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Your Favourite Scenes: The Other Positivity Thread

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So, I have been very vocal about criticizing the show lately, so I thought why not start a more positive thread, where we can list our favourite scenes. Here are mine, I will probably add some more later.


Emily (season 5) and Hanna (2.04) denouncing Alison and everything she stands for.


Toby and Spencer playing scrabble and Spencer getting way overexcited about spying on Jenna's mysterious motel room.


Paige and Emily's kiss in 1.20.


Spencer thanking Paige for helping her fight off the masked assailant in 3.13.


Mona's snarking about wicked stepsiters Kate in 2.10. "Kate Moss would look like a water buffalo in this." And later in the same episode saying "Seriously, I am, like, the horse-whisperer."


Emily and Hanna sitting on the doorsteps in 1.22 and talking about Texas.


Spencer absentmindedly helping Emily with her homework, while musing about Toby. "Am I finished with your homework?"


Hanna and Aria reconciling in 1.17. I love how Spencer says "The storm has passed".


"Who is that? Is that Wren?" (3.11)


Spencer's smug expression while winning the academic decathlon game.(3.15) Too bad they had to ruin it by having Mona win in the end but that doesn't happen in my headcanon.


Hanna and Caleb watching some seemingly perfect random family in the end of 2.08. The music fits perfectly.


The fashion show that was hijacked by demons in 2.06.


Hanna putting on a revealing red dress in 2.05 and Ashley uttering the immortal line "It's a funeral Hanna, not a Nicki Minaj concert". Made even funnier by Hanna attending the funeral wearing an even shorter dress, albeit a black one.


Any of Paige and Spencer's stare-down contests.


Ian drinking milk. Creepily.


Emily's sexy dancing.


Pam telling Paige's father to go jump off a cliff in 1.17.


Veronica stopping Wilden's clumsy attempts of interrogating Emily in 1.09.

Edited by Jack Shaftoe
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Caleb and Hanna sitting on the stairs when she was sad over fighting with Aria. I loved the way she told him to go shower, and instead he sat down next to her to be there for her.

I loved early Spencer and Toby too- playing Scrabble, and her running to him after that creepy carnival despite parental disapproval.

Spencer's reaction to the hair blow outs at Mona's glamping birthday was when I decided to love her.

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My all time absolute favorite scene is hanna remotely deleting files from Caleb's laptop right as the police are about to get it and spencer see's she's deleting them one at a time leading to the best joke this show has ever made: 


Hanna: "What do you think I'm doing?"

Spencer: "NO hit CTRL-A on the keyboard!!"


Also literally anytime the girls make up after fighting. Its just the best. 

  • Love 2

Drunk Emily in season one.

Emily getting glass in her hair!

That scene where Jenna and Sydney are dressed identically and then Emily and Spencer bump into them and they're all wearing sunglasses indoors.

Spencer being proud that Hanna used the word 'jubilation' correctly.

Aria's 'Bitch can see!'.

Hanna encouraging Emily to take Maya to one of the dances.

Emily's dad is around so little that I'll just say all of their scenes together.

I wasn't crazy about the noir episode as a whole, but Ashley Benson was on fire as a man-hating version of Hanna. I laughed at pretty much every other line she said that episode.


From the recent finale I loved 'there was an accident' and Aria's 'in my pants' reaction. The 'I'm Allison' reveal was insane and I'm actually a little disappointed that Mona was not having some kind of mental break because I laughed a lot when she introduced herself. Emily feeling Mona's hair to see if it was a wig or not was funny too.

Edited by manbearpig
  • Love 1

I'm listening to episodes while at work so have found a few more.

-Wren showing up drunk at the Hastings. "One does not enter the house of Hastings unfortified" I mean, the reason he's there is pretty sucky, but the actor really nailed hilariously drunk.

- Aria shutting down Hanna's boyfriend Sean for trying to use her to get back at Hanna after Homecoming.

- Ezra's truth telling college roommate who rightly points out to him that while Aria is cool, she's in high school and Ezra is likely to lose his job and possibly serve jail time if he lets this continue to develop. I suspect we never saw him again because he wasn't enough of a creeper to stay in Rosewood post-college...unlike Ezra. And most other males on this show.

- the Toby and Emily friendship is actually really sweet.

- Ezra's truth telling college roommate who rightly points out to him that while Aria is cool, she's in high school and Ezra is likely to lose his job and possibly serve jail time if he lets this continue to develop. I suspect we never saw him again because he wasn't enough of a creeper to stay in Rosewood post-college...unlike Ezra. And most other males on this show.


Was he portrayed by Patrick J. Adams, Troian's fiancé, or is my memory failing me?

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