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One wrong move, even in contract negotiations (both in public and in private), could blacklist you for a long time, especially with fans. Look how long it took Katherine Heigl to make it back onto TV.


I think comparing Katherine Heigl and Nathan Fillion is apples and oranges. By all accounts, NF's prior reputation among colleagues is stellar and that he is a generous actor. Heigl has shown herself, throughout movies and TV, to be...difficult...for the sake of a nice description.


Reputation in the biz is a huge factor. If you are constantly being disruptive or slamming the people who employ you, it only makes sense if people aren't eager to work with you.

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Which is why I emphasized that BOTH of them may be asking for certain things from ABC Studios to continue.


I'm sure they both are, and I think they both SHOULD be asking for more.  If ABC wants to continue, they are making money, and the cast/crew should be able to share in those profits.  Stana works just as hard as Nathan and there's no reason that she shouldn't have the same benefits that he does.


I think the reason some people think of Nathan wanting out first is that in some interviews, he has often sounded less interested in the show than Stana.  But they are of course both good actors and could easily be presenting a false front.  None of us know what's in either of their heads.  I wouldn't hold it against either of them personally if they wanted to leave the show, but I would be disappointed, as I still enjoy watching the show.

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Comparing this situation to Katherine Heigl was probably too much, but she's the only person I could come up with off the top of my head that didn't have the most stellar relationship with ... well, anyone, but most especially contracts (and yes, that's an understatement).


But reputation within colleagues and reputation to your fanbase are also two different things. By all accounts from the people that have worked with him and/or met him, NF is a great guy. Unfortunately, that's a very small slice of the pie. If contract negotiations fall through and ABC and/or the media spin it that it was because he balked at a contract, what's going to win? If I were him I'd play this game very carefully, especially with a new (side) project on the line. Half your worth is your fanbase. Even if he doesn't intend to piss people off, he very well could, especially by inaction. Or maybe he's secure enough in himself that he doesn't care.


I hope I'm wrong on all accounts. I hope everyone resigns and things are happy. I hope that if that doesn't happen people realize that it was bigger than we could have known. But human nature is to be impulsive and to want to place blame, and if contract negotiations fail and the show ends, I only see that blame going one place and it's not on ABC.


(I'd also like to make clear, I'm not targeting Nathan. This all goes for Stana too (if it ends up being that she's the holdout), maybe even more so given her lack of showbiz history.)


But what it boils down to is we don't know what's happening, or what way things seem to be swinging, or what anyone is really thinking. My facts are: (1) ABC presumably wants to renew the show, (2) neither Stana nor Nathan are 100% done because if they were they'd already be out, (3) the rest of the cast have shown interest in sticking around (both Seamus and Jon have mentioned wanting to be employed in the fall). That means, as far as we know right now, it all hangs on Stana and Nathan because ABC can't have the show without them. Because we know nothing else, of course that means they're the ones getting the flak for the non-news, deservedly or not.


What I want to know mostly is how long contract negotiations usually take. I know there have been cases of them taking forever, but is it like a real estate deal where things can happen quickly over the phone, or is it more formal where each change and proposition has to be drafted and whatever before it's presented? Because if it's the latter it could explain the lag better than people just assuming that someone is holding out just because they can.

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This all goes for Stana too (if it ends up being that she's the holdout), maybe even more so given her lack of showbiz history.)


I would actually think it goes even more for Stana.  Nathan has a large fan base from outside the show, he has a lot of contacts that would hire him and he'll still get all those Comic Con appearances no matter what.  Stana's fans are pretty much all from Castle, if she pisses them off, they won't necessarily follow her to a new project.   That's not to say people have a right to be pissed at her for wanting to move on, but people aren't always rational.

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Many fans seems to ignore Stana when it comes to contact negotiations because she hasn't much of a resume so it does make her more vulnerable in certain ways but given the show can't manage without either of them they need to pay attention to her just as much as Fillion's demands. It's Fillion who tends to get the bad press if any is going to be had and I'm sure if they don't come to some agreement he'll cop the flak again, even if he wasn't the stumbling block.


That's not to say people have a right to be pissed at her for wanting to move on, but people aren't always rational.


I'm always baffled by fan anger towards the stars when they decide they've had enough of something and decide to move on.  Why on earth would you want them to stick around doing something they don't want to do? Yet they claim to be fans of the actors and the show. If that's the case then they should be wishing them all the best not hating on them for doing what makes them happy however upsetting it is to see the show end.. It's selfish and I agree irrational. 


If either Stana and Nathan have decided to call it quits then good luck to them, they gave it a good run, seven years is a long time. 

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I thought I read somewhere a few months back that Nathan and Stana were negotiating together on the contracts, i.e. they were both on the same page. It may be why Stana is now getting more time off. Obviously their agents and representatives are doing the negotiations but didn't they both switch agencies in the past 6 months? Working as one means that they could both get more of what they want. I remember Gillian Anderson complaining once of the disparity between hers and DD's pay. That was during their not getting on period I believe. It was a similar situation in that GA worked just as hard as DD but DD got more benefits so to speak. DD was the more well known one at the time. GA hasn't looked back since :-). 

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I don't know if Nathan and Stana have bonded together for a joint negotiation strategy, but if things don't work out, I wouldn't be surprised if Nathan ended up unfairly getting a lot of the flak from the vocal, irrational part of the fandom, and not Stana, because that's almost always the case, even if it's unclear who or why the actors don't re-sign.   I remember him getting a lot of criticism for merely voicing the thought that he wanted Castle to end on a strong note and that British series had it right for having a definitive end date in sight.  Stana's said similar things this season about wanting the show to come to a strong, natural conclusion, and has been praised for valuing art over finance instead of criticised by the same people.  What they both said was just common sense to me.  Nothing to react violently over, but double standards annoy me.


If you ask me, I think it's just coming down to a game of 'show me the money' now.  A show like Castle's hardly about the art.  The actors finally have some leverage over the network after a 7 year contract so I say negotiate as hard as they can to get what they want.  It's not often in an actor's career that they get to be in that position so it's wise to make good use of it, without overplaying your hand of course.  I wouldn't be surprised if the network starting playing hardball and leaking stuff against the actors in the media like they did over the 4 day week request if contracts continue to be unresolved.


I'm still confident that we'll see another season.  Whether the actors are willing to be tied into anything beyond that will be the interesting point.  Even if they are though, can the writers still find the stories?  If the finale ends in a cliffhanger shambles, the writers are to blame for going in that direction.  It's like they believe a finale can't have anything but 'high stakes' + 'cliffhanger' to keep viewers coming back. ;)

Another interview with Seamus: http://collider.com/castle-seamus-dever-interview/

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From the interview with Seamus posted in the media thread:


Jon and I are in the midst of doing something so super cool, but I cannot even talk about it right now because it’s so secret. There’s something that’s definitely coming up later, in a couple of episodes, that hopefully people are going to be really amazed by. You couldn’t have gotten two actors, at our ages, with me approaching 40 and Jon just a little bit north of 40, to do on a one-hour show on all of television, I guarantee it. The fact that Jon and I pulled it off is a real testament to our talent. We had this in our skill set. When you see it, you’re going to go, “Oh, my god, they can still do that?!” You’re hopefully going to be amazed by it. The other thing we’re doing is something that’s so cool. It’s for one of the DVD special features, and I can’t say a thing about it because it’s so on lock down, but it’s great. Every time someone hears about what we’re doing, they get a big smile on their face and they go, “Really?!” It’s so good, but I can’t say anything about it, which bums me out because I want to tell everyone.


Okay.... any guesses?  Acrobatic comedy?  A duet? 

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There were some dance choreographers spotted via Instagram on-set a few weeks ago working with Jon & Seamus, and I presumed it was episode-related, but now I wonder if it is not for this DVD special feature now. We'll see once 719 airs (I believe that was the episode they were on-set during the filming of). 

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I’m slightly confused by the cliffhanger talk.


If both Stana and Nathan are still in the negotiation process and it’s not a sure thing they come back, there is absolutely no need for a cliffhanger. Quite the opposite, I would assume.  And wouldn’t the network agree or don’t they care how their products exit the market?


If only one of them might not continue (or appearances are significantly reduced), the cliffhanger would make sense. But it would probably change the face of the show. So again, if the network hasn’t greenlightened this “new” show, there is no need for a cliffhanger.


And if the show has an approved contingency plan, there is no need for the hold-up being displayed right now.


So it can’t be just the lead actors whose “fate” the show is hanging on, can it?



Another interview with Seamus: http://collider.com/...ever-interview/

I like his idea about undercover work!



If I were him I'd play this game very carefully, especially with a new (side) project on the line. Half your worth is your fanbase. Even if he doesn't intend to piss people off, he very well could, especially by inaction. Or maybe he's secure enough in himself that he doesn't care.

If you are talking about the Castle fanbase, I think there is nothing to gain or to lose at this point, meaning most people have their preconceived ideas about him. And those people who get really angry that their TV shipity ship isn’t anymore, will surely find another one pretty soon.

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madmaverick. Your link wasn't working when I went to it so I went searching and I'm posting that article again.


CASTLE Interview: Seamus Dever at Collider


Castle has been great, but it’s a procedural. Maybe once a season, I get to stretch my legs, as an actor, so it’s got me clamoring for other things that I want to do. I want to explore those things that I don’t get to do, but that I used to get to do, as a guest star. I want to go rob a bank. I want to go beat up some guy. I want to be tough. I want to be all those things, and I don’t get to do that very much on Castle. There’s certainly the aspects of the things that I don’t get to do, that I’m itching to go do.


It must be tough for the secondary cast especially when you're not stretched in any way in your career. May be there comes a time when the money isn't everything and you need fresh challenges. I don't sense Castle gives any of the cast much fuel to keep them artistically satisfied and motivated as actors to any huge degree. 

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as we projected before, Castle will have reruns in April:

April 6, 2015 “Once Upon A Time in The West”

April 13, 2015 “Last Action Hero”

Possibly new episode 7x20 will be on April 20


Source. Becklebee.

2015 TV Update: Which Shows Are Renewed? Canceled? In Danger? at Zimbio

Castle Q&A: Seamus Dever on Ryan's Action Adventure, A Bargain With the Devil at TV Fanatic. 


They ask about renewal, he's saying the same thing as before.  

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Thanks, verdana, for reposting the link.


I agree that the secondary cast don't get much to work with at all, and yet they may be the ones who are more enthusiastic to sign on for a few more seasons than the leads.  I guess a steady paycheck is a steady paycheck.  But I think everyone needs to do stuff outside of Castle to keep them creatively challenged, which in turn is good for the show.

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If Marlowe does a cliffhanger when he knows things could crash and burn I'm making a voodoo doll to stick pins into. 

If you are talking about the Castle fanbase, I think there is nothing to gain or to lose at this point, meaning most people have their preconceived ideas about him. And those people who get really angry that their TV shipity ship isn’t anymore, will surely find another one pretty soon.

I agree with this, I don't see it will make any difference fan reaction wise. 


It's like they believe a finale can't have anything but 'high stakes' + 'cliffhanger' to keep viewers coming back. ;)


It's stupid because they're more likely to lose fans if the cliffhanger is lousy especially since they've had two successive finales that were not well received and at this stage in the show's life they're not suddenly going to gain a fresh audience to make any significant upswing in the ratings. 


Do showrunners as a breed really think that if the fans don't automatically get some big drama/mystery to fixate on over the hiatus they'll drift off and watch something else? I'd love it if just one of them was brave enough to have a season end without a cliffhanger confident enough in their writing abilities and the audience that they know they don't need one. 

Edited by verdana
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Source. Becklebee.

2015 TV Update: Which Shows Are Renewed? Canceled? In Danger? at Zimbio

Castle Q&A: Seamus Dever on Ryan's Action Adventure, A Bargain With the Devil at TV Fanatic. 


They ask about renewal, he's saying the same thing as before.  


Not really related to the post much, but I'm amused at that Tumblr/Twitter user claiming to be the source of that info when I know for a fact he/she isn't. SMH.


Carry on. 

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Okay.... any guesses?  Acrobatic comedy?  A duet?


Stripping. The "skinny kid from Twilight" and "A-Rod" style. (That's a S3 reference.)


Honestly though, no idea. Dancing would be fine, but I wouldn't be opposed to singing. They did a mini duet in one of Jon's "Day In the Lyfe" videos on YouTube and they're really good at it.

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I remember him getting a lot of criticism for merely voicing the thought that he wanted Castle to end on a strong note and that British series had it right for having a definitive end date in sight.  Stana's said similar things this season about wanting the show to come to a strong, natural conclusion, and has been praised for valuing art over finance instead of criticised by the same people.


This is kind of why I think that they're both going to re-sign, barring a giant meltdown. If they weren't I feel like we'd already know, if for no other reason than I feel like they'd both want to give tptb a chance to write a real ending. (Plus it would be something ABC could use for ratings ... and they would.)


It's doubtful to me that ABC cares for a show ends, so I also doubt there's a contingency plan, at least with ABC. If a network cared they wouldn't wait until after season finales to cancel shows. Sometimes it'll happen as a gesture of goodwill (Private Practice got a shortened season to wrap up because ABC loves anything Shonda), but more often than not it'll just end (Shonda Rhimes's other show, Off The Map, got cancelled with no resolution). Marlowe might have a plan, but he also probably has a better idea than most of if his stars will resign or not, too.


Like I said, barring a giant meltdown I'd actually be really surprised if there's not a S8, but anything past that is up in the air.

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I don't sense Castle gives any of the cast much fuel to keep them artistically satisfied and motivated as actors to any huge degree.


I don't think people sign on to a show like Castle to be artistically satisfied.  They do it for the money.  And there's nothing wrong with that, people need to earn a living.  I do think a lot of actors sign on to a show like this for a check, then feeling trapped when the show ends up being a multi-year hit.


Not really related to the post much, but I'm amused at that Tumblr/Twitter user claiming to be the source of that info when I know for a fact he/she isn't. SMH.


How can he/she claim to be a source for info that is in an interview with Seamus?

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How can he/she claim to be a source for info that is in an interview with Seamus?


I was referring to the upcoming schedule of reruns. That information was sourced from someone who works at an ABC affiliate who gets the schedule for her job, not the person verdana linked to. 

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I was referring to the upcoming schedule of reruns. That information was sourced from someone who works at an ABC affiliate who gets the schedule for her job, not the person verdana linked to. 


Ah okay.  It's kind of silly for someone to try and claim to be a source for such worthless news.  There are always reruns at some point in April.

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Ask Matt: Orange's Dramatic Emmy Problem, TV Post-Parenthood, Battle Creek, Castle, and More by Matt Rousch

Question: So Castle has started shooting its 21st episode of the season, with only two more left. Wouldn't they know by now if Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion would renew their contracts? (snipped) 


Matt Roush: You don't need to tell me how passionate and vocal Castle's fan base can be. This issue has dogged the show all season, and my take on such business matters (which I don't cover or monitor on a regular basis) is that more often than not, these deals tend to get worked out on their own timetable, and I urge fans to be patient. Castle has run successfully long enough that it deserves to build up to a series finale, and I'd be surprised if the stars don't eventually sign, even if it isn't until after the current season wraps. With that in mind, it's probably in the show's best interest for the season not to end with another cliffhanger unless things are ironed out by then. ABC would obviously like to have the show around a while longer, since it's still doing just fine on Mondays, but negotiations like these can be tricky and tedious, and right now, easing fans' anxiety probably isn't a terribly high priority.


Matt speaks sense about that cliffhanger. If in doubt? Don't go there Marlowe, remember those new projects that will need an audience. 

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Is Jenny coming back to Castle?


I think so based on this instagram shot. 

10 hours ago
Ain't nuthin' but a #Deverselfie. Working on a special something 4u #Castle fans w @seamuspatrickdever



I wonder if this is for the 150th episode (7.22) which I've forgotten if we've got any news on what it's about.

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I think they were working on a BTS for the S7 DVD - but that would be a total guess on my behalf. Because 150th episode technically hasn't started filming yet (I don't think unless I got the dates wrong again). But I'm not against her making an appearance!

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Okay.... any guesses?  Acrobatic comedy?  A duet?


May be a song and dance routine but with a Castleish twist of some kind? Heh I'm with McManda I'd rather they held off singing. I'm never comfortable with musical routines suddenly appearing in shows like this gives me second hand embarrassment


Thanks Nadine, getting ahead of myself there, shame that she can't make an appearance on the show especially if they do wrap this up. 

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May be a song and dance routine but with a Castleish twist of some kind? Heh I'm with McManda I'd rather they held off singing. I'm never comfortable with musical routines suddenly appearing in shows like this gives me second hand embarrassment


Thanks Nadine, getting ahead of myself there, shame that she can't make an appearance on the show especially if they do wrap this up. 


They could have filmed it for the 150th - it wouldn't be the first a show filmed out of order, etc.  Darren, Tamala's publicist had posted a pic (but pulled it down later on) but in it, it was with Tamala and Jon. So they were filming with Seamus and Juliana.


I am curious to see how they do this Saturday Night Live type sketch show murder - because it seems like we're getting the heavy episode in Sleeper and then two lighter episodes before the finale going by Amann's comments.

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Erik Altstadt @EAkorn  ·  5h 5 hours ago

So everyone is aware, no one knows about next season of #Castle. No more pointing the finger and placing blame. Enjoy what we have now.


I hope fans are behaving themselves (is that too much to ask?) with cast and crew and not sending tweets pestering them about news of renewal or worse sending them angry comments. Urgh. 

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If Castle does end, I really hope Seamus gets a strong boost in his career. I've really enjoyed his background work and  especially his Irish Mafia episode, where he could stretch.

I haven't seen the security episode yet, because the house has been crawling with family and friends during Spring Break.  Still found time to rewatch the Firefly 'Trash' episode though, so I guess I have my priorities.

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Matt M originally said mythology based on his interview with DA back in February. Then DA clarified his statement and said that Castle and Beckett mythology would be in the finale. So going by the clarification he didn't say say whether the Beckett mythology is part of the 150th (Seamus was the one who brought up the Beckett mythology would be raised again towards the end of the season - which kind of went in line with DA's comments back in February but not really). Heh.


I still reckon the mythology thing is more in terms of what people having been speculating anyway since DA said adjacent to the mythology - it'd go in lines of not her mother's murder itself but things that put Beckett on the path of going into the force (which is what we're seeing with her character now anyway).

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I hope fans are behaving themselves (is that too much to ask?) with cast and crew and not sending tweets pestering them about news of renewal or worse sending them angry comments. Urgh. 


Sadly it seems some people are past the point on no return when it comes to the tweets, etc.

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TV's Best & Worst Weddings: Parks Perfection, Buffy Nightmare, Twisty Thrones, a Castle Miss and More at TV Line.


Has TV Line got it in for Castle at the moment heh.


Although by the looks of it this seems to be rehash of an earlier article but now spiced up a bit and predictably its got fans on twitter a bit upset. 


WORST: Castle's Beckett and Castle
The telenovela-esque CGI backdrop detracted from the otherwise sweet vows. Also: Did RySpo and Lanie's invites get lost in the mail?


Stana and Nathan did well with the vows but they were hampered somewhat by that cheap and cheesy sunset and the glaring gaff of having Jim toasting the happy couple with what looked to me like champagne. Considering who wrote this episode that only made it worse. 


Oh and happy birthday to Nathan Fillion, 44 today. 

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I wonder if TV Line is trolling? I don't think the bad CGI is enough to put that ceremony as "worst" when everything else about it was so well done. Especially since the rest of the "worsts" all had much bigger complaints.

And people really think it's bad Ryan/Espo/Lanie weren't there? The fact that they eloped is one of my favorite parts.

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And people really think it's bad Ryan/Espo/Lanie weren't there? The fact that they eloped is one of my favorite parts.


Some fans didn't like that aspect of it at the time and would have preferred to see them there, so I'm not surprised that got a mention.


I think the thing that's got fans buzzing is that TV Line had it in the "best" category when they first issued the list.  If they're trolling they know Castle fans are an easy target, especially right now. 


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Castle sneak peek: Did Beckett and Castle just dig their own graves?  at EW.


Haven't watched it but I can see Kate's got that fab jacket and scarf on.  Definite thumbs up on the wardrobe front next week. Don't get that jacket dirty Kate! 


What I want to know based on that article is will we ever get to see the Policemen’s Benevolent Association talent competition? 


Youtube version of sneak here.

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Nathan Fillion @NathanFillion  ·

My last couple of bdays have been incredible because YOU have brought clean water to more than 10,000 people https://my.charitywater.org/nathan-alan



And a nice write up about his campaigns from the charity itself.  A cause worth supporting.  It really is a travesty that so many are still without clean water and sanitation in our world while others have far more material goods than they need.



Re sneak peak: I'm going to be annoyed if we never see a glimpse of the event mentioned, but I wouldn't be surprised if it goes the way of the JB fundraiser. ;)

Beckett's outfit rocks; meh on Castle's outerwear as usual.



To be honest, if those people who are crying out for more Beckett this season had also cried out for more Castle in all the preceding seasons since maybe S3/4, then I might get behind it more.  What I would get behind is the headline: "More Caskett on Castle".   And honestly, I don't feel Beckett has been what some are calling 'sidelined' this season.  What's been different this season for Beckett's character compared to recent ones is that she no longer has the lion's share of the overarching dramatic storylines.  But that's not to say she hasn't had anything to do!  The season opener was very much about Beckett's reaction to what happened to Castle (which I again found I don't entirely agree with on a recent rewatch, but maybe that's for another discussion).  The PI arc was driven by Castle but some of my favourite Caskett moments all season was from this arc where Beckett did have plenty of opportunity to bounce off Castle.  Beckett had juicy stuff to do in the 2 parter with Nieman.  And now as the season is ending, Beckett's future in terms of career and babies is being touched on and to be determined.  When you compare all this to the basically zero we have gotten on the supposed Castle mythology all season, after the 2nd episode....

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I hope we get to see the talent show. Hanning tweeted awhile back about a "music" aspect to this episode and it might also include what Seamus mentioned about something he and Jon were able to do.

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Twitters going to be busy now. Ha. 

Ha. Twitter is going to go crazy.  Never will 140 characters be analysed and over analysed hehe.  Cute pic to go with the sentiment lol.  Twitter will blow up if there's a selfie. :P ;)

I hope we get to see the talent show. Hanning tweeted awhile back about a "music" aspect to this episode and it might also include what Seamus mentioned about something he and Jon were able to do.

After their comments, I kinda hope Gates surprises them all and knocks their socks off with a performance.  I might find that more entertaining than a Ryan/Esposito duet.  Any guesses what Caskett have planned for their act?  Involves a dress? ;)

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I see that the talent show is gonna be the B story. I hope we get to see parts of it but maybe we'll get some fun competitive interaction between Castle, Beckett, Ryan and Espo.

That would be cute if Nathan did a hang with today. Like if the cast and crew sing happy birthday to him or pulled a prank on him.

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Beckett's outfit rocks; meh on Castle's outerwear as usual.


For some strange reason I read this as "Castle's underwear" and boy did that have me scrambling to hit the play button until I read it again. 


If we see a fund raiser of any kind, song and dance routines, any kind of underwear and a Stana and Nathan selfie then it's all over folks LOL.


Any guesses what Caskett have planned for their act?  Involves a dress? ;)



I don't mind as long as Castle's not wearing a dress for "fun" during whatever event they have planned. May be this is what Hanning meant by the "best scene in the history of Castle" that he teased about a few weeks back happening on this one. 


madmaverick. Great to see the money raised to Nathan's charity a very worthy one and I couldn't agree more it is terrible that so many lives are harmed by the lack of having access to fresh drinking water and basic sanitation. 

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I hope we get to see the talent show. Hanning tweeted awhile back about a "music" aspect to this episode and it might also include what Seamus mentioned about something he and Jon were able to do.

A talent show? I probably missed that spoiler. Sounded like some kind of karaoke night from the sneak. If we don't see Beckett on stage, as she fears, it would be a total travesty. But something tells me that it's gonna be Gates, just to prove Castle wrong. Maybe all of them will get to have a fun moment, but then it would take time from all that fabulous crime solving everyone is here for :)

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