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Does it mean anything that I had dream that they were filming the wedding episode? verdana and I were there, and maybe samantha. We all snuck on set and were hanging around with a guy in his 50's that was probably an additional grip. Anyway, that guy was spending more time talking to chicks (us) and so the bitchy director lady fired him. Then we snuck inside and watched them shoot, and we tried to be very, very, quiet and very, very small and somehow we watched a bit of NF and SK doing an interrogation scene. At some point, I think samantha tried to braid the director lady's hair to be nice, but she got in trouble, so we had to go outside. Anyway, it all ended with just the main cast in a train car, of all places, and that's how the wedding went down. They were in crazy outfits. We all had to sign releases. So, look, y'all, don't be surprised if it happens that way. ;)

And absolutely agree with madmaverick and above this show being mindless entertainment. Of course it is. And their are plenty of excellent shows out there for drama. TGW comes to mind, though I miss the hell out of Josh Charles.

But can't you all just see all the bites of organic fun of Classic Castle we could take with BabyMaking!Caskett followed by Fetus!Castle, followed by Baby!Castle. Or just the more likely take, which would be Pregnant!Beckett sometime after Kidnapped!Castle is out of danger. Awww.

Edited by WendyCR72
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Saw this on twitter and I couldn't agree more: There is already wedding desensitization for some fans, no more excitement/ thrilled response.


I'm still excited about the idea of the wedding happening. I'm not gonna like post a bunch of squee-y stuff on Tumblr about it, but I never would have done that.  I'm just looking forward to seeing it, whenever it does happen.  The finale sucked, but I don't think it will prevent me from enjoying S7, unless they pull more crap like they did in For Better or Worse. They have to make up for that.  But I'm a little over some of the annoyance I felt in May, so I'm still looking forward to seeing Caskett together.


I'm strangely optimistic about this show though.

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I hope they had to work their arses off sweating blood in that writers room to crawl out the hole they dug themselves with that finale. They need to learn that lazy writing never pays off and getting out of the mess it brings is hard work. 


Looks like sneak peeks will be coming out soonish.

Leatah ‏@SmeeLita  Sep 4
@shawn310 Is there ANY hope of a #Castle Season 7 promo soon in our future. We're all KEEN for something new.


Shawn Adams @shawn310  ·  12h
@SmeeLita Do sneak peeks count?


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I'd like to see Jenny again, or at least hear about what's going on with their baby or God forbid even see them as a family on screen. I'm not interested in babies at all but they could at least give me some background information on the secondary cast on a regular basis (that means more than once or twice a season) to keep me invested in some small way in their lives. 


Juliana Dever @CleverDever  ·  2h
Dever selfie! Visiting @seamusdever. Filter by nathanfillion #castle #BTS http://instagram.com/p/slxpSvjtO-/



The second to last one made me smile, like others tweeting my first thought was "so covert sexual behaviour is okay?"

Juliana Dever @CleverDever  ·  3h
Them's the rules. #Castle #12thPrecinct #BTS


Edited by verdana
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Spoiler Room: Scoop on 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine,' 'Scandal,' 'Hawaii Five-0' and more at EW 


Got any casting news or episode info for all the Castle fans out there? Thanks. — Sandra
24 alum Jeffrey Nordling will guest-star in an upcoming episode as a real estate developer building a luxury mall along the Hudson river. Surely he’ll end up on Beckett’s radar, but wouldn’t it be cool if he appeared in the same episode as the long-awaited return of Annie Wersching’s Dr. Kelly Nieman so it’s a 24 reunion? Alas, my sources say there’s no update on when Wersching will actually be back this season.


FlickerToAFlame. I note she said it was a set visit to see her husband but yeah I did wonder. 


Some fans are keeping an eye on IMDB to see if any of the cast lists has Scott Paulin's name on because that would surely signal a wedding is in the offing but then again he wasn't around for the other one (on screen at least) so who knows? If it's a quickie event he might not even be invited which would be a pretty poor show or they could simply keep his name of the cast list until it airs.

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It's mindless...but it used to be so much sharper, wittier, funnier, more romantic and just more entertaining in general and maybe that's why I still expect it to be more because I know it can be.


Exactly, it's harmless fluff and fun but at one point it had more subtlety, wit and charm than it does now and more substance in the characterisation too. It may have been some light after dinner dessert (which is the comparison Stana has used in a few interviews over the years) but at least it felt reasonably substantial and not like I'd been presented with a stale cookie on a plate and told to sit back and enjoy. 

Edited by verdana
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But can't you all just see all the bites of organic fun of Classic Castle we could take with BabyMaking!Caskett followed by Fetus!Castle, followed by Baby!Castle. Or just the more likely take, which would be Pregnant!Beckett sometime after Kidnapped!Castle is out of danger. Awww.

Please. Don't. The idea of wedding planning morphing into various degrees of baby planning over the course of an entire season makes my stomach churn and I break out into a cold sweat.  There are a few variations you've missed by the way - Impotent!Castle and Infertile!Beckett - my what fun the writers could have with those, especially making tired jokes about Castle's inability to get the deed done. *shudder*  

Edited by verdana
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Ooh, verdana, you could be a Castle writer with all those very fresh ideas. Yes, Infertile!Caskett could be a gold mine of storytelling. I figure we get Caskett pregnancy/baby making or Illegitmate!SpyKid. Brolin will probably write all his episodes and maybe his wife sings a song for the last episode.

Oh. Or wait. They could do a who shot Castle? revamp or a retool of Bobby a la Dallas where Castle gets out of the shower (you only see his legs, of course. He likely still has his shirt on) and the whole thing is a dream. That's the mythology.

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I may dislike Castle's wardrobe but I do love his hair, I wonder if he does Stana's hair sometimes?  Or do they have two separate people running around armed with a hairbrush on set ensuring everything stays looking perfect.  


Nathan Fillion @NathanFillion  ·  10h
“@BabyTheImpala:// @NathanFillion how does your hair stay so awesome?”

I have an Edward.


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Nathan Fillion @NathanFillion  ·  10h

    “@BabyTheImpala:// @NathanFillion how does your hair stay so awesome?”

    I have an Edward.


OMG, I don't know why this makes me laugh as much as it does. It's not that funny. But I think that was an amazing response.

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DB comes across as such a jerk.  He's the one reason I've never been able to watch Bones.  I feel like I need a shower everytime I look at him.  He also fails to mention he worked it into his contract that he only works 1/2 a day on Fridays. 

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DB comes across as such a jerk.  He's the one reason I've never been able to watch Bones.  I feel like I need a shower everytime I look at him.  He also fails to mention he worked it into his contract that he only works 1/2 a day on Fridays.


I realize this is an older article, but I wish David Borrenaz would stop talking. His fight with Castle and Marlowe and Nathan seem so petty and one-sided. I think Nathan's taken some shots back, but they always seem to be in response to something DB said and never seem to be hate veiled as a joke. Seriously, did Nathan do something to DB back when they were working on Buffy? Because I don't understand why he always seems like he's trying to pick a fight.

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Seriously, did Nathan do something to DB back when they were working on Buffy? Because I don't understand why he always seems like he's trying to pick a fight.

Maybe he's just jealous that Joss didn't offer him a role of Captain Hammer, LOL. Nor any other role in his further movies and shows, for that matter. While Nathan along with Alexis Denisof and a whole bunch of other actors from Buffy and Angel have clearly developed close friendship with Whedon over the years, and he keeps inviting them in his projects. Who knows how Boreanaz feels about this, especially now, when Whedon has become one of the big fishes in Hollywood.

Edited by Karen
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Here's what I say: David AND Marlowe need to stop taking shots at the others show. Marlowe did it but when he did people gave him a thumbs up. Best some are wishing they'd left those thumbs where they were [i'm heart, not Hart. Ha! Bullshit, Marlowe].  Saw some Castle fans say that David is jealous of Castle. Really? Bones has been on longer than Castle and it's more mainstream as well. David's paycheck ain't so bad + he has a producing credit. I'm not saying he's the nicest guy .. #1 b/c I don't know him personally but also I don't think he's jealous of Nathan, his paycheck, or Castle. Castle's really nothing to be jealous of, in my humble opinion. 

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Actually Castle has more buzz going for it than Bones and had for a little while.  I remember once TV Line featured Castle in some returning fall shows article and might not have focused on Bones as much.  I think I recall DB tweeting to Ausiello about the omission in a sarcastic way.  If anything I've noticed an annoyance on DB's end on how much attention Castle is or used to get in comparison to Bones.  That was a few years ago though and I'd expect both shows though are pretty close in ratings now, right?  So other than that I don't see why either show needs to compete with each other now.  Neither show is perfect; I stopped watching Castle regulary though I still catch up with some spoilers and haven't watched an episode of Bones in a long time and am pretty apathetic to it.  The actors and showrunners should stay in their own lanes and on their own work.

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Bones has lower ratings but that's to be expected given they've done 9 seasons. I enjoy both shows, I agree with Samantha the actors/showrunners shouldn't snipe at each other it never looks good.  DB does come over like a guy with a bit short fuse and kind of snippy though. 

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When I say buzz I mean comic cons, TVGuide, online interviews (leads together & supporting actors), talk show appearances. 


Speaking of which: I see people wanting Nathan (and Stana) doing interviews. Can I be honest? I don't. I really don't care to hear another story about his cat, his vacations w. his brother, his BBQs, & that hair "trick". It was funny at cute at first but it's the same conversation over & over again. Either on Conan or Kimmel. Boooooooriiiiing!! 

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LOL, I hope nobody has been forcing you to watch Fillion's interviews over the last couple of years! Leave them to me, I still enjoy them, especially tales of BBQ's and brotherly love :-) I think the cat has died, though...

And to be fair, he oftentimes is asked the same question over and over again.

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I think the only time Nathan talked about Castle in any of his last interviews was in Fallon -- the interviewing promoting "Always" finale. And it was talked about for 3 minutes. If that.  Nathan seems like a sweet guy but I can skip his interviews b/c I've heard it all before. 

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samantha is on a roll today, so I don't have to say much.

Fillion's interviews make me cringe. So do his taser stunts and his ubiquitous brother and of course, the inability to leave the year 2003.

DB isn't my boyfriend or anything, but I do appreciate that a) he promotes his show with passion and humor and remains fully invested in it and is able to appear uxorious (even though it's going into the 10th season) and b) that he still looks like a leading man and pretty much the same as he did when the show started. I really don't have any rabid passion for him, beyond that.

What I thought was most funny is that Hart Hanson promised a wedding that season...and the Bones fans got a really wonderful, beautifully done wedding a few months later. Not during sweeps or the winter/summer finale. It was just an episode and it worked really really well.

Oh shit, I forgot not to speak thy name. Oh well.

Edited by Elysium1973
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On location pics here: http://sleuthdog100.tumblr.com/post/97009444764/hill-4th-sts-dtla


(Wasn't sure whether to post them here or in the media thread as I didn't think they were spoilery... but they probably were filming whilst these were taken.)


What is it with Castle and guns being (presumably) shoved in his back?  Looks like a repeat of Valkyrie kidnapping in the street scenario?  Just as poor Castle is waving to Beckett with his coffee filled with hearts.


Like the denim shirt but something about that jacket still screams "old man" to me!  It's certainly no Burberry. ;)  Voting that down.

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The second to last one made me smile, like others tweeting my first thought was "so covert sexual behaviour is okay?"


It's so covert that's why we never see it!  Maybe one day they'll show us a deleted scene from the precinct supply closet heh.  


Oh, and rule applies in Castle's residence too btw. ;)


Nathan Fillion @NathanFillion  ·  10h

    “@BabyTheImpala:// @NathanFillion how does your hair stay so awesome?”

    I have an Edward.


Lol.  Between Nathan and Stana's hair porn, I don't t know how they get anything done on set. 

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I think the cat has died, though...


And to be fair, he oftentimes is asked the same question over and over again.


There's another cat, though, isn't there?


And yeah, I blame a lot of the interviewers. A lot of the same stuff, all the time. It's why I enjoy Craig Ferguson (so, so sad he's leaving). He seems to go out of his way to make it less formulaic and less like it's prearranged questions.


Best some are wishing they'd left those thumbs where they were [i'm heart, not Hart. Ha! Bullshit, Marlowe].


I'm pretty sure that was in response to something Boreanaz said, though. Yeah, he [Marlowe] probably should have kept it to himself, but at that point he probably thought it was a friendly jab and I understand wanting to defend your work. The fact that DB seems to keep picking at whatever fight he's trying to instigate makes him look like a petty douchebag.

Edited by McManda
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the inability to leave the year 2003.


Thanks, Elysium. How could I forget the Firefly talk. I believe someone said it over on the other board .. if Firefly were a woman she'd take out a restraining order on him. Dude! It's been over for over a decade!  Whether it was Seamus' feelings, masked as sarcasm/joke .. his reaction to Firefly (in season 6 DVD extra) was mine x 10! 


Also agree w. what you said about David Boreanaz. He doesn't spend al his interviews talking about Buffy, he's excited and still appears to be interesting in his show, his character, & the material. He also doesn't talk down about his his character, Booth, while gushing over Angel of decade past.

Edited by Samantha84
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Okay, I'm not doing an "official" (read: yellow) post, as I do not think this warrants it - yet - but I think it's time for a moratorium on David Boreanaz versus Andrew Marlowe versus Hart Hanson versus Nathan Fillion versus...well, you get the idea!


I realize this issue has made both fandoms scratchy with the other, but in the interest of respecting those who may enjoy both shows, we've had our say as to how we feel. To go forward now is moot.


So, let's table this and move on to Castle-centric business, 'K? Thanks!

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What is it with Castle and guns being (presumably) shoved in his back?  Looks like a repeat of Valkyrie kidnapping in the street scenario?

That's what I thought too, followed by "doesn't anyone ever notice when someone is being held at gunpoint?".


I like the denim shirt - it's much more casual than the usual button up/suit jacket combo. Even if the jacket he's wearing looks like it might be something fleecy circa 2000 Old Navy. ;)

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And yeah, I blame a lot of the interviewers. A lot of the same stuff, all the time. It's why I enjoy Craig Ferguson (so, so sad he's leaving). He seems to go out of his way to make it less formulaic and less like it's prearranged questions.


Same re Craig. I enjoy Jon Stewart's interviews a lot for the same reason. He has so little time and often the guest never speaks about the project they are there to promote (which is sometimes refreshing). I also laugh at the joke Stewart makes about how his show is always the caboose of TV talk show promotion yet many of his guests seem to enjoy being on his show the most (& are genuine fans of it). But I freely admit I'm a tad biased toward him. Been a fan of his version of TDS since he began in '99. ;) 

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And yeah, I blame a lot of the interviewers.


That's why I don't watch talk shows much.  Too predictable and I don't like that it's so obvious why the stars are there: to promote their gigs.  I see interviews if the day after there's buzz about it.  Jon Stewart and Ferguson are fun to watch when I do catch them.  Also a big fan of Graham Norton's talk show format.  Guests come on, talk to him and to each other and joke about themselve.  I haven't seen much of Stana or Nathan's interviews, but when I do check them out they are usually about Castle.  It would be nice if they could sit down with Michael Ausiello or someone like that and do a short joint interview but I don't see that happening. I may not watch much but I do keep up with spoilers and some online interviews.  I've never heard a lot of repetitive storytelling from Fillion, but then I do avoid places where those more boring interviews would even happen.

Edited by Betweenthisandthat
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Same re Craig. I enjoy Jon Stewart's interviews a lot for the same reason. He has so little time and often the guest never speaks about the project they are there to promote (which is sometimes refreshing). I also laugh at the joke Stewart makes about how his show is always the caboose of TV talk show promotion yet many of his guests seem to enjoy being on his show the most (& are genuine fans of it). But I freely admit I'm a tad biased toward him. Been a fan of his version of TDS since he began in '99. ;) 


Anyone recall Jon Stewart's start on MTV?

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Also a big fan of Graham Norton's talk show format.  Guests come on, talk to him and to each other and joke about themselves. 


I ADORE Graham Norton's show. God I wish American talk shows could be more like him. Some of my favorite celebrity talk show appearances are on his show.  

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I suspect the reason interviewers always ask Nathans the same question is those are the questions Nathan's PA or agent, or whatever person has given the interviewer to ask.

Also, the inability to leave 2003 stems from the fact that he's making enormous cash off 2003. Comicons are a really nice, steady source of income.

My biggest issue with Nathan is his Peter Pan complex....in case anyone cares what I think ;)..

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Oh come on Wendy, you know Bones is the best.


Probably not smart to restart the Castle v. Bones topic, or DB v NF. People like who they like.

Also, the article I posted was from over a year ago, so I don't think anybody is stirring up shit as we speak. I know that AWM congratulated HH on twitter when Bones got to 150 episodes, so I'm sure it's all good.

Meanwhile, what I think we should do is start a Castle v. Murder She Wrote debate.


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Love Angela Lansbury, she can do no wrong in my book, although Cabot Cove was one hell of a dangerous place to live.


I enjoy Graham Norton too and the way he organises his show and allows the stars to interact with each other but also with the audience/viewers and the results at times can be hilarious. I was watching a compilation of some of the best moments on youtube the other day crying with laughter and some of the things he's done with stars who I never thought would be game enough to get into the spirit of things after seeing them on talk shows in the States.  Things seem much more stiff and formal over there in how they're treated. It must be a bit of shock to some of them when they head over this side of the pond and don't get treated with quite the same reserve and almost reverence. 


By now I realise that I'm not going to discover anything of interest out of Nathan's interviews where it pertains to Castle, that's just the way it is and as for the rest of it I do notice a pattern of "stock" stories that keep coming up and the interviewers seem happy to run with that.  Makes sense though, I'm sure they all do it, In this way you keep things flowing smoothly, no point in making your guest uncomfortable (Letterman springs to mind) when you can feed them easy things to talk about and make them look funny. 

Edited by verdana
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Is a very fetching picture of our leading man.


That denim shirt there is doing Nathan no favours sad to say, or may be it's the particular pose that makes it worse. Nathan's got great arms that's what they need to be showing off I'm with Elysium get those t-shirts out Luke! 


Looks like Beckett must be close by the way he's holding up the other coffee before the guy strikes so hopefully she can step in and save the day. 

Edited by verdana
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Yeah I think that denim shirt is quite possible worse than the demin jacket than Jon got stuck wearing. That jacket doesn't seem too bad tho the outfit would probably look better with a t shirt or sweater than another button up.

So with Stana asking for wedding photos and rt them, I hope that means the wedding ep is filming soon. Maybe the show should do the wedding ep for the winter finale so there is some goodwill going into the holiday hiatus. If they do the 10 eps in a row wouldn't the last ep land during Nov sweeps again?

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Beckett's birthday is on November 17th right ? If they don't have a break between episodes, that should be episode 8. Don't know if they'd go for a wedding on her birthday but Castle sure needs to get back at her for his birthday present.

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I'm not sure including a birthday pay back and a wedding in the same episode would work without feeling a bit off to me, especially if it involves murder and disruption.  The day she gets married should be special, relaxed and joyous especially for Beckett (I was going to say because she's never been married before unlike Castle but can't say that any more of course) not sprung upon her.



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And Stana the shipper queen is back!  Hopefully this means good (well-written) things are finally happening on the Caskett front.


Most curious about this:

And remember: A love that burns 2 bright can flame out.


An alllusion to Castle's fiery crash or hint of (unsettling) troubles ahead for Caskett?


Blue paint roller = remaking loft into their space?  Caskett finally have paint!sex? ;)  Or Avatar!sex? Heh.


Clearly a wedding is in the cards but everyone knew that.


And the guy continues to look way better off the show than on.


Since Castle looks to have another close shave in the episode, will that finally push the towards the altar?  Another 'obstacle' in a wedding episode?  'Cause surely something's going to happen to stop the wedding from happening till the final few minutes of the ep.

Edited by madmaverick
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Nathan does reference Firefly of his own accord on twitter, but in interviews, it's fairer to say that he still gets asked a fair bit about Firefly (and Dr. Horrible 2 and Joss Whedon) and so answers those questions.  It's his backstory.  For many interviewers who may/may not watch Castle, Firefly is still the show he's best known for and is the cult show that's gotten more critical acclaim and industry attention than Castle over the years, whether Castle fans like to admit that or not.  So I can understand the interest still.  


In spoiler type interviews with TV Line, he has talked about Castle.


In American talk show interviews like with Letterman, I've noticed that guests basically tell their pre-prepped stories and anecdotes or just loosely riff with the host rather than talking about their project at length.  And let's be honest, in how much depth can you really discuss a procedural show like Castle?  It's not exactly exciting stuff, especially for the host and the audience members who don't watch the show.  Most that can be said is that you're on season X and grateful that people are still enjoying the show.  It's not like on Jon Stewart where sometimes there's in depth discussion of the piece of work (usually when it's a deeper film or book).

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It was posted in July but here it is again. Summary is Marlowe/Armann splitting duties, how long can you make audience wait for the wedding, not worried about his character, Firefly online game, and his love for GoT/TWD but never want to guest star on them.

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