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Small Talk: Chili's

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I see how it is KoB


Anyway, it went well! Lots of training and orientation and stuff. I met a bazillion people so I'm sure I'll forget all their names by the end of the week. 


Now... I'm just trying to find someone to give me something to work on. That's harder than you'd think it would be. 


The scotch has not been opened. UGH. I am the worst

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I had to say no on the waffle cone w/ chicken in it...because it's not gluten-free. But in my pre-celiac days, or if they made it GF, yeah, I would try that.


Why have pizza brought to your wedding when you can just tell your guests to swing through some kind of drive-thru on their way from the church to the reception? Just as classy, and keeps the wedding budget down!

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I don't know what the news is about pizza at wedding but I think it sounds good. I don't mean a dominos pizza on each table but a decent pizza place, maybe teamed up with some pasta and a delicious dessert.


Maybe this is why it's good I don't intend on getting married :P

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As I am strongly in favor of informal weddings/receptions (not that I'm at all opposed to formal ones, but I think doing something informal is an equally good way to celebrate), I see nothing wrong with serving pizza. It wouldn't be my choice--if I were having an informal reception I'd probably go cookout style and do burgers/chicken/steak tips/etc.--but I could certainly imagine it.

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I agree smrou.. to me weddings are already these excessive, over the top affairs. It would be nice to go to one where you could be relaxed and have fun with the newly married couple and hopefully they could be less stressed about it too. 


If I were to ever get married I'd want it to be very low key, I'd seriously try to convince my partner to elope so we didn't have to deal with everything that comes with a wedding. I met a guy who was Australian, but his fiancée was english and they didn't know where to have the wedding, didn't want people having to spend a bunch of cash to travel etc. 


So they decided to go to NYC and get married there, just the 2 of them. And then spent their honeymoon there. I thought it was an excellent idea and would definitely consider something similar.

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I just saw that those pizza assholes got something like 800K in donations to support their stance to not cater a gay wedding. What a bunch of assholes.


Here's the thing: I can understand not wanting to participate in an event about something you don't like, but you're a business owner! You shouldn't be able to decide you don't want to sell to someone just because you don't like their lifestyle (or the color of their skin, or their beliefs).Period.  They didn't invite you to be a guest at the wedding - they want to pay you to bring food to the wedding.  Blah. They're just dicks.

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And if you really, really don't want to cater their wedding...say you can't do it. You don't do weddings, it's more pizzas than you feel you can handle, you have too much going on that weekend, whatever. And say it so they believe it. There's just no reason to insult people. Except I guess insulting people is exactly what they wanted to do. :(

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So... people gave them a bunch of money because they had to shut up shop because they won't cater a hypothetical gay marriage?


While I don't agree with their stance I also don't agree they should need to go into hiding because of it. If you don't like their opinion then don't buy from them, easy.. death threats and threats to burn down the store are worse than she said.

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Death threats and the like are never ok. I think they're horrendous assholes, and I'm not sorry to see them get told as much, but it's never ok to threaten a person's life or property.

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Gee, I wonder if they'll have pizza for their nuptials?

I wonder if that creepy Burger King mascot will make an appearance. I totally wouldn't want him at my wedding. 

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I wonder if that creepy Burger King mascot will make an appearance. I totally wouldn't want him at my wedding. 

I'm sure he'll show up in the honeymoon bed.  

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I wonder if that creepy Burger King mascot will make an appearance. I totally wouldn't want him at my wedding.


I'm sure he'll show up in the honeymoon bed.


While that made me legit LOL, it's also like.. my worst nightmare. They make a Halloween costume of the King, and the first year it was popular, I had like.. two Kings at my door asking for candy. It was the worst. 


I am all for a pizza wedding (since as possibilities said, pizza is never wrong), but I just know that if I did that, we'd have a few snooty or opinionated relatives acting like we served them reheated, partially eaten KFC from last night. Weddings bring so much unnecessary judgment, it's ridiculous. 

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I am all for a pizza wedding (since as possibilities said, pizza is never wrong), but I just know that if I did that, we'd have a few snooty or opinionated relatives acting like we served them reheated, partially eaten KFC from last night. Weddings bring so much unnecessary judgment, it's ridiculous. 

Did you already get married? I can't remember? I do remember you getting engaged.


Guts and I got married in Vegas. It was glorious. 


Sadly, four years later and I'm still bitter about the "No Elvis" clause he enacted. 


In t-minus four days I will be in Vegas with my girlfriends, though. I cannot wait. 

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Did you already get married? I can't remember?


I did! In September of 2012. Thankfully everything went super well and everyone seemed to have a really fun time. I only heard about (very mild) family drama like, a year after the fact. The sad part was, I realized that I actually enjoyed the whole process of wedding planning, and haven't been able to separate myself from the boards and the shows that involve (pretty, pretty) dresses. 


No Elvis?! Maybe you can convince Guts to change his mind for a vow renewal or something, because that's a shame. I'm pretty intrigued by Elvis impersonators. Does each Chapel have their own? Can you choose which Elvis? Anyone know?


Have fun in Vegas! Sounds like an awesome trip! 

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Crap. I'm sorry. It's been a while! 


The Elvisis (Elvises?) are not necessarily chapel specific (from what I remember) and you can choose if you want old Elvis (jumpsuit Elvis) or young Elvis (guitar Elvis). I wanted a young Elvis. I was SHOT DOWN. 


I'm not still bitter about it 4 years later or anything. 

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I would have wanted bloated, sweaty Elvis.


It's been World O' Tornadoes here in the Chicago area tonight. Whoo!  So far, where I live I haven't gotten more than a little light rain. I guess I'm in a bubble!

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The Elvisis (Elvises?)

I recall from Honeymoon In Vegas, that the myriad of Elvis skydivers were called The Flying Elvises. So... the movie HAS to be right. Right?


I hope all is well in Chicago! My sister lives in Evanston, so I'm gonna text her and see that everything's okay.


Due to PTV and Chili's original sauce twop, I've "known" most of you going on 8 years. AND, with Glory and Setlist chatting about their fairly recent weddings- I've been invited to ZERO weddings. No wonder I tried to crash the Brahma Wedding!


ETA. Time for another poll! Woo! Why hasn't anyone in Chili's invited me to your wedding?

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We got some bad t-storms and thunder but were ok. Just west of us got NAILED. A small town got pretty destroyed. Scary stuff. 


ALSO - I'm PRETTY SURE that I extended a mass invite to anyone wanting to go to Vegas! And, you were going to come to Chicago and then I was out of town (WAS I IN VEGAS THAT WEEK?) while you were here. So... there. 

Edited by Glory
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Crap. I'm sorry. It's been a while! 


The Elvisis (Elvises?) are not necessarily chapel specific (from what I remember) and you can choose if you want old Elvis (jumpsuit Elvis) or young Elvis (guitar Elvis). I wanted a young Elvis. I was SHOT DOWN. 


I'm not still bitter about it 4 years later or anything. 


More than one Elvis = Elvi. Everybody knows that! ;)


King of Birds, those were some of the best possible poll answers ever. And while I have known you for quite some time, I was glad you had a "dude, I've been married way longer than that" kind of option.

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Oh, I only just noticed the poll :P


I used the 'busy' one as there wasn't a "pfft.. weddings" option.


I've never gone to a wedding as an adult, my friends aren't the marrying types I guess. 

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I am unlikely to get married, but if I do, anyone from Chilis who wants to be a bridesmaid will be invited to do so (including you, KoB; I don't think lesbian weddings have a slot for a "best man"). After the ceremony, you can all log on and critique the gluten-free pizza we had at the reception and recap the ceremony. My wife and i will leave for the honeymoon via jetpack while you all throw TVGuides instead of rice.

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Oh, I only just noticed the poll :P


I used the 'busy' one as there wasn't a "pfft.. weddings" option.

Man oh man. If I still had it, you'd be on The List, Kalliste! But, as I feel that I could attend your wedding and visit Australia, it's a thin line I'm walking.



My wife and i will leave for the honeymoon via jetpack while you all throw TVGuides instead of rice.

One of the best posts in this thread, ever! 


And, you (KoB) were going to come to Chicago and then I was out of town (WAS I IN VEGAS THAT WEEK?) while you were here. So... there. 

Oh jeez. Thanks for reminding me of THAT.  My great cross-country journey pt 2, which was kibboshed!


We all know, Martin Luther King Jr pretty much owns "The Dream." But I swear, I have a major major project that will take me through May of 2016, and I just want to quit my job after that and wander the world. Like The Hulk. Or Roland Deschain.

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I'm not sure what the list is but I assume it's not a good list :P


I'd be more inclined to try and get invited to weddings if they weren't so competitive and snarky. If I didn't have to spend a bunch of cash on clothes I'd never wear again and sit at a table with strangers. 


I like the low key weddings, the ones where it's more like a party. I like the idea of everyone bringing a plate of food so you can try an assortment of things rather than the usual alternating mains crap.


Although I do like that these days people seem to give away a bunch of candy.

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Although I do like that these days people seem to give away a bunch of candy.

God bless the person who thought up the "Candy Bar." 


You mean you're putting out all of this candy on a table and then giving me a bag to fill up with? FOR FREE? Genius! 

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I love candy bars because besides being yummy, they are wonderfully, colorfully decorative.

Possibilities, you could still have KOB as your best man. I don't think it breaks any lesbian rules. Or maybe you could list him in the program as "JetPack Wrangler".

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I am unlikely to get married, but if I do, anyone from Chilis who wants to be a bridesmaid will be invited to do so (including you, KoB; I don't think lesbian weddings have a slot for a "best man"). After the ceremony, you can all log on and critique the gluten-free pizza we had at the reception and recap the ceremony. My wife and i will leave for the honeymoon via jetpack while you all throw TVGuides instead of rice.

I've tasted many GF pizzas and for the most part given up on the idea that there are any out there that compare with my memory of a really good pizza. On the other hand, there are a lot of things that can be made GF very well. But still, I'd be happy to attend the theoretical wedding and eat whatever GF things available. And maybe we should throw something really useful, like Amazon gift cards, instead of rice or TVGuides. But possibilities, as the hypothetical bride, we will throw whatever you want us to throw. And do you have to eat gluten-free? I don't remember.


I've never heard of "Candy Bars" at weddings! It sounds phenomenal! Way better than Jordan almonds that people used to have.

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Given that I have no fiancee, nor any on the horizon, all plans for my imaginary wedding are entirely in the fantasy realm, but having had some fun thinking about it this afternoon, I think it might be more fun to see KoB in a lavender bridesmaid dress... but perhaps we could just put all the bridesmaids (male and female) in lavender tuxes. It works either way.


Yes, I'm gluten-free by necessity. Like Kalliste, I'm not really into weddings, and honestly every party I've been to in the past 15 years has been potluck. So we can wait and see about the catering. I imagine if I really were getting married, my betrothed might have opinions about the menus. Maybe we'll serve only breakfast foods, and everyone needs to either wear a thick mustache like Ron Swanson, or bring a Dwigt bobblehead for the table. I'm flexible.


Throwing gift cards is an awesome idea. That, or fair trade chocolate. I am a big fan of whimsy, so we might also have staplers in jello for centerpieces.


Honestly, though, I need the girlfriend first. I know someone who met her love at 60, so it's not impossible. But I'm 49 and I don't really see it happening for me. I've become far too persnickety and set in my ways to see myself marrying again, even if it's finally mostly legal. (I was married in the 1980s-- though it wasn't a legal marriage because legal marriage wasn't an option at the time) and it was totally fine. I liked being married, but I also like not being married. I guess it depends on if I meet anyone compatible enough, but I'm not really holding my breath.


KoB the yearlong project sounds good. Retiring afterwards also sounds good. I hope it works out.

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A breakfast themed wedding sounds awesome.. or just a champagne breakfast wedding! And then you're plastered and ready to go home at like midday.. sleep it off and go on your honeymoon the next day.


What about throwing Hershey's kisses? But you know, better chocolate than Hersheys.


Also, what is the deal with the almonds at weddings? Who decided that was a thing that should be done?

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I think it might be more fun to see KoB in a lavender bridesmaid dress...

LOL.  Never!!!!


I don't think I've been to many weddings, but off the top of my head I can think of at least six I've been to (best man in one, co-best man in another.) Most were in the 90s/ early 00's. I don't recall a candy bar at all. Most recent wedding, they had the photo booth thing going on, that was a big hit. Worst part of that wedding- late September wedding here in LA, they were hoping it wouldn't be so hot. It was boiling hot. And we were all in suits and/or nice dresses. Dusk outdoor wedding, and they delayed start just hoping the temperature would drop. (It really didn't.)


Weddings need to be less hot, imho. Two July weddings I attended on the east coast- so hot it rained between ceremony and reception. A wedding July 4th weekend in Baltimore, a group of us went back to the hotel and changed shirts, tried to try off. Then, got soaked getting from the car into the reception when it poured. I look SO. GOOD. in all those wedding photos.  (Nope)

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I know someone who met her love at 60, so it's not impossible. But I'm 49 and I don't really see it happening for me.

My best friend met the love of her life at age 44. You seem fine with single hood so I won't be pushy, just saying 49 isn't the end for sure. My friend also has no interest in marrying (she's bisexual and the love of her life is a woman), but she claims to be the happiest she's ever been with another person. So...there is always a chance your situation may change. And even if it doesn't, you seem ok with that. That's all that counts, right?
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