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S01.E12: Crazy For You

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Rereading some of this thread, I'm grateful that I don't care much about the shipping of characters.    It seems to create no shortage of disappointments and frustrations for some viewers.    For me, a superhero's romantic relationships are secondary -- complementary but not essential to enjoyment of the main story.  


I see the same thing in the Arrow forum.  Many folks are so invested in whether Oliver and Felicity fall in love that the rest of the storyline doesn't seem to matter.


I grew up reading Batman comic books.   Bruce Wayne had dalliances with Vicki Vale, Julie Madison, Silver St. Cloud ... but it rarely if ever affected the main story.   The only time it did was when the love interest was a villain -- Catwoman or Talia Al Ghul


I couldn't care less whether Barry hooks up with Iris or Caitlin.   I'm more interested in the Reverse Flash plot, Dr. Wells' secrets, how and when Firestorm is going to fit into the story, etc.   This episode was weak for me precisely because it veered away from those plotlines.


FWIW, I like that Barry's an impossibly nice guy.   Not every hero needs to be brooding or conflicted.  Why shouldn't he be nice?  He's young, good-looking, has a job he enjoys, people who love him, he's got superhuman abilities .. and he can sing! 

Edited by millennium
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On rewatch, I hated the  Barry-Iris story-for-the-paper thread even more.


*Barry and Iris are just yakking and Iris is venting about only being employed to be the go-to for Flash stories.

*"We'll find you a story"-- does Iris really need your help to find a story, Barry? It sounds like she's got stories, but they're rejected because they aren't Flash-centric. Shouldn't that be cause for a lawsuit? Trying to participate in reporting news and being rejected for doing stories that don't focus on super-heroes? Anyhoo.

*The mentioned assuming that Iris, though living with her steady boyfriend, is not going to have plans. Also, assuming that Iris totally meant that she wanted to brainstorm with Barry that evening. Because? Iris mentioned that's she's concerned about her job because Flash/ you (Barry) won't give her a freaking interview so her editors will give her some flipping space. Maybe mention in said interview how you don't have much to talk about ? Helpling your best friend since childhood shouldn't be this hard of a brain drain.


The car thing at the end also made me roll my eyes.

*Why not take off the wheels at some point?

*Why leave one front headlight? A fan of the Wallflowers? ( I apologize if someone already made the joke.)

*I thought that Shawna's bf was injured during the shootout. So unless I am still forgetting a hospital/makeshift bandaging scene (possible), how could he disappear on Barry. The only acceptable answer is that Shawna lied and bamf-ed (like Nightcrawler) away then back to take the heat. She knew where she wanted him to go and she knew the car. There was a dashboard light to bathe the seat even.


Barry acted like he was in middle school, re: Ms. Linda Park. She was obviously digging him, not-so-subtlely asked about Caitlin and actually placed her number into his phone! But Linda deciding to cut bait on his ass is because of alleged things that Iris said/did?  Why are the writers making Barry awful?



The next to last scene, at the Picture News. Barry is standing at Iris' desk. That is why she thinks he's there to see her. He knew and didn't care to wait nearer to Linda's desk, or any other obviously neutral space- like by a coffee maker or grouping of chairs.  Another thought is that he didn't ask if he could pick Linda up at her desk, or ask anyone where Linda's desk was after he got there. But the writers were intent on trying to cause a "scene" and again, made Barry look stupid or awful or both, depending on your read. Obviously MMV.

Edited by Actionmage
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Bingeing the season, but afraid to run into spoilers by asking the following question elsewhere:


Who is feeding all the supervillains they have locked up in Star Labs, bathing, providing toilet paper and supplies? I have to know!!!!


This has been bothering me the whole season so far.

Edited by Tandaemonium
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