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Teen Titans Go! - General Discussion

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I never thought Young Justice was that serious. On the other hand, I can't believe we got Miss Martian without her mind-shredding any of the HIVE kids. I consider "Let's Get Serious" to be more about parodying the "grim 'n' gritty" genre than trolling Young Justice.

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Anybody else see the latest episode just now? The Titans go to Starfire's home world, only to realize she's unique from the planet's borderline Klingon denizens. Oh, and she winds up marrying a multi-mouthed blob monster, while Robin slowly died of jealousy. Also, Cyborg has a pop-out tummy suitable for tickle fights, which . . . a little gross, in my opinion.

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I love the revelation that Starfire's positive attitude is a deliberate choice on her part to keep from being driven to madness and despair by her horrible planet and, later, her horrible teammates.

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Checking in to see if anybody else has caught the last few episodes. Tonight, we had the Titans defeat four martial-arts party dude turtles with the power of pizza-fueled wacky humor. It was better than it looks on paper. (or screen).

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"Oil Drums" was a nice episode, even if it was aimed at nostalgic children of the Eighties instead of the kiddies. I wouldn't have thought it possible to name-drop so many shows for legal reasons.

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Unlike some kid shows, this show has absolutely no moral to the story. Or maybe it does...but that moral is the complete opposite of what you should probably be teaching children!


Which...I am okay with! Because, of course, there are absolutely no children in this household watching it!

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Freeze-frame the yearbook:


"Starfire - Stay away from my man - Batgirl"


"Time is meaningless - Dr. Manhattan"  (wait, what?)


Hal and Guy both saying "they" are the best GL (and Kyle signing the yearbook too).

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I checked Wikipedia. Turns out I caught episodes 97-100 today. Only one I'm "missing" is "Beast Man," and I'll DVR that tomorrow


Beast Man is one of my favorites. Though I find it a little sad as Beast Boy is likely the most powerful titan but won't ever really be written that way in anything I don't think. Not unless he gets a serious weakness. Anyways I'm new to these forums, been looking for a good community centered around the show. Also one that isn't mired in lament for Teen Titans or Young Justice.

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Thanks for the reminder, GaryE. I set it up on my DVR for tomorrow in case I forget about it.


I figure Raven is the most powerful Titan, even if she's been turned into Witchy Jean Grey most of the time. Beast Boy may have a variety of forms to take, but his weakness can be found between his ears.

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Probably just friendly jabbing. I'm somewhat amused that Slade wasn't brought out. I remember the old days of TT, with his massive icky crush on Robin. Good times. Also: you gotta love Starfire's reactions to clowns.

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I enjoyed the Slade / Robin battle to be Batman. 


The title of this TTG episode though did have me hoping for Ron Perlman. However disappointed by the lack of cameo I enjoyed the meta they had for critics of the show. Raven being the voice of the show and the clown representing the show itself I feel and BB and Cy the fans that want everything to be "cool" or rather what they interpreted "cool" to be.


Starfire and her aversion to clowns made me love her more. There's far more popular scary clowns nowadays than modern traditional ones. They're returning to their horrible murderous roots.

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 Anyways I'm new to these forums, been looking for a good community centered around the show. Also one that isn't mired in lament for Teen Titans or Young Justice.

There are many active show boards around here. This one, though, as you can probably tell, isn't really one of them.

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There are many active show boards around here. This one, though, as you can probably tell, isn't really one of them.


Yeah it's a little bit of a bummer. Especially looking at other shows areas like The Talk lol. To each their own but It'd be nice if this area had more love.

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Anybody else disturbed with Robin-as-cat? The episode wasn't nearly as alarming as the NYE episode (dude, the scythe was going to land on the old man's head!), but seeing Robin find a way into Starfire's heart was a bit too much to take.


Any word as to when we'd get more episodes?

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Anybody else disturbed with Robin-as-cat? The episode wasn't nearly as alarming as the NYE episode (dude, the scythe was going to land on the old man's head!), but seeing Robin find a way into Starfire's heart was a bit too much to take.


Any word as to when we'd get more episodes?


The Scythe falling is what lead the bleak future I think so it's dark but kind of the guy's own fault. 


Did you not care for Starfire and Robin being in some form lovey dovey? I found it sweet at first but I think in the end was a decent lesson in how the world can work. 

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Anybody catch "The Dignity of Teeth"? Disturbing take on the Tooth Fairy, and the eating of teeth was squicky. I wonder how many hardcore baseball fans would smile seeing Cyborg confuse "oral hygiene" with "Orel Hershiser." When he goes old-school with references, he does not mess around.

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Was a really good episode I thought. The Tooth Fairy twist was well done.


The croissant episode was equally good maybe even a bit better. The vomiting gag was done well and the overall message of the show was a good one with twists that I didn't expect which is saying something.

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Just checking to see if anybody else has been watching the week's worth of new episodes. I'm thinking that somebody from the staff liked "Night Begins To Shine" too much, and we wound up with "40%, 40%, 20%."

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Just checking to see if anybody else has been watching the week's worth of new episodes.

Oh, those were running this week? The 5 of them just popped up on my DVR for tomorrow.

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I might be a little late to say this . . . there's going to be a two-part episode on Wednesday. Who knows what it'll be about. Maybe they'll bring back Slade. Naaaaaaaaaahh.


Thanks for the heads up. My DVR was set for new at 6pm, so it wasn't picking this one up.

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Nice pair of episodes. The gang gets to save the Justice League from Darkseid, who is voiced by "Weird Al" Yankovic, after he takes lozenges for his gravelly voice. Also lots of lampshade-hanging over Cyborg being in the comics JLA, even as he uses a Green Lantern ring to conjure the cast of The Golden Girls. And not even all four of them.

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Nice pair of episodes. The gang gets to save the Justice League from Darkseid, who is voiced by "Weird Al" Yankovic, after he takes lozenges for his gravelly voice. Also lots of lampshade-hanging over Cyborg being in the comics JLA, even as he uses a Green Lantern ring to conjure the cast of The Golden Girls. And not even all four of them.

The quick Spider-Man discussion made me laugh.

Edited by GaryE
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New episode tonight:  Garage Sale


Offers a trip down memory lane, focusing on 4 episodes (Legendary Sandwich, Pie Bros, I See You, Artful Dodgers)


but look carefully and you'll see up in the attic:

Pain Bot

A box full of teeth

A box labelled 2nd Xmas Decor

The Bumblebee balloon and a beehive


A box of waffles

Jason Todd's urn

The shrinking machine

A box marked Ninja Turtles shells

A box marked Smile Bones

A box marked YJ Season 3 (Wait, what??)

and much, much more


Starfire:  Remember the "Grandma Voice"??

Cyborg: Actually, I'm trying to forget that.

Edited by Twilight Man
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Yes, I know nobody cares about this show anymore, but I just have to comment about tonight's episode.

So, tonight's episode is a very lame spoof about "The Goonies".

When the Titans get to the hidden cave where the treasure is, they encounter an octopus.

Instead of battling it, they point out they are running short of time, so they just go around it.

In the actual movie, you actually hear (when the kids are being interviewed) one of the girls comment about an octopus.

They actually did film some parts where (after being thrown off the ship by the criminals) the kids did encounter an octopus while

swimming toward the hole in the wall.

The film editors and writers cut out the scene later feeling that it made the scene too long.

They forgot to edit out that girl's line near the end.

P.S.  Please stop making spoofs / homages about films from the 80's

for a cartoon where the main demographic are little kids that were born after 2000.

They are probably still wondering about the episode "Hey You, Don't Neglect Me in Your Memory".

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I like to think that the writers like to cater to the parents of the target demographic. And by "parents," I mean "single guys that should have outgrown this show after the original version finished up." Yes, I am in that latter group. Hence, Cyborg's deep love of Eighties shows.

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I'm pretty sure you can add "or single gals who were initially opposed to this ridiculous version after CN bailed on the beloved think-y dramatic version" to your definition of "parents". :-)

ETA: I spend most of my time shaking my head at the 80s homages, especially the songs, but I have to "Your Uncle Jokes Are Just Not Funny" and "The Light Begins to Shine" are two of my absolute favorites. I'm guessing the writers know who's really watching the show.

Edited by RandomMe
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