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KAVEDWELLER, ON 13 OCT 2015 - 10:51 PM, SAID:

Hal confirmed there was no reconciliation in the Mr. and Mrs. Castle episode, but that's not the fall finale, is it? 8x07 moves to 8x08

I doubt they will be fully back together then though. However, I really don't see how they stretch this whole thing out all season.

We must have a few weeks without new episodes in the fall. There's only 4 more new episodes before 11/23.

10/19 - 8x05 The Nose

10/26 - ?

November sweeps start Oct 29th

11/2 - ?

11/9  - Beckett-lite episode, so I guess Slaughter 8x06 "Cool Boys"

11/16 - 8x07 - "The Last Seduction"

11/23 - 8x08 Fall finale "Mr. & Mrs. Castle"


10/19  - 8x05 -  "The Nose"    Kiu/Robin

10/26  - 7x07 -  "Once Upon a Time in the West"

November sweeps Oct 29 - Nov 25 

11/2 -   ?

11/9 -   8x06  - "Cool Boys" Beckett-lite episode (Slaughter) Hawley/Holahan

11/16 - 8x07  - "The Last Seduction"    Hanning/Terlesky

11/23 - 8x08  - "Mr. & Mrs. Castle" (No reconciliation)  Roum/Bleckner

                            Christine Roum writing a fall finale? Her last episode - "Last Action Hero"

                            Just one more sign pointing to a lost season.

February sweeps Feb 4 - March 2


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I was sort of right on Nathan's Kimmel interview. Random story this time about his remodel workers, pranks, sneak peek and Halo 5. Sneak peek is Castle getting decontaminated at the nose lady's office/apt/idk. Also Nathan had the day off today so he talked about childhood dentist story.

Edited by turnitwayup
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Which episode are they filming? I'm guessing Mr. And Mrs. Castle, whatever number that's going to be now.

An episode with them undercover on a cruise ship (an enclosed space) could be really fun. Castle could use it to force Beckett to talk to him, even if he didn't do that when they were locked in the prison together.

They'll hit a floating iceberg before Castle gets anything else out of her beside "it's complicated" Edited by cappuccino
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Questions I have...in no particular order:


How do they explain why Beckett is barely in the episode? (I assume she is taking a holiday with Vikram somewhere)

How do they convince fans to tune back in during February when there is no reconciliation at all in Mr and Mrs Castle?


Since there is no reconciliation, what will be the "shift"? (I assume Castle finally founds out why she left)

When do they play the jealousy card? (Beckett's 'new' man?)



They won't get them back together as soon as they pick up back in February either, so I'm struggling to see them getting back together until right near the end of the series/season

Edited by Chado
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I was sort of right on Nathan's Kimmel interview. Random story this time about his remodel workers, pranks, sneak peek and Halo 5. Sneak peek is Castle getting decontaminated at the nose lady's office/apt/idk. Also Nathan had the day off today so he talked about childhood dentist story.

He also talked about the TV breakup, and mentioned that the fans were shocked by it, but he was a tad insensitive about things, if you ask me. Of course, he said nothing about what it's done to ratings and the future of his Castle paycheck, heh.

Without anything tangible, my instinct from him is that the breakup will last awhile although the last person to ask for story line details is Fillion...I have to believe they're getting pressure from the network to do something to stem the bleeding sooner rather than later, so who knows how it will shape up or even what Fillion knows about that. If they're still working on Mr./Mrs. C. right now, they may have altered outcomes to cushion the Castleverse ship from the iceberg. Funny how this last ep is being filmed on a ship (if that's why Stana was there)....will they sink themselves, or will they save themselves just in the nick of time ;-)? That is the true cliffhanger, heh.

Edited by TVWithPity
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They'll hit a floating iceberg before Castle gets anything else out of her beside "it's complicated"

Seriously. The exaggerated lengths they'll go for relationship interruptus would make an awesome SNL skit. Iceberg? Not out of the question at all, heh.

Funny too that we're all independently using the Titanic analogy. I used it in the media thread before reading this one. They may live to regret that ship episode, as the stories about what finally sank Castle will likely use it's pictures as Exhibit A ;-).

Edited by TVWithPity
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Chado, your post makes me seriously wonder why we torture ourselves. Jealousy/boyfriend 2.0 while leaving Castle on the string is probably my line in the sand to say "bye, show". Castle with a new woman might give infinite satisfaction though --if he really likes her. If they promised that, yeah, I'd stick around and watch.

But they will get the couple back together this season, because renewal will be iffy, if it happens at all. The ratings are NOT going to get better during the breakup and I don't think they'll leave the fan base in a lurch.

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How do they explain why Beckett is barely in the episode? (I assume she is taking a holiday with Vikram somewhere)

Unimaginative option (a) she's attending a training course or conference or got a court case she needs to prep for so has to spend lots of time in her office, it's dull but completely plausible. 


However, more likely they'll want to return to (b) Locksat and remind the audience Kate wants to get back to her hubby. Vikram will discover something that inexplicably requires them to go on a trip together, this means Kate has to do more lying to everyone about what she's up to including Castle - cue fan meltdown. 


I have sympathy for the writers here because it's not their fault, both leads have negotiated more time off, so fans have to bear that in mind, everyone has to make the best of it. 


How do they convince fans to tune back in during February when there is no reconciliation at all in Mr and Mrs Castle?


They'll depend on sheer force of habit and another round of post episode interviews pleading with the fans to "stick with us", "have patience" because they "hope" we're going to really love where they're going with the next "shift" in the story (to hell in a handcart probably).  


By this stage most fans are probably in this for the long haul and they're not going to leave, some may drift away but not enough to make a difference. Besides there's the predictable carrot to dangle of the eventual reunion which if they have any sense they'll hint will make the scene against the door in Always look tame in comparison - of course the problem there is they have to follow through big time otherwise they're screwed. They can only do the bait and switch routine so many times - eventually they have to deliver the goods or risk pissing fans off sufficiently they will give up. 


Since there is no reconciliation, what will be the "shift"? (I assume Castle finally founds out why she left)

That's the most likely option because if you're not going to give fans a resolution you must give them something positive to hang to, that's where 6.23 failed miserably - the audience got nothing but bad news to dwell on for months. Hopefully they've learnt from that mistake but if not I can see viewers finding out something shocking about Castle tying into his disappearance. In that way from their POV they've "balanced" things out with the blame game, fans can then get angry at both characters and have circular rows over the Christmas break about which of them looks worse.

When do they play the jealousy card? (Beckett's 'new' man?)


No, all good things come to those who wait, playing the jealousy card and possible love interests will be left for a possible season nine. This guy will be pure professional sparring partner, the risk they run with that is if Katic looks like she's having way more fun and generating sparky chemistry with him instead of Fillion it's only going to make things worse. Especially if Beckett remains sleeping on the couch in her office refusing to come clean to Castle. 


They won't get them back together as soon as they pick up back in February either, so I'm struggling to see them getting back together until right near the end of the series/season

If they're smart they'll get them back after the break and have them continue fighting the case together but another factor is renewal, that stymied the storytelling last year in the latter half of the season because they honestly didn't know what Stana and Nathan would do until very late in the day. If it's the same this time around then all bets are off. Would they want to risk leaving us with some horrible ending and then the show gets cancelled? In the past I'd have said no way but I'm not so sure with these guys. I don't trust them. 


I can see them being separated most of the season with the carrot of a big reunion to keep fans on the hook or they get them together much earlier and do a big dramatic cliffhanger and one of them gets shot. If it's Kate that gets the bullet and they fear Katic is going to walk that would be a suitably dramatic way to get rid of her if necessary whilst making Castle the grieving widower ready for a full on Castle PI in S9.

Edited by verdana
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Chado, your post makes me seriously wonder why we torture ourselves. Jealousy/boyfriend 2.0 while leaving Castle on the string is probably my line in the sand to say "bye, show". Castle with a new woman might give infinite satisfaction though --if he really likes her. If they promised that, yeah, I'd stick around and watch.

But they will get the couple back together this season, because renewal will be iffy, if it happens at all. The ratings are NOT going to get better during the breakup and I don't think they'll leave the fan base in a lurch.

The worst thing (to me) would be to bring them back together without actually explaining why Beckett won't do it again. We've already had to experience this plothole filled storyline where Beckett's rationale looks incredibly stupid and unrealistic.....but if they give us another Always 'I just want you' type of scene which ignores all the issues that are apparent over her decisions, I'm going to be really f***** annoyed.


This is why the season is really annoying me, because we've had 4 episodes and they haven't explored the issues at all. The only thing they keep banging us over the head with is 'look guys, she really does love him' cutesy scenes....like that was ever in question. It comes off as really insincere when you know exactly why they are doing it to begin with.

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Thanks for the description of the sneak it sounds boring I'll pass.


I can see lots of jokes coming out about sinking and icebergs etc after that if things still look bad. 


He also talked about the TV breakup, and mentioned that the fans were shocked by it, but he was a tad insensitive about things, if you ask me.


Without anything tangible, my instinct from him is that the breakup will last awhile although the last person to ask for story line details is Fillion...

He's had the same attitude for a good while now and I tend to roll with it. He's an actor I'm a fan we look at things from different perspectives my focus and requirements are not necessarily going to match his, he's no shipper that's for sure heh. I pay zero attention to what he might say about the show and what's to come, it's pointless. I don't think he's bothered either way what happens with Caskett split or stick. This is the story the showrunners have decided upon which he has to smile and sell, in return for a WTF story line he gets to do lots fun stuff with Molly and the boys (which I suspect he's always enjoyed far more than having to play up the romantic male lead) and he's rolling with it no matter where it goes - good, bad or indifferent.

Edited by verdana
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The worst thing (to me) would be to bring them back together without actually explaining why Beckett won't do it again.


Same here, it's absolutely pointless giving me a reunion if they haven't addressed the matter. If they don't then the story arc has been a monumental waste of time because nothing has progressed for the characters, in fact it's a major backward step for them as a couple. If they go with the scenario you've described and brush it all under the carpet that leaves a fundamental weakness exposed because Beckett knows she can walk away at any time and he'll take her back regardless. How you would sell the idea of them having children after that beats me, they would be mad to even consider it.  

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I think reconciliation will come when some event convinces her that he needs to know about Locksat. Of course, by then Castle will have met someone.....

Ugh no. I've changed my mind. No jealousy 2.0 no matter who it is....I guess my new line in the sand is no revelations of the secrets and no true relationship movement before hiatus and I won't be back in the spring. I came to this show for the fun, stayed for the romance. Now, I feel like I've turned into Castle....a lapdog fool. Codependency with a TV show is not attractive. 2.5 months will be plenty of time to cut the ties.

Bah, between the ratings and the extra-long hiatus, they'll do something satisfying, to keep people in the fold.

Venting. I'm sure you've heard it all before ;-).

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This is why the season is really annoying me, because we've had 4 episodes and they haven't explored the issues at all. The only thing they keep banging us over the head with is 'look guys, she really does love him' cutesy scenes....like that was ever in question. It comes off as really insincere when you know exactly why they are doing it to begin with.


For all the talk about increased continuity by the showrunners the fact is nothing has changed since 8.02. The characters are treading water just like they did before the only difference is they're sprinkling more superficial moments into each episode but there's no substance to them when you sit back and think about it. Okay so they're touching upon the case each week but where's the evolution in the story and for the characters? There isn't any I can see and they're won't be until sweeps - as usual. Kate looks at a file, makes a phone call, meets someone but she's still sleeping alone, determinedly deflecting Castle and we're none the wiser about the case, they're chasing the drugs angle.


Meanwhile Castle turns up, keeps saying he wants to win his wife back yet he refuses to press her or put two and two together and remains as clueless as he was when she walked out the door of the loft.  As for the other characters they remain strangely unmoved, only Martha has so far piped up.

Edited by verdana
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TVWithPity .......please be here during the 2.5 month break so we can come up with the best Titanic/ship puns for the show.


Do you think 'Mr and Mrs Castle' will change at all given the current reception and ratings? I'd like to hope so...but I doubt it.


@Verdana - You know that's going to happen though. She'll apologize and promise never to do it again...which is completely hollow/meaningless unless she works through not being run by her 'obsessions' again.

For all the talk about increased continuity by the showrunners the fact is nothing has changed since 8.02, the characters are treading water just like they did before the only difference is they're sprinkling more superficial moments into each episode but there's no substance to them when you sit back and think about it. Okay so they're touching upon the case each week but where's the evolution in the story and for the characters? There isn't any I can see and they're won't be until sweeps - as usual. Kate looks at a file, makes a phone call, meets someone but she's still sleeping alone, wilfully deflecting Castle nd we're none the wiser really about the case, they're chasing the drugs angle. Castle turns up, keeps saying he wants to win his wife back and yet he refuses to press her and remains as clueless as he was when she walked out the door of the loft.  

The first (and only) big thing that needs to happen is for Castle to figure out why she actually left and then issue some sort of ultimatum, get angry....something. Nothing meaningful is going to happen until he learns the truth.


......If he still hasn't learned what's actually going on by the fall finale I officially give up.

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@Verdana - You know that's going to happen though. She'll apologize and promise never to do it again...which is completely hollow/meaningless unless she works through not being run by her 'obsessions' again.

Saying sorry is not solving the problem because it's easy to promise never to do it again but slip back into old ways. I wouldn't trust her given this is an obsession we're talking about according to the showrunners which requires stronger actions to be taken. Rick said it himself in 8.03 - lets get counselling - and I honestly believe that's what she will have to do to show she's taking active steps to resolving her issues. 


The first (and only) big thing that needs to happen is for Castle to figure out why she actually left and then issue some sort of ultimatum, get angry....something. Nothing meaningful is going to happen until he learns the truth.


They need Castle to wise up fast, I find it embarrassing that he's chasing her around like this when he should have figured it out he's not stupid, what he's doing makes no sense at all he ends up looking like a brainless, desperate, sad fool.  Kate's love/attraction towards him is not in question that would seem obvious to a blind man at this point. The writers are making him ridiculously passive which is exactly what I feared would happen when I heard what they were trying to do.


The problem is Castle as a character is limited by the format of the show, he has to remain relatively placid and tolerant in any given situation with Beckett otherwise the show can't function properly. He has to hang around to solve cases with her so he can never get that angry or upset.  This leads to an increasing unhealthy imbalance in the relationship because given this kind of situation (where a wife walks out on her husband) if this was real life the husband could do any number of things - this being one possibility - but on the show it's the only one and that's a fundamental weakness. Castle is always the victim of that, so here we are he's not pushing her in the way he should or getting angry or issuing an ultimatum or walking away and giving her genuine space because if he did that everything falls apart. 

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Ok Getting off the SK NF,  How many PCA Nominations do you think Castle, Nathan, Stana and or other Cast Members will get in the opening Voting Rounds of Peoples Choice Awards??.  I am guessing that the show does not get to the next round, possibly Stana , possibly Nathan, but that will be it.  Other will take the win this year just my Unpopular Opinion


I hate the PCA's they're utterly worthless in my view given the voting system they generate a lot of bad behaviour amongst certain sections of the fan base. I usually employ tumblr saviour to get rid of the PCA "please keep voting!" crap on my dash. This season they can hardly go with most romantic couple lol. I expect they'll have best actor/actress getting through for Stana and Nathan but the show won't make it. I'm hoping The Wig will get through under best supporting role in a dramedy as it's been a major player already this season and I've been consistently impressed with its performance. 

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Seriously. The exaggerated lengths they'll go for relationship interruptus would make an awesome SNL skit. Iceberg? Not out of the question at all, heh.

Funny too that we're all independently using the Titanic analogy. I used it in the media thread before reading this one. They may live to regret that ship episode, as the stories about what finally sank Castle will likely use it's pictures as Exhibit A ;-).

I already see them at the front of the boat doing the Leo/Kate move and Celine wails in my ears......who needs jumping sharks when you can hit an iceberg.


There won't be any good payoff to the whole breakup mess. They'll throw an "Always" - like scene at the viewers and everything is right in the Castle universe again. They can't even write a decent talk now between Beckett and Castle where she explains herself to him or others for that matter. Why should their reunion be any different? It's complicated is all they can come up with now. I bet an "I was stupid and wrong" will be the only thing we get as a reconciliation.


Either my mind is making that one up or I read it somewhere but didn't they say Castle's disappearing act is gonna play a role this season also or what he did while saving the world ? Are they gonna tie this in with the BIG BAD Locksat crap? Maybe that's a way to get Beckett to finally be honest with him because she needs him or whatever he did back then to bring that genius of a BIG BAD down?

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cappuccino. You're not making it up, I'm sure they said the Castle mythology would come back into play, sounds like they want to prove they an do a better job tidying that crap up than Marlowe and Amann did to prove a point.


Good luck with that.


I'll try and find a link.


Here's one:


“Part of the exciting thing about this season is the way Alexi and Terence have envisioned the cosmic version of why the two characters (Castle and Beckett) have come together, how did these roads combine. It delves into the mythology of Rick’s disappearance and memory loss as well as into what inspired Beckett to become a cop in the first place.”


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I wish I knew why the new show runners need to visit the "Castle Mythology" again since it was such a big failure. Of course, there were those holes in the story that never were explained. I can see it be revealed that Lockstat had something to do with the terrorist attack. I mean why not? He supplied former military men who loved to kill and torture people because they could. Why wouldn't he/she just say: "Screw it all, let America burn!" in the process. 

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For all the talk about increased continuity by the showrunners the fact is nothing has changed since 8.02. The characters are treading water just like they did before the only difference is they're sprinkling more superficial moments into each episode but there's no substance to them when you sit back and think about it. Okay so they're touching upon the case each week but where's the evolution in the story and for the characters? There isn't any I can see and they're won't be until sweeps - as usual. Kate looks at a file, makes a phone call, meets someone but she's still sleeping alone, determinedly deflecting Castle and we're none the wiser about the case, they're chasing the drugs angle.


Meanwhile Castle turns up, keeps saying he wants to win his wife back yet he refuses to press her or put two and two together and remains as clueless as he was when she walked out the door of the loft.  As for the other characters they remain strangely unmoved, only Martha has so far piped up.


In the comic book arena this is known as "illusion of change" as opposed to real change. This is where they try to manipulate the audience into believing the story is moving forward when it is actually standing still. All these mentions of LockSat are just a smoke screen. Like you mentioned earlier they have a timetable in place. They are going to try to muddy the waters even more with Castle's disappearance. Castle "winning Beckett back" is the biggest illusion of all. Nothing he does is going to change anything. They just want a reason to put scenes in like Castle giving Beckett coffee. It's completely meaningless in the overall story but they know it packs an emotional punch for the viewers.

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I wish I knew why the new show runners need to visit the "Castle Mythology" again since it was such a big failure. Of course, there were those holes in the story that never were explained. I can see it be revealed that Lockstat had something to do with the terrorist attack. I mean why not? He supplied former military men who loved to kill and torture people because they could. Why wouldn't he/she just say: "Screw it all, let America burn!" in the process.

I think Hawley wantsnto revisit because he thinks Marlowe did it poorly and thinks he can be "better."

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I wish I knew why the new show runners need to visit the "Castle Mythology" again since it was such a big failure. Of course, there were those holes in the story that never were explained. I can see it be revealed that Lockstat had something to do with the terrorist attack. I mean why not? He supplied former military men who loved to kill and torture people because they could. Why wouldn't he/she just say: "Screw it all, let America burn!" in the process. 

Pretty much everyone aside from the most die hard "In Marlowe We Trust" supporters admit that the entire mythology was a big disappointment. Even Jon and Seamus when they did a fan convention in Germany over the summer said it didn't make sense.  I'd let it go, you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear and I can see them making things worse and even more confusing and laughable trying to fit all the pieces together, especially if they associate his disappearance with Beckett and her mom's murder or this Locksat business.  However, Hawley seems fixated with revisiting old stories where there are supposed loose ends to tie up so I'm not surprised he's been tempted to dig this up. 

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I think Hawley wantsnto revisit because he thinks Marlowe did it poorly and thinks he can be "better."

Instead of admitting it was horrible and letting it stay buried. 

Edited by readster
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I guess it could be worse, the new guys could have really erased the last three seasons by having Beckett actually in a coma since hanging off the building. I'm glad they didn't actually erase the last three years, just ignore it.

Edited by FlickerToAFlame
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It's funny that you mention iceberg because I get the feeling this last episode is going to be filled with irony when the show sinks like the titanic during the break


It's a good job the last episode of 2015 is airing in November not December as traditionally Castle takes a massive ratings hit in December aired episodes. I would hate to see the ratings for the episode if that was the case especially with how things are now ratings wise.

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I wish I knew why the new show runners need to visit the "Castle Mythology" again since it was such a big failure. Of course, there were those holes in the story that never were explained. I can see it be revealed that Lockstat had something to do with the terrorist attack. I mean why not? He supplied former military men who loved to kill and torture people because they could. Why wouldn't he/she just say: "Screw it all, let America burn!" in the process. 


I think they they want to offset how bad Beckett looks right now by throwing some dirt on Castle. I also suspect that LockSat is somehow involved with Castle vanishing & that they are angling for Castle & Beckett to be working on the same thing without either one of them knowing it.

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I think they they want to offset how bad Beckett looks right now by throwing some dirt on Castle. I also suspect that LockSat is somehow involved with Castle vanishing & that they are angling for Castle & Beckett to be working on the same thing without either one of them knowing it.

That's sounds like a good guess, lets have them both keeping secrets from each other, it all adds to the manufactured drama. 

Edited by verdana
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12/1/2014 - 709: 1.5 - 8.45
12/8/2014 - 710: 1.5 - 7.36 
1/12/2015 - 711: 1.3 - 6.77 
1/19/2015 - 712: 1.5 - 7.60 
2/02/2015 - 713: 1.4 - 7.44 


These were the ratings and viewer figures for the S7 December/January period. The previous week in November the demo had been 1.7/9.49 things briefly picked up in February but slumped back down in March.  It will be interesting to see what this long break does for the show. 

Edited by verdana
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I don't know what they did in canon but I can say one of these 2 things is probably true:


1)Castle is damn glad he has a prenup.
2)Castle is really wishing right about now that he had a prenup.

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TVWithPity .......please be here during the 2.5 month break so we can come up with the best Titanic/ship puns for the show.

Well it's not over until Celine Deon sings.  "My heart will go on" to watch Castle until then ;-).  But clearly, I waste too much time thinking negative thoughts about a stupid TV show when it's in the tanks like this.  Not good for me. 


I think showrunners would do themselves a favor if they simply told us when we can expect the couple back together again.  Give us a twitter account we can follow or something if we want to get spoiled.  Then, I think people might relax and enjoy the process they go through for the final outcome.  I know it would be out of the ordinary, but it's also fairly out of the ordinary to wound yourself as severely as this TV show has. I can't remember when I've seen anything like it.

I guess it could be worse, the new guys could have really erased the last three seasons by having Beckett actually in a coma since hanging off the building. I'm glad they didn't actually erase the last three years, just ignore it.

Although a coma is far more plausible than the breakup.  Me, I'd prefer the coma.

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Well it's not over until Celine Deon sings.  "My heart will go on" to watch Castle until then ;-).  But clearly, I waste too much time thinking negative thoughts about a stupid TV show when it's in the tanks like this.  Not good for me. 

"I realised it was going to destroy me so I let it go"

I'm just grateful that due some BTS shenanigans S8 is not available on iTunes UK or I would probably have bought the season pass and wasted over £30, a narrow escape. LOL

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I think showrunners would do themselves a favor if they simply told us when we can expect the couple back together again.  Give us a twitter account we can follow or something if we want to get spoiled.  Then, I think people might relax and enjoy the process they go through for the final outcome.  I know it would be out of the ordinary, but it's also fairly out of the ordinary to wound yourself as severely as this TV show has. I can't remember when I've seen anything like it.

Gilmore girls......boy that show really did a number on me for sure and taught me to never ever get deeply involved with a show or couple again or trust a showrunner. Everytime I hear "in Marlowe we trust" ----- yeah no thank you very much.

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Gilmore girls......boy that show really did a number on me for sure and taught me to never ever get deeply involved with a show or couple again or trust a showrunner. Everytime I hear "in Marlowe we trust" ----- yeah no thank you very much.

Given Marlowe's departure, I note the new phrase uttered is "In The Writers We Trust!"

Trust has to be earned and the new guys have already blown it with this latest stunt they've pulled.

The sad thing about all this is that with MilMar's departure and given the generally well received finale, the new showrunners had a solid base to build from - the characters were in a good place - yet they decide to blow it all to smithereens and upset the fans even worse than MilMar did with the wedding debacle.

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Gilmore girls......boy that show really did a number on me for sure and taught me to never ever get deeply involved with a show or couple again or trust a showrunner. Everytime I hear "in

Marlowe we trust" ----- yeah no thank you very


And " Gilmore Girls" was MUCH worse for me, which is really saying something. As stupid as this current story line is, at least there are no long lost daughters or love triangles(so far anyway.)

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And " Gilmore Girls" was MUCH worse for me, which is really saying something. As stupid as this current story line is, at least there are no long lost daughters or love triangles(so far anyway.)

I wouldn't count my chickens just yet, Rita turned up out of the blue, so who knows what other siblings and off spring are lurking out there. And although I don't think the addition of the public defender character will form a love triangle as such (Beckett still loves Castle too much, apparently) I wouldn't be surprised, given what else has happened this season, if he doesn't come across as a bit of an Eric Vaughan character who tries his luck with Beckett just enough to send Castle off into jealous husband mode for an episode or two even though Beckett is much more forceful with her rebuttal this time than she was in S&Q. The showrunners do keep reminding us how much "fun" this season is going to be, after all LOL

Edited by westwingfan
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I wouldn't count my chickens just yet, Rita turned up out of the blue, so who knows what other siblings and off spring are lurking out there. And although I don't think the addition of the public

defender character will form a love triangle as

such (Beckett still loves Castle too much,

apparently) I wouldn't be surprised, given what

else has happened this season, if he doesn't

come across as a bit of an Eric Vaughan

character who tries his luck with Beckett just

enough to send Castle off into jealous husband

mode for an episode or two even though Beckett

is much more forceful with her rebuttal this time

than she was in S&Q. The showrunners do keep

reminding us how much "fun" this season is

going to be, after all LOL

This is why I said " so far."

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Hmmmm I knew about the title already but I'm getting confused by the numbering. I thought Cool Boys (which must be the Slaughter episode) is going to air now as possibly 8.06. Urgh I give up.

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I think the out of the order production has led to some confusion, even among those who read tea leaves.  I'll bet Slaughter will be November 9.  Of course, I am partly basing this on Ausiello, who more than likely got his info from a message board ;-).

Edited by TVWithPity
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You know what really annoys me about the scene. They go straight back to the 'she still likes you' crap like we are a bunch of idiots. It's so insulting to me, like that is going to keep us patient.


I can't be the only person who has issue with it?

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