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Hmm maybe it's a book award for Castle if everyone is dressed up and Connelly is there. I miss the poker scenes tho.

That would be good, with Jenny back, this Lance guy (who could play Mr Gates fingers crossed for Penny) and Stana in that red dress it's surely got to be some shindig and I'd like it to be something to do with Castle's books rather than revolving around the precinct. It's about time we saw the guy since he gets mentioned by his rival quite a bit. 

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From hollywoodreporter.com's shows on the bubble list:


Castle (ABC)
Produced in-house by ABC Studios, the procedural has been a sturdy performer for the network on Mondays at 10 p.m. and still pulls 12.7 million viewers on a weekly basis. Much like Bones, the delay has a lot to do with leads. Stars Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic have yet to sign new deals for season seven, with the former rumored to be ready to move on. One solution: You guessed it, a 13-episode abbreviated season to wrap up the fan favorite.


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tamalajones: #selfiefun with andrewwmarlowe #CastleCreator #Masterofyouremotions #theKingofourCastle… instagram.com/p/1hoVzbt083/


tamalajones: Lmao!!! #myfantasyhusband Mr. Rob Bowman himself #Ilovethisman #everyoneknowsit… instagram.com/p/1hqr5jN0_G/


Nice color on her and with Marlowe all dressed up too, I think he'll be an extra at this function. It's possible he might give himself a couple of lines. And Bowman even showed up. He kinda looks like he might be an extra too.

Edited by turnitwayup
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Is it just me or is it feeling a little like they are treating the finale as a series finale just in case?  They seem to be going all out by actually doing a gala kind of thing getting everyone all dressed up (how long have we wanted to see that?!), and even people like Jenny are back, as well as special guest Connelly.  Looks like Marlowe himself may even have a cameo since he's dressed up as well.


Cool to see Connelly especially and I'll be happy to see if this is a book launch or book award party for Castle because it's about time!  As long as he turns up at the party of course, and isn't off strolling in Hollander's Woods. ;)  I want Castle to see Beckett in that red dress.

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Jesus I still can't get over what fans send to the cast. Yeah it's creepy as hell. That's what I thought too!


Tamala with Bowman. Typical exuberance from her.

11 minutes ago
Lmao!!! #myfantasyhusband Mr. Rob Bowman himself #Ilovethisman #everyoneknowsit # #genius #XFiles #Castle #thelistgoeson !! #oh #mybabydaddy



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Did anyone else find this creepy lol?  I feel like I'm looking at Alexis' triplets more than anything else.




Yes. I was like oh Molly. You either look like it's your kids or is the older sister turned babysitter while Castle and Beckett go solve murders. Either way it's not helping your character. All fandoms are the same and creepy fans come in all ages.

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I think they held the long-awaited wedding party/reception like Castle mentioned they wanted to back in 707. That dress Tamala was wearing looked awfully similar to what she was going to wear in the wedding. And Connelly could be an invited guest to that party too. It was on location at the Park Plaza Hotel (where Seamus' ep was shot a few months ago), so it could be the setting for a big fancy party. And this finale episode last year would've been a wedding reception and it comes full circle on the season after the first wedding debacle. Then you throw in it's a MilMar episode...


If that's the case, I wonder if it happens early in the episode and maybe triggers something for Castle on his disappearance on the wedding day. 

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I'm a little confused about 7x23's title. I thought Hollander's Woods didn't have anything to do with Castle's disappearance, but what happened there when Castle was 11 was merely the "password", so why would they title the episode that? Did I misunderstand something?

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Feels like a long time to be holding a wedding reception now, but it's hard to gauge how much time has passed in the Castle universe.  Better late than never, I guess, if it'll give us a long awaited chance to see them out socially as a couple.  Been waiting for that since they started dating. ;)  I do see that Beckett is wearing her engagement ring as well, or at least, something that isn't just her usual wedding band, if that signifies it being a wedding reception.  I guess coming full circle would be Milmar's idea of "fun" ;) but it doesn't make up for the ridiculousness of the last finale to me, and I don't really trust them not to throw another wrench into this finale somehow.  


Not much spoiled about the finale so far (except they seem to be shooting very little at the precinct set), but we should have a better idea of where the mythology stands after the next episode and how that may play into the finale.  Remember last year how we were tired of all the dull wedding planning and were waiting for the wedding to finally happen, and some people couldn't believe the finale promo when they actually went there with Beckett having been married before?  Let's see what surprises we're in store for this time since they seem to be even more tight-lipped than usual.


Didn't Connelly bad mouth Castle's books in some review or something and Beckett wanted to dis-invite him to the original wedding?  Let's see if the writers remembered that tidbit. 

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Lucynda, that was my understanding too, but the whole mythology's wrapped in a dense fog, so who knows? ;)  I always thought it was a bit too pat that Castle took that guy at his word just because he brought up Hollander's Woods, especially for someone like him who can be relentless about figuring out the story.  Nothing is know about what happened to Castle during his disappearance, and that info about Hollander's Woods could have been coerced out of him or something the bad guys knew about in the first place because it's what the whole thing is about.   

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Here's the synopsis at TVBTN confirmed for the 11 May.




Castle – SEASON FINALE – “Hollander’s Woods” -- A death in the woods draws Castle back to a terrifying and defining event in his childhood. Investigation leads to obsession, as he attempts to unearth answers that have eluded him for decades, all while Beckett faces a crossroads of her own, on the season finale of “Castle,” MONDAY, MAY 11 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.



So looks like this is where we get the Castle and Beckett mythology crossing over, he's exploring his past and she's thinking about her future.

Edited by verdana
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From tvline.com:


An ABC spokesperson confirms that Nathan Fillion has signed a new deal to continue on as the title character for Season 8, if the show is picked up for the 2015-16 TV season.
However, the status of co-lead Stana Katic, whose contract also is up this spring, remains a big question mark.
ABC also confirms that David Amann would not return as showrunner for any possible Season 8, while TVLine hears that both series creator Andrew W. Marlowe and executive producer Terri Edda Miller would likely step away from their producing/writing duties to focus on development.


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Whatever "terrifying" event this proves to be I hope it's not going to be something that stains his generally light hearted, happy go lucky demeanour just for drama. It's been 7 seasons and now seems rather late in the day to be giving Castle a dark past and talking of obsession when he's shown no signs to me of any overt signs of emotional fragility or scarring. 


Thanks Mary. It's all coming out now, so Fillion got what he wanted, pressure is all on Stana. Heh. 

Edited by verdana
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So looks like this is where we get the Castle and Beckett mythology crossing over, he's exploring his past and she's thinking about her future.

As long as we see them dealing with their issues together, always stronger as a team in communication...


Are we going to finally find out why Castle became a mystery writer?  That scene in S2 when Castle told Beckett that "story" about seeing his childhood friend dead in the Hamptons always intrigued me, and I was sucked in like Beckett heh.  So it could be interesting if Castle wasn't actually joking after all.  But he seemed genuine when he said he just made it all up, and in his conversations with Alexis about why people did terrible things like murder, there was no hint at childhood trauma (which the writers hadn't thought of then of course).  For a jovial personality like Castle, it is interesting that he's drawn to the macabre, even while maintaining the lighthearteness in his daily life.


There's no way that Beckett isn't going to pass the Captain's exam with flying colours (and become the youngest Capt. in NYPD history? ;)).  Realistically, I can't see her not taking a promotion, but it's a TV show so... I don't want it to be a choice between being a mum and being Capt. because I don't see the 2 as either/or.


ETA:  So the contract stuff is coming out now.  I wonder if the network is playing hardball with Stana, like they did with Nathan when he wanted better working hours.  I think Stana will sign; they are just negotiating about the dollars now.  Maybe they couldn't give her a final offer until they had re-signed Nathan.  And I think next season will be the final season. Not surprised at all that Marlowe and Amann are jumping ship.  Showrunners are always ready to ditch their "baby" when it's time to look for the next money bag.

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'Castle' Inches Toward Season 8 With Nathan Fillion But Without Showrunner at The Hollywood Reporter.


I can't believe they can even contemplate going on without Katic locked in so they must be pretty confident she will sign because I don't see how that works otherwise the show is dead in the water with only one of them. 


Meanwhile, co-star and Fillion's leading lady Stana Katic, has yet to re-up for a potential season eight — with rumors circulating that the series could return for a final, 13-episode run.

Yeah that's what I figured a shorter run. 


Don't give any f*cks about Amann or Marlowe.



Same here. 

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I weep for Stana's Twitter mentions in the coming days. The only way I see her not coming back though is if she's of a "no Marlowe no show" mentality like she's tweeted in the past. As popular as she is for Castle fans though, most of the world doesn't know her and I can't see her getting any better (only artsier) offers at this point.

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What a terribly misleading url from TV Line.  Clickbait much?


I hope Stana's contract decision doesn't hinge on Marlowe, because he's definitely not worth it imo. In fact, if I were her, I would hope to work with better quality writers in the future.  Maybe that's what she's looking for and why she hasn't signed...


I guess the BTS pics Stana has been sharing were a sign that she knew she might not be returning after all... but I still think she will sign if she's gotten this deep into negotiations.  Otherwise she could have told them early on that she didn't want to continue. 

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Leaving Stana exposed like that though is pretty douchey by the network, they must know what crap she's going to get piled on her.


I hope Stana's contract decision doesn't hinge on Marlowe, because he's definitely not worth it imo. In fact, if I were her, I would hope to work with better quality writers in the future.  Maybe that's what she's looking for and why she hasn't signed...


I think she got her eyes opened in 6.23 and with any luck she'll be more than happy to see some fresh blood in that writers room. Although hadn't Marlowe already stepped back last year? So I'm not sure what's changed really other than Amann leaving and I never saw him as being true showrunner material it was always Marlowe's baby. 

Castle showrunner to step down as Nathan Fillion signs season 8 deal at EW


Since Fillion wasn’t exactly expected to walk away from the show, perhaps the bigger news is what’s going on backstage. Showrunner David Amann is stepping down from the top creative post on the series. This is the second Castle showrunner shakeup within the past year. Last June, Amann replaced series creator Andrew Marlowe as showrunner. There’s no word yet on who will replace Amann, but we’re hearing there’s a search underway for a new lead writer-producer (and that Marlowe is not expected to come back). Amann has suggested to fans that this season will end in a cliffhanger, but the biggest mystery might be who’s going to replace him.


Nathan Fillion Set To Return To ‘Castle’, Series Looking For New Showrunner at Deadline Hollywood.

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It sounds like they might be looking for a new showrunner elsewhere than promoting from within, but who knows.  Not sure they could do better than someone like TPW or RH.  I LOLed at someone's tweet which said he/she would be the new showrunner and we would finally get sex scenes heh.


Note from THR article that Marlowe's Derrick Storm series didn't get the go ahead.  Not surprised.


Frankly, I think a nice raise is what's enticed NF to return.  And SK is waiting for the same.  What other inducement is there?  

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There's no way that Beckett isn't going to pass the Captain's exam with flying colours (and become the youngest Capt. in NYPD history? ;)).  Realistically, I can't see her not taking a promotion, but it's a TV show so... I don't want it to be a choice between being a mum and being Capt. because I don't see the 2 as either/or.

Heh, I'm sure she'll be a standout. I agree it shouldn't have to be turned into a either/or situation. I do hope whatever decision she does take makes sense for the character, that's the main thing. 



ETA:  So the contract stuff is coming out now.  I wonder if the network is playing hardball with Stana, like they did with Nathan when he wanted better working hours.  I think Stana will sign; they are just negotiating about the dollars now.  Maybe they couldn't give her a final offer until they had re-signed Nathan.  And I think next season will be the final season. Not surprised at all that Marlowe and Amann are jumping ship.  Showrunners are always ready to ditch their "baby" when it's time to look for the next money bag.


Yeah it does like they're turning the screw to push things along, as for the showrunner change, Amann leaving doesn't surprise me at all, no doubt he's found a better offer elsewhere as Castle even with Katic on board is only going to last one more season presumably. The only reason MilMar might hang around is because none of their projects have come to fruition so why not milk the cow some more.  

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Frankly, I think a nice raise is what's enticed NF to return.  And SK is waiting for the same.  What other inducement is there?  

Yeah it's usually the money even when they say it's not about the money. I realise I'm never going to know the details but if they're not willing to give her the same deal as Fillion given she's just as important to the show's success I don't blame her for holding out if this is the sole sticking point. 

Edited by verdana
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Castle-isotosis ‏@Purple_Waters  7 mins7 minutes ago

Hmm, new show runner? Anyone but Shonda Rhimes, please. They'll be cheating by the second episode and dead before the season ends. #Castle


This comment made me laugh, they're right, fans wouldn't have to worry about interrupted kisses any more. 

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I think it's crazy if sadly not surprising anymore that Nathan is getting hate from some Stana fans over this.  If the positions had been switched and he hadn't re-signed (yet), he'd be hated on viciously for sure for all manner of things.  Now that he has re-signed, he's still the bad guy for some insane reason.  He's always the evil mastermind in their minds who is to blame for everything, on Castle, off Castle, completely unrelated to him.  How is he to be held responsible for Stana's negotiations with the network?!  That no one actually knows anything about!  The mind boggles at the claim that he's the one releasing the contract info to put pressure on Stana.  How about the far more plausible theory of the network playing hardball as it does with all actors instead?  And I think Stana's a big girl who knows how to handle contract negotiations on her own terms regardless of what comes out in public or what her twitter feed says. 


I'm so tired of the Nathan vs Stana bullshit.  That's been a big turn off for me in fandom.  For a show that's about the love story between the 2 characters, and I believe, most fans like myself love both actors and characters in the love story, some fans sure like stirring up hate and drama where there should be none.


More importantly: are we getting a new costume designer for S8? :P

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I think you can have a show without Beckett, I would tune in for Castle widower, working with Ryan and Espo and the detective of the week. Just like they did on Bones when Zack left.  Nathan can carry it no problem. 

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More importantly: are we getting a new costume designer for S8? :P


Oh please God let it be!  May be Luke will prove too expensive in the new set up and they'll have to let him go....


I think you can have a show without Beckett, I would tune in for Castle widower, working with Ryan and Espo and the detective of the week.


A depressed widower having just lost the love of his life fighting crime...not sure about that, although if they keep the same style of writing Castle will have forgotten Beckett by 8.03.

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Yeah, what mad maverick said. I just learned the news on Twitter, but first stumbled into the middle of a conversation where people were slamming NF like you wouldn't believe, and my first thought was that he did not re-sign, or maybe strikes again or something. Imagine my surprise when I learned that he did re-sign, and the grateful Castle fandom calls him a dick for that ;). Whatever. I haven't heard that it's already assumed he personally leaked this information, so special thanks to mad maverick from my eyes that rolled all the way down to New Zealand. Is he also accused of firing Amann and Marlowe? Just curious.


Like most (sane) people I see nothing indicating that Stana is refusing to sign, or even that the negotiations are difficult. If they just sealed the deal with the #1 on the call-sheet, now is everyone else's turn. And it's not even last minute or anything, so the clickbait drama TVline spreads is extremely obvious. I'm more interested in the show-runner news. On the one hand, I'm glad because IMO the show has nothing to lose, creatively, but can possibly gain something. On the other hand, would they be looking for a new show-runner if this season was supposed to be the last one? I don't know what it means, but if they hope to stretch Castle for more than one season that's where they lose me. I don't see it, personally.

Edited by WendyCR72
To differentiate between re-sign (stay) and resign (quit)!
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Hi, all! Ah, contract talk. I see there has been movement.


Call me anal retentive, but if you choose to use re-sign - as in staying - please use the hyphen a la re-sign, as resign has the negative connotation of quitting and can be confusing.


Thank you and carry on!

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Leaving Stana exposed like that though is pretty douchey by the network, they must know what crap she's going to get piled on her.


Well, they also reported Nathan's issues with how many work days he wanted/had, so it's not new.


Nature of the TV biz. They love you 'til they don't.


I wonder if one of Nathan's demands upon re-signing was fresh blood? Maybe the whole Marlowe/Amann deal has zip to do with Fillion, but releasing all of this in one swoop just makes me curious!

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I'm a little confused about 7x23's title. I thought Hollander's Woods didn't have anything to do with Castle's disappearance, but what happened there when Castle was 11 was merely the "password", so why would they title the episode that? Did I misunderstand something?

My understanding was that Hollander's Woods was significant to him, but that significance was known only to him. And that significance was profound but intimate (perhaps but not specifically an episode of childhood trauma). So if someone else brought it up, it could only because he had personally told them - not because they had read it somewhere or someone close to him didn't keep a confidence. As such it was the perfect password to use to authenticate a conversation he'd had but later deliberately chose to forget.


I never saw it as related to that week's plot in any way, but it was introduced as part of Castle's past. A part so personal that he had never spoken of it to anyone. Ever. 


The problem is, they've waited so long to follow up and there was so much other noise going on in that episode - as well as ongoing viewer outrage - that reintroducing it now will have to be approached as though it was never mentioned in the first place. Doesn't mean I'm not curious, but I'm guessing that casual viewers care about as much about Hollander's Woods as they care who the showrunner will be next season, which is to say not at all.

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Wendy, right on for calling us out for our lazy spelling.  "Re-signing" is absolutely as it should be, but I guess i got lazy like with "Caskett", even with a hyphen. :P


I don't think Amann leaving, and likely Marlowe as well, has anything to do with Nathan.  I don't think he has any particular expectations about the writing on the show and hasn't in a long time.  Honestly, if the show's only going to be for one more season, it makes sense for would be showrunners to look for new shows.  I doubt they'd be getting a huge pay bump by sticking with Castle and creatively, I think Amann and Marlowe are both tapped out on Castle.  Who knows, maybe they'll be joining forces on some action conspiracy procedural which may be more up their alley, where they can have mythologies to their heart's content. ;)


On the one hand, I'm glad because IMO the show has nothing to lose, creatively, but can possibly gain something.



Agreed.  Although I feel the writing of Caskett this season has been an improvement on the dull season of wedding planning, so I hope next season they can keep that up.  Maybe with a new showrunner, we can finally inject more life into COTWs or shake up the structure a bit so that the personal storylines can take up more space.  But I don't know that there will be any experienced hands that would be willing to take on a long running show going into its final season.  So fingers crossed any less experienced hands work well with a fresh perspective.  


I laughed when one of the sites reporting on the contract stuff described Castle as a "detective soap".  The show really jumped the shark into soap land with last season's finale.

Edited by madmaverick
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So I havent had time to read this discussion (I'm on my lunch at work), but it looks like this is fairly recent based on my Facebook news - Nathan finalised a contract but Amann is leaving? I wonder what those details are. In fact, I'm really curious. Was it a condition of coming back? But yay!! Close to an answer on next season!

They must be fairly confident about Stana. I don't see them continuing without her. (No widower Castle, please!) I really don't think she's adamant about having to work with Marlowe (or else) because if she were it would have been an issue when Amann came in. I think she's just someone who supports the powers that be and thinks Marlowe is a good guy (I would to if the guy gave me my first leading role) and would like to see him succeed, so if that's on a new project then that's okay.

Interested to see who they replace Amann with, though. And it looks like I'll be need diving when I get home from work (do if y'all link to any news ... that would be wonderful!).

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I don't think he has any particular expectations about the writing on the show and hasn't in a long time.


I have to say I don't think Fillion cares much what the writers do with his character any more to be honest and has little expectations, he knows that what he's doing is hardly high art.  He doesn't strike me as someone wanting constant creative input into the show.  He does his work, earns a pay cheque and goes home. 


What I think has caused some of the anger towards Fillion is that the two leads weren't seen to be negotiating together, providing a united front and all that so PR wise may be it's not gone down so well that it looks like Fillion has taken care of himself and left Katic to find her own way. By the looks of it the one person ABC care most about pleasing is Fillion given they're prepared to sign him up without apparently knowing if Stana is committed. I'm not saying that's wrong this is a business after all but it does send a signal out.


But he's No 1 on the call sheet for a reason and in the end it's his career, his life and if he decided that negotiating alone was the best option than fair enough.  Although I do wonder how Katic would have fared if she and Fillion had negotiated together like Emily and David are supposedly doing on Bones and of course there are other examples where stars on various shows have banded together when it comes to contract negotiation time so everyone gets a better deal.  


I'm glad because IMO the show has nothing to lose, creatively, but can possibly gain something.


Hopefully this is the case, although I can't see this show surviving more than one more season the way things are going but fresh blood and all that...who knows may be it will be celebrating its tenth anniversary one day. Although the phrase "be careful what you wish for" does spring to mind given I desperately wanted a season to focus on Castle and what I got was Castle's vanishing. So if MilMar does depart (and that's not been confirmed) then I'm not necessarily getting out the bunting and champagne just yet.  

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I don't know how legit this site is, but there are a few interesting new tidbits in here.



With Fillion – who had been linked with a guest starring role on Fox’s upcoming six episode X-Files revival – having inked a new deal, ABC is fully expected to officially pull the trigger on an eighth season order for Castle just ahead of their upfront presentation this May.


X-Files?  Really?  Didn't see that one coming.  Because of Bowman?


Initially, sources said that ABC had wanted to see the show go beyond the eighth season, but that is now in doubt as Stan Katic has still not signed a new contract.

The hope is that Stana Katic will indeed ink a new deal, but negotiations have been slow and difficult, with the actress wanting to move on to other projects. According to my sources, the latest carrot being dangled is offering Katic a couple of directing opportunities on the new season. Regardless. the show should get an eighth season, but without Stana on-board it is likely to be a 13 episode final run.



I don't know that directing opportunities would entice Stana at this point since didn't she say before that she wasn't interested in directing Castle?


Now before fans decry that potential development, it should be noted that everyone wants the whole cast back, but there is room to proceed without her. “The finale leaves us in an interesting place”, an ABC Studios source said, “anything could happen.”



That doesn't seem to bode well for the note the finale may end on.


In addition, I’m told that with an end date for Castle firmly on the horizon, ABC is looking to restart development on a Castle spin-off, this time with Nathan Fillion around in some capacity – be that as an EP or potentially a guest star. 


Spin off?  Seriously?  Didn't see this coming either.  

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Yeah the sneak is all kinds of wtf? Did Castle watch The Expendables too many times? Dr. Burke's office at least looks the same.


Curious who will be the new showrunner. Next in line to promote within would probably be Hanning but someone outside could breathe new life if they have a season long plan. It probably would be easier to have a plan if they stick to 13-15 eps for the season. With MilMar and Amann gone, maybe no more dark eps and could go back to the s1-3 feel of the show. It'll be interesting to see what Bowman does. Someone edited in at imbd that he was gonna direct the X Files this summer that may start shooting in June. Con Man is also shooting in June so Nathan gonna be busy this summer. I was so not expecting Nathan to get a guest star role on the X Files. Maybe that has been a dream of his since he was on OLTL and Two Guys and a Girl during most of the show's run.

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Verdana, I just don't feel it's fair to put the blame or responsibility of Stana's negotiations on Nathan, or to assume he doesn't want equal pay for her because they didn't negotiate together.  First of all, we don't even know if they wanted the same things from the new contract and whether it made sense for them to negotiate together.  We don't know if they were even interested in negotiating together, for personal or business reasons.  Even though it appears that they negotiated separately, we don't know what communications they may have had with each other as negotiations went on.  I don't think either party would want a bad outcome for the other from negotiations or for the show to continue without the other.  It looks like ABC was negotiating with both concurrently so I don't think that it's necessarily they care about pleasing Nathan most, it could just be that they managed to come to an agreement with him first.  But he does play the title character and is no. 1 on the call sheet as you say, so maybe their priority was to lock him in first, or really lock any of the leads first, for business reasons.  I just wish people would stop throwing accusations around and making assumptions when in truth we barely know anything about how the negotiations proceeded, except the end result.


ETA: Oh yeah, the sneak peak reminds me of a Sylvester Stallone film heh.

Edited by madmaverick
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Although I do wonder how Katic would have fared if she and Fillion had negotiated together like Emily and David are supposedly doing on Bones


I have not heard this at all. And really, the "united front" approach is a rare beast. Yes, it worked for the cast of Friends and Big Bang Theory, but those shows were/are huge hits, so the networks knew they needed them.


Castle, while it does have a devoted fanbase, has never been a juggernaut. Those shows tend to do all for one, one for all. The other 99%? Every man or woman for themselves. At the end of the day, each actor has their own lives and careers to figure out. Not to mention agents, who take big chunks of the pie, etc.


So the notion that Fillion or Katic left the other to hang makes no sense to me at all.

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But he's No 1 on the call sheet for a reason and in the end it's his career, his life and if he decided that negotiating alone was the best option than fair enough.

Hmm, I'm not sure we can make any of those assumptions as we really have no clue about details, and even the most general outline of how it was/is happening. So how can we assume that he decided anything of the sort, or if it was a choice at all, or that they want the same things in their contracts to present a "united front", or if they even haven't presented it. They could very well be ironing out the last finer points of SK's contract right now, or even have her signed already. I don't see any reason to see her as a helpless girl who needs to be led out of the negotiations woods by her co-star, so why paint her as a victim by default? As Castle fandom for some reason loves to do. When we don't even know if she isn't the biggest winner of this contract thing.


To tell the truth, I find this blame game pretty disgusting (since it was pointed out here, I learned some other things too; nice work, fandom). I never heard suggestions that it's Stana who leaked the Nathan walk off story last year or masterminded the DC story arc for instance. Yet, it seems self-evident for a fraction of the fandom, that Nathan has been arm-twisting ABC and writing staff all season long, now got all show-runners fired, cooked some dirty deal for Stana and topped it off with leaking info to pressure her into signing. Sorry, but I don't see it as justified anger or something. I see it as deeply biased and misled fangirl attitude posing as some kind of righteous fight for ethical values. Where the victim and the perpetrator are always known in advance.


Edit: Awkward, mad maverick just wrote basically the same thing. I'm still doing 4 things at once and miss posts. Cheers.

Edited by Gant
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