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S02.E16: What Lies Beneath

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One more thing...if it weren't for those worker guys Team Witness might have never found the Fenestella. Then what good would it have been? Sure, there was mention of it Granny Dixon's journal but that thing seems to only be useful after the fact.

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Ya know, I just realized:  The Fenestella didn't have any windows!  Does that sound right to you?


Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but The Fenestella is figurative window. I thought this was a particularly enlightening and neat definition from Merriam-Webster: 


b :  a small window or opening like a window (as in an altar front for allowing relics within to be seen)


So really, tying in this in with the current interest in holographic images... I mean, I feel like I really have to give somebody in the writer's room their due for this bit of cleverness.

Edited by Parachutes
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I liked Hawley, and I like Calvin. Maybe I just like eye-candy. :)


The story had all sorts of holes, but I enjoyed it and was rejoicing in the Katrina free episode until...well, there she was. Wandering dreamily dressed in a very short skirt, and underreacting to having her soul compromised by her dead son. As one does.


I did have to laugh at Ichabod throwing the $7,000 camera into the pit. I wish there'd been a follow up quip. Seems like Calvin wouldn't have let that go, even though his brother was successfully rescued.


Count me in as confused to the timing of the magic charm (and did anyone else laugh when Irving said it worked like a charm??).

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