's the criteria I use in voting, it has to be more than one well-framed shot or well-acted scene for me.

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Sorry, Ask Jeeves did nothing for me. Too full of stereotypes about rich folk and older women. Buh-bye!

The Executioner's Song +

Soul Survivor +

Ask Jeeves -


24 - Fan Fiction

23 - Inside Man

22 - About a Boy

21 - The Werther Project

20 - Hibbing 911

19 - Book of the Damned

08 - Soul Survivor

04 - The Executioner's Song


Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire

Paint It Black

Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried

Paper Moon

The Things We Left Behind

Angel Heart

The Hunter Games

There's No Place Like Home

Girls, Girls, Girls


The Prisoner

Ask Jeeves


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I didn't actually ask why people voted the way they did. There was no question or wonderment in my comment. It was a statement of surprise. I then wrote my eulogy as we have done all along. And voted myself. Nothing more, nothing less.

I was specifically addressed in a comment which I thought was engaging discussion about the episodes so I responded to that.

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Well, I do like to play devil's advocate from time to time, so I don't mind the discussion, even though I think it's kinda pointless for the game itself. I think we all are probably going to vote how we're all going to vote. Now if there was some sort of barter or exchange system...I could change my mind for the right price. ;)




Not exactly the point I was trying to make, but that seems to be my MO on this site, sorry for that. The point I was trying to articulate was: The Prisoner and The Executioner's Song set out to be epic and big mythology-centered episodes but in the end the mythology was all for naught and I was rather underwhelmed by how un-epic they were. So, IMO, they didn't live up to what they set out to be.

IA with that.  I loved the promo, but it sold something different than what they did.  I still like the Executioner's Song and it wouldn't have been so low on my list but it is interesting to see how we vote.    There are others I also really like so when the downvoting happens too often then I decide if there is another one I would rather save.  I think as a season, this one has been much better than 8 & 9.  JMV

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IA with that.  I loved the promo, but it sold something different than what they did.  I still like the Executioner's Song and it wouldn't have been so low on my list but it is interesting to see how we vote.    There are others I also really like so when the downvoting happens too often then I decide if there is another one I would rather save.  I think as a season, this one has been much better than 8 & 9.  JMV


I keep going up and down on that. S8 was particularly frustrating because the show suddenly wasn't the show anymore, but once I adjusted, I actually think some of the ideas and episodes were better executed and there was an energy surge at the beginning of S8 that gave the show some new life, IMO. S9 is basically a non-entity to me; I just think of it as a boring, jumbled mess. I do think S10 was better in the sense that Sam and Dean were more Sam and Dean than not, but the entire season was pretty lackluster and ho hum to me. I really don't know if I can actually rank the Carver years, they really just don't speak to me. I'm trying to remain optimistic that S11 will be the season Carver figures it all out, but realistically, I know better.

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So it was Omegamom, In the Games Thread, With the Keyboard.  And Thus Ask Jeeves is stuffed back in the attic while everyone else thinks it ran off to Clown College.  I did like Heddy, the less lascivious of the two cougars.  And I'll miss the butler, but not the maid.  "That explains the dust."


So here's MY problem.  I'm usually a "move it along" kinda gal, but I'm really torn about down voting ANY of these episodes.  Because yes, I liked them THAT much.  I can't even pick a "theme" for my voting.  So, ONE time only, I'll make a little love note on each and then move along. Ah well.. here goes....


Fan Fiction - Poncho Guy, plus "Not Bad"

Inside Man - BOBBY!
About a Boy - oh that was adorable in about 8 ways
The Werther Project - deep, very freaking deep
Hibbing 911 - Donna and Jody!
Book of the Damned - that book is creepy, it's a shame those Styne boys are evil mutants because some of them were pretty
Soul Survivor - no holding back on our feels
The Executioner's Song - Cain and his MAGNIFICENT BEARD


The Executioner's Song +
Book of the Damned --
Hibbing 911 --

24 - Fan Fiction 
23 - Inside Man 
22 - About a Boy 
21 - The Werther Project 
18 - Hibbing 911
17 - Book of the Damned 
08 - Soul Survivor
05 - The Executioner's Song

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves

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For me, it's similar to SueBs dilemma. I gotta pick one to vote down, and the choices are getting slimmer. It isn't that I find "The Executioner's Song" bad, it's just that I like the other episodes more.


-- Inside Man

-- The Executioner's Song

+ Soul Survivor


24 - Fan Fiction
22 - About a Boy

21 - Inside Man
21 - The Werther Project
18 - Hibbing 911
17 - Book of the Damned
09 - Soul Survivor
03 - The Executioner's Song


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves


Inside Man - BOBBY!


Surly Bobby! Yay! (Yeah I know I voted it down. I did like it. I just happen to like "About A Boy" more.)

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Bottom 3 --


24 - Fan Fiction
22 - About a Boy
21 - Inside Man
21 - The Werther Project
18 - Hibbing 911
15 - Book of the Damned
07 - Soul Survivor
01 - The Executioner's Song

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves

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+ The Werther Project
-- Soul Survivor
-- The Executioner's Song


24 - Fan Fiction

22 - The Werther Project
22 - About a Boy
21 - Inside Man
18 - Hibbing 911
15 - Book of the Damned
05 - Soul Survivor


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves

The Executioner's Song

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I've already written my eulogy to Executioner's Song. It's death has unleashed my darkness.

+ Soul Survivor

+ Inside Man

--Fan Fiction

22 - Inside Man

22 - Fan Fiction

22 - The Werther Project

22 - About a Boy

18 - Hibbing 911

15 - Book of the Damned

06 - Soul Survivor


Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire

Paint It Black

Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried

Paper Moon

The Things We Left Behind

Angel Heart

The Hunter Games

There's No Place Like Home

Girls, Girls, Girls


The Prisoner

Ask Jeeves

The Executioner's Song

  • Love 1
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+ Soul Survivor
+ Book of the Damned
-- The Werther Project


22 - Inside Man
22 - Fan Fiction
22 - About a Boy

20 - The Werther Project
18 - Hibbing 911
16 - Book of the Damned
07 - Soul Survivor

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song


Now it's gonna get interesting as I will not promise that I will vote the same, I like all that is left and I'm still unsure what my order is...I'll try to do some research to see if I can fix this issue.  :)


Cain such a wonderful under used character and hard to believe you where in only 2 eps.  Maybe the darkness will find a way to bring you back.  HMMM....  :)

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I really liked Hibbing 911.

Hibbing 911 +

Book of the Damned +

Soul Survivor --

(I can do it that way, right? Give my two pluses to one episode?). (Well, pooey, no, I can't. Thanks for the pass, SueB! Edited to take one point away from Hibbing [sob!] and add one to BotD.)

22 - Inside Man

22 - Fan Fiction

22 - About a Boy

20 - The Werther Project

19 - Hibbing 911

17 - Book of the Damned

05 - Soul Survivor

Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire

Paint It Black

Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried

Paper Moon

The Things We Left Behind

Angel Heart

The Hunter Games

There's No Place Like Home

Girls, Girls, Girls


The Prisoner

Ask Jeeves

The Executioner's Song

Edited by Omegamom
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I really liked Hibbing 911.

Hibbing 911 ++

Soul Survivor --

(I can do it that way, right? Give my two pluses to one episode?)

Not really.  Sorry.  How about you modify your vote and I'll give Hibbing 911 a pass this go-round as a consolation prize.  

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Inside Man --

Book of the Damned +

About A Boy --

22 - Fan Fiction

20 - Inside Man

20 - About a Boy

20 - The Werther Project

19 - Hibbing 911

18 - Book of the Damned

05 - Soul Survivor

Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire

Paint It Black

Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried

Paper Moon

The Things We Left Behind

Angel Heart

The Hunter Games

There's No Place Like Home

Girls, Girls, Girls


The Prisoner

Ask Jeeves

The Executioner's Song

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+ Soul Survivor

-- Hibbing 911

+ Fan Fiction



23 - Fan Fiction
20 - Inside Man
20 - About a Boy
20 - The Werther Project
18 - Book of the Damned

17 - Hibbing 911
06 - Soul Survivor


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song

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Soul Survivor --

Book of the Damned --

The Werther Project --


23 - Fan Fiction
20 - Inside Man
20 - About a Boy
18 - The Werther Project
17 - Hibbing 911

16 - Book of the Damned

04 - Soul Survivor

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song

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+ The Werther Project
-- Book of the Damned

-- Soul Survivor


23 - Fan Fiction
20 - Inside Man
20 - About a Boy
19 - The Werther Project
17 - Hibbing 911

14 - Book of the Damned

02 - Soul Survivor


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song

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-- Fan Fiction

+ Soul Survivor

+ Inside Man


21 - Inside Man

21 - Fan Fiction

20 - About a Boy

19 - The Werther Project

17 - Hibbing 911

14 - Book of the Damned

03 - Soul Survivor


Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire

Paint It Black

Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried

Paper Moon

The Things We Left Behind

Angel Heart

The Hunter Games

There's No Place Like Home

Girls, Girls, Girls


The Prisoner

Ask Jeeves

The Executioner's Song

Link to comment

+ Soul Survivor
-- Hibbing 911
-- Inside Man

21 - Fan Fiction
20 - About a Boy

19 - Inside Man

19 - The Werther Project
15 - Hibbing 911
14 - Book of the Damned
04 - Soul Survivor

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song

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--Hibbing 911

-- Inside Man

+ Soul Survivor


21 - Fan Fiction
20 - About a Boy

19 - The Werther Project

17 - Inside Man
14 - Book of the Damned

13 - Hibbing 911

05 - Soul Survivor


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song

Link to comment

Soul Survivor --

Book of the Damned --

The Werther Project --


21 - Fan Fiction
20 - About a Boy
17 - The Werther Project
17 - Inside Man
13 - Hibbing 911

12 - Book of the Damned

03 - Soul Survivor

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song

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+ The Werther Project
-- Book of the Damned

-- Soul Survivor


21 - Fan Fiction
20 - About a Boy
18 - The Werther Project
17 - Inside Man
13 - Hibbing 911

10 - Book of the Damned

01 - Soul Survivor


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song

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-- The Werther Project

+ Inside Man

+ Soul Survivor

21 - Fan Fiction

20 - About a Boy

18 - Inside Man

16 - The Werther Project

13 - Hibbing 911

10 - Book of the Damned

02 - Soul Survivor

Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire

Paint It Black

Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried

Paper Moon

The Things We Left Behind

Angel Heart

The Hunter Games

There's No Place Like Home

Girls, Girls, Girls


The Prisoner

Ask Jeeves

The Executioner's Song

Link to comment

-- Fan Fiction
+ Book of the Damned
+ Soul Survivor


20 - About a Boy

19 - Fan Fiction
18 - Inside Man
16 - The Werther Project
13 - Hibbing 911
11 - Book of the Damned
03 - Soul Survivor


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song


Giving Soul Survivor one last boost...looks like it isn't going to make it so if it is is hanging on by a thread I'll take it out next time.  I think it is a strong ep but I like all of them and really just one to vote up. 


So I took down the one that was on top.  Thought it only fair.  Couldn't decide who to vote down and just realize I've forgotten about the game.  oops.  :)

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+ Fan Fiction
-- About A Boy
-- Book of the Damned


20 - Fan Fiction

18 - About a Boy
18 - Inside Man
16 - The Werther Project
13 - Hibbing 911
09 - Book of the Damned
03 - Soul Survivor



Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song

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-- Hibbing 911

-- Book of the Damned

+ Soul Survivor


20 - Fan Fiction

18 - About a Boy
18 - Inside Man
16 - The Werther Project
11 - Hibbing 911
07 - Book of the Damned
04 - Soul Survivor


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song

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The Werther Project --

Book of the Damned --

Soul Survivor --

20 - Fan Fiction
18 - About a Boy
18 - Inside Man
14 - The Werther Project
11 - Hibbing 911
05 - Book of the Damned
02 - Soul Survivor

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song

Link to comment

+ The Werther Project
-- Book of the Damned
-- Soul Survivor


20 - Fan Fiction
18 - About a Boy
18 - Inside Man
15 - The Werther Project
11 - Hibbing 911
03 - Book of the Damned

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song

Soul Survivor

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Nooooooooo. RIP Soul Survivor. At least you lasted longer than demon!Dean.

--Fan Fiction

+ Inside Man

+ The Werther Project

19 - Inside Man

18 - Fan Fiction

18 - About a Boy

16 - The Werther Project

11 - Hibbing 911

03 - Book of the Damned

Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire

Paint It Black

Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried

Paper Moon

The Things We Left Behind

Angel Heart

The Hunter Games

There's No Place Like Home

Girls, Girls, Girls


The Prisoner

Ask Jeeves

The Executioner's Song

Soul Survivor

Edited by catrox14
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-- Hibbing 911
-- Inside Man
-- Book of the Damned


18 - Fan Fiction
18 - About a Boy

17 - Inside Man

16 - The Werther Project
09 - Hibbing 911
01 - Book of the Damned


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song
Soul Survivor

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Book of the Damned --

The Werther Project --

Fan Fiction +


19 - Fan Fiction
18 - About a Boy
17 - Inside Man
14 - The Werther Project
09 - Hibbing 911

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song
Soul Survivor

Book of the Damned

Link to comment

-- Fan Fiction
-- About a Boy
+ The Werther Project


17 - Fan Fiction
16 - About a Boy

17 - Inside Man
15 - The Werther Project
09 - Hibbing 911


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song
Soul Survivor

Book of the Damned

Edited by DittyDotDot
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-- Inside Man
-- The Werther Project
+ Hibbing 911


17 - Fan Fiction
16 - About a Boy

15 - Inside Man
13 - The Werther Project
10 - Hibbing 911


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song
Soul Survivor

Book of the Damned


Sniff by Book of the Damned...You had such potential, such a nice scary introduction but then you allowed stupid Dean and of course Sam has to have a secret.  Still I enjoyed a a lot of it, especially badass Dean!


Just decided to even the scores a bit.  Don't expect my votes to be the same next time.  I'm the undecided wonder.  :)

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+ Inside Man

-- Fan Fiction

+ The Werther Project

16 - Inside Man

16 - About a Boy

15 - Fan Fiction

14 - The Werther Project

10 - Hibbing 911


Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire

Paint It Black

Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried

Paper Moon

The Things We Left Behind

Angel Heart

The Hunter Games

There's No Place Like Home

Girls, Girls, Girls


The Prisoner

Ask Jeeves

The Executioner's Song

Soul Survivor

Book of the Damned

Edited by catrox14
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RIP "Soul Survivor." I especially enjoy it in retrospect for it being an episode where Sam actually gets to do something right and without any immediate awful consequences (unlike say "Devil's Trap" or "All Hell.., pt 1" where doing the right thing still lead to very bad, heartbreaking things.) Also, in my opinion, both Jared and Jensen did a great job in this one, and I loved the cat and mouse mind games. Demon Dean definitely enjoyed the mind games. Even his "chase" through the bunker was a mind game. Sure he could've just broken down the door rather than chop through it with the hammer and he could've silently crept through the halls tracking Sam, but where would be the fun in that. (He reminds me a little of Angelus in that way - half the "fun" is the mind games.) Like the French guy in Monty Python and the Holy Grail (one of my favorite parts), he enjoys taunting Sam a second time - except of course Dean's "taunts" are on the mark, very specific, and meant to draw emotional blood. He could've just killed Sam, but that in Demon Dean's mind would've been the merciful thing to do, and as he promised in the car, he wasn't going to be merciful with Sam. I really enjoyed that episode.


Also RIP "Book of the Damned." It could've been an even better episode for me if it didn't feel like a set up where I was waiting the whole damn time the next few epiaosdes for that "shoe" to drop, because I knew it was coming, but instead of feeling all "see I was right", I was just annoyed that I was right. And dammit, if I can't enjoy being right, that's just... well frustrating. But I guess I can only partially blame this episode, since - at least at the time - it maybe, sorta, coulda gone another way (*snort*). I enjoyed the heck out of the Metatron / Castiel scenes too. And there was the beautiful ending scene where Jared killed it with the trying so hard to look like he was having a good time, but so just couldn't. So yeah this one's all wrapped up in a confusing, conflicting package for me. *Le sigh.*


-- Inside Man - I would like this better if not for the secrets and lies of contrivance and annoyance

-- Hibbing 911

+ Fan Fiction

16 - About a Boy
16 - Fan Fiction

14 - Inside Man
14 - The Werther Project
08 - Hibbing 911

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song
Soul Survivor
Book of the Damned

  • Love 2
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-- About a Boy

-- Hibbing 911

-- Inside Man


16 - Fan Fiction

14 - About a Boy

12 - Inside Man
14 - The Werther Project
06 - Hibbing 911



Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song
Soul Survivor
Book of the Damned

Link to comment

Hibbing 911 +

Fan Fiction +

The Werther Project --


17 - Fan Fiction
14 - About a Boy
12 - Inside Man
12 - The Werther Project
07 - Hibbing 911


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song
Soul Survivor
Book of the Damned

Edited by Demented Daisy
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-- Fan Fiction
-- About a Boy
+ The Werther Project


15 - Fan Fiction

13 - The Werther Project
12 - About a Boy
12 - Inside Man
07 - Hibbing 911


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song
Soul Survivor
Book of the Damned

Link to comment

-- Inside Man

+ The Werther Project

+ Fan Fiction



16 - Fan Fiction

14 - The Werther Project
12 - About a Boy
10 - Inside Man
07 - Hibbing 911


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart
The Hunter Games
There's No Place Like Home
Girls, Girls, Girls
The Prisoner
Ask Jeeves
The Executioner's Song
Soul Survivor
Book of the Damned

Link to comment

+ Inside Man

-- The Werther Project

-- Fan Fiction

14 - Fan Fiction

12 - The Werther Project

12 - About a Boy

11 - Inside Man

07 - Hibbing 911

Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire

Paint It Black

Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried

Paper Moon

The Things We Left Behind

Angel Heart

The Hunter Games

There's No Place Like Home

Girls, Girls, Girls


The Prisoner

Ask Jeeves

The Executioner's Song

Soul Survivor

Book of the Damned

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