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S02.E17: Awakening

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And, FTR, Abbie was not jailed for being a runaway slave. She was jailed for her own protection, as the soldiers felt she was “touched”. And since this was an re-echoing of Ichabod landing in the 21st century, Abbie looking relatives would not have worked. I personally thought the callback was brilliant.

Except, they asked Abbie for her "papers", people who were considered touched didn't have papers, only freed slaves etc did.

Edited by missbonnie
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Except, they asked Abbie for her "papers", people who were considered touched didn't have papers, only freed slaves etc did.

I figure it was several things together.  They asked for her papers, which she didn't have.  However, Abbie also had an air of weirdness about her.  So, they locked her up until they could figure out what to do with her.  Figure even if she hadn't asked for him, there's a better than even chance she'd be meeting Ichabod anyway, since "Captain Crane" has likely been dubbed General Washington's designated "weirdness expert."

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Except, they asked Abbie for her "papers", people who were considered touched didn't have papers, only freed slaves etc did.


In my ignorance, I'm not sure what you mean by "touched". I really hope it doesn't mean what I think you mean though.


However, Abbie also had an air of weirdness about her.  So, they locked her up until they could figure out what to do with her.


Yeah, she does have an air of weirdness on her, coupled with the fact that she's not wearing a dress, and that I believe was illegal at the time. I'm not 100%, but I don't think woman could go around wearing men's clothing, unless they were pretending to be a male, so that's another part of it.

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In my ignorance, I'm not sure what you mean by "touched". I really hope it doesn't mean what I think you mean though.

I was quoting another poster who used that term. My assumption would be someone who is acting crazy. At least that's how I took it.

Edited by missbonnie
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I was quoting another poster who used that term. My assumption would be someone who is acting crazy. At least that's how I took it.

I am the poster in question who is simply quoting what was said on the show which was "she's touched". Acting crazy is indeed correct.

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I was quoting another poster who used that term. My assumption would be someone who is acting crazy. At least that's how I took it.


Touched is slang in some regions for crazy, as in "that girl is touched in the head", or, "don't mind him, he's touched". I've also seen it as "tetched".


Oh, thank god. I mean, yeah, not good about the crazy, but I was thinking something even more disturbing. Got it. Thank you for the clarification. I wonder if they are going to go with the crazy a bit more - i.e. some of the soldiers or even Crane thinking she's crazy. It's a nice callback again to the Pilot, where they did psych tests on Ichabod, thinking HE was crazy. Phew. Thanks guys!


I don't think it was racially (at an institutional level) motivated. I think it was motivated by money, a penis or two and STUPIDITY.


Always money - for sure. At least the attempt to get some more money, but it backfired spectacularly. Penis, for sure, which led to the resulting stupidity.

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I actually thought Katrina was playing Henry.  No reason for her to go along with him though.


As usual, a common trope with witches in any show is their powers work or don't work or are strong or weak depending on the plot.

Where has this Katrina been all the show?


I like Abbie back in time.  I was wondering when they would do this.  I thought she was going to pull her gun on the troops.  Where was her gun?


And by the way, a TV forum trope is poster's thinking a show is listening to them during the season.  Most seasons are written and filmed before episode one even airs.


I loved the looks of the townsfolk at Abbie's appearance.

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I actually thought Katrina was playing Henry. No reason for her to go along with him though.

As usual, a common trope with witches in any show is their powers work or don't work or are strong or weak depending on the plot.

Where has this Katrina been all the show?

I like Abbie back in time. I was wondering when they would do this. I thought she was going to pull her gun on the troops. Where was her gun?

And by the way, a TV forum trope is poster's thinking a show is listening to them during the season. Most seasons are written and filmed before episode one even airs.

I loved the looks of the townsfolk at Abbie's appearance.

Re: where was Abbie's gun--right before she jumped into Katrina's spell fog, she and Ichabod were tied up. While Henry and Katrina did a lousy job of searching their pockets, I think they took away the gun she keeps at her waist in plain view.

I think they were trying to say Katrina's power was stronger if she tapped into dark magic, which was why she was so much more powerful this week. Of course, they spent months telling us that she was already a powerful witch, but it was obvious she wasn't too powerful with good magic. I think maybe this was the show's way of trying to reconcile that, as in, yes she really was powerful all along, but it didn't show because she was trying to do good magic. (Or it may just be a complete mess-up, but that's how I read it.)

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If she could only do "good magic", the show should have had Solomon Kent ask her a question like, "Does your husband know that you were a dark witch during your time?" or something like that - so we would see that she had a huge secret - that the whole time she'd been pretending to be "good" when in reality she'd gone against her coven because she'd already fallen into dark magic... and that the only reason why her coven was after her was because she'd conceived Jeremy while she was doing dark magic and NOT because she saved Ichabod.

It would have been a much better tie in to ALL of the shady that we'd seen all season with her and it would have explained all the shady from previous seasons... basically that Katrina was always dark and shady, but that she'd tried to put on a front for Ichabod cause reasons, but now she was choosing power because reasons.

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Oh I know - it just came to me when I read your post.

I kinda wish they had done that - maybe they will in the finale - but dunno.

I think that for all of Albert Kim's butthurt twitter comments about how they "have a plan", they clearly didn't see how many fans saw Katrina - meaning they didn't just take advantage of how many fans saw shade in her and saw a much easier route to making her go evil than what they did.

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That would have required a familiarity with their own show. Clearly an unreasonable request.

Katrina is better at being dark, but there's still a chasm between KWs talent and the rest of the cast. She's better as Darktrina than Kantrina, but that is faint praise.

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Even though they're fixing things it's hard not to think of the cooler ways they could have gotten here. If Katrina had always been planned to be shady on the way to evil, it would have been so much better.

I have to admit that I'm in the minority that don't need to see her dead. I thought she showed a little spark of something talent-adjacent this week, that could work in small doses if she were an antagonist with less screen time.

I get wanting her dead because if she lives there will always be that nagging fear that they'll start slipping her into the lead again. I don't think Fox would let that happen, though, so I'm ok with her living. I like the idea of watching Ichabod and Abbie plan how they're going to destroy her.

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That would have required a familiarity with their own show. Clearly an unreasonable request.

Katrina is better at being dark, but there's still a chasm between KWs talent and the rest of the cast. She's better as Darktrina than Kantrina, but that is faint praise.

Lol, yeah. These current writers who were new to the table probably didn't watch the first season, I swear to God. That's how the "Ichabod will be delighted" comment happened. The writers didn't know it was "established" (I want to start a new thing where I relay sarcastically/doubtfully any "fact" by Miss Katrina Van Tassel) that she only found out after he died. It's such a point of contention between the couple that the only way they forgot was that they never payed attention, heck they didn't even doubt it and go back to check. Also, why the hell did Katia not say anything? I mean, shouldn't she be concerned with continuity stuff that actually alters her own characterisation? Unless she forgot too


Speaking of Katia, one of my biggest problems about her acting was more prominent this episode and thank God, she fixed it even though a bit too little too late. She finally acted like a mother seeing her baby boy and wanting to be part of his life after a long separation. When they were talking by the bell and she was telling him she shouldn't have left him alone and saying he gave her back her soul, I was like "if she doesn't take his head between her hands and act like a proud soccer mom soon, I'm going to throw my iPad". I've always been exasperated that while John Noble acts the petulant child perfectly, she never acted like a mother who is heartbroken about her child hating her. She always acted frightened or threatening. When Katrina was having the Jenry argument a bazillion times, her whole spiel was "this is my baby, I know he can be saved!", well tell that to your face and body language when you guys are together.


That said, I am so glad she finally made it seem genuine and her crazed eyes are gold. That seems to be her strong suit, although I am still waiting for the woman to stop whispering. Her "bitch you didn't" face when Crane says it's not her fault was hilarious though. That poor idiot seriously can not buy a clue, I can not wait for him to tell Jenny about Abbie. "Miss Jenny, it appears we have lost Miss Mills to the past, where my crazy ex(?) wife went to ensure I die for good." 


Rewatched the bit where Abbie almost gets run over by a carriage... Man the production team and the crew are good on this show. It was such a cool moment that even on rewatch, I got excited at the possibilities though I knew what was coming. I also miss that feeling of season when I wanted to rewatch the episodes a billion timees and each viewing experience drew my eye to new stuff on the screen. Now the craftsmanship is still there but the story is mostly so infuriating, I really don't need a repeat performance of all this idiocy. That's when I really want the show to be renewed because this crew is fantastic, although I guess we might lose them anyway since the shooting would be moved to Atlanta :/. 

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Oh, thank god. I mean, yeah, not good about the crazy, but I was thinking something even more disturbing


Oh, dear!  HalcyonGirl!  So what did you think it meant when it was said in the show.  On second thought, I don't think I want to know (although I think I do).  Glad it's been cleared up for you.



Yeah. ..I agree about trying to attract more "other" viewers. Sponsors are the prize.

It makes no sense that FOX would want to lose the following they established in S1. I don't think that the top echelon at FOX was trying to push all the POC aside. They already had that demographic (or, so they thought). Now, they were trying to capture an additional one. I don't think that they thought they'd lose the audience they already had. They were cocky, arrogant and clueless.

I don't think it was racially (at an institutional level) motivated. I think it was motivated by money, a penis or two and STUPIDITY.


The over the top love and chasing of the 18-49 male demographic is a blight upon the entertainment world. 

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