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S26.E00: Ex-Tra Baggage


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You know how I was concerned that I had to treat the Challengers like human beings in the aftermath of Diem's passing? I think the sneak peek may have cured me of that.


Seriously, who are these people? Am I alone in wanting the Are You The One? couples gone ASAP? And Leroy! WTF are you doing accepting mouth present from Nia? Ewwwwwwww, bad Leroy. I hope Santa brought you coal for Christmas. Or an 8x10 autographed glossy of Chet Cannon.


I'm sorry, but I can't see anything redeemable about these people, even in the biggest available picture. And the AYTO kids don't look too much better. Oh, and Teege seems to be the same old charisma vacuum he always is. Maybe I'm supposed to be grateful Camila isn't involved in any way? Also: what goes through Hannah Teter's mind as she sees her odious boyfriend Johnny compete on season after season of this show? Hannah, I don't know you, but I know you can do so much better.

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I can't believe an accomplished Olympic Athlete like Hannah Teter has any sort of feelings towards Camila. Also, I thought it was interesting that Camila said it might be a first that someone is parented up with the person they lost their virginity too. Since I remember Paula and Cara Maria reveling online that Camila lost her virginity to Johnny.

Edited by choclatechip45

I was kind of surprised to run into this "special" as I didn't think the new challenge would be starting so soon. And what's with this 11pm time slot? I'm wondering if I'm finally aging out of this show or they're forcing me too. What about us folks who have to get up and go to work in the morning? Although "work" might be a foreign word here.


I'm not happy about the new contests coming in who have nothing to do with this franchise. I don't even watch that other show. I don't watch Real World anymore either, but that at least is connected.


Please don't throw any tomatoes, but I'm happy to see Wes again. He cracks me up. And Johnny Bananas looked even more roided up than last season.


It was sad to see Diem and Knight & will be even harder, maybe, to dislike them both which I always have. I do like CT though and think it might be really hard to watch him knowing what he must be going through now.


By the way, I think TJ should be more embarrassed that he's involved in this still, more so than Bananas girlfriend!

Edited by kat165
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If they're going to pick people from Are You The One?, I wish they'd chosen this season's Ellie. She was hilarious. Maybe they are saving her for the next Challenge, or she has no interest in doing the show.

So far, not impressed. That's usually the case for me with these "first look" episodes. I'm another who never cared for Diem and can take or leave Knight, though I don't know if I'll have a problem disliking their actions simply because they died post-show. If I'm honest, probably not.

I'm far, far too old for this show, but man do I love watching it for some unfathomable reason.


Anyone know the story with Cohutta and Nani?  I would have expected them to be paired because it was such a big storyline last season, and they even said they were dating at the reunion show.  But he's not on this season...sadly.


I don't reall mind the Are you the one people.  I don't want the Real World, and they already had new people in from Fresh Meat, so new faces are just new faces.


I've never been a huge Diem fan, but she grew on me a little bit, and it's going to be sad watching her on the show, and especially CT.


I kinda miss Devyn.  She gives great sound bites.

Just from this, it feels like they were stacking the show in Diem's favor.  A lot girls who are either notoriously unstable or weak enough to always be picked last on their prior shows.  The tougher ones are paired with guys who routinely shoot themselves in the foot.

I think Bananas and Nany and Zack and Jonna (who I think is underrated as a competitor) could have given CT and Diem a run for their money.

Is it just me or does Knight just not look all that great? It's going to be really hard for me to see him this season because he does not look all that great compared to his past seasons especially knowing he passed away a few months after the season.




I think Bananas and Nany and Zack and Jonna (who I think is underrated as a competitor)

I agree Jonna is under rated she doesn't seem very well liked by the others and yet she has made it pretty far along on each Challenge she has been on with that being said I was surprised by her comment that Zach would prefer to have her. I guess things must be awkward with Ashley and Ashlee because I think both are better than Jonna. From what I remember on her original  season Ashlee was played D1 basketball. It would of been pretty funny if Zach was paired up with Trishelle, not like she will ever do a challenge again.

Edited by choclatechip45

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