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Supernatural Survival Game

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+The End
--  A Very Supernatural Christmas
-- In My Time of Dying

28 - In My Time of Dying
15 - Mystery Spot
14 - Dark Side of the Moon
14 - Lazarus Rising
06 - Nightshifter
07 - The End
04 - A Very Supernatural Christmas
01 - What Is and What Should Never Be

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels

I got it, @catrox14

+ In My Time of Dying
-- Lazarus Rising
-- The End

29 - In My Time of Dying
15 - Mystery Spot
14 - Dark Side of the Moon
12 - Lazarus Rising
08 - Nightshifter
05 - The End
04 - A Very Supernatural Christmas
01 - What Is and What Should Never Be

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels

-- The End
+ A Very Supernatural Christmas
+ Dark Side of the Moon

29 - In My Time of Dying
15 - Mystery Spot
15- Dark Side of the Moon
12 - Lazarus Rising
08 - Nightshifter
05 - A Very Supernatural Christmas
03 - The End
01 - What Is and What Should Never Be

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels

Edited by Diane

I freakin' love What Is and What Should Never Be, but I'll send it on its way as Dean now has the real Mary to hang with.  But such a GREAT episode.  The way Jensen leans into Sam Smith's hand!  And mowing the lawn!  It's just an awesome performance.  And a great script.  And I love that they got Jess back for this episode.  


+The End
-- Nightshifter
-- What Is and What Should Never Be

29 - In My Time of Dying
15 - Mystery Spot
15- Dark Side of the Moon
12 - Lazarus Rising
06 - Nightshifter
05 - A Very Supernatural Christmas
04 - The End

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be

  • Love 2

Weird - I could've sworn I voted this evening... grrr...

And I, too, love "What Is..." For me their are some excellent feels at the end. Sam assuring Dean that he did the right thing even though it was difficult and that Sam understood that Dean was tempted but was so glad Dean came back: I loved that scene.

-- Dark Side of the Moon
-- Lazarus Rising
+ Mystery Spot

29 - In My Time of Dying
16 - Mystery Spot
13- Dark Side of the Moon
10 - Lazarus Rising
06 - Nightshifter
05 - A Very Supernatural Christmas
04 - The End

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be

  • Love 1

-- In My Time of Dying (just because it's so very far ahead)
-- The End
+ Nightshifter

27 - In My Time of Dying
16 - Mystery Spot
13- Dark Side of the Moon
10 - Lazarus Rising
07 - Nightshifter
05 - A Very Supernatural Christmas
02 - The End

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be

+ Mystery Spot
+ Lazarus Rising
-- The End

27 - In My Time of Dying
17 - Mystery Spot
13- Dark Side of the Moon
11 - Lazarus Rising
07 - Nightshifter
05 - A Very Supernatural Christmas

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End

First, I'll give The End a send off. Love this episode: showed us the big picture for the season, had great character beats and was fully of surprises at the same time. Really one of the show's standout episodes. But since is the "Best of Kripke", I threw my votes behind an episode I felt better represented the show, as a whole, during Kripke's tenure. 

Also, a fond ado to What Is And What Never Should Be. AKA, The Episode Where I Realized I Was In Love With This Show And Was In It Till The End. But, that's kinda a mouthful for a title and really difficult to even abbreviate. ;)

On to the voting...

-- Mystery Spot
-- Dark Side of the Moon
-- Lazarus Rising

27 - In My Time of Dying
15 - Mystery Spot
11- Dark Side of the Moon
09 - Lazarus Rising
05 - Nightshifter
03 - A Very Supernatural Christmas

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End

Edited by DittyDotDot
  • Love 2

My eulogy to "The End".  It's my favorite episode of the series. EVER.  Forever.

I will forever be in awe of Jensen's dual role, where he made Dean the same yet distinctly different. It's an Emmy worthy performance 100%.  Jared's Samifer was a pleasant surprise and Jensen playing Dean so scared, sad, heartbroken and  defiant Dean opposite was even better. Without that Samifer would not have been quite as scary. Much like when Dean's fear of Death made Death scarier in Two Minutes to Midnight. Misha's stoner!Cas is fantastic in all it's truly sad humor.

Just a tremendous episode forever. R.I.P 'The End' 


--Mystery Spot
+ Lazarus Rising
-- Dark Side of the Moon


27 - In My Time of Dying
13 - Mystery Spot
10 - Lazarus Rising
09- Dark Side of the Moon
05 - Nightshifter
03 - A Very Supernatural Christmas

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End

  • Love 1

-- A Very Supernatural Christmas
-- Dark Side of the Moon
+ Mystery Spot

27 - In My Time of Dying
14 - Mystery Spot
10 - Lazarus Rising
07- Dark Side of the Moon
05 - Nightshifter
01 - A Very Supernatural Christmas

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End

My poor dear The End.  How I loved you as an episode.  I loved the production value (reuse of the Dark Angel sets!!!), the whole premise, the moral conundrum, and the characters.  Castiel as a drug-addled sex addict.  Perfect.  And JP's performance as Lucifer was spectacular.  Catrox already praised JA's portrayal -- I loved S5 Dean judging Future Dean "boy, something is broken in you."  Such a great episode.  Until the next Croatoan outbreak....

And with that, I'll let "A Very Supernatural Christmas" go the way of all things as well.  It's a fantastic episode, made great by the acting of the two Weechesters.  And then the Rosemary Clooney singing at the end!  *sob*  I love this episode.  I just saw it the other day on TNT.  It's always a "stop and watch" for me.  Favorite line: "I'll fudging kill you!"

-- A Very Supernatural Christmas
-- Dark Side of the Moon
-- Nightshifter

27 - In My Time of Dying
14 - Mystery Spot
10 - Lazarus Rising
05- Dark Side of the Moon
03 - Nightshifter

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

  • Love 2

-- In My Time of Dying
-- Lazarus Rising
+ Mystery Spot

25 - In My Time of Dying
15 - Mystery Spot
08 - Lazarus Rising
05- Dark Side of the Moon
03 - Nightshifter

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

-- In My Time of Dying
-- Mystery Spot
+ Nightshifter

23 - In My Time of Dying
13 - Mystery Spot
08 - Lazarus Rising
05 - Dark Side of the Moon
04 - Nightshifter

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

-- Mystery Spot
-- Lazarus Rising
-- Dark Side of the Moon


23 - In My Time of Dying
11 - Mystery Spot
06 - Lazarus Rising
04 - Nightshifter
03 - Dark Side of the Moon

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

-- In My Time of Dying
+ Lazarus Rising
-- Mystery Spot

21- In My Time of Dying
09 - Mystery Spot
07 - Lazarus Rising
04 - Nightshifter
03 - Dark Side of the Moon

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

+ Dark side of the Moon

+ Lazarus Rising

-- Nightshifter

21- In My Time of Dying
09 - Mystery Spot
08 - Lazarus Rising
04 - Dark Side of the Moon

02 - Nightshifter 

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

Ronald Resnick! (you read it in Sam's voice, didn't you) One of the GREATEST MOTW characters. With his mandroids and the laser eyes.  I just LOVED that guy.  And this was a great MOTW episode.  I've voted it down not because I didn't like it but because I favored a few others.  But I do LOVE this episode.  And the music cue at the end is so very perfect.  Plus Agent Victor Henricksen was also seen first in this episode.  Another guy I loved.  But it's time for the episode to make an escape and find it's own private heaven.  


-- Mystery Spot
+ Lazarus Rising
-- Nightshifter

21- In My Time of Dying
09 - Lazarus Rising
07 - Mystery Spot
04 - Dark Side of the Moon

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

  • Love 1

I was up voting Nightshifter because I feel, story-wise, it is the perfect episode of SPN.  It is the entirety of Kripke's 5 seasons in one episode.  Sam and Dean, fighting the good fight against forces they cannot control, saving people who don't always understand they need saving.  They used their brawn and their brains to kill the monster and escape.  Plus one of the (if not the) best musical moments in the entire series.  Everything the audience needs to know about Supernatural (even a Sam bitchface) is in this episode.

But, alas, I'll have to settle for top 5.

-- In My Time of Dying
-- Lazarus Rising
+ Dark Side of the Moon

19 - In My Time of Dying
07 - Lazarus Rising
07 - Mystery Spot
05 - Dark Side of the Moon

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

  • Love 1

-- Lazarus Rising
-- Mystery Spot
-- Dark Side of the Moon

19 - In My Time of Dying
05 - Lazarus Rising
05 - Mystery Spot
03 - Dark Side of the Moon

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

-- Lazarus Rising (die episode, die: sorry, in retrospect I don't like this episode anymore... too many logic questions and missed opportunities)
-- In My Time of Dying (good episode, just really far ahead, and I needed a third vote)
+ Mystery Spot (good episode, bittersweet ending - for me, the hug is epic)

17 - In My Time of Dying
06 - Mystery Spot
03 - Lazarus Rising
03 - Dark Side of the Moon

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

Edited by AwesomO4000

+ Lazarus Rising (I will grip you tight and raise you from Perdition. You will not die without a fight)
-- In My Time of Dying (good episode, just really far ahead, and I needed a third vote)
-- Mystery Spot (I used to like it but now, after the whole Gabriel thing I like it less)

15 - In My Time of Dying
04 - Mystery Spot
04 - Lazarus Rising
03 - Dark Side of the Moon

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

Edited by catrox14

+ Lazarus Rising
-- Dark Side of the Moon
-- Mystery Spot

15 - In My Time of Dying
02 - Mystery Spot
05 - Lazarus Rising
01 - Dark Side of the Moon

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

+ Mystery Spot

+ Lazarus Rising

+ Dark Side of the Moon

15 - In My Time of Dying
06 - Lazarus Rising

03 - Mystery Spot
02 - Dark Side of the Moon

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

-- Lazarus Rising
+ Mystery Spot
+ Dark Side of the Moon

15 - In My Time of Dying
04 - Lazarus Rising
04 - Mystery Spot
03 - Dark Side of the Moon

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

-- Lazarus Rising
-- Mystery Spot
-- Dark Side of the Moon


15 - In My Time of Dying
02 - Lazarus Rising
02 - Mystery Spot
01 - Dark Side of the Moon

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

+ Lazarus Rising
+ Mystery Spot
+ Dark Side of the Moon

15 - In My Time of Dying
03 - Lazarus Rising
03 - Mystery Spot
02 - Dark Side of the Moon

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas

Ooh, that was close.  @Diane could have wrapped it all up just then.  ;-)  Still, I'm sure we'll finish the round before the end of the day, so I'll go ahead and post the Gamble episodes.  This will be a quick one because it's only 10 episodes.  Any reason to include more than the top 5 from each season?

15 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - Appointment in Samarra
15 - Mommy Dearest
15 - Frontierland
15 - French Mistake
15 - Time After Time
15 - Slash Fiction
15 - Hello, Cruel World
15 - Meet the New Boss
15 - Born-Again Identity

  • Love 1

+ Mystery Spot
-- Lazarus Rising
-- In My Time of Dying

15 - In My Time of Dying
04 - Mystery Spot
02 - Dark Side of the Moon
01 - Lazarus Rising

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas


There. I left a double elimination possibility for someone (I didn't want Dark Side... to go before Lazarus Rising.)

As for The Gamble years, that's a top 5 from each season right, @DittyDotDot? Then yes, that's fine... though I myself am going to have a difficult time deciding. I love most of those episodes. You could've even included "Plucky Pennywhistle's..." and I still would've had a hard time there also. (What can I say, I like season 7). Though I'm not sure what I would've kicked out instead. I am kinda bummed "The Man Who Knew Too Much" didn't make it though, since that's one of my favorite Sam episodes - and a pretty good season finale, too. Though again, I'm not sure what I would've tossed out to include it... maybe "Appointment in Samarra," but I doubt I could've gotten away with that one. Heh. ("Appointment in Samarra" was a little bit more of a bummer of an episode for me than even "The Man Who Knew Too Much," because dead nurse - what does this show have against nurses anyway?)

2 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

As for The Gamble years, that's a top 5 from each season right, @DittyDotDot? Then yes, that's fine... though I myself am going to have a difficult time deciding. I love most of those episodes. You could've even included "Plucky Pennywhistle's..." and I still would've had a hard time there also. (What can I say, I like season 7). Though I'm not sure what I would've kicked out instead. I am kinda bummed "The Man Who Knew Too Much" didn't make it though, since that's one of my favorite Sam episodes - and a pretty good season finale, too. Though again, I'm not sure what I would've tossed out to include it... maybe "Appointment in Samarra," but I doubt I could've gotten away with that one. Heh. ("Appointment in Samarra" was a little bit more of a bummer of an episode for me than even "The Man Who Knew Too Much," because dead nurse - what does this show have against nurses anyway?)

Yes, I meant five from each season. I believe @Demented Daisy pulled the top five from our previous rounds on S6 and S7.

  • Love 1
57 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

There. I left a double elimination possibility for someone (I didn't want Dark Side... to go before Lazarus Rising.)

As for The Gamble years, that's a top 5 from each season right, @DittyDotDot? Then yes, that's fine... though I myself am going to have a difficult time deciding. I love most of those episodes. You could've even included "Plucky Pennywhistle's..." and I still would've had a hard time there also. (What can I say, I like season 7). Though I'm not sure what I would've kicked out instead. I am kinda bummed "The Man Who Knew Too Much" didn't make it though, since that's one of my favorite Sam episodes - and a pretty good season finale, too. Though again, I'm not sure what I would've tossed out to include it... maybe "Appointment in Samarra," but I doubt I could've gotten away with that one. Heh. ("Appointment in Samarra" was a little bit more of a bummer of an episode for me than even "The Man Who Knew Too Much," because dead nurse - what does this show have against nurses anyway?)

I forgot about Plucky Pennywhistle's it is one of my all time favorites.

Edited by Diane
  • Love 2

I've sent Dark Side of the Moon to it's Own Heaven.  I loved the opening sequence and the journey the score but ultimately I like Lazarus Rising more because of the 6 minute opening, the introduction of Castiel and the reunions. My head!canons about Sam and Ruby make the continuity of Krissy/Kathy/Ruby work much better. The chemistry between Jensen and Misha was amazing right out of the gate. 

-- Mystery Spot
+ Lazarus Rising
-- Dark Side of the Moon

13 - In My Time of Dying
02 - Mystery Spot
02 - Lazarus Rising

Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas
Dark Side of the Moon

Edited by catrox14

Time to out a fork in it.  This one's done. 

-- Mystery Spot
-- Lazarus Rising
-- In My Time of Dying

11 - In My Time of Dying

All three of these episodes were a game changer IMO.

In Mystery Spot, we found out a LOT about Sam. He takes obsession to a whole new level.  And he is NOT okay with Dean dying.

In Lazarus Rising the show takes a level in EPIC with the Angel storyline. One of the epic introductions of a fictional TV character.

Finally, we have the winner: In My Time Of Dying.  Where the boys are left with a big emotional hole in their chests and John sells his soul to save Dean's life.  It was an outstanding episode with great performances by all three actors.


Sent to Its Own Private Heaven
On the Head of a Pin
Something Wicked
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Are You There, God?  It's Me, Dean Winchester
No Rest for the Wicked
Hollywood Babylon
In the Beginning
The Benders
Jus in Bello
Sam, Interrupted
Bad Day at Black Rock
Tall Tales
Point of No Return
The Monster at The End of This Book
Changing Channels
What Is and What Should Never Be
The End
A Very Supernatural Christmas
Dark Side of the Moon

Mystery Spot
Lazarus Rising

Edited by SueB
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11 hours ago, Demented Daisy said:

Ooh, that was close.  @Diane could have wrapped it all up just then.  ;-)  Still, I'm sure we'll finish the round before the end of the day, so I'll go ahead and post the Gamble episodes.  This will be a quick one because it's only 10 episodes.  Any reason to include more than the top 5 from each season?

15 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - Appointment in Samarra
15 - Mommy Dearest
15 - Frontierland
15 - French Mistake
15 - Time After Time
15 - Slash Fiction
15 - Hello, Cruel World
15 - Meet the New Boss
15 - Born-Again Identity

Going to do a quick rewatch of these.

Before I vote on the next round, just thought I'd give a little insight into why I was such a supporter of In My Time Of Dying winning the Kripke years round. To me, it's the episode that represents the Kripke years the best. It's a ghost story, with an urban legend, but most of all it's about family. Plus, it was directed by Manners whose directional style best represented the Kripke years. 

Now, on to the Gamble years. This one is going to be harder for me because I'm not sure there's one that represents those years quite as nicely.

++ Weekend at Bobby's
-- Frontierland
-- Born-Again Identity


19 - Weekend at Bobby's
15 - Appointment in Samarra
15 - French Mistake
15 - Time After Time
15 - Slash Fiction
13 - Mommy Dearest
13 - Meet the New Boss
13 - Hello, Cruel World
13 - Frontierland
13 - Born-Again Identity

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