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Call The Midwife Christmas Special 2014


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No, this is a deviation from the book. Cynthia did not enter the convent in the books.


It's a deviation somewhat, but in the afterward of Farewell to the East End Jenny does say Cynthia tried to join the order

but suffered some breakdowns and never completed her vows.

I can't remember specifics, and my Kindle is dead right now or I'd check but she definitely does try to become a nun.

Edited by EleanorRigby

I really hope they find a way to bring back April.  The episode where Jenny left felt like such a series finale that I was so relieved that there was a Christmas special and another season.  The show works so well as an ensemble that I found young Jenny's absence didn't hurt the special at all.  I did like seeing older Jenny but agree that the narration should switch to one of the characters who are currently involved in the stories instead of Jenny.  Yet, I understand keeping Jenny as narrator because her books inspired the series and the special established she kept in touch and would be up to date on the stories.


Was that Michelle Dockery from Dowton Abby making a cameo as the woman who gave Trixie chocolates and a urine sample?  She looked so familiar.


I wish Cynthia's story had been a season long arch, but I don't think her vocation was totally surprising.   She is still deciding so there is more story there for another season.  I feel like Cynthia never got the same amount of story as other characters and look forward to her having something to do.


I really hope that Peter talking about moving wasn't foreshadowing Chummy's departure from the show.  I would hate to lose such a wonderful character, and she and Peter are one of my favorite tv couples.

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Me too but I also want Miranda Hart's sitcom character (Miranda, natch) to celebrate the fun moments of my life too.


If this actress is half as cool in real life as her characters are on screen, she should be cloned.

I love Miranda. I wish it were available on R1 DVDs. At least it's on hulu. Hart's book is waiting for me at the library!

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Cynthia's decision was a little out of the blue, sometimes I feel that the show doesn't have a great investment in showing the personal life of Cynthia because they can't get much mileage out of since they have shown her to not have much interest in romance or dating. It seemed just like a way for the actress to get time off to have a baby. I did really like seeing Trixie's reaction to Cynthia decision. I know some people put it down to Trixie being man-mad, but I don't think that's the case. Trixie just wants people to have a wonderful and exciting life and she feels like that should involve boys and romance. I think her concern that Cynthia is missing out on life was lovely, and she is worried that her lack of experience is some departments means she doesn't really know what she's giving up on. I think the article mentioned about the changing world, well I think the difference between Patsy/Trixie and Cynthia is that they need the world to change and I'm sure they will do their small part to make that happen while Cynthia seems to have an contentment with the way things are. I don't know if upon her return Cynthia will at some point question her decision or find new strength of character from it.  Cynthia certainly is an under explored character and they didn't want to invest time in building up to her decision. I feel like some time was devoted to building up to

revealing that Patsy is gay. That I saw coming a mile away since the first episode.


There are certainly funny moments in this series (along with the drama and occasional tragedy, of course), but I think that the first time I actually laughed so hard I had to reverse the DVD and watch again was when Sister Evangelina was kneeling in front of the nativity display and commented to Sister Julienne (in exasperation): "Sister Monica Joan has arranged the figurines in what she calls 'conversational groupings'.  What in the name of goodness is the angel Gabriel going to say to the ass?"

Edited by BooksRule
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