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Jennifer Jareau: Pennsylvania Petite

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I agree with Russet that the "stop being you" line in The Forever People was about Reid being able to read her so well, and was made more out of JJ's discomfort about being found out than it was anything else. I didn't hear it as an insult so much as I heard it as a plea. I didn't think that entire exchange was written well. But I thought the line was delivered in context.


But isn't the context also that JJ's PTSD suddenly manifested a year after her experiences in Afghanistan? I'm hardly an expert on the subject, but whether you call it shell shock or battle fatigue or post traumatic stress disorder, it was just so sudden that she was feeling the effects of what had happened to her. While at the same time practically solving the case by herself, mind you, but I guess not even hallucinating conversations with somebody can keep Steroid!JJ down for long.


The larger point I'm trying to make is, even if she was pleading with Reid to stop trying to find out what was wrong with her, considering she'd held it together for a whole year prior to that, its kind of silly that it was all of a sudden this sooper sekrit thing that she was having problems. If she was that burdened by it, you'd think she'd have been glad to have someone's help, unless she was pulling a Buffy Summers, which is to deal with issues by not dealing with them at all. Which is annoying on a whole other level.

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I don't know that JJ has ever been portrayed as someone particularly in touch with her feelings.

As to whether we were supposed to glean her PTSD symptoms as being of sudden onset, or just something that had built to critical mass, I don't know. But apparently her symptoms had become overt enough that Reid felt a need to push her on them.

Of course, I like to thing he was scrutinizing her, and maybe giving her gentle nudges, right along. But that's a product of my imagination, and not something I saw on screen.

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The show had no build up to JJ's meltdown, nor were there any consequences to her reckless behavior. It just came out of nowhere and suddenly went away, and the things she was freaking out about didn't seem to have anything to do with what happened a year prior. That whole episode was a complete mess in my opinion. The writing was all so ham handed, and I cring when I watch that scene between Reid and JJ. Reid sounds like a scared little boy terrified because his mommy is crying and he doesn't know why. I think it is a combo of the words written and the tone Matthew took that made him sound so immature. He sounded much more like an authentic, concerned adult when he was talking to Elle in Aftermath.

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The larger point I'm trying to make is, even if she was pleading with Reid to stop trying to find out what was wrong with her, considering she'd held it together for a whole year prior to that, its kind of silly that it was all of a sudden this sooper sekrit thing that she was having problems. If she was that burdened by it, you'd think she'd have been glad to have someone's help, unless she was pulling a Buffy Summers, which is to deal with issues by not dealing with them at all. Which is annoying on a whole other level.

It wouldn't have taken much to actually do this well - little hints that JJ was having trouble and ignoring it, having it build up, Reid noticing but not saying anything, etc. And then I guess they could stick with the whole "anniversary" trigger or whatever. And then had it actually have an impact on her, both in the episode (e.g. when she was driving) and beyond the end of the episode. I think that's what frustrates me the most about the storyline, is that it could have been written so much better than it was, especially the exchange between JJ and Reid.

At least on Buffy, her issues (and ignoring them) didn't come out of nowhere and then promptly vanish. 

I would also like to thank you for the mental image of JJ singing about this to everyone :P

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I agree- I would have loved to have seen some hints interspersed throughout the season.

However, even in the absence of that, what made JJ's PTSD a joke was the fact that it never once held her back on the job- in fact, she practically solved the case by herself. That was the real error. There's no sense in building up this “dramatic” episode if there is no drama, and, frankly, with JJ's PTSD not doing anything for her, there was no drama. That just solidifies that she's a giant Mary Sue, maybe the worst one ever.

  • Love 4

I agree- I would have loved to have seen some hints interspersed throughout the season.

However, even in the absence of that, what made JJ's PTSD a joke was the fact that it never once held her back on the job- in fact, she practically solved the case by herself. That was the real error. There's no sense in building up this “dramatic” episode if there is no drama, and, frankly, with JJ's PTSD not doing anything for her, there was no drama. That just solidifies that she's a giant Mary Sue, maybe the worst one ever.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, watch some NCIS episodes with Ziva. She makes JJ look like a female Don Draper (with regards to general character flaws, not the sleeping around). Or actually, just watch the CM spinoff if it gets picked up!

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I am not exactly a fan of Ziva either. She was okay as an individual character, but her ridiculous, unrealistic appearance lead NCIS into some highly implausible plotlines to take advantage of her backstory. I am rather glad the character is gone from that show.

I personally don't think JJ 2.0 is an interesting or compelling character in any way.

Edited by ForeverAlone
  • Love 4

I've said it once and I'll say it again, watch some NCIS episodes with Ziva. She makes JJ look like a female Don Draper (with regards to general character flaws, not the sleeping around). Or actually, just watch the CM spinoff if it gets picked up!

Ziva and Abby's devolving into a goth Garcia are the reasons I stopped watching NCIS.

One, for being a brunette Mary Sue.

The other one, for being more and more ridiculous.

JJ and Garcia weren't like that along the first part of the show, but once Messer was promoted to showrunner, they were turned into a blond Ziva and a blond Abby.

Hence, now I strongly dislike them both.

They are just the same recipe, scheduled on Wednesday night.

And now I wonder if Messer and the CBS though they had to copy NCIS into its other shows to get more audience.

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I've said it once and I'll say it again, watch some NCIS episodes with Ziva. She makes JJ look like a female Don Draper (with regards to general character flaws, not the sleeping around). Or actually, just watch the CM spinoff if it gets picked up!




Well, now, let's not get insulting. JJ's transformation makes Ziva look positively realistic. And at least she had the Mossad background to begin with, she didn't start out as a frigging media liaison who didn't even want to be a damn profiler. :-)

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Well, now, let's not get insulting. JJ's transformation makes Ziva look positively realistic. And at least she had the Mossad background to begin with, she didn't start out as a frigging media liaison who didn't even want to be a damn profiler. :-)

Starting to get a wee bit off topic but I once watched an episode where Ziva picked the lock of a front door, picked the lock of a car (going out of her way to make her teammate look like an idiot in the process), and picked the lock of her handcuffs, after which she disarmed a rent-a-cop and threatened to shoot him. This was in just one 42 minute episode. It was oddly amazing to witness. Regardless of her background it was absurd.


I do think it's a good point about Messer taking after NCIS. The shows do about the same in the demo though I think CM may actually get higher numbers when you factor in DVR. But NCIS gets about 6 million more total viewers in live+7. Not to mention it's a show that gets all the press while CM perpetually gets shafted by the network. If this is the case I somewhat understand her thinking, but it hasn't brought in a substantial amount of new viewers and it's certainly alienated longtime fans. 

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The last episode made me like JJ again. It was like having the old JJ back. She didn't come off as snooty, dismissive, or mean. The tone she used when interviewing the victim-turned-killer had just the right tone. She was somewhat soothing and understanding. There was a gentleness to her voice that showed the warmth that the character was supposed to have from the beginning. When she disagreed with another team member, she didn't sound angry or snooty about it like she did in a previous episode. I kinda wish that MGG could direct all of AJ's scenes from now on.

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Agreed, zannej. I feel like the writers/producers have been taking JJ on a journey back, almost as if they listened to those of us who legitimately criticized what they did to this once essential character; perhaps they finally got past defensiveness and ego, and brought the character back to some semblance of what she was in pre-"JJ" canon. And I don't know if the actress feels beaten down by the fan backlash, but i do think she has embraced the change, at least since the "Forever People," maybe before.

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I don't have strong opinions about JJ one way or the other. Sometimes I'm interested in her, sometimes no. I do think AJ embodies her well, and she seems pretty solid, as in dependable. I think if I knew JJ in real life, I'd find her kind of boring.


I guess I'd be sad if she wasn't on the show, but not enough to stop watching. THAT criteria belongs to Reid alone.

  • Love 3

I don't have strong opinions about JJ one way or the other. Sometimes I'm interested in her, sometimes no. I do think AJ embodies her well, and she seems pretty solid, as in dependable. I think if I knew JJ in real life, I'd find her kind of boring.

I guess I'd be sad if she wasn't on the show, but not enough to stop watching. THAT criteria belongs to Reid alone.

I agree, Saje. I want the core team to remain. But if Reid is gone, so am I.

  • Love 5

I don't have strong opinions about JJ one way or the other. Sometimes I'm interested in her, sometimes no. I do think AJ embodies her well, and she seems pretty solid, as in dependable. I think if I knew JJ in real life, I'd find her kind of boring.

I guess I'd be sad if she wasn't on the show, but not enough to stop watching. THAT criteria belongs to Reid alone.

And here JJ is the one thing still keeping me on the show. I do understand the criticism of her arc but respectfully disagree. I do think it makes sense for the character. What I don't understand and have never understood is the criticism of her personality and why some call her mean and rude. To be honest if JJ ever left I probably would stop watching then again I might anyway. I'm not sure I actually like the show anymore.

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Lots of people don't understand how (and why) I feel about Reid. That's perfectly OK. I will say that JJ has softened into some semblance of her old persona, but since i feel she gets a lot more focus and respect as a character than Reid does, I'm still unhappy. But there's one more episode, and we'll know if there will be a "tomorrow" for the lot of them soon. 

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And here JJ is the one thing still keeping me on the show. I do understand the criticism of her arc but respectfully disagree. I do think it makes sense for the character. What I don't understand and have never understood is the criticism of her personality and why some call her mean and rude. To be honest if JJ ever left I probably would stop watching then again I might anyway. I'm not sure I actually like the show anymore.

I always liked JJ and I still do. I just see a focus on her to the detriment of other characters, particularly Reid. She was never supposed to be the star, and when the writers portray her as quicker to make connections and come to conclusions than Reid, the genius, I have a problem with that, especially if they make him look dumb in the process. That, I cannot abide. If this were Season 1, and that's how it began, it would be different. But that is not canon, and it bothers me. Not because Reid is my favorite (though he is) -- I'd have the same problem with any character doing that.

As far as her personality goes, JJ 2.0 has been seen, more than once, rolling her eyes, smirking AT Reid, and looking at him with disdain. It's on film.

  • Love 7

Droogie said: "As far as her personality goes, JJ 2.0 has been seen, more than once, rolling her eyes, smirking AT Reid, and looking at him with disdain. It's on film."


Exactly this.

To be fair, she rolled her eyes to Elle, Garcia and even Hotch. And I lost count on the times she looked at someone with disdain, including witnesses, media people, police officers and detectives, ever since season one. For me it was ok then, and even funny, because she wasn't on the screen so much as she is nowadays.

  • Love 6

To be fair, she rolled her eyes to Elle, Garcia and even Hotch. And I lost count on the times she looked at someone with disdain, including witnesses, media people, police officers and detectives, ever since season one. For me it was ok then, and even funny, because she wasn't on the screen so much as she is nowadays.


This is true on most counts, but when it comes to Reid it bothers me more because A) he had a crush on her at one point and B) she's supposed to be this warm, compassionate person, yadda yadda, but she more often than not comes off at best condescending and at worst dismissive towards him.

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This is true on most counts, but when it comes to Reid it bothers me more because A) he had a crush on her at one point and B) she's supposed to be this warm, compassionate person, yadda yadda, but she more often than not comes off at best condescending and at worst dismissive towards him.

Plus, this is her son's godfather?? A man she continues to treat as sub-par? Where exactly is that close friendship? Not sure I've seen it since Season 4.

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And I wasn't gonna say this, but now I think I will anyway. If he ever treated her the way she treats him, it would not be considered cute, just like it wouldn't be considered cute if he dropped Garcia like a hot potato after telling her he could never in a million years be attracted to her. We'd never hear the damn end of how "mean" he'd been.

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Russet, it may be that Reid is committed to reconnecting with JJ, but all JJ has said to him recently is to "stop being you!" In essence, to leave her alone and she'll recover from her PTS all by herself!

Oh, Lord. I despised that line with all of my being. What the fracking FRACK was supposed to be accomplished there? "I hate the essence of you," "I hate that you exist," "Who you are is offensive to me." Some friendship. With friends like that...

I get that she was hurting. And that sometimes you lash out at those closest to you. But you don't attack their very person. And if you do, you apologize, post-haste.

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I don't see the rudeness at all. They are friends. Friends jest. Emily made a comment once about Reid that could be construed as rude. Rossi made fun of him at least once). Hell Morgan makes fun of him all the time. It is never meant to be mean. I've always construed it as "that's so Reid". Oh my god he's beeing especially Reid today. I think if anyone was actually mean to him both JJ and Morgan would beat the shit out of that person.

Then again the close friendship. I think has been written badly especially recently but again to blame it solely on JJ is where I have a problem.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Chaos, I do agree that friends jest. And when they do it in good fun, it's often reciprocated. But if it's not, the jesting stops. I tease a little with my friends. But if I had one who was a little sensitive, who didn't get it for whatever reason, I wouldn't do it anymore. I've never seen Reid be mean, even in a joking manner, to JJ (except in "Proof," when he was hurting over her lie regarding Emily).

I agree that Emily has been rude to Spencer. "There's a lot to hate about you, Dr. Reid," and "He's so lifelike." I didn't like it. Reid didn't laugh. It seemed hurtful. Reid has shown that he can joke and tease. But sometimes, it's just not funny.

Edited by Droogie
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I've posted about the "stop being you" line before and I'll do it again though it may be pointless. I'm almost positive it was meant as a defense mechanism. She didn't want to acknowledge that she was struggling and needed help. Reid saw through her act and confronted her as a friend. She just didn't want to show her vulnerabilities in front of anyone. I even remember her hand motions during that scene and it seemed pretty clear she was trying to reason with him to convince him to drop it. "Stop being you" means "stop being a good friend because I can't deal with this right now." I have to admit there are times where it feels like no matter what the character does she will be vilified by a part of the fan base. And this isn't coming from a big JJ fan.

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I don't see the rudeness at all. They are friends. Friends jest. Emily made a comment once about Reid that could be construed as rude. Rossi made fun of him at least once). Hell Morgan makes fun of him all the time. It is never meant to be mean. I've always construed it as "that's so Reid". Oh my god he's beeing especially Reid today. I think if anyone was actually mean to him both JJ and Morgan would beat the shit out of that person.

Then again the close friendship. I think has been written badly especially recently but again to blame it solely on JJ is where I have a problem.

When she was telling him not to be himself, she was not joking, she was crying and almost spitting at him. I get she was in pain, and that we tend to lash out at loved ones when we are in pain, but, as Droogie said, when the sting subsides, you apologize. She has never, not once ever apologized to him, for a slight diss or a big one, like that one was. And i blame it on the writing, because the show runner thinks JJ's all that the bitchier she is.

Edited by normasm
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I am sure I've seen her roll her eyes at Garcia, but not at Elle or Hotch, or anyone else with the possible one-off exception of Morgan in In Name and Blood.


She did to Hotch in Won't get fooled again, and both Elle and JJ did some eye rolling along season one. 

Also, she was rather unsympathetic with victims; for instance, in The Boogeyman when the worried pregnant mom shows up at the police station she looks bored while Gideon deals with the mom and kid, and only after Gideon's orders she actually does something. 

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Gosh, I love(d) Jeanne Tripplehorn. She was simply awesome as Blake, redundant though her character was, seeing as how Reid was already an expert in linguistics (another nod to the canon-butchering the writers now seem to love). But I loved her gentle, quiet character. I thought she was a perfect fit. I have been quite charitable to the brunette agents who've cycled through the BAU -- I think they've all been superb.

Getting back to the picture, and the comment that I could have sworn was here earlier but now is not, it's hard not to conflate my annoyance with the character of JJ and AJC herself, since surely the actors are aware of what is happening with their characters. I mean, looking at the published cover for the S10 DVD, I would be so embarrassed and apologetic if I were the next-to-last billed actor on the show and had such prominence over an actor who was billed ahead of me, to the point that I would insist that it be redone. [ . . . ] I have gone from loving every character on CM to gritting my teeth during many of her scenes, especially given McCatry's analysis of each character's screen time in S10.

I am sure the actress is a nice person. But I just don't like JJ now, given what has happened to My Show. I am only human. YMMV.

Edited, because I felt like what I said was really mean.

Edited by Droogie
  • Love 3

In my case, it is not so much about JJ's personality (though I don't  like her anymore), but that there is just too much of her. I have grown sick of seeing a character I don't particularly like shoved to the forefront, while the characters I love are shoved into the background. So, for me, there is no amount of character rehabilitation possible for me to like JJ again, as long as she dominates the screentime. 


Penelope can be rehabilitated for my viewing pleasure by bringing her back to her early season personality, getting rid of (or at least seriously toning down) the godawful banter with Morgan, and making her a bit less self aggrandizing. 

  • Love 5

In my case, it is not so much about JJ's personality (though I don't  like her anymore), but that there is just too much of her. I have grown sick of seeing a character I don't particularly like shoved to the forefront, while the characters I love are shoved into the background. So, for me, there is no amount of character rehabilitation possible for me to like JJ again, as long as she dominates the screentime. 


Penelope can be rehabilitated for my viewing pleasure by bringing her back to her early season personality, getting rid of (or at least seriously toning down) the godawful banter with Morgan, and making her a bit less self aggrandizing. 

I agree. They took one step forward by toning down her superninja attitude in Season 10 but about ten steps back when my fears that she again dominated the screentime were confirmed by MCatry's figures. Add in the dvd cover which I know shouldn't matter as much as it does and I am wishing she changes her mind and decides to take a longer maternity leave.

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From what I gather, though, they have started to turn JJ back around, soften her up and return her to some of her compassionate nature that people so missed. So if they made progress in season 10, why are people picking on her now? Too little, too late? Afraid she'll revert?


Isn't that a little cart-before-the-horse?

The character herself was more bearable for me this past season, but the omnipresence, I just cannot abide. They would have to dial her back to near-invisibility before I can get past the fact that she LITERALLY dominated the screen for the entire season. Then I see that DVD cover, and I find it infuriating. I wouldn't ever have heard of MGG probably, were it not for Spencer Reid, but I love Spencer Reid. He was always on my screen in the loveliest of ways throughout the earlier seasons, and I resent JJ crowding him out, rolling her eyes, out-profiling him, ad infinitum.

Gosh, now I'm angry about Proof all over again.

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I pretty much feel the same way some of you do. I keep hearing that JJ has been toned down, but I too am unable to appreciate it.Due to the fact she continues to be shoved in our faces at the expense of those I deem to be the better characters. As far as I am concerned, as long as Reid has to play second fiddle to her, and even worse be dummy downed to make her look good, there is no *blankety,blankety*  way this character will ever be salvageable for me.


And here is some more food for thought. AJ Cook has pretty much been treated like CM's lead female the last couple of seasons. Even though she didn't officially hold the title.But Heaven help us, what if come next season the actress is officially given that title. Just what do we have to look forward to. Even more screen time/focus for JJ then she has already been getting. Like I said Heaven Help us.

Edited by missmycat
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I don't think the order of billing will change, MMC, but it's of little comfort, since we all know how it goes. It does really sting, though, given that we know how it will play out: JJ will be absent for a few episodes, then she will be back with a vengeance, showing us all how it is done, juggling kick-ass profiling with a supremely well-managed home life. I should take lessons : I didn't go back to work with my own children until they were starting high school. I still struggle with balance,

I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but I won't be. I would bet money on it.

Edited by Droogie
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Speaking realistically, JJ is not going to be missing from our screens once AJC returns from maternity leave.  If I were EM, and knew that fans had already decided, prospectively, that they weren't going to like what I did with the character, no matter what, and based solely on what has come before (and which I have no ability to erase)-----I would take it as carte blanche to ignore fan preferences and do whatever I please. If they've already told me they can't be satisfied, why try?

Edited by JustMyOpinion
  • Love 2

From what I gather, though, they have started to turn JJ back around, soften her up and return her to some of her compassionate nature that people so missed. So if they made progress in season 10, why are people picking on her now? Too little, too late? Afraid she'll revert?


Isn't that a little cart-before-the-horse?


I don't think they've turned her around at all. She's still "Supermom who knows all the answers" and that's what bothers me. JJ still has yet to suffer any kind of significant adversity and have it affect her in some way, exposing this deeply ingrained flaw and showing that she is human and needs her teammates to do the things she can't.


They had a glorious opportunity with "The Forever People" but they dropped the ball, big time. Here was a chance for the character to understand and realize just how dangerous her job was, forcing her to second-guess herself and force the rest of the team to pick up the slack in her (mental) absence. Instead, it only ingrained in my head that she's a Mary Sue, because not only did her supposed "adversity" not affect her job performance in any meaningful way, it actually made her "the best on the team", and, presented in that way, I just can't accept that.


Thinking about it, there really wasn't anything wrong if JJ learned everything she does quickly- provided her flaw reflected that. She could have easily been the character who masters things so well that she overestimates her challenges, and "The Forever People" could have been a great opportunity to reflect that. She could have went in, with all her demons coming to the forefront, thinking, "well, Hotch and Reid shook off their demons and continued working- how hard could it be?"...and the episode answers that question. Whether or not AJ Cook could have delivered on that performance is an open question, but Cook didn't even get the opportunity to show us.


Personally, I don't care if she's snotty or uncaring or sweet or innocent or motherly or Rossi's long lost daughter...what matters to me is that JJ is firmly a character who has no discernible flaws. No matter what she does, she comes out unscathed, as if she's some kind of superhero and the rest of the team are mere mortals. I'm sorry, but sophomoric writing like that has no place on Criminal Minds, let alone television in general. She is not a god...she's human. She has flaws...and we need to see them. Because- and I've said it before- what makes a character human (and thus likeable) is that we see them struggle and rise above it. Not because they have "X cool traits" or "X cool gadgets". Stuff like that may help, but it's meaningless if they bat off every conflict as if it were a bug. Not only is it unrelatable, it's boring.


That is the problem, and until they fix it I can't get behind JJ as a character- regardless of her screentime.

  • Love 5

Daniel you are a wise man. One has to understand human behavior to write human characters. The original writers understood that, for instance, Reid was a genius and had skills out the wazoo, but he was unable to protect his heart, and immature in social skills, etc. As he grew and changed and experienced horrific trauma, he overprotected his heart and learned some social skills in self-defense.

  • Love 1

Speaking realistically, JJ is not going to be missing from our screens once AJC returns from maternity leave.  If I were EM, and knew that fans had already decided, prospectively, that they weren't going to like what I did with the character, no matter what, and based solely on what has come before (and which I have no ability to erase)-----I would take it as carte blanche to ignore fan preferences and do whatever I please. If they've already told me they can't be satisfied, why try?


In my opinion, JMO, (and wow that looks weird now that I've typed it) the bolded part is exactly the problem. EM has been allowed to do what she pleases and be damned to what anyone else wants, including the viewers, without whom there's no show. They hired not one but two "name" actresses to replace Paget, and yet Cook and JJ remained front and center for the most part, and the new characters were given pretty short shrift. I suppose you could say that the screaming Mimis on Twitter or Facebook or wherever were the ones who weren't going to give the newbies a chance, and you probably wouldn't be wrong, but it does seem a touch convenient that the character Erica (over)identifies with turned into Sydney Bristow almost overnight with no quarter given.


The point I'm trying to make is that this situation is one Erica created. If its true that all writers see characters as self-inserts to some extent, then I think that goes double or triple or a hundred-fold for her when it comes to JJ. I don't blame Cook, I blame Messer, and if the network had intervened when (IMO) they should have, this conversation wouldn't even be happening because we'd have a showrunner who could find their butt without using a flashlight and a map.

  • Love 6

I agree with Danielg and Normasm about what makes for good drama, in the understanding and telling of the human story.


But I stand in the (apparent) minority in believing that JJ has been written full of flaws for the past few years.  But they've gone largely unexplored, and the one attempt at explanation, ( the awful) '200', fell completely flat.  Its failure leaves us still waiting for an adequate explanation as to the changes in her character.  Absent that explanation, I suppose I can see why people find her annoying.


But I think it is the very aspect that many are calling 'flawlessness' that is her fatal flaw.  From the beginning of the series, she's been written as reserved, even a bit remote, except when she was on the job, comforting families.  We saw a few exceptions to that rule, but not many.  She's never been overly emotional.  As early as 'Penelope', she killed someone with a head shot and, in her own words, "I didn't even blink."  We still see some of that JJ.


The person who returned to the team with the even tougher exterior, perhaps the need to prove herself in her new role, is whom we see today.  That she puts herself in the middle of the action is not flawlessness, it is the external demonstration of her weakness, maybe her insecurity coming out as denial.  While I didn't love 'The Forever People', I thought it was adequate in beginning to look at her PTSD.  It wasn't surprising to me that she would keep Reid at arms' length (disappointing, maybe, but not surprising), because she's a very private person who doesn't want to break down in the middle of some FBI field office.  That she went against orders and pursued the unsub was just an extension of her denial.  It's how she deals with things.  It was, to me, consistent with her personality.  And I believe this part of her 'flaw' was pointed out to her, when she was reminded that she could easily have gone up in flames. 


To me, the real failure was in the poor attempt at backstory that was too preposterous to ring true, let alone offer adequate explanation about the changes in the character.  But both the character changes and (the awful) '200' are behind us, and can't be undone.  We can only ask them to move on from there.  I do think they tried a bit this year, by bringing back a bit of her earlier persona, focusing more on her communications skills and a little less on her physical skills.  Of course, there was also that flawed communication with the woman in "The Itch", where JJ struggled with her lack of understanding.  She just didn't struggle enough.


Those areas I mentioned feel unfinished, and that's a good thing.  It means there is more story to tell, and we may well find that someone is capable of telling it.  In life, in work, in fandom, what's done is done.  We move forward from where we are. 

  • Love 5


In my opinion, JMO, (and wow that looks weird now that I've typed it) the bolded part is exactly the problem. EM has been allowed to do what she pleases and be damned to what anyone else wants, including the viewers, without whom there's no show.


It would have looked even stranger if you'd typed it all out, CoStar! 


It may well be true that EM has done things the way she wants to.  To me, the difference is between her seizing full control, versus the fans, self-declared as disappointed, giving it to her by telling her she should just ignore them, since there is nothing she can do to make them happy anyway.  If you're right about her not paying attention to viewers' opinions, then telling her to ignore them is just reinforcing her behavior.  For me, the logic doesn't hold.

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