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Seconded. Seriously, WTF Hawley?! O_o It's looking like they're trying to erase this story line.

Yeah erase it and replace with something even shittier than before by the sounds of it.


“We haven’t nailed the story down for it,” Hawley says,



Really? Why on earth would you admit something like that lol.  Clearly they're making this up as they go along and that's not filling me with any confidence. 


Considering they're going to deal with this mid season and they're already on 8.13 that sounds like a recipe for disaster. In other words they don't have a clue what to do but Hawley is determined to put his own special stamp on the Castle mythology which Marlowe and Amann so badly fucked up and if it's anything like his rehash of S4 and Beckett's obsession it's going to be very unsatisfying and make Castle and Beckett both look idiotic - and they look pretty foolish already after this separation fiasco. 

Edited by verdana
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They could say Castle found out about Locksat during his missing time, then erased his memory so that he could keep it from Beckett but not have to lie to her. I've been assuming something like that will happen.

Equal opportunity character assassination?

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They could say Castle found out about Locksat during his missing time, then erased his memory so that he could keep it from Beckett but not have to lie to her. I've been assuming something like that will happen.

Equal opportunity character assassination?

Totally agree

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Greg Bryan ‏@gregryb  3h3 hours ago

Day 1 on #Castle (which was 2 days ago)- a fantastic shoot day with charming and talented @NathanFillion


Greg Bryan ‏@gregryb  3h3 hours ago

Day 2 on #Castle, fun fun fun with @seamusdever, Jon Huertas, and @ToksOlagundoye and fantastic crew. Interrogations can be fun


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Saw this pop up and I'm confused thought this had all been sorted and it was Feb, which month is it? 


TotallyCastle @TotallyCastle 5h
According to the ABC Studios Advisory Board moderator, they have confirmed that, as of now, #Castle is returning Jan. 4th, not Feb. 1st.


Guess I just need to tune in on the 4th to find out if it's on lol. 

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I love they say that they haven't nailed it down. Funny how many shows do that and then they go: "I don't get why the audience didn't like it." Seriously, how these people get put in charge of TV shows is beyond me. They  must have picture on someone or something because there are showrunners who have been doing this crap for years and somehow still keep their jobs Yeah, I can see them using it as Castle learned about Lokstat and decided to erase it from his memory because he knew Kate would be obsessed with it. These show runners really do want to burn the place to the ground before the show is over, huh.

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The ABC Studios Advisory Board moderator is a joke, and I wouldn't believe her or her "team" any more than anyone else.


There are still two different return dates coming from supposedly "official" sources, so who knows who is correct at this point. 

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The ABC Studios Advisory Board moderator is a joke, and I wouldn't believe her or her "team" any more than anyone else.


There are still two different return dates coming from supposedly "official" sources, so who knows who is correct at this point. 

ABC.com says the return date is February 1, 2016.  I'd believe that.  Go here and see top banner. http://abc.go.com/shows/castle/about-the-show

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That's what I was referring to as another source. Personally, I never believed the Jan. 4 date was accurate, so I've always gone with February.


The misinformation floating around is highly amusing though. lol 

Yep, I think some people must be indulging too much in the holiday cocktails before quoting dates, shall we say.  ;-).  Feb 1.  That's (likely) the date.

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Sniff-sniff.  I smell love triangle, jealousy, and/or "misunderstanding," shall we say:



Question: Any scoop on what fans can expect when Castle returns (on Feb. 1)? –Rachael
Ausiello: You can expect… Rick not to be hanging out in Kate and Vikram’s secret lair at the vacated strip club. Because although he is now in the loop on the LokSat sitch, “The idea is that he’s not actively involved,” says co-showrunner Alexi Hawley. “He is in the know and [beckett] isn’t keeping anything from him, but there is nothing actionable yet for her to get him involved” — the operative word being “yet.” As co-showrunner Terence Paul Winter notes, “That of course will change as we go on in the season.”


.....or maybe Vikram turns evil and holds Beckett hostage.


Pure speculation, but I'm not liking this very much.

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That's a quote from an earlier interview they did so TV Line are stirring the pot as usual nothing new to see here.


However, I'll say what I said back then, I find it bizarre that after all that he's been through over this, Castle is taking a back seat to the investigation and letting Kate continue to go it alone, feels OOC and also counter productive in that he might be able to spot something that Beckett or Vikram aren't aware of that might be important to their ongoing research. 

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It's difficult to keep track. They do that quite a lot at TV line, posting stuff that's already been out there from an older interview but dressed up to look like it's some fresh spoiler, by the time they rehash it again fans think it's something new. 

.....or maybe Vikram turns evil and holds Beckett hostage.


Oh I do hope so, he's so incredibly dull and annoying at the moment. 

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That's a quote from an earlier interview they did so TV Line are stirring the pot as usual nothing new to see here.


However, I'll say what I said back then, I find it bizarre that after all that he's been through over this, Castle is taking a back seat to the investigation and letting Kate continue to go it alone, feels OOC and also counter productive in that he might be able to spot something that Beckett or Vikram aren't aware of that might be important to their ongoing research.

Yeah, it's kind of weird. Why NOT help investigate? Didn't we spend seven seasons learning that Caskett solves things well together? Maybe they don't want to tell Vikram that Castle's in the loop?

Although it doesn't seem like Beckett's doing all that much herself. Vikram is doing all the work and reporting to her. So it's not like we'd see Castle doing much either.

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Robert Hanning ‏@RobHanning  4h4 hours ago

#Castle #LastSeduction #returnofscriptsnippets #part4



I find it interesting that in Rob's version he had Castle in bed which would have made it much easier and more natural for him to reach and get the phone rather than the crawl across the floor and back he had to do which seemed a bit weird and ungainly, if it was mean't to be funny I could have done without it, I'd rather they kept them in the moment and left it romantic then lead it into the drama of the phone message. 


I wonder who gets to call those changes on the day, the director presumably or do they ask the actors for their input? 

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I find it interesting that in Rob's version he had Castle in bed which would have made it much easier and more natural for him to reach and get the phone rather than the crawl across the floor and back he had to do which seemed a bit weird and ungainly, if it was mean't to be funny I could have done without it, I'd rather they kept them in the moment and left it romantic then lead it into the drama of the phone message. 


I wonder who gets to call those changes on the day, the director presumably or do they ask the actors for their input? 


I've been wondering that too.  I wish Rob would answer the Tweets to him asking stuff like that.


I also think it's interesting how much certain actions are scripted.  Like the script just says Beckett kisses him, but in the show they kiss 2 or 3 times before she went off to get dressed.

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Would have loved to know more about the process of the choreography of a scene like the Always closing scene, but they never shared.  It's probably a mix of writer/director/input like for every scene, but the changes from script, or how it's filled in by the actors, to the end product on screen are interesting.


I think when some people comment on conspiracy theories with actors and such, they often forget how much descriptive detail and direction there actually is in the script that aims to dictate the tone of a scene, sometimes down to the way they should be kissing as was the case here.  And there's at least a handful of decision makers in addition to the actors collaborating together on how a scene is to be filmed at any given time, so I find it unlikely that it's one actor or another dictating how a scene should be filmed as conspiracy theorists constantly imply.


The actors have been comfortable enough to improv kisses before.  Like in Still.  Not to say anyone's slipping anyone the tongue heh or sexually harassing their coworker ;), but just pointing out they're comfortable and trust each other professionally enough to go beyond the script when they feel like it in the moment.  I thought the closing bed scene was definitely one of their better ones to date as it successfully conveyed the sense of intimacy from the actors.  I actually liked the way the actors were positioned here, as opposed to the usual in bed positioning.  The way they filmed it here flattered both actors and dare I say, injected more sexiness into the scene.  


I don't think it's fair to constantly imply the actors are unwilling to film with each other or to kiss each other onscreen or to lie in bed with each other etc., when we have seen them do all of that quite a few times already.  Mileage may vary as to whether it was satisfying for viewers but there's nothing to suggest that the actors are unwilling to do those scenes.

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Yeah, it's kind of weird. Why NOT help investigate? Didn't we spend seven seasons learning that Caskett solves things well together? Maybe they don't want to tell Vikram that Castle's in the loop?

Although it doesn't seem like Beckett's doing all that much herself. Vikram is doing all the work and reporting to her. So it's not like we'd see Castle doing much either.


I think Castle being excluded from the investigation is more circumstantial proof that they didn't intend for them to be back together yet. It sounds like everything is going to stay more or less the same as when they were apart except they may tack on a beginning and/or ending scene of them together. The longer the whole "we have to protect Castle from LokSat" theme is in play the sillier & more nonsensical it becomes.

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Question: Any scoop on what fans can expect when Castle returns (on Feb. 1)? –Rachael

Ausiello: You can expect… Rick not to be hanging out in Kate and Vikram’s secret lair at the vacated strip club. Because although he is now in the loop on the LokSat sitch, “The idea is that he’s not actively involved,” says co-showrunner Alexi Hawley. “He is in the know and [beckett] isn’t keeping anything from him, but there is nothing actionable yet for her to get him involved” — the operative word being “yet.” As co-showrunner Terence Paul Winter notes, “That of course will change as we go on in the season.”


I didn't originally see this snippet when it came out in the interviews but I just don't understand why they did not do this from the start. This storyline is so silly but they made 1000x worse by actually splitting Caskett up, making Rick out to be some sad sack who likes to be trampled over and does not possess a brain cell, while Kate is oblivious what she has done.

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Although it doesn't seem like Beckett's doing all that much herself. Vikram is doing all the work and reporting to her. So it's not like we'd see Castle doing much either.


I don't think we're going to see any movement on the Locksat storyline till whenever they deem it the appropriate time to revisit it. ;)  Since they seem determined to stretch this dull as ditchwater storyline out all season, can't say I'll miss its absence as it drags the show down like a dead weight.  And I won't miss seeing that strip club secret lair either, which was terribly lame and not the least bit funny.



.....or maybe Vikram turns evil and holds Beckett hostage.


Oh I do hope so, he's so incredibly dull and annoying at the moment.



Not sure I can see him as anything other than comic relief/annoying third wheel at this point.  He may turn out to be a comical villain if he turns bad because I can't take him and the whole Locksat thing seriously.


But the actor did make me laugh with his response to a crazy person.


Sunkrish Bala ‏@sunkrishbala  Dec 7

Will do!  

Engine Ear @Engine_Ear2015

@sunkrishbala I'm sure you're a liberal and a Clinton fan. You've ruined Castle, you may as well help ruin the country.



In cheerier news, thought those mistletoe pics Stana took with the prop guy were cute.  As was that hand drawn Christmas ornament of an exhausted Santa by Nathan to be auctioned for Operation Smile.  Both put a smile on my face.

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Watch what you love. ‏@Sandraxf  1h1 hour ago

FYI: Monday 10 pm time slot shows - return dates:

#Castle: Feb. 1, 2016

Blindspot: Feb. 29, 2016

NCIS: LA: Jan. 4, 2016


Castle Midseason 8 Report Card: Grade It! at TV Fanatic by Christine Orlando


Christine has not been a fan of the separation arc (she's not alone in that) and this is reflected in her overall view of the season to date.


I agree with her on quite a few of her picks, especially Worst New Character (step forward Vikram!) and the increasingly dumbed down humor being a trend I could do with being discontinued.


As for worst episode I'd say PhDead or The Nose for the ultimate low point of Castle farting to get lady out the room and the moment Kate tells Castle oh so casually she'll come around to collect the rest of her stuff later on and he's all pathetically thrilled his wife still seems to have the hots for him. Urgh.


As for the best episode, Cool Boys I'd may be watch again and bits of The Last Seduction but I'm no rush to revisit any of the episodes TBH, they've all been tainted in different ways by this horrible separation.


Worst Story Arc: The Caskett separation. Of all the stupid decisions this season, this ranks number one. The magic of this show is the chemistry between Rick Castle and Kate Beckett. Fans waited years to see them as a couple, then got cheated out of a real wedding. Then not even a year into that marriage, and Caskett ends up apart! No matter what the reasons, it has been the worst story arc in the show’s history and has tarnished a couple that many adored. Can they get the magic back? I’m not sure but I’m holding out hope.


No question the worst story arc and the most damaging for the characters, it made Beckett look selfish, stupid and set her character back years in terms of emotional development and Castle was made to look like a helpless sad sack and completely OOC in his unwillingness to properly question the reasons behind his wife's bizarre actions culminating in the highly unsatisfying resolution in 8.08.

Most Boring Plot Twist: LokSat. The story arc concerning Beckett’s mother’s murder worked because it was so personal to her and defined her character but after six seasons of that conspiracy it was time for it to end. Rick Castle’s disappearance was a convoluted mess that is best left in the past. Personally, I’ve got conspiracy fatigue,, and LokSat and what ever big, bad, evil is behind it holds absolutely no interest for me. After half a season, they haven’t made me care a bit about this plot.


Amen to all this, I cared about the Johanna Beckett story and Kate's cause to find justice for her mother precisely because it was personal and involved both Castle and Beckett looking into the case together developing their relationship along the way at key moments but this Locksat business? I don't give a fig about it and there is nothing they can do at this point that can make me care, the foundations of this story are woefully insubstantial, it's regressed their relationship instead of strengthening it and they've provided so little additional information over the last 8 episodes on the case it's laughable. 


What we hope to see come February: That Rick Castle comes out of the shower in a towel as Beckett wakes up from the horribly bad dream that has been the first half of Castle season 8.


Another viewer hoping it's all been a bad dream and erase the writers misguided attempts to turn back the clock for Caskett. 

Edited by verdana
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I don't know whether to laugh at Tamala or feel sorry for her when she says she is ready to do whatever they want Lanie to do.  Because they obviously don't want Lanie to do anything anymore. I mean her "best friend" was having a marriage crisis and she didn't get more than one lame conversation with her about it.


But maybe Tamala just says she'll do anything because she knows she'll never have to do it.

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That tweet above. What the hell is WRONG with people? Hate what happened to the show? Great. But tweeting that shit is one of the reasons Twitter sucks.

Engine_Ear may need to step away from their computer and into some professional help.  They are wayyyy too worried about a TV show.  I worry about THEM.  Truly.  I am surprised that no one has reported them and gotten them deactivated.


Please don't blame Twitter. It's a great, positive, information gathering resource.  I use it for news (for instance, great for keeping up on the Cali shooting), hobbyist information, following pandas and stuff ;-). Blame the people who don't control their obsessions well.  You'll find such people EVERYWHERE.  It seems that some of them gravitate toward Castle (TV show).  Honestly don't know why.

Edited by TWP
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I don't know whether to laugh at Tamala or feel sorry for her when she says she is ready to do whatever they want Lanie to do.


My feelings exactly.  Imagine playing a character for years who basically has nothing to do except spout lividity/service plot/service the main character.  One way "friendship" if it can even be called that all the way.  It's like you're not even your own person.  Your life, your feelings are never relevant to the story.  But then again, I consider that Tamala probably gets paid the most for the least work done in terms of time so maybe there's no need to feel that sorry for her after all. ;)  Yes, she has a thankless role but maybe many actors are just grateful to have roles and speaking ones at that.  But I think it would only be human to have some creative dissatisfaction if I were her (and perhaps, even others in the cast)!


I don't even think Lanie's role as the girl friend is even hard to write especially if you go with the cliches but they couldn't even be bothered to develop anything along those lines.  I think they just weren't interested, in the same way they aren't particularly interested in exploring Castle's writing or any number of relationship issues we've pondered here on the board but never been addressed on the show.


Engine_Ear may need to step away from their computer and into some professional help.  They are wayyyy too worried about a TV show.  I worry about THEM.  Truly.  I am surprised that no one has reported them and gotten them deactivated.


That person would probably just start another account, or dozens of them, if one got blocked.  I think there are crazies in every fandom, every social medium, every internet comment section probably.  The internet just amplifies the voices of haters who otherwise would be a very insignificant voice.  But on the internet, they get to scream their hate anon style, loud and clear, on endless repeat.  When does free speech become hate speech?  A very pertinent question judging from the news headlines.  


Tweets from both Robs that amused.


Robert Hanning ‏@RobHanning

Castle? Is that you?  

Los Angeles Times @latimes

Spotted last week: Donald Trump signing a supporter's chest after a speech




Oh Rob, you didn't just go there!  Castle's going to want to spank you for that.  Or sign your chest.


Apparently, Trump expressed a liking for the movie Air Force One.  Wonder if Marlowe would be flattered heh.  Harrison Ford was asked about that and delivered a biting response.


Rob kyker ‏@RobKyker  

Funny thing about that is,  when I tell a group of fans that N or S aren't there, fans don't believe me and stand in the sun all day anyway


Oh Rob, don't you know by now that some fans would rather believe in rumors and make believe than what people who have actual knowledge say. ;)


He also replied that it was a group decision at the start of the season not to have Beckett wearing her father's watch.  Whatever that means.  It's not a big deal but I would much rather see Beckett wearing the watch or at least jewellery from Castle rather than any random designer piece that Luke thinks look good but which is without meaning for the character on the show.  I think he mentioned Castle and Ryan also getting new watches previously.  No idea why if you ask me.  Too much money to spend? ;)


I read that TV Line article showing Conan making a joke about Castle and Bones being the same show.  It's not a surprising point to make.  Then I see this photo of the leads from Bones dressed up in very similar looking Western gear like Caskett did in the honeymoon episode.  Do even their wardrobe designers as well as their writers copy each other?  I would't be copying from Luke if I were them, but I don't watch Bones so it could be worse there. ;)


I wish writers who write shows in the mould of Castle/Bones would just stay away from grand mythologies and conspiracies which just end up boring the audience to tears and stick to doing smaller scale, intimate, human stories well.  Both the COTW and the interpersonal stuff.  The latter would be a much more charming and fun show to me but the writers, past and present, just didn't want to write that show.  

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Heh, did Michael Ausiello read my post or what?  Just kidding.  But it's hard to ignore the similarities in wardrobe when you see them side by side.


I miss Castle wearing the brown suede coat he wore in the pilot.  No idea why Luke deems it that he can't wear something like that again.  Or is anything from his predecessor off limits?  I'm not sure I can recall Castle and Beckett wearing anything from S1/2 since Luke took over.  

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Oh Rob, don't you know by now that some fans would rather believe in rumors and make believe than what people who have actual knowledge say. ;)

I couldn't think of anything more dull than standing outside for hours probably in the heat in the hope of catching a glimpse of a TV or movie star, these people must be on holiday or don't have jobs to go to, what a waste of time especially if you've been told by a member of the crew they're not there.


He also replied that it was a group decision at the start of the season not to have Beckett wearing her father's watch.  Whatever that means.  It's not a big deal but I would much rather see Beckett wearing the watch or at least jewellery from Castle rather than any random designer piece that Luke thinks look good but which is without meaning for the character on the show.  I think he mentioned Castle and Ryan also getting new watches previously.  No idea why if you ask me.  Too much money to spend?


I wish they'd taken a similar "group decision" and ditched Locksat and the whole separation.  I'd rather see her continuing to wear her dad's watch too  as a symbol, I can understand why she put her mother's ring away after Bracken was dealt with but we never got to see that of course only in a deleted scene, yet another meaningful moment considered immaterial by TPTB. 



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My feelings exactly.  Imagine playing a character for years who basically has nothing to do except spout lividity/service plot/service the main character.  One way "friendship" if it can even be called that all the way.  It's like you're not even your own person.  Your life, your feelings are never relevant to the story.  But then again, I consider that Tamala probably gets paid the most for the least work done in terms of time so maybe there's no need to feel that sorry for her after all. ;)  Yes, she has a thankless role but maybe many actors are just grateful to have roles and speaking ones at that.  But I think it would only be human to have some creative dissatisfaction if I were her (and perhaps, even others in the cast)!


I don't even think Lanie's role as the girl friend is even hard to write especially if you go with the cliches but they couldn't even be bothered to develop anything along those lines.  I think they just weren't interested, in the same way they aren't particularly interested in exploring Castle's writing or any number of relationship issues we've pondered here on the board but never been addressed on the show.


That person would probably just start another account, or dozens of them, if one got blocked.  I think there are crazies in every fandom, every social medium, every internet comment section probably.  The internet just amplifies the voices of haters who otherwise would be a very insignificant voice.  But on the internet, they get to scream their hate anon style, loud and clear, on endless repeat.  When does free speech become hate speech?  A very pertinent question judging from the news headlines.  


Tweets from both Robs that amused.


Oh Rob, you didn't just go there!  Castle's going to want to spank you for that.  Or sign your chest.


Apparently, Trump expressed a liking for the movie Air Force One.  Wonder if Marlowe would be flattered heh.  Harrison Ford was asked about that and delivered a biting response.


Oh Rob, don't you know by now that some fans would rather believe in rumors and make believe than what people who have actual knowledge say. ;)


He also replied that it was a group decision at the start of the season not to have Beckett wearing her father's watch.  Whatever that means.  It's not a big deal but I would much rather see Beckett wearing the watch or at least jewellery from Castle rather than any random designer piece that Luke thinks look good but which is without meaning for the character on the show.  I think he mentioned Castle and Ryan also getting new watches previously.  No idea why if you ask me.  Too much money to spend? ;)


I hadn't even noticed that Beckett wasn't wearing his watch anymore. So I guess I don't care.  But I wish I knew their logic for not wearing it anymore cause it sounds like that had one. I agree I'd rather see her wearing something from Castle than random designer stuff.   It would be especially nice to see him give her something that isn't just fancy, expensive jewelry, but still had special meaning.

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I don't even think Lanie's role as the girl friend is even hard to write especially if you go with the cliches but they couldn't even be bothered to develop anything along those lines.  I think they just weren't interested, in the same way they aren't particularly interested in exploring Castle's writing or any number of relationship issues we've pondered here on the board but never been addressed on the show.


I don't get why they didn't expand on her role, they had a few good moments the first few seasons then stopped, the idea she is friends with Kate is laughable at this point. One of the biggest mistakes they made (which is coming back to haunt them) is they didn't develop the secondary cast more alongside Castle and Beckett and give them more back story. 

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I don't get why they didn't expand on her role, they had a few good moments the first few seasons then stopped, the idea she is friends with Kate is laughable at this point. One of the biggest mistakes they made (which is coming back to haunt them) is they didn't develop the secondary cast more alongside Castle and Beckett and give them more back story. 


It's sad, because good storytelling lives and dies with good characterization. And the secondary cast is filled with capable actors.


When I think of the other night and what "the other show" is doing with Hodgins (as much of a downer as it is) and how it rippled to Angela and all the rest, I'll say it: Bones has MANY faults, but fleshing out the secondary characters was a job well done and stories focusing on them don't seem out of place.


I really, truly wish Castle had writers that put in the same effort. Seamus Dever, Susan Sullivan, and all the rest deserve much more than they have gotten. And after 8 seasons, it's rather inexcusable.

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I think not developing the secondary cast hurt the leads as well.  I don't think a show has worked its leads the way the show worked NF and SK since the X-files.  Gillian Anderson gave an interview and said her and DD's problems were largely because they were in virtually every single scene together and couldn't get out of each other's way.  Being in just about every scene together. like NF SK were through Season 4 or 5. has to take a toll.  That's probably more togetherness than is healthy for any two people.

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It has them separated, but it doesn't say that Beckett won't be in the episode, just that she won't be in LA with them. It will probably be a bunch of phone calls or something. My bigger concern is Alexis having too much to do.  Ugh.


Sounds like in that episode we get a hint of something about his disappearance and then maybe the next episode is when we really dive in.

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So we're probably get an ep more similar to In Plain Sight than To Live and Die in LA. TPTB should've skipped a year since they wanted Alexis to basically work at the PI office so much. Guessing the ep will air in March so her excuse for spring break is go solve a case with Castle and Haley complete with more bonding of those 2 women. Ugh if it's the same type bonding in the 1st ep. So this season so far has revisit Slaughter, gonna revisit LA, and continue to revisit a mythology that made no sense, so at this point I wouldn't be surprise if another Alexis graduation gets shown at the end of the season since Hawley is rehashing previous ideas.

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I think not developing the secondary cast hurt the leads as well.  I don't think a show has worked its leads the way the show worked NF and SK since the X-files.  Gillian Anderson gave an interview and said her and DD's problems were largely because they were in virtually every single scene together and couldn't get out of each other's way.  Being in just about every scene together. like NF SK were through Season 4 or 5. has to take a toll.  That's probably more togetherness than is healthy for any two people.


Fair point. 

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What i really should have said is that 8 x 14 will be a Caskett lite episode...again. Beckett will probably be at the precinct working the NYPD angle with the boys. Would have been a nice opportunity to revisit the LA episode and their feelings then, but that would have meant more than 5 minutes of shared screen time. A definite no-go.

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It has them separated, but it doesn't say that Beckett won't be in the episode, just that she won't be in LA with them. It will probably be a bunch of phone calls or something. My bigger concern is Alexis having too much to do.  Ugh.

Yeah the idea of Alexis to the forefront with Hayley tagging along on this LA trip doesn't fill me with much enthusiasm.


Sounds like in that episode we get a hint of something about his disappearance and then maybe the next episode is when we really dive in.

I'd rather we just dipped a toe nervously heh or better yet ignored it completely but I knew ever since that interview Hawley gave a while ago that was never an option. I'm convinced nothing good can come of any new information we do get. It's one if those story arcs that started out rotten and I'm assuming will end as unsatisfactorily.
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So we're probably get an ep more similar to In Plain Sight than To Live and Die in LA. TPTB should've skipped a year since they wanted Alexis to basically work at the PI office so much. Guessing the ep will air in March so her excuse for spring break is go solve a case with Castle and Haley complete with more bonding of those 2 women. Ugh if it's the same type bonding in the 1st ep. So this season so far has revisit Slaughter, gonna revisit LA, and continue to revisit a mythology that made no sense, so at this point I wouldn't be surprise if another Alexis graduation gets shown at the end of the season since Hawley is rehashing previous ideas.

In Plane Sight was the lowest rated episode of the season, may be it had nothing to do with the lack of any Caskett with Beckett stranded at the precinct and the focus firmly on Alexis/Castle playing detectives but given this fact I'd have avoided doing something similar given ratings are hardly that great.

As for Hawley his ideas for the show are anything but fresh not sure who he's trying to fool, we've had the awful revisiting of Always and Caskett secret keeping, and next we've got them hiding their relationship with Winter acting like it's something they didn't have a chance to do before which had me scratching my head. I'm just ticking them off as we go, it's so transparent.

Edited by verdana
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Well, we now have Live and Die in LA, minus Beckett. Since they have systematically ruined every meaningful moment between Caskett from S2,3,4 Im really not looking forward to how they are going to tarnish the warm and fuzzy feelings i have for that former episode, one of my favorites.

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I didn't realise Hawley had written Live and Die in LA, I really enjoyed seeing Castle and Beckett out of the precinct and in a new place so many enjoyable moments in that episode but instead of looking forward to it I'm not interested if Beckett isn't there. I don't blame some for being concerned especially as it seems Hawley is on some mission of sorts to correct all the things he obviously felt Marlowe didn't do right.

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