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++ Hello Cruel World
-- Appointment in Samarra
++ Slash Fiction

19 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - French Mistake
17 - Time After Time
17 - Slash Fiction
15 - Appointment in Samarra
15 - Frontierland
15 - Hello, Cruel World
13 - Born-Again Identity
11 - Mommy Dearest
11 - Meet the New Boss

This is really difficult -  I like all of these episodes.

Edited by AwesomO4000

++ Hello, Cruel World (because it has one of my favorite lines: Dean: Whoa! Sam! This discussion does not require a weapons discharge!)
++ French Mistake
-- Meet the New Boss

19 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - Time After Time
17 - French Mistake
15 - Slash Fiction
15 - Appointment in Samarra
15 - Hello, Cruel World
11- Frontierland
11 - Born-Again Identity
11 - Mommy Dearest
07 - Meet the New Boss

++ Slash Fiction ("Dead plants with creamy goo: it's like eating self-righteousness" - brilliant)
-- Appointment in Samarra
++ French Mistake

17 - Weekend at Bobby's
17 - Time After Time
17 - French Mistake
17 - Slash Fiction
15 - Hello, Cruel World
13 - Appointment in Samarra
13- Frontierland
13 - Born-Again Identity
09 - Mommy Dearest
05 - Meet the New Boss

Goodbye Mommy Dearest and Meet the New Boss. Mommy Dearest gave us Jefferson Satrships and an ending that I entirely did not see coming. And Meet the New Boss gave us a nice montage that progressed the timeline quickly, but informatively without flashbacks and we got to see Death again. I enjoyed both of these episodes a great deal.

++ French Mistake
-- Appointment in Samarra
++ Slash Fiction

21 - Time After Time
21 - Slash Fiction
19 - Weekend at Bobby's
19 - Hello, Cruel World
15 - Born-Again Identity
13 - French Mistake
11 - Appointment in Samarra
09 -  Frontierland

Sent to Purgatory to hunt more monsters
Mommy Dearest
Meet the New Boss

  • Love 1

-- Time After Time
-- Hello, Cruel World
-- Born-Again Identity

21 - Slash Fiction
19 - Weekend at Bobby's
19 - Time After Time
17 - Hello, Cruel World
13 - Born-Again Identity
13 - French Mistake
11 - Appointment in Samarra
09 -  Frontierland

Sent to Purgatory to hunt more monsters  
Mommy Dearest
Meet the New Boss

-- Slash Fiction
++ Weekend at Bobby's
--  Frontierland


21 - Weekend at Bobby's
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Time After Time
17 - Hello, Cruel World
13 - Born-Again Identity
13 - French Mistake
11 - Appointment in Samarra
07 -  Frontierland

Sent to Purgatory to hunt more monsters  
Mommy Dearest
Meet the New Boss

++ Weekend at Bobby's
-- Hello, Cruel World
-- Born-Again Identity

21 - Weekend at Bobby's
21 - Slash Fiction
19 - Time After Time
17 - Hello, Cruel World
15 - Born-Again Identity
11 - French Mistake
11 - Appointment in Samarra
05 -  Frontierland

Sent to Purgatory to hunt more monsters  
Mommy Dearest
Meet the New Boss

++ Born-Again Identity
-- Weekend at Bobby's
-- French Mistake

19 - Weekend at Bobby's
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Time After Time
17 - Hello, Cruel World
15 - Born-Again Identity
11 - Appointment in Samarra
09 - French Mistake
03 -  Frontierland

Sent to Purgatory to hunt more monsters  
Mommy Dearest
Meet the New Boss

Edited by pixelcat

++ Hello, Cruel World

++ Born-Again Identity

-- Frontierland

19 - Weekend at Bobby's
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Time After Time
19- Hello, Cruel World
17 - Born-Again Identity
11 - Appointment in Samarra
09 - French Mistake
01 -  Frontierland

Sent to Purgatory to hunt more monsters  
Mommy Dearest
Meet the New Boss

 Edited 7 hours ago by pixelcat.

And let's let Frontierland ride off into the sunset.  It had the WONDERFUL Star Trek "Save the Whales" and "I only watch Deep Space Nine" gags. As well as Dean in awesome cosplay and Sam riding on a horse that looked like it was going to die.  Plus we got to meet Samuel Colt and watch Cas give Bobby a Soulonoscopy.  It was a fun episode.  I also liked the monster of the week.  Felt kinda bad for the Phoenix but he was just kinda killing people (even if they were bad people).  Could have done without the herpes on the saloon gal. 


-- Hello, Cruel World
-- French Mistake
-- Frontierland

19 - Weekend at Bobby's
19 - Slash Fiction
19 - Time After Time
19 - Born-Again Identity
17- Hello, Cruel World
11 - Appointment in Samarra
09 - French Mistake

Sent to Purgatory to hunt more monsters  
Mommy Dearest
Meet the New Boss

-- The French Mistake
++Slash Fiction
-- Weekend at Bobby's

23 - Slash Fiction
19 - Time After Time
19 - Born-Again Identity
17- Weekend at Bobby's
17- Hello, Cruel World
09 - French Mistake
09 - Appointment in Samarra

Sent to Purgatory to hunt more monsters  
Mommy Dearest
Meet the New Boss

Edited by catrox14

++ Weekend at Bobby's
++ Appointment in Samarra
-- Hello, Cruel World

23 - Slash Fiction
19 - Time After Time
19 - Born-Again Identity
19 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - Hello, Cruel World
11 - Appointment in Samarra
09 - French Mistake

Sent to Purgatory to hunt more monsters  
Mommy Dearest
Meet the New Boss

21 minutes ago, Demented Daisy said:

I think the Gamble years were all over the map, honestly.  

Oh, I agree, that's why it's so hard to find one that represents it, IMO. It was that weird time for the show when they didn't know what to do in the wake of finishing their 5-year story and realizing they could do almost anything. I think S7 had a better focus to it than S6, but really what stands out to me of those two years is the whimsy. 

  • Love 3

++ Weekend at Bobby's
-- Born-Again Identity
-- Hello, Cruel World

25 - Weekend at Bobby's
21 - Slash Fiction
19 - Born-Again Identity
19 - Time After Time
15 - Hello, Cruel World
09 - Appointment in Samarra
09 - French Mistake

Sent to Purgatory to hunt more monsters  
Mommy Dearest
Meet the New Boss

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