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Supernatural Survival Game

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-- Angel Heart

-- Paper Moon

++ Brother's Keeper



19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy

15 - Girls, Girls, Girls

15 - Book of the Damned

15 - The Werther Project
15 - Soul Survivor
15 - Executioners Song
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner
13 - The Things We Left Behind
13 - The Hunter Games
13 - Paint It Black

11 - Angel Heart
11 - The Things They Carried
11 - Halt & Catch Fire
11 - Reichenbach

09 - Paper Moon

09 - Dark Dynasty

07 - Black
05 - Brother's Keeper

Edited by AwesomO4000
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Yeah the finale confused me but I can't say it's the worst of the season. Missed a day of voting and my babies are falling fast.

-- The Thing They Carried

-- Halt and Catch Fire

++ Riechenbach

19 - Fan Fiction

17 - Ask Jeeves

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - Inside Man

17 - About a Boy

15 - Girls, Girls, Girls

15 - Book of the Damned

15 - The Werther Project

15 - Soul Survivor

15 - Executioners Song

13 - Riechenbach

13 - There's No Place Like Home

13 - The Prisoner

13 - The Things We Left Behind

13 - The Hunter Games

13 - Paint It Black

11 - Angel Heart

09 - The Things They Carried

09 - Halt & Catch Fire

09 - Paper Moon

09 - Dark Dynasty

07 - Black

05 - Brother's Keeper

Link to comment

Brother's Keeper --

Black --

Reichenbach --


19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - Book of the Damned
15 - The Werther Project
15 - Soul Survivor
15 - Executioners Song
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner
13 - The Things We Left Behind
13 - The Hunter Games
13 - Paint It Black

11 - Riechenbach

11 - Angel Heart
09 - The Things They Carried
09 - Halt & Catch Fire
09 - Paper Moon
09 - Dark Dynasty
05 - Black
03 - Brother's Keeper

Link to comment

-- Dark Dynasty
-- Black
-- Brother's Keeper



19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - Book of the Damned
15 - The Werther Project
15 - Soul Survivor
15 - Executioners Song
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner
13 - The Things We Left Behind
13 - The Hunter Games
13 - Paint It Black

11 - Riechenbach

11 - Angel Heart
09 - The Things They Carried
09 - Halt & Catch Fire
09 - Paper Moon
03 - Dark Dynasty
03 - Black
01 - Brother's Keeper

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I'm a little surprised that "Paint it Black" with the Renaissance era (or is it Baroque?) telenovella with even worse dramatics interludes and disgusting disembowelment is not way down on this list. I would've voted it down before now myself except that I was confusing it with "Black", so I thought it was well on its way out already. Well, I'm going to make it my mission to destroy that ep now that I know. So here begins my vendetta.


++ Brother's Keeper (I don't think it should be first. ::shrug::)

-- Paint it Black (This would be my first one out - yuck)

-- Paper Moon



19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - Book of the Damned
15 - The Werther Project
15 - Soul Survivor
15 - Executioners Song
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner
13 - The Things We Left Behind
13 - The Hunter Games
11 - Paint It Black

11 - Riechenbach

11 - Angel Heart
09 - The Things They Carried
09 - Halt & Catch Fire
07 - Paper Moon
03 - Dark Dynasty
03 - Black
03 - Brother's Keeper

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Excellent point about Paint it Black. I can't decide if that or Halt and Catch Fire are the worst. I do think Deans confession scene was amazing but I can't use it to save the bad of Paint it Black.

But Paper Moon and The Things They Carried are in my worst five

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I can't hate "Halt and Catch Fire" because of that first scene. I'm just so tickled that they used one of my favorite songs. I love The Avett Brothers, and didn't think they had a chance of being used in this show.

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-- Paint it Black

++ Reichenbach

--Halt and Catch Fire


19 - Fan Fiction

17 - Ask Jeeves

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - Inside Man

17 - About a Boy

15 - Girls, Girls, Girls

15 - Book of the Damned

15 - The Werther Project

15 - Soul Survivor

15 - Executioners Song

13 - There's No Place Like Home

13 - The Prisoner

13 - The Things We Left Behind

13 - The Hunter Games

13 - Reichenbach

11 - Angel Heart

09 - Paint It Black

09 - The Things They Carried

07 - Halt & Catch Fire

07 - Paper Moon

03 - Dark Dynasty

03 - Black

03 - Brother's Keeper

Link to comment

-- Paint it Black
-- The Things They Carried
-- Halt and Catch Fire

19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - Book of the Damned
15 - The Werther Project
15 - Soul Survivor
15 - Executioners Song
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner
13 - The Things We Left Behind
13 - The Hunter Games
13 - Reichenbach
11 - Angel Heart
07 - Paint It Black
07 - The Things They Carried
07 - Paper Moon

05 - Halt & Catch Fire

03 - Dark Dynasty
03 - Black
03 - Brother's Keeper

Link to comment

Brother's Keeper --

Black --

Reichenbach --


19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - Book of the Damned
15 - The Werther Project
15 - Soul Survivor
15 - Executioners Song
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner
13 - The Things We Left Behind
13 - The Hunter Games
11 - Reichenbach
11 - Angel Heart
07 - Paint It Black
07 - The Things They Carried
07 - Paper Moon
05 - Halt & Catch Fire
03 - Dark Dynasty
01 - Black
01 - Brother's Keeper

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You guys are so sweet giving me not only the first kill, but I get to take out two at once....awww, thanks for that. Best thing to happen to me all week. DEATH TO S10! Hee!;)



-- Soul Survivor
-- Black
-- Brother's Keeper1


19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - Book of the Damned
15 - The Werther Project
13 - Soul Survivor
15 - Executioners Song
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner
13 - The Things We Left Behind
13 - The Hunter Games
11 - Reichenbach
11 - Angel Heart
07 - Paint It Black
07 - The Things They Carried
07 - Paper Moon
05 - Halt & Catch Fire
03 - Dark Dynasty


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper

  • Love 1
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Damn.my eulogy to Black.

I looked at Black as the First chapter in the 3 chapter book of Demon Dean. If they had left out Coles overly long introduction and the dull angels and given us more demon! Dean could have put Black and Reichenbach as one two hour awesome premier. Just update us on where Cas and Hannah were without all the other angel nonsense. But all demon Dean and Crowley and Sam stuff was just beautiful. Specifically

-badass demon! Dean not leaving the porn behind. Lol

-Sam staring at Deans goodbye note. Noo.

-Porn Guy. SAY MY NAME clerk. Code brown. Did I conduct a field interview? Gold.



-Sams great phone call with Crowley and all snark on both sides.

-Dean singing bad karaoke gives me life.

-And Jensen. Just all the awards to Jensen for giving Dean that other quality that he was Dean but so not. BRAVO

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Rats. I so wanted "Paint It Black" with the weirdo nun who cut off her fingertip in ecstasy for, you know, art to go first. Nonetheless, I shall continue my campaign against it. And very nice eulogy for "Black", catrox. I agree with all of it.


I can't eulogize "Brother's Keeper" yet - and what is that title referring to anyhow? - because I'm going to have to see the fallout next season before I decide if I hate it or not. So far I'm not liking potentially stupid, failure Sam, so if that's what we get, I'll stick with the not liking it much, but...


And hmm, my taste in episodes here is at variance it seems. I actually preferred the Cole gets infected with a Khan worm episode to the Claire plays house with potential rapists episode - mostly because Claire bores me more than Cole bugs, but oh well. Also boring for me: the werewolf sisters of heavy anvils falling on my head. So I shall continue my vendetta against that episode as well. Die episode die.


-- Paint It Black

-- Paper Moon

-- The Things We Left Behind


19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - Book of the Damned
15 - The Werther Project
13 - Soul Survivor
15 - Executioners Song
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner
13 - The Hunter Games

11 - The Things We Left Behind
11 - Reichenbach
11 - Angel Heart
07 - The Things They Carried

05 - Paint It Black
05 - Paper Moon
05 - Halt & Catch Fire
03 - Dark Dynasty


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper


Edited: because extraneous, unnecessary spaces are extraneous and unnecessary.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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-- Paint It Black

-- Dark Dynasty

++ Book of the Damned


19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy

17 - Book of the Damned
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - The Werther Project
13 - Soul Survivor
15 - Executioners Song
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner
13 - The Hunter Games

11 - The Things We Left Behind
11 - Reichenbach
11 - Angel Heart
07 - The Things They Carried
05 - Paper Moon
05 - Halt & Catch Fire

03 - Paint It Black
01 - Dark Dynasty


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper


The only good thing about paint it black was Dean's confession toward's the end of it...but it's not enough for me to save it.


Right now I hate, hate Brother's Keeper...I might like it later but I've lost faith in Carver, so I doubt it.


I hate, hate Dark Dynasty...there are many ways they could have killed Charlie and that was beyond the worst.  Plus I'm sick of the plot...oh we need someone the audience cares about to die.  They won't mind as no one dies in Supernatural...but really show once you do die it isn't easy to bring them back unless they are the 2 leads.  So the death's have hardly any impact anymore and mean nothing but stupid writing IMO.

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--Halt and Catch Fire

--Paint it Black

19 - Fan Fiction

17 - Ask Jeeves

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - Inside Man

17 - About a Boy

17 - Book of the Damned

15 - Girls, Girls, Girls

15 - The Werther Project

15 - The Executioners Song

13 - Reichenbach

13 - Soul Survivor

13 - There's No Place Like Home

13 - The Prisoner

13 - The Hunter Games

11 - The Things We Left Behind

11 - Angel Heart

07 - The Things They Carried

05 - Paper Moon

03 - Halt & Catch Fire

01 - Paint It Black

01 - Dark Dynasty

Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Edited by catrox14
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Brother's Keeper ... "Close your eyes. ....Sammy, close your eyes." *sigh* I'm very sad this went so soon. 


-- The Things They Carried
--Halt and Catch Fire
--Paper Moon


19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
17 - Book of the Damned
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - The Werther Project
15 - The Executioners Song
13 - Reichenbach
13 - Soul Survivor
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner
13 - The Hunter Games
11 - The Things We Left Behind
11 - Angel Heart
05 - The Things They Carried
03 - Paper Moon
01 - Halt & Catch Fire
01 - Paint It Black
01 - Dark Dynasty


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper

Link to comment

A triple kill! Awww, seriously, you guys are too kind!


-- Halt & Catch Fire
-- Paint It Black
-- Dark Dynasty



19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
17 - Book of the Damned
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - The Werther Project
15 - The Executioners Song
13 - Reichenbach
13 - Soul Survivor
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner
13 - The Hunter Games
11 - The Things We Left Behind
11 - Angel Heart
05 - The Things They Carried
03 - Paper Moon

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty

  • Love 1
Link to comment

Reichenbach --

Soul Survivor --

Executioner's Song --


19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
17 - Book of the Damned
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - The Werther Project
13 - The Executioners Song
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner
13 - The Hunter Games

11 - Reichenbach

11 - Soul Survivor
11 - The Things We Left Behind
11 - Angel Heart
05 - The Things They Carried
03 - Paper Moon

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty

Link to comment

Not much for me to say about "Halt and Catch Fire" except: "there's a darkness upon me that's flooded in light..." I love that Avett Brother's song, and I thought they used it well in that opening scene. That's mostly all, although there were a few other good scenes here and there.


As for "Paint It Black" pretty much "Yay it's gone!" is what I say.


"Dark Dynasty" - more anvils being set up to fall on my head... and Sam's, so yeah...


Voting in support of catrox14 here:


++ Soul Survivor

++ Reichenbach

-- The Things We Left Behind


19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
17 - Book of the Damned
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - The Werther Project
13 - The Executioners Song
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner
13 - The Hunter Games

13 - Reichenbach

13 - Soul Survivor
11 - Angel Heart

09 - The Things We Left Behind
05 - The Things They Carried
03 - Paper Moon


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty

Link to comment

++ Soul Survivor

++ Reichenbach

-- The Things They Carried


19 - Fan Fiction

17 - Ask Jeeves

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - Inside Man

17 - About a Boy

17 - Book of the Damned

15 - Reichenbach

15 - Soul Survivor

15 - Girls, Girls, Girls

15 - The Werther Project

13 - The Executioners Song

13 - There's No Place Like Home

13 - The Prisoner

13 - The Hunter Games

11 - Angel Heart

09 - The Things We Left Behind

03 - The Things They Carried

03 - Paper Moon


Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire

Paint It Black

Dark Dynasty

Link to comment

But FIRST! a few eulogies.


I see a red door...Paint It Black... had one lovely scene with Dean in the confessional. Other than that... please slink off to the ignominy you deserve. 

Halt & Catch fire ... I liked Dean's shift in the second half of the episode but otherwise ...needed to be ganked for Darwinism of College Kids in Horror Flicks

Dark Dynasty ... Was interesting until they FREAKING KILLED CHARLIE. And now it needs to be burned and salted so that the fridging trope is never used again.





--  Paper Moon
-- The Things We Left Behind
-- The Things They Carried

19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
17 - Book of the Damned
15 - Reichenbach
15 - Soul Survivor
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - The Werther Project
13 - The Executioners Song
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner
13 - The Hunter Games
11 - Angel Heart
07 - The Things We Left Behind
01 - The Things They Carried
01 - Paper Moon

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty

Link to comment

Reichenbach --
Soul Survivor --
Executioner's Song --


19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
17 - Book of the Damned
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - The Werther Project
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner

13 - Reichenbach

13 - Soul Survivor

13 - The Hunter Games
11 - Angel Heart

11 - The Executioners Song

07 - The Things We Left Behind
01 - The Things They Carried
01 - Paper Moon


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty

Link to comment

Kisses to all...again!


++ The Werther Project

-- The Things They Carried
-- Paper Moon



19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
17 - Book of the Damned

17 - The Werther Project
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
13 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Prisoner

13 - Reichenbach

13 - Soul Survivor​

13 - The Hunter Games
11 - Angel Heart

11 - The Executioners Song

07 - The Things We Left Behind

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried
Paper Moon

  • Love 1
Link to comment

++ The Executioners Song

++ There's No Place Like Home
++ Soul Survivor​


19 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
17 - Book of the Damned

17 - The Werther Project
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - There's No Place Like Home

15 - Soul Survivor​
13 - The Prisoner

13 - Reichenbach

13 - The Executioners Song

13 - The Hunter Games
11 - Angel Heart

07 - The Things We Left Behind


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried
Paper Moon

Edited by 7kstar
Link to comment

-- The Things We Left Behind--

-- Angel Heart

++ FanFiction


21 - Fan Fiction
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
17 - Book of the Damned

17 - The Werther Project
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - There's No Place Like Home

15 - Soul Survivor​
13 - The Prisoner

13 - Reichenbach

13 - The Executioners Song

13 - The Hunter Games
09 - Angel Heart

05 - The Things We Left Behind


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried
Paper Moon

Link to comment

-- Angel Heart

++ Reichenbach

++ Soul Survivor


21 - Fan Fiction

17 - Ask Jeeves

17 - Hibbing 911

17 - Inside Man

17 - About a Boy

17 - Book of the Damned

17 - The Werther Project

17 - Soul Survivor

15 - Girls, Girls, Girls

15 - There's No Place Like Home

15 - Reichenbach

13 - The Prisoner

13 - The Executioners Song

13 - The Hunter Games

07 - Angel Heart

05 - The Things We Left Behind


Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire

Paint It Black

Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried

Paper Moon

Link to comment

++ The Werther Project
-- Soul Survivor
-- Reichenbach



21 - Fan Fiction

19 - The Werther Project
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
17 - Book of the Damned
15 - Soul Survivor
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - Reichenbach
13 - The Prisoner
13 - The Executioners Song
13 - The Hunter Games
07 - Angel Heart
05 - The Things We Left Behind

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon

Link to comment

Reichenbach --

Soul Survivor --

The Executioner's Song --


21 - Fan Fiction
19 - The Werther Project
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Hibbing 911
17 - Inside Man
17 - About a Boy
17 - Book of the Damned
15 - Girls, Girls, Girls
15 - There's No Place Like Home
13 - The Hunter Games

13 - The Prisoner

13 - Soul Survivor

11 - The Executioners Song

11 - Reichenbach

07 - Angel Heart
05 - The Things We Left Behind


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon

Link to comment

About a Boy ++

Hibbing 911 ++

Girls, Girls, Girls --


21 - Fan Fiction
19 - The Werther Project
19 - Hibbing 911
19 - About a Boy

17 - Inside Man

17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Book of the Damned
15 - There's No Place Like Home

13 - Soul Survivor
13 - The Hunter Games

13 - The Prisoner

13 - Girls, Girls, Girls

11 - The Executioners Song

11 - Reichenbach

07 - Angel Heart
05 - The Things We Left Behind


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon

Edited by 7kstar
Link to comment

++ Reichenbach

++ Soul Survivor

-- The Things We Left Behind


21 - Fan Fiction
19 - The Werther Project
19 - Hibbing 911
19 - About a Boy

17 - Inside Man

17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Book of the Damned
15 - There's No Place Like Home

15 - Soul Survivor
13 - The Hunter Games

13 - The Prisoner

13 - Girls, Girls, Girls

13 - Reichenbach

11 - The Executioners Song

07 - Angel Heart
03 - The Things We Left Behind


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon

Link to comment

++ The Executioner's Song

-- There's No Place Like Home

-- The Things We Left Behind


21 - Fan Fiction
19 - The Werther Project
19 - Hibbing 911
19 - About a Boy

17 - Inside Man

17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Book of the Damned

15 - Soul Survivor
13 - The Hunter Games

13 - The Prisoner

13 - Girls, Girls, Girls

13 - Reichenbach

13 - There's No Place Like Home

13 - The Executioners Song

07 - Angel Heart
01 - The Things We Left Behind


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon

Link to comment

++ Reichenbach

++ Soul Survivor

++ The Prisoner

21 - Fan Fiction

19 - The Werther Project

19 - Hibbing 911

19 - About a Boy

17 - Inside Man

17 - Ask Jeeves

17 - Book of the Damned

17 - Soul Survivor

15 - Reichenbach

15 - The Prisoner

13 - The Hunter Games

13 - Girls, Girls, Girls

13 - There's No Place Like Home

13 - The Executioners Song

07 - Angel Heart

01 - The Things We Left Behind


Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire

Paint It Black

Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried

Paper Moon

Link to comment

Reichenbach --

Soul Survivor --

The Executioner's Song --


21 - Fan Fiction
19 - The Werther Project
19 - Hibbing 911
19 - About a Boy
17 - Inside Man
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Book of the Damned
15 - Soul Survivor

15 - The Prisoner

13 - Reichenbach
13 - The Hunter Games
13 - Girls, Girls, Girls
13 - There's No Place Like Home
11 - The Executioners Song
07 - Angel Heart
01 - The Things We Left Behind

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon

Link to comment

-- The Hunter Games
-- Angel Heart
-- The Things We Left Behind



 21 - Fan Fiction
19 - The Werther Project
19 - Hibbing 911
19 - About a Boy
17 - Inside Man
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Book of the Damned
15 - Soul Survivor

15 - The Prisoner

13 - Reichenbach
13 - Girls, Girls, Girls
13 - There's No Place Like Home
11 - The Executioners Song

11 - The Hunter Games
05 - Angel Heart

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon

The Things We Left Behind

Link to comment

-- Angel Heart

-- There's No Place Like Home

++ Soul Survivor


21 - Fan Fiction
19 - The Werther Project
19 - Hibbing 911
19 - About a Boy
17 - Inside Man
17 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Book of the Damned
17 - Soul Survivor

15 - The Prisoner

13 - Reichenbach
13 - Girls, Girls, Girls
11 - There's No Place Like Home
11 - The Executioners Song

11 - The Hunter Games
03 - Angel Heart


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon

The Things We Left Behind

Link to comment

++ Reichenbach

++ Soul Survivor

++ Executioner's Song


21 - Fan Fiction

19 - The Werther Project

19 - Hibbing 911

19 - About a Boy

19 - Soul Survivor

17 - Inside Man

17 - Ask Jeeves

17 - Book of the Damned

17 - Soul Survivor

15 - The Prisoner

15 - Reichenbach

13 - The Executioner's Song

13 - Girls, Girls, Girls

11 - There's No Place Like Home

11 - The Hunter Games

03 - Angel Heart


Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire

Paint It Black

Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried

Paper Moon

The Things We Left Behind

Link to comment

-- The Hunter Games

++ Book of the Damned

++ Executioner's Song

21 - Fan Fiction

19 - The Werther Project

19 - Hibbing 911

19 - About a Boy

19 - Soul Survivor

19 - Book of the Damned

17 - Inside Man

17 - Ask Jeeves

17 - Soul Survivor

15 - The Prisoner

15 - Reichenbach

15 - The Executioner's Song

13 - Girls, Girls, Girls

11 - There's No Place Like Home

09 - The Hunter Games

03 - Angel Heart

Fallen in a pit of Darkness


Brother's Keeper

Halt & Catch Fire

Paint It Black

Dark Dynasty

The Things They Carried

Paper Moon

The Things We Left Behind

Link to comment

-- Soul Survivor
-- The Hunter Games
-- Angel Heart



21 - Fan Fiction
19 - The Werther Project
19 - Hibbing 911
19 - About a Boy
19 - Book of the Damned

17 - Soul Survivor
17 - Inside Man
17 - Ask Jeeves
15 - The Prisoner
15 - Reichenbach
15 - The Executioner's Song
13 - Girls, Girls, Girls
11 - There's No Place Like Home
07 - The Hunter Games
01 - Angel Heart


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind

Link to comment

Reichenbach --

Soul Survivor --

The Executioner's Song --


21 - Fan Fiction
19 - The Werther Project
19 - Hibbing 911
19 - About a Boy
19 - Book of the Damned
17 - Inside Man
17 - Ask Jeeves

15 - Soul Survivor

15 - The Prisoner
13 - Reichenbach
13 - The Executioner's Song
13 - Girls, Girls, Girls
11 - There's No Place Like Home
07 - The Hunter Games
01 - Angel Heart

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind

Link to comment

Angel Heart --

There's No Place Like Home --

The Hunter Games--


21 - Fan Fiction
19 - The Werther Project
19 - Hibbing 911
19 - About a Boy
19 - Book of the Damned
17 - Inside Man
17 - Ask Jeeves

15 - Soul Survivor

15 - The Prisoner
13 - Reichenbach
13 - The Executioner's Song
13 - Girls, Girls, Girls
09 - There's No Place Like Home
05 - The Hunter Games


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind

Angel Heart

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-- There's No Place Like Home

++ Ask Jeeves

++ Soul Survivor - mainly because it's an actual win for Sam for once, and I'm feeling ornery about the finale still. I'd consider "The Werther Project," but once again there, after thinking about it, Dean had to save Sam again, so while the sentiment was nice, it was still just yet another example of Dean having to save Sam's ass again. I like that episode, but that still kinda bugs a bit.


21 - Fan Fiction
19 - The Werther Project
19 - Hibbing 911
19 - About a Boy
19 - Book of the Damned

19 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Inside Man
17 - Soul Survivor

15 - The Prisoner
13 - Reichenbach
13 - The Executioner's Song
13 - Girls, Girls, Girls
07 - There's No Place Like Home
05 - The Hunter Games


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind

Angel Heart

Link to comment

Reichenbach --

Soul Survivor --

The Executioner's Song --


21 - Fan Fiction
19 - The Werther Project
19 - Hibbing 911
19 - About a Boy
19 - Book of the Damned
19 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Inside Man
15 - Soul Survivor
15 - The Prisoner

13 - Girls, Girls, Girls

11 - Reichenbach
11 - The Executioner's Song
07 - There's No Place Like Home
05 - The Hunter Games

Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart

Link to comment

-- Soul Survivor
-- Reichenbach
-- The Hunter Games


21 - Fan Fiction
19 - The Werther Project
19 - Hibbing 911
19 - About a Boy
19 - Book of the Damned
19 - Ask Jeeves
17 - Inside Man
15 - The Prisoner

13 - Soul Survivor

13 - Girls, Girls, Girls

11 - The Executioner's Song

09 - Reichenbach
07 - There's No Place Like Home
03 - The Hunter Games


Fallen in a pit of Darkness
Brother's Keeper
Halt & Catch Fire
Paint It Black
Dark Dynasty
The Things They Carried
Paper Moon
The Things We Left Behind
Angel Heart

Edited by DittyDotDot
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